View Full Version : Player Help Carrabian Sea Sailor

2015-02-20, 08:24 AM
Hello everybody,
mine friend want to try DM a sea session and i want to have the most fun character for this kind of thing :P
Sailor background is a must. Also we have 11th level to start and fiddle with ;) With 2 uncommon magic items and everything that comes with 11th lvl.
What would be your pick in this kind of a setting? I was thinking on Wood Elf Monk(Open hand). Very funny to just jump around and kick people of the ship :D
With Regards,
Me :D

2015-02-20, 08:56 AM
Lots of choices!
Let's start with the nature themed characters. You could be a moon druid, for obvious underwater wild shaping. Or spam animal friendship and awaken to create your own army of sea creatures while control water is mandatory. A ranger (with mounted combatant) riding a shark companion would really be fun to play!
Any melee class could be nicely flavored with the salor background but make sure you have high athletics score and perhaps stay away from medium and heavy armor in case you have to swim
As for the casters, a bard would be awesome. A warlock would be nice since by that level you have lots of invocations and you can make lots of combos. For example levitate at will and blast the heck out of your opponents or make a dwarf bladelock that grapples people, then makes huge leaps and drops them in the sea! Wizards would have to find some way to "fit in" thematically and clerics/paladins would probably have a hard time in their heavy armors.
As noted above i'd stay out of heavy armor unless you have escape buttons (like the aforementioned levitate at will warlock ability).
My personal choise would be a rogue of some kind. Any path would work and the lots of skills enable you to even pick a different background like charlatan or criminal.

2015-02-20, 08:58 AM
I DM'ed a sailing campaign a few years ago with some cool characters in it. Modified here are a couple of ideas:

- Cleric of the God of Trade and Travel: serves as kind of a clergy for sea-faring merchants and sailors.
- Human battle-master (or rogue) styled after a musketeer.
- Monk, basically your idea, but I'd do a different race.
- Human druid from a coastal city. Wildshape in a setting like this is even stronger.

You can do a lot with it.