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View Full Version : New Spells and Corresponding Custom Diety. For Ciarah! (3.5, Magic, PEACH)

2015-02-20, 09:31 AM
Hello peeps of the Playground.
In a current campain, me and my fellow players needed to come up with a custom Diety. It needed to be an anti-undead one, so we went for a semi-stereotypical good-aligned godess. Also, as 4 of the 5 players in the party are Arcane or Divine gishes (Duskblade, Cleric-Crusader, Wizard-Warblade and a Battle-sorcerer), we putted in quite some magic fluff. As my DM loves player creativity, my character (the Battle-sorc) is experimenting and inventing new spells. To get some feedback and make the spells accessible for the other players of our campain, I'll be posting them here.
Finally, if somebody is willing/could point me to an artist who could make a rendition of Ciarah based on some more detailed descriptions, please post it here. This will just be a request if somebody is feeling up for it (I.E. no money involved).

Now without further ado, I present:

The Lover of Dawn and Twilight
Lesser Diety

Symbol: A double staff with two crystals at each end with two wings made up of arcane energy.
Home Plane: Material Plane
Alignment: NG
Portefolio: Arcane Magic, The Sun, Love, Light, Guidance.
Clergy Alignments: NG, N, LG, CG.
Domains: Magic, Sun, Love (Crunch=Pleasure), Good, Glory.
Favored Weapons: Morning Star (at dawn until evening), unarmed strike (at twilight and during the night)


Ciarah is a very young goddess that only recently came into being. Although it is unknown how she came into being, her birth was witnessed by a small amount of people who saw the event in a dream. It is not unknown for her to send visions to her followers, mostly at dawn or at twilight. She holds her followers close to her heart, despite their still small number.


When appearing to someone, she appears as a beautiful woman clad in a translucent gown in the colours of the setting and rising sun: A deep red on the bottom, which slowly changes to a golden glow on the upper parts of the gown. Two wings, seemingly made up of pure arcane energy, sprout from her shoulders, shining brightly in the colours of the four elements. The upper part of her face is hidden by a cowl, hiding the upper part of her face. Two fox-like ears sprout through the cowl.

She holds a long ornate quarterstaff, tipped on both sides with a blue crystal, energy swirling around them.

Lastly, two bushy fox-tailes sprout from the backside of her gown, constantly swirling around. In addition, they shift in hue every so often, changing from red to green and back again.

She is depicted most of the time together with a wide array of flowers that turn their heads towards her.

Spells of Ciarah

Ciarah's Light (Experimentation Spell: Disrupt Undead)

Evocation (Light)

Level: Sorc/Wiz 1, Ciarah 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./lvl)
Target: 1 undead creature or living ally
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Spellresistance: Yes

Missiles of divine possitive energy strike the target, dealing damage to undead or healing your living allies.

If using this spell to damage an undead target, you must succeed on a ranged touch attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 possitive energy damage. For each two casterlevels you possess above the first, you fire one extra missile for a maximum of 6 missiles at level 11. The rays may be fired at the same or different targets, but all bolts must be aimed at targets within 10 feet of each other and fired simultaneously.

When using this spell to heal allies, they instead heal 1d4 hitpoints per missile. No touch attack is required.

Material Components: Two foci to guide the energies of the spell.

Ciarah's Guidance (Experimentation Spell: Yet Unknown)

Enchantment (Light)

Level: Sorc/Wiz 2, Ciarah 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Your familiar
Duration: 10 min/level or until discharged
Saving Throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spellresistance: No

Light connect you and your familiar, allowing the familiar to stay connected with your soul over larger distances.

You lay your hand upon your familiar, creating a link between it and yourself. Spells shared with the Share Spell feature now stay in effect when the familiar is no more than 30 ft. away from you, instead of 5 ft.. In addition, when either you or your familiar take damage that would put you below 0 hp, you can discharge this spell to divide that damage between the two of you instead.

Ciarah's Glory (Experimentation Spell: Yet Unknown)

Transmutation (Good)

Level: Sorc/Wiz 3, Ciarah 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Weapon touched
Duration: 1 min/lvl
Saving Throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spellresistance: No

A brilliant white light glows around your weapons, delivering glorious salvation to undead and evil enemies.

As a standard action, you imbue one weapon or natural weapon you currently possess. For the duration of this spell, that weapon deals an aditional 1d8 points of damage against creatures with the Evil subtype or clerics with evil spells prepared. When striking an undead target with a weapon affected by this spell, the undead takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls for 1 round. The attack reduction effect can only affect a target once each round.

Ciarah's Embrace (Experimentation Spell: Yet Unknown)

Abjuration (Light)

Level: Sorc/Wiz 4, Ciarah 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: Yourself
Duration: 10 min/lvl
Saving Throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spellresistance: No

A pair of ethereal wings fold themselves around you, protecting you their warm embrace.

Two wings made of pure arcane energy fold themselves around you, protecting you against your foes. You gain a +3 deflection bonus on AC and enemies striking you in melee or with reach weapons have a 20% miss-chance against you. The deflection bonus increases to +5 against attack made by undead.

Ciarah's Radiance (Experimentation Spell: Yet Unknown)

Conjuration (Light)

Level: Sorc/Wiz 5, Ciarah 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: Full round
Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./lvl)
Target: One 10 ft radius spread/4 cls
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex Partial
Spellresistance: Yes

The sky cracks open to shine holy light upon those in need of judgement.

Upon casting of this spell, the area around you is struck by holy light. You can indicate one 10 foot diameter spread within the spell's range per four caster levels. This do not need to be continous. The rays of light immediately strike the spots you select after this spell is cast. Creature's caught in the beams take 1d4 point of damage per caster level (Reflex half). Creatures failing the save are blinded for 1d4 rounds. Undead take 1d8 point of damage per caster level from this spell. Undead creatures that do not rely on sight take a -5 penalty on attack for the duration instead.

Ciarah's Chosen (Experimentation Spell: Yet Unknown)

Transmutation (Light)

Level: Sorc/Wiz 9, Ciarah 9
Components: V, S
Casting Time: Full round
Range: Personal
Target: Yourself
Duration: 1 round/lvl
Saving Throw: No
Spellresistance: No

Ciarah grants you her ultimate blessing, imbuing you with a small portion of her own divinity for a short time


2015-02-23, 10:46 AM
As the Crusader-Cleric (and eventually RKV) in this campaign, I'm going to give my 2 cents on some of these spells

I would limit the amount of missiles that Ciarah's Light shoots at higher caster level. The spell looks kind of like Magic Missile, but with more versatility and it requires a succesful attack roll. I think around 5 missiles max at CL 9 is good.

Ciarah's Glory feels a bit like a weakened Holy Sword spell. It's less powerful (except against evil undead) but has a much longer duration. I would reduce the duration to 1 min/lvl, otherwise it's going to outclass a level 4 spell pretty fast purely because this one lasts so much longer.

Ciarah's Embrace looks liek a similar spell, I don't know the name but it has almost the same efffects. It could be Luminous armor, but i believe there was one that granted concealment, not sure though.

For the Level 9 spell, look up Greater Visage of the Deity, I think the general idea is kind of what you are looking for?

Also a minor nitpick, but technically none of these spell are on the cleric list, only on the Sor/Wiz list and for clerics that have the Ciarah domain :smalltongue: . At least that is what it looks like now. Of course, the sorcerer is the one that is making the spells, but I think that with a little bit of the goddess' help, clerics would be able to get these spells as well. (except maybe Ciarah's Guidance, but that one can be given to Paladins and their Mounts.)

2015-02-24, 09:30 AM
As the Crusader-Cleric (and eventually RKV) in this campaign, I'm going to give my 2 cents on some of these spells

I would limit the amount of missiles that Ciarah's Light shoots at higher caster level. The spell looks kind of like Magic Missile, but with more versatility and it requires a succesful attack roll. I think around 5 missiles max at CL 9 is good.

I'm not a big fan of caps, but for a level 1 spell, maybe a cap is indeed needed. I'll put it at 6 missiles at level 11. Also, only 2 cents? You can't even buy a strip o' bacon with that!

Ciarah's Glory feels a bit like a weakened Holy Sword spell. It's less powerful (except against evil undead) but has a much longer duration. I would reduce the duration to 1 min/lvl, otherwise it's going to outclass a level 4 spell pretty fast purely because this one lasts so much longer.

Fair point. This spell is one I am least happy about, just because it is rather bland. I was thinking of lowering the damage for undead targets, but undead target would take a -2 on attack for 1 round when hit (non-stacking). That would make the spell itself more interesting I think.

Ciarah's Embrace looks liek a similar spell, I don't know the name but it has almost the same efffects. It could be Luminous armor, but i believe there was one that granted concealment, not sure though.

No idea. I know that there is an item that sorta does something like this (ghost shroud, +1 defl and 20% miss-chance) but I can't remember a spell with this effect.

For the Level 9 spell, look up Greater Visage of the Deity, I think the general idea is kind of what you are looking for?

A transformation spell that grants flight and some good bonuses, for example a casterlevel increase for spells with the light or good descriptor. But I have no idea how to balance this one out yet. It'll take some thinking.

Also a minor nitpick, but technically none of these spell are on the cleric list, only on the Sor/Wiz list and for clerics that have the Ciarah domain :smalltongue: . At least that is what it looks like now. Of course, the sorcerer is the one that is making the spells, but I think that with a little bit of the goddess' help, clerics would be able to get these spells as well. (except maybe Ciarah's Guidance, but that one can be given to Paladins and their Mounts.)

Yeah, maybe I'll put them on the Cleric list. There is no Ciarah domain as of yet, so I might restrict them to Sorc/Wiz/Clerics that worship Ciarah.

Thanks for the feedback mate!

Edit: And feedback integrated.

2015-05-13, 05:19 AM
Adding in a Druid Prc in the making based on Ciarah.

Shepherd of Dawn and Dusk


Image from the Warcraft TCG


Feats: Augment Summoning
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd level Divine spells.
Special: Must be able to cast Summon Nature's Ally III.

HD: 1d6

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Wildshape uses





Dusk and Dawn, Druid Progression







Dusk and Dawn

+1 Druid Spellcasting






Dusk and Dawn

+1 Druid Spellcasting






Dusk and Dawn

+1 Druid Spellcasting






Ciarah's Mastery

+1 Druid Spellcasting


Skillpoints: 2 + Intelligence Modifier

Spellcasting: At each level except 1st, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one druidic spellcasting class before becoming a Shepherd of Dawn and Dusk, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

Druid Progression: Level taking from this prestige class stack with Druid levels when determining the strenght of your animal companion and what animal companions are available to you.

Dawn and Dusk: At every level except level 5, you can chose a benefit from the list below for which you meet the prerequisites.

Wrathful Pack: Whenever you use Summon Nature's Ally to summon multiple creatures, those creatures gain a bonus on attack rolls equal to half your caster level.

Guidance of Ciarah: Whenever you use Summon Nature's Ally to summon creatures possessing only a land speed, that land speed increases by 30 ft. In addition the summoned creature(s) ignores any difficult terrain, magical or not.

Bond of Loyalty: If you have a creature summoned from a Summon Nature's Ally spell active, you can opt to let the summon take damage that would fell you. When below 50% HP and you get damaged, you can opt to let a creature summoned by you within 30 feet of you take the damage instead. This can be used once per encounter.

Everlasting Bonds: Whenever you use a Summon Nature's Ally, the duration of those spells is increased by a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Goliath of Dusk (Prerequisite Classlevel 3): Whenever you use Summon Nature's Ally to summon a single creature, that creature has maximum HP for it's hitdice.

Wings of Dawn (Prerequisite Classlevel 3): Whenever you use Summon Nature's Ally to summon creatures with a natural fly speed, that fly speed increases by 30 ft and its manouverability increased by two stages. In addition, when airborne, the summoned creature(s) deal extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Guiding Instincts (Prerequisite Classlevel 3): If you have creatures summoned from a Summon Nature's Ally spell active, neither you or any of the creatures can be caught flatfooted. In addition, when within 20 feet of eachother, both you and your summons gain 20% concealment.

Glorious Blow (Prerequisite Classlevel 3): When a creature summoned by you attacks, it can opt to make a single attack as a fullround action. If it does so, it deal double damage on a hit, even if the target is immune for critical hits. In addition, any trip, bullrush or grapple attempts made as part of this attack recieve a +4 bonus.

Extra Wildshape: On fourth level, you can an extra usage of your Wildshape ability, if you possess it.

Ciarah's Mastery: At fifth level, any Dawn and Dusk class feature that requires a summoned creature also works with your animal companion. When you have multiple animal companions, only one can gain the benefits. This can be changed with 2 hours of meditation.