View Full Version : Optimization Best Mercenary Options

2015-02-20, 09:49 AM
I'm about to begin a campaign where the party consists of Mercenaries. I can already foresee all of the obvious choices being grabbed up and I want to play something unique yet still effective. SO.. I was thinking of playing something out of the DMG or Eberron Update.. examples being Death Cleric or Changling.

So firstly, what are your thoughts on the Death Cleric and Changling.. could they fit and could they be effective (build ideas welcome)?

What would your choice be for an Optimized Mercenary Build?

2015-02-20, 09:54 AM
Changling Assassin disguise master and party Face? Say 'I love it when a plan comes together' any chance you get?

2015-02-20, 10:05 AM
Mercenary is just a job. Any class will do.

2015-02-20, 10:15 AM
Mercenary is just a job. Any class will do.

Yes, but some excel at it, whereas others are out of place.
"(of a person or their behavior) primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics."

Most Cleric and Paladins would probably not fit this flavor wise. Even Monks are iffy.

Consider other factors that a Mercenary successful.. if he's doing something unethical then he may need to be sneaky or stealthy. Diverse skills are important.. etc.

So when I'm part of a party of mostly new players.. I can assume people will pick Rogue, Fighter, Bard, and Warlock.

2015-02-20, 10:23 AM
Paladin might be tough (excepting Oathbreaker) but good RP conflict potential. Cleric totally depends on the God in question; many powers of war, strength, or trade might really support such endeavors.

Monk should be fine... Ninja and 'fist for hire' are both pretty classic martial arts movie characters.

One might consider Barbarian; fictional soldiers of fortune groups often sign on scary exotic foreign guys

2015-02-20, 10:43 AM
A Barbarian because they lust for Battle and are always looking for strong enemies.

A Bard, since all mercenaries like bringing their entertainment with them on the campaign.

A Cleric of War would make perfect sense in this case. You honor your God by going out to fight in any battle that is offered.

A Fighter because well, fighter

Ranger because they are used for scouting out the enemies.

Rogue because having stealth guys for scouting and fighting enemies is always good.

Warlock seems less likely of the magical classes.

Sorceror/Wizard because they both are powerhouses if they choose the combat spells and can do massive damage to the enemies.

2015-02-20, 10:49 AM
No better source of bodies for a Necromancer than those your friends keep generating during the normal course of business.

A druid is a tough fit for me conceptually for most types of mercs

2015-02-20, 12:54 PM
"(of a person or their behavior) primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics."

Heh you've chosen the modern derogatory adjective, not the actual job description.

Prior to the existence of professional soldiers or the notion of nations, mercenaries frequently formed the majority of standing armies for many ancient cultures - Cathage, Byzantium, much of Rome, and on and on. In many cultures it was the only real role for people of a warlike bent. They're just people who fight for coin - which is really all any D&D character is about.

Whether or not mercenaries would be looked down on or considered unethical would be entirely based on the culture they come from, and many of those mercenary companies were highly religious or at minimum motivated by religion. (Whether that makes them ethical or not is a different issue, I agree.)

Depending on world building there's no reason to exclude Paladins or Clerics or even Monks.

2015-02-20, 01:17 PM
Very well.. with unlimited options, we can go back to my original questions-

1. thoughts on the Death Cleric and Changling.. could they fit and could they be effective (build ideas welcome)?

2. What would your choice be for an Optimized Mercenary Build?

2015-02-20, 01:59 PM
Changelings get Dex and Charisma, neither of which is used by Cleric... so it's never going to be an 'optimized' race for Cleric ever. You would have to make a personal decision as to whether shapechanging is worth giving up access to better stats.

And since 'mercenary' isn't class based -- literally any optimized character could fit into the role.

You're thinking about it backwards. Figure out what you want to play, optimize that to the extent you desire, and then figure out why they joined a mercenary company. In 5e terms, Mercenary is just a Background, at most.

2015-02-20, 06:25 PM
I'm not realy sure why but I think you should play a changeling death cleric. Might just be me tho idk.

2015-02-20, 10:37 PM
Changelings get Dex and Charisma, neither of which is used by Cleric... so it's never going to be an 'optimized' race for Cleric ever.

Whilst you are right on the charisma, it is perfectly logical for a cleric to go a dex build, especially the death cleric, given it's weapon proficiencies and lack of armour.