View Full Version : Movies Jason Mormoa's Aquaman

2015-02-20, 11:22 AM
I hope they focused on saving Aquaman's status from the notoriety from Superfriends.
I am wondering if New 52 (http://www.nohomers.net/entry.php?6187-a-quick-moment-with) is actually Superfriends universe or universe where Superfriends show exists.

2015-02-20, 11:53 AM
Not cheerful enough. Can't imagine him singing, so he loses to the best Aquaman.

2015-02-20, 12:42 PM
Not cheerful enough. Can't imagine him singing, so he loses to the best Aquaman.

True, but as long as he isn't a joke it's a step up from the prevailing public perception of Aquaman.

Actually, is that perception really that common or is it just a nerd joke that's outlived its topicalness? I mean, since Superfriends we've had the DCAU Aquaman and BTBATB Aquaman and his appearances in YJ and several JL films aren't wussy or useless in any way Is AM really that well known to the general public? Is there much of a public image to change or is it just a few outlier geeks who have gathered that AM is a joke because he talks to fish but know nothing else?

The Glyphstone
2015-02-20, 01:27 PM
The only thing a lot of non-nerds know about him is that he talks to fish too, because Superfriends was his longest-running/most widespread exposure to the general public.

2015-02-20, 02:52 PM
I dunno man, this one's a hard one to top:

2015-02-20, 02:54 PM
So drab and colorless...

2015-02-20, 03:05 PM
So drab and colorless...

So DC movieverse.

Needs more bright green trousers (or indeed any colours at all), but otherwise good choices.

2015-02-20, 03:20 PM

I’ve always thought Kevin Sorbo (from Hercules the legendary journeys and Andromeda) should play Aquaman. But that’ll never happen.
As have been mentioned, it looks drab and dreary and unfun. Superheroes are supposed to be fun, a little ridiculous sometimes (or a lot depending on the character) but fun. But DC keeps thinking dark, edgy and intense are the way to go and I don’t agree.

But what do I know, I’m just a superhero movie fan.

2015-02-20, 03:43 PM
On the one hand, I agree in principle.

On the other, Aquaman NEEDS a shot of serious or two to get stupid none comics readers to Freaking shut up about the stupid freaking super friends.

Personally, my only real gripe here is that they couldn't spring for a bottle of hair coloring to make him blond. But this, this is why this is on a short list of DC movies I have the least bit of hope for. This is why Jason Mormoa was good for this part. He looks like a no holds barred unadulterated badass. And that's gonna be essential to get people to shut up about the stupid superfriends, and as long as the movie does THAT, I'll be happy with it.

Aotrs Commander
2015-02-20, 04:06 PM
What does it say about the DCmovieverse that it is statistically probable that DEADPOOL (which is heavily implied by Ryan Renolds - nice he did get it in the end - to be a more mature-rated film) is likely to be more upbeat, light-hearted and colourful than the DCMU's mainstay entries...?

2015-02-20, 04:18 PM
Forgot to comment on the pic. Yes, he looks gray and drab here but the movie might very well have some more color. Plus it wouldn't be a bad thing if the movie toned down the garish orange and green he has been saddled with most of his career. What works in comics doesn't always work onscreen. Can you imagine Hawkeye's classic look in the Avengers movie instead of the rather dull outfit he was given?

2015-02-20, 04:37 PM
There's so much to do with this concept... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twyrmr4sMow)

2015-02-20, 04:50 PM
I don't get why people are so excited by this picture it just looks like Jason Momoa normally does

Kitten Champion
2015-02-20, 04:54 PM
Every time I think of Aquaman I recall this rather lengthy argument about why he's awesome by... the Blockbuster Buster on Channel Awesome I think, but he simply listed the powers he actually has (as opposed to what the Superfriends depicted him having) in order to dispel the whole "Aquaman is useless" idea. Nothing about his characterization or why his story is something that should interest me, just gushing about how strong he is... and that's not really all that remarkable in a comic universe of gods and supermen, and really only makes him more generic to my mind by stripping him of his status of pop culture punchline.

Based on the cartoon appearances in the DCAU proper, he mostly seems like Namor, but without the qualities that make Namor interesting... I guess that would make him Blackbolt, but he can talk.

As to Momoa's Aquaman, thus far the DC cinematic universe has constituted one truly terrible movie and a bunch of cosplay promotional shots, if they want enthusiasm from me they need to actually do something to merit it. However, I do like Momoa on the whole, so I hope they can do something that the idea of an Aquaman solo movie is something I'd actually consider.

2015-02-20, 05:53 PM
Every time I think of Aquaman I recall this rather lengthy argument about why he's awesome by... the Blockbuster Buster on Channel Awesome I think, but he simply listed the powers he actually has (as opposed to what the Superfriends depicted him having) in order to dispel the whole "Aquaman is useless" idea. Nothing about his characterization or why his story is something that should interest me, just gushing about how strong he is... and that's not really all that remarkable in a comic universe of gods and supermen, and really only makes him more generic to my mind by stripping him of his status of pop culture punchline.

Based on the cartoon appearances in the DCAU proper, he mostly seems like Namor, but without the qualities that make Namor interesting... I guess that would make him Blackbolt, but he can talk.

As to Momoa's Aquaman, thus far the DC cinematic universe has constituted one truly terrible movie and a bunch of cosplay promotional shots, if they want enthusiasm from me they need to actually do something to merit it. However, I do like Momoa on the whole, so I hope they can do something that the idea of an Aquaman solo movie is something I'd actually consider.

Most people laugh at him because they consider him useless or limited in power, not because he is a boring character, so that is what I imagine they are trying to dispel. If we are going by character depth rather than power level I would take Aquaman over Superman any day even with common pop culture portrayals.

His first episode in the animated justice league really depicts him as an awesome heroic / anti heroic character. He cuts off his own arm to save his son and then at the end when the villain is dangling from a cliff and begging for mercy, Aquaman reaches towards him, but instead of saving the villain he is just retrieving his trident and turning away.

2015-02-20, 07:51 PM
Every time I think of Aquaman I recall this rather lengthy argument about why he's awesome by... the Blockbuster Buster on Channel Awesome I think, but he simply listed the powers he actually has (as opposed to what the Superfriends depicted him having) in order to dispel the whole "Aquaman is useless" idea. Nothing about his characterization or why his story is something that should interest me, just gushing about how strong he is... and that's not really all that remarkable in a comic universe of gods and supermen, and really only makes him more generic to my mind by stripping him of his status of pop culture punchline.

Based on the cartoon appearances in the DCAU proper, he mostly seems like Namor, but without the qualities that make Namor interesting... I guess that would make him Blackbolt, but he can talk.

It is important to make the argument that he is more than a fish-translator...within the scope of superherodom he needs to be depicted as something more potent than a joke character (like, say, Squirrel Girl) so that the rest of his characterization matters. Now, potent doesn't have to mean "lift cars with one finger" or "invulnerable to any short of a nuclear warhead"...but it does mean that he needs superhero relevance before we can be concerned with his backstory and feels. This is a superhero story, after all.

So I always thought of the Kings of Atlantis as two takes on the same idea...Namor is the isolationist that wants to keep his people safe, while Arthur is more interested in developing peaceful and cooperative relations with the surface dwellers. The brooding king is good for a lot of reasons, particularly as a well-intentioned adversary or anti-hero, but the gregarious "chumly" king makes far more sense in a team-based story as a hero. As a matter of fact, I always kind of thought as Namor as being at least as shallow (pardon the pun) a character as Arthur, and in large part because they were both always tertiary characters...

All of that aside, I do fear that Momoa is just going to be playing Khal Conan Curry, a big strong good looking hitter. So here's hoping I'm wrong!

2015-02-24, 03:40 AM
I don't get why people are so excited by this picture it just looks slightly less badass than Jason Momoa normally does

Fixed it for you.

Legato Endless
2015-02-24, 12:29 PM
Forgot to comment on the pic. Yes, he looks gray and drab here but the movie might very well have some more color. Plus it wouldn't be a bad thing if the movie toned down the garish orange and green he has been saddled with most of his career. What works in comics doesn't always work onscreen. Can you imagine Hawkeye's classic look in the Avengers movie instead of the rather dull outfit he was given?

Who needs imagination with the internet? (http://www.comicbookmovie.com/images/users/gallerypictures/9792L.jpg) The helmet is the big problem. It just doesn't really translate.

Most people laugh at him because they consider him useless or limited in power, not because he is a boring character, so that is what I imagine they are trying to dispel. If we are going by character depth rather than power level I would take Aquaman over Superman any day even with common pop culture portrayals.

His first episode in the animated justice league really depicts him as an awesome heroic / anti heroic character. He cuts off his own arm to save his son and then at the end when the villain is dangling from a cliff and begging for mercy, Aquaman reaches towards him, but instead of saving the villain he is just retrieving his trident and turning away.

Although the fact that this was a rewrite from the comics where in his then new origin his hand was devoured by piranhas still leaves me dubious if DC proper actually knows what they're doing. But yes, that was quite good.

Fixed it for you.


2015-02-24, 12:47 PM
I'll admit I was expecting something more like Aquaman from Injustice. Honestly the suit he has for that picture I am still seeing Drogo rather than Aquaman.

2015-02-24, 01:01 PM
I'll admit I was expecting something more like Aquaman from Injustice. Honestly the suit he has for that picture I am still seeing Drogo rather than Aquaman.

He does look like the AquaKhal, but you don't hire Jason Momoa so he can keep his shirt on.

2015-02-24, 07:35 PM
OP: Jason Momoa


Not Mormoa or even Moar-moa.

Though there are a lot of ladies and not a few men who could always go for some more Momoa. :smallamused:

I don't get why people are so excited by this picture it just looks like Jason Momoa normally does

Because it's Jason Momoa and there are men and women who want to be him, be with him, or both.

And, of course, a number of people who are still salty about the whole DARKIER AND GRITTIER AND GRIMIER AND GRIMMER AND DARKIER AND GRIMYGRIMDARKIER direction that the bleached out costume design implies they're still in love with.

Darth Ultron
2015-02-24, 09:25 PM
I think he is a horrible choice for Aquaman. Though my view of Aquaman is the Super Friends/old comic one. I guess a lot of modern Aquaman stories make him much more ''Aquaman the Barbarian''.

But that aside, Jason just seems to ''quiet lone wolf'' type. He plays that type well, the ''loner barbarian'' or even ''noble savage''. But the king of Atlantis? He just does not project the ''regal'' or ''royalty'' type image.

Any word on if the move will be an extra long ''save the whales'' commercial?

2015-02-24, 09:28 PM
Well, see, that's the thing. They are gonna actively need to distance themselves greatly from super friends if this movie is gonna work. And yes, I hope they have something better then "Save the Whales." for a plot. How about "Keep the lovecraftian horror form beyond the stars from being woken up?"

Tiki Snakes
2015-02-24, 10:17 PM
Every time I think of Aquaman I recall this rather lengthy argument about why he's awesome by... the Blockbuster Buster on Channel Awesome I think, but he simply listed the powers he actually has (as opposed to what the Superfriends depicted him having) in order to dispel the whole "Aquaman is useless" idea. Nothing about his characterization or why his story is something that should interest me, just gushing about how strong he is... and that's not really all that remarkable in a comic universe of gods and supermen, and really only makes him more generic to my mind by stripping him of his status of pop culture punchline.

Based on the cartoon appearances in the DCAU proper, he mostly seems like Namor, but without the qualities that make Namor interesting... I guess that would make him Blackbolt, but he can talk.
From the outside looking in, the problem above all else with Aquaman is that ever since the Superfriends, he's been almost exclusively defined by not being the superfriends Aquaman. He's had wild new themes and origins, he's had power boosts and whole laundry lists of new powers, looks and portrayals.

Anything and everything that can be thrown at him, as long as he isn't...Aquaman.

It always struck me that at the heart of the character was this weirdly innate conflict wherein everything about the character must be avoided, respun, negated, replaced and exaggerated. He's a character that is basically broken at a meta level because everyone goes out of their way to deny, downplay and de-emphasise the character's heritage and core identity. I just can't respect a character like that, not on the meta level anyway. I'm sure some of the Aquamen have been good people, or had interesting runs (I hear The Savage Sword of Aquaman period was pretty nifty, and the beardiness is a cool bonus?).

I'd take Namor above him any day of the week, if for no other reason than at his core, Namor is a character that is creatively at peace with his own identity and portrayal. He feels so much more genuine and iconic because of this. At least, to my taste and my own entirely subjective opinion.

As to Momoa's Aquaman, thus far the DC cinematic universe has constituted one truly terrible movie and a bunch of cosplay promotional shots, if they want enthusiasm from me they need to actually do something to merit it. However, I do like Momoa on the whole, so I hope they can do something that the idea of an Aquaman solo movie is something I'd actually consider.

Well, in fine Aquaman tradition there's every chance he'll be yet another essentially distinct character who happens to share some names and maybe a few facets of storyline with the comics, so there's plenty of conceptual space for Momoa to stamp his own identity on DCU Aquaman. I'm assuming from the picture that it'll be...uh, not exactly camp or fun, but a savage atlantean warlord Aquaman might make for a watchable film? I dunno, we'll see when there are trailers.

2015-02-25, 08:49 AM
Fixed it for you.

Heh thank you.

I was actually really pissed off when I first saw Khal Drogo because when I saw the Momoa casting I was like "DAMN PERFECT" and when I saw the TV show I was like "Eyeliner? Really? And what's with the hair?"

2015-02-25, 05:07 PM
Heh thank you.

I was actually really pissed off when I first saw Khal Drogo because when I saw the Momoa casting I was like "DAMN PERFECT" and when I saw the TV show I was like "Eyeliner? Really? And what's with the hair?"

I don't know about the eyeliner, but the hair at least is presented as it was in the book. The whole a warrior's pride is the length of his pony tail thing was definitely in there.

2015-02-25, 07:29 PM
From the outside looking in, the problem above all else with Aquaman is that ever since the Superfriends, he's been almost exclusively defined by not being the superfriends Aquaman. He's had wild new themes and origins, he's had power boosts and whole laundry lists of new powers, looks and portrayals.

Anything and everything that can be thrown at him, as long as he isn't...Aquaman.

It always struck me that at the heart of the character was this weirdly innate conflict wherein everything about the character must be avoided, respun, negated, replaced and exaggerated. He's a character that is basically broken at a meta level because everyone goes out of their way to deny, downplay and de-emphasise the character's heritage and core identity. I just can't respect a character like that, not on the meta level anyway. I'm sure some of the Aquamen have been good people, or had interesting runs (I hear The Savage Sword of Aquaman period was pretty nifty, and the beardiness is a cool bonus?).

I'd take Namor above him any day of the week, if for no other reason than at his core, Namor is a character that is creatively at peace with his own identity and portrayal. He feels so much more genuine and iconic because of this. At least, to my taste and my own entirely subjective opinion.

The thing is that pretty much everyone in Superfriends was a joke (indeed, pretty much everyone in that era's cartoons was a joke - should I link some old Magneto sketches? They're a riot). But only Aquaman keeps getting constantly dismissed for being useless. It's not every facet of the character that must be avoided - it's especifically the Superfriends version, which did not keep much similarity with Aquaman (in the same way Superfriends Superman was an ***hole that has very little to do with Superman).

Also, truth be told Aquaman gets a lot less changed than Wonder Woman, all in all. People overdo the "try to make it over-badass to overcome the lack of interest" on both, but at least Arthur gets some basic traits kept in most of his versions, which poor Diana sure as hell can't say.

Tiki Snakes
2015-02-25, 07:55 PM
It's not like I'd hold Wonder Woman up as a particularly successful, cohesive or consistent character either. I don't have much first hand experience with either, but from what I understand Wonder Woman has a theme of being at odds with her own roots and uncomfortable with and uncertain about her own concept that is quite similar to what I sense with Aquaman, although I think the lack of comfort with the character's own basic identity seems a lot less pronounced in her case.

The key thing about the other superfriends is that most of the others aren't defined quite so strongly by not being their superfriends version at all cost as seems to be the case with Aquaman.

All this talk really makes me want to give an episode of the Superfriends cartoon a try, funnily enough. :smallsmile:

2015-02-25, 09:17 PM
It's not like I'd hold Wonder Woman up as a particularly successful, cohesive or consistent character either. I don't have much first hand experience with either, but from what I understand Wonder Woman has a theme of being at odds with her own roots and uncomfortable with and uncertain about her own concept that is quite similar to what I sense with Aquaman, although I think the lack of comfort with the character's own basic identity seems a lot less pronounced in her case.

The key thing about the other superfriends is that most of the others aren't defined quite so strongly by not being their superfriends version at all cost as seems to be the case with Aquaman.

All this talk really makes me want to give an episode of the Superfriends cartoon a try, funnily enough. :smallsmile:

Well, yes and no.

On one hand it's harder to get away from the "roots" of Wonder Woman just because that covers a lot of ground. The original Amazons used magic and technology at random points so you can go into either sci fi or fantasy with them. She was portrayed being just as comfortable with knives and guns as a lasso in the golden age. She had a jet, but flight was something she could do from the beginning of the silver age onward. Conceptually she has several times more wiggle room than most characters.

On the other hand, they somehow break her even more than they break Wonder Woman, or else even more dramatically. The only "bad" Aquasuit people really mock is his cheesy 80's space suit, and that only ever showed up for like, three issues. But then you have O'Neils white suited Wonder Woman that drug on for way longer and didn't die quite so quickly after. Or else her ridiculous jacket and jeans thing from a few years ago. Or any of the million attempts to put her in armor.

It's almost as if the more leeway you give a comics writer, the more they screw it up. Much as I like to rag on Geoff Johns you never really get a "bad" Green Lantern run just because Hal and co. have a very specific idea of who they are and what they do(space cops with mass produced cosmic powers, existing in a specific arrangement). You can pick up a Hal Jordan comic from every era and while it varies a bit, there's nothing that'll make you gag. Meanwhile with Wonder Woman just getting them to nail something down properly is as hit and miss as they come and the misses are REALLY notable.

As for trying out the Superfriends, that's probably not a bad thing. People rag on it, but it's not actually bad outside of being the usual cheaply animated 70's and 80's style of cartoon. They managed to absolutely nail the idea of Cyborg joining the JL in a way that just makes New 52's try seem even worse. The characters don't brood or have mandatory fight scenes amongst themselves. Frank Welker nails Darksied's voice in a way Steve Blum never could(Blum's great, but he can't pull off a commanding authoritarian, there's a reason he spends all his time doing a bunch of little guys). It may be mocked by insecure Gen X'rs trying to gain some kind of legitimacy, but it does more right than wrong and I'd rather watch it than most modern DC productions, for what that's worth. If only because it didn't spend all it's time trying not to be the Fliescher Bros. cartoon.

2015-02-26, 02:00 AM
Um, Cyborg wasn't in Super Friends. Neither was Darksied.

They had a separate cartoon (Galactic defenders or cosmic guardians or something like that.) that had a good chunk of Darksied and Cyborg and Firestorm, done by the same studio, but, that was a separate series.

2015-02-26, 03:56 PM
Um, Cyborg wasn't in Super Friends. Neither was Darksied.

They had a separate cartoon (Galactic defenders or cosmic guardians or something like that.) that had a good chunk of Darksied and Cyborg and Firestorm, done by the same studio, but, that was a separate series.

They're usually used interchangeably. Mainly because if the same studio uses the same designs in the same style on the same schedule, there's not really much difference. The only real reason there's even a switch is there was a brief gap between episodes. But by modern standards that gap isn't terribly significant.

2015-02-26, 04:39 PM
Really? I though the major difference was that the one with Firestrom/Cyborg actually at least tried to give a crap.

2015-02-27, 12:22 PM
Um, Cyborg wasn't in Super Friends. Neither was Darksied.

They had a separate cartoon (Galactic defenders or cosmic guardians or something like that.) that had a good chunk of Darksied and Cyborg and Firestorm, done by the same studio, but, that was a separate series.

Not... exactly. They sell the DvD's as "Super Powers Team" and then subtitle them as SuperFriends Seasons 6 & 7 (http://www.amazon.com/Super-Friends-Galactic-Guardians-Complete/dp/B000TSTEJG/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1425057360&sr=1-1&keywords=super+powers+team+dvd). And I forget if it is in the commentary for Season 6 or 7 where the writers are talking about the restrictions they had to work under and they way it forced them to sell some of the characters short. They don't name Aquaman by name but you know he is who they were talking about. The commentaries were more interesting than the episodes, in my opinion...

2015-02-27, 01:02 PM
Glad to see the influence of the Peter David years (https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=AwrBT7YbsvBUxBwApYtXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEx b2dlZTF1BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDREZENl8xBHNlYw NzYw--?p=Aquaman+Peter+David&fr=yfp-t-588-s).