View Full Version : Optimization Sand Shaper

2015-02-21, 08:03 PM
My Wizard character for a game I'm playing in, on hiatus until the Campaign I'm currently running is over, Xamnim Rekrolpsidur Dezimitpo a Gray Elf Elven Generalist Domain Wizard with the Eidetic Spellcaster and Spontaneous Divination ACFs. I couldn't find a cool replacement for Scribe Scroll.

Currently level 1 taking all his Bloodline levels in the Elf Bloodline (allowed by DM) as soon as possible to gain Intelligence to everything. I saw the Caster Level 12 use for Create Magic Tattoo once and started trying to boost Caster Level by as much as possible, turns out that Sand Shaper gives a better version of Dust Magic which I want.
I'm also wanting to hang around in the cold, I plan to transform the terrain around my character into an eternal winter as soon as I gain access to Spells that'll allow me to perform such actions, though this may leave me with Sand to *ahem* bend, to my will. Obviously I plan to carry around 15 pounds as is mandatory, but I don't want to use that for my Sand Shaping Abilities as it is likely to leave me a Caster Level short.

Transmute Stone to Sand exists, but I am wondering if there is a way that does not involve Spell Slots, or at least allows different types of material to be turned into sand. Help me please?

For best results, I want the character to have minimal reliance on wealth. Without losing any more Wizard Progression over 20 levels, how could my character function if he were to be captured... Somehow, and secured by fiat.