View Full Version : AVB - Of Might and Mechanisms

2015-02-21, 08:04 PM
Private thread for Deadlykire and Erebus Tekra! All others will be fed to the dire beavers.

Moving northeast towards Guildsman, you see numerous shops, a few fancier houses, and lots of places to spend money. The closer to Guildsman that you gets, the less fancy and more utilitarian the buildings become. Further down the road, the buildings appear to become workshops and smithies and the like rather than the retail shops, taverns, inns, and living spaces common in Midtown. Guildsman reveals itself to be primarily an industrial district.

Once in the Guildsman district, you find that very few of the buildings have signs. Most appear to be workshops or homes without the need for advertisement.

To the north, you can see the city wall above the tops of the buildings. It appears to be four or five blocks away. The majority of the district seems to be to the east of here. To the west lies some of the older parts of the city wall and Old Town.

Gather Information and Knowledge (local) are probably your two best bets for the information you seek.

Erebus Tekra
2015-02-21, 09:18 PM
Tiny and Krumesh wander into guildsman. Tiny follows behind Krumesh with her cart. Upon seeing all of the workshops Tiny begins to get excited. "Look big fella. Look at all them workshops. My dad would have loved to see this. We're craftsmen, my kin and I." Tiny approaches one of the workers, trying to find a convientent time to ask a few questions without interrupting their work too much. She always hated it when folks would bug her when she was working a sword or armor. "Hey there. Sorry to disturb your labors. Would you be able to tell me where I might acquire a permit to sell some of my own work?"


2015-02-21, 09:31 PM
The craftsmen with whom you attempt to converse blow you off, and you eventually give up. Fortunately for you though, you manage to stumble across and identify the headquarters of both the Smiths' Guild and Metallurgical Wonders.

2015-02-21, 09:37 PM
Krumesh lets out a heavy sigh at his companion. All this wandering around the city wasn't making him any money. He wasn't serving the spirit. It was a waste of time. He gave her a gentle smile, her excitement softening his disposition some. He could tell this all was amazing to her. She had clearly lived in a small village, much as he had early in his life. He remembered his first visit to a city after answering the spirit's call. The memories only made him regard his small companion in a fatherly manner. She meant well. Instead of bugging the same worker he picked someone across the street, but still near Tiny. "Excuse me. I couldn't help but to notice your fine craftsmanship. How do you sell your goods? To a store? Or perhaps the city watch?"

edit: ooc the title made my day.

2015-02-21, 09:53 PM
Krumesh discovers that most of the craftsmen in this area work on commissions, filling orders of various kinds for different organizations or nobles.

Erebus Tekra
2015-02-21, 11:20 PM
Tiny waits for Krumesh to finish conversing with other smith's. "Learn anything useful? I couldn't get much from the folks I talked to, but I did find out there is a smith guild here and something called metallurgical wonders. I think I'll try both. See how much these licenses cost and such ya know? Plus might find me a job for when I ain't help yas." Tiny stops by the smith guild first.

ooc: I don't want to make too many assumptions here. If I need a roll let me know.

2015-02-22, 10:28 PM
The Smiths' Guild is a large stone building set near the wall adjacent to the river. The building takes up a rather significant portion of the city block on which it sits. Near the back, a cloud of black smoke rises steadily, and the sound of clanging metal can be heard.

The entryway is actually quite nice. A small room of about 10x20 forms an antechamber to the whole building but is closed off from the rest by a double wrought iron door of exceptional craftsmanship. A receptionist sits near the door. When you enter she looks up at you but says nothing, apparently not wishing to shout to you across the room.

Erebus Tekra
2015-02-23, 08:30 PM
Tiny walks in and admires the size of the room. She waves to the receptionist before walking to the door. She traces her fingers along it, investigating and admiring the craftsmanship. She finally walks to the receptionist. "Sorry to keep you waiting miss. I'm here to inquire about obtaining a permit to sell armor and weapons. I was told this would be a good place to go."

2015-02-24, 11:17 AM
Krumesh brings the cart of goods inside, hoping animals are allowed in. He stays towards the entrance, taking care not to block it. He waits there patiently for Tiny to finish her chatting. "I hope this goes well," he thinks to himself, "I could use a chance to keep my skills honed. I don't want to go back on my word to this one though. But I doubt I can convince her to go out adventuring until all her stuff is sold. Plus the extra coin will help ease our journey. We can afford supplies, rooms, and possibly stabling."

2015-02-25, 02:35 AM
Krumesh looks at the door and quickly realizes that a horse and cart would not fit through the entryway without doing some serious damage to the animals, the cart, or the building, or perhaps to all of them.

The woman looks down her nose at you for a moment then says, "I daresay, I thought you were just a nosy child at first, but you're a gnome. Aren't you? Why would someone like a gnome be looking for work here?"

She doesn't seem to be intentionally rude so much as just surprised and slightly offended by something.

Erebus Tekra
2015-02-25, 12:36 PM
Tiny gives her a concerned look. She debates arguing that she is a halfling given her face is mostly covered, but decides against it. "Aye. I be a gnome. While I'd be happy to look into any job openings you all have I was looking for a sellers permit." Tiny pauses for a bit before it dawns on her the objection is due to her race. "Oh...you lot aren't fond of gnomes. My apologies, I hail from the out land tribes. I grew up in the company of a band of orcs. They often come to the city to trade our wares and buy supplies. Our normal trader fell ill so I accompanied the group this time. Sadly no instructions were left about how they do things, so trying to figure it out myself." Tiny looks kindly at the woman, "so can you help me out?"

Not sure I need to roll a bluff about why she is here, but I am just in case.

2015-02-25, 07:58 PM
She seems to have a hard time believing you and waves her hand dismissively at you.

"Do as you will. You'll have to make a formal request before the board at the next meeting, Thursday at six in the evening."

It's currently Tuesday around noonish.

Erebus Tekra
2015-02-26, 07:52 PM
"Alright. Thank you for your help. I'll be back then." Tiny gives the lady a big smile and a cheerful wave. She heads back out in search of Metallurgical Wonders. She pats Krumesh on the arm on the way out. "Sorry about this. So I've got to apply for a permit here at the Smith's guild on Thursday. 6pm. Though she didn't seem to like gnomes for some reason. Would you mind..uh..going into the next place for me? Maybe you'll get better results. I'll try and figure out why folks don't like gnomes." Tiny fastens the cover on her face a bit better, hoping her race is hidden better next time.

2015-02-28, 06:52 PM
He finds Metallurgical Wonders right where he left it. The building itself is set back from the road a short distance with a decent sized courtyard, which is surrounded by a beautiful wrought iron fence about 7 feet in height. The gates stand open.

Inside the courtyard, you find a number of statues and other more abstract pieces of art, all crafted from one form of metal or another. Each has a small plaque in front of it along the path to the front door.

2015-03-01, 12:35 PM
Krumesh wanders to Metallurgical wonders. He reads the plaques on the statues as he goes past. He looks at Tiny as they near the entrance, "This doesn't seem to be the sort of work you do," he says pointing at the statues. "This isn't my realm of expertise. Perhaps you might give me some more information to work with, in case I need to bluff a bit. Nothing too complex, but maybe a bit about your workshop. I'll just say I'm from your tribe and selling your goods. But they may ask questions."

Erebus Tekra
2015-03-01, 06:51 PM
Tiny gives Krumesh a brief description of the basic workshop her family uses. "It is mobile, taking a day to setup or tear down but suiting the nomad life style of her tribe. The tribe is almost all orcs, with my family being the craftsmen of the tribe. The orcs usually bring in the wares to the city and sell them, but we needed specialty parts so I was sent this time. I'm sure either these folks or the smith's sold the orcs their license. They just neglected to mention I'd need one and give it to me." Tiny pauses for a second, "hey...just thinking. We may want to find out if these folks compete at all and have bad blood. Last place we want to be is in the middle of a guild war." Tiny goes back to studying the works, trying to learn any new techniques the crafters had used. As Krumesh enters she moves close to the door, standing off to the side. She checks on the mules and futzes with the cart and goods, making sure they are secured.

2015-03-04, 09:19 PM
The plaques present the names of the different art pieces as well as the date on which they were dedicated. A few indicate the name of the artist, but not all. If Krumesh wishes to look more closely, he can get specific details, but the names and dates seem fairly meaningless to him.

Tiny can indeed learn more should he employ some knowledge or craft checks to more closely examine them.

The interior is much like that of the Smith's Guild, however, this building is far more lavishly appointed. A valet in formal livery greets Krumesh at the door as he enters.

"Greetings, sir orc! With what Metallurgical Wonders might I assist you today?"

2015-03-05, 12:03 PM
Krumesh makes sure his clothes are pristine and straightened before entering the hall. He gives the valet a toothy smile, "Greetings. I actually come inquiring about permits to sell goods. I have some armor and weapons to sell, and it was suggested I come here seeking the required documents. I saw the wonderful works in the yard outside. I am interested in what it is that you all do here, in addition to the permits of course."

Erebus Tekra
2015-03-05, 12:09 PM
While Krumesh goes inside Tiny close examines all of the plaques and the structures themselves.

ooc: Tiny is a female, no big deal. I wasn't sure on knowledge checks so rolling the ones I think are best. Is knowledge Metallurgy a think? If so I'll pick it up.

2015-03-05, 09:08 PM
Krumesh makes sure his clothes are pristine and straightened before entering the hall. He gives the valet a toothy smile, "Greetings. I actually come inquiring about permits to sell goods. I have some armor and weapons to sell, and it was suggested I come here seeking the required documents. I saw the wonderful works in the yard outside. I am interested in what it is that you all do here, in addition to the permits of course.""Ah, but of course, sir. Are you, then, an artist? I have not before seen orcish artwork beyond the occasional tribal totem or war paint. It would be quite insightful indeed to see something truly artistic from you."

While Krumesh goes inside Tiny close examines all of the plaques and the structures themselves.

ooc: Tiny is a female, no big deal. I wasn't sure on knowledge checks so rolling the ones I think are best. Is knowledge Metallurgy a think? If so I'll pick it up.
Somehow, I completely missed her sex as being female. Oops.
Metallurgy would fall partially under architecture and engineering and partly under the relevant Craft skills, which effectively double as specialized Knowledge skills. That's also part of the reason for them being trained only in Aldhaven.

Obviously not weaponry or armor, you learn nothing in regards to those areas of specialty; however, you do glean a little insight into the realms artistic. You gain a +2 insight bonus on any Craft checks made to make something purely artistic or to add something purely decorative to some other item. Decorative work on otherwise functional items might make them worth a little more than usual.
You'll retain this insight bonus for the next month.

2015-03-05, 10:39 PM
"I am not an artist no. Just the seller. Our tribe considers our crafters' work artwork, though none compares with that in your yard. As nomads sadly our creations must serve function over form. Does your guild only deal it artwork then? Or do you license anything well crafted?"

ooc: Krumesh is a dragonborn. I'm fine with people recognizing the orc heritage (I took care in my description to accent it after all), just wanted to clarify.

2015-03-05, 10:45 PM
Right. I figured you were more orcish than draconic in appearance due to your description. He's also got pretty high Knowledge (local), so..."Our guild specializes in all wonders metallurgical, whether they be mithral or gold or silver or white. What kinds of things are you seeking to sell?"

2015-03-06, 01:06 AM
"Currently just some basic armor and weapons. I've stopped by the Smith's guild already. It was also recommended I speak with you though. So here I am. Are you able to help me?"

2015-03-07, 06:24 PM
He looks a little disappointed.

"Are they particularly artistic weapons and armor? Or at the very least finely crafted from some exotic material, like dragon bone or orichalcum?"

2015-03-07, 08:15 PM
Krumesh pauses for a moment and thinks. "No, I do not believe so. I had asked those working at the forges on the way here where I might go to get a permit to sell the wares I have. They had suggested here, though I do believe perhaps what I currently have is not your style. I do not wish to unnecessarily take up more of your time. Perhaps I will return when I have more exotic or artistic wares for sale. Thank you for your time." Krumesh gives the man a slight nod of respect and departs. He meets with Tiny outside in the courtyard. He lets her finish examining all the works, the wonder apparent on her face. He gathers the cart and mules, preparing to head out. "This was not the place for us," he tells the gnome. "They deal more in artwork like that here in their yard. Perhaps if we have any great wonders we can return for a permit from them. What now? We have some time before we can get our permit from the smiths."

ooc: Can I get an approximate time check? I figure it is still Tuesday, but the time of day would help us plan a course of action from here.

2015-03-07, 08:29 PM
Based on the wandering about town, and assuming you started sometime around 10ish in the morning, I'd estimate it's about 4pm.

2015-03-08, 06:48 PM
Krumesh leads the way back out towards the smith's shops. Along the way he stops passerbies and inquires about stables to store the cart and mules and an inn in which to stay.

Erebus Tekra
2015-03-08, 09:09 PM
Tiny barely notices Krumesh return into the yard. She hears what he is saying, without hearing him. She is vaguely aware of him starting to depart. "Yes yes. It is getting late. Rest is a good idea. I've learned so much from these sculptures though. The work here is beautiful. I should consider adding artistic marks to my own work. Such things were never practical at home, but if things like those sculptures sell it can't hurt." Tiny wrinkles her nose a bit as she thinks and Krumesh inquires about a place for them to stay. Truthfully she'd rather stay outside of the city, being inside it made her uneasy for some reason. Plus then she'd have to leave her cart and gear unattended. Or carry it all with her, but there was a lot of stuff. She'd wished she'd manage to at least sell some of it. But there was nothing to do until Thursday at 6.

2015-03-09, 09:41 AM
The passersby inform you of a number of stables in North Market near Eastgate and in Mages' Quarter near Mages' Gate. It seems that there aren't any stables farther into the city, unless you count privately owned ones.

2015-03-09, 10:41 PM
Krumesh leads the way towards the North Market near Eastgate, searching for stables. He stops at the town crier along the way to inquire about any information he has regarding some of the open opportunities. "Greetings. I couldn't help but hear your news. I was wondering what information you have on the Royal University of Scientific Esoterica? What sort of things do they teach there? And what is this climbing event all about? I doubt it is just a simple climb to the top." At the end of the answer Krumesh asks, "Where might I find the Royal University?" Then, spotting Sundegen imports he heads that way to inquire about the missing item.

2015-03-09, 11:49 PM
He points to the west, saying you can't miss the university. Beyond that, he doesn't know any more than what he's already called out.

2015-03-10, 10:03 AM
"Thank you for your help." He gives the man a respectful nod and moves on. Krumesh heads towards Sendungen Imports. He figures if he is stuck in town for a few days or more with Tiny, perhaps he can find them a job to do while they wait. He was more interested in the rumors of ruins, but something told him separating Tiny from her cart of wares would be to hard to merit it. Krumesh enters Sendungen Imports "Greetings. I've come to inquire about possible...employment. The crier indicated I should inquire here?"

Erebus Tekra
2015-03-12, 05:06 PM
While Krumesh does, whatever it was he was doing, Tiny decides she should find out more about obtaining more raw materials in the city. She asks the smiths before they leave guildsman about where they obtain their materials from. Upon reentering the plaza she speaks to the crier after Krumesh, "Greetings kind sir. May I inquire about buying real estate in this fine town? I'm sure there are rules and such, but any information you have such as a good place to start the process would be most helpful."

2015-03-14, 09:37 AM
Sorry, I somehow unsubscribed from this thread. Fixed now!
Krumesh approaches the University. A large, wrought iron gate stands open in front of the campus, topped by a sign which reads "Aldhaven Royal University of Scientific Esoterica" in elaborate lettering which appears to glow faintly. It seems as if there is a student organization fair going on at this very moment. A large sign points the way to the registration office.

She learns that most of the local smiths purchase ores or refined metals from the Earthbones Syndicate, a strange name to be sure, but it was founded by dwarves, somewhat eccentric dwarves at that. Asking around a bit, she learns that the Earthbones Syndicate specializes in mining, quarrying, and heavy construction. They do not have a headquarters in the city, but representatives arrive every third day with shipments of various raw materials from the east, which are then negotiated for in a temporary open market just outside the city walls. Due to the long distances traveled, any special orders take a minimum of 9 days to arrive, unless you pay extra for rush shipping.

2015-03-14, 06:45 PM
We were wondering, but knew you had the wedding so didn't fret too much.

Krumesh points the sign out to Tiny. "Maybe you should apply? I don't know what they are about, but now would be the time to ask." He then tries to gather more information on the climbing event being held at the tower such as what exactly the event entails, where it was being held, how to register for it, what the rewards were this year or at least in the past.


Erebus Tekra
2015-03-15, 11:53 AM
Tiny looks at Krumesh, "I'm more a tinkerer and builder than scientist. Not sure this place is right for me." But Krumesh's comment started her thinking. The smiths seemed to not need more help making gear. The artisans apparently only worried about artwork. If she got accepted perhaps the university could teach her more about infusing her creations with non-mundane abilities. And that could ease her ability to make coin. And coin would be needed for her newest project. Tiny let out a sigh and grumbled a bit, "perhaps you are right. Maybe I should apply if I'm going to stay for a time. They don't seem to like gnomes, maybe assimilating will ease their disposition." And so Tiny took her cart of wares and wandered off to inquire about registration and the exact nature of the teachings at the Royal Institute.

[roll0]Gather Info (only if I need it)

2015-03-18, 05:36 PM
Inside, the registration office consists of essentially nothing but a large entryway and three doors. One of the doors is closed with a "Do Not Disturb" sign. The second stands open, revealing a long hallway that goes deeper into the building, but a velvet rope has been hung across it to indicate entry is barred. The third door has a sign above it which reads "Enrollment". A potential student enters the office as another leaves carrying a stack of papers. A line of three other potential students stands nervously awaiting their turns outside of the office. Two of the people cast glances at you as you enter, but you are otherwise ignored.

2015-03-19, 08:53 AM
OOC: No more information on the climbing event being held here?

2015-03-19, 12:38 PM
You find the potent wizard who is overseeing the climbing event.

"The rules are simple. No magic, no flight. If you cheat, you're locked in an alternate plane. You must climb the three-mile tower before any other person. First one to the top will receive the prize that awaits up there. The event started last week. It ends when someone makes it to the top."

Erebus Tekra
2015-03-19, 06:33 PM
Tiny gives a small shrug and gets in line. She waits for her turn patiently. She had a feeling the folks in line would be less than helpful, so she saw no point in bothering them. While she waits she takes a look around, observing the inside seeing what there is to see.


2015-03-20, 12:20 AM
We are having a bit of trouble. We both think the tower sounds cool, but also like the idea of Tiny applying for this academy thing. While our original plans seem to be on hold or changed, we can't really move forward until we sell off the gear. We don't really want to skip ahead an entire day and ruin the RP, but it is hard to stay together as a party while we kill time. Do you have any suggestions? If not we are hanging out for a bit tomorrow and we'll try and brainstorm something.

2015-03-20, 01:56 PM
The tower climb will last for awhile. If no PC completes it before I leave in May, some NPC will do so on my return. Until then, it's open.

The academy is also a fairly open thing. Just like with real life university classes, you're only busy there a few hours a week.
The room is fairly bland, being simple polished stone floors and paneled wooden walls. The only furniture in the room consists of three seemingly randomly placed wooden benches.
In addition to the office door in front of which you stand, you spot three other offices, each with a "DO NOT DISTURB" sign posted on it. A large double door stands open in one wall, revealing a long hallway with several doors on each side, but a velvet rope has been stretched across it to bar entry.

Erebus Tekra
2015-03-25, 04:25 PM
Tiny continues to wait patiently for her turn. She still has no idea what this place is all about, but Krumesh thought it may be a good idea and it would help pass the time. The bland room failed to give her any clues about what she was getting into, but she was just adventurous enough to find out. She had no idea what all this Royal Institute stuff meant. Maybe they were going to teach her to be a queen? The scientific part though made it sound like science. She always liked science, especially alchemy and chemistry. She was unaware of the nature of textbook knowledge, feeling that her practical experience was how everyone learned about things.

2015-03-25, 04:55 PM
Tiny's turn finally comes, and you enter the office. Inside, a stern looking elven woman sits at a desk, a slight frown on her lips as you walk through the door, one eyebrow lifting in mild surprise when she sees that you are a gnome. She appears to be trying to appraise your abilities and whether or not you would make an adequate student. She seems to be waiting for you to speak.

Erebus Tekra
2015-03-26, 10:14 AM
"Hi there. I was interested in applying for school here." Tiny greets her warmly. Upon seeing the surprise Tiny assumes it is yet again because of being a gnome. "I know you all aren't fond of my kind in these parts. I lived in one of the nomadic tribes for most my life. Is that going to be a problem?" Tiny purposely places the question after her previous life. She knows that her race is more likely to be the problem given her initial encounters and the stories grandfather and father always used to tell.

2015-03-30, 02:00 PM
"Hmm. It's just that the gnomish nation has always insulted our education system as 'primitive and child-like'. To see one come to apply is somewhat... perplexing. It seems you hail from other lands though. Interesting.

Here, unless you have other questions, fill these out and drop them off in the drop slot in the lobby."
She motions to a stack of application papers on the edge of the desk near you, obviously intending for you to pick up the stack and take it with you.

Erebus Tekra
2015-03-31, 11:46 PM
Tiny gives her a warm smile. "I never grew up there, wouldn't know. Thanks for your help." She takes her stacks of papers and heads out to fill them out. She shows Krumesh the stack "Jeesh. Look at all this! And just to apply! I hope getting a permit isn't this much work."

2015-04-01, 10:32 AM
Krumesh eyes the paperwork warily before letting out a gentle laugh. "I hope not as well. I got some more information on this climbing event. I think we should try it. But you'd have to wait on applying I wager. Plus we'd need to sell your ware to by equipment. We are already significantly behind the others, opinions?"

2015-04-03, 03:12 PM
Upon rifling through the papers, you realize that the majority of the stack consists of a course catalogue. The first few pages request personal information, such as name, race, birth date, and education history as well as personal and professional experience. It also has checkboxes for "Citizen" "Resident" or "Other" and a place to include your current address of residence.

Erebus Tekra
2015-04-05, 02:54 PM
Tiny fills out the forms to the best of her ability. She realizes when she gets to address that they don't have a place to stay. She turns to Krumesh, "I like the idea of trying out this climbing event." She points to the forms, "they want an address anyhow so I don't think they'll accept me. Does remind me though, it is getting late perhaps we should find lodging for the evening?" Tiny packs up the forms in the cart and proceeds to lead the way towards an economic inn. She doesn't have a lot of money with so much tied up in the gear she has and Krumesh doesn't seem like the materialistic kind. She tries to find a place near the stables, ideally above them.

Whatever knowledge check I need to make. Untrained so just an intelligence check. Looking for an inn with a room that the two can share, also looking for a nearby stable that can store the cart and mules.

2015-04-12, 10:29 AM
I'm okay if you progress things if only one of us posts an action. I check at least daily, so a non-post by me is usually passive consent.

Krumesh follows Tiny. "Perhaps we should get the room then go to the stable. I'll help you carry the gear to the room to protect it from thieves. If we need to leave the cart, you watch it and I'll carry stuff. Deal?" He gives the gnome a smile. He doesn't know why, but she has something endearing about her and he hopes their partnership can continue. They just need to get this extra gear sold and then they can start the climb.

2015-04-13, 04:14 PM
Sorry, I actually didn't remember seeing the other post... If you haven't seen me post in a couple of days, it's okay to bump the thread or PM me. I sometimes lose track of threads because of the number of them I'm running.
Tiny finds an inn just down from the stables. It's 2gp per night for a room.

2015-04-13, 07:18 PM
Krumesh pays for the room, letting Tiny take care of the stable fees. He helps her carry the massive amount of stuff and settles in for the evening.

"You take the bed. I'll sleep here in this chair for the evening," he says situating the chair to lean against the wall. He faces it towards the door and carefully removes his armor. He sets it next to him, his weapons resting on top of it.

(You are busy and as you said, running lots of threads. Feels like I'm bugging you. I just remember you said you'd close the competition if no one finished by the time you left and that timer is rapidly running down.)

2015-04-13, 07:24 PM
Don't worry about the competition. I'm not going to screw y'all out of it because of real life stuff.The room indeed only has one bed, though for an extra gold, you could get a room with two. Either way, you settle in for the night and awake refreshed the next day.

2015-04-17, 05:17 PM
Krumesh awakens and carefully cleans himself. Aware of Tiny being in the room he does so appropriately. Once cleaned he dons his armor again and equips himself for the day. Once they both are ready for the day he looks at Tiny, "Perhaps we should leave your goods locked here for the day? We can explore the town for a bit and it'd go faster without carting everything around." He gives her a smile, "your choice though. I'll understand if you don't want to leave it behind. I'm sure it is worth a lot to you."

Krumesh heads downstairs and begins to gather information on past (and the current) climbing event. He tries to discern previous winners, challenges faced, and what type of gear might be needed.


Erebus Tekra
2015-04-17, 05:45 PM
Tiny awakens to find Krumesh cleaning himself for the day. She is embarrassed to put on the same dirty clothes from before without bathing. She was used to not bathing. She hoped her companion didn't find it rude. He seemed to not take note as he prepared for the day. She became anxious as he mentioned leaving the items behind. She didn't really trust people, but he was right it would be easier to travel without it all. She began to fidget as she tried to decide. Eventually she decided to leave the gear locked in the room. It made her nervous, but Krumesh was already doing so much for her. She made sure to pay the inn keep for the next two nights as well so the room wouldn't be disturbed.

Krumesh was already asking questions. She briefly stopped him to whisper, "Hey I'm going to go check on the animals and pay for the next few days. I'll be right back. Meet you here." She rushed off to check on her mules and make sure their feed and stable fees were paid. Then she rushed back to Krumesh anxious to find what he'd learned. She knew they had an entire day, almost 2, to wait until she could get her permit. She couldn't wait. But Krumesh had a good idea starting to gather info. She'd help him with his climb. She owed him that at least.

2015-04-18, 12:28 AM
[roll0] hours later, he learns that the previous year's winner was a man named Perry DiCarto, now a prominent member of the City Watch. The winner prior to him was a woman known only as The Shade, who completed the entire climb in only 30 minutes.

He also learns once again that all forms of magic, psionics, or other unnatural abilities are outright banned and harshly punished by destroying the only means you have to return to this plane of existence after the event. Oh? Was it mentioned that the event takes place on another plane of existence? It definitely does. This usually isn't explicitly mentioned, as it's assumed that anyone can look around and see there are no mile tall edifices in the area to climb and figure it out for themselves.

He hears suggestions that masterwork climbing gear and plenty of quality rope and the skills to use them are recommended. However, the course changes each year, so suggestions from the previous years rarely help. In addition, should you really be listening to advice from people who failed this year? Particularly those who are still trying to succeed...

Unfortunately, there can be only a single winner each year, but he gets the very, very nice benefit of wide renown, high prestige, and a 10% discount on purchased goods and services throughout most of the city.

2015-04-21, 08:26 PM
Does no magic mean no spells or no magical items as well?

2015-04-22, 05:09 AM
The rumor goes that some magic items should function without breaking the enchantment, but doesn't seem that anyone knows which ones those actually are...

2015-04-22, 12:50 PM
Krumesh tells the small gnome everything he learned over lunch. "I think we can do it. We'll need to get some climbing gear for sure. I'm strong, but I'm not a natural climber. It sounds like it could be dangerous. Some healing would probably be in order as well, but given the ban on magic I'm thinking only potions would work. What do you think?"

Erebus Tekra
2015-04-22, 01:00 PM
Tiny's face pales as she hears about the climbing even. "I'm not a climber. I'm not even strong. I know being a smith you'd expect so, but I rely on finesse and technique not brute strength. Perhaps you'd be better off pursuing this on your own? I'll try and get all my goods sold and have things setup when you return. I just worry I'll be more of a burden than an asset on such an adventure." She continued to eat nervously. Krumesh was a good protector. She felt safer when he was around, but he clearly wanted to go climbing. She knew her place was in a workshop, not in the wilderness. She didn't want to disappoint him, but she didn't want to be a burden either.

2015-04-22, 03:03 PM
Krumesh looks at the worried gnome. He can tell she is sincere and would go with him if he pressed the issue, but that wouldn't be right. "I won't make you go. You wouldn't be a burden to me. I've grown to enjoy your company on our travels here. But I shall leave the choice to you. Since you don't want to go, I'll try and help make sure you are setup before I leave. I'll gather my gear today, we'll get your permit tomorrow, and then I'll be off. Sound like a plan?" He gives her a big smile, "and don't you dare worry about setting me back another day. I agreed to help you get that permit, plus what is another day when I'm already a week or so behind." He finishes eating his meal and pays for the lunches. Afterwards he heads out in search of gear. He leads the way to Ezekiel's to buy his gear. He greets whoever is tending the counter and then asks about the highest quality climbing gear and ropes they have and the prices of them. He also tries to find a few extra supplies such as food and water. Then he asks about healing salves and potions.

2015-04-24, 06:59 PM
Krumesh finds quality climber's kits for sale at the standard price of 80gp. However, after some effort and a lucky break, he finds an exquisitely crafted set of climbing gear that appears superior to the others he has seen. This one costs 180gp, but it's literally twice as good as the standard fare.

Nonmagical "Item of Renown", +4 circumstance bonus to Climb.

2015-04-24, 07:50 PM
Krumesh notes the climber's kit is more expensive than the others. He knows this likely means it is better quality, but he still debates buying it. In the end he settles on purchasing it. He then inquires about who would carry healing salves and rations.

2015-04-24, 07:59 PM
Basic healing potions and trail rations can be purchased at any number of places for standard market price. Unless you're wanting to RP a specific encounter or look for something unusual, you can just say your purchase what you need for market price.

2015-04-25, 09:06 AM
Krumesh finishes buying his supplies then heads back to the inn. He pays for another week on the room (giving them 9d) so Tiny won't need to worry about it. After placing his newly acquired gear into the room he sets out on a special errand. He tries to find out how buying property in and outside of the city works and prices.


2015-04-26, 12:56 AM
All he learns is that only Citizens may own property.

2015-05-03, 11:31 PM
Krumesh then inquires about citizenship and how one gains it. He also tries to find out where the borders of Aldhaven are to determine if it isn't more practical to perhaps live just outside the city's limits.

2015-05-04, 12:26 AM
In order to acquire citizenship, one must be a registered Resident in good standing, have a permanent residence, have no criminal history, and must be vouched for by a Citizen in good standing. The last requirement is generally the most difficult, as for a period of 2 years, the penalties for any crimes of which you are convicted are also inflicted in full upon the Citizen who vouched for you, up to but not including execution, which is mitigated to full confiscation of property and banishment.

Erebus Tekra
2015-05-11, 12:27 PM
I hate to do this, but I'm working 2 full time jobs all summer so I don't have time to play. I need to drop out for now. I'm fine if deadlykire plays my character for me but if it is against the rules just having it idle or something works too.

2015-06-02, 10:44 PM
I'll have your character go NPC for awhile and be a close contact for his. If you come back, then you can pick your character back up.

2015-06-03, 08:10 PM
Can I rp out getting/trying to get the sellers permit as planned then with Tiny as an npc?
Krumesh spends the rest of the day wandering around the city, learning it's geography for himself. He spends the evening at the inn, and prepares to get Tiny her permit the next day. He makes sure they are at the smith's guild 30 minutes ahead of schedule and awaits their turn patiently.

2015-06-08, 02:12 PM
Yeah, sure. It's a joint venture quest at this point.
You arrive back before the appointed time to find the same person sitting at the same desk. Greeting you as you arrive, nothing further is said for the moment.

2015-06-15, 06:43 PM
Krumesh and Tiny greet the attendant warmly. "Hello. Should we just wait here for a permit? Is there any paper work we need to fill out?"

2015-06-17, 05:20 PM
She says there is not and points you to the door of the board meeting.

"Just have a seat in the back and don't interfere. Towards the end of the meeting, they'll call for an open floor, starting with members. Once all the guild members are done, they'll allow non-members to voice questions and concerns. That's when you'll need to speak up. Once the meeting starts, no one is allowed to enter, so if you leave for any reason, you'll have to wait until next month's meeting to apply."

2015-06-27, 12:24 AM
The duo does as they are instructed and takes a seat in the back. They patiently wait for their turn to speak up and request permission for a permit. They quietly discuss it before the meaning begins and decide Krumesh will ask for the permit on both of their behalves. Krumesh patiently waits for the appointed time and indicates his desire to speak. He presents his and Tiny's case to the board.

2015-07-19, 03:22 PM
You are among several individuals requesting such permits; however, the board announces that there are only two permits currently available. After a bit of negotiation, promises, and veiled threats, the board agrees to examine example workmanship of the various interested parties. A thorough examination later, and the two of you are awarded one of the two available permits. The other is awarded to a young human who is the former apprentice of one of the higher ups in the guild. Both permits, however, are only granted on a provisional basis with the stipulation that you establish yourselves in the city and show a profit within one month in addition to paying all guild dues in a timely manner.

The guild dues are 100 gold per month plus 10% of your profit for goods and services sold under the guild's permit. As you gain rank and prestige within the guild, however, these rates will lower.

2015-07-21, 09:09 AM
Krumesh and Tiny agree. They inquire about the payment schedule (beginning or end of the month?) and once the meeting concludes they head back to the inn. Krumesh has a climbing competition to enter and Tiny needs to work setting up shop.

OOC: I think this is a good time to split and have Tiny work on her own towards setting up a shop while I solo RP. Sound good?

2015-07-23, 11:39 PM
You determine that the previous month's fees must be paid promptly by the 5th day of each following month. Tiny enthusiastically shakes your hand and heads off to setup shop while wearing a huge grin.

The inn is just as you left it.

2015-07-28, 07:08 AM
Krumesh grabs his gear from the room. He leaves Tiny's things where they are, the young gnome can fetch them on her own when she is ready. They were paid up for a few days already, so Krumesh heads out to try his hand at the climbing competition. He goes through his gear again to verify he has everything he thinks he needs. After double checking and securing his gear, he heads out. He makes his way to the start of the competition. He fills out the necessary forms and pays his fees. He then surveys the climb ahead, attempting to make a plan.

2015-08-06, 03:26 PM
Krumesh's gear is duly grabbed. He arrives at the Aldhaven Royal University of Magical Esoterica, ARUSE for short. You fill out all of the application forms and are promptly directed to a 10 story tall tower in Mages' Quarter. Once there, Krumesh is informed that a 250gp fee is to be collected for entry and reminded that the use of magic is against the rules.

Krumesh must climb to the top of this tower before any other competitor manages it to win the competition. No other competitors are in sight, and the walls of this tower seem fairly easy to climb...

2015-08-11, 10:25 PM
Krumesh makes sure he's removed his magical gear and then enters. He starts by surveying the challenge before him, making a plan as to how to complete the challenge. He listens and looks for terrain, animals, other competitors, anything that could give him a better grasp.

2015-08-13, 02:22 PM
The tower (http://centralia.aquest.com/geo/gowtower.gif) is highly stylized with obvious hand holds in easy reach. The entire structure is approximately 150 feet tall, including the narrow spire at the very top. There are no other creatures in sight on or around the tower.

2015-08-16, 09:48 AM
Krumesh approaches the tower and searches for a hand hold. After finding one he looks up the tower plotting what he believes to be the best path from what he can currently see. He equips his climbing gear and secures his weapons to his back, within reach but out of the way. He then begins the ascent. He smiles a bit as he realizes his massive height should aid him in his attempts. While there may be points where it makes things uncomfortable, he realizes he has several feet of reach on the average human and more so on the smaller beings like Tiny. The thought of Tiny makes him wonder what she is doing. He hopes she is well and is able to find a shop to make and sell her wares, but his focus needs to be on the climb. He returns his thoughts to the task at hand.

Not sure how you handle climb checks for this so I'm going to roll the first one I'd need as a starting point.

2015-08-27, 09:51 PM
Computer is fixed, so I'm back. :smallbiggrin:You easily make your way up the side of the tower for several floors. Upon reaching the 7th floor, however, you note that several gusts of wind have begun to blow straight down at you. You'll need to make a DC 12 Climb check to continue. If you fail by more than 5, you fall and take [roll0] falling damage. By less than 5, and you simply try again.

Should you continue, you easily make it to the top of the tower at the base of the spire. A large wooden sign in the shape of an arrow is affixed to the base of the spire, pointing straight up. The sign reads "Tallest Spire Climb Entrance".

2015-08-28, 06:17 PM

Krug is able to make the climb. He had to work a bit, but it wasn't too difficult. Upon seeing the sign it is all he can do to not sigh. He thought he was already on the climb. He looks around searching for any clues as to whether he should actually enter or if this was simply some trick.

(ooc: I've already rolled for climb check so couldn't roll for search. Feel free to roll for me I've only got a +2 mod)

2015-09-01, 03:10 PM
It's okay to double post to make new rolls.Looking around the area, he finds nothing out of the ordinary. Looking up, however, he sees a faint haze surrounding the top 20 feet or so -of the spire. Watching for a moment, you realize that there is some kind of magic at work here, though of what kind, you are uncertain.

2015-09-01, 08:29 PM
Sighing as he realizes there is magic ahead and he is ill prepared to deal with Krumesh continues on, staying alert for danger.

2015-09-02, 01:58 PM
You make your way up the spire and reach a portal which surrounds the top of this tower. Through massive tower extending up beyond your ability to see, largely blocked from view by its own base. It seems you'll need to make your way across an almost horizontal ceiling to reach the outer wall of the tower once you pass through the portal.

2015-09-05, 03:43 PM
Krumesh makes sure his gear is secure before continuing on. He begins to realize this climb may be his death, but if he were to succeed the fame would be worth it.

2015-09-06, 09:50 PM
You secure your gear and easily find handholds on the spire leading up to the true climb and make your way to it. Upon reaching the base of the true tower, you'll need to make Climb checks to proceed.

2015-09-09, 06:06 PM
Can I know how many?

Krumesh climbs as far as he can without aid before beginning to use all his gear.

climb checks

2015-09-10, 11:11 AM
You nearly fall at one point but just manage to hold your grip. After a few tries, you make it to the edge safely and haul yourself up and over the lip around the side of the structure. It seems there's a relatively wide ledge here on which to catch your breath. Though the mere 2 feet of surface isn't much, it's better than nothing.

Looking around, you find another arrow-shaped sign. This one has been battered a bit, as if kicked repeatedly by an angry climber, but it is still legible. It reads simply, "The top: 15,750 feet".

At 1/4 normal speed, that's going to be a LOT of checks... (2100?) You can take 10, but with only a +9, that's 1 less than the DC20 for this part of the climb. You did make it through the horizontal part at the beginning though...

2015-09-10, 05:01 PM
Well Krumesh's personality isn't to look for another way, although my player one is. So how do you suggest we make all 2100 checks?

2015-09-12, 01:04 AM
Assuming +9 is the highest you can get, either come back when you have at least +10 or find a buddy to help you up the climb. Otherwise, we may just extend the distance you climb with each check, only making new checks when conditions change. Frankly, you're the first player to attempt this without a natural climb speed...

2015-09-12, 01:11 PM
I've already bought the good climbing gear. Without magic the only way I can see increasing it would be to level and then come back with points in climb. Krumesh is fairly headstrong with the might makes right etc line. His style would be to try and brute force his way through. Or even try and move along this 2' ledge for as long as he can until he has to climb, but I doubt it'll cut things down. I don't really see a way to get better at climbing, unless Tiny is in the background making me a set of better climbing gear I can swap out. I could also rage out, giving me 11 on the check, but I'd have to burn both my rages and after 12 rounds I'd be stuck and fatigued. Which would be a terrible idea on a climb like this. The fatigue then becomes interesting given I'm not really in an "encounter" to stay fatigued. I'm willing to gamble and kill Krumesh off, but I'm worried it'd be hard to get another character approved/started. Let me know about the change in climb checks.

2015-09-12, 11:07 PM
If your character does die, and you choose to roll up a new character, you don't have to go through the waiting list again, unless you just want to. The only wait time is going through the approval process again.Walking around the ledge takes awhile to do, but you quickly find yourself back where you started. It seems this is a narrow lip around the bottom of the tower. You can't gain any height by just walking.

2015-09-17, 04:45 PM
(2 of my internal HD crashed taking all my book pdfs with them...so this is going to get interesting).

Krumesh walks around the path. Finding that it does not lead up and he will indeed need to make the perilous climb he begins the remainder of the ascent....slowly.




2015-09-30, 04:41 PM

2015-10-11, 12:47 AM
Sorry, with a dead computer, I've kind of lost track of all my players. I'm trying to get caught up now.

Also, I'm looking at your character sheet and not seeing how you're getting a +9 on your climb checks. Based on what I'm seeing on your sheet, you should be getting a +2 (0 ranks, +5 Str, -1 armor check penalty, -2 Feeble flaw). If I'm missing something or looking at the wrong sheet, let me know...

2015-10-11, 08:57 AM
Not a problem didn't know your computer was dead. Part of it is bad sheet keeping on my part, but I also forgot the feeble -2. I forgot to write down the masterwork climbing gear that gave me the +4, I swore I did it but I don't know with the sheet updates what sheet it is on now. Anyhow, not wearing the armor currently or at least I didn't think I was. So it should be a +7.

I had two sheets with the auto transfer process thing. So I guess the wrong one is linked, because the one I manually transferred is correct. I'll update my sheet link.

2015-10-14, 12:00 PM
Yeah, I posted about it in the OOC thread. I've seen 7 reported failed computers in the last two months on this site... It's turning into a epidemic.

Can I get about 10 Use Rope checks from you?

2015-10-16, 09:30 AM
Use the rope.

2015-11-09, 07:13 PM
You make it up about 1,000 feet, the few times you lose your grip, your well-secured climbing gear saves you from falling more than a short distance before arresting your descent and allowing you to regain your footing. Far above you, perhaps another 1,500 feet, you see a number of vaguely humanoid winged creatures circling the tower. They don't seem to have noticed you, but they surely will should you continue upwards.

2015-11-29, 08:21 AM
Grumbling he continues the ascent. He should have known it wasn't just going to be a simple climb. But if he was trying to make a name for himself, this ought to do it.

sorry, life. New job is very time consuming and stressful. Hope you've been well!





2015-11-30, 03:46 PM
No worries.As Krumesh continues his ascent, the climb becomes increasingly difficult. Eventually, he is unable to continue. His hands slip, and he plummets, the rope holds, but the pitons to which it is tied yank free from the wall. Soon, Krumesh finds himself free falling through the air. He barely has time to panic before the base of the tower passes him. Below the tower is an endless gulf of air... It seems he's been transported not just to another part of the world but to another plane of existence entirely.

He has time to realize this just as magical energies take hold on him and pull him back to Aldhaven, standing at the base of the first tower he climbed. The same attendant who greeted him when we first arrived welcomes him back.

"Oh, hello again. I see you didn't make it. You're welcome to try again, but..."

2015-12-01, 04:43 PM
"But?" He looked at her questioningly as he gathered his gear up and packed it away again. It seemed he would be unable to complete the climb unless he found a way to magically become better at climbing. And given that contests ban on magic that option didn't seem likely either.

2015-12-02, 04:23 PM
"But I doubt you'd be able to complete it with your current skill. I'm actually monitoring the current contestants and am responsible for their safety. Based on what I saw, you couldn't make it much farther than you did, even under the best conditions. The current leading contestant is just barely more than halfway up and seems unable to proceed. At the moment, he's dug in and making sure no other contestant can get past him. So, you'll need some way to climb better and overcome him to win, not to mention the other challenges that I'm not permitted to divulge..."

2015-12-06, 04:31 PM
Krumesh let out a light laugh. "That may very well be true. So, what would you suggest I do to become better at climbing to stand a chance?" Krumesh finished packing his gear away. He knew he'd been up there for some time at least. He wondered what had happened to his little gnome friend and how she was faring. He resolved since the climb currently seemed an unattainable goal, he should find a way to keep himself busy. There had to be another way to make a name for himself.

2015-12-09, 12:31 AM
"Easiest would be to get some better climbing gear, though it has to be nonmagical. The teleport spell that returns you fails if you're carrying anything magical, and I'm disinclined to assist cheaters. Barring that... practice."

2015-12-09, 06:56 PM
"I knew it had to be non-magical, but thanks for the information. I'll have to search out better gear and perhaps just practice a bit." Krumesh resolved he would indeed try the event again, but first he wanted to check on the small gnome. Afterwards he'd find what the crier was saying as he sought out a new task to take his mind off the failure. Perhaps something more...aggressive would better suit him for the time being.

2015-12-10, 11:29 PM
The gnome can be sought out if you so choose.

The town crier's postings are as in the public IC thread where you started.

2016-01-09, 02:08 PM
Krumesh visits the town crier. Not hearing anything of interest that would suit him, he instead decides to seek out his little friend. He starts by visiting the inn where he last left her.