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2007-04-07, 12:58 PM
Paragon of Virtue


HD: d10

Alignment: Lawful Good.
Feats: Must have taken at least two Exalted feats.
Special: Turn undead; Smite Evil 2/day; special mount.

Concentration (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/concentration.htm) (Con), Craft (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/craft.htm) (Int), Diplomacy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/diplomacy.htm) (Cha), Handle Animal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/handleAnimal.htm) (Cha), Heal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/heal.htm) (Wis), Knowledge (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/knowledge.htm) (nobility and royalty) (Int), Knowledge (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/knowledge.htm) (religion) (Int), Profession (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/profession.htm) (Wis), Ride (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/ride.htm) (Dex), and Sense Motive (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/senseMotive.htm) (Wis).
Skill Points: 2+Int modifier

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

1st|+1|+2|+0|+0|Oath of Virtue; Aligned Weapon
2nd|+2|+3|+0|+0|Oath of Virtue
3rd|+3|+3|+1|+1|Great Oath; Smite Evil 1/day
4th|+4|+4|+1|+1|Oath of Virtue
5th|+5|+4|+1|+1|Oath of Virtue; Fist of Virtue
6th|+6|+5|+2|+2|Great Oath; Smite Evil 2/day
7th|+7|+5|+2|+2|Oath of Virtue
8th|+8|+6|+2|+2|Oath of Virtue
9th|+9|+6|+3|+3|Great Oath; Smite Evil 3/day
10th|+10|+7|+3|+3|Oath of Virtue; True Paragon[/table]

Class Features:
Paladin Abilities: Paragon of Virtue levels stack with Paladin levels for the purposes of determining one's Aura of Good, Lay of Hands, and Special Mount. A Paragon of Virtue may take additional levels of Paladin, see Virtue Code.

Virtue Code: A Paragon of Virtue must comply with the Oaths of Virtue he has taken. This code generally supercedes the strict Paladin code wherever they would be in conflict, allowing for more of an emphasis on virtue rather than the general good. Paragons believe that if virtue can be achieved among all people, then good will inevitably succeed in its conflict with evil. They are far-sighted in their goals, as opposed to a normal Paladin who only sees the direct effect of any action. Some of the Paragons are more vehement than others in this way, killing those who profess in sins even though the slain sinner was not innately evil (they might have actually been good). A Paragon who takes this route may not take additional levels in the Paladin class. When they seek to take another level, all the actions of the past are weighted against them; if they acted as a Paladin would have, they may proceed. Paragons on their way to achieving the Seven Virtues tend to be excessive in their methods, due to an imbalance of virtue in a once unvirtuous being, until they come to fully realize themselves and their duty upon their truest form.

The conflict against sinners and evil outsiders may be contradictory to virtues like Kindess and Patience, but such creatures are beyond the scope of virtue and must be dealt with.

The Seven Virtues and Impacts on the Paragon of Virtues:

Chastity: You are morally pure and seek to better yourself through training and self-reflection. This is the direct opposite of being corrupt. You are pure in both mind, body, soul, and purpose.
Abstinence: Moderation of self-action is the key to life. You can control yourself and do not fall prey to want rather than need. Only use what you really need, excess and temptation will inevitably lead to suffering.
Liberality: You are generous and self-less, giving where help is needed. If you had only a loaf of bread, you would pass it around to others before you thought of taking some for yourself.
Diligence: Diligence is being aware of oneself and one's duty. Never falter or hesitate in your actions, but do so that you do not compromise the quality of what you do.
Patience: Moderation of others and their shortcomings is a noble quality. Peace is the highest order, and it is what you fight for. With the exception of those too far gone into Sin, you tend to show mercy and forgiveness.
Kindness: Be just, be kind, and be true to others. Altruism and friendship are among the highest orders of virtue.
Humility: Moderation of self-thought, perhaps the hardest of the Seven. Acknowledge your faults and do not hold yourself above others. Be modest and respectful.Oaths of Virtue (1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th):
As the Paragon of Virtue progresses, he gains various Oaths of Virtue which become a part of his very soul. Each Oath offers a benefit and the Favored Enemy against the patron demon and devil of the opposing sin. A Paragon also gains that Favored Enemy bonus against any other sort of outsider that embodies such a sin (such as the Lords of the Nine Hells). When the Paragon receives a Great Oath, he must select one of his previous Oaths. He gains the Great Oath effect of that Oath of Virtue and the Favored Enemy bonus is doubled. Favored Enemy bonuses do not stack with Favored Enemy (any kind of Outsider) such as from the Ranger class, use the higher one in such a case.

Oath of Chastity (Opposed to Lust)
Effect: You gain immunity to mind-affecting effects and taint.
Favored Enemy: Succubus and Erinyes
Great Oath: Whenever you negate a mind-affecting effect with your immunity, the effect is deflected as per spell turning (with no limit to spell level) with you becoming the 'caster' of the spell (the DC is the same, but the CL is equal to the original CL or your character level, whichever is less).
Oath of Abstinence (Opposed to Gluttony)

Effect: You no longer need to eat, breath, or sleep. You must still rest to regain spells.
Favored Enemy: Hezrou and Cornugon
Great Oath: You gain the ability Timeless Body, as a monk or druid. Once every decade, you may partake in a Great Quest to further the cause of a virtue in order to add an additional 10 years to your lifespan.
Oath of Liberality (Opposed to Greed)

Effect: You receive a +2 bonus to confirm your critical hits for every three people you have healed using your lay of hands ability.
Favored Enemy: Glabrezu and Hamatula
Great Oath: You may heal up to 4 times your Paladin level (which stacks with other sources of the lay of hands ability) in hitpoints per day.
Oath of Diligence (Opposed to Sloth)

Effect: You gain a +4 bonus to Initiative checks and cannot be caught flat-footed.
Favored Enemy: Dretch and Lemure
Great Oath: Once per encounter, you may take an additional turn after you declare to use this ability during the original turn.
Oath of Patience (Opposed to Wrath)

Effect: You may take 10 on three skills of your choice, even if pressured, but only if you could normally take 10 with such skills.
Favored Enemy: Vrock and Osyluth
Great Oath: You gain a +10 bonus when you take 20, but the time it takes to make the check is increased to 30 times the normal duration.
Oath of Kindness (Opposed to Envy)

Effect: Any weapon you wield may do non-lethal damage without an attack penalty.
Favored Enemy: Babau and Barbazu
Great Oath: Your weapons gain the Merciful property twice (+2d6 damage, but all of it becomes non-lethal).
Oath of Humility (Opposed to Pride)

Effect: You may take a penalty to your attack bonus for one minute, up to -5, to gain the equivalent bonus to one of your saving throws for five rounds as a swift action.
Favored Enemy: Balor and Pit Fiend
Great Oath: Your enemies do not gain the benefit of Power Attack, Cleave, Greater Cleave, or the Improved combat maneuver feats in order to attack you.
Aligned Weapon (1st)
Any weapon the Paragon wields is treated as Good for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. When attacking a demon or devil who is a Favored Enemy, the weapon ignores all 'natural' damage reduction (DR that doesn't originate from a spell or a magic item, but from the creature itself as a special quality).

Smite Evil (3rd, 6th, 9th)
Any Smite Evil attempts stack with previous ones; Paragon of Virtue levels stack to determine the damage and attack bonuses.

Fist of Virtue (5th)
By expending two Smite Evil attempts, the Paragon of Virtue may double any benefits of the Smite attempt.

True Paragon (10th)
Upon the completion of his trials, a Paragon of Virtue becomes a True Paragon of Virtue. His type becomes Outsider (Good, Native), and gains damage reduction 10/evil. Wings of light form from his back, granting him a 60 foot fly speed (average manueverability) and an aura of light that negates all mundane and magical darkness within 30 feet (affects light-sensitive creatures as a daylight spell).

2007-04-07, 01:23 PM
In "Oath of Liberality" you say "you receive a +2 bonus for every three people you have healed using your lay of hands ability." - For what is that bonus? Also, you may want to specify that it is based on how many people you have healed using your lay hands ability that day.

2007-04-07, 01:25 PM
I like it.
Can you explain more about the Oaths? If they are supposed to be a code of conduct, characters would need to know what would be defined as a 'humility' and 'kindness'. Do these things have actual rules to them or is the DM supposed to make them up on the fly?
Also, "Effect: You may take a penalty to your attack bonus for one minute, up to -5, to gain the equivalent penalty to one of your saving throws for five rounds as a swift action."
I assume you meant to say "the equivalent bonus", right?

I second JoshZ's question. Would that be a bonus to Lay on Hands?

2007-04-07, 01:30 PM
Its a bonus to confirm your critical hits (being generous with damage).

I'm put in examples of the behavioral effect of the Oaths in a sec.

Edit: Added the clarifications of the Seven Virtues.

2007-04-07, 01:47 PM
Wow this one is good i may use this for a pally im playing
ps you need to fix your table the 5th row is messed up

2007-04-07, 01:53 PM
Thanks. I'm not sure if I have all the demons/devils matched with the appropriate sins (IIRC, each was inspired by one or at least there's a demon to coincide with each devil). And I wasn't too sure if it was overpowered or underpowered (I was leaning more towards the former) but I've seemingly balanced it with the lack of spell progression (it wasn't like Paladins were big on spells to begin with, to me at least).