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View Full Version : Pathfinder [Class Conversion] Hollow (Work in Progress)

2015-02-22, 03:08 PM

-It is the philosophy of shadowcasters that everything emerges from shadow, and to shadow all will return. Although the shadowcasters demonstrate the former, drawing strength and power from the shadow, their counterpoint, the individual fed back to the shadow, is often ignored. These rare individuals, tortured by their own decaying existence, gain powers mockingly similar to some of the shadowcaster. While the shadowcaster pull the shadows to themselves, however, this rare breed is forcibly tugged into the darkness. These strange aberrations, pulled ever closer to the darkness, are known collectively as the Hollow.
-The transformation of the Hollow is a topic of limited discussion amongst other shadow magic users. The transformation robs them of their memory and identity. In addition, the prolonged exposure to the shadows changes them. The most disturbing aspect of the Hollow is that their connection to the darkness not only tugs on them but eventually pulls on those around them. As the psychological changes usually drive a Hollow to apathy, they are left alone on the whole.
-Somewhat ironically, almost all Hollow make the conscious decision to follow that path, simply looking for the tether that ties them to the shadows and following it back towards its origin. Although such an act may come across as insane or suicidal, a simple fact forces some to disregard all reason. Although most shadow-magic users need to study magical theorems for years, the power of the Hollow is almost automatic, learned by pure instinct and accessible to anyone who wishes it.
-Many following the path of the Hollow foolishly pursued it under the belief that they could manage the link between them and the shadows and almost all are drawn to its promises of quick and easy power. A few, however, seeking to forget some terrible experience or punish themselves for some great wrong. When these individuals realize that their memories have shed away their memories, they may, in time, become grateful for having pursued the life of a hollow. There are also a few muttered whispers of individuals or entire families who are pulled down the path involuntarily at certain points in their lives.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d10.

-The hollow's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Table 1-1: The Hollow
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Fundamentals of Shadow, Plunge into Darkness, Moment of Clarity, Exude Darkness
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Pull of Shadows (colors), Bonus Fundamental
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Inured to Hardship (fear), Bonus Fundamental
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Freed of Flesh (hunger), Bonus Fundamental
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Shadowstriding, Bonus Fundamental
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Pull of Shadows (senses), Apprentice Mysteries
7th +7/+2 +5 +2+5 Touched by Darkness
8th +8/+3 +6 +2+6 Freed of Flesh (thirst)
9th +9/+4 +6 +3+6 Shadow Strike
10th +10/+5 +7 +3+7 Path Mastery (Apprentice), Pull of Shadows (emotions)
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3+7 Inured to Hardship (affliction)
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4+8 Apprentice Mysteries (spell-like), Freed of Flesh (sleep), Initiate Mysteries
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4+8 Felling Blow
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +9 Pull of Shadows (vitality)
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +9 Improved Touched by Darkness
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +10Freed of Flesh (breath), Path Mastery (Initiate)
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10Improved Shadowstriding
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Pull of Shadows (souls)
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Inured to Hardship (darkness)
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Apprentice Mysteries (supernatural), Freed of Flesh (age), Initiate Mysteries (spell-like)

All of the following are class features of the hollow class.
-Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Hollows are proficient with simple and martial weapons along with light armor and shields (but not tower shields). A hollow can cast mysteries while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other mystery-user or arcane spellcaster, a hollow wearing medium or heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the mystery is cast as an arcane spell. A multiclass hollow still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells and mysteries received from other classes.
-Fundamentals of Shadow: As a Hollow, one must first master the most basic powers afforded to them by their dark connection before delving deeper. These powers, called fundamentals, function as arcane spells. They all have somatic components, armor-based spell failure change, and are subject to interruption (although they do not require material components, foci, or verbal components). Each fundamental can be used at-will. A Hollow begin play with one fundamental and gains an additional fundamental at 2nd level, 3rd level, 4th level, and 5th level. The save DC of any fundamental is equal to 10 + 1/2 the Hollow's level + the Hollow’s Wisdom modifier.
-At 6th level, a Hollow's fundamentals become treated as spell-like abilities. At 12th level, a Hollow's fundamentals become treated as supernatural abilities.
-Plunged into Darkness (Ex): A Hollow’s memory and mind are in constant states of atrophy. Although they may develop base patterns, such as likes, dislikes, enemies, friends, goals, and similar personifications, most former training is lost upon them. They lose all ranks in any skills that cannot be used untrained and may distribute these skill points as they see fit. They may not put any further ranks into such skills. In addition, their emptiness rebels against augmentation, making any temporary hit points gained fade at a rate of 5 per round. Furthermore, any effect that grants a Hollow any competence or insight bonus has its duration halved (to a minimum of 1 round, if not already instantaneous).
-Furthermore, this transformation forever influences the Hollow, pulling them further and further down the path, whether they like it or not. Whenever a Hollow wants to take a level in any other class, they must make a Will save (DC 15 + 1 per consecutive successful save) or be forced to take a level in Hollow instead.
-The mannerisms of a Hollow are invariably a bit different from a normal individual. Anyone who a Hollow talks with for 1 minute is entitled to a DC 15 sense motive check to detect something off about the Hollow’s manner.
-Moment of Clarity (Ex): Although the power of shadow normally leeches away at them and their surroundings, a Hollow can occasionally reverse the flow, forcing the shadow to give them a temporary boost of competence and ability. Once per level, as an immediate action, a Hollow may either treat a single d20 roll as a natural 20 or treat all d20 rolls as natural 10s for a number of rounds equal to their Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 round). A natural 20 made in this way does not count as an automatic success on a saving throw or attack roll but does threaten a critical hit if the attack hits.
-Although beneficial, this power is hard to draw upon. The Hollow takes an amount of nonlethal damage equal to their class level and must pay 100 XP per class level. In addition, the Hollow is dazed for one round after these benefits wear off. If the Hollow is immune to nonlethal damage, they take an equal amount of lethal damage instead.
-An unused use of this ability from one level carries onto the next level.
-Exude Darkness (Su): One of a Hollow’s first powers is that to conceal themselves in a veil of leeching darkness. To do so, they must take nonlethal damage (or lethal damage, if they are immune to nonlethal damage) equal to their character level and spend a standard action. This creates an area of shadowy illumination within a 5-foot radius of the Hollow that lasts for 1 round. In addition, all other creatures within the area when this ability is used take nonlethal damage equal to the Hollow’s class level.
-By instead taking nonlethal damage equal to twice their character level, they may either extend the range to a 10-foot radius, extend the duration to a number of rounds equal to the Hollow’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 round), increase the shadowy illumination to darkness, or deal nonlethal damage equal to twice the Hollow’s class level. Only one of these abilities may be utilized with one use.
-Pull of Shadows (Su): As a the darkness pulls upon the Hollow, the pull eventually grows to strong to be contained within their body. It spills out, creating a spiritual vacuum of sorts near the Hollow. All of these effects are continuous and cannot be suppressed.
-At 2nd level, everything around the Hollow seems dulled in vividness and brightness. All creatures within a 50-foot radius of the Hollow gain a bonus on stealth checks equal to the Hollow’s Wisdom modifier (minimum +1 bonus). In addition, this bonus is also added to any saving throw made against a pattern effect.
-At 6th level, all senses seem to dull around the Hollow. All creatures within a 40-foot radius take a penalty on perception checks equal to the Hollow’s Wisdom modifier (minimum –1 penalty). In addition, all targets within range lose low-light vision and have the range of any darkvision or scent halved.
-At 10th level, all emotions seem somewhat muddled and blurred. All creatures within a 30-foot radius gain a bonus on all Will saves against fear or compulsion effects equal to the Hollow’s Wisdom modifier (minimum +1 bonus). In addition, all creature within range lose all morale penalties or bonuses for as long as they remain in the area.
-At 14th level, all life near the Hollow seems to wane. All creatures within a 20-foot radius take a penalty on Fortitude saves equal to the Hollow’s Wisdom modifier(minimum –1 penalty). In addition, other creatures within range have no chance of stabilizing on their own, unless some ability automatically stabilizes them.
-At 18th level, the very essence of everything around the Hollow seems to fade away. As a result of this numbing of the soul, all creatures within a 10-foot radius take a penalty to attack rolls and to their AC equal to the Hollow’s Wisdom modifier (minimum –1 penalty). Furthermore, any other creature slain within range has their soul shredded altogether, unable to be revived except by a true resurrection, wish, or miracle spell.
-Inured to Hardship (Ex): As a Hollow proceeds along their doomed path, the shadows steal some of the Hollow's mortality, helping to fortify their bodies and souls.
-At 3rd level, the Hollow has shed too much of themselves to possess any more fear. They gain immunity to all fear effects.
-At 11th level, the Hollow has shed so much of their former selves away that they no longer notice bodily afflictions. They gain immunity to all poison and diseases, supernatural or otherwise.
-At 19th level, the Hollow has lost so much that even death olds very little meaning to them. The Hollow gains immunity to death spells, magical death effects, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, and any negative energy effects.
-Freed of Flesh (Ex): As the Hollow's torturous bonds to the darkness strengthen, certain biological needs are ripped forth from their body, an interesting side effect of an altogether unpleasant experience.
-At 4th level, the Hollow begins to draw upon the shadows for sustenance, eliminating their own bodily needs. The Hollow no longer needs to eat. They still require drink, however.
-At 8th level, the Hollow’s transformation continues, whether they are ready for it or not. The Hollow no longer needs to drink, although they can still gain benefits from ingested potions.
-At 12th level, the Hollow is blessed, or perhaps cursed, with perpetual wakefulness. The Hollow no longer needs to sleep and gains immunity to fatigue, exhaustion, and all sleep effects.
-At 16th level, the Hollow draws their very last breath. From that point on, the Hollow no longer needs to breathe and gains immunity to inhaled poisons.
-At 20th level, the Hollow’s body and soul forever teeters at the brink of oblivion. The Hollow no longer ages, although further bonuses do accrue. This ability does not remove previous penalties for old age. Furthermore, the Hollow does not die when their time is up. On the other hand, when the Hollow truly does die, their body and spirit alike are completely destroyed. As such, only a wish or miracle spell can restore them, and only if the caster succeeds on a DC 30 caster level check.
-Shadowstriding (Su): At 5th level, the Hollow’s connection to shadow is greater than their connection to physical space. While in an area of shadowy illumination or darkness, a Hollow may spend a full-round action to transport themselves anywhere within range and their line of sight (there is no restriction on the ambient lighting of the destination). The maximum range that can be traveled starts at twice the Hollow’s base land speed and increases by 10 feet every 3 levels afterwards. At the beginning of each encounter, the Hollow recovers 10 feet of movement, up to their maximum. Shadowstriding is taken in 10-foot intervals, rounded up, if necessary.
-At 17th level, the Hollow may use their Shadowstriding ability as a move action. In addition, if they use a full-round action to do so instead, the area within a 10-foot radius of their destination is filled with shadowy illumination for 1 round/level, as shadows spill over from the point of origin to the destination.
-Mysteries and Paths: Starting at 6th level, a Hollow can call upon the true power of the darkness that they hold, kept in the form of mysteries. They learn one mystery at 6th level and gain one additional mystery every class level. Up to 11th level, a Hollow can learn only apprentice mysteries. At 12th level, the Hollow gains access to initiate mysteries. The Hollow may choose their new mystery from any category they have access to (including fundamentals).
Shadow magic progresses in very specific stages. A Hollow may not “jump ahead” in a path, although they need not complete a path if they do not wish to. Within a category (apprentice or initiate), they can only learn mysteries of a new level if they have learned at least two mysteries of a previous level, and the Hollow must know all previous mysteries within a path to select a mystery from that path. However, a Hollow may always select the first mystery in a path of a category they have access to, even if they didn’t complete the lower category paths.
-A Hollow’s mysteries represent a concrete connection between the Hollow and the darkness they allow to consume them. As they progress, however, their connection to the darkness grows stronger, and their mysteries become more ingrained in their essence. When they are capable of casting only apprentice mysteries, they cast them as though they were arcane spells. They all have somatic components, armor-based spell failure change, and are subject to interruption (but they do not require material components, foci, or verbal components). Whenever a Hollow casts a mystery, observers may make a DC 20 spot check to notice that all shadows near the Hollow act peculiarly, commonly being pulled closer to the Hollow.
-At 12th level, when the Hollow becomes capable of casting initiate mysteries (whether or not they choose to learn any), their apprentice mysteries become so much a part of them that they now function as spell-like abilities, and they no longer require somatic components. New initiate mysteries (when learned) function as arcane spells and follow the rules above. At 20th level, the Hollow's mysteries become further integrated into themselves. Their apprentice mysteries function as supernatural abilities and their initiate mysteries function as spell-like abilities.
A Hollow can learn a mystery more than once. Each time that a Hollow relearns a mystery, they gain another set of uses of that mystery per day. If the hollow learns all the mysteries of a path twice, they gain an extra use of each mystery on that path as well as the Path Focus feat for that path. If they learn them three times, they gain 1 more use of each mystery on that path, stacking with the previous bonus, and the Greater Path Focus feat for that path. These are passive, extraordinary effects.
-The Hollow may use each mystery they know a certain number of times per day depending on whether it is a spell (once), spell-like ability (two times), or supernatural ability (three times). Whenever a hollow uses a mystery, however, they take nonlethal damage (or lethal damage, if they are immune to nonlethal damage) equal to its spell level + 1. In addition, when they use a mystery, the Hallow may elect to take twice that amount of damage. If they do, that daily use is not expended, although it is no longer available for 1 minute or until the end of the encounter, whichever comes last.
-In order to cast a mystery, the Hollow must have a Constitution score of at least 10 + the mystery’s level. The save DC for their mysteries equals 10 + mystery level + their Wisdom modifier when cast as arcane spells and spell-like abilities and 10 + 1/2 caster level + the Hollow's Wisdom modifier for mysteries cast as supernatural abilities. Although a Hollow does not “cast spells” in the traditional sense, they possess an effective caster level equal to their class level –4.
-Touched by Darkness (Ex): At 7th level, a Hollow’s very being is touched by the darkness, altering them irrevocably. They may walk across any surface, ranging from semi-solids to liquids to spider webs, without risk of breaking through (although they may if they wish it). In addition, the Hollow automatically succeeds on any balance check with a DC equal to or less than their class level + 10. Furthermore, the Hollow gains a climb speed equal to their land speed.
-Shadow Strike (Ex): At 9th level, whenever a Hollow uses their shadowstride ability, their weapon is coated in shadowstuff for a number of rounds equal to their Wisdom Modifier (minimum 1 round). During this time, the Hollow may strike for nonlethal damage without taking any penalty on their attack roll. In addition, the first successful attack made during this time deals an extra 1d6 nonlethal damage for every 10 feet that the Hollow moved using shadowstriding.
-If the Hollow uses shadowstriding while this ability is active, it only counts the distance traveled in the most recent shadowstriding for the purposes of calculating nonlethal damage.
-Path Mastery (Su or Ex): Beginning at 10th level, the hollow gains a special ability for each completed path. The ability they gain depends on the completed path. If they ever unlearn a mystery from a previous completed path they also lose its associated power.
-No matter the number of paths a hollow possesses, they can only have active a limited number of Path Mastery abilities of the corresponding grade. However, should a Path Mastery ability grant an extraordinary ability, they do not need to activate it beforehand to gain its benefit. However the Hollow does need to activate it to gain any other supernatural abilities it might grant, and if they somehow uncompleted a path, they also lose the matching extraordinary ability.
-At 10th level a Hollow can have only one Apprentice Path Mastery ability active. At 16th level, the Hollow can activate one Initiate Path mastery and an additional Apprentice Path Mastery ability.
-A Hollow can change their active Path Mastery abilities whenever they regain uses of their mysteries.
-Felling Blow (Ex): At 13th level, the Hollow learns how to follow up their shadowy assaults with deadly blows. Whenever a Hollow knocks an adjacent foe unconscious through nonlethal damage, the Hollow may immediately make a coup de grace attempt against that foe with any melee weapon as a free action.
-Improved Touched By Darkness (Ex): At 15th level, the senses of others tend to bend around the hollow, not taking notice of their presence. A Hollow cannot be detected by blindsense, blindsight, darkvision, or tremorsense. Creatures relying on such sense treat the hollow as invisible. A Hollow can still be detected through sight, sound, scent, low-light vision, and magical forms of detection (other than those that grant a blocked sense). In addition, the hollow's emptiness makes them more attuned to the presence of those around them, granting them blindsight out to 60 feet.

Sources of Mysteries:
Tome of Magic (Chapter 2)
This Web Enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070307a).
Decent of Shadows (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?74519-Descent-of-Shadows-Project-Shadow-Returns) The source of the Hollow class and a lot of other great contributions to shadow magic to 3.5 by Realms of Chaos.
Complete Shadow (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7pX5JzphJ4ya3YxNl91anlmLTQ/edit) A wonderful update of the shadowcaster class into pathfinder and further much needed contributions to shadow magic by Peacenlove.
Other sources surely exist but I am not at present aware of them.

In descent of shadows, path masteries are in the form of feats. In complete shadow, path masteries are listed with their paths.

Having returned to a mood to work on something shadow centered, I decided to go back to Descent of Shadows and provide something new for one of my favorite things to come out of that home-brew project. So I am bringing the hollow class into pathfinder. At this point in time, I need to get this class balanced out to pathfinder standards. It feels very rough to me but then again I've changed fairly little. Any and all input is certainly more than welcome. Thats one reason why I have it posted here. If Realms of Chaos in particular has any input then it is certainly valued above all else, be it positive or negative.