View Full Version : Hoard of the Dragon Queen

2015-02-22, 03:10 PM
In an audacious bid for power, the Cult of the Dragon, along with its dragon allies and the Red Wizards of Thay, seek to bring Tiamat from her prison in the Nine Hells to Faerūn. To this end, they are sweeping from town to town, laying waste to all those who oppose them and gathering a hoard of riches for their dread queen. The threat of annihilation has become so dire that groups as disparate as the Harpers and Zhentarim are banding together in the fight against the cult. Never before has the need for heroes been so desperate.

For the past several days, you have been traveling a road that winds lazily across the rolling grass lands of the Greenfields. You had been conscripted to follow a small caravan of trade goods from Berdusk to Greenest. Sundown is approaching when you top a rise and see the town of Greenest just a few short miles away. But instead of the pleasant, welcoming town you expected, you see columns of black smoke rising from burning buildings, running figures that are little more than dots at this distance, and a dark, winged shape wheeling low over the keep that rises above the center of the town. Greenest is being attacked by a dragon!

The caravan master calls out to the group and points to the sky, "Dragon!!" as if it were not obvious what was flying around the city sending lightening bolts that crash down on the ground with a loud KRAKABOOM between screeches. Ahead, you can make out the outline of the keep as the sun sets behind it. Trails of smoke from small fires throughout the city rise into the reddening sky. To your right, a small stream moves across the country side surrounded by thickets and trees. you can see a few citizens moving in and out of the area trying to take cover from the assault.

"We MUST shelter the cara-" Calls out the caravan master but a black arrow catches the old man in the shoulder, spinning him in his chair. Tracking the arrow's release point, you can see a kobold moving out from behind a tree along the trail to the keep about 35 feet down. It draws another arrow and is preparing to fire once more!

Please feel free to post as much as you like as an intro. I need an initiative roll at the end of post, though.

2015-02-22, 03:39 PM
Geth, Human Monk

Walking along lost in thought, Geth starts to feel as if this pilgrimage is not going to bear any fruit. At the alarm raised by the Caravan Master, Geth's eyes narrow into focus. Just as the black arrow pierces the man's throat, Geth reacts instinctively. He sprints toward the kobold, his hands pulling a small dart from his robe. Flinging it toward the creature, Geth does his best to close the gap and limit the archer's ability.

Initiative: [roll0]

Move:Walk 20 feet toward the Kobold

Action: Dart vs Kobold

Attack: [roll1]
Hit: [roll2] piercing damage (+1 from crit, see OOC post) = 7 total piercing damage

Move: Walk remaining 10 feet toward Kobold

2015-02-22, 04:10 PM

Kelzathar sat on the rear of one of the wagons taking a short break from walking. A large gnarled staff lay across his lap, held in place by a blue scaled, taloned claw. Even as the evening closes in, the large hood of his robe is pulled up over his head.

Hearing the dragon call and the scream of pain he dropped off the back and turned towards the attacking kobolds.

"Pesky annoying oversized rats."

Spotting one moving in the tree's he points his rod in it's direction unleashing a dark bolt.

Eldritch Blast at any kobold with in sight, ranged targets first. If none are visible on his turn he'll ready waiting for one to show their face.

2015-02-22, 04:33 PM
Taklinn tried (and failed) to hide his glee at the sight of the dragon raining lightning down on the town ahead. Where there's a dragon, he thought, Surely there's treasure! His pleasure, however, was cut short by the cries of the caravan master as he went down, the arrow quivering in his shoulder. Hand on his rapier, treasure temporarily forgotten, Taklinn readied himself for combat.

Initiative: [roll0]

Perception Check to Locate Enemies: [roll1]
Other actions withheld until my turn in the initiative order, unless that isn't how we're supposed to do this? I'm sorry if I'm incorrect.

2015-02-22, 06:16 PM
Zoras Gorunn, Cleric of Ilmater, folk hero extraordinaire, was hungry. The pleasingly-plump mountain dwarf has been hungry for hours now, mentally counting down the minutes until they finally reach the town of Greenest. His life as an adventurer had been mundane so far - nothing more than rescuing trapped kittens in trees. Really, no opportunity to be a bigger hero than he can be.

But now, upon seeing the dragon that's raining down bolts of lightning down the city - bolts that are so much louder than the rumblings in his cavernous belly - all thoughts of hunger has been forgotten. Zoras cringes with dismay as he sees a look of undisguised greed on the face of his fellow dwarf, Taklinn the Rogue - does he think he can best a dragon in combat? Although... Zoras has never tried dragonsteak before and is quite curious as to whether such a victual tastes like chicken.

All further thoughts were interrupted when a kobold shot at the caravan master. The battle was joined!

Roll Initiative: [roll0]

The Dwarf rushes to the side of the old man, concern clearly showing on his face. He takes a quick glance at the arrow wound, and tries to gauge the old man's welfare. The dwarf interposes his body between the old man and the trees, raising his shield as he does so to protect them both. "How bad is it? Are ye all right?" he asks.

Move: Move towards the caravan leader
Action: Use the Dodge Action. Until start of his next turn, all attack rolls vs. Zoras that he can see have disadvantage, and Zoras has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.

2015-02-22, 10:25 PM
Inger D'morsk had felt pretty chatty the last few days, keeping up as best he could conversation and song throughout their journey, sometimes talking to the animals, or no one at all. He was chipper to say the least to start his next chapter of life, being an adult now and all. Everything looked great!

Except the dragon, he didn't look to good. And te man with an arrow in his chest. Not wonderful.

Inger wasn't much of a fighter, preferring entertainment, entrancement, and diplomacy, but he also wasn't incompetent. Quickly throwing up an illusory wall, complete with a murder-hole, between him and the aggressor, he crouches down, crossbow drawn, watching the action.


Current HP: 9
Current AC: 15

Move: Kneels

Action: Minor Illusion
Casting, 1 action
Range, 30 feet
Duration, 1 minute

Inger creates an image of a stone wall between him and the Kobald. Wall is 5x5, with a thin slit a few inches wide in the middle.

2015-02-23, 11:39 AM

Barely talkative, from what you've seen in the last days on the caravan, this might as well be the foulest-mooded elf you've ever seen, drawing not a hint of laugh or smile for days. From what sor A one for nocturnal habits, every single sundown he sat down and muttered prayers under his breath, keeping extra alert at night, maybe even anxious for something to happen, though disappointed so far. "Seoras" you heard him say his name, quite young, long blueish-black hair, some scars, stylish elven light black leather armor.

In the back of the caravan, raising his head as the master shouts, he seems puzzled, feeling a shiver run down his spine as he wondered what in the Abyss might a dragon be doing attacking a town like this, but his thoughts find quick end as the man is shot, shaking his initial fear as his eyes shift quickly to the side, looking at the kobold. With sharp moves he produces his rapier, jumps out of the caravan and rushes toward the creature, shouting "Protect the caravan!" to the other nearby as he runs ahead to meet combat.

Moving towards the kobold with my sweet 35ft movement.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Checking if there are any more of them around when I get to the woods:
Perception: [roll3]

2015-02-23, 07:39 PM
Seeing the combat progressing in such a manner, I'd like to use my turn to draw my bow and ready an action to put an arrow in any other kobolds that come crawling out of the forest.

2015-02-24, 09:59 AM
Round 1



Inger's illusion appears seemingly from nowhere, catching everyone off guard for split second, even the kobold. It ***** its head to the side, as if trying to look around the new wall in front of it.

Geth, moving quickly around the new wall so as to keep the illusion truthful, lets fly the dart that finds the kobold in the side of the neck, piercing a vein that erupts in blood. The creature gargles on black blood that covers its jaw as it chokes and falls to the ground lifeless.

XP gained: 6 each

Ahead, you can see the shadows of movement amongst the carnage ensuing in Greenest. The road stretches another 80 feet ahead of the group to the outer walls of the city. Screams of all kinds can be heard from this vantage point. Some are coming from the stream area as you note those that are trying to hie and escape. Above, the large dragon screeches once more and lets another bolt of magical lightening loose on to the ground below. It would seem the dragon is running the distraction as it doesn't come close to the ground and it seeming to only swipe away those that try to foolishly attack it. From all that you've heard about dragons, they decimate and destroy; this seems more calculated.

2015-02-24, 04:10 PM

Kelzathar shifts around the wagon, keeping an eye on both the the forest and the shadows moving about near the city and the huge dragon flying above.


2015-02-24, 04:17 PM

Recovering his dart from the slain creature's body, Geth secrets it in his robes before looking around to evaluate his companions. He opens his mouth and makes a weird hissing, roaring sound, before looking at the party. Pointing toward the flying beast, he offers "Dragon is not being very dragonlike." He says this half to himself, half to the party, as he realizes he is not so used to talking with others yet. "If we stay out of its reach, we might be able to get closer."

2015-02-24, 05:14 PM
Zoras the Dwarven Cleric continues to tend to the old man, raising his shield above both their heads. Not that it would do much against a dragon's claw or its breath, of course. But still, he has to do something, right?

Medicine Check: Roll is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18871966&postcount=1).

2015-02-24, 06:45 PM

"Get your head on straight," said Taklinn, stowing his bow, "We've got an injured man and a caravan to get to safety, and there's probably more kobolds about." He looked around, searching for a decent place to shelter the caravan.

Perception check to find a good caravan hiding place: 1d20+6

Taklinn hopped down from the cart, stretching his legs as he observed the hills they had been traveling through for days. "After we find somewhere to stash this," he finished with a grin, "We can go dragon hunting."

2015-02-24, 08:30 PM
Inger drops his illusion, standing up and eyeing the Dragon warily. He had heard, and told, many stories with Dragons at their center, and in every single one, people died. Often, many people.

Geth was right though, this Dragon seemed different. He was behaving in an almost rehearsed manner, more like putting on a fancy show than the typical 'doom and gloom' that accompanies a Dragon attack. Someone, or something very powerful was telling this Dragon what to do and how to do it, Inger felt.

"Let me help with that!" Inger calls to Taklinn, heeding his words. He was likely more useful hiding a caravan than aiding the wounded, and while he itched to help the people in the town, to run in without more planning and information would be suicide. He casts Mage Hand to make covering the caravan a little quicker.

If anyone flees the Dragon via the road, he would try to stop them long enough to talk.

Current HP: 9
Current AC: 15

--Casts Mage Hand--
Cast: 1 Action
Range: 30 Feet
Duration: 1 minute

Manipulate objects up to 30 feet away. Carry up to 10 pounds.

(To determine any patterns in the Dragon's movement)

(To determine, if possible, the motivation of the Dragon. Does it seem to be focusing on a specific area or target? Is it trying to damage, or just get attention?)

2015-02-24, 09:27 PM
Let's try this again, shall we?


2015-02-24, 09:57 PM

The elf stops mid-run sliding his feet across the dirt, raising a cloud as stops the advance towards the kobold, seeing as he was shot before he could reach the creature, turning around with an irritated face, almost as if to complain about it.

As he shakes it off, the elf squints his eyes, looking at the horizon ahead, at the dragon, his breathing gets heavier, trying to piece together what might be happening. He quickly looks over to the kobold, the dragon, then Kelzathar, half-joking without a hint of a smile whatsoever "Called for a family reunion there, scales?", midspeak turning again towards the city he walks several steps ahead of the caravan before continuing, looking over the shoulder "Hide the caravan at the woods, set up some sentries, we must go ahead to investigate, ..." he stops before shouting "people are dying in there", but eventually keeping it to himself, this wasn't the concern of the caravan master, continuing as he turns back to help "Let's be quick about it, we'll stay away from the dragon, the fog will cover us, and come back after the chaos settles."

2015-02-25, 12:54 AM
Zoras, the Dwarven Cleric, looks up after ministering to the wounded man. "He'll be hurtin' in the morn, but at least he's alive. Th' caravan is oor primary responsibility, sae I say we git this caravan tae safety first. Then we try oor best for everyone here."

Zoras looks intently at the dragon, trying to discern any kind of pattern to its flying and its attack.

Observe dragon's movements, looking for flight or attack patterns
Insight Check: [roll0] <-- hay guys, I'm rolling out the 1s for later.

"Bugger me if I can tell what he's doin'" the dwarf says disgustedly after watching the creature for a while.

2015-02-26, 09:44 AM
Moving to help Randal, the (previously unnamed) Caravan Master, Zoras find the bloody mess actually mendable. The bolt that the kobold hit him with had taken a good chunk from his shoulder, but with a large piece of Randal's shirt, he is able to tie under his arm and fashion a bandage. Randal grimaces through the ordeal, but guts through the pain.

With a heavy breath, "You go ahead to the city and see what can be done to help. I can manage the caravan from here." He is able to get to his feet with Zoras' help and the group can see a decent spot amongst the taller grass and covering in the stream area. Holding tight to his arm, "That looks like a good spot for me to hold up. When its cleared, come find me and we can get the caravan started again." It doesn't take much to get the wagons turned and in the right direction to the stream.

While the caravan is being tended to and taken out of sight, many of the group watch as the dragon circles about the top of Greenest. The more you watch, the more you can see that beast is only topping of the crenallations of the walls and tower and making wide passes. You can see that it is not "normal" dragon behavior as the screams of those in the city become louder. From here, you can see many shadows quickly moving about the city and can barely make out that they are not all humanoid. At one point, you can all see a smaller kobold (much like the one felled just moments ago) on top of the wall firing a crossbow down to some unseen foe on the other side, inside the city.

With the caravan in place, Randal calls, "Go and see what you can find out about the assault! Someone in there will need your help, but don't go lookin' to take out that dragon. I bet you can follow this stream to get a closer advantage without being seen." He points along the stream bed and you can see it is not very deep and could be traversed fairly easily. Along the way, you can see a few groups of people huddled together, looking to the city and the sky for the dragon.

2015-02-26, 10:09 AM
Zoras, Dwarf Cleric

"Fair bit of warning tae ye, lads. This armor I'm in will make an awful lot of clanking noise. But if that's whaur we're wanted, then that's whaur we're headed."

With that, Zoras takes the caravan master's advice and heads towards the stream. He creeps his way forward, keeping a few paces from his more stealthy teammates. Unfortunately, his pleasingly-plump form, coupled with heavy chain mail, is making an awfully lot of noises, especially when the dwarf starts to wheeze.

Stealth Check (at a disadvantage)

2015-02-26, 10:19 AM
Certain that there are no more kobolds lurking in the trees near the caravan, Kelzathar moves into the riverbed, keeping his distances a bit back behind the clunking dwarf. His head shifting around constantly keeping an eye out for additional threats, and one eye on the ever present dragon circling above.


2015-02-26, 11:57 AM

After setting up the caravan for hiding, the elf just nods at the others as he quickly sprints several feet ahead of the group, crouching with rapier in hand and keeping to any cover available, walking through tall grass, tree shadows, and even through the stream if no other option is available, quickly making his way to the city, anxious to find out the truth of these events.

Going on about 70ft ahead of the group, getting into any obscured spaces available to make use of Mask of the Wild while sneaking.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2015-02-26, 12:50 PM

Following the others, Geth draws a dart to keep it ready, then slips into shadows. His eyes wide, he keeps a lookout for those he can help, or those he might have to hurt.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2015-02-26, 04:06 PM
"So long as we don't bother it, I don't think that Dragon is gonna come after us. I'd be willing to bet a pocketful of gold someone's got him on a leash." Inger says as they make their way towards the town. He keeps his crossbow loaded, ready to skewer and Kobalds that dare show their face.

As they make their way, he pauses to question one of the groups of scared citymen huddled at the river. "What's going on in there? How bad is it? Tell me everything." He glances at the dragon again, making sure it wasn't coming his way.




2015-02-26, 09:10 PM

"Only the wee one's got any skill fer this," muttered Taklinn as he swung himself down into the riverbank. "Kobolds everywhere, a dragon above, an' 'ere I am, walkin' with a gods-damned orchestra." He crept as silently as he could manage through the riverbank, and instead of focusing on how NOT STEALTHY they were being, instead turned his eyes to the city, trying to find a place to enter out of the dragon's path and away from the kobolds occasionally peeking over the wall.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2015-02-27, 04:23 AM
Zoras could barely stifle his laughter as just about the rest of his party matched his dexterous stealth (or lack thereof) in sneaking into the town.

"Lads, I'm really not one fer sneaking 'round. If yeh can't beat 'em, join 'em!."

With that, the Dwarf starts to bellow at the top of his voice, screaming like a little girl and gesticulating madly as he rushes helter-skelter towards Greenest. At times, he even appears to be running backwards!

There is a method to his madness however. His wild gestures and unpredictable movements are actually to deflect any incoming missiles any opportunistic lizardfolk might send his way.

Run towards town, acting panicked while taking the Dodge Action.
Performance: [roll0]

2015-02-27, 09:55 AM

As you move and try to talk to some of the people hiding in the stream bed. Most of them cower away and try to keep to themselves. One group finally chimes up, "They're taking everything! Looting and burning all of our buildings!" As you look back to the city, you can see the shape of a human dressed in dark blue robes carrying a large sack from one building to another as it breaks down a door to enter the home.


You can hear the conversation Inger has as you move past the group towards the city. You can see what the woman was talking about as well. There are humans moving in and out of streets carrying crossbows but never firing them at people, only using them to intimidate the weak into hiding. A few kobolds can be seen darting into buildings, and you can see another set of humans clutching the chains of a large lizard creature as it moves into another building. You can see several other humans dressed in dark blue robes carrying large sacks of undiscernible contents though most of them look heavy. From behind you, the sound of hysteria erupts and, spinning on your heel, you see Zoras running past you in what initially looks like a fit of insanity.


Running quickly past Seoras, you find yourself very close to the city edge now, having ducked, dodged, dipped your way pretending to be apart of those trying to flee the city. You, too, despite the eratic behavior, can tell this assault on the city is more of a raid on goods than trying to kill and destroy the city.


As you move along the stream bed, some as loud as the dragon themselves, you can each tell that the assault is not normal by any means. The creatures and people moving through city seem intent on looting more so than anything else. Zoras had a good idea to get into the city to find out more answers, though maybe sneaking about may be more productive.

2015-02-27, 10:28 AM
Having successfully made his way into the city edges, the dwarf maintains his ruse, but his eyes dart around looking for isolated robed humans who could be "persuaded" to part with their robes. In a situation as chaotic as this, the dwarf reflects to himself, being similarly attired in dark blue robes as the looters are wearing would greatly help with the verisimilitude of Zoras and his party mates fitting in. At the least, they wouldn't get attacked by the city's attackers!

Continue to act panicked and run around in circles with hands flailing. Objective is to wait for the rest of the party, while at the same time find potential isolated targets to dis-robe in secret. Maybe, follow one into a house and whacking them inside?

Perception: [roll0]

2015-02-27, 02:07 PM
Seeing that lives weren't actually in danger took a little bit of an edge off the situation. Looting and burning beat a massacre any day. Inger looks about at his friends, bewildered at how things were falling apart. Several had gone ahead, and one he was sure had completely cracked, screaming like a madman and running backwards. Must be the Dragon. He'd heard stories of that sort of thing happening.

"Follow me. Quietly as a halfling in the woods." Inger calls to any of his companions that can hear him. "Our best chance to help is to find out what's going on and get everyone to safe places. There's far to many for a fight, and their Dragon is a little bigger than ours.."

Using the fleeing citizens as cover, he makes his way stealthily into the city, keeping an eye for any central gathering area for the looters. They needed to know what they were up against.

(Naturally stealthy, can use larger creatures as cover to hide behind. Using the people fleeing.)

(To see if the attackers are random, or if there's a central gathering area where a leader might be.)

Apparently halflings in the woods aren't that quiet.

2015-02-28, 12:52 PM

"Quiet as a bullette in a potter's shop, maybe," muttered Taklinn as he caught up to the halfling leading the group. He bent down and whispered to the man, "You of all people should know that size isn't everything." He pointed out the other dwarf, the cleric, who had gone running off wildly into the crowd. "'E's got the right idea. Use the crowd for cover, try to get close. Maybe we can lift a few robes, hide a little better. You can stand on my shoulders if you need to." Having clued the halfling in on his plan, Taklinn took off running after the other dwarf, using the crowd and the shadows for cover, trying to close in on any lone figures with a cloak.

Stealth (moving through the crowd, trying to stay covered): [roll0]
Perception (picking out a lone robed figure, or even a few lone robed figures): [roll1]

2015-02-28, 01:22 PM

Nodding at the plan, the monk follows after the others, hoping to take down one of the robed evildoers himself.

2015-02-28, 01:56 PM

The elf sighs in frustration as his every sneak attempt is thwarted by a broken twig, dry leaves or his very own lack of skill to do so. Growing frustrated, he eventually spots the rest of the group going further ahead in somewhat different "strategies", seeing no other option, he shrugs and goes on along with the others.

2015-02-28, 03:00 PM
"Well that's an interesting way to get into a city."

Kelzathar ducks into the shadows as best he can trying to blend in as to not give away their presence with his large size. Carefully following the others he keeps an eye out for a group that could be ambushed out of sight of others.

2015-03-02, 09:06 AM
Inger generally liked Dwarves. They had good appetites, and could spin a really good story after a few drinks. While he wasn't exactly on board with what Taklinn, and especially Zoras were planning, he liked them enough to go along with it. At any rate, not having to walk for a while appealed to him.

"I probably will, so long as you don't drop me." He replied to Taklinn. Glancing again at Zoras, he adds "Let's not do the running and screaming thing, if you don't mind?".

2015-03-03, 10:42 AM
The group moves from the stream bed toward the city edge with Zoras out front making a scene. It only takes a few steps before trouble -literally- rounds the corner of the closest building in the form of a ragtag group of blue robed individuals. Ahead of the group is what looks like an overgrown iguana tethered to a human behind it. The human barks a command and the group stalls for a moment looking at you all coming from the stream bed. The lizard being leashed shrieks loudly and it instantly reminds you all of the dragon still looming above. As it comes into view, you can make out dragon like qualities: a long tail that whips back and forth, large claws that dig into the earth as it walks, a head that is long and bearded, covered in large, green scales. The human looks to dwarf out in front running about with a questioning glare. He barks another command and the robed group turns the corner fully and brandishes weapons on each of them. The human leading the group sneers as they come just a few steps closer and the flick of his thumb, the leash to the drake releases, "Kill! His word is not loud, but you could hear it a mile away. The drake hisses as it prepares to move forward.

>>Initiative time!!<<

http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz7/cdcross/Hoard.png (http://s808.photobucket.com/user/cdcross/media/Hoard.png.html)

Black Dots/iniatives:
1 - drake [roll0]
2 - kobold [roll1]
3 - human [roll2]
4 - kobold [roll3]
5 - kobold [roll4]
6 - human [roll5]
7 - human [roll6]

Brown Square = buildings that carry on back off map
Blue area in SE = Stream bed

OOC- This is not the best way to interpret that group moving up, but I feel its the best given the terrain and what I think the idea is for confronting the city. If you have a concern with the placement of you character, lets work it out in the OOC thread. This is just a rough interpretation. :smallsmile:

2015-03-03, 11:08 AM
Initiative (Hope you don't mind, gents?) :D
[roll0] Geth - AC 16
[roll1] Inger - AC 15
[roll2] Kelthazar - AC 13
[roll3] Seoras - AC 18
[roll4] Taklinn - AC 14
[roll5] Zoras - AC 18

(1d20+2)[20] Kobold [5]
(1d20+1)[20] Human [3] <-- leader
(1d20+1)[16] Human [6]
(1d20+1)[16] Zoras (Cleric)
(1d20+2)[15] Kobold [2]
(1d20+2)[15] Kelthazar (Warlock)
(1d20+3)[13] Geth (Monk)
(1d20+2)[14] Drake [1] << BBEG?
(1d20+3)[11] Seoras (Fighter)
(1d20+2)[11] Kobold [4] J4
(1d20+3)[10] Taklinn (Rogue)
(1d20+3)[08] Inger (Bard)
(1d20+1)[04] Human [7] H7

2015-03-03, 09:22 PM

The elf furrows his brow as they come closer, seeing the ruse just led them into a trap, he is tacken aback by the hiss of the giant lizard, but jumps back to his fighting stance with a blink of an eye, darting forward moments later, charging with the rapier close to his body, with determination in his eyes.

Moving towards the human holding the lizard, if he is out of reach by the time I act, Seoras will go for the lizard itself or the closer target.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-03-03, 09:52 PM
ZORAS GORUNN (Mountain Dwarf Life Cleric 1)
HP: 10/10, AC: 18, DC: 14, HD: 1/1 (d8)
MP: 2/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-, Channel Divinity: -/-
Crossbow Bolts: 20/20

A dragonling! Oh, was the dwarf's fond dream of dining on dragonsteak finally within his grasp? Fair enough, it wasn't a huge dragon, but it's scaly and looks all reptilian. It will have to do until he can find a full-sized dragon that's not as dangerous as the one flying overhead.

"Oh great and mighty Ilmater!" the cleric intoned. "I thank ye for the bounteous meal ye have provided us. I beg ye for yer mighty consecrating fire to cleanse their bodies of impurity, that their flesh will provide yer humble servant with sustenance!"

Sacred Flame vs. Kobold in H5 (Enemy #2)
Kobold must succeed on DC 14 DEX save or take 1d8 radiant damage.
Rolling Kobold's save: [roll0]
Potential Damage: [roll1]
Enemy Kobold fails Dexterity Save (2) and takes 5 radiant damage.

The cleric is somewhat disappointed to see Ilmater had just cooked a kobold, instead of the drake. But oh well, it was his fault. His finger was wagging between the drake and the kobold after all.

2015-03-04, 01:17 AM
Kelzathar HP: 11 AC: 13

Kelzathar snarls and flicks his wrist holding his crafted rod, letting loose a blast of eldritch power at the nearest kobold.

To Hit Kobold in M4

Is there any sort of cover here besides the buildings far to the left there?

2015-03-05, 12:27 AM
Round 1

Kobold (5)
Human (3)
Human (6)
Kobold (2)
Geth <<Here
Drake (1)
Kobold (4)
Human (2)

The smallest kobold is the first to let loose in the battle. With wretched yell, it charges forward as fast as its little legs will carry it and draws forth a small blade that it seems to know how to use.

The human leashed with the drake drops its rope and draws forth a longsword that it charges Zoras with. It comes hard with its attack, trying to strike the first blood.

[roll0] vs AC 18

It's attempt lands wide however with a strong *whiff* to the air.

The human in the rear follows suit with the kobold ally and draws a mace of its own as it moves closer to the fight.

Zoras returns the favor of the strike with his own bit of prayer directed at the kobold on the end. The small thunder clap echoes above the creature as a bright ball of flame descends from the sky quickly, engulfing the creature in a bright burst of flame. It only screams for a moment before falling dead to the ground.

Drawing forth the dark magics, Kelthazar lets loose a purplish sphere that envelopes the kobold quickly, crackling as it moves over its charring skin. The creature drops to the ground, smoldering and lifeless as the purple magic still lingers on the surface of its skin.

http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz7/cdcross/Hoard_1.png (http://s808.photobucket.com/user/cdcross/media/Hoard_1.png.html)

2015-03-06, 08:46 AM
Inger watched the battle unfold around him, and for some odd reason, the words of Taklinn came to mind. 'You of all people should know that size isn't everything.' Maybe he was right, but a few extra feet would go a long way in keeping him from being swallowed whole by a Drake. That monster had to go, and it had to go now.

Cupping his hands around his mouth he whispers and incantation at the Drake. Not waiting to see if his spell took hold, Inger turns and slides into the embankment for cover. While being small made one easier to eat, it also made it easier to hide. "Give a little, take a little." Inger muttered, settling into the soft earth of the stream, his crossbow ready.

Current HP: 9
Current AC: 15

Action: Casts 'Dissonant Whispers' on the Drake

Time: 1 action
Range: 60ft
Duration: Instantaneous

Wisdom Save. 3d6 on a failed save, and target must immediately use its reaction to flee the caster, using its full movement if possible. Half damage on a successful save, and target doesn't flee.

Movement: 15' to 17Q. Remaining movement to kneel and raise crossbow.

***Note, if there is an enemy next to Inger when his turn comes around, he will focus the same spell on them as opposed to the drake.

2015-03-06, 09:36 AM

Moving swiftly on his feet, Geth dashes toward the nearest human and slashes high with his short sword, then quickly follows up with a kick to the gut.

Move: Walk to M10

Action: Short Sword vs Human (3)

Attack: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] slashing damage

If Human (3) is still alive after this attack ....

Bonus: Unarmed Strike vs Human (3)

Attack: [roll2]
Hit: [roll3] bludgeoning damage

If Human (3) is dead after this attack ....

Move: Walk to N9

Bonus: Unarmed Strike vs Human (6)

Attack: [roll4]
Hit: [roll5] bludgeoning damage

2015-03-07, 12:43 AM
Round 1 (cont'd)

Human (3)
Human (6)
Drake (1)
Kobold (4)
Taklinn <<Here
Human (2)

Moving into combat, Geth's was just a little wide, but it caught the attention of the human who retorts with a vicious sounding word of draconic. Geth's fist strike quickly, catching the human off guard again. Hitting him square in the jaw, the human takes a stunned step back from the blow. he's able to shake it off, but the blood trickling from his nose lets you know a solid hit was landed.

Sensing the danger now, the drake moves in quickly on Geth, all four legs churning as its long tail swipes back and forth as it moves. As it comes close enough, its stretches out and its jaw widens quickly, trying to find a meaty part of the monk.

ATT: [roll0] vs AC16
Advantage ATT (due to ally in range): [roll1] vs AC16
DMG: [roll2] (piercing)

The drake's bite lands on Geth's upper leg and nearly breaks it upon impact. The teeth of the dragonkind set deep and good sized chunk of meat comes away leaving a large wound.

Seoras moves in next with nimble feet, but the end of the rapier does not find the body of the bloodied human. The rapier only catches the robes of the man as he still stand slightly stunned.

Drawing its crossbow up, the kobold in the rear moves forward a few feet and takes fire at Kelzathar near the stream bed.

ATT: [roll3] vs AC 13
DMG: [roll4]

The shot lands wide in the trees of the stream bed, missing poorly.

>>Taklin's turn

http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz7/cdcross/Hoard_2.png (http://s808.photobucket.com/user/cdcross/media/Hoard_2.png.html)

2015-03-07, 09:35 PM

Taklinn thought that they had a pretty good chance, until the beast came out. Even then, he thought they should have had a decent chance. He drew his bow, knocked an arrow, and was about to deliver it into the body of the man with the drake on a chain when it all went to ****. The drake bit, taking a chunk out of Geth, and Taklinn's arrow wavered before he re-focused on the drake, and with a muttered "Damn it all," loosed the arrow at the beast.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]

2015-03-07, 11:00 PM
Round 1 (end)

Human (3)
Human (6)
Drake (1)
Kobold (4)
Human (7)

Taklinn's arrow finds its mark, striking the drake in lower rib area. The creature howls in pain and its long tongue hangs from its mouth seeming to be visibly wounded from the arrow.

Inger's spell causes even more trouble for the dragonkind, too, as it begin swiping its head back and forth apparently distraught by the magics. It manages to shake off the brunt of the magical blow, though, and refocuses on Geth in front of it. You can see the anger in its eyes flash for a moment as it tongue flickers and returns to its mouth.

The human in the back of the group moves forward with its crossbow in hand and brings it up to aim at Zoras on end of the group of adventurers in front.

ATT: [roll0] vs AC 18
DMG: [roll1]

Round 2

Human (3)
Human (6)
Geth <<Here
Drake (1)
Kobold (4)
Human (7)

The human who had controlled the drake was concerned for his creature, but he focused his anger back on Zoras once more and swung his longsword at the cleric.

ATT: [roll2] vs AC 18
DMG: [roll3] (slashing)

Seeing an opportunity to divide the adventuring party, the farthest human moves in close to attack Kelzathar with its mace.

ATT: [roll4] vs AC 13
DMG: [roll5] (bludgeoning)

>>Action on Zoras

http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz7/cdcross/Hoard_3.png (http://s808.photobucket.com/user/cdcross/media/Hoard_3.png.html)

2015-03-08, 02:33 AM
ZORAS GORUNN (Mountain Dwarf Life Cleric 1)
HP: 6/10, AC: 18, DC: 14, HD: 1/1 (d8)
MP: 2/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-, Channel Divinity: -/-
Crossbow Bolts: 20/20

One moment, the Dwarf was happily celebrating the meal his deity had cooked for him, the next, some projectile that appeared to be a crossbow bolt slipped between his armor and lodged deep into the dwarf's side. Fortunately for him, it was only a flesh wound, stopped by layer upon layer of pleasingly plump adipose tissue.

Still, the dwarf roared in pain and started hopping about and gesticulating wildly. When the pain finally subsided, the dwarf notices some of the human's teeth sticking to his warhammer. He must have smacked the poor man in the face during his dance of pain.

Move to K9 without leaving areas threatened by L3, to avoid OAs.
Warhammer to the face vs. Human leader (3): [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

Human leader takes 4 bludgeoning damage.

2015-03-08, 10:15 AM
Kelzathar 9/11HP Ac: 13

Kelzathar snarls as the soldiers mace hits into his arm. Shifting his position slightly he lines up the human in front of him and the kobold behind the drake. Opening his mouth he lefts forth a blast of lightning in their direction.

Human 6 at Q11 and Kobold 4 and M7
5' by 30' Lightning Breath
Save for half DC 13

2015-03-08, 04:27 PM

Wobbling on his feet, Geth focuses his attention on the Drake, hoping to bring it down and limit the damage it can do to the others.

Action: Short Sword vs Drake

Attack: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] slashing damage

Bonus: Flurry of Blows vs Drake

Attack: [roll2]
Hit: [roll3] bludgeoning damage

Contingency: If the first attack kills the Drake, then Move (Walk) and make the Flurry of Blows against the nearest human.

2015-03-09, 09:27 AM
Zoras' hammer blow spins the human in his place and sends him to ground in bloody mess of teeth.

The drake turns its head to the side quickly as its master lays on the ground bleeding.

But it's reaction is altered quickly as a quick boom of thunder erupts close to the group as Kelzathar emits the lightening bolt onto the human and kobold. Both creatures gasp quickly and are engulfed in the lightening. Their bodies twist and convulse as the lightening course through them. They both fall the ground twitching as the lightening still crackles around them.

Seeing the distraction as a chance to attack, Geth strikes at the drake with the sword, but the pain of the previous bite was just too much. Focusing through the pain, though, the follow up hit with his fist lands hard against the side of the drake's head. The monster shrieks and stumbles to the side a few steps before falling over unconscious.


This leaves only the last human (#7) on the far side of the field. I didn't update the map with just the one creature left. Effectively, Seaors, Teklinn and Inger are all up for initiative in that order. I think I can assume what happens next, but I want to give everyone the opportunity

2015-03-09, 11:03 AM

Angried at himself for his previous failure, the elf recomposes his fighting stance, shifting his feet so dust is thrown behind him as he sprints circling from outside to reach the last of his enemies. Furrowing his brow and letting out a cry, his rapier arcs high as it seeks its target.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-03-09, 11:05 AM
Critical damage: [roll0]

2015-03-09, 11:22 AM
God damn it, here it goes again. ;x
Critical Damage: [roll0]

2015-03-10, 08:31 AM
The elf's feet are light and move quickly across the field. The human had only a small chance protect itself as the elf's mace. His arm is barely able to lift in the time it took for Seoras step forward and swing, however. The blow lands hard against the human's jaw, dropping it like a sack of potatoes.

With the last robed individual fallen, the larger battle comes back into focus again. On the ground, there are enough robes for everyone to have. Some may be a tighter fit than others, though.

XP: 100 each

2015-03-10, 09:17 AM

Moving quickly, the monk removes a set of robes from one of the enemy combatants and pulls it on over his head. The fit isn't perfect, but it will do.

2015-03-10, 09:38 AM
Zoras, the pleasingly plump cleric, heaves a sigh as his fellows drop the last of their attackers. Taking a look around, the dwarf notices that three of them had been injured, the monk being the most hurt. He kneels by the human whose face he caved in with a warhammer, and drags him and its pet drake behind brush growing by the stream (best hide the evidence of the fight!).

They had been attacked because they looked out of place - but if they were to don the robes, Zoras is sure that most attackers would leave them be. He first examines the human for any personal effects that might identify him or his affiliation. After divesting him of his blue robe, the dwarf squeezes into it, and says a short prayer for the human's soul.

Turning his attention to the drake, the dwarf takes the human's shortsword and slits open its belly. He digs through the stomach contents and takes out the chunk of flesh he saw the thing bite off the monk. After washing it in the stream, Zoras hands the bloody lump to Geth with a quick "I think this belongs to ye, laddie. Maybe I can help ye patch it up later."

His hunger starting to get the better of him, Zoras summons forth more Sacred Flame to thoroughly roast the drake. Lopping off a drumstick, he starts eating. "Tastes like chicken. Wanna have some?" he grins at the halfling bard.

Drag human and drake to P18
Loot human and wear his robe
Cook and eat drake

2015-03-10, 11:10 AM

Wincing as the dwarf hands him the muscle that was once his thigh, Geth offers a weak "thanks" and hikes up his robe to check the damage. "Let's get a bit out of the way first, then maybe we can figure this out."

2015-03-10, 03:18 PM
Kelzathar helps clear the bodies from the field, pulling his own large robe about his body.

"We have some disguises that will help us move quietly but we need somewhere to move to. "

Kelzathar indicates towards the dragon, "I don't think we can deal with that alone. Perhaps someone around here is co-ordinating defences."

Glancing over at the soiled robes Kelzathar waves his clawed hand over them cleaning the blood and muck and minor tears from them.

2015-03-10, 07:53 PM

Taklinn slung his bow back over his shoulder and grabbed one of the smaller robes. Tight, he thought as he draped it over himself, But I'll make it work. He adjusted himself, making sure that he could grab all the weapons he had on him, slouching down to disguise the fact that he very clearly wasn't a kobold. "These'll be good for a while, but we ought to ditch 'em when we find whoever's playin' defense around here. Like as not, they'll shoot on sight."

2015-03-11, 09:05 PM

Walking the battlefield with a furrowed brow covering eyes who wandered through its contents very thoroughly, the elf bends over each one, rummaging and looking for any identifying piece aside from the robe, like any symbol, amulet, any notes or such, in all of the human corpses. Any valuables that won't serve them anymore won't hurt either...

After that, he takes one of the robes, takes a good look, nods and, throwing it over his head, he wears it like an old outfit, one of a past life, taking a few moments to look at himself, he shrugs and comes closer to the group once again. Turning just in time to watch as Zoras cooks the drake, somewhat taken aback, with a perplexed expression, really, he denies the offer of a piece of it, continuing as he turns to the others "So, what now?" he points over his shoulder to the village, "After you, gentlemen."

2015-03-11, 10:11 PM
Inger lifts himself out of the embankment, doing his best to brush the dirt off of his vest. 'I hope that washes out..' he thought to himself, but didn't dwell on it long. More pressing matters were at hand. He makes his way over to Geth, concern written on his little face. Monks, as far as Inger knew, never let on pain. But missing half your leg had to hurt. Ignoring as best he could the chunk Zoras threw back, Inger examines the wound. "If I may, I've patched up my share of cuts and burns as a chef. I've never tried to put bite back in something that's been eaten, but I will try. You look rough." He then proceeds to cast Cure Wounds if allowed.

He glances in Zoras' direction as the Sacred flame hits the drake, scowling. 'I doubt that even brought it up to temp. That dwarf better have a hearty stomach...' Inger scowls slightly as the Dwarf offers him a piece. "Maybe with some proper preparation, but I'll pass today." He says, politely as possible.

The robes littering the battlefield are nowhere near Inger's size, but after taking his dagger to one, it's at least somewhat serviceable. "I'm with laying low until we can get a better plan, we're in way over out heads. No pun intended for me."

Cure Wounds

Perception (To find a place to hole up for a moment)

2015-03-11, 11:10 PM
Zoras Gorunn

Having devoured an entire quarter of medium-rare drake, the dwarf licks his rather bloody lips. Truth be told, while it does taste like chicken (he wonders briefly if dragons are related to birds), there wasn't really anything special about it. Perhaps it needed more seasoning with salt and pepper, and a little more fire. Fortunately for him, dwarven resilience means that it is extremely hard to poison him, especially with the digestive juice the cleric's stomach is producing. The dwarf hacks off the creature's tail, removes bone and skin, washes it clean of blood in the stream, and tucks it in his pack. Maybe he'll cook up a delicious feast with it later on.

Taking some time to conceal the bodies behind some tall brush, Zoras gets ready to depart. "Ahhh, that hit the spot," he says triumphantly to the group while suppressing a belch, "Ye dinnae know what ye'v missed!" Pointing to the human who looked like he was only knocked out by the last rapier strike, he says, "So then, dae ye want tae ask him a few questions, or shall we git going? If we're looking fer defenders, I bet me hammer they're holed up in that keep th' dragon's attacking."

So... five pounds for a tail fillet (http://wholesalemeats.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Crocodile-meats.jpg)? Sounds good? :D

2015-03-12, 08:47 AM
The wound on Geth's leg heals over quickly as the magic pieces the wound back together, leaving the leg whole again, but area still caked in blood. It will leave a nasty scar, but it looks to be good for travel.

Setting about searching and disrobing the foes takes a few minutes to thoroughly complete to satisfaction. Disposing of the bodies was the harder part. The stream bed had enough brush, but dragging the creature and the bodies took effort and left a pretty obvious trail that would take more time to cover than it was worth. Regardless, enough robes are recovered to allow the group to dress, some more comfortable than others, and a few trinkets are found on the bodies for looting.

While everything is mundane, please note what you take and adjust your inventory accordingly:

Crossbows - 4
short sword
daggers - 5
bolts - 14
pouches - 5
copper necklace
silver ring
gold (total) - 9

Drake meat: It will take more than a dousing of of a spell to cook it completely through, it would be, at best, rare and edible at first. The tail can be divided into sections, but will not last longer than a few hours before requiring more full cooking.

After the group has readied themselves they begin to move into the city outskirts. As you move through the city, you can see the damage being done to the city. Several fires are being tended to by the locals that are brave enough to protect their homes. You can catch the blue robed individuals moving in and out of residents and other buildings. Your eyes can not help but return to the dragon as it circles around. You can tell it has stopped laying down so much of its lightening breath and seems to be on watch as it looms high in the sky.

In the distance, you can see the keep has a trail of flame slowly snaking its way into the sky. On top of the battlement, you can see figures moving about as they try to secure their keep.

Without warning, five humans dash out from between two buildings on your left. A limping man and three young children race across the street into more shadows and a woman carrying a round shield and broken spear turns and faces back to the group. She quickly draws the shield up and raises the spear in an aggressive manner. She catches herself, though, and gives the group an inquisitive look. He voice calls out from across the street, "Who are you?! You aren't lizard folks...well..." Her eyes pull to a certain dragonborn beofre she continues, "And they are not employing dwarves and elves. Why are you dressed like that?" Her head turns quickly to check the progress of her party as she talks.

2015-03-12, 09:14 AM
Zoras, the Dwarf Cleric, takes a pouch and two of the daggers from the loot collected from the enemy. Now able to move relatively unmolested with their disguises, the group penetrates into the burning town of Greenest. Suddenly, they run smack into a fleeing family!

"Who are you?! You aren't lizard folks...well... And they are not employing dwarves and elves. Why are you dressed like that?"

The dwarf winks at the woman, and suddenly grabs her by the arm. To the casual observer, he is treating her rather roughly. But this is just for show and he tries to be gentle. He whispers in her ear, "Not so loud, lass. We saw the town burnin', this was the best way in. Ye need to run -- quickly, and I am going to pretend to chase ye. On th' count of three, slap me and run tae safety! We will cover ye!"

While he is holding her arm, the dwarf casts a guiding spell on the woman. "May Ilmater guide yer path," he whispers, as he secretly passes one of the purloined daggers to her hand.

Cast Guidance on woman. For the next minute, she can add 1d4 to any ability check of her choice.
Give her one dagger. Broken spear = useless :P

2015-03-12, 11:07 AM

Walking gingerly at first, Geth sighs in spite of himself as his leg wound is mended, thanking his ally for the effort expended. He didn't like others to waste magic on him, but he didn't want to be a liability to the group. When the party is approached by the woman, Geth does his best to play along as one of the cultists, hoping that they will find shelter soon.

2015-03-12, 11:17 AM

Shrugging at the lack of better information coming from the corpses, the elf takes only the crossbow one of them was armed with, along with the bolts it had, saying back to the others "If any of you want their jewelry, help yourself."

The elf clumsily tries to bend his pointy ear backwards as the woman noticed his rather obvious disguise, frustrated, he lets out "Hpmh! Of course they don't employ elves... Otherwise the previous wearers of these garbs might have a better chance of being alive right now...", his lips form a smug appearance to his face, but yet so distant from a smile, he continues "Where are your leaders?"

2015-03-13, 06:01 AM
Kelzathar picks up one of the daggers, a gold coin and slips the silver ring into his pack.

Hearing the shout, he looks up from stashing one of the bodies out of the way. "Here comes trouble."

Turning away, he snorts at being indirectly grouped with Lizard Folk, scanning for whatever they were running from or who's attention they have now drawn due to the shouting.

2015-03-13, 03:41 PM
Inger taps Zoras on the shoulder, trying to get his attention. "This isn't a bad plan, my friend, but I have to say, while a little abrupt.." He casts a glance at Seoras. "Our elf friend has the right idea. We need answers, and to know where their leader is. They're safer with us than outside amongst the rabble, and at any rate, she seems able to handle herself." He turns to the woman with a smile. "My name is Inger. We're here to help the city."

2015-03-15, 07:42 AM
The woman's eyes go wide with Zoras so close to her so unexpectedly. Her eyes calm quickly as she looks about the group and then back to the dwarf. Her head nods in understanding as the limping man's voice calls out from ahead of them, "Linan! We must hurry!"

Her eyes shift back as Inger imposes, "Seek the keep! The gates have not close yet and the town is gathering there! You will find everyone..." She pauses for a only a second for brevity, "Anyone still alive will be there."

From the alley way that she and her group had appeared, loud hissing and growls can be heard. Turning back, you can see 8 kobolds rushing from the shadows. The woman lets out a loud cry and flings the broken spear at the first kobold, catching it in the shoulder and dropping it to the ground. She grabs a hold of the dwarves arm this time with a sturdy grip of her own, "Come! We'll show you the way!" She turns to flee the road as her group has dipped down another alley way.

2015-03-17, 08:30 PM
Zoras whispers to the woman, "Ye go on ahead. We'll cover yer back."

Then appearing to roughly brush her hand off, the dwarf laughs uproariously. "Hah. The wee bairn thinks she can hurt kobolds with weapons like that? This is how yeh do it!"

The cleric, still clad in robes, charges at the kobolds with a war whoop and swings with his warhammer.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Possible Advantage Roll: [roll1]
Possible Damage: [roll2]
Possible Crit Damage: [roll3]
Roll Initiative: [roll4]

7 damage to lead kobold.

Before the kobolds could react, the hammer connects with the lead reptile's head, and it takes off into the air like a golf ball.

2015-03-17, 09:57 PM

Springs around with a quick jump, producing his rapier and looking sadistically at the kobolds "Not today, vermin..." he rushes off to the sides of the group, flanking them and positioning himself to cut of their escape route later, striking at the kobold farther to the side he is on.

Initiative: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2015-03-18, 10:39 AM
Kelzathar gave a shrug as the others charged into the gathered kobolds. With a flick of his wrist he sent a bolt of dark energy into one near the back.

Initiative: 1d20+2
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]

2015-03-18, 12:08 PM

The monk flicks a dart toward the kobolds, hoping to take one out without having to get up close and personal.

Initiative: [roll0]

Action: Dart vs Kobold swarm

Attack: [roll1]
Hit: [roll2] piercing damage

2015-03-18, 06:20 PM

Taklinn's hand wrapped tightly around his rapier as he whipped it out of his sheath. "Ye picked a bad day, ya wee beasties," he said, and with a throaty "Ha!", lunged forward into the quickly developing melee.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: (prioritizing any targets vulnerable to a sneak attack) [roll1]
Rapier Damage: [roll2]
Possible Sneak Attack Damage: [roll3]

2015-03-19, 09:06 AM
The assault on the kobolds is quick and merciless as the group drops each of the targeted kobolds. The remaining 2 kobolds look to the group and then to themselves and their fallen comrades. Even the lesser intelligent creatures of Faerun know when to surrender. Turning, the 2 kobolds bolt for the alley way and disappear behind the corner before even attempting an return assault.

XP gained: 30 each
Spoils (that can be grabbed quickly):
- coin pouches=4 gold, 2 silver
- daggers (3)
- light mace (2)
- robes (4)

Choose your own adventure time!
a.) Chase down fleeing kobolds
b.) Follow humans to the keep

2015-03-19, 09:35 AM
Zoras, the pleasingly-plump Dwarven cleric, picks up a light mace and the four robes. "Milady," he calls out to the woman, holding out the robes, "You and the young'uns should wear this!"

2015-03-19, 11:57 AM
Kelzathar spits, "Cowardly rats!", he releases a final bolt at one of the fleeing kobolds before turning to follow the humans.

Eldritch Bolt Range 150

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]

2015-03-23, 02:14 PM

Gathering his robes, Geth follows the humans toward the keep, and hopefully to safety.

2015-03-23, 08:59 PM

Cleaning his blade with a cloak-covered hand, he shrugs as the other kobolds flee, expecting no higher threat from such opponents, he blurts out rather loudly "They might come back in greater numbers! ... Let them come!", turning on his feet and heading towards the keep once again with the others.

2015-03-24, 08:31 AM
Kelathar's bolt flies through the air as the group gathers what they can from the kobolds bodies. You can hear the shriek as the bolt finds a home presumably in a kobold somewhere out of sight. As the woman is helping the injured man in to the final robe and are ready to move, you can hear the cry of the dragon floating overhead once more. The look of duress on their face is courage enough to move forward along the road.

The woman flips up the hood on her robe and signals to the children to do the same. She gives quick nod and the group begins moving slowly through the streets to allow the injured time to move. As you come closer to the keep, you come across another set of villagers who are moving through the shadows the setting sun is layering in between the buildings of Greenest. The villagers cry out and turn back before the woman with you removes the hood. She gives them a concerned look as they flee, but turns back to the group, "These were a great idea, but I hope they are able to find their way."

Her longing look is broken by the sound of smaller wings flapping as they come to a halt over head. Looking quickly over your shoulder, you see another kobold floating in the air about 10 feet off the ground. It looks down the street to your group and then back down another adjacent street with angered scowl on its face. The anticipation grows in your stomach when it looks back to the group and then back down another street from where it came. Suddenly, 3 more kobolds and 2 human robed figures appear from around the corner. The winged kobold points off down another a street and begins flying off in the direction with its henchmen in tow. Breathing a deep sigh of relief the woman turns back toward the keep to catch up with the others.

Following along, you round the last corner to see the keep towering above the city. Atop of one tower, you can see flames flickering as shadows move to put the flames out. Above, the darker shadow of the dragon lingers as it circles high above the city. Its path changes quickly, and you see the dragon dive toward the keep and your heart races as it moves like lightening through the sky toward you. It cries out as it makes a passing glide and it lights the night sky with its lightening breath and returns to its garrison far above the city.
Ahead, a voice calls from the keep and stirs you all from the stand still, OY!! Ye better move yer arse iffen ye thinkin 'bot comin' in!" Looking up, you can see a dwarf squinting as he is holding a chain that is fastened the large door of the keep.

The woman chuckles a bit, "Looks like ol' Bootsy is on guard. You should remove the robes before we actually get into his are of vision," Removing the robes quickly the group moves to the door as the dwarf is motioning for you to move quickly. "Bootsy, its is great to see you again!"

The dwarf pulls the door closed behind you and begins locking the elaborate bolts on teh heavy doors. "And ye too Linan." The dwarf flips the last latch and a large wooden brace falls down with a loud thud. The dwarf turns and you can see now in the light of the torches on the walls that his eyes are milky from age. He scratches his scraggly, grey beard and squints at the limping man, " That wound looks nasty on ye Harold. Ye should go see Master Gloaden fer some healin'."

The woman nods and turns to the group with sudden understanding of the situation, "Thank you for the help. I must..." Her words catch in her throat as she speaks, [/color=blue]"I ...I think Bootsy can help you from here. I really must see to my family."[/color] She gives you each a nod and turns to head down a side hall with her husband on her shoulder.

Bootsy clears his throat and scratches his beard once more, [b"So...now just who are ye....people?"[/b] His eyes look over the group carefully, but its difficult to to tell what all he really sees.

2015-03-24, 09:03 AM
Zoras stows the robes into his pack for possible future use. He strides towards the dwarf and lets off a perfect dwarven bow.

"Me name's Zoras Gorunn, Cleric to Ilmater. Here ta accompany a caravan of goods to yer fair city. And then this. Wha's happenin? Did ye all piss off that dragon over there?" he points towards the airborne dragon attacking the keep.

"Anyway, we wanted to investigate so we fought oor way here." The dwarf takes out the tail he filleted earlier and offers it to the dwarf. "Got this off a drake. Tain't real dragonsteak, but comes real close. Want some?"

2015-03-24, 09:40 AM
The old dwarf laughs at the dragon remarks, but shakes his head after smelling the drake tail, "Needs more peppa' fer me ta try." He gives you a wink, "Tha name's Bootsy. I tend this 'ere door fer tha keep and under Escobert's command. He may be who ye need to find iffin ye wanna help us out. Ye look like ye can handle a fight." The dwarf swells his stomach out as he talks and you can sense the pride in each of his words as he talks about his position.

2015-03-24, 10:01 AM
"Yer loss, lad. This ain't half-bad, ya know?" Zoras says, as he subjects the tail meat to another round of Sacred Flame and starts tucking in again. "In any case, pleased ta be makin' yer acquaintance, Bootsy. Ya run a real tight ship here, I kin tell."

Turning to the rest of his companions, the dwarf says, "Yeh go on ahead and talk ta this Escobert fella. I be needin' some time ta recuperate from that crossbow bolt."

* If allowed a short rest, expend hit die. Zoras regains [roll0] hit points. *

2015-03-24, 10:46 AM

"I'll wait with you." The monk offers, limping over toward Zoras. "And, for what it's worth, ancient texts indicate that drake tastes best with honey, slow roasted over a spit. Something about the poisons, I think." Geth then explains a bit about the book he found, his knowledge of dragons and dragonkin, etc. as long as Zoras is willing to listen.

If we're allowed a short rest, here's my heal: [roll0] hp No need, completely forgot about the CLW that restored me to 8 of 9 HPs.

2015-03-24, 11:06 AM
Zoras gladly entertains the human monk, thinking it would also give him an opportunity to patch him up with his healing kit.

However, the bard's magic did it's work, and in truth there was little else the cleric can do, save for bandaging up the monk's remaining leg wound.

Most unexpectedly, he finds himself listening intently to the human's thoughts about seasoning a Drake, and they start to debate the choicest cuts in a newly slaughtered dragon or its kin.

2015-03-24, 03:31 PM

The elf, listening closely to the dwarf while taking the robes of as if taking a disgusting grime off his skin, throwing over his shoulder reluctantly, he slowly speaks to the dwarf as he goes "... Ye look like ye can handle a fight.", "There's no doubt about that... Bootsy.", looking the dwarf up and down, he eventually continues as his eyes travel around the hallway, hoping to find a way to follow "And you're to lead us to this Escobert, then?"

2015-03-24, 04:23 PM
Kelzathar pulls back the hood of his own robe but leaves it on. He hovers near the back of the gathered group, ignoring the conversation regarding food and dragon kin.

"Then guess we better speak to this Escobert person."

2015-03-31, 03:16 PM

"Oh, we're not resting . . . " the monk says awkwardly as he sees the rest of the group continuing on. Hopping back to his feet, he follows, "ok then, let's see what this is all about."

2015-04-02, 09:44 AM
Bootsy, still eyeing the drake steak with a grimace listens and nods to you Seoras, "Aye, I can. I can also help wit 'cher healin' lad. I dabbled a bit when I knew I were ganna be posted here fer so long." Moving to you, Zoras, and lays a hand on your shoulder. Closing his eyes, the dwarf begins muttering words that sound more like chuckles and gurgles in his throat than anything coherent.

Lay on hands
Heal to max HP

The dwarf slowly comes back from the trance and opes his eyes. He nods, "There ya are, lad. That should get you back on your feet sooner." He turns back to the group with a crooked smile, "I'll be happy to take ya to Esocbert. I'll bet he needs some help with some defenses ta boot."

Moving very fast for such a short dwarf, Bootsy moves passed the group and down a hall that trails off the main hall. Catching up quickly, you find yourselves moving along the keep at a very quick pace, one that makes thsoe with short legs having to jog periodically to keep up. All the while, Bootsy is babbling about historical events that are hard ot hear and make very little sense with his broken common/dwarven.

After a short flight of stairs, he stops at the door at the top of the stairs, "Did ye get all that? Good. Let's find Escobert." He pushes open the door and enters into a large room with high, vaulted ceilings. Along the right, large, arced openings allow you to look out over the city and you can see raiders moving about the city clearly from her. Along the left wall, several tapestries adorn the wall depicting scenes from events in the past that may or may not have anything to do with what Bootsy was mumbling as you moved along the halls.

In the middle of the room, a large table that looks like an unfinished cut of the center of a tree sits with several soldiers and warriors standing around what looks like a map of the city. Humans and elves make up most of the group, but you can see one very stout dwarf in the middle immediately stop talking as you enter and give you each a cold stare. His fiery red beard is braided into two long strands that touch the middle of a solid, round belly that butts up to the table. The other participants at the table return to discussing what sounds like plans of defense of the city, though it is difficult from this distance, with the echo of the room, to clearly hear what is being discussed.

Bootsy nods to the dwarf as he approaches, giving the group an obvious "wait here" gesture with his hand. He moves forward as the other dwarf approaches him, all the while staring the group down. He nods only once as Bootsy leans in to speak to him in his ear. Returning with the dwarf in tow, Bootsy stops and turns slightly to the dwarf, "This be Escobert, the red. Defender of Greenest--"

"Bootsy, now. Stop all that." His deep, husky voice cuts through the white noise of those still at the table talking. He lays his hand on Bootsy's shoulder and steps forward, "We cen dispense wit titles an' provenance fer naw. Bootsy tells meh that ya made yar way troo de city. And by looking at ya, I can see ya can fight. If you're willing, we could use yar help wit somethin." He looks at each of you with a stern, gaze that seems to judge you and measure you where you stand.

2015-04-02, 10:18 AM
"Rally ho, Escobert. I be Zoras Gorunn, pleased be makin' yer acquaintance with ye and that very talented healer of yers. Why, as he laid hands on me, I felt wounds decades old knit close just like that!" the plump dwarf beams at Escobert.

"Fancy any Drake Steak?" the dwarf asks as he offers the last of the uneaten tail fillet to the head dwarf.

"Anyhoo, sure we can do a solid fer ye, as long as it don't involve takin' on that dragon up yonder!"

2015-04-02, 11:53 AM

Nodding at the dwarf's request, Geth replies, "my knowledge of the Cult of the Dragon, and of dragons in general, is at your disposal. It is the least I can offer as payment for your hospitality."

2015-04-02, 01:20 PM
Kelzathar towers over Escobert returning his look as he looks over the group.

"We may be able to help, what did you have in mind?"

2015-04-03, 03:42 PM

The elf nods back at Escobert, with a furrowed brow, he takes a few steps ahead of the group and speaks in a serious tone "Hail, master Escobert. I am Seoras, from Evereska. These few and me escorted a caravan along their way here and found the city as it is. We will do our best to help.", he waves his head over to the open window briefly, "I sense some foul work hidden under that one's wings, some other purpose than destroying you... Any clue about it?"