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View Full Version : Arguments and other players

2015-02-23, 04:50 PM
I'd just like to share a story.
I play alot of PbP games, and I had this one particular DM. He liked to think he is very knowledgeable in Dnd and hated be g proven wrong.
He went ahead stating something that is wrong. When quietly corrected, he did not try to further examine the issue and just tried to find loophole in the wording to make it still work in his favour.
When given a direct quote from the book, he just completely ignored the issue. Not admitting his mistake, not saying that yes he was wrong but he would like to still rule his way for the sake of the game. And obviously not agreeing to play by the rules.
If the issue was pressed, as in "Hey, we still haven't resolved the rules discussion", he got hostile. Saying either
A) The player should mind their business (if they were pointing out rules that weren't related to their character, but WE'RE wrong nevertheless)
B) Saying that he is the DM and the player should complain less (even though he only pulled this out when he failed to fool the player about how the real rules are)

Does anyone have similar stories to share? DMs or other players that just aren't capable of seeing they are wrong?

2015-02-23, 05:09 PM
Well, I once had a player, who I'll call A. A had played in several games above and beyond the group, and as such had a good deal of authority. However, as the group progressed, they optimised far more than him. He repeatedly claimed that they were trying to, "win a roleplaying game". We didn't really care, and appreciated him playing, so we just let him stick around for a few games, until he eventually left on his own.

2015-02-24, 02:01 AM
I was running a high level campaign (it started at 1st level and had been going on for a little over a year) and one of my players lost all his magic items to a living disjunction. He promptly announced he was taking a break from the game, and then when he came back, he had a metagamey attitude, looking to get a whole bunch of inherent bonuses that couldn't be disjoined in the future, and his method of choice? A faustian pact. So he goes about, does a bunch of evil, resulting in his character being ostracised by all the NPCs he'd come to know through the course of the game.

This despite the fact that the loot from the living disjunction, in his share alone, was more than the value of all his gear that he had lost at the time (the other player, it was a 2 player game, with me DMing, even gave him an extra cut to make up for his losses), and he had a psicrystal with pretty much every crafting feat, and a time-sped genesis where he could craft in safety, peace and timeliness.

Dunno if I'm the bad guy for throwing the living disjunction, but I feel like he was way to attached to his gear for a game that was intended to have a strong roleplay theme. After he did that, there was one big combat, which ironically renewed his interest in the game, before all the NPCs found out what he did, and we promptly had to end the game because his character was so screwed.

Edit: I should probably add that the player in question had more loot and gear than the other player, plus the two NPCs i ran for them to round out the party combined. And then some.