View Full Version : Character Ideas you REALLY want to try out...

2015-02-24, 08:23 AM
Just today I came up with an idea for an interesting character. He has a classical, tropetastic split personality, and the change is triggered by blood. Normally he's calm, charming, subdued, but is afraid of blood. However, when he sees his own blood, he flies into a borderline psychopathic rage. It'd be interesting to roleplay.

This got me thinking, does anyone else have an interesting character concept that they always wanted to try, but never could for one reason or another?

2015-02-24, 08:41 AM
A dhampir vampire hunter inquisitor who's specialized in using a crossbow that fires stakes.

M Placeholder
2015-02-24, 08:53 AM
A Redneck hick Half Ogre bard, with his weapon being a 2by4 with a mithrill nail through it, and his instrument a banjo.

A Kender Priest of Nergal.

A Drow worshipper of Asmodeus, who carries one Shamshir and has a hellhound companion

A Skum raiding party of four, called Utter (Barbarian), Total (Bard), Base (Alchemist), and Kinda (Cleric).

Toilet Cobra
2015-02-24, 09:29 AM
I made an alchemist back a couple years ago for my friends campaign. Nothing special about the concept, just put a lot of work into him and really liked him, only to realize that I was way past the optimization level of the group. Instead of paring him down, I rerolled a rogue and we had a good time, but if I could pick up any character right now and play it'd be him.

Other than that, I've seen a lot of stuff about pirate campaigns floating around lately, and a seabound cleric of Besmara sounds like it'd be a lot of fun.

2015-02-24, 10:46 AM
I've actually never played a rogue before. I actually hope to play a Pixie rogue in our next campaign. I'd also settle for an awakened cat, if I could figure out how to stat the darn thing. Nothing keeps people flat footed like a house cat biting them for 1d2+6d6!

2015-02-24, 11:01 AM
Assuming you are looking for character concepts from a role-play/backstory point of view and not character concepts from a class/feat build point of view...

I am a fan of the Steven Brust's Vlad Taltos series and as you can see in my sig below, one of my favorite quotes has to do with an assassin who shows a bit of disdain for powerful spellcasters. If I could ever find a practical build to go with the character concept, I would love to create such an assassin - one who actually specialized in taking out powerful spellcasters.

2015-02-24, 12:00 PM
I've actually never played a rogue before. I actually hope to play a Pixie rogue in our next campaign. I'd also settle for an awakened cat, if I could figure out how to stat the darn thing. Nothing keeps people flat footed like a house cat biting them for 1d2+6d6!

You want a tibbit, from Dragon Compendium. Basically halflings who can polymorph into house cats. LA 0. (It's very difficult to do a Rogue with one if you want to fight in kitty form, since reach 0 creatures can't flank, but it can be done.)

For my own entry, I've always wanted to play a modified version of the famous Hood build. I had one all statted out for E6—he was a neraph with Dragon Wings for a total of +15 racial bonus to Jump (because according to PHB pg. 171, racial bonuses stack), killer move speed, Skirmish, Up the Walls, and Battle Jump. But I wasn't willing to retire my then-current character for him, and then the game folded. My current GM's bizarre houserules make a character like that impossible even in a non-E6 setting, so I doubt I'll ever get to play him.

2015-02-24, 12:12 PM
You want a tibbit, from Dragon Compendium. Basically halflings who can polymorph into house cats. LA 0. (It's very difficult to do a Rogue with one if you want to fight in kitty form, since reach 0 creatures can't flank, but it can be done.)
If it was my main class feature, I am sure my DM would help me out a little. Plus, who doesn't want to be a catventurer (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/016/a/9/cat_s_party_wallpaper_by_sandara-d72hz6l.jpg)... I thought when you were tiny you could enter people's own squares?

2015-02-24, 12:25 PM
If it was my main class feature, I am sure my DM would help me out a little. Plus, who doesn't want to be a catventurer (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/016/a/9/cat_s_party_wallpaper_by_sandara-d72hz6l.jpg)... I thought when you were tiny you could enter people's own squares?

You can enter other creatures' squares, sure, but that doesn't mean that you're flanking them. Flanking is defined by having threatening creatures on opposite sides or opposite corners of the target. If you're on the opposite side from your friend, you can't reach the target (reach 0), so you don't threaten. If you're in their square, you threaten them, but you're not on the opposite side from your friend.

There are ways around this. The Island of Blades stance (Shadow Hand 1, so easily available with two feats or a dip in Swordsage) will let you do it. Adaptable Flanker (PHB2) technically won't work, since it specifies both "being adjacent to" a target (which you won't be) and picking other squares that you threaten (you don't threaten any other squares), but if you have a flexible GM, you might be able to finagle something.

The best option is Confound the Big Folk (Races of the Wild), since that makes enemies flat-footed after you enter their squares, but it's a major pain to get CtBF before level 12, since it requires a prereq feat (Underfoot Combat) that has the boneheaded requirement of 10 ranks in Tumble, so you can't take it before level 7 (meaning usually level 9, so then level 12 for CtBF). They're not Fighter feats, either, so that doesn't work. You need something like Marshal 1 (after you take Skill Focus: Diplomacy normally).

2015-02-24, 12:38 PM
A slowly redeeming Hellbred Hellfire Warlock with a sanctified nightmare mount.

I figure since a hellbred can use evil weapons, why not use "evil" abilities like Hellfire too?

Essentially a D&D Ghost Rider.

2015-02-24, 01:07 PM
I guess I'm pretty lucky considering my DM's fetish for starting new campaigns and just letting us do whatever we want.

So Far I got
Exhibit A: A Warforged Archivist. Original background was that he/she was an ancient warforged build by the Giants in ages pasted and was dug up by the party during an excavation. Had to changed it to a "run away" warforged created illegally in a secret lab.

Exhibit B: A Goliath Crusader that lived in a militaristic society until one day a God cursed him to kill his own family. Now he vow vengeance and murder to the God that he used to worship. Again the story has to be modified due to copyright issues.

Chances are I will play a Warforged Warlock/Binder next. He'll have to defeat other binders to take their bindings and use them. I might also play a homicidal spellcaster who has the ability to once a day shoot a giant beam powered by the most powerful force in the world after he made a pact with the devil by burning down the orphanage and sacrificing orphans to the devil. I'm just not sure what class will fit thou. At first Wizard/Sorcerer seems like a logical fit but an evil cleric with sudden maximize would be more fitting themewise.

2015-02-24, 01:24 PM
A Merfolk Sorcerer who keeps pace with his friends on land by casting Overland Flight every morning (lasts longer than Altering himSelf into a biped, and he finds "swimming" through the air to be more comfortable than figuring out extra limbs).

2015-02-24, 03:19 PM
Pathfinder wise,

1.Spell-slinger Human Wizard (the gun-mage archetype). I would like to play it as a quick-witted, heart of gold, help your grandma out with her groceries gunman. Adventuring across the known and unknown parts of the world just trying to right wrongs, rescue cats, and blow kneecaps off of dastardly punks. And then I would like to have that inner turmoil moment when this hero wanders if he actually enjoys peace or not, and how important that decision has on everyone around him. The main idea would be the cost of wanting to be a hero (Means people never get the chance to help themselves, and there always has to be a problem)

2.Arcanist elf slasher
No "randumb", no hyper-edgy stuff. I would like to play this as an elf that plays around with some pretty dark forces, and they take a toll. Paranoia, cult ties, infernal contracts, just some really diabolical stuff going on, and then I would play as an anti-villain. A bad guy that does good things. Releasing the beast was necessary on those enemies that were snatching up kids to sell to a chieftain, and they payed for it, with interest, but now the kids get to go home where they are loved.
Maybe would play lawful evil, or perhaps chaotic evil if sentiment is more important than an actual code, but the effects of the characters actions would have good results.
Mindset is what would make the character evil. Having negative impulses that sometimes clash with and surpass those set by propriety.

It oozes cool. Charismatic young Jarl who leads his group of brigands to fame and fortune with speeches that would make a couch potato sprout legs. It kind of has the feeling of the warlord from 4e (awesome), and is certainly less...Foppish than the regular Bard is, which helps tremendously towards me playing one.

4.Maybe... Half orc alchemist?
I think it would be interesting using mutagens on a race already known for their physical strength for other purposes. I think it would be fun to play this as hardcore frat-bro, who is helpful to everyone and totally braj-mode, but is alcoholic, and just throws whatever is around into concoctions chugs it back, and goes to town.
Like Drunken monk, but with second semester chem classes.
Would play as ultimate frisbee psychonaut. Macking on human chicks, partying all the time, and adventuring like a champ.

Milo the Gnome
2015-02-24, 03:37 PM
Someone had mentioned a Mount-zilla not too long ago: a small sized creature on a Medium gold dragon that was at the same time a mount, a familiar, and an animal companion.

Doing this with a strongheart halfling, going the Paladin of Freedom route, sorcerer level w/ substitution that grants animal companion, grant familiar feat, and arcane heirophant levels.

Being a tiny uber-valiant hero with maxed Charisma, flying into battle slinging spells from on top of a hyper-buffed gold dragon sounds like silly fun.

the other would be Dudley Do-No-Wrong. A LG dumb as a brick Paladin fighting evil to win honor for his virtuous lady Nell, who is actually a promiscuous bar maid that he's convinced is as pure as driven snow. She can't stand his idiotic obsession and off-key love ballads from outside her bedroom window (occupied by herself and two consenting open-minded gentlemen) so she sent him away with the vague direction to "go fight evil, or something."

2015-02-24, 03:41 PM
I've actually never played a rogue before. I actually hope to play a Pixie rogue in our next campaign. I'd also settle for an awakened cat, if I could figure out how to stat the darn thing. Nothing keeps people flat footed like a house cat biting them for 1d2+6d6!

I rolled an awakened cat that took levels in Dragon Fire Adept! Fire breathing kitties!

2015-02-24, 04:13 PM
I rolled an awakened cat that took levels in Dragon Fire Adept! Fire breathing kitties!
That sounds ungodly good. No one ever expects death by kittens.

2015-02-24, 05:20 PM
A dual-wielding Kobold Barbarian with Whirling Frenzy. I'm picturing a small Tazmanian Devil-like whirlwind shrieking "Kill! Kill! Kill!" in a high-pitched voice.

2015-02-24, 05:23 PM
A slowly redeeming Hellbred Hellfire Warlock with a sanctified nightmare mount.

I figure since a hellbred can use evil weapons, why not use "evil" abilities like Hellfire too?

Essentially a D&D Ghost Rider.

I'm actually doing the redemptive Hellbred Hellfire Warlock. And there is actually no evil requirement to Hellfire Warlock. It's just skills, speaking Infernal, and a crappy invocation.

2015-02-24, 06:04 PM
The two biggies for me that I doubt I'll get to try are either powergaming in the extreme or are really hard to balance in the rules.

It's not exactly an original idea, mechanically, though my favorite approach to the Beholder Mage PC is via Elan Psion and paying somebody to use PAO on you, as I don't tend to agree with the "2x PAO" interpretation of the rules.

However, in coming up with the mechanical approach to building a PC Beholder Mage, I came up, as well, with a concept and the kind of person he is.

He was a human wizard. Part of an adventuring party that got into at least the mid-teens of levels. They encountered a beholder relatively early on, and the experience stuck with them. They started seeking them out, partially as challenge and due to their reputation for expertise meaning they got hired for such jobs, and partially because the party wizard was obsessed with understanding them.

When they encountered a beholder mage, he had a near-despair-inducing epiphany: he would never be able to replicate the beholders' potential for mastering magic. Not as a human.

Further research both social and mystical led him to discovering Elan as a race, and their secret origins as humans. He sought out the Elan council, and bargained with them (from sufficient position of strength to have a solid position, but with sufficient fairness and respect not to expect them to murder him later). He sold most of his adventuring gear to pay for preparations (including obtaining a scroll of PAO), and then underwent the Elan transformation.

He has to re-learn most everything, as do all Elan. This time, he is a Psion, but he has as an explicit plan the exploitation of his psionic gifts to enable him to transfer the effects of his polymorphed form. As an aberration, he's close enough that a Beholder form will stick. When he has the power to hold on to the Beholder's eyeblasts and anti-magic eye, he'll hire somebody to transform him.

The beginning will be rough. Without the natural flight of a Beholder, he'll be nearly immobile. But it will be worth it. He WILL become a Beholder Mage!

This one is also one who has a history as an adventurer. He was (and still, technically, is) a very high-level wizard (able to cast 9th level spells).

Unrelated to the mechanical aspects of the concept, he's an elf who was adopted as a child by a human family, and had a human of his approximate equivalent age as an adopted brother. The effort to keep up with his brother and their friends' maturity forced him to grow up, mentally, at a human rate, despite remaining awfully young for an elf. Still, he studied magic and he and his brother became adventurers.

As adventurers, they had the plethora of unique and dangerous experiences, made allies and enemies, and faced a terrifying world-shaking villain. To defeat this BBEG, the elven wizard used Disjunction on the BBEG's super-artifact. IT did work...but it also cost him all of his spellcasting power. On the upside, they DID beat the bad guy and thwart his evil scheme.

He tried to be an asset to his friends, still, afterwards. He has knowledge and is ... more capable in a fight than many. Just...not on the party's level.

Regretfully, he stopped adventuring with them, because he was a liability. Then, rumor must have reached the party's enemies. They started coming after the now much-weaker ex-wizard. This meant he couldn't just live quietly as a retired sage (besides being painfully young for such retirement).

He's now trying to pass himself off as a low-to-mid-level rogue to hide from his powerful enemies and find an adventuring party in which to hang out.

The trouble with this one is that he should have the Knowledge skills of a 17+ level wizard, and he's got a +8 to +10 BAB. But he's got no spellcasting capabilities and the only class feature he's got left that's of any use is his familiar.

That clearly doesn't work with a party of the level he's at, but figuring out what ECL to which he's equivalent is...very hard.

Jeff the Green
2015-02-24, 06:36 PM
I've got a couple in the back of my head.

β-Cinnabar is a templates mercury dragon that horribly abuses gestalt and LA buyoff rules. He's a mystic theurge and really messed up by his centuries trapped in Vecna's Oubliette.
Princess Scarybritches is a fluffy awakened cat with levels in Dread Becromancer and Bard. She was an experiment that turned on her creator.
The heretic of Ilmater believes that since suffering is good for the soul it's his responsibility to make the comfortable suffer. To that aim he abducts and tortures nobles, ruins their lives, raises those in particular need of redemption as undead, etc.
The Nar Demon Drinker was a vampire trapped in a library, so she learned to bind fiends and eat them to survive. It's the only time I've found a use for the octopus familiar.
Tyr's Templar was a military man who returned home after an injury, and became involved with a very poor and dispossessed area of his city. He tries to get the churches to help, but instead attracted the attention of a lilitu in the guise of a servant of Tyr, who made him a Dark Saint (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?186362-The-Dark-Saint-PrC-(PEACH)). He struggles with his denial and balancing his need to protect his community and his conscience telling him "no you can't sacrifice people".
གཡག་རིན་པོ་ཆེ (Gyag Rinpoche) is a yak folk ascetic erudite. He uses a cold-adapted version of WitW (drawing from Buddhist self-mummification), and is kind of a ****. He regularly bashes in the skulls of his genie servants when they annoy him and wants to set up a mountain utopia where he's the iron fisted ruler.

2015-02-24, 06:56 PM
I have wanted to run someone who takes almost nothing but Deformity feats, the idea being that they will go to any lengths for power, even ruining their own form.

2015-02-24, 07:29 PM
At some point, I want to play:

1) an all divine party, composed to Cleric, Druid, and their Complete Divine buddies, maybe Ranger and Paladin too.
2) an all arcane party. Same as above but with arcane casters of various kinds.
3) the best one: all Bard-party. A travelling band that live dashing lives of adventure, thrill, intrigue and guile, and then sing about it to get famous.

2015-02-24, 08:33 PM
I have this fantasy and dream of one day actually being a player in a long, meaningful and well run game....

2015-02-24, 09:00 PM
A Half Orc Swashbuckler (ya the class but mostly the theme) who of course must wear an incredibly ostentatious hat.

Ron'ard R'Gan, Bard. He hates walls and wields a heavy pick called Mister Aochev.

Edit: Also a Draconic Tiefling Paladin of Bahumut who rides a Drakkensteed and dual wields lances.

2015-02-24, 10:37 PM
Since I'm currently in a gestalt campaign, I'll share a couple of my backup characters that I made for it.

The first is a warblade//factotum who is basically Dr. Oobleck from the RWBY series. Highly intelligent, fast talking, and deadly to boot. His story is that he started out as a porter for various adventurers in the Dalelands (we're playing in FR), until he was hired on as a cohort for a powerful adventuring group. There he learned as much as he could from everyone else in the group, then settled down in Silverymoon when the group retired. He teaches history at one of the local universities, but sometimes still goes out into the field for historical expeditions and whatnot. The fun part about this character is that, in real life, I am quiet and subdued, so it would be an interesting experience to roleplay him.

The second is thri-kreen swordsage//totemist who focuses on natural attacks and Tiger Claw maneuvers. His story is that he lived in Zahkara until he got into a battle with a mage and was teleported up into Faerun on accident as he was about to kill the mage. He preceded to freak out a bit, since he was now far from home and didn't know how to get back, until the party runs into him and gets him to calm down. He joins them to find the mage (who managed to escape) and find his way back home.

2015-02-25, 12:31 AM
A character with the Saint Template. That is all.

2015-02-25, 12:41 AM
If it was my main class feature, I am sure my DM would help me out a little. Plus, who doesn't want to be a catventurer (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/016/a/9/cat_s_party_wallpaper_by_sandara-d72hz6l.jpg)... I thought when you were tiny you could enter people's own squares?

No DM approval necessary: take 1st level aberration blood and 3rd level inhuman reach (LOM) for an additional 5 foot reach. "Watch out or you'll step on the cat!" Boom. Backstab. Cat on top of corpse.

As for a character that I always wanted to play.
Vow of poverty Xeph Soulknife 11/Ninja 2/Samuraii 2/Elemental Warrior 5. Two weapon fighting with an electric mind katana in one hand, and an electric mind wakizashi in the other, Daisho style.

2015-02-25, 01:29 AM
I've got a character I made for a game where all the characters had to be based off of a certain random-RPG-character generator. So I had to come up with, among other requirements, a blaster mage from an agricultural mountain town that was strongly opposed to magic of any kind. Also, "religious leader" + "religion is a cult", poorly educated member of the clergy, narcissist megalomaniac (that's two separate traits), and to top it off, the physical bit: old lady, dark skin, hair in blonde Liberty Spikes, and always dressed " like you're on your way to the Queen's Ball ".

I rolled with it, and decided to their in a stupid name on top of it all: Xan'yath'ae (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=873796). Didn't end up accepted, but I'd still like to give her a try. Short summary: it's not magic if things aren't exploding - she's just really convincing. And then the " nature spirits" (summoned elementals) started "showing up"... And now she can make things explode without magic, because she's friends with a lot of them and sometimes they help without being visible.

No rules changes involved - she's just crazy. Still vehemently opposed to magic, too.

One thing that didn't end up written in the back story: she wears an Enveloping Pit as a cloak. That, I just thought looked neat.

2015-02-25, 01:43 AM
One thing I've wanted, ever since I saw a joke about a Dread Necromancer bluffing that he was actually a gardener and that's why he had those digging implements and had dirt all over his robes, was to play a necromancer who actually was a gardener. And then that turned into wanting to run a Necromancer with minions that are part-plant, part-undead.

Naturally that's not really do-able without some significant DM leeway and/or homebrew. And if I homebrew it up myself it's not really fair for me to be the one to play it first in someone else's game, y'know? Like, I suppose some sort of template like Greenbound might be a quick and dirty way to do it, possibly for making them count as double HD for control ala Bloodhulks and some of the PF specialty undead, but... Eh.

Another thing I've wanted to do was have a Necrodancer Bard. Never quite found a build I liked that didn't use homebrew or rely on another character's necromancing or items or require being fairly high level before being able to necromance without using nightcaller's whistles for zomblebees, though.

I also want to do an over the top hot-blooded Crusader of Pelor of the Burning Hate. Heavily inspired by G Gundam's Domon Kasshu and Master Asia. Because this Pelor of mine glows with an awesome power. His burning hate tells me to defeat you. Very rarely have I had the opportunity to play an Evil character and use 3.5/ToB at the same time. I suppose I *could* try selling a semi-heretical branch of the Pelorian Church that isn't evil but is more along the lines of Cuthbertines.

2015-02-25, 01:50 AM
You can enter other creatures' squares, sure, but that doesn't mean that you're flanking them. Flanking is defined by having threatening creatures on opposite sides or opposite corners of the target. If you're on the opposite side from your friend, you can't reach the target (reach 0), so you don't threaten. If you're in their square, you threaten them, but you're not on the opposite side from your friend.

There are ways around this. The Island of Blades stance (Shadow Hand 1, so easily available with two feats or a dip in Swordsage) will let you do it. Adaptable Flanker (PHB2) technically won't work, since it specifies both "being adjacent to" a target (which you won't be) and picking other squares that you threaten (you don't threaten any other squares), but if you have a flexible GM, you might be able to finagle something.

The best option is Confound the Big Folk (Races of the Wild), since that makes enemies flat-footed after you enter their squares, but it's a major pain to get CtBF before level 12, since it requires a prereq feat (Underfoot Combat) that has the boneheaded requirement of 10 ranks in Tumble, so you can't take it before level 7 (meaning usually level 9, so then level 12 for CtBF). They're not Fighter feats, either, so that doesn't work. You need something like Marshal 1 (after you take Skill Focus: Diplomacy normally).

It slows the progression of SA some, but going Elocator 4 lets you flank as a kitty, you could go Psychic Rogue even to get some powers...

2015-02-25, 06:17 AM
I've always wanted to try a Truenamer (I know, I know) that is based around Forgery as their main shtick.

Some spiel about how "I don't write/say things that are true. I write/say things, and the universe changes to make them True."

2015-02-25, 08:55 AM
I also want to do an over the top hot-blooded Crusader of Pelor of the Burning Hate. Heavily inspired by G Gundam's Domon Kasshu and Master Asia. Because this Pelor of mine glows with an awesome power. His burning hate tells me to defeat you. Very rarely have I had the opportunity to play an Evil character and use 3.5/ToB at the same time. I suppose I *could* try selling a semi-heretical branch of the Pelorian Church that isn't evil but is more along the lines of Cuthbertines.

Pfft bwahahahaha. Please tell me he was Unarmed?

2015-02-25, 10:07 AM
3) the best one: all Bard-party. A travelling band that live dashing lives of adventure, thrill, intrigue and guile, and then sing about it to get famous.
This. I want to do this.

2015-02-25, 10:28 AM
This. I want to do this.

Will their theme be Band on the Run? Also i would be all for that. Lead Guitarist Barblade who wields an "axe"

2015-02-25, 10:29 AM
Will their theme be Band on the Run? Also i would be all for that. Lead Guitarist Barblade who wields an "axe"

No, the Axetar goes to the Warforged Bardbarian. The Metalest of Metal Artists.

2015-02-25, 10:37 AM
Necromancer. Weirdly enough most of my parties either have a Paladin or a main plot that would put a necromancer on the enemies's side.

2015-02-25, 10:39 AM
No, the Axetar goes to the Warforged Bardbarian. The Metalest of Metal Artists.

Well i cant argue with that.

2015-02-25, 11:49 AM
Necromancer. Weirdly enough most of my parties either have a Paladin or a main plot that would put a necromancer on the enemies's side.

I second this.

Ive wanted to make a (half) orc necromancer gish of sorts too. Never could make it work like i wanted with available 3.5 sources.

2015-02-25, 11:54 AM
My screen-name is taken from one of my earliest D&D characters, who was a necromancer.

He seems cursed, sadly; any time I manage to get him into a game, the game only lasts 4 or fewer sessions before RL pressures cause it to fall apart. I would dearly love to play him in a game that lasts for a while, but I fear that it is not to be.

2015-02-25, 04:04 PM
Thirding Necromancer. I'd probably go Dread Necromancer. Love necro's.

Also, Swiftblade at high levels.

Also, VoP Monk/Cleric/Sacred Fist. Something about it just seems so badass. Maybe even throw on Saint.

Saint Apostle of Peace.

Totemist/Soul Eater.

2015-02-25, 04:13 PM
I actually made the character, but I've never gotten to play him.
Half-monotuar-Dragonborn Orc Frenzied Berserker that is styled after PeeWee Herman.
50 strength when Frenzied, only frenzies when someone says the randomly generated "Secret Word of the Day", at which point he will stop at nothing to see that person dead, friend or foe.

2015-02-25, 04:18 PM
Here is a the contents of my stickies. Some are 4e, some are 3.x.

Dragonborn Sorc//Paladin Argentum Argent (385)
Ancient Soul Feat: refreshed dragon breath when you take the same kind of damage as your breath
1: Ancient Soul (DragonBorn)
2: Adaptable Breath:
4: Hybrid Talent: Dragon Soul Lightning (PHB 3)
6: Crusader Expertise:
8: Draconic Challenge (Divine Power)
10: ->
11: -> Thundering Breath (Dragonborn)

Str 21
Con 16
Dex 13
Int 15
Wis 16
Cha 21

Damage Focused:
Dragonborn Sorc/Paladin Student of Caiphon
1: Pact Initiate (Star)
2: SIP: Lancing Dagger
4: Dual Implement Spellcaster
6: Hybrid Talent: Dragon Soul
8: Radiant Breath
10: Ancient Soul
11: Critical Breath

Crusader's Throwing Hammer (Adds radiant, Adventurer's Vault, off hand)
Lancing Dagger (Blood Iron?)

Star Pact Hexblade

1: Hero of Faith (DP)
2: Superior Implement Proficiency: Lancing Dagger
4: Arcane Implement Proficiency: Dagger
6: White Lotus Riposte
8: Arcane Familiar (Rakshasa Claw for free draw/stow)
11: White Lotus Master Riposte

Halfing Summoner:
Combat Expertise
Butterfly Sting
Helpful trait

The eidolon will carry a scythe. Max STR.

Samsaran Cleric
Mystic Past Life Greater Named Bullet, Abundant Ammunition, Saddle Surge, and Litany of the Righteous
Tactics and Animal Domains
Traits + Tenebrous Spell to make Litany a Cantrip/Orison

Silverbrow Human Paladin2/Blackguard10//Human Paragon2/Monk2/Binder2/IaijutsuMaster5/Binder+1
Monk: Invisible Fist, Overwhelming Attack, Decisive Strike
Human Paragon skill: Iaijutsu

Skill Prereqs:
DotE: Concentrate 8, Spot8
Blackguard: hide 5, religion 2

H: Mounted Combat
F: Improve Initiative
F: Quickdraw
1: Weapon Focus
3: Improve Sunder
6: Cleave
9: Spirited Charge
12: Staggering Strike
Monk1: Power Att
MOnk2: Imp Bullrush

3: Martial Study: Shadow Blade Technique
6: Martial Stance: Island of Blades

The weapons is an Elvencraft Composite Longbow with an Aptitude Valorous end. Aptitude lets it add the Spirit Charge on a feat. THe bow can be used with Decisive Strike because it's a quarterstaff.

2015-02-25, 04:37 PM
Dread Necro/Binder/Anima Mage

Illumian Archivist/Beguiler/Mystic Theurge

Equiceph Monk (need to homebrew a racial progression class)

2015-02-25, 05:16 PM
#1: A Goliath Half-Minotaur with crippling claustrophobia to the extent he destroys any building he enters because the roof is too close. A lot of sunder optimization that basically makes it to where if it's not solid uncut stone he can break it.

#2: I did think of an interesting one the other day. An Unseelie Fey, with Winter Chill, Unarmed Striker with Touch of Golden Ice. The Winter Chill Ability effectively allows for the DC of Golden Ice to scale with your Cha. Downside it only works on Evil enemies that aren't immune to morale effects.

2015-02-25, 05:23 PM
Pfft bwahahahaha. Please tell me he was Unarmed?

Unarmed primarily, although I hadn't ruled out having a whip as well, and eventually he'd have to have a brilliant energy longsword, since there's no real way to include any Soulknife and manage the dips into Swordsage and Kensai, IIRC, and I can't recall any way to feat one's way into having a mindblade.

Equiceph Monk (need to homebrew a racial progression class)

Equiceph? :smallconfused:

Necromancer. Weirdly enough most of my parties either have a Paladin or a main plot that would put a necromancer on the enemies's side.

Yeah... Be nice if the equivalently neutralish option of effigies and constructs didn't involve enslaving elementals and take too damn long and cost an arm and a leg in comparison.

I'd also like to do a Hordeficer sometime, but, well, between the cost/levels necessary and the action economy/turn-hogging that'd involve it's never really been logistically possible in my games. :smallfrown:

2015-02-25, 05:43 PM
No, the Axetar goes to the Warforged Bardbarian. The Metalest of Metal Artists.


2015-02-25, 06:19 PM
I wanna make this guy:

So basically, a nigh-indestructible stoner specializing in clubs, while dealing as much damage as possible.

2015-02-25, 07:10 PM
Mine are simple compared to some posted here already. I'd like to play a Samurai Jack type character (not built using any levels of samurai mind you). I've had my mind set on playing a size small character who wants to be eaten by large monsters so he can attack them from within. In the superhero context I wanted to create a character whose power was to re-form himself depending on varius personas from different lore, sagas, or books. The last seems hard to accomplish in most systems as that means rebuilding for every incarnation (with a few static stats). I'm aware of chameleon but not sure if that satisfies what i'm looking for.

I've also been interested in playing a paladin who fell (with levels of blackguard).

2015-02-25, 07:19 PM
One of these days I WILL come up with a viable build for a melee focused kobold!
After that I've been dieing to play a (usefull) character that has made it all the way through the Mind Bender PrC, not just a dip. Those gaps in caster progression though... painful...

2015-02-26, 02:21 AM
Currently I want to make a Half-Human Half-White Dragon Cleric/Swiftwing with the Smashing Tail graft and Dragon Breath feat, using the draconic racial class to play from level 1 if need be. Domains would be Dragon and Time for permanent Greater Magic Fang. Also making use of spell research to get access to giant size.

A human dragon laying waste to their enemies like a true dragon. :smallcool:

2015-02-26, 05:04 AM
A Primordial Giant Half-Ogre with levels in Battle Sorcerer and Eldritch Knight, and a dip in Mindbender. Basically, he pretends to be a Big Stupid Fighter, and can do moderately well at that role with the right buffs, but once things go wrong he brings on the Disintegrates. Out of combat, he just silently waits, while secretly telling a random party member what to say through telepathy.

Of course, the build would be horribly MAD, but it's still a fun idea.

2015-02-26, 10:08 AM
At some point, I want to play:
3) the best one: all Bard-party. A travelling band that live dashing lives of adventure, thrill, intrigue and guile, and then sing about it to get famous.

I really want this one too. Add some homebrew advantages for bards pooling their abilities and look out, world.

Right now I'm interested in trying out my backup for RHoD: an Ethengar (totally not Mongolian) horse archer. Not just because of the mechanics (skirmisher ranger is fun) but because Ethengar is a fun place and I want to play someone from there.
As for pure mechanics the Aegis from DSP looks fun.

2015-02-26, 10:19 AM
Yeah... Be nice if the equivalently neutralish option of effigies and constructs didn't involve enslaving elementals and take too damn long and cost an arm and a leg in comparison.

I'd also like to do a Hordeficer sometime, but, well, between the cost/levels necessary and the action economy/turn-hogging that'd involve it's never really been logistically possible in my games. :smallfrown:

It's not that I'd want to play a Minionmancer. It's an equally bad idea in Diablo 2 as it is in PF/3.x since a Fireball costs you dearly in both ressources AND efficiency. I'm not getting started with the resistance even a small hamlet would conjure up using Pitchforks and Torches.

I would like a charming wizard that convinces the local populace that his mindless giant (I thought about using an Ogre or Ettin for starters working myself up to a Fast Zombie Dragon) is both useful in building houses and harmless since it's under control. And no, not a sorcerer but a standard wizard whose CHOICE it was to delve into the dark arts rather than having a strong connection to the (un)death. No Dhampir, no Undead Bloodline Sorcerer, just a devious scheming Necromancer (not even necessarily evil).

If you're familiar with the extended Warcraft lore: Kind of how Kel'Thuzad started off, sans the Lichification.

2015-02-26, 10:31 AM
I'd like to try out a character who focuses on causing impediments to enemies other than hit point damage, without using magic. (There could be a single magical exception: an Antimagic Torc, to mess with the enemies' existing magic.) Stunning Fist (with a tiny bit of nonlethal base damage), Staggering Strike, Concussion Attack, Dazzling Strike (Dragon # 344), and a lot of other [Ambush] feats would help.

2015-02-26, 10:41 AM
I'd like to try out a character who focuses on causing impediments to enemies other than hit point damage, without using magic. (There could be a single magical exception: an Antimagic Torc, to mess with the enemies' existing magic.) Stunning Fist (with a tiny bit of nonlethal base damage), Staggering Strike, Concussion Attack, Dazzling Strike (Dragon # 344), and a lot of other [Ambush] feats would help.

There is also Sand Dancer from sandstorm for some move action blind. :smallcool:

2015-02-26, 07:15 PM
Oh, a couple more come to mind.

CW Samurai (no srsly).

And a Mindblade/Aegis/whatever makes a hybrid of the two. Or in gestalt, Mindblade//Aegis. Imagine you go to a dinner party seemingly unarmed, then when the excrement hits the fan, bam, fully armed.