View Full Version : AVB - Gold and Guile

2015-02-25, 02:09 AM
Private Thread for dirigibee and DM only

You arrive at the town hall (http://cdn.eupedia.com/images/content/schierke-1.jpg) with no difficulty. Indeed, it is almost exactly across the street from the gate into the Nobles' Quarter. The place seems rather quiet, but you do see the occasional individual enter or leave the building. You think the building a little small to serve as the town hall for the whole city, but, eh, what do you know. :smalltongue:

2015-02-25, 03:01 AM
Having found the town hall without any trouble, May ducked into a deserted nearby alley.

A few meters down the alley, May looked back towards the street and judged herself far enough away from the sparse foot traffic to avoid casual glances. Facing away from the street, she pulled a rag from her pack and wiped away the makeup and temporary prosthetics that made up her disguise, shaking the mess and broken fragments into the gutter.

With her face clean for the first time in hours, she stood and hugged her chest, shaking silently in suppressed laughter.

That poor baby... and the woman... She stopped shaking and inhaled deeply. Playing a buffoon is halfway between hilarious and exhausting. Though... that bartender wasn't impressed... good foor him.

May drew a small hand mirror from her pack, checking her appearance, before putting the mirror, rag and hairpiece back into her diguise kit. Her harp, as well as her assorted weapons followed the kit into her pack. With her gear stowed, and free of her earlier disguise, May walked back to the main street, checking for anyone who might have been watching the entrance, and walked into the town hall itself.

2015-02-25, 05:00 AM
As far as she can tell, she went unnoticed.

2015-02-25, 05:11 AM
May looks around the Town Hall for a reception desk.

2015-02-25, 05:55 AM
As you enter the town hall, you find that the room is composed largely of fine marble, with columns scattered around the building. Large tapestries adorn the walls, to cut both the draft and the noise. A large, ornate stone desk is not far in front of you, behind which sit two receptionists. Near the desk on a wall is what appears to be a directory of the various offices located in this building.

2015-02-25, 06:18 AM
May smiles politely at the receptionists and examines the office directory. She's specifically interested in registering as a resident of Aldhaven, to rent a more permanent home, as well as whatever other benefits it offers her, but she's generally interested in all of the offices in the building.

2015-02-25, 07:49 PM
Unfortunately, it seems that the directory is only useful to people who already know what's going on. Other than the "Tax and Title Bureau," all the offices seem to have the name of the person working there rather than what the office handles.

2015-02-25, 08:11 PM
May turned back to the reception desk, and approached one of the receptionists - the one on the right.

How would I go about registering as an Aldhaven resident? Are there some forms I need to fill in, or a fee to pay, or do I need to visit one of these offices? she waved at the board.

2015-02-25, 08:28 PM
"Have you arranged a place of residence yet or found work? You'll need to provide documentation showing that you have found gainful employment and have arranged for a permanent place of residence before residency can be granted."

2015-02-25, 08:46 PM
That's a bit of a bind. I heard that I needed to be a resident before I could rent somewhere more permanent than my room at the Sad Flint.

I suppose for documents, you'd be expecting to see contracts and lease agreements?

2015-02-25, 09:03 PM
"Indeed, but you have to have the arrangements made first, apply for residency, then finalize the agreement."

2015-02-25, 09:34 PM
Thanks for your help!

May left the building, and ducked back into the alley where she had earlier shed her disguise - there she cast Disguise Self to make herself look like the identity she had worn to enter the city, a golden haired man in a traveller's outfit.
Diguise: [roll0] (15 base, 10 spell) DC14

Pulling her harp from her pack, she left the alley and walked slowly past the open door to the town hall, idly playing a tune.

What's that sound.. it's all around.. bureaucracy
A home in town.. it can't be found.. bureaucracy
All I have.. is my sweet sound.. and bureaucracy
Perform (strings): [roll1]

Having passed the town hall, May spots the nearby courthouse. Since she's already here, she decides to explore a little bit. She walks into the courthouse and looks around.

I'm not totally sure what it means to be disguised as a fictional person, especially using Disguise Self.

1. If someone makes their spot check against my disguise roll, can they see through the illusion, or do they just know I'm wearing a disguise?
2. When do people get a will save to see through the glamer? Do they have to be suspicious and look examine me closely? Do they only get to save if they see through the disguise? Do they actually have to poke me in the face?

2015-02-26, 02:07 AM
1. Usually just means that they notice the disguise. Some, however, might see through it.
2. It depends. Usually, they'll need to be suspicious or directly interact with it.
The nearby guardsmen look at you with distaste, hoping you'll do something illegal, but, for now, they allow to go on your way.

The courthouse is almost identical in style to the town hall, similar materials, similar design choices. The difference here is that armed security is waiting to meet you as you enter.

"Afternoon, sir. Step right this way for the scan, then you may proceed inside. Any weapons must be left outside or will be confiscated."

He motions towards a metallic arc with several intricate arcane circles inscribed upon it, apparently expecting you to walk through it. Beyond the arc are two more security guards who seem prepared to do a thorough manual search for contraband if necessary.

2015-02-26, 02:23 AM
Oh, I'm not desperate to get inside, I'm just new to the city and looking around.

Hm, you're part of the city watch aren't you? You're certainly giving this newcomer a good impression of the watch's professionalism!

Do you think they might be willing to hire me as a freelance investigator? From what I heard in the plaza, there are quite a few mysteries floating around the city.
Diplomacy: [roll0]

I know RAW is that a diplomacy check is actually at least a minute of passionate debate, is it okay for me to be RP'ing out a diplomacy attempt in a short conversation like this? Will it be treated as a rushed check?

Also, I don't know what time it is. Do you tell me about environmental changes like the sun setting unprompted, or should I ask?

2015-02-26, 02:53 AM
I'll tell you when it's getting late.

Also, you should go back to the recruitment thread and read up on the specific rules about Diplomacy checks.
Definitely going to be a rushed check.
The guard looks at you rather annoyed.

"Kid, this is no place to play around. You want to join the Watch, then head up to HQ. If you don't have business here, then you need to leave."

2015-02-26, 05:33 AM

Which way is headquarters?

2015-02-26, 03:02 PM
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose while apparently trying to keep calm.

"Go north. Big fortress. Can't miss it."

2015-02-26, 06:22 PM
May walked quickly away from the irritated guard, toward the fortress.

At the first opportunity, she dipped out of sight of the street to drop her illusory disguise and stow her harp, then resumed her journey to the Watch headquarters.

2015-02-28, 12:21 AM
BTW I'm up to date on the diplomacy details in the recruitment thread. It's a relief to know I can't annoy people too much on my first meeting.

Just to check I understand though, my last diplomacy roll was pretty good even with a rushed penalty, but I still got myself into the door guard's bad books. Is this because I had a big negative penalty from him naturally disliking plebs off the street, or something like that?

2015-02-28, 07:03 PM
It's because he's running security for a rather important building, and, like in real life, approaching a security check point then making excuses and running away makes the guards suspicious and irritated.

And, just to be clear, you're there as yourself, correct?
Heading north along Mastiff's Road, you reach a large gatehouse in the city's outer wall, known as Rivergate. It stands open. On the other side, you can see the great river rushing by with a stone causeway built into it just inches above water level, the river flowing through channels under and through the stone. The Fortress is built on a large island in the middle of the causeway.

Looking past the island, you can see another large gatehouse on the far shore. Just beyond that gatehouse is the Docks and outer slums of the city. Looking at it, a shudder sneaks its way down your back.

As you approach the massive gate of the Fortress, one of three guardsmen posted at the gate steps forward.

"Halt. What business have you here?"

2015-02-28, 09:08 PM
Hail! I'm looking for freelance work with the watch, a guard told me I should come here.

I cast a DC14 Disguise Self to don the minstrel disguise in #12, just in case asking questions at the courthouse would look suspicious, though I don't expect that to have stood up to a door guard at a sensitive loction. I was only expecting clerical workers like at the town hall.

In future if I'm in disguise, I'll speak in a special disguise colour

2015-03-01, 12:16 AM
"The Watch doesn't support vigilante work."

2015-03-01, 12:30 AM
No, of course not. But they aren't vigilantes if they're official agents of the watch, are they? Held to the same standard, and made to follow the same rules.

Take these rumours about Dragon spies. There wouldn't be a reward for information if the Watch didn't have a way to support and handle independent investigators.

2015-03-02, 10:29 AM
"Ma'am, there's a difference between bounty hunting and just reporting information you've found. One is being a good citizen, the other is dangerous, disruptive, and detrimental overall. If you have a crime to report, I'm glad to take your information. If not, please trust us to do our jobs."

2015-03-02, 04:42 PM
Are indendpendents more disruptive than foreign spies having the run of the city? More dangerous than people being kidnapped off the streets?

There are problems that the Watch is too visible, or too restricted to investigate. All I want is a promise of a reward if I bring something important to the Watch's attention, and to hear what information the Watch already has about the cultists operating in Old Town, and the Dragon spies that have infiltrated the city.

2015-03-04, 09:25 PM
"I'm not at liberty to discuss the particulars of any case and not authorized to engage in philosophical debates on the behalf of the Watch. If you would like to make an appointment with one of the officers, you may meet with the dispatcher to do so."

2015-03-04, 09:32 PM
Thanks, I will.

May follows the guard's advice, and tries to enter the fortress and find the dispatcher.

2015-03-04, 09:48 PM
You are directed to the first building on your left as you enter. The dispatcher is a grumpy looking older man with a bit of a pot belly and balding head. He looks up at you from his desk as you enter.


2015-03-04, 09:56 PM
Do I know anything about the Watch's likely hierarchy? Eg. Constable -> Sergeant -> Superintendant

Knowledge (local): [roll0]

2015-03-04, 10:01 PM
You know there are ranks of officer, lieutenant, sergeant, maybe a colonel. You're sure such ranks exist, but you're not intimately familiar with the way the Watch is organized.

2015-03-04, 10:05 PM
Hail. I was told to come here to make an appointment. I want to talk to an officer about helping with a couple of the city's ongoing problems

2015-03-04, 10:56 PM
"I see. What kind of problems did you need help with?"

2015-03-04, 11:04 PM
May thinks for a moment, before replying with a shrug.

I need information from the watch. I know you have a policy of not giving out information on active cases, but I want to hear it from an officer.

2015-03-05, 05:19 AM
He looks confused.

"you have an ongoing case and can't get information about it? That doesn't sound right..."

2015-03-05, 05:36 AM
May rolls her eyes.

You're very perceptive, I can see why they gave you such an important job, It isn't right.

I'd like to make an appointment to speak with your commanding officer about it.

If he still has trouble, can I call the door guard I spoke to earlier over to help explain it?

2015-03-05, 08:51 PM
He nods and pulls out a ledger, opens it, and scans it with his finger. He flips the page and continues to scan. His eyes light up as soon as he finds what he's looking for.

"Alright, the earliest opening the Commander has available is Tuesday of next week... that's a little long to wait. I could put you in touch with Colonel Feierabend or Colonel Brogan. They'll both be available sometime later this week, though I can't give you an exact day or time, as they don't hold desk hours."

2015-03-05, 09:15 PM
May sighs in relief.

Please make an appointment for me with Feierabend.
If I check back with you tomorrow or perhaps the next day, will you have a specific time for me?

2015-03-05, 09:33 PM
"I'm sorry, that wasn't clear. What I meant was, I could give you the times they're most likely available and have you come back at those times. They don't schedule appointments...

Colonel Feierabend should be available sometime between 2 and 5 tomorrow afternoon. He'll most likely be in his office."

2015-03-05, 09:35 PM
Oh, that's very helpful thaks. What about colonel Brogan, in case I miss Feierabend?

2015-03-05, 09:37 PM

He checks the ledger again.

"I'm sorry, I misread that. It seems Colonel Brogan is on beaver duty for the next few days. I daresay he won't be in the Fortress except to check in for the next week. You may be able to catch him before they leave in the morning or when the boats are getting back later on. I'm sure he'd be willing to take any help he could get fighting the beaver menace as well."

2015-03-05, 10:13 PM
Oh well, I'll try and catch Feierabend, I don't think I'm very well suited to fighting beavers.

You've been very helpful, what was your name? I'm May Malarky, in case you want to give the colonel some advance warning about me.

2015-03-05, 10:28 PM
"Pleasure to meet you, May. I'm Lieutenant Matheson. I'll let him know you're going to be coming by."

2015-03-05, 10:51 PM
May leaves the fortress with a passing wave to the gate guard, and heads back towards the Courthouse. As she approaches the Courthouse, she ducks out of sight into an alley and briefly closes her eyes.

Malphas... Malphas! Grant me a dove.

A white bird flutters down to land on May's shoulder, and she's briefly disoriented as the sight in her left eye is replaced by the dove's vision. When her head clears and she finds herself in control of the bird, May instructs it to fly around the courthouse building looking to see whether there are any open windows, and if they look like they would open wide enough to permit a person (or bird) to enter through.

Not sure if needed, dove's Spot to find open windows: [roll0]
Also, can anyone be seen through the windows?

2015-03-05, 10:57 PM
None of the courthouse windows stand open, though the dove can clearly see a number of people working at desks through many of the windows. Some of the windows reveal empty offices, while a few others reveal corridors.

2015-03-05, 11:26 PM
May directs the dove to fly towards the fortress, and perch somewhere out of the way where it can watch the comings and goings of people between the fortress and the city proper.

She spends some time wandering the streets of Old Town, taking note of the shops and taverns in the district, though always dedicating some portion of her attention to the visions being transmitted from the dove.

May's spying to find out if all of the watch's forces are 'regulars', or if they employ rogue-type investigators as well, also it might just be generally interesting to see who visits and leaves the Fortress besides the staff. If she spots anyone interesting through the Dove, like a roguey investigator type or someone who looks like a released criminal she'll have the dove discreetly follow them from above.

2015-03-07, 02:30 AM
There are quite a number of people coming and going this way, as this is the only bridge across the river. King's Causeway is always busy when the sun is up, but the watchmen on duty at both Rivergate and Dockside Gate do a thorough job of checking out each and every individual before allowing them passage, particularly those coming from the Docks.

It also seems rather difficult to tell who at the Watch lives where. With members coming and going at seemingly random times, it's hard to tell when shifts change, when errands are being run, when rounds simply bring the men this direction, or when they come by just to come by. Without more knowledge about the Watch you don't glean much.

2015-03-07, 02:52 AM
I completely forgot that it was on the way to a busy docks.
Did I see anything like a general store, a shop that sells poisons, and an inn in Old Town?

2015-03-07, 02:56 AM
Old Town is largely residential, home to the most affluent in the city. There are a few shops and taverns, but not many.

Most such places are in Midtown or North or South Market.

As to a poison merchant, you can't think of any such.

2015-03-07, 04:30 AM
Realising she's not likely to be able to distinguish between people leaving the Watch's Fortress, may dismisses her summoned dove.

May briefly ducks into one of the inns she passes in Old Town to ask how much a room is for the night, she's looking for a room with a desk if possible.

2015-03-07, 07:04 PM
You stop in The Dancing Orc, the tavern nearest the gate. Unfortunately, you learn that they are not also an inn. The barkeep directs you to Serpent Ring Boarding, a boarding house that grants long term housing for not too much. It's also only a block away from The Plaza, if you don't mind cutting through narrow alleys.

2015-03-07, 08:02 PM
May pulls the hood of her travelling cloak over her head to shroud her face, and works her way through the alleys to the Serpent Ring boarding house. Having found it, she enters and looks around.

2015-03-07, 08:27 PM
Inside, you find a smallish room, maybe 20 by 15 feet. An elderly man sits at a desk reading through a dusty tome. He looks up at you and adjusts his glasses as you enter.

"Hello. May I help you?"

2015-03-07, 08:53 PM
May pulls her hood down and walks up to the man, subtly trying to read the title of his book.

Hail. I'm new to the city, and someone recommended this as a good place to stay. What can you tell me about your rooms? How are they furnished? And do you rent them out to non-residents?

2015-03-07, 09:43 PM
She finds it impossible to read the title of a book laying open on the counter. The text on the pages is small and not in a language she recognizes.

"Thirty gold per month, in advance. You get a bed and a table with one chair. If you want more furniture than that, you'll have to purchase it yourself.

If you're not a resident, you can rent the month here and use this as your address to apply. If you're rejected or fail to provide proof of residency acceptance, then you'll be evicted after two weeks without refund, as per the law."

2015-03-07, 10:52 PM
Very reasonable! Can I rent a room for the month? May says, fidgeting in her pockets before bringing out a large handful of gold coins.

She counts out 30 of them onto the man's desk, asking What's that you're reading? idly as she does so.

2015-03-07, 11:17 PM
"Of course. Just fill out the blanks here."

He provides you with a standard contract as he collects your payment. You agree to pay the monthly fee in advance each month and provide 30 days notice if you intend to move out. Failure to pay a month's rent has a 4 day grace period, after which your room will be locked. Failure to pay within a week will result in eviction and confiscation of any items left in the room, to become the property of the building owner as compensation for non-payment. Any damages will be your financial responsibility.
The blanks include your full name, today's date, a place to initial authorizing a background check, and a place to sign.

"It's a genealogical record of prize-winning cattle among gnoll tribes native to the northeast reaches."

2015-03-07, 11:25 PM
Bluff: [roll0]

May fills out the form, giving her name as May Malarky, the date as... Sorry, what's the current date? I lost track of time on my journey to the city. She initials MM and signs with her own name, before handing the form back to the man.

OOC: What would I need to roll to memorise a few of the written words from the book without knowing their meaning?

2015-03-08, 02:07 PM
As far as I know, the only skill that lets you memorize text without knowing its meaning is Autohypnosis, which is trained only.

He nods once sagely. "Indeed."

He gives you the current date, checks your application, and nods again.

"Well, pending the background check and residency hearing, you're good to go."

2015-03-08, 06:14 PM
Jack of all Trades from Complete Adventurer lets me make trained skill checks untrained. I won't use it for autohypnosis because I don't like psionics, but I was thinking of using it to make craft, profession, disable device, tumble checks etc. Will this be a problem later on?

I also have a Third Eye of Improvisation, which works in the same way but can't be used for craft or profession checks due to the 10m time restraint.

Thanks. Where abouts is my room? Do I get a key?

2015-03-09, 09:27 AM
Except you don't have Jack of All Trades... Otherwise, that works.

Third eye? I thought you didn't like psionics. :smalltongue:

"Of course, as soon as you pass the background check."

2015-03-09, 10:13 AM
I see, how long does the background check usually take? May asked, her stomach clenching in anticipation.

Jack of All Trades was definitely on my sheet before it got the final OK. It replaced Midnight Metamagic when I realised I couldn't legally take that at level 1.

2015-03-09, 11:52 AM
Hmm, I did not see that change... and you definitely do qualify for it at 1st level."At least a day, sometimes two. Come back tomorrow afternoon."

2015-03-09, 07:52 PM
Mm. I'll see you tomorrow then. What's your name by the way?

May takes one last look at the man's book, trying to memorize a couple of characters, before turning on the spot and heading for the exit.

Once in the street, May yawns and stretches, before ducking into a nearby alley. Confident that she's not being observed, May casts Alter Self, re-creating her bard disguise.
Disguise: [roll0]

After quickly checking her appearance in the mirror from her disguise kit, May pulls her harp and wanders back to the Plaza.

I forgot a word when I mentioned it in my final PM, but it's written up on my final pastebin (http://pastebin.com/Tf6akuTx). I think I'd prefer to keep Jack of All Trades, but I won't mind if you want me to stick to the last version you approved. Midnight Metamagic is fine even with the restrictions.

2015-03-09, 09:00 PM

You find yourself back in the Plaza. Not much has changed.

2015-03-10, 03:05 AM
Feeling safely disguised, may walks quickly to the Sad Flint and climbs the stairs to room 261, pressing her hand against the lock of her room and entering. Once inside, she pulls a sheet of canvas and writing supplies from her haversack, tears the canvas into smaller squares and begins writing, awkwardly using the wooden chest as a writing surface.

I wonder what language that book of cows was written in. Such a bizarre hobby.

Being curious about her potential new landlord, the first thing she puts to paper is a sketch of several of the indecipherable charcters she'd seen in Antolias' book of bovine lineages. She isn't sure she remembered them completely correctly, but having done her best she folds the fragment of canvas and puts it back into her haversack.

Next, she writes a brief shopping list. The ink smudges somewhat on the uncooperative surface of the canvas, but the final result is at least legible. With her shopping list in hand, May leaves the Sad Flint and looks around the various shops in the Plaza. She settles on Ezekiel's Supplies, and walks into the shop and up to the counter.

Hail, would this perhaps be some kind of general store? I have a list of items to purchase. May hams up the performance for extra effect, and slides her scribbled shopping list across the counter. She's helpfully written what she would expect to pay next to each item.

Bell & Twine 2
2 Fishhooks 1
5 parchment 1
4 candles 1
Tindertwig 1
Waterskin 1
Sack 1
Magnet 10
Belt Pouch 1
Poison; Oil of Taggit 90
City Map

By City Map, I'm thinking of something like this (http://www.mornproductions.com/images/AVB/maps/Districts.png), so May doesn't have to ask for so many directions.

I'm not sure I'd be able to memorise any of the text of the book of cows, but I think I could remember a few of the symbols from the alphabet so I could show it to someone later to identify the language.

2015-03-11, 09:04 PM
I'm going to require an Int check to see how well you do remembering the symbols.

The half-elf behind the counter looks over your list.

"Yes, yes, of course. We can help you with...

Wait. No. Why do you need poison?"

She shoves the list back across the counter to you.

"I'm sorry, I can't, in good conscience, assist you with whatever schemes you're planning."

2015-03-11, 10:08 PM
Oil of taggit is a poison in name only. I have trouble sleeping, and the oil allows me to drift off very pleasantly.
Bluff: [roll0]

I assume that you didn't recognize it as a sleep aid means you don't stock it, but could you help me with the other items?

I'm not sure what nefarious schemes you imagine a humble bard could get up to with candles and a magnet The man says, laughing.

2015-03-11, 10:09 PM
She's kind of squeamish for an adventurer's supplier isn't she? I'd expect to be able to buy a dagger I could actually stab someone with here, is it not that kind of shop?

Forgot the int check: [roll0]

2015-03-13, 03:52 AM
"Or used for abducting or robbing someone, or making them pliable to your... advances. We do not carry such illicit substances here."

2015-03-13, 04:19 AM
Out of curiosity, did I pass or fail my bluff check?

May sighed, pocketed her list and returned, still under the affects of her Alter Self spell to the Sad Flint common room.

Inside the Sad Flint, May spent several hours playing dice with the other patrons of the inn, ducking out of sight every hour or so to recast her Alter Self disguise. As she gamed with the inn's revellers, she asked around about any other adventurer's suppliers in the city, as well as about any shops that might sell poisons.
Gather Information: [roll0]

Eventually, tired, hungry and frustrated, May returned to her room gulped down enough of her rations to fill her stomach, removed her armor and retired for the night.

2015-03-13, 11:26 AM
That's a good question. Based on her response, you don't have a good way of knowing.You learn that Pirner Outfitters is the primary competitor to Ezekiel's Supplies and has a number of locations throughout the city, mostly other merchants acting as resellers for his wholesale goods. You also learn of a dozen or so similar shops that sell common goods used by many people, not just adventurers.

You also learn, however, that poisons are not openly sold within the city due to laws against them.

2015-03-13, 06:30 PM
I suppose I'm wondering if bluff is being house ruled in any way, eg. can someone believe a bluff, but still fail to act in the way I want, assuming all things being reasonable.

Also, did poisons just become illegal? I made an identical gather information check before that told me there were no specific laws against items

May rose with the dawn, took out her shopping list and painted over the poison entry with her quill and ink. Satisfied that the illegal item was illegible, May cast Alter Self to don her disguise, and left to find the closest Pirner Outfitters outlet.

Upon finding it, May enters and approaches the counter.

2015-03-13, 06:50 PM
"A successful Bluff check indicates that the target reacts as you wish, at least for a short time (usually 1 round or less) or believes something that you want it to believe."
You were trying to convince her to believe something. Assuming she believes you want a sleep aid doesn't make her inclined to sell it to her. You weren't trying to trick her into doing something, so making her behave as you wanted is already precluded from the possible outcomes.

Yes and no. There are no laws against having or using poisons. There are laws restricting their production and sale. However, you're learning information from hearsay from other characters. Such information is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. Also, sometimes DMs make mistakes.On Riverwalk Road in Old Town, you enter a shop with a sign reading Pirner Outfitters#3.

The inside of Pirner Outfitters is rather plain and simple. They sell many iron wares, such as pots, pans, and utensils, a few spices and basic food stuffs, and other necessities of daily life. However, fully half of the store is dedicated to adventuring supplies of all kinds. They do not, however, carry weapons or armor or enchanted items beyond the most simplistic gadgets.

2015-03-13, 08:42 PM
I was hoping it was a mistake so I could ret-con my suddenly highly suspicious poison seeking :P but if possession is legal then I don't suppose the shopkeeper has reported me to the Watch. I'm happy with it.
Still diguised, may approaches the counter and addresses the clerk.

Hail she says, looking around. I've heard Pirner Outfitters are the best equipment stores in the city! I have a list of things I need, sliding the list across the counter, do you think you could help me with them?

Bell & Twine
2 Fishhooks
5 parchment
4 candles
Belt Pouch
City Map

2015-03-18, 05:02 PM
Sorry for the delay. Work has just kept me extremely busy lately.
The man helps you find the items on your list. The prices are as printed.

2015-03-19, 09:33 PM
May thanks the man, gathers her new equipment together and stores it in her haversack, before leaving the store and dipping out of sight to dismiss her Altered Self bard disguise.

Deciding that she probably has a few hours before her appointment with Colonel Feierabend that afternoon, May drops into the Dancing Orc tavern for breakfast. Knowing that Old Town is one of the city's more prestigious districts, May confirms the cost of the meal before ordering it.

Once she's eaten, May leaves the tavern and heads for the Fortress, entering the building and heading for the dispatcher.

No problem. I'm just glad nobody started to get bratty about updates in the OOC thread.

May pays whatever the cost of a good meal is at the Dancing Orc, unless it's over 3 gold, in which case she scoffs in the bartender's face and walks out.

btw - I'm not sure how to judge the passage of time. I'd guess that I left Pirner Outfitters at about 9am, took an hour to eat and then spent 30 minutes walking to the Fortress, but did I notice any clock towers that gave me a better idea of what time it is? Could I try and roll to guess the rough time from the position of the sun?

2015-03-20, 01:17 PM
AVB players tend to either be really cool people or quit rather quickly. It just works out that way.
A good breakfast consists of seared ham, pottage containing mostly lentils and carrots in a thick chicken broth, and fresh sourdough bread and costs right at 1.25 gold. A mug of hot mulled cider is another .25 gp.

There are clocks on both the courthouse and the town hall. Telling time by the position of the sun is a Survival check.
As to actual time of day, I'm going to say that Pirner Outfitters doesn't open until 9 and took 30 minutes to find everything and pay. Walking to the Fortress from The Dancing Orc can easily be done in 10 minutes if you hurry.

2015-03-20, 01:27 PM
Hello, Lieutenant Matheson? I just wanted to double check my meeting with Colonel Feierabend was still on this afternoon. You said he would be here at about 1pm?

May did pay for the meal, but she declined on the cider

2015-03-20, 02:19 PM
"Yes, ma'am. I've informed him of your desire to meet with him, and he's looking forward to seeing you. He does have a meeting this morning across town, so he'll be in as soon as he finishes there."

2015-03-20, 06:09 PM
Sorry for the super dense post. I split it up to try and make it more bearable.
Thanks, I'll be back later then May says departing with a wave.

With some time to kill May decides to go and have a closer look at the Courthouse. Rather than walking by the direct route, she wends her way through the streets of Old Town, looking for the darkest and most secluded dead-end alley she can find. Picking one suitably untrafficked, may ducks into it.

Once out of sight, she walks to the closed end of the alley and begins to painstakingly draw the seal of Malphas in chalk upon the ground. After a minute of tense concentration, the seal is drawn, and May turns to face back to the street and casts a Silent Image of the wall behind her across the gap.

Satisfied that the alley will now look empty to casual observers on the street, May places her hand upon the seal whispers Malphas, The Turnfeather. An explosion of white doves appear above the seal and fade away, to be replaced by a handsome half elf with solid black eyes, who May addresses.

Malphas, contract with me once again. Experience the world through my eyes, and lend me your power. The vestige replies, demanding greater concessions, and May debates with the spirit for over a minute to try and secure better terms. Throughout the discussion May dedicates a portion of her attention to maintaining the illusion hiding her activity.
Binding: [roll0] vs DC15

With the contract finally agreed upon, the manifestation of the vestige turns into mist and flows into May, who's teeth and tongue turn black. Sighing, May scuffs out the chalked seal, and spends a few minutes rubbing the white paste from her disguise kit over her teeth, hiding Malphas' inconvenient sign.
Disguise: [roll1] ([roll2]0 minutes)

May dismisses the illusory wall and walks more directly now towards the Courthouse.

2015-03-20, 06:11 PM
As May gets close to the Courthouse, she ducks again into a nearby alley and summons Malphas' dove as soon as she's out of sight. She spends a few seconds casting spells on the dove - first Undetectable Alignment, followed by Misdirection, choosing a random stone from the floor of the alley as the dove's proxy for divinations. Finally she casts invisibility on the dove, and leaving it to stand alone in the alley, May walks out onto the street and enters the Town Hall, glancing at the clock as she does so.

Once in the building, May heads towards the receptionist she remembers from her last visit.

Hail. I was here to ask about residency requirements yesterday. You mentioned that I needed to show proof of employment, but since I'm self employed I might never have an employment contract to show, how could I prove that I'm earning a living here?

As May speaks to the receptionist, she mentally commands the dove to fly from the alley and move silently into the courthouse, ready to instantly dismiss the dove if at any point its attacked or captured. She forces the invisible dove to briefly glance up at the runes inscribing the scanner and tries to determine what spells it might be enchanted with, before commanding the dove to walk through the arc.
Move Silently: [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

Realising that she wasn't paying attention to the receptionist, she turns her attention back to the woman. Sorry, did you say something, my mind was wandering.

Couple of questions: What time did I see on the clock, and is the metal arch positioned so that its possible to enter the Courthouse without passing through the scanner? ie. is it off to the side, or around the entrance.

Sorry again for the dense post, I won't normally try to do this much at once, but I couldn't see a lot of places where I'd be interrupted/need feedback.

2015-03-20, 06:28 PM
I just realised a knowledge check would probably be more appropriate than spellcraft to identify the runes on the arch.
Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]

Also a hide check for the dove, in case its relevant.
Hide: [roll1] (8 tiny, 2 dex, 20 invis)

2015-03-20, 06:29 PM
She smiles as she recognizes you.

"I'm afraid that proof of employment is absolutely required. If you are, as you say, self employed, then you'll need to acquire membership with a guild in your trade and have them vouch for you. That will serve adequately to fulfill the employment requirements. If that is impossible, then I'm not going to be able to help you. Aldhaven policy simply does not permit those who will become a burden on the system to immigrate. You could, at best, apply for a temporary stay as a refugee, but you'll have to prove refugee status, which has its own set of stipulations and restrictions I can't imagine you would want to endure."

The dove enters the courthouse. Just before approaching the scanner, just a few inches within the main door, a single klaxon blares for half a second, and an orange flash of light fills the dove's vision. The dove has been rendered visible and is dyed bright orange to boot. You instantly dismiss it as the guards turn towards it, weapons half drawn.

2015-03-20, 06:45 PM
May is shocked by the extent of the Courthouse's defenses, but tries to keep it from her face.

I should probably stay off the streets for a few minutes.. I can stay here and make small talk

Oh that's fine, I'm just glad there's a way. What guilds would you suggest for a sellspell - specifically, an illusionist? I also have a friend who's a bard, what guild would be appropriate for him?

Did I catch the time, or learn anything about the runes before my bird was orange'd?

2015-03-20, 06:52 PM
The time is currently 10:37.
The dove did not get close enough to the metal arch to see anything before the invisibility purge hit. The metal arch is some 15 feet from the door, the path to it roped off with velvet ropes and watched by well armed guards. Otherwise, there is nothing else to force one to pass through the arch. That invisibility purge is a real problem though...

"Well, the Guild of Starlight and Shadows, so I hear, is a good guild for anyone magical who is looking to sell their services. They tend to specialize in magical items, but they are well known for their spellcasting services as well. For a bard, you can't go wrong with the Bardic Consortium. They're the bardic guild, after all."

She laughs a bit at the last bit, as if it were quite a humorous joke.

2015-03-20, 07:00 PM
May also laughs Ha ha ha, though she doesn't quite get it.
Bluff: [roll0]

I didn't catch your name before, I'm May.

2015-03-20, 07:20 PM
"I'm sorry."

2015-03-20, 07:26 PM
Ah, you don't chit chat with visitors, sorry. May coughs awkwardly. I did have one more question, I've heard that the city has a university, do you know if they allow members of the public to use their library, or is it for students only?

2015-03-20, 07:28 PM
She shakes her head.

"No, not sorry. Sahree, emphasis on the 'ree.' I'm named after my elvish grandmother.

I believe it's open to the public, but I'm not sure. I think you have to gain permission to enter though..."

2015-03-20, 07:37 PM
Ohh, thanks. May spends a few minutes chatting idly with Sahree, being generally friendly and passing time until she imagines the guards at the Courthouse have calmed down.
Diplomacy: [roll0]

Well, it's been nice talking to you, I better be off.

May leaves the Town Hall, cautiously keeping an eye out for guards on alert, and checking the time on the clock.

2015-03-20, 07:45 PM
You have managed to spend nearly 20 minutes chatting with Sahree.
The courthouse appears to be temporarily closed, a pair of guards blocking the door and another pair standing in the street in front of it. All four are keeping a close eye on any passersby.

2015-03-20, 09:00 PM
May leaves the Town Hall, heading away from the direction of the Courthouse and into Old Town. She stops again at the Dancing Orc. May approaches the bar briefly to order a pitcher of water, and ask if she can send and receive mail from the tavern, then sits down with her drink.

Once seated, she pulls parchment and writing tools from her haversack and writes two letters; one to the guild of Starlight and Shadows, and altering her handwriting, another to the Bardic Consortium.

Each letter is to the effect of...

Dear Sir or Madam
I'm a recent arrival in the city, and I wish to join your guild. Could you explain what steps are necessary for me to do so, and arrange any appointment I might need to speak with your representative and demonstrate my skills? I'm free at any time for the next few days, whenever is convenient.

The letter to the guild of Starlight and Shadows is signed May Malarky and explains she can be reached by post at the Dancing Orc tavern, while the one to the Bardic Consortium is signed Randall Ladd and gives the Sad Flint as his postage address.

She seals each letter with wax melted from one of her candles, addresses them as best she can, making the assumption that both guilds are in the Guildsman district, and leaves them both with the bartender to be delivered.

I'm willing to pay some money for the Dancing Orc to handle my mail for me, but if they just don't handle it on account of being a tavern, I'll still write the letters but substitue the Serpent Ring boarding house for the place where May can be reached, and keep both letters in my pack for now.

2015-03-20, 09:05 PM
It seems that almost all taverns and inns function as drop off points for the various courier services in Aldhaven. You are informed that each letter will cost 5 silver to send and 5 silver to receive. You are also informed that this is the standard rate throughout the city. You can send letters to non-standard addresses in the city, but those cost a full gold due to having no collection point at the end. Sending items costs more, depending on the size and weight of the item.

If you agree to those terms, you send off your letters successfully and will need to wait a few days for responses. If not, you're free to try to locate the headquarters of each and approach them in person.

2015-03-20, 09:09 PM
That's fine, I think May still sends them, though she might chase them in person if she gets some free time before she gets a reply.
Deciding that she doesn't have time to pursue any of her errands before her appointment, May heads for the Fortress via the back alleys of Old Town, and tries to find an out of the way place to wait inside the Fortress for Colonel Feierabend to arrive.

By the way, can I ask for a ruling on a specific thing before it becomes relevant:

In my backstory I alluded to May's magic tutor teaching her how to transform into a monster. I was thinking that he would know a few useful humanoid forms for Alter Self - specifically troglodyte, meforlk and skulk and that I'd have experience of them from his transmutations. I was also wondering whether I could get experience of more exotic humanoids by looking them up in the university library, would doing so let me Alter Self into them? If not, is there any other way of me learning about them eg. by exploring the wilderness outside the city?

2015-03-21, 09:49 AM
If it's something you've never encountered or transformed into before, then I'll require a successful Knowledge check to understand the form well enough to turn into it. Research can definitely give you a circumstance bonus on the roll and will allow rerolls after a certain period of time.
You find a place to wait just outside of his office. A few minutes after you arrive, a guard walks by, stops, does a double take, and comes back to start flirting with you. Malphas' influence takes over...

2015-03-21, 06:58 PM
This man, he's so kind.. I think.. I think we're falling in love. We're going to ..gods.. get married and have ..gods damn it Malphas.. children, and a pet dog, and we'll buy a house in the city.

May returns the man's attention and chats with him a while, asking his name and interests, what he does at the Watch, and asking him out for dinner at the Dancing Orc the following night.

2015-03-22, 04:02 PM
As you're chatting, Oswald Feierabend returns to his office, giving the two young lovebirds a slightly uncomfortable look as he passes.

The guard gladly agrees to your date and promises to be there, a huge, stupid grin on his face. He excuses himself when Feierabend walks past, not wanting to get in trouble for dereliction.

2015-03-22, 04:32 PM
May excuses herself from the conversation with the guard, and knocks cofidently three times on the door of Colonel Feierabend's office.

Could I have the information gained during the chat and a short description for my notes? :smallamused:

2015-03-22, 07:56 PM
The guard's name is Jim, he's been a "very influential and well respected Watchman" for "most of [his] adult life." Most of the conversation consisted of him stumbling over himself in an attempt to impress you, an attempt which would have failed miserably if not for the influence of Malphas. Your date is scheduled for whenever you scheduled it.Feierabend looks up at you through the open doorway, making a motion for you to enter.

2015-03-22, 09:23 PM
May enters the room and stands in front of the colonel.

Hello Sir, May says, bowing slightly before lifting her head to look Feierabend in the eye. My name is May Malarky, I requested an appointment with you.

I can tell you're busy sir, so I'll get straight to it.. I want to help the Watch without becoming a regular Watchman. The city has a problems that are perhaps too nebulous to waste the time of salaried officers on, but which would be worth the time of an independant.. concerned citizen. May lowers her voice before continuing.

I'm wondering if we might come to an ongoing arrangement, where I bring you information pertinent to law and order situations in the city, and am rewarded for it.

To begin with, I was thinking that I might look into the spies at large in the city, or perhaps the rumours of a cult in Old Town. I wouldn't need anything from you to begin with except an unwritten agreement, and any information you already had that would help the search. If you were to agree, we could think of the first task as a test.

Having finished what is essentially her sales pitch, May lowers her eyes and awaits a response.

2015-03-22, 10:28 PM
Stumbled across a fairly appropriate picture for Oswald Feierabend. Just assume the picture is 5 to 10 years out of date and out of uniform.http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/294/b/b/some_guy_with_gray_and_white_hair_by_jaeon009-d83pzyw.jpgHe steeples his fingers and leans his elbows on his desk as you speak.

"You do realize that what you're asking me to do isn't exactly legal, right? Close the door."

2015-03-23, 12:00 AM
Well, I'm sure this city would hang itself with red tape if the people who cared would let it, May says, turning to close the door.

As she faces away from the colonel, she has a heart-racing moment to think back over his manner and reactions, trying to remember anything in his demeanor that would point to this being some kind of trap or manipulation.
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2015-03-23, 12:48 PM
You can't tell what his motives are, though you don't think you're being setup.

"Tell me about you and why you want to do this."

2015-03-24, 04:15 AM
May finds a chair in front of the colonel's desk and sits on it, looking down at the desk.

He's probably wondering if I'm planning to blackmail him she thinks.
I can't think of anything more suicidal than trying to sell out a colonel in the Watch.

She lifts her head to look the colonel in the eye as she responds.

Mostly I want to do it for the money she says as a cheeky smile flashes onto her face, only to be replaced by an apologetic expression as she elaborates.

With the skills I have, I'm destined to either chase criminals or be one. I don't want to get in trouble with the law, and if I can help you with some of these problems then the city benefits from being a cleaner place, and I benefit from making a living that won't kill me with monotony.

Not to mention that if I ever do get in trouble, having a colonel who thinks I'm useful can't hurt she thinks.

May hesitates and thinks before continuing, lowering her eyes.

There's also something about you I can't put my finger on, I get the feeling you're going places, and I feel like I want to help.

As for about me, there's not much to tell. I'm a beguiler from small village a few days travel West of here. There's not much to set it apart from the other towns around there, just a few mills and a magical academy. My father was an enchanter here in the city years ago, but we moved to the country when I was born.

2015-03-24, 04:50 PM
"I see."

He opens a drawer on his desk, reaches in, and pulls out a large envelope, which obviously contains a number of papers. His eyes never leave yours as he retrieves it and tosses it on the desk in front of you.

"I believe this is what you requested."

2015-03-24, 05:02 PM
May takes the envelope and weighs it in her hand.

Thank you. If there's nothing else I need to know, I'll be in touch if I find something.

Unless interrupted, May drops the package into her haversack, stands, bows again the colonel and leaves his office, heading back to the streets. If she sees Jim on her way out she waves.

Once outside, she heads for either the Dancing Orc or the Serpent Ring Boarding House, whichever's closest.

2015-03-24, 05:11 PM
You head to The Dancing Orc. It is as you left it last; however, there is only one patron currently present, an older elf who looks like he has absolutely no desire to dance.

2015-03-24, 05:18 PM
Oh cool :smallbiggrin:

May heads to the bartender.

Hail barkeep. Do you have a private room I could hire for a few hours? May pauses, seeming to think for a moment.

And while we're on the subject, do you ever rent out private function rooms for parties and things?

2015-03-24, 05:23 PM
He gives you a dirty smirk and obviously looks you up and down as he fishes a key ring out of his pocket.

"Sure, why not. You available for an hour or two after your current... 'job'? I'm not sure the boss would be willing to allow for too raucous a party though..."

2015-03-24, 05:56 PM
Is he.. is he being nice to us? So much attention today! Why y.. MALPHAS. STOP.

May shudders visibly and looks down at the bar. Suppressing the vestige's influence leaves her weak and sickened, and she retches audibly as she tries to get control of herself. After ten seconds of shaking and dry heaving, and a brief coughing fit, she looks back up at the bartender.

It isn't like that she says, shaking her head as she finally gets herself under control.

I just need a private room or booth for a couple of hours to do some paperwork for my guild application. I know decent inns rent them out to patrons.
Bluff: [roll0]

2015-03-24, 06:18 PM
"Of course it's not." He sneers at you. "But, really. You fake being sick like that over my request? Kind of rude."

He pulls a key off of the ring and set it down on the bar.

"Five silver per hour, plus an additional gold if I have to change the sheets." He snorts back a laugh when he says the word "if".

2015-03-24, 06:32 PM
May shrugs.

I wasn't faking it, I have a condition, though I don't know why you thought I was in that profession, do you see many of them dressed like this? May indicates her somewhat dirty traveller's outfit.

You misunderstood me as well, I'm looking for something like a private function room, with a table, chairs. No bed.

2015-03-24, 06:52 PM
"More often than not, yes. Usually, they clean up a little before before bringing clients.

If you say so. There's 4 private rooms, all of which have beds and a desk. You don't want that, then grab a table down here and order something."

2015-03-24, 07:35 PM
Oh, alright, she says, unbuckling her belt pouch and fishing for her coinpurse. As long as there's a desk.

May counts out fifteen silver to pay for the room, accepts the key, and makes her way up to the room. Looking around at the furniture in distaste, May closes and locks the door, pulls the large envelope from her pack and places it on the desk.

I'm starting to think this place is not as reputable as I'd hoped she thinks, turning her attention back to the room.

Suspicion nagging at her mind, May casts Detect Secret Doors, trying to find any evidence of a concealed spyhole, followed by a manual search for the same, and finally she casts Detect Magic, concentrating on the walls and furniture long enough to detect the location of any auras that might be present.
Search: [roll0]

Finally she turns her attention to the envelope itself, checking it for any latent magic.

Assuming that her investigations show nothing unusual, May casts Fog Cloud for additional privacy and sits down to begin reading through the documents.

Yes, May's a little paranoid. I don't know whether Detect Secret Doors can be used for this, the spell description says concealed openings so I thought it was possible. May also doesn't know whether the spell will work in that way, but she thought it was worth a try.

2015-03-24, 08:05 PM
She discovers a not terribly well concealed sliding panel that opens into a narrow gap in the wall which stands between the two rooms on this side of the building. It's likely that there's a similar door from this space into the next room over... Fortunately, you discover a mechanism to lock the panel shut from inside of your room.

There seems to be no magic on the folder.

Inside is a stack of 8 pages. The handwritten notes have quite poor penmanship and were obviously scribed in haste. Each page contains a short description of the person and some questionable activity they've engaged in recently.

Name: Nearan Aethelwine
Gender: female
Race: human (fiendish blood?)
Eyes: green
Hair: blonde
Height: slightly tall
Other: tattoos (ritualistic?)

Job: bounty hunter, competent

Recently released two individuals with high bounties, an act heretofore unknown in this individual.

Name: Vatrah (surname?)
Gender: female
Race: dwarf
Eyes: green
Hair: red
Height: very tall

Job: healer

Vatrah recently joined the Sisters of Salvation as a healer. Spotted meeting with cloaked figures in the Docks, early morning.

Name: Kronderai Gjord
Gender: male
Race: half-orc
Eyes: blue
Hair: red
Height: tall but stocky
Other: tribal tattoos on face

Job: mercenary

Known to have worked in military for several nations against the Empire, lone survivor of platoon on multiple occasions.

Name: Kridri Aedan
Gender: female
Race: half-elf
Eyes: orange
Hair: blonde
Height: average

Job: unknown

Wanders from tavern to tavern, listening to stories from adventurers. Often speaks to the Watch about their duties. Disappears for days at a time.

Name: Keaty (surname?)
Gender: female
Race: gnome
Eyes: change randomly (illusion?)
Hair: black
Height: very tall
Other: facial scars

Job: unknown

Strange gnome. In Aldhaven? Unlikely.

Name: Tussurro
Gender: male
Race: aasimar
Eyes: hazel
Hair: black
Height: slightly tall
Other: wears expensive jewelry

Job: buses tables at three taverns Midtown/North Market.

Spends more money than should earn. Known to occasionally speak sympathetically of the Empire.

Name: Anselm Wulfnođ
Gender: male
Race: shifter
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Height: very short

Job: librarian

Has recently requested restricted blueprints and documentation concerning Nobles' Quarter.

The last page is apparently blank.

2015-03-24, 08:43 PM
Well, it looks like the Watch has already done a lot of work identifying suspects.

May scans the sheets, trying to assess each.

Recently released bounties.. probably bribed.
Spotted meeting cloaked figures in the docks.. well who wouldn't wear a cloak to the docks.
Lone survivor of several missions.. either a traitor, coward, or the best damn fighter there.
Walks from tavern to tavern, talks to guards.. I do worse than that
Strange gnome.. isn't there a gnomish delegation in town?
Speaks sympathetically to the Dragon Empire.. would a real spy be that inept?
Nosy librarian looking for blueprints.. hm. And a shifter to boot.

A nosy shifter.. well, I wanted to visit the library anyway, she thinks, packing the papers away before heading back down to the common room.

Just outside the inn, May dips into an alley and angrily demands Malphas provide her with a raven, which she orders to fly above her, to watch her back as she walks to the Serpents Ring Boarding House. She leaves the bird circling outside as she enters.

Hail Antolias, how's my background check going?

2015-03-25, 04:33 PM
He nods to you as you enter. "Seems like you've passed. Hope you get your residency though, or it's going to be a short stay."
He hands you a key to the earlier agreed upon room after collecting payment if he hasn't already.

2015-03-25, 05:00 PM
I hope so too. I've been in touch with the Starlight guild so... May holds up her hand and crosses her fingers.

She takes her key and walks to her room, entering briefly to look around, getting an idea of the size, furnishings and security.

Leaving the room, May looks at the surrounding doors to see whether she has any immediate neighbours on either side. If she finds that she does, she knocks on one of the doors, planning to introduce herself.

2015-03-25, 05:15 PM
Your room is on the second floor, first room on the right. It seems you're right next to the stairs and have only one neighbor on your left.
Your room is 40 x 50, contains a bed frame, but no mattress, a dining table built into the wall, but no chairs, and a kitchen sink with built in water pump. There's a sizable closet as well. It seems your room comes mostly unfurnished... which is a step up from completely unfurnished, I suppose.

There is no response to your knocking.

2015-03-25, 06:37 PM
After locking her room and stowing the key in her belt pouch, May begins walking down the stairs of the boarding house, thinking about her plans to vet the colonel's suspects.

I wonder why the Watch doesn't just dominate their co-conspirators out of the prisoners. A rights issue? The spies I'm chasing probably don't have those compunctions, I better...

Her mind wanders, as she tries to remember anywhere she's seen that would sell potions of Protection From Alignment, such as Pirner's Outfitters or Ezekiel's Supplies, or anywhere she had prior knowledge of. She also remembers, with embarassment, the bartender at the Dancing Orc's assumptions, and tries to remember if she's seen any mundane clothes for sale.
Knowledge (Local): [roll0] (potion and outfit retailers)

The old Mythweavers sheets have become very slow, so I've copied May over to the new system despite the obnoxious ads. I'll be updating the new sheet from now on.

2015-03-30, 01:42 PM
Sorry for the delay.
I've got the new link, if you want to delete it from the thread now. You know, just in case.

On a completely separate note, on a personal level, I find May's character really irritating, but on a DM level, I'm actually really enjoying running her. I like where she's going and how she approaches things from the DM perspective, but she's the kind of person I really just don't like. I'm not asking you to change anything. I'm just somewhat impressed that you've managed to make a character I really dislike but really don't want to see go away. I don't think that's ever happened before.
She recalls that both places sold potions, though she doesn't recall whether or not she saw that particular type of potion for sale. She wonders if she might not have better luck inquiring at a temple of appropriate alignment... assuming the temples sell magic items...

The clothes at those two particular venues tends towards adventuring, though they likely have some more 'normal' clothing as well. There are a few clothiers and tailors in the city, though any in Old Town are likely to be on the higher end of the quality, fashion, and price spectrum.

2015-03-30, 05:48 PM
I got that impression when Bard-May got charged extra at the Sad Flint :smallbiggrin:

She came into the city a pretty bratty and manipulative person. I think her conversation with Feieranend was the first time she was completely honest with someone, and that was because she was afraid he was reading her thoughts. I'm hoping that if she finds a legitimate role in the city she can start redeeming herself in my eyes.

I was actually more worried about my play style being annoying than the character. May's pursuing several different things at once rather than focusing on one task at a time. This feels like a realistic way to do things (especially with having to wait for in-game events), but I can appreciate if it looks like I'm acting almost at random, let me know if it gets too bad.
May wanders over the sink and uses the pump, drinking several handfulls of water before returning to the table. She stands in front of the dining table, placing her hands flat on its surface, seeming deep in concentration.

So, today I have only to buy a change of clothes suitable to put off over-eager bartenders, finish furnishing a room I might only be allowed to stay in for two weeks, source some likely obscure potions, and track down and interrogate a potential spy from a foreign empire.

Oh, and work out how to get out of an awkward date without insulting a completely blameless guard. Sigh.

Once in the street May checks that she can still watch her own back from above through the eyes of Malphas' raven, and starts looking around Old Town and then Mid Town for mundane clothing and furniture shops, window shopping to get an idea of the price for scholar's outfits, courtier's outfits, and the chair and bedding she needs to make her room liveable.

A couple of questions about the mail system -
1. About what time do the couriers take the mail from the inns/taverns, and do they go straight to the delivery address? I'm wondering if I can locate someone by following letters to them.
2. Do the couriers wear a particular uniform? (thinking of impersonation)

and a misc question about the setting:
3. Are there anything like job boards in taverns and shops, where individuals can post notices to hire butlers, bodyguards, assistants etc? If so how do the wages being offered compare to SRD prices for hirelings?

Knowledge checks:
Knowledge (local): [roll0]
Knowledge (local): [roll1]
Knowledge (local): [roll2]

2015-03-30, 07:07 PM
The playstyle isn't really a problem. It just makes me have to look through my notes more than usual.

The mail system works via mysterious forces. You never see letters picked up or delivered. They just... arrive.

Yes, there are such boards. In general, they're 5 to 6 times higher, due to the higher level of the average characters. Higher than that for "adventurous" postings.The dove is still present, so long as Malphas is still bound.

Unless you just really want to RP it, you find a place selling the clothes for listed SRD prices.
To fully furnish the room with all the basic accoutrements, proper bedding, writing desk, chest of drawers, mirror, bedclothes, dining chairs, etc. will cost around 700gp.

2015-03-30, 08:25 PM
No kidding :smalltongue: I'll probably end up bringing up the fact that Antolias likes gnollish bovine husbandry somewhere down the line.

With the purchases I'm assuming 15 gold will get me three or so sacks of hay and enough wood to make an ugly chair, but if the timber costs more than 20g then I'll skip it.
May (as herself)

May buys a courtier's outfit, a scholar's outfit and a necklace costing 50 gold. She doesn't purchase any furniture, but she does manage to buy a few sacks of straw and a woolen sheet for a few gold, intending to use them to turn her empty bed frame into a rough pallet, as well as some pieces of wood, with the vague idea of putting a chair together herself.

Her shopping trip costs her 100 gold all up, and after hauling her purchases back to her room at the Serpent's Ring she spends a few minutes arranging the sacks of hay into a rough pallet on the bed frame.

Thats.. depressing she sighs, moving to stand in front of the table, where she stands the small mirror from her disguise kit, staring into it and thinking about how she will find and interrogate the librarian.

I'm going to need a new disguise. I don't think Buffoon the bard would get very far questioning a librarian. Maybe the daughter of a craftsman? Or a student?

May lowers her head in concentration, picturing a half-elf girl of university age. She has red hair and matches May's height and figure, but is otherwise unremarkable, looking a little like this (http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/images/446366/syrina.jpg). May concentrates on the face she just dreamed up and casts Alter Self to assume the form.

She looks into her hand mirror and speaks to the empty room, trying to subtly alter her voice.
Hello, hello. Cough. My father's a craftsman.

Satisfied, May changes into her new scholar's outfit, bundles her mirror and travelling clothes into her haversack and sets out in the direction her map indicates leads to the university library. She pulls the hood of her cloak over her head as she leaves the boarding house to avoid confusing Antolias, but pulls it down as she walks the rest of the way.

2015-03-30, 11:11 PM
As she approaches the university, she sees that a large, wrought iron gate stands open in front of the campus, topped by a sign which reads "Aldhaven Royal University of Scientific Esoterica" in elaborate lettering which appears to glow faintly. It seems as if there is a student organization fair going on at this very moment, a number of booths and groups scattered across the open areas of the campus. A large sign points the way to the registration office.

2015-03-31, 01:12 AM
May (as the Craftsdaughter)

Looks like a student society fair. College always looked like fun, not like the academy back home, prigs.

May sends Malphas' raven to fly higher and make a circuit of the campus, looking for the library building, or any very short black haired people who might be Anselm Wulfnod, before returning to the sky above her. May herself peruses the booths, taking any leaflets as they're handed to her and reading the titles. Over the course of a few minutes, she makes her way to the registration office and heads inside.

2015-03-31, 01:15 AM
Who is Anselm Wulfnod? :smallconfused:

2015-03-31, 01:23 AM
Of the list of Dragon Empire spy suspects I got from the Watch, he was the short shifter librarian who was asking around about Noble quarter schematics. I didn't actually know his name or description, I had to go look it up before I posted.

Thinking about it, I don't even know that he was a librarian at the university, but it seems a good place to start anyway.

2015-03-31, 01:44 AM
Huh. I seem to have saved a different name for that character in my notes... Oops. We'll go with that one though, as it seems to be the official version... *cough*
You don't seem to spot anyone that readily matches the, admittedly, sketchy description you received. The vast majority of the people around are obviously students.

You do notice one elven individual peering up at the dove while shielding his eyes from the sun. When the dove turns to look at him, he smiles and waves.

2015-03-31, 01:58 AM
I'm currently using a raven, its mechanically identical to a dove, but I don't want "controls a dove" to be the link that connects me to the 'Courthouse incident' :smalleek:

Is the elf someone May knows? Or does he looks like a guard or druid?
May (as the Craftsdaughter)

May heads into the registration office, giving the elf a wide berth, and heads for what looks like the main desk.

Hello. I'm not a student here, but I was wondering if I could get access to use your library, just as a private individual?

As May speaks, she keeps part of her attention on the visions streaming in from the raven, keeping an watch on the strange elf from above.

2015-03-31, 11:00 AM
Raven, dove. Either way, it doesn't change anything.
He looks like a student. He appears to be mouthing the word "Malphas".

Inside, the registration office consists of essentially nothing but a large entryway and three doors. One of the doors is closed with a "Do Not Disturb" sign. The second stands open, revealing a long hallway that goes deeper into the building, but a velvet rope has been hung across it to indicate entry is barred. The third door has a sign above it which reads "Enrollment". A potential student enters the office as another leaves carrying a stack of papers. A line of six other potential students stands nervously awaiting their turns outside of the office. Two of the people cast glances at you as you enter but you are otherwise ignored.

The itself room is fairly bland, being constructed of simple polished stone floors and paneled wooden walls. The only furniture in the room consists of three seemingly randomly placed wooden benches. In addition to the office door in front of which a line has formed, you spot three other offices, each with a "DO NOT DISTURB" sign posted on it. A large double door stands open in one wall, revealing a long hallway with several doors on each side, but a velvet rope has been stretched across it to bar entry.

2015-03-31, 05:04 PM
May (as the Craftsdaughter)

Did he just say 'Malphas'!? That's awkward.

With a long queue between her and the admissions office, and an interesting and potentially threatening situation outside, the quest for a library card seems particularly unappealing to May, and she ducks back outside.

Binding. Grendighast taught me about it, who taught this one? He also told me that if they knew what I was, then ordinary people would distrust me, clerics would persecute me, and witch hunters will kill me. Witch hunters are the only ones I know who can detect vestiges, but this elf seems calm, even friendly.

Given the man's friendly demeanor May decides to risk speaking to him. She spends a minute trying to find the perfect hiding spot, somewhere she can sit on the grass and see the man, but has enough cover to let her hide.

Reaching it, May lies down on the grass and takes some writing supplies from her pack. Pretending to write, May directs the raven to flap down to the man's feet and casts a concealed Message spell at him.
Hide: [roll0]
Sleight of Hand (conceal spellcasting): [roll1]


I'm taking liberties with having a perfect hiding spot, if there's no such location May picks the best out of the way she can before casting.

2015-03-31, 07:30 PM
He kneels down and grins at the raven, revealing stained black teeth.

"Oh, do come out. I haven't met another binder in quite some time."

2015-03-31, 08:05 PM
May (as the Craftsdaughter)

May stares at the man through the raven's eyes for a few seconds, before resolving to go and speak to him. Preparing for the worst, she pulls the sleeve blade from her pack and straps it to her forearm, making sure the slim device is invisible once covered by her outfit. Taking a deep breath, May approaches the man, directing the raven to fly back into the air as she gets close enough to talk to him without the aid of the spell.

You know, I find some white paste from a disguise kit hides Malphas' sign nicely.

It helps avoid awkward questions like, "by the gods, what happened to your teeth?", "shouldn't you go and see a healer about that?" and "back! back, demon!".

Sorry. My name's Mm..Magda.
Bluff: [roll0]

I don't think I mentioned before that May doesn't generally wear weapons or armour as she goes around the city, but keeps them in her haversack.

2015-03-31, 09:42 PM
He smiles at you as you approach, shrugging off your questions.

"Malphas today. Naberius tomorrow. With all the different signs, I'd have to keep an entire wardrobe if I was worried about hiding them. I don't really see the point. Besides, that would just take away time that could be better spent doing research."

He pauses for a moment.

"Oh! I'm Morton, by the way."

2015-03-31, 10:00 PM
May (as Magda the Craftsdaughter)

Where I grew up, they weren't very open minded about people with any kind of difference, let alone someone with teeth growing out of their scalp. I'm glad Aldhaven's a little more forgiving towards binders. Is there a local cabal?

Oh, and what kind of research are you doing?

May briefly contemplates trying to secretly cast a Detect Thoughts spell, but so far, even though she only has two examples in Morton and her old tutor, her entire experience of other binders has been positive. She decides not to risk insulting him by casting intrusive magics.

While thinking about insulting him however, another thought occurs to her.

Wait, before we go on I should ask, did you make a good pact?

If he's under Malphas' influence, we're going to have to be quite careful she thinks.

2015-04-01, 03:55 PM
"Don't worry. They're a lot more open minded around here, though they don't really think binding is real magic." He scoffs at this.

"Just... don't go parading openly through the temple district. There's still quite a few there who could be described like you just did, particularly among the Pelorites."

"You insult me! I never make these so called 'good' pacts! That defeats half the purpose of the research!"

2015-04-01, 05:31 PM
May (as Magda the Craftsdaughter)

So you're researching how vestiges control living people?

May has her raven look around the general area for any other ravens or doves that might belong to Morton.

2015-04-02, 01:07 AM
"No, that would be pointless. I'm studying every aspect of them to better learn the details of their existence and histories as well as personalities and desires. Ignoring some part of that would damage the research. Having a second binder here would be very useful, though I doubt you'd really be up to the task."

2015-04-02, 08:30 AM
May (as Magda the Craftsdaughter)

Is he trying to use reverse psychology on me? Still, what could the 'task' be?

Really? How can I help? I can't promise I'm capable of every task, but I'll hear you out.

... If it helps I have some stories of times when the vestiges asserted their control ...

Like the time I'd bound Naberius and was walking through the village square, and he decided to interpret the whole area as a stage. That was the most passionate oratory on the virtues of gourds I've ever heard, all because I could see one at a market stall across the square. Actually that was pretty fun, and I got a free gourd out of it. Maybe there is something to be said for making bad pacts... she thinks to herself.

2015-04-03, 03:30 PM
He raises an eyebrow at you inquisitively.

"Eh, perhaps. You'd need to learn to fill out the proper paperwork and learn to write a proper discourse on your own research, or you'd only hurt mine. I do need the help, and having a second researcher would give more credence here at the university. Unfortunately, sloppy research is going to be a problem. If you're interested, you'll have to promise to work really hard and do as I instruct you. I'm assuming you're applying as an undergraduate. Correct?"

2015-04-03, 04:56 PM
May (as Magda the Craftsdaughter)

May feels panic steadily rising at the mention of forms and hard work.

No! I mean, no, I have a private tutor. I'm just here to try and get permission to use the library for a project. I don't think I'm up to the task of becoming a full time academic, sorry.
Bluff: Take 10 (24)

2015-04-03, 06:43 PM
He rolls his eyes.

"Figures. First binder to come through here since I enrolled, and she's too busy to offer any... she... oh."

Suddenly, an evil gleam comes into his eye and he smirks cruelly.

"Ooooohhh... So, when you asked about a good pact with Malphas, you were implying something. Weren't you... beautiful?"

2015-04-03, 07:32 PM
May (as Magda the Craftsdaughter)

Nice try Morton, she says, shaking her head.

I've already fought that battle with Malphas today, and I'm suffering for it. I was asking if you had made a good pact so that I wouldn't accidentally wake him up in you. I thought that'd be rude.

She shrugs.

Anyway, unless you want to help me get permission to use the library ... I should get going. Let me know if you ever need help with more interesting research, like field work, or if you want to do some binding together, or swap vestige stories!

May takes a step backwards towards the admissions office, showing that she's about to leave.

2015-04-03, 11:19 PM
He frowns.

"Well then. A shame, really. Imagine the passion of a relationship that two Malphas bound binders would have. Your loss.

Do come back later. I'll listen to anything you have to say about your binding experiences. If you're not going to be a student, you can at least be a resource. Maybe I'll help you get library access if you do. It's not typically open to members of the public."

2015-04-04, 02:16 AM
May (as Magda the Craftsdaughter)

Sure. Actually if you've got a time in mind, let me know. I could come back any day in the next week. Just knowing they don't open the library to the public has saved me from a dismal looking queue in the registration office.

So, the public aren't allowed into the library? Sahree had a different idea when I asked in the Town Hall. Is this another manipulation? May wonders to herself.

She reaches into her belt pouch and palms her Third Eye Improvisation, then pushes it against her forehead under her headband, trying to use sleight of hand to pass the action off as scratching an itch.
Sleight of Hand: Take 10+11 (21)

She feels the gem activate, and channels the energy into trying to spot a lie in Morton's assertion that only members of the university can access the library.
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2015-04-04, 02:23 AM
Just so you don't waste time searching, I don't think there're any written rules about using sleight of hand in this way, I'm just trying it because it seems reasonable.

I think I spelt Sahree's name right, she's the receptionist at the town hall.

2015-04-04, 02:43 AM
He eyes you warily as you do that but doesn't notice the gem. He seems to realize something is up though.

"I'm busy with the student fair at the moment, but I'll be available tomorrow. Do come back then. I'm not TeeAeing anything tomorrow, so anytime after 10 is fine."

2015-04-04, 03:59 AM
May (as Magda the Craftsdaughter)

Alright. Be seeing you, May says, offering a single wave as she walks away.

May doesn't object to the elf's company, but is finding him to be somewhat machiavellian, and decides she'd rather not need his help if she can avoid it.

Even if I believe him, he only said they don't typically let the public use the library. I can't imagine typical members of the public even want to, she thinks, walking to the registration office.

Somewhere en-route, the gem on her forehead detatches, and May reaches behind her headband to stow it back in her belt pouch. Once back inside the registration office, may joins the queue for enrollment.


I hate queues.


After a couple of minutes May is gritting her teeth at the monotony. She relaxes her jaw and thinks for a few moments, picturing a burly red-haired dwarf wearing the kind of clothes she'd seen the older students wearing at the students' fair outside.

She imagines the dwarf pushing a cart covered in books, with a "Free Textbooks" sign painted in red on its side, and beneath it in smaller letters "Used, but not Abused".

Focusing on that image, May casts Minor Image, projecting the illusion just outside the door. May has the illusion push the cart inside the room, and make several approving and impressed noises such as "HMM! Hmm?" as the illusory dwarf nods and gestures to the books. When she's sure the other students in the queue have seen the cart, she has the illusion move back outside the office and move away to the extent that her line of sight will allow.
Minor Image: DC15 (or 16 if the queue is flat-footed)

Is Morton a male, academic version of May? He's so sneaky and manipulative :smallbiggrin:

Did May believe what he said about the library?

2015-04-04, 06:50 PM
Woops. I meant to say, May tries to conceal the casting of the illusion with the conceal spellcasting trick.
Sleight of Hand: 10+11

2015-04-04, 07:22 PM
A few of the applicants in line look wistfully at the bookseller illusion, but none of them follow after it. Since none of them have yet registered, they do not yet know which books they will need to purchase for their classes.

Fortunately, they seem to be working through the office rather quickly, only taking 5 to 10 minutes per applicant, though a few take longer.

Should she wait long enough, May's turn eventually comes after a long hour of boredom. The student before you leaves the office, the door standing open for May to enter.

Not exactly. I've actually used Morton before for another player. They're disturbingly similar though...

2015-04-04, 08:17 PM
May (as Magda the Craftsdaughter)

When she realises the trick with the book-giver isn't going to advance her position in the queue, may dismisses the illusion and instead tries to pass the time by humming.
Perform (humming): [roll0]

Should have brought a book..

When that grows tedious, May begins exploring the campus through the eyes of Malphas' raven, keeping an eye out for the short, black haired shifter she originally came here to investigate, and paying specific attention to the entrance to the library, trying to see whether people have to show identification to enter.

When May finally reaches the office, she enters, looking for the enrollment officer.

2015-04-05, 07:57 PM
Inside, a stern looking elven woman sits at a desk, a slight frown on her lips as you walk through the door. She appears to be trying to appraise your abilities and whether or not you would make an adequate student. She waits for you to speak.

2015-04-06, 12:43 AM
May (as Magda the Craftdaughter)

Afternoon miss, May says, courtesying.

I uh, I'm not a prospective student. I'm being taught by a private tutor, and I wondered whether I would be allowed access to the university library for my research.
Bluff: take 10+14

I have some money saved up, I'd be quite willing to pay any fees needed to cover any costs.
Diplomacy: [roll0]

May tries a rushed diplomacy check, for what it's worth, by trying to be earnest and respectful.

2015-04-07, 12:17 AM
The woman rolls her eyes and sighs haughtily.

"Then why are you in my office? Just go to the library!


2015-04-07, 07:00 PM
May (as Magda the Craftsdaughter)


May scurries out of the room and heads for the university library, walking in if nobody stops her.

I've never said so explicitly, but I'm intending unlabelled italics to be May's internal monologue.

Did the office have name on the door, or anything like that?

2015-04-07, 11:05 PM
The office was simply marked "Enrollment and Registration"The library is contained in the large round building southernmost on the campus. Entering the building, the librarian asks to see her ID.

2015-04-07, 11:32 PM
May (as Magda the Craftsdaughter)

May looks around what she can see of the library, looking for any very short black haired librarians. She answers the question without turning to look at the librarian.

What kind of ID are you looking for? I'm not a student, I'm a private individual here with permission from the university.

2015-04-08, 08:57 PM
She sees no librarians matching that description.

"Oh. Did you have permission to use the library?"

2015-04-08, 09:45 PM
May (as the Craftsdaugher)

Yes, I was given permission to use the library. May says, turning to look directly into the librarian's eyes.

I asked permission and was told to come straight here. Pretty explicit, not to mention enthusiastically delivered she thinks.

2015-04-08, 09:57 PM
"Then go ahead, but bring some proper documentation next time."

She waves you inside but immediately proceeds to write down some notes about you.

Inside, you find that the library is built as a ring around the outside of a central chamber. There are shelves along the inner and outer walls and freestanding shelves in the middle with just enough room to walk comfortably between them.