View Full Version : what is your favorite cleric domain?

2015-02-25, 03:22 PM
Just wondering, I am personaly drawn to the tempest domain. What do you enjoy playing the most? What sounds the coolest to you?

Whats your least favorite?


2015-02-25, 03:34 PM
I'd have to go with either Trickery or Knowledge.

2015-02-25, 04:25 PM
Just wondering, I am personaly drawn to the tempest domain. What do you enjoy playing the most? What sounds the coolest to you?

Whats your least favorite?


Tempest as well for me. I'd take the feat that let me get shocking grasp as a cantrip too!

2015-02-25, 04:40 PM
Life is my favorite. Having such efficiency in healing allows me more freedom to play with the many awesome offensive and utility spells. I also still feel like a front line fighter with Divine Strike and heavy armor prof. Not a lot of damage but enough to stay relevant, supplemented by Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians and the like. The lack of martial prof is fine since you don't get multiple attacks and I like the classic mace and shield look.

2015-02-25, 06:04 PM
Life cleric for mechanical effect, as the poster above mentioned, it actually means you cast less healing during the day, allowing you to spend your spell slots on more interesting things.

Trickery for actual play though, I just love the advantage on stealth, access to illusions and a duplicate self. All of them fit my play style very well. I wanted to play a sneaky guy who was not an assassin or that great in a fight. Rogues are a bit stabby for the trickster I wanted.

2015-02-25, 06:33 PM
How do people like War domain? I'm lined up to play one soon (the second link in my signature), and I'm wondering what the general opinion is. We're starting at level 10, but other than that, it's all straight by-the-book.

As for OP, I've only played with one other cleric before (first link in my signature), and then only as the DM, but he picked Life domain and switched almost immediately afterwards to Light. Besides the HUGE amount of sense it made, lore-wise, he felt that he had strong enough healing that he didn't need the boost.

2015-02-25, 06:54 PM
I am actually liking the look of the nature domain. Yes the charming plants and animals is not as strong as some but the other features are great. Heavy armor (no dex), druid cantrip (possibly no str if dwarf if you take a certain cantrip), extra skill, reactive resistance, and choose your favorite element damage on the fly make for some nice benefits. Going dwarf,wielding a staff, using shillelagh, and polearm master gives some nice melee damage for a cleric with the ability to avoid resistances or utilize vulnerabilities.

2015-02-25, 07:00 PM
How do people like War domain? I'm lined up to play one soon (the second link in my signature), and I'm wondering what the general opinion is. We're starting at level 10, but other than that, it's all straight by-the-book.
My last character was a War Cleric, played from levels 1-9. He was surprisingly lethal. The extra attacks at low levels are huge, as are the +10 to hit channels when you really need to land that clutch hit. At level 8 start saving your extra attacks for when you miss your first to proc Divine Strike every turn and don't be selfish with your channels.

2015-02-26, 12:06 AM
I'm DMing a game right now in which one of the players is a War Domain cleric. He's doing quite well. He consistently has one of the highest ACs in the group (just got a magic shield in the last random magic item hoard, too, giving him an AC of 19), which means he rarely gets hit or takes damage. He mostly uses his spells for out of combat healing (Prayer of Healing is a must, you pretty much don't need Cure Wounds after 3rd level), a handful of Healing Words in combat, but most of it goes towards things like Spiritual Weapon, which allows him to dish out a decent amount of damage each combat. Couple that with the extra attacks he gets a few of each day, and the 1/rest +10 to hit, and he's about on par damage-output wise with the party Sorcerer (The Fighter, Monk, and TWF Rogue just have so many extra attacks that it's hard to keep up with them). He remains the only one in the party who can heal, and he rarely has an issue with a group of 5 players.

Having just hit level 5, the party invested in the diamonds for Revify, which he now keeps prepared. I must say that the War domain has some NICE Domain spells, and the fact that they don't count against your spells prepared is a godsend, pun intended.

2015-02-26, 10:08 AM
My favorite is probably Knowledge, because its the most interesting.

I dislike the "add Wis bonus to cantrips damage" and "add 1d8 to 1 attack per round" abilities, because I dislike fiddly rules in general. If the designers think that Clerics should be able to use weapons and/or cantrips as a viable at-will attack option, then they should just write it into the base abilities. After all, regardless of your Domain choice, Clerics are usually going to end up slightly behind most other classes. (Which is fine, because they have tons of other cool options).

2015-02-26, 10:39 AM
How do people like War domain? I'm lined up to play one soon (the second link in my signature), and I'm wondering what the general opinion is. We're starting at level 10, but other than that, it's all straight by-the-book.

As for OP, I've only played with one other cleric before (first link in my signature), and then only as the DM, but he picked Life domain and switched almost immediately afterwards to Light. Besides the HUGE amount of sense it made, lore-wise, he felt that he had strong enough healing that he didn't need the boost.

I WANT to like it, but I don't. The capstone is cool, but it just comes so late, by then plenty of stuff can bypass that resistance. Tempest domain cleric is almost the equal in terms of martial ability just instead of extra attacks he gets a defensive DD that can eventually knock enemeis back and instead of the +10 channel divinity (which admittedly is nice) he augments his spells casting - which imo is better because a pure classed cleric is never going to be a super badass in melee, good? Sure. Amazing? Not so much. Tempest still gets heavy armor and martial weapons, and gets divine strike. Oh and at level 17 he can FLY.

2015-02-26, 10:54 AM
I'm playing a Light cleric at the moment at lvl4 and liking it a lot. The AoE Chanel ability has been awesome for clearing out mooks when the party is already engaged. I like Faerie Fire a lot to but its hard to not hit allies with it. Can turn a fight in your favor fat though. Looking forward to fireball and giving disadvantage on attacks when they attack my allies. I don't get attacked a ton so the disadvantage when attacking me isn't always useful.

My favorite from looking over the abilities is Tempest. They get all the proficiency and I think Call Lightning + Spiritual weapon could be a good way to do damage with-ought blowing a ton of spell slots every fight.

2015-02-26, 11:08 AM
My brother's playing Tempest right now in Hoard - at low level he was
a little short on spell slots (to be fair, you're kind of starved for rest
opportunities early on) but now it's definitely working. Using Wrath
on an AoE spell like Thunderwave is like selecting a bunch of minions
and hitting 'delete', and now that they've discovered Spirit Guardians
they fear minion swarms a lot less.

I haven't seen Knowledge or Trickery in play, but they're the ones I'm
most excited about. Cool ideas.

2015-02-26, 11:21 AM
Life is my favorite. Having such efficiency in healing allows me more freedom to play with the many awesome offensive and utility spells. I also still feel like a front line fighter with Divine Strike and heavy armor prof. Not a lot of damage but enough to stay relevant, supplemented by Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians and the like. The lack of martial prof is fine since you don't get multiple attacks and I like the classic mace and shield look.


I totally agree with this. It is a very enjoyable domain to play.

2015-02-26, 11:10 PM
My favorite is Nature. Removing the need to invest in strength to be effective in melee is a godsend. The ability to charm/dominate beasts comes up more often than most people think, everyone likes an extra trained skill, and the reactive resistance and ability to choose the element used each strike are fantastic options. I think I'd give second place as a tie between knowledge, life, and death domains. Last place is trickery, I can't figure out how that one was meant to be used effectively.

2015-02-26, 11:52 PM
I've got a Fighter 1 Tempest Cleric 4 that's pretty fun to play as so far.

Life was also fun to me in away, having really potent heals while being a damage sponge is oddly satisfying. But I ditched it for Tempest Cleric since at the time I was playing AL and was sick of people treating me like a box of bandaids. (Also I had just gotten the PHB and when I read the Tempest Cleric entry I just HAD to play one)

Not doing AL anymore, but between Wrath of the Storm zapping people who attack me, and Thunderwave causing so much chaos it's been a very fun...and smashy time with the character. I'm quite excited for my next Cleric level.

2015-02-27, 12:30 AM
Many of the different domains are interesting for different reasons.

Nature for single ability shenanigans with Shillelagh. "Speak softly and carry a big stick"

Knowledge, especially in combo with Lore Bard and maybe even rogue, for proficiency and expertise in a silly number of things.

Life for healing well but actually needing less healing spells than other clerics as the ones you use are so powerful.

Tempest for Roleplay, and thunder/lightning synergy can get some silly damage.

Not a huge fan of trickery war or light personally but they have their uses as well. Light for blasting everything with fire and healing the friendly fire instances, War for being a frontliner and a fullcaster, trickery mostly for the nice domain spell list and invisibility.

If i had to choose one it would be a toss up between nature or life. Porbably nature. Variant human with QUarterstaff, shillelagh and Polearm master feat can be a nasty frontliner from level 1. d8+wis on entering your reach, d8+wis d4+wis for attack and bonus along with heavy armour? not bad at all =P

2015-02-27, 09:41 AM
I like tempest, my favourite character I have played in 5e was a tempest cleric that pretended he was a war cleric (including Tempos as his deity) that was planning on going paladin at some point. The reaction attack is amazing and his spells even more so.