View Full Version : Tora Ni Noru! - IC

2015-02-26, 02:16 PM
It is a glorious day in the Central Kingdom. Combatants from all across Okoku have come to participate in the grand martial tournament. Prince Oji himself has decided to attend, and will be giving highest honors to the winning team.

As tradition dictates, there will be four teams of four, sixteen combatants total. As tradition also dictates, the fights will be to the death. If part of your team falls during a fight, you've permanently lost a member of your forces.

The sun beats heavily down upon the arena, and the crowd stamps their feet in anticipation.

You feel this stomping from the small, dry room you currently find yourself in. The room itself is located below the stadium itself and has three exits. Two leading to the grated entrances of the arena, and one leading out of the arena to a nearby building.

The sixteen of you sit on a number of small benches. A human official in illustrious lacquered-wood armor addresses you.

"Today the sixteen of you have a fabulous opportunity! You shall be performing your art before a grand crowd, including our very own Prince Oji. Blood and ki alike shall be spilled in the name of honor, tradition, and skill in the martial arts."

The human official pauses to withdraw a bamboo scroll. He then begins to read off the arrangements of the four teams.

"Team Tamashi shall consist of the following four combatants. Hyakume, Ruri Kurokawa, Takeshi Saito, and Kaito Kaminari.

The official clears his throat and then lists off the other four teams (Team Hi, Team Yoru, and Team Niku), before addressing you all one last time.

"It's time for the tournament to begin now, so please find your team-members and get to know them in the little time you have. You'll be called up when it's time to begin. I have the utmost confidence in each of you, so go out there and give us a good show!"

The official remains in the room, but moves to the corner (presumably to keep watch over the participants). You now have a few minutes before the first fight begins.

- - -

What are you doing? How do you feel about this tournament? Do you have any private goals? How will you approach your new teammates?

2015-02-26, 02:35 PM
as the other teams form up, Takeshi looks at the three people who, by process of elimination, must be his team.
Walking over, he looks them up and down with barely hidden disinterest. "Huh, so we'll be fighting in teams, then. Well I suppose it would be boring for the crowd if we only went one on one. My name is Takeshi Saito. Remember it for when I've won this tournament and shown my superiority. As long as you lot stay out of my way, I suppose it will be alright to have you along for the ride." He states haughtily, making no attempt at lowering his voice or hide his low opinion of the other contestants.

2015-02-26, 03:51 PM
Hyakume's expression hasn't changed since the announcements. He stays seated, with his legs crossed. As the others begin introductions, he remains silent and pulls out his pipe. He lights a match and begins toking away. A smile grows on the old man's face.

2015-02-26, 03:51 PM
Kaito glances up at Takeshi from where he's been sitting silently on a bench, and looks the bigger man up and down. "Oh. Good. We're going to have a distraction this time. I'm Kaito. Pleased to meet you."

2015-02-26, 05:40 PM
Takeshi's face flushes at Kaito's answer, and he stands fingering the hilt of his sword before turning his head away angrily. "Tch" He exclaims "The tiger of Hanbei is above the squeakings of a mouse."
He proceeds to look at the other teams appraisingly, Scoffing at what he sees.
"shouldn't be too hard..."

2015-02-26, 07:45 PM
Hyakume motions towards the human with his hand. His head remains fixed and looking forward. "Sit, won't you?"

2015-02-26, 07:51 PM
Ruri would stand up from her seat and stretch out her arms. "Let's save all the insults for the losing teams. Kay?" She would smile and tilt her head to the side slightly, facing her teammates. "Oh, I'm Ruri by the way." she would say standing up straight again.

2015-02-26, 08:16 PM
Raising an eyebrow, Takeshi ponders their comments for a second before answering.
"Alright, I guess..." he says, letting himself fall down onto the floor, resting his sword across his legs. Looking at the others, he scratches his chin absentmindedly.
"So..." He begins awkwardly "why are you three in this tournament? No offense, but a lady, an old man and a... Ratfolk... Doesnt seem like the kind of People to enter a death-match Tournament."

2015-02-26, 08:27 PM
The old orochi takes a toke from his pipe and then passes it to the human.
"This may calm you down. Nerves are a powerful thing."

He motions for the others to join him on the floor.

"Come, join us."

"We are not entirely sure. We were told to come, why is still unknown to us."

2015-02-26, 08:34 PM
Ruri would sit on the floor promptly, her tails curling around her. Answering Takeshi's question, she would say, "I wanted more fun and entertainment which is why I agreed to come. My family is booooring and my uncle said I might be good at this kind of stuff." she smiles.

2015-02-26, 08:42 PM
"Uuh, ok..." Takeshi replies, taking the pipe a bit hesitantly, before drawing deeply on it. He keeps the smoke in for a moment while passing the pipe back, before exhaling smoothly. Guess its a thing for old people to do this. Master Hanbei kept insisting I try his herb blends as well... he thinks, letting the effects call him.
"Thats not a bad blend, old man. Whats in it?" he says, uncertain how to take Ruri's answer. joining a death match because you're bored... Guess she's crazy.

2015-02-26, 09:05 PM
Ruri would sit on the floor promptly, her tails curling around her. Answering Takeshi's question, she would say, "I wanted more fun and entertainment which is why I agreed to come. My family is booooring and my uncle said I might be good at this kind of stuff." she smiles.

"Oh to be young again.

"Uuh, ok..." Takeshi replies, taking the pipe a bit hesitantly, before drawing deeply on it. He keeps the smoke in for a moment while passing the pipe back, before exhaling smoothly. Guess its a thing for old people to do this. Master Hanbei kept insisting I try his herb blends as well... he thinks, letting the effects call him.
"Thats not a bad blend, old man. Whats in it?" he says.

"Keen senses, small fry."
The snake chuckles.
"We picked this particular strain up while in the far south. A fine blend, Old Toby, we think it's called."

He takes another deep breath from the pipe and then passes it to the Kitsune.

2015-02-26, 09:13 PM
Ruri would look at the pipe and wave her hands to decline. "I appreciate the offer but I will pass."

2015-02-26, 09:30 PM
He bows his head, and takes the pipe back, continuing to toke away.

2015-02-26, 09:46 PM
The Nezumi pulls a white mask from his belt, and begins tapping out a rhythm on it. "Oh, no offense taken, Taiga. I was just as surprised that a human like yourself had the courage to enter a death match." He slides from his bench, still rapping against the wood, and remarks, "We probably should at least glance at our strategy. I specialize in sneak attacks, and Taiga seems to be into close combat, but I don't have a good read on you two."

2015-02-26, 10:10 PM
"Hmmm..." she ponders, placing a finger on her lips while looking around. "I guess I attack from a short distance and am good at siphoning energies. Oh! and moving around quickly, I can do that too.". she says proudly.

2015-02-26, 10:21 PM
"Quickly and from the shadows. We have mastered many arts, but our speciality is hand to hand."

2015-02-27, 12:39 AM
A runner comes in from one of the tunnels and speaks to the official, shortly after the official turns to the group of you and tells Team Hi and Team Yoru to head up through separate passageways into the arena.

They do so, and soon you begin to hear the sounds of battle from above you.

2015-02-28, 01:45 PM
Hyakume sits seemingly oblivious to the events around him (though its not the case), and continues smoking, and awaits his team's turn.

2015-03-01, 12:30 AM
Time passes. The din of the combat above slowly fades as the fight ends. You faintly hear the announcer speak the name of the winning team.

Team Yoru returns from the tunnel they left through, they are one member short. Apparently they had a causality despite their victory.

A few minutes later the runner from earlier returns, speaks to the official, and leaves again. The official then gestures to you and Team Niku to exit the waiting room through your respective tunnels.

You do so, the tunnels spiral steeply upward and end in front of a bamboo grated gate. Through the holes in the grate you can see the arena before you, and on the far side you can see Team Niku leering through their gate. They consist of an Orochi with a bow, a Moonfolk wielding an icy-looking naginata, a Chibi Nezumi, and an Akki wielding a club and wearing bone armor.

The announcer speaks up loudly.

"The time has come for the second round of to-the-death combat. But these deaths shall not be in vain, oh no. These deaths shall be made in the name of the divine empire of the Central Kingdom. These deaths shall be made in the name of the lordly Prince Oji. But most of all, these deaths will be made in the name of great honour. For those that emerge unscathed at the end of this tournament shall be crowned the greatest fighters in Okoku!

The announcer pauses to let the crowd cheer.

"Let the fight . . . Begin!"

The grates open simultaneously, and the crowd begins to roar. The battle has begun.

We're going to be streamlining initiative in three ways. First, we're assuming a roll of 10. Second, we're averaging each teams initiative together for a group initiative. Lastly, we're using a initative block system.

This means that you can act any time within your block, and then we advance to the next block once all participants of the current block have gone.

During this combat you collectively have initiative higher than the enemy, so you go first. All of you can act, after which I'll respond and do the enemy's movements.
Your characters are represented by squares marked in your chosen color. The enemies are the letters, the letters correspond to the first letter of each of their races.

I'm giving you the Defenses of the enemy so that you can tell whether you've hit and write descriptions accordingly. I'm not going to divulge to you the HP of the enemies, if they die I'll describe that. Since your group has the first action, these enemies use their flat-footed value for reflex defense instead of their normal value. The flat-footed value is given in parentheses after the normal value.

Name: Fort/Ref(Flat-footed)/Will
Orochi: 16/16(12)/13
Moonfolk: 15/15(12)/14
Nezumi: 13/17(13)/14
Akki: 16/18(14)/13

2015-03-01, 01:03 AM
Ruri will take advance forward with her icy orb in hand as she attempts to summon orbs of Soul Energy to protect her.

Move Action to advance to E2. Two swift actions to summon Soul-Orbs. [roll0]

2015-03-01, 12:14 PM
Within moments of the gate opening, Kaito begins channeling ki to hide his body and to speed his movement. He dashes forwards, holding his sword low and out behind himself. When he reaches the Chibi Nezumi on Team Niku, he swings it back, up, and around in a vicious overhand attack that connects solidly against the Nezumi's head, and then, almost as quickly as he arrived, begins backpedaling away from the four.

Shadow Strike, moving to I5, attacking the Chibi Nezumi, moving back to F5



2015-03-01, 06:34 PM
As the gate opens, Takeshi closes his eyes for a second, focusing his ki while running his free hand across his sword. As he does so he concentrates the ki, passing it to the blade and altering the capabilities slightly to allow it to cut the flow of ki rather than flesh.
When it is done, he grins and dashes out from the gate close behind Kaito and Ruri, his gaze settling on the club wielding Akki, and his long strides allowing him to reach the other side of the arena easily.
He charges forward, twisting his body to put extra force behind the stab he aims at the Akki's throat.

First, Takeshi uses a move action to activate "soul weapon" on his sword (thus ignoring shield gate and 5 points of shield strength, and dealing +3 damage vs. ki shields).
He then uses a standard action to make a charge attack on the Akki, which is possible since Takeshi's speed is 8 squares.
Charge attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

As the blade connects with the foes ki shield, sparks fly from Takeshi's sword point. "HAH!" He exclaims, grinning triumphantly.

2015-03-01, 07:09 PM
Hyakume follows behind Kaito towards the enemy.
He vanishes briefly, then appears in front of the Moonfolk.
He gets in close, faking with his right hand and attempts to deliver a hard blow with his left just beneath the creature's ribs.
He vanishes again then takes a step back.

Hyakume is using Shadow Strike.
Evoke: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]

He retreats back to G4

2015-03-01, 07:53 PM
The crowd cheers as Team Tamashi charges forward.

First, Kaito's Nodachi pierces the Nezumi enemy's Ki Shields, shattering them in one blow. However, no wounds are inflicted on the ratfolk body.

Takeshi's Ki-infused blade manages to easily slice through the armored Akki's Ki Shields and even manage to scratch the Akki itself a bit, leaving a shallow gash in the being's tough reddish skin.

Finally, Hyakume darts up and delivers a quick succession of blows that manages to almost completely destroy the Moonfolk's shields, but a sliver of Ki energy remains, still defending the being.

After this succession of attacks, the enemy teams retaliates.

The Orochi takes a slight step forward and looses a soul-infused arrow at Ruri. The arrow hits its mark and both wounds the Kitsune and shatters her shields.

The Moonfolk also steps forward as she begins to channel the power of the spirits. Snapping her fingers, a cone of lightning shoots forth from her hand, enveloping both Kaito and Hyakume. However, both of you manage to partially evade the evocation, taking minimal damage.

Whirling his cloak around himself, the Chibi Nezumi suddenly becomes invisible. Most of you are unable to track his movements. But Hyakume, through his heightened senses, is able to follow the Nezumi's movements.

Lastly, the Akki warrior summons the power of his ki, and siphons off some of Takeshi's Ki Shields. The attack is successful, and the Akki manages to strip off all but a bit of the Human's soul barrier.

Ruri, you are reduced to 0 ki shields and 12 health.

Hyakume and Kaito, you're both reduced to 5 ki shields.

Takeshi, you are reduced to 1 ki shields.
To speed up play I've decided to not use the forum dice rollers for the enemies. I'll be making their rolls IRL.

This includes the perception checks to spot the Chibi Nezumi
The enemy Nezumi has moved to E6.

2015-03-01, 08:06 PM
Hyakume darts around Kaito to intercept the flanking enemy.
He unleashes a fury of blows upon the hidden enemy, who manages to fend off the onslaught.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Moves to E5

2015-03-01, 08:11 PM
As he feels his shield being drained, Takeshi glares at the Akki, before glancing over at the Orochi and Moonfolk pressuring the others. With a cheeky smile at the Akki, Takeshi breathes in deeply, gathering his ki to reassemble his defenses.
As he exhales slowly, he lifts his right leg slightly to sidestep, but just as his foot hits the ground he vanishes into a blur, moving past the Orochi and Moonfolk too fast for the naked eye to make out clearly. The sound of his sword lashing out twice fills the air, and he reappears on the other side of the two foes.

First, I use two swift actions to regain my shield.
Evoke check to regain shield: [roll0]

then I use a standard action to use "Heroic Dash" on the Orochi and Moonfolk, reappearing in square I1.
Evoke check for Heroic Dash: [roll1]

I'll roll attacks and damage in the OOC.

Unfortunately, Takeshi is slightly of balance when he initiates the rush, and none of his blows manage to land.
"Dammit!" He snarls from his new position. "I still haven't completely mastered those steps..."

2015-03-01, 08:28 PM
As Kaito dashes forwards around Hyakume, his tail twitching from the lightning blast, he calls, "Ruri. Can you handle the archer?" Rather than closing completely with the Moonfolk, Kaito shifts his grip down and lunges forwards, using the nodachi more as a spear than a sword.

Move to G4

However, as his front foots lands, it twists underneath him. And while he manages to keep his balance and his footing with a redoublement, the extra step forces his blade just out of line with the Moonfolk's body.

2015-03-02, 01:07 AM
Ruri calls out to Kaito and says"I have a different idea."

Ruri launches her two soul-orbs at the Moonfolk and then tries to siphon the Ki out of the Orochi.

Two swift actions to launch two soul-orbs. One standard action to Ki-Drain.
Soul Orb attack rolls: [roll0] [roll1]
Soul Orb damage rolls:[roll2] [roll3]
Ki-Drain Evoke Check: [roll4]
Will roll Ki-Drain damage in the OOC, if any.

2015-03-02, 01:53 AM
Team Tamashi unleashes a flurry of attacks, and while most miss, one happens to land a blow. The Orochi's Ki Shields are stripped away, and while some vestiges of the defense remain, most of it is gone.

Glad to come out of this latest series of attacks unscathed, Team Niku retaliates.

The Orochi archer lets loose an arrow at Ruri, but it misses widely (natural 1!) and the arrow hits the wall.

The Moonfolk pounces upon Kaito, and swings his frost-covered naginata. Kaito easily dodges, evading the icy-looking blade.

The Nezumi suddenly appears before Hyakume and strikes with his Kunai. But Hyakume deflects the Nezumi's arm and the attack misses.

Lastly, the Akki warrior gives a loud battle cry and charges Takeshi. He then claps his hands together. A blast of lightning springs out and strikes Takeshi, completely shattering his shields.

The crowd cheers when one of the fighters finally lands a hit. By this time, various members of the audience have started to chant either the name "Team Niku" or "Team Tamashi".

Takeshi's Ki Shields go to 0.

It looks like Team Niku wiffed most of their attacks this turn as well. The dice gods are odd today. :smallconfused:
Orochi: shielded
Moonfolk: shielded
Nezumi: unshielded
Akki: unshielded

2015-03-02, 02:10 AM
Ruri curses in her kitsune language, under her breath, at her Soul-Orbs not connecting with their target. She would then attempt to summon more orbs to surround herself as well as launch her Icy, Orb of Deception at the Akki.

Two Swift actions to use Soul-Orbs. Standard action to throw Orb of Deception.
Soul-Orbs Evoke check: [roll0]
Orb of Deception attack roll: [roll1]
Orb of Deception damage roll: [roll2]

2015-03-02, 06:40 AM
Shaking his head, Takeshi looks down at the persistent Akki. He feels anger start to boil inside him, manifesting as a wide, mad grin on his face. "You really wanna play, tiny?" He drawls, staring menacingly at his foe. "Ok. I'm gonna rip out your spine and wear it as a belt, you misbegotten little pest."
Withdrawing the ki gathered in his blade, Takeshi instead focuses it in his body, clearing his head to get into the state that allows him to use his favourite technique, one that allows him to cut armor, flesh and bone with equal ease.
He then lashes out with a two-handed slice, first dipping low and then whipping his blade upwards, intended to open the Akki from groin to head.

First I use a move action to activate the "Water splitting stone" evocation, Since the foe is unshielded. This allows me to ignore up to 10 points of DR.
I then use a standard action to attack.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Takeshi is not completely used to the length of his sword, however, and slices it into the ground, which slows it enough for the Akki to easily sidestep.
The blow leaves a deep groove in the ground, but the sword is no worse for the wear.
"The next blow is gonna turn you into tonights dinner, you little punk!" Takeshi roars.

2015-03-02, 09:12 AM
After pausing for a split second to draw a deep breath, Kaito switches his grip back to a normal one, and then swings hard at the Moonfolk, slicing up and across her body.

Two swift actions to restore Ki Shields, and then attacking.


2015-03-02, 11:43 AM
The blind monk zeroes in on his target, continuing to engage him to find an opening in his defense to deliver a lethal blow.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Hyakume attempts to deliver a blow to the enemies throat but the attempt is dodged. He had not chosen the right moment to strike.

2015-03-02, 03:49 PM
The Moonfolk's Ki Shields shatter from Kaito's slash, and she is left unguarded.

Roaring in anger, Team Niku returns the blows.

The Orochi looses and arrow at Ruri, and while the tip hits, it lands only a glancing blow.

The Moonfolk, enraged by Kaito's attack, swings her naginata. However the rage causes the blow to be swung errantly, and the attack misses.

The Nezumi engaged in combat with Hyakume feints and then strikes unexpectedly with a low jab. His sai shatters the blind monk's shields.

The Akki, seemingly unphased by Takeshi's insults (perhaps he doesn't have a good grasp of the common tongue), strikes at the human warrior. The Akki's blow connects, but the fiery coating on the Akki's club reduces its effectiveness, as Ki Shields don't burn well. However, the attack still manages to shatter Takeshi's Ki Shields.

The crowd roars at this series of connected hits.

Ruri is reduced to 3 shields.

Hyakume, you are reduced to 0 Ki Shields.

Takeshi, you are reduced to 0 Ki Shields.

The Moonfolk, Nezumi, and Akki are unshielded. The Orochi has shields.

All the enemies but the Nezumi have armor.

2015-03-02, 04:06 PM
With a furious shout of "Kiai!", Kaito lashes out at the Moonfolk one more time, and then dashes to the side, trying to hem the Akki in.


Moving to H2

However, the strike, made in haste, misses badly, and the unexpected momentum nearly takes the sword out of Kaito's hand.

2015-03-02, 04:12 PM
Using his incredible focus, Hyakume channels his ki energy in order to restore his protective barrier while simultaneously keeping the Nezumi occupied in battle.

Hyakume is restoring his shields and attacking.
Evoke: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Distracted by focusing on his ki, Hyakume misses the opportunity to strike.

2015-03-02, 04:43 PM
As the Akki lands another blow on him, Takeshi lets go of his last remnant of self-control, roaring in anger. As he focuses his ki into his shield once more, He lets his rage take over, slashing at the Akki with considerably less grace than before.
"Stand still, you cretin. I will not be denied any longer!"

I use two swift actions to regain shields, and a standard action to attack.
evoke (shield restoration): [roll0]

Attack roll: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]

Takeshi's threats and insults turn into a wordless howl of rage as his blade once more misses its mark. Panting heavily from anger and frustration, he takes a step back, while glaring hatefully at the elusive Akki.

2015-03-02, 07:58 PM
Ruri curses under her breath once more, this time a little louder. Ruri moves back to assist in bringing down the Nezumi and throws her Soul-Orb at him, launching her Icy Orb of Deception at the Moonfolk as well.

Move action to D4. Swift Action to throw Soul-Orb. Standard Action to throw Orb of Deception.
Soul orb Attack: [roll0]
Soul orb Damage: [roll1]
Orb of Deception attack: [roll2]
Orb of Deception damage: [roll3]

Ruri growls at herself as her accuracy with her Orb of Deception is not with her today and misses its target.

2015-03-03, 02:57 PM
As Kaito dashes across the battlefield, the Moonfolk attempts an opportunity attack against him. But with Kaito moving so swiftly, the attack connects with only the air.

Team Niku breathes a collective sigh of relief as they come out of another volley of attacks unharmed.

The Orochi sends an arrow flying at Ruri, but she easily dodges it. He then shifts to get a better view of the action.

The Moonfolk follows Kaito in hot pursuit, and swing away with her naginata. The attack not only hits, but strikes a critical point in Kaito's shields, completely shattering them.

The Nezumi lashes out at Hyakume, ripping a large gash in the blind Orochi's shields. The gash quickly widens, and soon Hyakume's Ki Shields are completely gone.

The Akki repeats a move from earlier, clapping his hands together to produce a thunderbolt. The lightning strikes true, evaporating Takeshi's shields.

Kaito is reduced to 0 shields.

Hyakume is reduced to 0 shields.

Takeshi is reduced to 0 shields.

The Moonfolk, Nezumi, and Akki are unshielded. The Orochi has shields.

All the enemies but the Nezumi have armor.

2015-03-03, 03:13 PM
Hyakume, continues to engage the Nezumi.
Recharging his Ki as he does.

Using two swift actions to restore his shields.
Evoke: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

The blind monk delivers first a kick to the back of the Nezumi's leg, breaking his stance. He then immediately follows up with a quick jab to the throat, then another with his right hand to his abdomen, then driving an elbow into the creatures face. Finishing with a kick to the chest, which, judging by the sound, broke more than a few ribs.

2015-03-03, 06:50 PM
As Takeshi feels his shield fade from the lightning strike, one of his masters oft repeated teachings appear in his mind.
Getting angry means losing focus. losing focus means death. He thinks, hearing it in his masters annoyingly calm and level voice.
Smiling as he realises his mistake, Takeshi takes a deep breath, calming his nerves and regaining his defenses.
He then takes it a step further, repeating another of Hanbei's teachings as a mantra in his mind, further strengthening his shield.
Anger is sometimes unavoidable. Forge it into a spear, pointed at your enemy. Then focus may be reattained.

He grins at the Akki, still furious over how badly, but with his emotions more in check than before. "Sorry for the delay, tiny. But now I'm ready for your best shot. Come at me, if you dare" He says calmly motioning with his hand for the Akki to attack.

I use two swift actions to regain shields. I then use a standard action to activate the "Soul defense" evocation, giving me an additional +15 evocation bonus to shield rating, and +5 shield strength

evoke check for shield rating: [roll0]

2015-03-03, 07:03 PM
Kaito takes a moment to pause and refocus, but stays moving, never staying in one position for long as he waits for the Akki to open his guard. When he claps his hands together again, Kaito seizes the opportunity and lashes out with his sword.

Two swift actions to renew shields, and then attacking


2015-03-04, 12:01 AM
Ruri will siphon ki from the Orochi to recharge her shields.

Standard action to Ki-drain.
Ki-Drain Evoke: [roll0]
Will roll Ki-Drain damage in the OOC, if any.

2015-03-04, 12:40 AM
Hyakume's strikes completely injure and tire the Nezumi, making him sloppier in his attacks and bring him to the brink of death. At the same time, Ruri's ki drain almost completely evaporate the ki shields of the Orochi, taking the archer off guard.

Team Niku, used to dodging most of their opponent's attacks, are stunned for a moment by Team Tamashi's redoubled efforts.

They then respond in kind.

First the Orochi archer sends an arrow at Hyakume, and it misses by a fraction as Hyakume perfectly times a slight dodge.

The Moonfolk disengages from the melee and shifts over to Hyakume and Ruri, before attacking with her naginata. The attack lands a critical blow and utterly shatters the blind monk's shields.

The Nezumi, seeing Hyakume's weakness, attempts to lash out at the blind monk. But Hyakume, with an almost preternatural awareness, easily dodges.

The Akki warrior, spurned on by Takeshi's comment, swings at the human warrior. But blinded by the same rage that had previously inhibited Takeshi, misses.

Hyakume is reduced to 0 shields.

The Moonfolk provoked an attack of opportunity from you, swing away.
When you hit the Nezumi you got to damage one of his ability scores with your Toxic Weapons. Which one do you want to damage?

2015-03-04, 03:15 AM
Ruri will evade backwards to get some distance in between her and the Moonfolk. Ruri then throws her Orb of Deception at the Moonfolk.

Swift action to 5-foot step to C4. Standard action to throw orb.
Orb of Deception Attack Roll: [roll0]
Orb of Deception Damage Roll: [roll1]

Once again, she will growl as she can't seem get a handle on using her Orb of Deception.

2015-03-04, 04:32 AM
Hyakume sees his strategical disadvantage. Being surrounded by both enemies, he knows he will not last long fighting both of them off. He seeks to regain a tactical high ground.
He allows his natural poisons which he delivered to the Nezumi sink in.

He vanishes for a brief moment, then reappears behind the Moonfolk.

The Toxic Weapon will deal damage to Constitution.
Hyakume is using Shadow Strike reappearing at E3.
Evoke: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage will be made in OOC if the attack is successful.

Hyakume uses his cloak to sneak around the Moonfolk. He delivers a low kick to the creature's leg bringing him to his knees, and then attempts to snap the enemy's neck.

2015-03-04, 12:15 PM
When the Moonfolk moves away, Kaito lashes out sideways with his sword, and then, after taking a moment to focus his Ki energies on the blade of his sword, reverses his grip, bringing it back around to attack the Akki.

Attack of opportunity:


Frost Weapons

The first strike lands cleanly, tearing into the Moonfolk's flank, but the second barely misses due to a well-timed dodge on the part of the Akki.

2015-03-04, 01:29 PM
After gathering his wits and strengthening his defenses, Takeshi gauges the distance between himself, the Akki and the Orochi behind him. Satisfied with the way they are positioned, he adopts a widelegged stance, with his side towards his foe and his sword held loosely at his side. Concentrating and redistributing his ki, he once more focuses it in his sword, to account for the Orochi's shield.
He pushes of his rearmost leg, once more accelerating into a blur that flashes past the Akki and Orochi. The rush of his blade lashing out twice pierces the air, before he appears on the other side of the arena, next to the Orochi.

I use a move action to activate the "Soul weapon" evocation, and a standard action to use "Heroic dash". Here's to hoping I fare better than last time. I'll roll the attacks and damage in the OOC, when I know the evoke result.

Evoke check: [roll0]

2015-03-04, 04:12 PM
The crowd roars in approval as the battle begins to heat up again. The series of vicious attacks leaves two of Team Niku's members dead upon the dirt floor of the arena.

"It looks like Maru and Hatake of Team Niku are down! Team Tamashi has turned the tables! I wonder what will happen next!"

Enraged, yet also made fearful by the deaths of their companions, the remaining members of Team Niku leap into action.

First the Nezumi doubles over for a brief moment, evidently deeply affected by Hyakume's poison. But then, regaining his senses, the Nezumi mysteriously vanishes. With a gust of wind, the invisible Nezumi streaks across the battlefield and slashes at Takeshi. The attack hits, and deals a grievous blow to Takeshi's shields. The Nezumi then reappears away from the main combat.

The Akki then uses its ability to drain the ki of its opponents, targeting Kaito. The attack completely absorbs Kaito's shields, leaving the Nezumi with no protection.

Takeshi, you take 12 damage to your shields (this includes the five damage absorbed by your shield strength).

Kaito, you are reduced to 0 shields.
The X's represent the dead bodies of your fallen opponents. You can move over them freely.

The Nezumi is unshielded. The Akki has shields.

The Nezumi has no armor, but the Akki does.
You get an attack of opportunity against the Nezumi.

2015-03-04, 04:56 PM
"You want to play, eh?" Takeshi exclaims as the Nezumi's weapon bounces of his shield. "Alright. Let's play."
As the Nezumi reappears, Takeshi is on it instantly, charging across the arena with his blade ready.
He gives an evil grin as he closes in on the hapless foe. "My turn."

I use a standard attack to charge the Nezumi.
Attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2015-03-04, 06:38 PM
Hyakume leaves the side of the corpse and continues in the fight. He rushes to the aid of his ally, targeting the Akki.
He moves, and strikes.
Hyakume is moving to H3
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

His strike does not find its mark.

2015-03-04, 08:30 PM
Ruri will advance forward. Sending out her Orb of Deception at the Akki.

Moving to H4. Standard action to throw Orb of Deception.
Orb of Deception Attack Roll: [roll0]
Orb of Deception Damage Roll: [roll1]

2015-03-04, 09:49 PM
Kaito draws in a deep breath, focusing intensely on the fight before him. After a long beat, he lets it out slowly, and when his lungs empty, he lashes out once more with his nodachi.

Two swift actions to regain shields, attacking the Akki



2015-03-04, 10:30 PM
The Nezumi's eyes widen in fear as Takeshi charges him, but he has no time to even utter a word before Takeshi skewers him on his sword. Withdrawing his blade, Takeshi watches as the Nezumi falls to the ground, dead.

The crowd roars at this development and the announcer speaks up.

"And another of Team Niku falls! This time it was Gure, the Nezumi! This looks like dire straits for Team Niku indeed!"

The lone remaining Akki shifts a step and then swings at Kaito, but misses out of fear.

The Akki is unshielded, but armored.

2015-03-04, 10:38 PM
Hyakume joins in to corner the Akki. Hoping his allies give him an opportunity to finish him.

Moving to G1
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-03-05, 11:42 AM
Kaito finally breaks into a grin as his allies come to join him in a fight against their last opponent, and his tail twitches with excitement. "You fought well, but your companions are gone. Will you surrender?" he asks, keeping his sword at the ready.

Readying an action to attack the Akki if the he does.

2015-03-05, 06:14 PM
Seeing the others ganging up on the sole remaining foe, Takeshi relaxes a bit. He wipes his sword clean on the dead Nezumi's clothing, before resting it across his shoulder, observing what the others are doing.
"Just yell if you need help with the runt. He's a scrappy little thing." He calls.

2015-03-05, 08:01 PM
Ruri will ready her Soul-Orbs and wil wait for the Akki's response.

Two swift actions to summon Soul-Orbs.
Soul-Orb Evoke Check: [roll0]

2015-03-05, 08:54 PM
The Akki cowers, knowing that he's lost.

The crowd begins chanting for blood, they want to see this end the traditional way, not through cowardice.

You could currently perform coup de grace if you wish.

2015-03-05, 09:16 PM
"Tch, the hell is this?" Takeshi mumbles to himself, as the crowd chants for the Akki's death. "Bloody punks dont know when ta quit."
"I Ain't your damn servant, ya good for nothing cretins!" He roars back at the crowd.
Sheathing his sword, he spits on the ground, looking around at the people with the same gaze one would give a pestering insect.
"I came here today to show ya all that the Hanbei school is superior, and I've damn well done that!
If you vultures are so keen on the little fella biting it, why don't ya come down and do it yourself, Ya lazy bums!"
With a derisive snort he starts walking towards the gate.
"We've won fair and square. Holler when the next round's up. I need a nap." He calls to his team, before leaving the arena without looking back.

2015-03-06, 12:42 AM
The crowd roars in protest, but are suddenly silent as they see Prince Oji rise from his seat.

"The Human warrior, Takeshi Saito I believe his name was, has done the honorable thing. Please cease your displeasure, loyal subjects. The Akki shall go free, keeping his life but perhaps losing his pride. This is just."

The crowd remains silent as Prince Oji sits back down, and they remain that way for a few moments.

However, the silence is soon broken by the announcer.

"Congratulations to Team Tamashi! Victory is yours! Head back through the gate and get yourselves ready for the next fight! May the spirits look gladly upon you today."

That two gates open up, and the Akki scrambles away through the one his team entered through.

2015-03-06, 11:02 AM
Hyakume follows his allies back the way he came.

He engages Takeshi.
"Your mercy is admirable, though I can say we would not have done the same."

He takes out his pipe and begins toking away as they return through the gate.

2015-03-06, 12:24 PM
"Ain't got nothing to do with mercy." Takeshi retorts, looking back Hyakume. "Like I said, I'm here to find strong opponents, and to show how good Hanbei's teachings are. I did that. This way, maybe the little guy will get stronger and come back for a rematch. Besides, it's not a sign of strength to beat on someone who can't or won't hit back." He says. "Plus, I don't take orders from blood-drunken reprobates, who are too weak to spill it themselves."

2015-03-06, 01:13 PM
Hyakume nods. And passes the pipe over to the human.

2015-03-06, 07:08 PM
Ruri follows her team out of the arena with a small smile on her face due to Takeshi's outburst to the crowd to spare the Akki. She then sighs softly, displeased at her own performance in the arena. Her tails would reflect this, and droop a little low.

2015-03-06, 11:33 PM
Kaito silently cleans his sword blade on one of the fallen's clothes, and then walks out of the ring with his tail twitching in displeasure. "Well, I suppose that might have gone better," he remarks, and sits back down on the same bench he was at before the team announcements.

2015-03-07, 03:44 PM
You all arrive back in the underground chamber. It looks like it's going to be a few minutes before the next match though, so you have some time to cool off and talk.

2015-03-08, 01:06 AM
Ruri lays on her stomach on the floor and stretches out, her tails covering her upper body. "Ahh....I didn't do so well..."

2015-03-08, 12:50 PM
"It could have been worse." Takeshi remarks to the depressed kitsune. "I mean, this was a fight to the death, so it could have ended with you being... well, dead."
He pulls his sword out of its sheath, inspecting it for nicks and pulling out a small sharpening stone he then uses to ensure that the edge is sharp.

2015-03-08, 01:39 PM
Hyakume puts his hand on the Kitsune's shoulder as he passes, giving her a comforting smile as he does.

He continues to a corner of the room, sits down and pulls out his pipe, and drifts off into thought, awaiting the next battle.

2015-03-08, 04:06 PM
"We all did poorly," Kaito replies. "But Taiga is right. We could be dead. But we are not. So things are good."

2015-03-08, 05:14 PM
One of the members of Team Yoru (a Kitsune adorned with metal armor) strides over to your group and bows, then begins to speak.

"Greetings, my team and I are honored to be doing combat with you all today. I wish you luck."

2015-03-08, 05:42 PM
Surprised by the kindness of the stranger, Hyakume bows before him.
"The best of luck to you as well, stranger. What may we call you?"

2015-03-08, 06:50 PM
"I go by Shurui, thank you for asking."

Shurui pauses, and looks over your group.

"You battle went on longer than my Team's but you seem to have come out unscathed. How did you fare?"

2015-03-08, 11:45 PM
"We still live. Therefore we can still fight. This is all that matters. Good luck. Should you not have it, then I pray your spirit finds its way to the hall of your forebears."

Hyakume returns to where he was sitting.

2015-03-09, 03:30 PM
A runner comes into the room, interrupting the pleasant exchange between Hyakume and Shurui.

The runner speaks to the official in the room briefly, and then leaves again. The official then gestures to both teams to exit the waiting room through separate tunnels.

You do so, and find yourself heading up the steeply spiraling tunnels once more. Finally you find yourself in front of the bamboo grate again. Across the arena you spy your three opponents. There is a Moonfolk wielding a crescent-blade, a non-Chibi Nezumi wrapped in black cloth, and Shurui himself.

The announcer begins to speak once more.

"Before you all stand individuals who are possibly the greatest seven fighters in Okoku! They may hail from many different lands, but they come here with singular purpose, to show their worth and honor in this arena of combat! Now, let us witness this divine exchange of blows."

The crowd stays silent this time, respecting the announcer's serious words.

"Let the fight . . . Begin!"

The grates open, and the crowd finally begins to cheer.

We're using the same initiative system as last time, and you guys have won again. Go ahead and describe your actions.

Remember that the enemies are flat-footed in the first round.

Name: Fort/Ref(Flat-footed)/Will
Shurui/Kitsune: 15/14(12)/12
Moonfolk: 14/15(12)/13
Nezumi: 12/16(12)/13

Shurui/Kistune: Shielded and has armor beneath.
Moonfolk: Shielded only.
Nezumi: Shielded only.

2015-03-09, 04:50 PM
As they approach, the monk replaces his pipe with his cigarette holder. Hyakume sheds his robe at the entrance. He now wesrs only his loose fitting pants and boots. He vanishes, leaving only a wiff of smoke behind him. Immediately reappearing before the Moonfolk, attempting to deliver a blow to the creature's abdomen.

Evoke: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
He retreats back to G4

He misses his chance, being blocked by the target. He retreats back a few steps and prepares for the enemy to strike.

2015-03-09, 08:25 PM
Ruri enters the ring, summoning her orbs to grant her protection and moving up in preparation.

Move action to F3. Two swifts to summon orbs.
Soul Orbs Evoke: [roll0]

2015-03-10, 09:23 AM
Kaito disappears in a swirl of leaves, reappearing next to the Nezumi and striking out hard with his nodachi.



Sneak Attack bonus

Moving back to F5

Unfortunately, the attack misses terribly, and the Nezumi beats a hasty retreat.

2015-03-10, 06:44 PM
More wary of the enemies' capabilities this time, Takeshi hangs back as the others attack, resolving to muster his defenses before going into the fray.
Taking a deep breath, Takeshi focuses on strengthening his shield, while simultaneously pouring some of his ki into his sword.

I use a standard action to activate "Soul defense", and a move action to activate "Soul weapon".

2015-03-10, 07:45 PM
Team Yoru breathes a heavy sigh of relief as they come out of the barrage of attacks unscathed.

They then leap into action, attempting to fell Team Tamashi.

First Shurui strides forward and swings down hard at Kaito, but in his vigor he swings too widely and misses.

Next the Moonfolk acts, sending forth a shockwave of lightning at Hyakume. The lighting hits dead on, and Hyakume is wracked with pain.

Lastly the Nezumi acts. With a gust of wind he vanishes, leaving his opponents to guess where he is.

Hyakume is reduced to 0 shields.

You are able to sense the invisible opponent due to your blindsense. The Nezumi has moved to space G5 in order to attack Kaito in retribution. You may take an attack of opportunity against him.
Name: Fort/Ref(Flat-footed)/Will
Shurui/Kitsune: 15/14(12)/12
Moonfolk: 14/15(12)/13
Nezumi: 12/16(12)/13

Shurui/Kistune: Shielded and has armor beneath.
Moonfolk: Shielded only.
Nezumi: Shielded only.

2015-03-10, 07:57 PM
Hyakume focuses his Ki to restore his shields. All the while sensing the Nezumi sneaking up, he attempts to hit his opponent as he moves, and then once more after he rebuilds his ki shield.

Evoke: [roll0]
Attack of Opportunity: [roll1]
Damage (respectively): [roll2]
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Hyakume delivers a carefully planned jab three inches beneath his ribs and four to the left of his spine, attempting to block the creature's flow of Ki.

2015-03-10, 08:43 PM
Ruri will send two of her Soul-Orbs at the Moonfolk and then toss her Orb of Deception at the Moonfolk.

Two swift actions to throw Soul-Orbs. Standard Action to throw Orb of Deception
Soul Orb 1 Attack: [roll0]
Soul Orb 1 Damage: [roll1]
Soul Orb 2 Attack: [roll2]
Soul Orb 2 Damage: [roll3]
Orb of Deception Attack: [roll4]
Orb of Deception Damage: [roll5]

Ruri's Soul orbs manage to hit their target as well as her Orb of Deception.

2015-03-11, 10:36 AM
Kaito bats the Kitsune's blade aside and ripostes, lowering his grip on the handle to gain a bit more reach.

Attack: [roll0]

This time, the blow connects solidly with his opponent, and a small smile crosses the Nezumi's face.

2015-03-11, 01:50 PM
Seeing Kaito hit the kitsune, Takeshi seizes the opening it creates. He charges forward, straight at the distracted foe, striking out at him with a brutal overhand chop.

I use a standard action to charge the kitsune.
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

Assuming that my blow is gonna shatter his ki shield, I then use a move action to activate the "water splitting stone" evocation.
If my attack does not hit, I'll keep up the "soul weapons" evocation instead of switching to "water splitting stone".

after his blade strikes the kitsunes shield, Takeshi immediately pulls the ki in the blade back into his body, focusing it to strengthen his blows against the Kitsunes armor instead.

2015-03-11, 07:59 PM
The flurry of successful attacks completely takes Team Yoru by surprise as their defenses are shattered. The Moonfolk and Nezumi's shields go completely down while the Kitsune's seems to be holding on by only a sliver.

Team Yoru then retaliates.

First Shurui takes a swing with his large katana infused with soul-energy, landing a hearty blow on Kaito.

The Moonfolk then attacks, attempting to drain away Ruri's shields. But he fails due to Ruri's increased mental defenses from her soul orbs.

Lastly, the Nezumi becomes uncloaked and strikes at Hyakume. The attack hits and decimates the blind Orochi's shields.

EDIT: I forgot to plot the Nezumi, he's in square G5.

Kaito is reduced to 0 shields and 9 health. The weapon ignored shield gate due to its [weapon] evocation.

Hyakume is reduced to 0 shields.
Name: Fort/Ref(Flat-footed)/Will
Shurui/Kitsune: 15/14(12)/12
Moonfolk: 14/15(12)/13
Nezumi: 12/16(12)/13

Shurui/Kitsune: Shielded slightly and has armor beneath.
Moonfolk: No shields, also wounded.
Nezumi: No shields but not wounded.

2015-03-11, 11:32 PM
The monk continues to rally his ki energy to his shields, attempting to bolster his defenses while simultaneously striking at the Nezumi.

Evoke: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

He misses his attempt, but manages to bring back his shields.

2015-03-12, 09:16 AM
Ruri launches her Orb of Deception at the Moonfolk once more.

Standard Action to throw Orb of Deception.
Orb of Deception Attack: [roll0]
Orb of Deception Damage: [roll1]

Ruri's Orb of Deception would connect with the Moonfolk once more and she would grin happily.

2015-03-12, 07:01 PM
Kaito snarls at the Kitsune, and disappears in a swirl of his cloak.

Shadow Cloak

Moving to G2

2015-03-13, 01:21 PM
Seeing that the kitsunes shield held, Takeshi gives an annoyed grunt before lashing out with another blow, this time a wide horizontal stroke.

I use a standard action to attack.
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

As the blow lands Takeshi smiles in satisfaction, certain that the kitsunes shield is history now.

2015-03-13, 03:08 PM
The Moonfolk falls, critically wounded by Ruri's orb. The announcer immediately speaks up to cover this latest development.

"And that's it, Arashi has gone down! Could this be the end of Team Yoru?"

In retaliation, the Nezumi and Shurui act.

First Shurui brings down a hard blow upon Takeshi, dealing grievous damage to his shields.

The Nezumi also swipes at Takeshi, hoping that the Human will be too weary to defend after the first attack. The blow lands, but does minimal damage.

Takeshi, you take 27 damage to your shields, this includes two instances of your shield strength.
Name: Fort/Ref(Flat-footed)/Will
Shurui/Kitsune: 15/14(12)/12
Nezumi: 12/16(12)/13

Shurui/Kitsune: No shields, but not wounded.
Nezumi: No shields but not wounded.
EDIT: Sorry, Kaito is at G2 not E2.


2015-03-13, 03:29 PM
Reeling from the two blows, Takeshi stands up straight and looks at both foes in turn. Smiling ferally, he cracks his neck.
"That was a mistake." He utters before lifting his sword and bringing it down in a vicious cross slash, intended to slice open both of his foes...

I use a full-round action to use my weapons "swinging" ability, striking both enemies at once. Also, due to water splitting stone, any DR is reduced by 10.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

...Only to miss completely, the force of the strike putting him of balance. Takeshi quickly regains his balance, swearing like a sailor while doing so.

2015-03-14, 12:01 AM
Ruri will head down closer to the enemy side and throw her Icy Orb of Deception at the other kitsune.

Move action to I3. Standard action to throw Orb of Deception.
Orb of Deception Attack: [roll0]
Orb of Deception Damage: [roll1]

Ruri's Orb of Deception will once again find its target and she would give another smirk as she is in much better control this time.

2015-03-14, 02:18 PM
Hyakume positions himself in the cat stance taught by the monks, and waits for the right opportunity to strike against the Nezumi

Attack: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

He does not see the right moment, so he waits patiently attempting to further open up the Nezumi.

2015-03-14, 09:51 PM
Kaito moves slowly around the melee, focusing on keeping his breathing slow and maintaining the cloak of concealing Ki around his body.

Maintaining the Shadow Cloak, move to H4


2015-03-15, 12:00 AM
The arena is tense as another flurry of attacks is delivered by Team Tamashi.

After surviving the onslaught, Team Yoru reacts.

First Shurui swings at Takeshi, dealing grievous damage to the Human ki shields but not breaking them.

Next the Nezumi swipes at the blind monk, dealing a critical blow to Hyakume's shields.

The crowd roars in approval of these hits.

Takeshi is reduced to 4 shields.

Hyakume goes to 0 sheilds.
Name: Fort/Ref(Flat-footed)/Will
Shurui/Kitsune: 15/14(12)/12
Nezumi: 12/16(12)/13

Shurui/Kitsune: No shields, wounded.
Nezumi: No shields but not wounded.


2015-03-15, 02:31 AM
Ruri will move forward and then once again toss her Orb of Deception at the other kitsune.

Move action to I4, standard action to toss Orb of Deception.
Orb of Deception Attack: [roll0]
Orb of Deception Damage: [roll1]

2015-03-15, 12:40 PM
The blind monk, with receiving the blow from the Nezumi, uses the creatures open stance after attacking to his advantage.
Hyakume dissapears into a small poof of smoke. He reappears on the other side of the Nezumi and attempts to lash out at his enemy with the utmost force.

Using Shadow Strike.
Moving to H5. Retreating to I5.
Evoke: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]

The patience of the blind monk pays off as he finds his mark with his fist, attempting to grab and rip out the throat of the Nezumi and end him.

2015-03-15, 10:14 PM
Still cloaked in shadows, Kaito raises his nodachi above his head and brings it crashing down at the Nezumi.



2015-03-17, 07:37 PM
Seeing his team mates gang up on the nezumi, Takeshi focuses his attention on the lone remaining foe.
He takes a precious second to strengthen his shield, before aiming a stab at the kitsunes throat.

I use two swift actions to regain shield rating, and a standard action to attack.
Evoke: [roll0]

attack: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]
I ignore up to 10 DR due to "water striking stone"

With his shield back to full strength, Takeshi gives a grim smile as his blade slips past Shurui's defenses.
He leans in, close to Shurui's ear. "You were good. It was an honor to fight you." He whispers, before pulling his blade out and stepping back.

2015-03-17, 09:06 PM
The crowd begins cheering loudly as the last two members of Team Yoru fall.

After a few moments of loud clapping and hollering, the announcer speaks up.

"And there we have it! Before you, good people of the Central Kingdom, are the four greatest fighters in all the land! They have bested all their opponents and come out unscathed! May we shower them with great honor and riches!"

The announcer continues his joyous speech, but begins to trail off as dark clouds start to rapidly and unexpectedly fill the sky.

The clouds are moving too fast for normal nature, and you hear whispers from the crowd such as that's no normal cloud and something evil is afoot.

Soon dark clouds blanket the skies as far as the eye can see, and slowly a black shape begins to descend from them.

As the dark shape slowly comes into view, the announcer stutters out his final words.

"I-i-it's the d-d-demon lord, Kurai Yuki!"

Immediately, a bolt of white lightning streaks out of the clouds and fries the announcer, his limp body crumples down and falls over his perch into the arena.

- - -

What are you thinking? How do you react?

2015-03-17, 11:39 PM
If there was ever a moment in the blind monk's long life that gave him a reason to keep going, this was it. He knew what his faith and many years of wandering had been for. He knew what he had to do, but by no means would now be the time to do it.
Hyakume, hearing the cries of the announcer, fell to his knees. A single tear dripped from his greying eyes.
"We cannot stay here."
He turns to the rest of the group.
"They will look to us but there is nothing we can do against such evil. Not yet, at least. It is more wise to run so as to fight another day and hope to win than it is to approach death himself and have hope die. We must run. We have to take the prince and get out of here."

2015-03-17, 11:50 PM
Ruri looks at the blind monk, nodding her head and says "I agree. I don't think we can stay here and fight him.". She prepares to run, waiting for her party's reply while keeping a close eye on the demon lord.

2015-03-18, 12:10 AM
Kurai Yuki cackles wickedly, producing a vile sound that wracks your eardrums.

The demon lord then begins to speak, his voice booming across the arena and buffeting you with force.

"Greetings, my dear and precious mortals. As your announcer already so rudely proclaimed, it is I, Kurai Yuki. In any case, I wished to comment on this wonderful tournament you seem to be throwing. Very nice. Very nice indeed."

The dark shape begins to grow clearer, and you recognize the demon lord to be taking the form of a titanic black serpant-like dragon.

"In any case, I'll most likely be on my way now, but not before I snatch your little prince here. I'm going to need him for a very special ritual that shall be taking place in exactly a year."

Kurai Yuki swoops down and snatches Prince Oji, and then speaks one final time.

"The hordes are coming, little ones. Prepare yourselves."

The demon lord then flies away, the dark clouds vanish, and the crowd descends into chaos.

People begin to run screaming out of the stands, trampling each other for a chance to get away before the others.

Amidst the chaos, you find that the bamboo grates haven't been opened yet, barring a traditional exit.

One of the grates then opens, and one of the tougher looking officials who was seated with Prince Oji approaches the four of you. His voices trembles slightly with fear as he speaks to you.

"You four, please come with me. As the announcer said, you lot are the strongest fighters in the kingdom. The other advisors and I have a plan, but we'll need your cooperation."

2015-03-18, 12:38 AM
Kaito shakes his head slowly, still stunned by the sudden turn of events. "Unless the plan involves giving us large amounts of money, land, or women, I do not believe I'll be taking part in it. I may know my worth in battle now, but that was the demon lord himself. You must think us either mad or easily bought to simply agree to face him, however good your plan may be."

2015-03-18, 12:49 AM
His heart falters when the prince is taken away. He collects himself, then nods his head at the advisor.
He turns to Kaito "Have you ever wanted your name to be written down in history books, Master Kaito? I believe the money, land and women will come after you make your mark, or should you choose not to, there may not be any money, land and women left for you. We know that no amount of money will save you from that evil, but united, this world may be able to stop him."

2015-03-18, 02:42 AM
Ruri stands silent, looking at her teammates and her tails move back and forth slowly. "I want to try."

2015-03-18, 04:41 AM
"I'm in." Takeshi says, staring in the direction the demon Lord disappeared.
"I'd be hard pressed to find a more worthy challenge than this. And the Prince does not deserve this fate." he says, while cleaning his sword on the dead kitsunes clothes. when it is clean, Takeshi stares at the blade for a moment. "Is this the path I was meant for, Master?" He mutters. "Is this the path I must take to perfect my art? Did you know this would happen?"
Shaking his head, Takeshi sheathes his sword, before joining the others.

2015-03-19, 12:15 PM
The advisor continues to stand there quietly, waiting for the four of you to reach an agreement.

2015-03-19, 12:18 PM
"The dead may have their history books!" Kaito exclaims, his tail lashing about. "But... gah! I do not want the world to be destroyed. I enjoy it. So, this might be suicide, but I shall go with you three."

2015-03-19, 12:46 PM
The advisor nods and ushers you down through the currently open bamboo grate.

Eventually you reach the underground room, where all the advisors have gathered.

"Legend tells of a devastating army of destruction, hellbent on ending all of civilization in Okoku. It is doubtless that this army is Kurai Yuki's."

The advisor pauses, gathering the strength necessary to continue.

"However, legend does not state this army to be invincible. Merely extremely strong, and so, it may be possible to defeat it."

The other advisors nod, and the main one continues.

"It is our thoughts that if we can marshal the five outlying kingdoms of Okoku to fight with our Central Kingdom then we may have a chance at repelling the forces of Kurai Yuki. Obviously, we humans of the Central Kingdom are already pledged to your cause, there is no need to recruit us."

Another one of the advisors coughs loudly, signaling the speaking advisor to speed up.

"There is little time to debate or explain this. You must begin the journey as soon as possible. We suggest heading to the Kitsune lands of Dai Hirano first, as they are known to have the strongest soldiers in all the lands."

2015-03-20, 12:04 PM
"I do not question the things at work here, but what of the other nations? How are they supposed to believe of this army?" Hyakume thinks for a moment. "We need leverage."

2015-03-20, 01:44 PM
"What could be used as leverage to convince them, though?" Takeshi asks, scratching his goatee thoughtfully. "I mean, the more people who support this alliance, the more convincing it would seem, but the five of us? maybe some kind of official document from this kingdom." He says.
"But then again, who would write it? I mean the highest authority in the central kingdom just got snatched away."

2015-03-22, 06:32 PM
The advisor speaks up in response to Takeshi.

"Actually, that last thing you said isn't entirely true. The King still lives, he is just very old and perpetually-tired. This is why his son, Prince Oji, attended the tournament in his place."

2015-03-22, 06:42 PM
"Really?" Takeshi says with a surprised look. "Huh. Oh well, I haven't exactly been keeping up with the political situation in.... Well, ever." he continues with a shrug.
"So, perhaps the king can give us something to back our claim when we seek out the other nations."

2015-03-22, 07:34 PM
"Very well, let us head to the King's palace. It is only a short walk away."

The advisors and a number of guards escort the four of you to the King's palace. Your weapons are removed and you continue on into the main hall of the palace. Their, at the end of the hall is a extremely large throne holding a very small, wizened, and wrinkled old man.

You are allowed to approach.

2015-03-23, 01:03 PM
Hyakume bows before the king, and lowers himself to his knees is the house of the king.

2015-03-24, 10:46 PM
The king nods very slowly, acknowledging your show of respect.

Then, with great strain, he motions with his hand. Allowing you to speak.

2015-03-25, 12:14 PM
"I express my condolences for your highness' loss. This danger affects us all. We would seek to unite all the kingdoms against this great evil, but cannot do so alone. We require your assistance. Our concern is as to how the other nations will react or if they wish to join our cause, but who is to say they will. We require leverage against the other nations. Information to use to our advantage. Perhaps old treaties or information about their courts and how we can persuade them to aid us. A document written by you marked with your seal will surely at least get us past the gates of Dai Hirano. Please sire, we need your assistance."

2015-03-25, 07:20 PM
The King raises a hand and opens his mouth in an effort to speak, but collapses back into his throne, too tired and weak to utter even a simple phrase. Instead, one of his advisors steps forward and addresses you.

"The king would be happy to supply you with such a document. He doesn't have the strength to sign it himself, but we shall mark it with the royal seal."

A nearby scribe starts writing up five copies of a royal request for aid. He then brings them to the advisor, who guides the king's hand into stamping them with the seal.

The advisor then gives your party the packet of five letters and addresses you once more.

"If you have any further requests or questions, I'd be happy to answer them. Otherwise, feel free to depart for Dai Hirano as soon as you please."

2015-03-25, 07:32 PM
"I've travelled the central kingdom plenty, but never outside of it." Takeshi says."If there's anything useful you could tell us about Dai Hirano, please do so. I'm a trained warrior, not a diplomat, but I'd rather avoid doing something to get in trouble with the locals. Unintentionally, at least."

2015-03-25, 08:18 PM
The king's advisor nods and replies to Takeshi's inquirie.

"Dai Hirano? Let me think. Well first off, it's populated mostly by Kitsune. However, in recent years the small enclaves of Kitsune Meiyo have grown, and they now rule most of the lands. Gone are the times of the wandering Kitsune caravans, now the great plains of Dai Hirano are dominated by farming fields and towering forts."

The advisor scratches his beard, and then continues.

"I've heard tale that in recent months there's been social discomfort in Dai Hirano. Apparently there is some disagreement over who should rule. This could prove to be a problem, should we try to rally their support."

2015-03-26, 08:40 AM
"But it could also make our task easier. If there are, say, two factions vying for leadership, that means we have two places to ask for support. If one denies it no matter what, we support the other, in exchange for their cooperation." Takeshi says, looking at the others. ​"What do you guys think?"

2015-03-26, 09:54 AM
"This opportunity is promising. But this division may be a terrible hinderance to our cause. A civil war is the last thing we need. Instead, perhaps we have to seek to bridge the gap between the two houses. A single stick may snap in two, but in a bundle, it is unbreakable"

2015-03-30, 04:20 PM
Having completed completed your meeting with the king and his advisors, the four of you begin your journey to Dai Hirano, land of the Kitsune.

You are given horses by the king's advisor, and you ride them swiftly towards your destination.

About half a day into Dai Hirano, you passed only farms and small hamlets. Every once in a while you'll pass a sort of palace or fort where you assume the local daimyo lives, but none look grand enough to be the shogun's.

Eventually, while passing a particularly large farm, you see pillars of smoke rising nearby. The smoke is too thick to be a mere firepit or fireplace. It seems to be rising from a small building, and there are a few figures standing around it, but you can't make out what they're doing from this distance.

2015-03-30, 09:38 PM
Smelling the smoke, the monk asks, "Where does the smoke rise from?", inviting his friends to describe the scene and point him in the right direction.

2015-03-31, 07:55 AM
"It is a small peasant hovel. The smoke is too thick for it to be a hearth or firepit." Takeshi answers, shading his eyes with one hand to see more clearly.
"There are people surrounding the house, but I can't say whether they're the ones who set the fire, or trying to put it out."

2015-03-31, 07:27 PM
"We should approach with caution. Hyakume says, motioning for Takeshi to lead the way.

2015-04-02, 02:57 PM
Kaito spurs his horse forwards, and draws his sword from where it's been hanging on his saddle. "I will circle around behind the house, to see what I can see."

2015-04-06, 12:32 AM
Ruri follows the group to the fire.

2015-04-06, 12:50 AM
The group approaches the burning farm building and the assorted figures standing around it.

About halfway there you're able to make out the look of the individuals, all Kitsune. Three look to be farmers, while the other six appear to be bandits of some sort. The bandits are pushing around and harassing the farmers.

Kaito circles around the building, seemingly managing to evade the view of the bandits.

The rest of you approach directly, causing the bandits to take pause. One of them speaks up.

"Leave here, we're just collecting "taxes". None of your business."

2015-04-07, 12:19 PM
"Oh, you wouldn't harm an old blind man, would you?" The monk lets out a false, weak cough. "One of our horses was injured on the way here, would you mind coming over here and taking a look?"

Deception check: [roll0]

2015-04-07, 01:41 PM
The bandits narrow their eyes, and the one who spoke before speaks up again.

"We're just tax-collectors, no knowledge of horse-fixing here. Be on your way old man."

One of the bandits draws a short blade and eyes your group.

2015-04-07, 01:53 PM
Kaito, having gone far around the back of the group, dismounts from his horse and slides on his mask. As he sneaks forwards, he draws his knife from it's sheathe around his neck and prepares to throw it at the first sign that the other group will attack.


2015-04-07, 05:44 PM
"A bit tense for someone who's just collecting taxes, aren't you?" Takeshi says, calmly dismounting and stepping in to stand between the bandit and Hyakume's horse.
"Ain't never seen anyone collecting taxes by burning people's homes before. Seems a bit counterproductive. Maybe we should talk to the one's paying the taxes, and hear their side of the story, eh?" He says, a slight edge to his tone, his hand casually resting on the pommel of his sword.

2015-04-08, 12:39 AM
The bandits don't seem to notice Kaito.

The bandit who's done all the speaking, which you now assume to be the leader, speaks up again in response to Takeshi.

"It . . . It doesn't matter what we're doing. What matters is that there's five of us and three of you, so you better back off before this gets ugly!"

The bandit leader then eyes your group's weapons, clearly nervous.

The farmers seem too scared to speak in reply to Takeshi, but their eyes plead with you.

2015-04-08, 06:22 AM
"Yeah, You know what, I'm not gonna pretend to be civil about this anymore." Takeshi says, taking a step closer, to stand right in front of the bandit leader, staring him straight in the eye.
"I'll say this only once, cretin. You're going to to take your boys and get out of here. Now." Takeshi's voice doesn't lose it calm tone, but the threat in it is clear to anyone hearing it.

2015-04-08, 10:03 AM
Hyakume walks forward and stands beside Takeshi.

"We are here on the authority of his highness, the king." Hyakume cracks his knuckles, then removes his robe revealing his bare, strangely muscular for his age upper body and baggy pants. "He himself considers us the best fighters in all of the land. Now, unless you want to watch us rip out your throat, we suggest you run as far from us as you can. It would seem enough blood has been spilt on your account."

Should the enemies approach, Hyakume readies himself to use Shadow Strike.

2015-04-08, 01:14 PM
Both of you make intimidate (persuasion) checks in the OOC thread. Whoever rolls lower will be assisting the other. You both get a +2 extra bonus due to convincing role-play.

If anyone else wishes to say something, you can step forward, speak, and roll as well.

2015-04-09, 06:44 PM
The bandit leader looks you up and down, spits on the ground, and turns away. He then motions to his four followers to leave, and the party of immoral Kitsune depart quickly.

The farmers immediately turn and bow deeply to you, showing respect for your display of heroism.

"Thank you, noble warriors. We surely would have perished had you not arrived, for we had nothing to pay those bandits with. We gave most of our riches away to previous bandits, who have been running rampant since the Shogun's troops have been dedicated to dealing with his competitor."

The farmer winces, realizing that he's probably said too much.

"May I offer you folk a place to stay for the night? Or perhaps some food? We can't spare much, but we can spare that."

2015-04-10, 12:49 PM
"This grasp for power has divided these lands and plunged them into chaos."
Hyakume shakes his head, he reaches down to pick up his robe, and filters through the pocket looking for his homemade cigarettes. Finding them, he puts one in his mouth and lights it.
He faces the direction of the rest of the party. "Our task grows more difficult."

2015-04-10, 01:41 PM
"Hmm, yeah you're probably right. Seems I underestimated how tough this is gonna be." Takeshi said, scratching his beard thoughtfully while watching the bandits leave. He then turned to the farmer, giving a broad smile. "No need to worry, friend. We won't hold it against you for bad-mouthing a government who aren't doing their jobs. Besides, we're here to give them a kick or two, to get them to notice the real enemy." Grinning widely, Takeshi puts a reassuring hand on the farmers shoulder.
"I wont turn down a roof over my head tonight, though. But if we're taking some of your food, then you're getting some of ours as well. Fair's fair. Now, we should probably put out that fire, while there's still a roof to sleep under."

2015-04-10, 02:01 PM
The farmers eyes widen as he remembers the fire, and he rushes to put it out. Eventually the group of you manages to douse the flames.

It seems as though the building was largely mad of clay, not wood. So only the thatched roof was damaged.

You spend the night with the farmers, trading food with them. Your horses remain tied up outside, feeding off the grass and getting a fairly good night's sleep.

In the morning, the farmer thanks you again and gives one piece of advice.

"Your party may wish to visit the castle of our local daimyo, Toyotomi Nobunaga. He can give you more information and help you get in contact with the right Kitsune if you truly wish to put an end to this conflict. His castle is north of here. Within an hour you should be able to see it in the distance."

Ruri recognizes the name of the local daimyo to be that of her uncle, the one you mentioned in her backstory.

He isn't related to you by blood, but he is a close family friend, hence calling him uncle.

Unlike you, he and the rest of your family are Kitsune Meiyo. As you mentioned in your backstory, it was your uncle who accepted your ideological differences and encouraged you to find your destiny.

2015-04-10, 02:59 PM
Kaito bows to the two farmers as they give the group the information. "Thank you very much for the food. I am sorry I was not able to deal with the bandits before my companions drove them off."

2015-04-10, 03:35 PM
The farmers nod in response to Kaito.

"It may be for the best that you did not have to kill them, it's much cleaner this way. Although we may have to worry about continued activities on their part. "

2015-04-11, 01:11 PM
"Mercy is not easily forgotten. It will pay for itself before this is all over."

Hyakume bows before his hosts and heads for his horse.

2015-04-13, 01:26 PM
The farmers exchange goodbyes with your group, and then you set off North, towards the daimyo's castle.

Just as the farmer said, within an hour you're able to see the palace itself, and a bit later you've arrived at the gates.

Since no one is posting I'm assuming you're all ready to go to the daimyo's castle.

Also, you each get 600 experience points, representing the two arena fights, the bandit showdown, and the various RP you've done.

2015-04-14, 09:51 AM
"We should tread carefully in these lands."
Hyakume follows his companions up to the gate.

2015-04-15, 05:22 AM
"Agreed." Takeshi says. "But how should we present our case to the leaders of this place? I know we have the kings document, but I can't help but feel that it won't be enough to impress the seriousness of the situation on them."
Glancing around warily as they enter the gates, Takeshi makes a conscious effort to keep from grasping the hilt of his sword.

2015-04-15, 01:35 PM
"You don't think that the appearance of a story used to frighten children will be enough to convince him to help?" Kaito asks, drumming nervously at his mask. "If the documents alone are not enough, that should help."

2015-04-16, 12:07 PM
"Our concern is not the request of power, but its context within this power struggle."
Hyakume motions towards the gates.
"Shall we?"

2015-04-17, 03:51 AM
Ruri speaks up, "I might be able to help. I know the daimyo here. He's my uncle."

2015-04-17, 01:32 PM
"Really?" Takeshi says, one eyebrow lifting questioningly. "I didn't know you're nobility. That could ease the procedures with this place, at least."
He then walks forward, leading the way in through the gates.
"But really, how hard could it be? I mean the king of the central kingdom seemed like a stand up guy. I'm sure this'll go fine as well."

2015-04-17, 02:49 PM
"Perhaps, then, it would be better for you to lead us." He motions for Ruri to enter.

2015-04-17, 07:01 PM
You enter the daimyo's court with ease, for at this time of day it's open to the people of the kingdom to come and speak to their leader.

The daimyo sits on a simple throne behind a table, a long line of Kistune before him.

It seems that if you wish to speak to Toyotomi Nobunaga, you'll have to wait quite a while.

2015-04-20, 04:03 PM
"Ugh. Lines." Takeshi sighs loudly, completely oblivious to anyone who might hear him. "I hate waiting in line. He's yer uncle, right?" He continues, turning to Ruri. "That'd mean yer some kinda noble too. Can't you just flash some leg and clap your hands, and make these people move out of our way? I mean, the world ain't gonna save itself."

2015-04-21, 06:00 PM
Ruri chuckles at Takeshi's comment. "I'm not sure if flashing my leg would help." Ruri looks towards the front of the line to see her uncle sitting at the throne. "Lets just go see him." She says, stepping out of line and tries to just walk to her uncle.

2015-04-21, 11:28 PM
Toyotomi Nobunaga's eyes widen as he spots his niece. Then, managing to finish up his current conversation as quickly as possible, he calls an advisor over to take his place answering requests for a a bit and strides towards your group.

"Ruri! It's simply grand to see you! And you seem to have a band of companions with you? How intriguing."

The daimyo turns to each of you in turn, greeting you and shaking your hands.

Then he beckons to a nearby door.

"Come, let us speak privately. I sense you have some important questions, and as much as I value my subjects, we need not have them overhearing."

Toyotomi then begins walking towards the side room he motioned to.

2015-04-22, 12:12 AM
Hyakume bows as he is greeted by the Daimyo and follows them into the next room.

2015-04-22, 02:13 PM
The five of you reach the side room and Toyotomi stand patiently, waiting for one of you to address him.

2015-04-22, 02:53 PM
Taking a step forward, Takeshi speaks plainly and without any sort of greeting. It is painfully obvious that he has no idea how one is supposed to act in front of nobility.

"We need your help to get the lords of this kingdom to stop fighting, so they can join us against the demon hordes of the Demon Lord, whatever his name was, and save the prince of the Central Kingdom."

Having said his piece, Takeshi steps back and crosses his arms, with a satisfied expression on his face.
There, that was a good, short explanation. I bet he'll like that I'm not wasting any time.

2015-04-22, 07:23 PM
Toyotomi raises an eyebrow.

"That was . . . to the point, but I can appreciate the lack of details."

The daimyo chuckles, and then continues.

"As I'm sure you've guess, what you're suggesting is easier said than done. The two competitors for the title of shogun have been at a stalemate for a long time now. It would take quite a bit of force to tilt that balance."

Toyotomi takes a seat at a round table at the center of the small room.

"Of course, I don't mean to dissuade you. It is critically important that this draw end, for the good of Dai Hirano. And if what you say is true, you'll need out armies in the upcoming fight against the demon lord. So if the four of you can break the stalemate, then please do so."

Ruri's uncle sighs.

"This means, however, that you'll have to pick between the two potential shoguns. Do you know anything about either?

2015-04-22, 07:30 PM
"No. Which one of them would be most likely to assist us after claiming the throne?" Kaito asks, speaking up for the first time since they entered the court.

2015-04-22, 07:52 PM
Toyotomi turns to Kaito.

"Both are honourable, and would undoubtedly pledge their forces to you if you assisted them. The difference lies in their philosophies."

The daimyo raises up two hands, palms facing up.

"On one hand we have Oda Ieyasu, the heir to the throne. He's quite possibly a military genius, his skill in combat and commanding is unparalleled. However, he's quite . . . lusty, when it comes to power. If he seized control, it would be absolute control. No representation of the people, an autocratic system of appointing officials, and a strict adherence to traditional values. Some would call him a would-be dictator. Others would say that this strict style is exactly what Dai Hirano needs."

Toyotomi turns to his other hand.

"Your other choice is Hashiba Hideyoshi, the right-hand to the previous shogun. He doesn't possess nearly the military skill as Oda, but his administrative skills and fairness are prodigious. He's a man of the people, and cares for their needs and wants. He's not the best choice for wartime, but for the continued prosperity of the people of Dai Hirano, he's the greatest hope."

The daimyo lowers his hands.

"I admit that I myself am paralyzed by this choice. Oda is who you need for your goals, but Hashiba is the superior leader for once the conflict with the demon lord is over. And if you succeed, then whoever you don't support will most likely end up dead, or exiled."

Toyotomi Nobunaga rises from his seat.

"I'm going to return to my people, the four of you can use this room to make plans. Perhaps you want to visit the two candidates before you make your choice of who to support."

2015-04-23, 07:02 AM
"I say we go with this Oda guy." Takeshi says as they are left alone in the room. "He might not be the best one to rule over the people, but we need a warrior, not a diplomat on our side to stop the Demon Lord. If we lose the war because our allies weren't up to the task the people won't matter anyway, since we'll all be dead."

2015-04-24, 11:28 AM
Hyakume chuckles. "In either case, should we chose, we disrupt balance in one way or another. Perhaps our solution is in neither, and the same time both." He waves over one of the Daimyo's servants and says "Would you mind bringing us a cup of tea?"

While he waits for his tea, he continues.

"Ieyasu is exactly the man we want in this time of war, yet in all long term situations, Hideyoshi is the clear choice. If we choose one or the other, we are doomed. Who says we can't have both?Imagine for a moment what we could create if we somehow managed to make them get along and work together. In this dire situation, we should be able to put our differences aside and come together for the sake of this world."

2015-04-26, 12:38 PM
"Well, my suggestion was to simply assassinate Hideyoshi, and let the rest sort itself out, but I suppose that is a little short-sighted. Perhaps we could merely kidnap Hideyoshi and hide him away, and then... remove Ieyasu once the war is done." Kaito begins pacing around the room, occasionally pausing to take a sip of his tea. "Only having to infiltrate their palaces the once does have the advantage of simplicity, though."

2015-04-29, 02:03 PM
I'm waiting for you guys to come to some kind of resolution or plan, even if it's just that you want to visit the two possible shoguns.

Take your time, of course.

2015-04-29, 03:16 PM
"Well, I dont fancy our chances of convincing both of them to lay down their arms and help us, but it couldn't hurt to try."
Takeshi said with a shrug.
"But I definitely say we should go and try our luck with Oda first. He's the one who's most likely to understand the gravity of the situation, and the one we'll need in the fight."

2015-04-30, 10:01 AM
Then, shall we visit Ieyasu? Seeing as time isn't on our side, we need to resolve this conflict as soon as possible."

2015-05-03, 02:13 PM
"Ieyasu would be a good place to start. I saw we go to him."

2015-05-03, 06:39 PM
Having decided to visit Oda Ieyasu first, you secure the information that he is residing in the Imperial Palace at the heart of Dai Hirano.

You then say your goodbyes to Ruri's uncle, who wishes you good luck on your journey.

You make your way to the Imperial Palace, passing many farms and a few villages along the way. Many seem to be in strife, suffering from the lack of a true leader.

Finally you reach the Imperial Palace. The structure itself is built upon a tall hill, which seems to be the only piece of uneven land in all of Dai Hirano.

Trudging up the hill, you see the glimmer of lacquered armor. There is a line of guards standing in front of the open gate.

You're about ten yards away. The guards haven't budged. They don't seem hostile, but they also aren't moving to let your group through.

2015-05-12, 10:41 AM
Hyakume steps forward.

"We demand an audience with Oda Ieyasu. We come bearing news from the Central Kingdom. A dire situation has arisen."
He presents the royal pass given to them by the king.

2015-05-12, 07:25 PM
The guards nod and step aside, admitting you into the grand hall of the palace.

At the far end of the hall is a large, elaborate, and luxurious throne upon which a muscular and large Kitsune sits.

A number of servants rush around the room, cleaning things as well as serving Oda Ieyasu and his associates.

The general feeling of the room is ordered and efficient, but slightly oppressive.

Upon seeing you, Oda Ieyasu throws his arms wide and bellows out a greeting.

"Greetings my loyal subjects! What brings you to my court on this fine day in the empire of Dai Hirano?"