View Full Version : Leonard Nimoy

2015-02-27, 12:35 PM
Best known for playing Spock in the original Star Trek series, he was 83. (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/27/arts/television/leonard-nimoy-spock-of-star-trek-dies-at-83.html?_r=0)

2015-02-27, 12:40 PM
Awww. :smallfrown:

I am going to miss him on the screen.

2015-02-27, 12:42 PM
I owe my life to him.
As a kid, I was teased and picked on moderately incessantly. It used to upset me.
Then I discovered Star Trek. I then would ask myself "What would Spock do."
I decided that he wouldn't let it bother him. That those that taunted him were to be ingnored or pitied. Suddenly the teasing didn't bother me anymore. And now, forty years later, I'm (relatively) well adjusted and happy.
Thank you Mr. Nimoy. You truely did "Live Long and Prosper".

2015-02-27, 12:43 PM
Rest in Peace. Though I may only be 19, I've seen a lot of the early Star Trek episodes and he certainly had talent. I wish well on his loved ones and those around him, and reflect on a remarkable life.

2015-02-27, 12:50 PM
One of the few people that coukd truly be called iconic. He lived a long time and did a lot of interesting stuff, though he really was Spock his whole career.

2015-02-27, 12:52 PM
Very sad news. :smallfrown:

R.I.P. Mr Nimoy, thank you for your contributions to international geekdom. You will truly be missed.

2015-02-27, 12:59 PM
"Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most...


Goodbye, Leonard. You lived long, and prospered. Now find peace.

2015-02-27, 01:02 PM
This (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGF5ROpjRAU) is what he will always be best known for. As it should be. Nimoy is the man!

2015-02-27, 01:18 PM
Star Trek wasn't in my taste of genre, but i really enjoyed his narrating in Civilization 4...

2015-02-27, 01:20 PM
:Plays amazing grace on bagpipes :

Seemed appropriate (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtQUePN5y40).


Brian P.

2015-02-27, 01:22 PM
No, personally I think that seems very inapropriate. But I guess we'll be seing that a lot the next few days.

Killer Angel
2015-02-27, 01:27 PM
you will live forever in our geeky hearts...

2015-02-27, 01:36 PM
Goodbye Mr Nemoy, you helped shape a genre and several generations of nerds. You will be sorely missed.

Aotrs Commander
2015-02-27, 01:40 PM
A sad day indeed.


My condolences to his family and friends at this difficult time.

2015-02-27, 01:45 PM
My favourite character from TOS, one of my favourite sci-fi characters - no, one of my favourite characters in any medium.
Damn. I was genuinely shocked and upset when I found out. While watching Star Trek: TOS.

Leonard Nimoy was and is a person who inspired many.

2015-02-27, 01:50 PM

You know, I've never understood the deal with celebrity deaths. None of them had any effect on me and any big deal made over them always seemed silly.

Yet this is just different. I guess in my mind legends never die. They're not supposed to. So to hear that Leonard Nimoy had passed, felt like a kick in the gut.

So Playground, how influential was the great Mr. Spock in the walk down your road to the geekdom?

2015-02-27, 02:00 PM
Well, I think to sum it up:

I have been, and always will be, your friend.

Goodbye, Mr. Nimoy.

Live long and prosper.

2015-02-27, 02:03 PM
*points to the thread in Media Discussion*
Might be best to get this one merged with that one.

Soras Teva Gee
2015-02-27, 02:06 PM
Live long and prosper.

Rest in peace.

Dire Moose
2015-02-27, 02:06 PM
I've been a Star Trek fan since age 3-4, and this hit me pretty hard.

You will be missed.

2015-02-27, 02:08 PM
The spirit he instilled into the universe he helped to create shall live into the future of the 23rd Century and beyond.

The lives he has touched will go on, and help to shape that bright future.

Live Long and Prosper, my friends.

2015-02-27, 02:12 PM
An icon of (geek) culture has left us, but his legacy will never be forgotten. Rest in Peace, Mr Nimoy... If there is a geek pantheon you will surely sit among its greatest.

Also, shame on you, Traab :smalltongue:

Avilan the Grey
2015-02-27, 02:13 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/644397_1026582807356763_7725216861382465799_n.jpg? oh=97edd64108c82d8deb0a1a619ef763ef&oe=55836ACA&__gda__=1435645963_59cf6b7c15fa8b69996806353d9d669 f

Rest in Peace.
You lived long. And prospered.

2015-02-27, 02:21 PM
Farewell from the world of tomorrow!

2015-02-27, 02:35 PM
:Plays amazing grace on bagpipes :
Seemed appropriate (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtQUePN5y40).

That's an iconic scene.

Makes me want to go marathon my favorite trek movies with Nimoy in them.

2015-02-27, 02:39 PM
Time makes redshirts of us all.


Aotrs Commander
2015-02-27, 02:43 PM
Time makes redshirts of us all.


That's a remarkably poignant image.

2015-02-27, 02:55 PM
Goodbye Mr. Nimoy, as others said, you lived long, and prospered, and inspired many others. My thoughts go out to those you leave behind.

2015-02-27, 02:57 PM
Time makes redshirts of us all.

*pic snip*

Well, kick me in the heart why don't you? :smallfrown:

2015-02-27, 03:06 PM
Gonna miss his soothing voice. Prosper, Mr. Nimoy.

2015-02-27, 03:16 PM
Well, kick me in the heart why don't you?

I can only imagine how Shatner feels. ._.

2015-02-27, 03:24 PM
I can only imagine how Shatner feels. ._.



Eldritch Knight
2015-02-27, 03:33 PM
As I have been saying elsewhere, I am having a surprisingly strong emotional reaction to this news.... but that is not unexpected, as I am human, and not Vulcan.

2015-02-27, 03:38 PM
I have been, and always shall be, your fan.

Thank you.

Perfectly said.

2015-02-27, 03:53 PM
As I have been saying elsewhere, I am having a surprisingly strong emotional reaction to this news.... but that is not unexpected, as I am human, and not Vulcan. I know the feeling. As I was typing my earlier statement, I got to "I guess in my mind legends never die. They're not supposed to." I got teary eyed.

Soras Teva Gee
2015-02-27, 04:04 PM
RIP to the best First Officer.


2015-02-27, 04:23 PM
Whether Spock or not, he will be missed.

And usually celebrity deaths don't get to me much, but Nimoy was in a different class.

2015-02-27, 04:27 PM
I can't take this. All my heroes are leaving. I loved him, man. I grew up with Leonard Nimoy. What a legend.

2015-02-27, 05:24 PM

Wow, and he was the voice of my favorite Civ experience among other things. That's a real loss to scifi culture right there.

Im kinda trying not to cry a little bit.

2015-02-27, 05:47 PM
Im kinda trying not to cry a little bit. I just bit the bullet and did it already.

The man was awesome, and the geek culture owes so much to him.

2015-02-27, 05:55 PM
That's quite a heavy loss. I remember his work in so many things. Star trek was such a tip-of-the-iceberg.

I should really re-watch those adaptations of "I, Robot".

2015-02-27, 06:13 PM
Sad news. Watching the original Star Trek in my childhood basically started my love for SF and related things. I still remember that the very first episode I watched was "The Galileo Seven" and Spock was awesome there. He seemed to be a pretty great guy in rl too.

2015-02-27, 06:36 PM
Godspeed to the stars Mr. Nimoy.

2015-02-27, 06:37 PM
If the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, why did he need to die?




It's not working... :smallfrown:

I– I find... that it– it is highly illogical that we, geeks one and all, would cry for this, for we are known for our poorly-adjusted emotions... And yet... we cry.

Time makes redshirts of us all.

2015-02-28, 02:43 AM
Rest in peace, Mr Nimoy. Say hi to old crew for us.

Killer Angel
2015-02-28, 04:34 AM
Time makes redshirts of us all.

This post was unusually cruel. :smallfrown:

DJ Yung Crunk
2015-02-28, 04:35 AM
Time makes redshirts of us all.


Have we offended you in some way?

2015-02-28, 05:11 AM
I remember when I was younger, around 9 or so, sitting in my dad's armchair back in the 90s watching Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan on VHS and sitting there crying because Spock died.

I feel like that all over again.

Time makes redshirts of us all.


That hurt my soul.

Jaxzan Proditor
2015-02-28, 09:25 AM
It's hard to comprehend that someone like him who has influenced so many is gone. RIP, Leonard Nimoy. :smallfrown::smallfrown:

2015-02-28, 09:40 AM
*Raises one eyebrow in memory*

The Glyphstone
2015-02-28, 01:05 PM
...I just got that picture, mainly because I had forgotten DeForrest Kelley died so long ago and James Doohan's back was to me.

Extra sad now.

2015-02-28, 01:57 PM
Well, he died in peace and he had a long life.
That's about as much as anyone can hope for.

2015-02-28, 03:00 PM
I'm currently playing Civ IV again, the "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." quote would have killed me if I knew he was already dead when I heard his voice speak it :smallfrown:

Rest in peace, you were a great man.

2015-02-28, 03:50 PM
Time makes redshirts of us all.


As opposed some here, I think this is a beautiful, though melancholic phrase. Well put.

2015-02-28, 04:13 PM
This is a man who helped us all brave strange new worlds, to seek out new life life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before.
Now he has gone to where we all will go, and where many, many have gone before.
It is a smaller world for it, yet it is also one enriched by his existence and what he helped create.
Peace and Long Life,
May your example live long and prosper, Leonard.

2015-02-28, 04:36 PM
I'll just leave this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj8g4TnWLVw) here. I don't believe there's anything I can add to it.

(Not mine, SF Debris'.)

2015-02-28, 05:09 PM
I'll just leave this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj8g4TnWLVw) here. I don't believe there's anything I can add to it.

(Not mine, SF Debris'.)

Just perfect. I love Chuck (SFDebris) some days.

2015-02-28, 08:12 PM

Fine last words to have.

2015-02-28, 08:32 PM
I'll just leave this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj8g4TnWLVw) here. I don't believe there's anything I can add to it.

Well, maybe some of his other roles from the tv/big screen, but otherwise it was very good yes. :)

Killer Angel
2015-03-01, 08:00 AM
As opposed some here, I think this is a beautiful, though melancholic phrase. Well put.

Ah, the phrase was beautiful... but the images hurt the soul

Lord Raziere
2015-03-02, 03:43 AM
Best known for playing Spock in the original Star Trek series, he was 83. (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/27/arts/television/leonard-nimoy-spock-of-star-trek-dies-at-83.html?_r=0)


he is gone then.

I never much liked Star Trek, but I did like the part he played in Star Trek 2009 I believe it was called as the old Spock.

since the usual farewell won't work- he is dead and probably won't prosper-I will instead say, as a Star Wars fan to Star Trek:

May the Force be with him, and may he become a blue ghost who dispenses the soundest logical advice to all those who come after him.

Bulldog Psion
2015-03-02, 06:53 AM
Unfortunate indeed. You will be missed, Mr. Nimoy.

2015-03-03, 12:50 PM
Do not grieve. It is logical.