View Full Version : M&M so how much better is 3E to 2E

2015-02-27, 02:01 PM
Pretty much what it says on the tin. Now i know 3E changed the abilities around but what else happened? Also would you consider 3E to be a general improvement over 2E?

Kid Jake
2015-02-27, 04:36 PM
I still prefer 2e to 3e actually. It's just a bunch of little things; but skills are a bit easier to build up, I liked the differences between Weaknesses; Drawbacks and Complications in 2e, some powers took a real nosedive in 3e (Impervious for example) and 2e had some awesome splats that changed the way I looked at the game.

3e seems slightly less abusable, but that's kind of like saying that getting stabbed in the stomach is slightly less lethal than getting stabbed in the chest; it doesn't feel all that different while it's happening and it's better for everyone to just come to an agreement ahead of time that there won't be any stabbing. :smalltongue:

Ultimately though, they're the same basic game. Outside of the fancy 3e SRD there's not much reason to declare absolute loyalty to one or the other.

2015-02-28, 03:31 PM
2nd Edition is far more "structured"; that is, rules were better explained and the online support was peerless. 3rd edition is more "open" and having a good grasp of 2nd helps greatly, rather than trying to jump in the 3e pool w/o system familiarity. Effects like Movement and Variable are shared by both systems, but are better explained in 2e. In comparison, 3e feels rushed(?), like they didn't take as much time with it as with 2e.

Overall, the 2e core book is just better done. With 3e's core book(s; The Hero's Handbook or DC Adventures' Hero's Handbook), I ended up hunting around for things that should've been in the same place, like Damage rules. 2e, while not perfect, has a more seamless presentation of its system. Both books have great, comic book-like illustration that makes them feel like "this is superheroes".

I prefer the 2e wound system; the simulation seemed more consistent with how damage works. It hurts, usually so much that it slows you down & interferes with one's ability to perform other tasks. But, 3e makes combat even faster than 2e(a plus), although rolling defenses seems more dynamic than 3e's static Dodge & Parry.

2e has a treasure trove of available supplements for varied settings, themes, and NPC villains. 3e, which shares the same system with its twin DC Adventures, has had less in the way of supplements, but what has been released is exceptional (like the Emerald City Knights campaign & the three DC-themed books). Once you know the systems, you'd have little problem converting 2e NPCs over to 3e if you wanted to use supplements like Freedom's Most Wanted.

I recommend 2e. I'd still be running it for players, but 3e has become more popular and there's a SRD which makes it more accessible. But, 2e lacks nothing, rather, it has more density as a system than 3e, which many players familiar with both systems will agree, is a more stream-lined version of 2e. Faster 'aint always better, though.

My 2 pennies & I hope this helps:smallwink: