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2015-02-27, 08:08 PM
"The Guardian Tower of the Black Ice Order, located in the abandoned Alexendrian Capital City. It stands as a singular example of the Guardian Assembly's resilience, especially in these desperate times."
-Inscription under a painting of the Tower.

The painted is dated "2/2/22." That was seven months ago, when the repairs were being finished after the recent incident. This paint hangs on the wall of the infirmary in the tower, on the 23rd floor. A WMOC doctor with a beard is currently taking Nalin's blood pressure. This is the finale in a series of seeming unrelated medical tests. Ignacio stands nearby in his distinctive tweed under his Guardian's Coat. Next to him is Laurence, who sticks out without his Guardian Coat. It should be arriving any time now.

"Okay, Mr..." The bearded doctor flips through his clipboard. "...'Nalin,' you're showing some advanced symptoms of Nephilimtitis. However, the Guardian Assembly has been given special dispensation to field you. Sometimes the higher ups make you wonder why there's even the WMOC." He sighs. "Well, you're free to go. Your status will be on your badge. Keep it with you while performing magic. Finally, here's a lollipop. I know how you kids love candy." He pulls the candy from his pocket and offers it to Nalin.

The door is kicked open by a leg. Everyone looks up to see what caused this. Attached to that leg is a young woman with dirty blonde hair and a shortened Guardian coat. Poking out of her hair are a pair of small, red horns that match her brilliant, large eyes. She is carrying a cardboard box. Ignacio recognizes this as "Gemini," but everyone calls her Sassy, because her code name seemed rude after her sister died. Still, she is as jovial as ever. "Alright, coats, handbooks, guns, and badges are here! I got some for a 'Snapper' and a 'Dreamer' here. Hi Ignacio. Is this one Dreamer?" She points at Laurence. "Yeah, you look like a 'Dreamer.' You're Dreamer now. I don't care who was before." Tossing the long black and white coat at Laurence, she says "Badge, pistol, and handbook are in the pouches."

2015-02-27, 08:38 PM
Nalin scowls at the doctor.
Doctor, your ability to diagnose what I figured out five years ago truly astonishes me. I am fully in awe of your genius.
He stands and steps away from the table.
I won't be using magic. Allergies.
The disembodied hand, however, grabs the lollipop as he walks away and pops it into his mouth. He turns as the door is kicked in.
I think I'm the one they've taken to calling "Snapper". Inventive name. Lots of implications.

2015-02-27, 08:47 PM
Laurence gives Sassy a light smirk.
Apparently so. I can dig it.
He takes the coat and puts it on, poking through the pockets to make sure everything's there and get a feel for things when he thinks no one's looking.

2015-02-27, 08:47 PM
The doctor stares at the hand for a moment, then places his own against his face.

"Oh yeah, these nicknames can be a lot of fun. I know this one guy called 'Angel.' I have no clue what it means, but it's cool. I'm sure kids like you will have a lot of awesome adventures while you're scouring the site at Umbria. There will be brushes, and Geiger counters, and lasers, and bones, and monsters..." She counts on her fingers. "Of course, not of this will be any worse than waking up and looking like an iguana who spent too much time tanning," she says while giving a warm smile.

Laurence finds the items he is looking for, as well as several paper clips, a roll of electrical tape, and a box of candy cigarettes.

2015-02-27, 08:51 PM
Yeah, if you're not getting into this business for the Geiger counters, I'm not even really sure what the point is.

2015-02-27, 09:14 PM
Ignacio had spent most of the physical distracted by his notebook and pencil, idly writing down formulae and questions as they came to him. The sound of the door slamming open pulled him out of his zen, and he looked up and smiled at Sassy.

"Hmmm, yes. Lawrence here is Dreamer. Nalin is Snapper. You know they write those names down somewhere, right? We should probably get going, unless you all have questions for our illustrious leader?" Ignacio looked at each of his apprentices in turn as he spoke. "Remember, the ruins wait for no man. Or rather, I suppose they do, since they can hardly do much else!"

2015-02-27, 09:20 PM
I'm good. Rather be surprised if anything particularly unexpected comes up.

2015-02-27, 10:01 PM
Nalin takes the coat that is offered to him, and checked the pockets after putting it on.

2015-02-27, 10:08 PM
"Unfortunately, Geiger counters aren't standard issue. Have fun with that." She giggles.

She turns to Ignacio, waving her hand in a modest fashion. "Oh, stop. I'm only in charge because the Council doesn't micromanage and no one knows where Dragon Cleavage went." Sassy draws circles around her ear. "She was a bit loony if you ask me. Not that we could find her if we wanted. She's insanely resistant to magical detection. Even if we did, there's nothing we could do to make her do anything she doesn't want to. If she doesn't want to be around, she won't be around." She crosses her arms and sighs. "Anyway, there's a helicopter team on standby to take you directly to your temporary home in Umbria. You're in charge, so you can leave whenever you want.

Nalin finds a couple of weaponized gauntlets. Exactly what he ordered when they were taking measurements and tissue samples at the tailor's.

2015-02-27, 10:19 PM
"I think it would be best if we took another last look at our equipment and made sure we have everything. I remember one of my first missions I forgot to pack extra socks, and we were stuck in a bog for two weeks." Ignacio chortled at the memory. "Perhaps a bit of lunch before we leave as well, I assume we'll be eating mostly trail rations for the rest of our sojourn. I'd like some fond memories to help me through the eighth serving of freeze dried lasagna. Do you have the information on our mission on hand or is it already in Umbria? I'd like to review it if possible."

2015-02-27, 10:20 PM
That feels a bit like false advertising, gotta say.

2015-02-27, 10:28 PM
"Well, it should be nothing like that this time around. I think the site is Io, which will put you on the edge of the suburbs and the forest. You'll be able to grab any kind of grub from the city. Not to mention you get to stay in one of the Guardian-owned houses. Those are usually pretty sweet." She nods. "I know the girls who stay at Jormundgandr, so I can say it's a cool place. As for actual information, you should probably check your mail or something when you get there. Just like how I didn't know this guy's name is Laurence," she gestures at Laurence, "which is a really funny name, I have no clue what's going on because I'm not really in charge and I never see any of the paperwork." She speeds up at the last part of her statement, and shrugs. "What can you do? Oh, and Laurence totally found some candy cigarettes and didn't tell anyone. Hoarding candy from your friends is bad manners!"

2015-02-27, 10:36 PM
What can I say? I'm a man with a passion, and that passion is candy cigarettes. Those things're delicious. I guess I could share some'a them, but I've got a weirdly specific schedule of when I'm planning to eat them. Could always adjust it though if anyone wants one. Half the fun of making a schedule is changing it.

2015-02-27, 11:29 PM
"You schedule you're candy eating? What? How is that any fun? Also, do you mean that you ordered candy cigarettes with your coat? Why would you do something like that? At least the Sunburned Iguana got some spiky things to go with his coat! Candy is great, but you could have gotten a lot!" She stands flabbergasted. "How can someone be so crazy? You're a weird guy, Laurence."

2015-02-27, 11:43 PM
I just think to myself, "I'm probably going to want some candy before I enter the ruins, and after I leave this office, and some before I go to sleep, and at a couple of other times," and then I divide the candy up by what I figure my scale of candy desire will be given the situation, relative to my total candy quantity. I guess figuring it out after handing some away would just require dividing relative to a different total, so it's not all that hard, thinking about it further. As for how fun it is, y'gotta be doing something up in your head when a physical starts running long, and if there's anything I learned from having an accountant parent, it's that pointless math eats up brain space pretty well. Didn't really want to get much more than I did though. I can anticipate a lot, but my specific future candy whims, out beyond a relatively planned out day, are beyond me. Better to get just a small amount when the chance arises.

He eats one of the candy cigarettes.

That counts as one of the "leaving the office time" pieces, if you're interested.

2015-02-27, 11:45 PM
Nalin pulls out the bladed and spiked accessories, taking a few moments to attach them to his arms and legs.
My training is in controlling the battlefield. I cripple my foes with blow and their own cowardice. And this little monster helps out.
The disembodied claw pulls a pair of slender wands from the pouch and slots them into Nalin's gauntlets.

2015-02-27, 11:53 PM
She frowns, and grabs a candy cigarette with her blackened and pointed nails, and the puts it in her mouth. She then chews on the candy, making loud masticating noises.

"Snapper, you look like a horned lizard that hung out at a nuclear testing site."

2015-02-27, 11:56 PM
Nalin's grin could put zombies back in their graves.
That's the point. When an enemy thinks that his foe is bred in hell itself, he's all the more likely to wet himself and surrender.

2015-02-27, 11:57 PM
Laurence just smiles.
I dunno how you can possibly look that glum while eating a candy cigarette.

2015-02-28, 12:00 AM
"I tried that for a bit. It never worked out. I can't figure out what," she says while stroking her chin. "If it doesn't work for you, it's probably because they think you need a doctor."

"I'm a master of candy! I can look like anything while doing it! Not to mentions that these are the worst. They're all chalking. Are you supposed to chew them?"

2015-02-28, 03:07 AM
It's an acquired taste, I guess. You've just gotta embrace that chalky quality.

2015-02-28, 11:14 AM
"I think that the three of us should be well able to handle some quiet digging in Umbria. Candy Cigarettes aside, we seem well equipped. Nalin, I have absolute faith in your ability to terrify any threat we may come across."

2015-02-28, 11:30 AM
"And with Laurence's ability to eat these things," she takes another candy cigarette, chews it, and coughs up sugar dust,"you'll be undefeatable!"

2015-02-28, 11:36 AM
Nalin looks down at the shorter man
What do you do? Aside from supply candy. Which I thought was the job of the senior Guardian.

2015-02-28, 12:40 PM
"Can't you tell? I'm a master summoner! Rar!" She fails miserably at making a scary face.

2015-02-28, 03:45 PM
Arbitrary candy's a big part of it. Really though, Frederick's the muscle behind my particular operation. I should be bringing him out once we reach the ruins. We make a good team, I think. He supplies the face eating, and I supply the candy.

2015-02-28, 11:26 PM
Nalin shakes his head.
I'm not even going to bother asking who or what Frederick is. Honestly, I don't care.
He turns back to Sassy
So, don't we have a plane to catch or something?

2015-03-01, 12:08 AM
That's fine by me. I'm always happy to take a voyage through the sky. Although, I'll have you know that I'm also a pro at throwing glitter at foes. I'd put it second on my list of skills behind candy. Speaking of, want some candy?

2015-03-01, 12:20 AM
"You've got a helicopter waiting for you," she says. "Here! It's right over here..." She drags you to a passenger helicopter waiting on a pad, and pushed you inside. "Be careful now! Have fun! I'll send you a visual aid to to help you spot the welcoming party~!"

Inside the helicopter's passenger area is another guardian. She has her Guardian coat's hood up, but a pair of grey, ram-like horns are sticking out from it. The shadows from her hood are obscuring her face, and she's wearing gloves. She seems to be avoiding showing any skin. In her hands is small duffel bag she is holding very tightly. She avoids talking to you.

"Alright, welcome to the helicopter," says the pilot. "Please no eating or drinking. We'll be at Umbria in a couple hours," the co-pilot continues. The trip is uneventful, and they drop you off pretty much in front of the house the Assembly assign for you. The Guardian jumps out and pulls a bag of blood out of her duffel, and starts gnawing at it. She gets a bit of it on her. Now, according to the "visual aid" (a crude drawing of a lizard labeled "Nalin" and a slightly shorter tiger labeled "Tora") Sassy texted Ignacio, there should be catfolk waiting for you... There she is!

Standing before you is a red-headed catfolk with black stripes on her skin. She's well proportioned and in great shape, as her tight-fitting coat shows off. Next to her is another guardian with hair obscuring her face.

2015-03-01, 12:37 AM
Laurence mostly just looks out the window. When the timing seems about right, he briefly turns away from the window towards the catfolk, says hey, and resumes his cloud staring.

2015-03-01, 12:50 AM
Ignacio steps off of the helicopter after their arrival and watches their fellow traveling companion to see where she goes for a bit before turning to greet the other guardians awaiting them.

"Hola, which of you ladies is..." Ignacio glanced at the image Sassy had texted him. "Tora? Sassy seems to think you are a tiger, but I don't wish to presume whether that's a result of personality or lineage. I am Ignacio DeLaTorre, or Faust if you prefer. With me are Nalin, codenamed Snapper and Laurence, codenamed Dreamer."

2015-03-01, 01:05 AM
Laurence yawns and stretches his arms out broadly.
That was a good trip. Been awhile since I've been in a helicopter. Must be, what five years? Sounds about right. Well, seems about time to call up Frederick. You folks do some introducing while I make with the summoning.
He does that.

2015-03-01, 12:50 PM
The catfolk nods and flips her long hair. "Uh huh. That's me. Of course, the pictures she gives us are kinda pointless, unless you're interested in my magnificent stripes. Like, how could we miss the huge helicopter? Or that fact that we're all in uniform? And I'm here, and there's no missing me." She bows. "Tora, Jormungandr 1."

The other woman with the hair in her face steps out from behind her and extends her hand. "Engourdi. Jormungandr premiere. Enchante."
"<Numb. Jormungandr First. Enchanted.
Tora cuts her bow short. "Like hell you are!" She glances at the new arrivals apologetically. "I'm sorry, she doesn't speak common. This is Numb and she's obviously she's confused. Anyway, what kind of name is Frederick? I thought a familiar's name was supposed to rhyme," she says, taking a look at Laurence and Frederick.

Numb mumbles something in Celestial.
"I'm sure that's a quirk of your training."

The greyhorn is still gnawing at her bag of blood.

2015-03-01, 01:01 PM
Nalin finally address the greyhorn.
And who exactly are you? Clearly a nephilim, from the horns, and apparently ashamed of it, given the skin covering.

2015-03-01, 01:06 PM
"The pleasure is ours, I'm certain." Ignacio extended his hand to Tora and Numb in turn. "You wouldn't happen to have more specifics on our mission here, would you? Sassy somehow managed to neglect to fill us in on certain important details... again. Perhaps they could be discussed over an early dinner? I haven't eaten since breakfast."

2015-03-01, 01:10 PM
Startled, the nephilim grips her bag to tightly, squirting blood onto anyone too close. "What? Ashamed? Haven't you met another greyhorn in your life? I let my horns stick out on purpose, for the record." She places her hands on her hips, and glowers at Nalin. Her eyes have darkened sclera, that combine with the shadows from her hood to accentuate her grey irises in sharp contrast. "It's the sun. It been bother the hell out of my skin for the last few months. If anyone is need to cover up, it's you." She sighs. "Anyway, the name's Nimi. 'Knife-Eater' Nimi." Tora winces.

Tora looks surprised to be offered a handshake. She hesitates for a moment, but decides to shake it. Numb follows suit. She seems a bit on edge, though. "Yeah, sure. I know a great place just a few blocks away. It's this cute little cafe I discovered when I first got here. Sound good."

"<I have the files you require,>" Numb says in Celestial. "<I'll distribute them at dinner.>"

2015-03-01, 01:37 PM
"Lead the way then, lady Tora. Would the rest of you care to join us? Nalin, I'm sure your fellow Nephilim would be welcome as well if she would care to join us?"

2015-03-01, 01:46 PM
So long as she doesn't snap, I don't object to other nephilim.

2015-03-01, 02:14 PM
"Hey, you first, buddy."

"Well, we have an agreement... I guess." Tora shrugs.

A few minutes later, you find yourself at Bittersweet's Cafe, according to a gaudy sign above the door. It's a small place, with a nice outdoor dining area with a lot of flowers and shrubs. Before you can take it in, you're ambushed by a catfolk with black hair and tan skin in a maid's outfit. You think you found the two reasons people visit. "BAST'JYA! Welcome to Bittersweet's Cafe! Bittersweet is good to eat! It's good to see you again, Tora. It's been a while. Party of 7? We have a long table out here for you!" She ushers you to a table and places some water and hands out menus. "What can Bittersweet get for you today?"

Tora smiles. "Bast'jya. I'll have the mushrooms. Sorry I haven't been around. I got reassigned and I only just got back."

"One Bittersweet's Super Sweet Edible Stuffed Mushroom, coming right up!"

"<I can't say I have a preference either way. Try to surprise me.>"

"Bittersweet sure can try, rhnenban!"

"I just ate, but I remember you had some totally sick tea, shorty."

"Oh, you're addressing Bittersweet in a familiar manner? Nimi? How you've grown!"

The menu is full of typically food you would find at a cafe. Sandwiches. Some steak dishes. Sweets, coffee, and tea. There are a few strange items, like a mushroom that claims to be edible.

2015-03-01, 02:46 PM
"I would like a Reuben and a Lemonade please. Perhaps a sweet cake of some sort after I've finished as well." Ignacio said. He glanced around the cafe, observing the reactions of patrons at the sight of such a large group of guardians. He wanted to get a read on the general mood of the town and of his fellow guardians. Many times people kept secrets and it was important to know who was hiding something.

In particular, he was interested in Numb. She reminded Ignacio of his master, someone notably asocial, but a fond memory nonetheless.

Perception: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

Just getting a feel for the people around him and the guardians. Also trying to guess how badly the forum dice roller is going to screw me when I'm playing. :smalltongue:

2015-03-01, 03:15 PM
I think I'll have something sweet. Specifics don't matter all that much.

Bring me forth three juicy steaks. Rare as is possible within the bounds of space and time. Nothing else could possibly sate my magnificent hunger.

2015-03-01, 03:45 PM
Steak. Medium.

2015-03-02, 12:07 AM
"Okay! Bittersweet will bring another Bittersweet's Super Sweet Edible Mushroom, the sandwich, and some steaks!"

You got a good sense motive roll, so I've got some good stuff for you on everyone.

Bittersweet is a bundled messed of curious, nervous, and excited. The nervousness could be the fact that 6 Guardians showed up unannounced. Everyone else in the cafe seems to have noticed. The presence of Nalin isn't helping.

"<Faust, here is a hard copy of the document I've received. You'll be investigating the Io site, specifically an area comprised of several blocks overrun by the forest when the wall was damaged.>" Numb hands Ignacio a document.

Numb does remind Ignacio of his master. She was always distant to the point of being inhuman. However, there is something off about Numb. While Master Echo was always stoic, she wasn't completely devoid of emotion. "Even a lake with a still surface should be hiding life," she would say. Maybe NUmb has some kind of disorder, but Ignacio can't help but feel what's wrong with Numb is intentional. Caution should probably be exercised.

She does seem to barely understand a bit of common, but she exclusively speaks Celestial.

Tora groans, and looks over to Frederick. "So this is your familiar, right? He sure is weird looking, Laurence. Do familiars really need to eat. I've never had to feat mine."
Tora spent the whole time on the way here flaunting and showing off. Judging by her choice in dining establishments and the way she's been looking at the waitress, she's probably a closet homosexual. Of course, this would mean flirting for the men and the other guardians was only for her own benefit. Attracting compliments for an ego that desperately needs stroking. Perhaps a victim of some kind of trauma? Or just low self-esteem from being in the closet?

She doesn't seem to like Nimi. They probably know each other. Numb seems to get on her nerves, probably because of the fact she can't understand Celestial very well and possibly because of Numb's nature.

Roll a History or Local check.

"Bro, you've got to be the most boring guy I know," Nimi says to Ignacio after she hears about his order.
The greyhorn is a strange case. She's been referring to everyone in familiar terms. Judging from her speech, she's probably from a lower class. She spent a good amount of time verbally flirting with the gang. She doesn't seem happy with the Sun or the fact that she has to cover up so much of her skin while outdoors. Probably a bit of an attention whore at best, and suffer from Histrionic Personality Disorder at worst.

She seems to be fine with Tora. For whatever reason, the animosity doesn't go both way.

2015-03-02, 12:39 AM
Weird looking you say? I am nothing short of perfection embodied in form. And no, I do not technically need to eat, but I can savor the succulence of a well prepared steak as well as any man. I can answer questions for myself, thank you very much.

Way I figure it, big guy wants a steak, he can have a steak, or three, as the case may be. Never cared all that much about the specifics of eidolon metabolism personally, even if our tastes may differ. This mushroom is amazing, by the way.

2015-03-02, 12:48 AM
"Well, I guess liking how steak tastes is legitimate. I'd have a hard time eating anything if I had two heads. These mushrooms are simply some of the best food I've ever eating." Tora chows down on the large, purple mushroom. "Maybe I'll show you my familiar sometime. He's a bit melancholic, so I don't leave him out."

Bittersweet purrs in delight. "Bittersweet is glad you still like her food, Tora. You're Bittersweets best customer!"

2015-03-02, 12:59 AM
Two heads just means more mouth room for delicious steak flavor.

Yep. Some days, when I'm not expecting much action, I use magic to give him a third head, and maybe some extra arms, and he really goes to town. It's a sight to behold.

2015-03-02, 09:29 AM
"To each their own, I suppose." Ignacio replied to Nimi. "I for one could never stomach the taste of blood, but lemonade? That is a heavenly treat."

Ignacio took the folder from Numb, and began to leaf through it rapidly, absorbing the information as quickly as his mind could. While part of him worked out the details of their mission, another combed through his memory for more information about Tora.

Knowledge (Local): [roll0]

2015-03-02, 11:38 AM
Tora looks at Laurence in disbelief. "Why would anyone do that?"

"Meh, blood's aight, but I really only drink it because I get these pains without it."

Tora was trained by Diael, the nephilim who went berserk a year ago and killed all of those Guardians. That might explain some things.

2015-03-02, 11:48 AM
Nalin sits quietly and watches the discussion.

So, just occurred to me Nalin has Knowledge (History). Let's see if he knows that it was Tora's master who's rampage resulted in his own freedom

2015-03-02, 12:27 PM
I gave this info to Ignacio on a 20, because he knows Diael personally (they met a few times). You got a 25, so you're good.

Nalin is aware that Diael is the name of the Nephilim that went berserk with a 20. He's heard this from rumors at the tower. Not many people know that it was him. However, people do know it was a nephilim, which is why the WMOC has nephilim tested not.

The 25 tells you that Tora was his apprentice for the year before that. She was only an apprentice at the time, so she's a little more obscure.

2015-03-02, 12:55 PM
That explains why my presence disturbs her. Must be tough on her.
Something about this seems to appeal to Nalin's twisted sense of humor, and his lips curl into a quiet smile.

2015-03-02, 01:05 PM
Tora only looks more nervous. Nalin's smile seems to be having the opposite of the desired effect.

2015-03-02, 01:06 PM
The real question, I think, is why would anyone not? Life is an experience, and by your reaction I can only assume that you've never taken the time to really sit back and watch while a hulking monstrosity with more heads and arms than is entirely reasonable eats meat of various kinds as if he expects the world to come to an end soon. It's truly something to behold.

2015-03-02, 01:10 PM
"Really laying the creep, aren't you? You remind me of this guy I knew." Nimi looks pretty and really nervous. You should stop.

"I actually have seen that happen on multiple occasions. I just don't feel like replicating that particular experience."Tora shudders.

2015-03-02, 01:15 PM
Nalin blinks.
Huh? Oh, just had a funny thought. Personal joke from the old days.


2015-03-02, 01:22 PM
"Well, I sure hope so. He'd get that look whenever he knew something everyone didn't know." Nimi shrugs and returns to her drink.

Tora isn't looking at Nalin anymore, but she drops her fork with a loud clank.

2015-03-02, 01:24 PM
The greyhorn seems to have piqued the interest of the Snapper
Who is "he"?

2015-03-02, 01:42 PM
Fair enough. I can respect that. However, as someone who's experienced it both ways, I can tell you that it's a much more pleasant thing when it's something you'really seeing voluntarily.

2015-03-02, 01:49 PM
"Well, I can't imagine tha-" As she pick up her fork from the plate, she looks up and sees someone walking past the cafe. She stands up, and yells "Hey Edinah!"

A small girl with glasses and a blonde pony tail walks up. "Oh! Hello, Tora. I have no idea how I missed you. Welcome back." A Sanctum Corp hooded sweatshirt. Another mercenary?

"I'll tell you later," Nimi murmurs to Nalin under the noise of the conversation.

2015-03-02, 10:39 PM
So, Ignacio, find anything interesting in that folder of yours?

2015-03-03, 08:31 AM
Ignacio perused the documents and photographs, mostly ignoring the rest of the conversation. His sandwich sat there equally ignored. "Hmm? Ah yes. Just photographs and text really. Its your standard 'We don't know what this is! Go find out!' Good thing I can't stand a riddle any more than the next person... Seems the ruins are owned by a shell company, whoever was doing the groundwork here was apparently too lazy to dig up the parent corporation."

2015-03-03, 11:30 AM
Well, can't say I care all that much about the intricacies of ownership webs, but finding out stuff about arbitrary mystery ruins could be fun.

2015-03-03, 12:25 PM
NUmb seems to understand what you mean, and replies in Celestial. "<Licensing is a very delicate and important topic for our work. Corporations without the resources or magi to retrieve their artifacts. Without any alternative, they turn to us so their work won't fall into the hands of their competitors. Of course, we catalog the artifacts, but the companies are given copies of critical data so that they may resume their work. Buildings without any remaining corporate ties, usually due to the parent company collapsing, may only be searched after our organization receives authorization from the local government. We only recently received license to work in the buildings in section Io, which is why you've been assigned there.>" Ignacio already knows this, of course. She may be speaking for the benefit of the apprentices, but they don't speak Celestial.

Tora runs over and gives Edinah a big hug. "I was going to give you a call, but my phone died."

"Ack! Lungs... crushing..." Edinah gets Tora to release her. "It's fine. How was your assignment?"
"Well, it was nothing short of awful. We can talk about. Cake has arrived."

"Uh huh! Bittersweet's Saccharine Bittersweet Extra Chocolate Cake! Bittersweet hopes you like it!" Bittersweet places a large, extravagant cake with garish decorations on the table. Tora gets a chair for Edinah, seperating her place from Numb's. They begin to chat and eat large slices of cake.

2015-03-03, 08:54 PM
Man, I don't even care what happens next. This is just the best day.
Laurence takes a slice of cake.

And here I was regretting that I didn't order more steaks. Perhaps now my mighty appetite for flavor can be sated. Huzzah!
Frederick takes a slice also, but it is one of great size.

2015-03-03, 11:07 PM
"OH WOW! Your eidolon will eat cake? I can't get one to eat cake if the sky was blue." Edinah giggles.
"Lamina would eat cake... I think," Tora say while scratch her head thoughtfully.
"Yeah, but only so she could say she already ate all of the food..."
"... and then try and convince me to find her some babies or human arms."
"Does Tenshi eat cake?"
"Are you kidding me? I'm his master and I don't even know if he has a mouth!"
They both start laughing.

2015-03-03, 11:10 PM
So, your friend is also a summoner?

Snowbluff, you had better not have made every NPC either a synthesist summoner or a vivisectionist alchemist.

2015-03-03, 11:19 PM
"Mhm. Tora has an incredibly interesting familiar."

"I call him Ishi no Tenshi. He's a bit of a wet blanket, so I don't summon him unless I really need his help."

2015-03-03, 11:24 PM
I can't get him to not eat cake.

Indeed, behold the might of my magnificent palate!

2015-03-03, 11:34 PM
"Isn't he worried about his weight? What if he no longer looks so... uh... unique because of he eating habits?" Edinah tilts her head.

2015-03-03, 11:57 PM
He should be fine. He's large, first of all, so I think he's eating approximately the right amount, proportionally, and getting into combat is a great way to lose weight. I also swap his form around periodically, which resets most weight gain that would occur. Beyond that, I'm not even sure that an eidolon can gain weight, given that they don't need to eat. Even if he does somehow manage to gain weight despite all of that, which I suppose would happen in between form changes, it seems plausible that a chubby two headed monstrosity would actually be more unique than a physically fit one. In my experience, buff monsters are a dime a dozen.

I also put in work to maintaining my beauteous and outstanding form when I'm not on the prime material plane. It's not as if delicious cake comes across my path every day either. Our travels often leave me away from civilized fare for weeks at a time, so a glorious occasion like this is one to be savored.

2015-03-04, 08:32 AM
Ignacio glanced up from the folder of files he was reading. "Oh, the food is here?" He said, finally noticing his sandwich. He took a single huge bite, then immediately returned to his engrossed study of the documentation.

2015-03-04, 10:52 AM
"I guess that makes some sense, Laurence."

The sun sets and the street lamps flicker on. Customers begin to call for their checks and get up.

"Wow, it's this late already? We should pack up." Tora get's up and calls for Bittersweet.

"Don't worry about the check, Tora. Bittersweet will put it all on your tab. You'll be coming back to Bittersweet's soon."

Tora sighs. "Yes. Yes I will." She addresses the party. "I'll walk you guys back to your place, since you don't know your way around."

2015-03-04, 11:55 AM
Laurence and Frederick follow, Laurence's attention split between the setting sun and trying not to bump into anyone. Frederick, seemingly by some strange instinct, progresses in a manner more stealthy than is entirely necessary, nearly fading into the surrounding shadows.

2015-03-04, 12:18 PM
Ignacio does not get up to follow the rest of the guardians, seemingly oblivious to their leaving.

2015-03-04, 12:19 PM
Nalin stands and begins to follow. The floating demonic hand reaches back and taps Ignacio on the shoulder. It's touch feels...wrong.

2015-03-04, 02:02 PM
Ingnacio absent mindedly brushes the hand away before standing up. His attention is still almost entirely focused on the folder of papers, and he starts to wander off occasionally on their walk, the whole time balancing the folder and a notebook and pen as he jots down notes in shorthand.

If nobody bothers to try and keep Ignacio on track, he will wander off and get lost.

2015-03-04, 02:56 PM
Nalin's third hand stays in position to steer Ignacio. It only walks him into a pole twice, assuming he really isn't paying attention.

2015-03-05, 07:22 PM
You guys make it back to the house, and unpack your bags into your rooms.

Man, is it late. You retire to your bed for some shut eye... or not.

You continue to read into your file when you get a text from Sassy.

"Hey, do you have a moment?"

You toss and turn in your bed. Sleeping in a new bed is weird. Maybe... it's that presence you feel. What is it? Something is in this room, and it feels... familiar?

You often skip out on sleep. Sometimes your body aches if you don't keep moving. You decide to meet with Nimi in the arranged place.

There she is, illuminated by streetlight that is reflecting from her grey horns. She's sitting in a swing on an empty playground. Now that it's night, she has her hood down, revealing blood red hair with blue highlights. Blue hair dye isn't uncommon among the Black Ice Order. Supposedly, the Tier 1 Guardian of the Order has naturally blue hair, a fact that has mutated into this odd tradition.

She's drawing a crescent moon into the sand beneath her with her feet.

2015-03-05, 07:29 PM
Hey, Frederick, do you sense that? Feels like something weird is going on.

2015-03-05, 07:34 PM
Frederick: [roll0] Laurence: [roll1] Frederick has darkvision, if that's relevant.

Well, that went poorly. We'll both also take 10

2015-03-05, 09:06 PM
Ignacio was sitting in his room, rubbing the sore spot on his forehead where he'd ran into a pole when his phone buzzed. He read the text message and then replied.

I suppose I do. What is it?

2015-03-05, 09:48 PM
Nalin watches her for a minute.
So, what's with the secrecy? Meeting late at night, in a playground? How cliched is this?

2015-03-05, 11:39 PM
"The humans are hardly ever up this late. Their eyes are very good in the dark. Besides, it's not like we had a better option." Nimi doesn't mention her new aversion to sunlight. She draws a line at the north and south poles of her moon.

It takes you a few moments to realize that an old friend is standing in the corner. This is Ben. You know him from the expedition where you found Frederick.

"Well, I've been thinking about how a bunch of people are dead and I thought hey Ignacio isn't dead maybe he can help me out."

2015-03-05, 11:49 PM
Nalin rolls his eyes.
Ah. You wanted to be able to talk without your coverings. Because those totally impair speech.
His third hand reaches down and begins scratching craters into her moon.
Now, what was it you said earlier? "He'd get that look whenever he knew something everyone didn't know?" Now that I've had more time to think about it, and considering that you wanted to be away from Gemini to discuss it, I've concluded you meant her former master, Diael. Who, if the prison rumors are true, is the reason I'm free. Made a few openings when he left the Guardians. Drawing comparisons between him and the Snapper already? We haven't even worked together yet, love.

2015-03-06, 12:00 AM
And you require help with what exactly?

2015-03-06, 12:03 AM
"It does if you're me. I like being looked at when I talk." She closes her legs when that awful hand... thing messes with her drawing. "I think you're mixing up Tora and Sassy, but it's the same anyway. It's a bit of a tough subject. Talking about 'leaving openings' is a ****ty way of saying it. I mean, he died... and I guess a bunch of other people died." She puts a dot in the dead center of the moon's dark side, making it into the symbol of the Guardians. "Yeah, you're kind of like Big D..." She stomps out the symbol. ".. but you're right. He was a lot hotter than you."

"Well, I'm not dead... or am I? I could be dead and it's just that no one knew. No no no that's no good. Makes no sense. I was thinking about why I'm not dead right? You know how Diael went berserk?"

2015-03-06, 12:13 AM
Nalin chuckles. The hand quickly floats away as the greyhorn's boot comes down on the drawing.
I'm not here for my tact or my looks. Besides, you people spent years hunting me. Then, when I turn myself in, some Orc ass decides to brand my face, and then I'm thrown in prison for years when I was volunteering to help. My apologies if I'm not brimming with sympathy towards you.
His expression turns more serious.
I was actually referring to the fact that you are comparing me to the last known nephilim who went berserk. Are you aware of my circumstances? My body should tell enough of the story, but as far as I can tell, mine is an unusual case. Possibly unique. And, despite Gemini's drawings, the name Snapper has little to do with any kind of reptilian resemblance.

2015-03-06, 12:21 AM
"C'mon, you can't blame me for that. I've been a Guardian for less that a year, and I've only just started my apprentice thingy. Maybe you don't turn yourself in when there are orcs around? Besides, you look awful without the mark."

Nimi shakes her head. "You don't feel anything like Diael. His warmth was way different. It was tight. You just keep reminding me of him, and it makes me worried..." She stares at the now even sand at her feet.

2015-03-06, 12:23 AM
Ignacio sighed as he read the reply

Not as such, I wasn't there. Luckily. Of all the people you know, do you really think that if you were dead, I wouldn't notice? I'd hardly think I could stop myself from commenting on the fact. Is that what's troubling you?

2015-03-06, 12:26 AM
Just say it and stop dancing around the point. Do you or do you not trust me? Do you think I'm just a time bomb whose clock is about to run out?
He laughs again.
I won't hold it against you if you do. After all, there are days when I wonder what it would be like to take the final plunge.

2015-03-06, 12:30 AM
"Well, it just makes me think about Diael and how he was supposed to be fallen but he didn't feel liekeiAFUhsgrdbo I maen I wuld know right/"

"Ugh, this isn't about you, you prick! It's about Tora. I couldn't care less about you going loco as long as you do it somewhere else where none of us could get ****ed up!"

2015-03-06, 12:32 AM
Would a friendly voice offer more comfort than a friendly text message Sassy?

2015-03-06, 12:34 AM
The nephilim's expression grows serious again.
My apologies. I'm just used to people having such concerns about me. An usually people are concerned with the possibility that their coworker could turn into a rampaging monster, so it's something they get out of the way early in the relationship. Let me end the topic by saying that if I do turn, I won't begrudge any attempt you make to kill me.
He walks in front of the swing and looks her in the eyes.
So, you think I'm going to cause problems for her because I remind her of her former master?

2015-03-06, 12:48 AM
Your phone rings.

She meets Nalin's eyes defiantly. "Yeah, not that I'm helping. I will kill you if you want me to, though. You look like a bleeder."

2015-03-06, 12:53 AM
No need to get violent. Like I said, only if I do lose control.
He flops down onto the ground.
So, what do you want me to do? If I'm so similar to her old master, it's inevitable there will be friction between us. I don't change easily. It's risky in for one in my situation to rock the boat.
His voice is quiet, his words slow, like he is thinking each phrase over before saying it.

2015-03-06, 12:53 AM
Ignacio answers his phone after the second ring. "Hello Sassy. I'm here."

2015-03-06, 06:40 AM
Hey Ben. How's tricks?

2015-03-06, 09:46 PM
"I don't know. I'm only 17. I have no ****ing clue what I'm doing."

"Hey. So yeah I've been thing about everything that's happened over the last three years or so. Things have gotten pretty..." Her trembling voice trails off.

"You know. Things are going. How have you been?"

2015-03-06, 10:26 PM
Not bad. Hanging out with this new group. Apparently doing something involving ancient ruins and shell companies in the morning. Should be fun.

And I consumed several magnificent steaks.

And Frederick consumed several magnificent steaks. Any particular reason you're popping by, or didya just hear I was in the neighborhood and you wanted to catch up?

2015-03-06, 11:22 PM
The older man shakes his head.
17? They sure to recruit you young.

2015-03-06, 11:27 PM
"Yes, they have. That's part of why I came back. Couldn't expect you all to handle this alone."

2015-03-07, 11:42 AM
"They don't care about how old we are. I wasn't going anywhere with school, so I dropped out and signed up."

"Thanks. I just hope that everything will be all right. Their aren't a lot of us Tier 2s around. Becca is dead. Caerulea is at the loony bin... again. My sister fell. Diael supposedly fell. I think Echo's thinking about retiring. She got pretty roughed up by Diael." She sighs. "I might be the only one left."

"Oh, back to explorin', are we? That's awesome. You always had the knack for getting back up after the horse kicked."

2015-03-07, 11:59 AM
Funny how differently people react. You take badly to school, so you drop out and join the force. I do too well, so I leave and become a criminal.
He lets out a deep breath.
Wonder if they'll ever figure out how it all works.

2015-03-07, 12:18 PM
Yeah, definitely been too long between adventures. Been getting pretty bored lately, so when I saw the opportunity I just jumped on it. Besides, I have some new tricks I've been cooking up, and it'd be a damn shame if those didn't see any use.

2015-03-07, 12:22 PM
"It's difficult to be the only one in a position of authority like that. Especially in such a dangerous career." Ignacio agreed. He began digging around in his bag while on the phone and pulled out a notebook and pen. On the notebook was written "Sassy."

He opened the notebook to an empty page, wrote the date at the top and then began jotting down notes as he listened.

-Survivor's Guilt
-Impact Functionality? Y/N
-Grief Counseling? Y/N

Monitor condition for negative influences.

Concerns: Combat Efficacy. Leadership Ability. Decision making.

2015-03-07, 11:16 PM
"I don't know. Sometimes I hear that they don't know anything, and probably never will. It's almost insane how cray things are. No one liked what I was doing, and I had a bunch of Guardians telling me to get our of there faces and do something with my life. 'You odious imp!' and 'jail bait *** dumpster' and stuff like that."

"Oh, speaking of which, I've got something for ya, dude." Ben pulls out a katana.

"Yeah, it's rough. Oh, and Harry's dead. He's been dead for a while, but it counts. I wonder if something weird was going on with him, too."

2015-03-08, 12:31 AM
Very nifty. Don't know if I'll be any good with the thing, but it'll probably be nice to have around. Could also toss it to Frederick at some point. Either way, I'll figure it out.

2015-03-08, 07:53 AM
Nalin whistles.
Wow. Sounds like you actually managed to have a rougher time of joining than I did. I think most of them are too scared to try and piss me off.

2015-03-08, 10:44 PM
"Well, for starters, this is a gift. Don't go regifting it. Also, you have to be careful with it." He slices his hand with it, letting the blood get onto the blade. "Once it is drawn, it cannot be stowed until you draw the blood of one its enemies. Otherwise it'll go after everyone's blood and that's awful." He sheathes it.

"Well, I was a bit of an attention ho. I spent more of my time trying to get laid than anything else. I reckon Diael wouldn't think I was too much of a pain in the ass anymore. I'm a true Guardian now. He'd be proud that I took action. He liked taking action." She smiles and looks up at the moon. "The complaints were legit, though. Tora doesn't seem to happy about all this."

2015-03-08, 10:52 PM
All this being what exactly?

I really shouldn't post for smart characters from bed.

2015-03-08, 11:01 PM
That's some pretty hardcore swordery. Like, probably about a seven, maybe seven five on the hardcore swordery scale, where one is your basic quarterstaff, and a ten is an evil intelligent sword that consumes your mind until eventually you're more sword than man. This katana won't consume my mind until I'm more sword than man, right? Just my blood, or some other fellow's blood? Also, do me and the sword share enemies, or does the sword have its own weird separate hit list which I need to find enemies on? Are you one of the sword's/my/your own enemies, or is the sword blood famished now? Just so many questions, Ben. Where did you find a crazy blood drinking katana? Why are you popping by in the middle of the night to give me a blood drinking katana? Am I a blood drinking katana person now? Is that a thing someone can be?

2015-03-09, 07:45 AM
"Do you have some reason to suspect foul play Sassy? The job is tough, guardians die or go missing often. I know how hard that can be for someone in your position." Ignacio replied, he continued to add to his notebook.

Ignacio scratched Delusions of Conspiracy? into the notes. He paused, then added Verify Concerns if relevant.

2015-03-09, 12:26 PM
"Woah, slow down, little dude. I'm guessing a hit list, but I'm not sure. I found it in the dirt while I was doing some adventuring. Just be careful because this one. It's crazy, but I've cut through tanks with it. I thought you could get more mileage out of it. Just make sure you don't go around drawing it because you'll probably go into a blood rage, and don't let your new Guardian buddies have it, either. No regifting! It's not a white elephant gift, so don't even start."

"Tora's my master now, but we left with some serious beef last time we met. Things were said and I may or may not have crossed a few lines but I, like, totally did. But I'm so over that now. No more attention whoring or ridiculous theatrics from me," she says, holding a clandestine meeting in the middle of the night.

"Well, he died because of Siren, so I can't really connect it to anything. Wait, you don't know about that, do you? WHile you we away, there was a person assassinating a bunch of Guardians and Sanctum Corp guys. She's gone now so we don't have to worry about that... I hope. It was a huge mess. So don't have any evidence of anything. Huh. I guess that means nothing's going on if I can't prove." She seems to have perked up a little.

2015-03-09, 12:55 PM
"If you do have any suspicions of the sort, you'd share them with me yes?" Ignacio asked, already assuming the answer. "I came back to help the guardians rebuild. I lost friends too, so if you need the support feel free to reach out to me."

2015-03-09, 02:22 PM
No theatrics. Right. You're the model of practicality.
He turns away.
Well, if that's all, I'll be going. I have things to do.

2015-03-09, 03:15 PM
Wait, so the ridiculous, "The sword has a very specific hit list that I have no way of knowing about, and said hit list includes you for some reason," guess was probably right? Also, it will do that mind consuming thing? Cause that's what I'm taking from all the stuff you just said. Sounds kinda evil, I gotta say.

Look, I'm gonna be honest here, because we go way back, and you deserve that. I'm not the sword guy. I dunno what gave you the impression I am the sword guy, what with never carrying a sword or anything, but aside from that one time with the gnomes it's not a thing I really do. And I have to say, even if this sword weren't a crazy evil blood curse sword, I still don't know that I'd want it.

Even from all the way over here I can tell that it's a thing of beauty, designed with an eye to perfected form, but without the trade offs in function you see so often in things like that. It's a sword that's designed to be out there, in the world, killing folks or slashing tanks or whatever. If you give it to me, it's probably just gonna sit in its hilt full time, only coming out once in a blue moon, and that's a disservice to whatever master blacksmith, or demon heart created it.

So, thanks, but I don't think this thing's for me. I know some folks that would be totally into a hell sword from another dimension that slowly steals your volition even as it makes you greater than you ever thought possible, and I could get this into their hands if you're cool with that, but if it's a choice between taking the thing and letting you make use of it, I think I'm going with the latter.

But, y'know, if you're just offering this sword to me to rid yourself of a demon sword blood curse, because this whole urgent night time gift bestowing of a crazy blood drinking weapon thing seems way sketchy to me, I can help you figure it out. Cause a demon sword blood curse isn't the kinda thing you should have to go through alone.

2015-03-10, 09:54 AM
"Oh, sure... I bet you do. That thing. You do. Alone, in the middle of the night." Nimi chuckles to herself.

As Nalin turns, he sees Bittersweet, the cafe owner, walking on the sidewalk with a shovel. Wow, do the people of this town get out at night.

"I'll just leave it here in the corner. It should be fine there as long as you don't try and draw it. It's a good sword, and so it does what a sword does. I'll be honest and say it's weird that most swords let you put them away without getting some work done. Having you ever gotten antsy from being told that you were going to help a friend move, and then he never shows up? That's what it's like for a sword that doesn't have anything to cut. It's just looking for a good home, and a sword as fine as this one deserves one. So, I naturally thought of you." He props up the sword in the corner. "If you need something cut really bad, maybe take a chance with it. Otherwise, don't go teasing it."

"Affirmative, I will forward any of my findings," she says, firmly. She seems to appreciate the gravitas of her promise. "Oh, since Echo will be retiring, you'll probably will be considered as her successor. Well, either you or Luka, but Luka might be promoted in to fill into Caerulea- FOR! I meant 'for.' He's pretty good. I don't know if you met, but he was trained by your master after you graduated. He has some really nice eyes. Hold on... I've got to go check something." She hangs up abruptly.

2015-03-10, 10:05 AM
Man, you're always pulling stuff like this. This is the gnomes all over again. Laurence sighs. Fine. I guess I'll take the ridiculous demon blood sword. Can't say as I've ever had a demon blood sword before, so if I go out corrupted by its dark magics, at least it would be kinda novel.

2015-03-10, 10:08 AM
Nalin chuckles at Nimi's implication. The shovel, however, intrigues him.
Foraging for mushrooms this late at night? Don't your kind need to sleep?

2015-03-10, 10:09 AM
Ignacio wasn't suprised that Sassy had hung up suddenly. It was her way after all. He finished writing notes in his notebook and closed it. He then rummaged through his bag again and pulled out two other notebooks, one with Nalin's name on it and the other with Laurence's name. He began writing in them as well.

2015-03-10, 10:19 AM
"Hey, don't go temptin' fate, now. I don't think it would be any fun if you weren't able to do any good with this blade."

Bittersweet laughs. "Bittersweet will rest when Bittersweet is dead!"

"It's true! She works all the time. It's crazy!"

"Bittersweet is working mushrooms, yan. It's very important for Bittersweet's super sweet dishes!"

2015-03-10, 10:24 AM
Hey, I'm just taking that as a probable outcome of owning a crazy demon blood sword. It's just what happens with crazy demon blood swords. Although... do you think the sword's blood hunger would be sated if I used it on a summons? Cause I'd like to know what's up with the thing before I just start waving it around at enemies.

2015-03-10, 10:25 AM
Well, have fun with that.
And Nalin strides off into the darkness

2015-03-10, 10:30 AM
"Bittersweet will be seeing you again!"

"See ya, Hornbro."

"Well, I"m no egghead, but that sounds really dangerous to test." He sighs. "My time is up here. I'll see you again. Remember, someone is always watching you, dude." He smiles reassuringly before disappearing. It would have been nice if he had survived that last adventure.

2015-03-10, 10:40 AM
It was good catching up.

Indeed, it has been a great long while since we have seen him last.

Well, I'm gonna go to sleep. Ghost adventures wear me out. Want me to send you back?

Quite. I have much to contemplate.

Laurence does both of those things.

2015-03-11, 12:22 AM
Day 1

The sun rises on a foggy morning. Birds can be heard singing in the distance. A chilling wind whispers gently as you being your morning routines, followed by a knock on the door.

2015-03-11, 12:31 AM
Laurence gets up, stretches out, goes to the door, and then finally opens it.

2015-03-11, 12:51 AM
Nimi and Numb at at the door. "<Oh, salutations. I have information for Ignacio's first assignment in the area. Is he available?>" Numb is speaking in Celestial again.

"Sup, Laurence," Nimi says. Her hood is up, and the fog is making her even harder to see.

2015-03-11, 01:07 AM
Hey, Ignacio, I think these folks're at the door for ya! He turns back. If that don't do it, I dunno what will. Probably actual searching, I'd reckon.

2015-03-11, 07:39 AM
Nalin walks up towards hi door as the sun rises. The night had been uneventful, but he hadn't been able to sleep properly. Not that he really needed it.

2015-03-11, 09:08 AM
Asleep in his chair, Ignacio is startled by the knock at the door. He jumps up and hastily puts his things back into his bag before opening the door.

2015-03-12, 12:35 AM
"Nice pajamas," Nimi says as she lets herself in and pulls down her hood and roll up her coat's sleeves. She's carrying a brown paper bag with her, which she has placed on the table.

"<Salutations, Faust and Snapper. I trust that you slept well?>" Her words are polite, but hollow. It's like listening to a computer fan, soft and unoffensive when operating correctly, but otherwise disinterested and unfeeling. "<I have the address for the next site you will be working, as well as a potential target artifact. Additionally, I have delivered a single apprentice. Knife-Eater has been ordered to observe your operation.>"

"Hey Horndog, enjoy your time alone last night?"

2015-03-12, 06:58 AM
Nalin ignores Nimi.
So, is there a reason why you two are here and not Tora?

2015-03-12, 08:01 AM
"<Tora was quite specific with her orders. Basically, I am to take the apprentice, one (1) Knife-Eater, and deliver her to you for lessons. When I made a similiar inquiry, she made me aware of how inefficient it would be for both of us to deliver her and the information Faust requires. She will be spending her day with an acquaintance of her's.>"

Nimi pouts.

2015-03-12, 08:13 AM
So, Nimi, how's it hanging?

2015-03-12, 09:15 AM
Nimi's face brightens. "Oh, it's hanging well." Nimi pokes Laurence in the leg with a tail that was hidden by her knee-length coat until now. "I've been getting better at moving it around. It's a lot stronger than it was a year ago. Isn't it great?!"

2015-03-12, 09:28 AM
Yeah, it's pretty fantastic. I might need to get one for Frederick.

2015-03-12, 09:42 AM
"Oh? I better it will need be so full of swag as mine. You can't beat good, natural ones." Nimi giggles.

2015-03-12, 09:46 AM
Nothing beats natural, I agree with that. I do think I'm getting closer though. You wanna see what I'm doing with Frederick nowadays? I've given him a serious revamp since last time, and I'll probably need him anyway if we're heading out.

2015-03-12, 10:01 AM
"Ugh, fine." Nimi groans.

2015-03-12, 10:07 AM
Ah, Nimi. Ever lacking the heart of an artist.

Laurence summons up Frederick

Hello, everyone! I am prepared for a magnificent adventure!

2015-03-12, 10:13 AM
Can we get going already? I'm getting restless.

2015-03-12, 10:20 AM
Sure, I'm ready to go whenever.

2015-03-12, 10:48 AM
"What? I'm a work of art! Look at me!"

2015-03-12, 11:03 AM
Hey, you're great Nimi, but being art and having the heart of an artist are two totally different things. Just look at Frederick here. He's perfection incarnate, and he doesn't have an artistic bone in his body.

That is untrue, Laurence. My every act, my every step, is itself a work of art, and it is my magnificent body that crafts that art. View now my composition in flexing.

Frederick flexes. It is wonderful.

2015-03-12, 11:09 AM
"Yeah, I guess that's true." Nimi examines Frederick's bulging biceps. He's like a fighter jet made out of biceps

Numb stands there, waiting.

2015-03-12, 11:17 AM
So, Nimi, do you know the language that she's been speaking? Cause I've mostly just been hanging around under the assumption that someone else knew what was going on.

2015-03-12, 11:18 AM
"I think it's celestial, but I'm not sure. I only knew to follow her because Tora told me to **** off and hang out with you guys." Nimi shrugs.

2015-03-12, 11:24 AM
Well, that's a bit awkward. It seems I called you prematurely, Frederick.

With that, he dismisses Frederick, and summons a silvanshee agathion.

Ignacio, you do the whole diplomacy thing, this time with some variety of mutual understanding.

2015-03-12, 12:02 PM
"I am ready to go whenever. Glad to have you along with us, Nimi." Ignacio says as he gathers up his things.

2015-03-12, 12:10 PM
Well, if you folks're done chatting it up, I'm gonna call Frederick again. Last chance to see what various objects would look like in a different color, or get something cleaned. We can head out once he's back in action.

If no one takes Laurence up on that, either the translation powers or prestidigitation (or some other arbitrary utility of the agathion), then he does the calling again, and if they do, he just does the calling when everyone's done.

2015-03-13, 12:31 PM
"Oh ,thanks Iggy. I always knew we would be the best of frie- KITTY!" Nimi snatches up the Silvanshee.

"Can't... breathe... gotta... translate..." The Silvanshee manages to squirm free long enough to get you your instructions. "Okay, you have to head to the edge of the forest. She says about a quarter mile in, by the abandoned streets of Gareth and Oak. Building 201."

Using the instructions, you travel into the dark forest. The foliage cover over old buildings constructed over a century ago. Their concrete is cracked, and their iron rusted. Windows have long since shattered. Enormous tree tower above from the cracked asphalt beneath you.

Roll some perception checks.

2015-03-13, 12:38 PM
Frederick: [roll0] Laurence: [roll1]

Wow, those trees are really something. Been awhile since I've gone to a forest.

2015-03-13, 01:01 PM
Perception: [roll0]

2015-03-13, 01:13 PM
I see wolves, or something like them, stalking us from the trees.

Well, I can't see anything like that, or much of anything much really, but that makes enough sense, given the forest. That doesn't sound too bad, in any case, so just try to get between us and them, and rough them up a bit if they get too aggressive. Also, tell me if you can figure out if they're actual wolves or not. We might be able to pull off our awesome animal stopping dual tech if they are. That goes for the rest of you too. I'd rather we not just go around pointlessly killing wolves.

Frederick goes in the general direction of the wolves, trying to interpose himself, but doesn't go all that far from the party.

2015-03-13, 01:34 PM
"Wolves? What wolves? I can hardly see the forest for the trees as it stands!" Ignacio said as they continued to walk. Whether the joke was bravado or bluff, it was hard to tell.

2015-03-13, 04:02 PM
So what? Wolves are hardly a threat.
Regardless, Nalin's dark hand begins to flex.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-03-13, 04:19 PM
Yeah, I figure it's not too big a deal. But by my reckoning, maybe wolves are at least marginally more dangerous than normal wolves.

2015-03-13, 08:57 PM
You arrive at building 201. This small, concrete cube has seen better days. Well, only marginally better days. It would probably be the most boring building you had ever seen if it weren't for the overgrowth and the knowledge that it contains. It is two stories tall with few windows. The main entrance is an old automatic sliding door that has is open. This is odd.

2015-03-13, 09:14 PM
Ignacio reaches into his bag of holding and pulls out a notebook. He begins identifying the species of the plants covering building 201 and writing them in his book. Although he seems absorbed by this work, he keeps a sharp eye on the open door.

"I think it would be best to scout around the building first, before heading inside. Someone should stay to guard the entrance though. They can alert us to any movement inside. Agreed?" He says to the group.

2015-03-13, 09:27 PM
Frederick can probably handle that. He's apparently the only one of us that can see stuff, after all.

Indeed, my vision is as magnificent as my muscles. Guarding this door will be child's play.

2015-03-13, 09:38 PM
Well, good luck big guy.
Nalin looks at the others.
I'll take the lead. I can see in the dark. And am probably the most resistant to ambushes of the lot of us.

2015-03-13, 09:43 PM
Makes sense. My glitter throwing specialty is probably best suited to somewhere not in the front. Middle seems as good a place as any.

2015-03-13, 10:04 PM
Ignacio nodded in approval. "Very well. We'll take a tour around the building before heading inside. Nimi, would you mind acting as the rear guard? Nalin and I will handle the advance."

2015-03-13, 10:13 PM
"No way, Iggy! I want the middle!" Nimi pouts again.

2015-03-13, 10:21 PM
"If you wanted to refer to me as Ignacio, I would take no issue. Since we are both guardians, Faust would be acceptable as well. Considering my position, Professor or Doctor DeLaTorre would also be acceptable forms of address. Iggy is not. Now, unless I am mistaken, I am the ranking guardian on this mission. I need you as rearguard for the same reasons that Nalin makes an excellent advance guard, your perceptiveness in low to no visibility settings makes you ideal for advance and rearguard positions. As Nalin has already volunteered for the advance guard position, the next best position you are suited for is rear guard. Unless you have reason to believe you are unable to fulfill the responsibilities of the task, in which case you would be best served guarding the main entrance with Frederick. So which will it be, Nimi?"

2015-03-13, 10:39 PM
"Ugh, fine. For the record, calling my vision is really racist, Professor DeLaTorre." She stands in back. She makes sure to stick out her tongue when Iggy isn't looking.

2015-03-13, 10:45 PM
Laurence looks at Nimi apologetically. If it makes ya feel any better, you can always call me Iggy. Or, y'know, some second and more fitting thing if you'd prefer, but either way is fine.

2015-03-13, 10:48 PM
"Sure thing, Laury!" She wraps herself around Laurence's arm. "We're gonna have tea parties, and shopping trips, and go to the moves, and think up a better nickname because Laury sounds like ****."

2015-03-13, 10:55 PM
That all sounds like good stuff to me. Y'know, I just realized that we're probably the hardest of the group to come up with nicknames for. This is a tragic irony.

2015-03-13, 10:56 PM
"Actually, Nimi. Its not. Your vision is useful. It makes you better equipped to handle certain situations than others. You have an ability to do things that other guardians do not, and not leveraging that ability is a waste of resources. The guardians cannot afford to waste resources, and if you aren't willing to put your talents to their best possible use, then maybe you should find a different career. Now let's move out." Ignacio begins scouting around the building, keeping a sharp eye out for any traps or watchful eyes.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-03-13, 11:08 PM
"Irony? What's irony about that?" Nimi looks confused.

After Iggy chews her out again, Nimi seems to cool off a little. "...is still racist," she mumbles.

The back of the drab building has a single door. There is a slot for a key card.
No traps yet. The shadows of wolves were seen earlier, but they didn't follow you to the back.

2015-03-13, 11:20 PM
Because I'd be cool with nicknamery, and am difficult to nickname, while Ignacio gets all grumpy around nicknames, but is super nicknamable. Just sucks is all. Maybe Nalin will buck the trend. Hey, Nalin, how do you feel about arbitrary nicknames?

2015-03-13, 11:47 PM
"Oh, he was so easy. I call him Horndog, because of how point he is. It used to be Hornbro, but Horndog is way funnier." Nimi giggles.

2015-03-13, 11:52 PM
I was thinking something more along the lines of Nails, personally, but horn themed nicknaming makes sense too.

2015-03-13, 11:55 PM
"Hehe, you said nail." She pulls some fried mushroom chips from her paper bag and munches on them with loud crunching noises.

2015-03-14, 12:08 AM
"I would recommend that we try to avoid making any unnecessary noise. We already know we're being watched by one party and we still don't know what's inside the building. It would behoove us not to alert any potential enemies with excessive... snacking." Ignacio was starting to get annoyed with Nimi. This was potentially a very hazardous situation, and while confidence was admirable, it was fast becoming cockiness. "Let's go inside."

2015-03-14, 12:15 AM
"Oh, that's right." Nimi stops munching. "I'll finish when we're inside. So are we going to try this door or the one in front?"

"Laury, I'm hungry. Cut yourself."

2015-03-14, 07:29 AM
Nalin pointedly ignore the irritating Greyhorn. Clearly, she had been lying last night. If this was better than before, she would never have survived before. He begins to advance, keeping an eye out for danger.

Taking 10 on Perception checks unless told otherwise, 17

2015-03-14, 07:53 AM
Is that you, crazy demon blood sword?

2015-03-14, 08:58 AM
Nimi gives Laurence a funny look. "What? No. I'm hungry and... never mind." She groans. "This card key thingy looks like it's seen better days. I don't think a card key would work with it. If I had a better phone, I might be able to try my leet hacking skills on it."

2015-03-14, 09:02 AM
Well, I'm keeping my eye on you anyways, crazy demon blood sword which might also talk.

2015-03-14, 12:31 PM
"Well, if technology fails us, brute force is always an option. Laurence, do you think Frederick would be strong enough to open this door?"

2015-03-14, 12:44 PM
It's worth a shot.

My muscles can easily overcome something so fragile as a common door.


2015-03-14, 01:38 PM
It's not good enough. This is a tough door.

2015-03-14, 01:42 PM
"Let's see if we can't add a little more leverage." Ignacio says as he moves in to help Frederick.

Strength check Aid Another: [roll0]

2015-03-14, 01:46 PM
See, this is why you don't boast until after you've crushed the door into tiny splinters.

I welcome your aid in this time of door crushing hardship, Ignacio.


2015-03-14, 01:49 PM
Nalin sighs and resolves himself to helping. For now.

Aid Another: [roll0]

2015-03-14, 01:57 PM
This door is more mighty than I could have imagined. Perhaps, to deflect my might, it was crafted by the gods themselves. We must all act in this time of great need, to triumph over this greatest of foes. Truly this will be the most arduous task ever to be put forth before the guardians.

Really delving into the histrionics their, eh Frederick?

Frederick: [roll0] Laurence's aid another: [roll1]

As the rest of the team tries their hardest to crush the door into nothingness, Laurence swats ineffectually at it from the side.

2015-03-14, 02:15 PM
Nimi laughs. "You guys hit like girls!"

The door is unmoved.

2015-03-14, 02:27 PM
"Nimi, go guard the front door." Ignacio snapped. "The security on this door seems beyond our abilities. We could try a window though."

2015-03-14, 02:32 PM
"Ugh, if you don't want my help... whatever..." She walks around the building.

Those windows are pretty high up. About 15 feet.

2015-03-14, 02:54 PM
Frederick, check out the windows to see if you can get them open.

2015-03-15, 10:29 AM
Frederick finds a window that isn't fake. Most of the windows are fake, because security is tight. The one real window is heavily reinforced. After a bit of prying, scraping, and pulling, he's able to open it.

2015-03-15, 10:36 AM
Huzzah! After my horrific door failure, this window victory tastes all the sweeter. Come, friends, come to the promised land that is this window by way of my mighty arms.

2015-03-15, 10:37 AM
"Inside we go! Come along then." Ignacio steps up to Frederick to get lifted into the window. "Thank you for the impressive display of strength my winged friend."

2015-03-15, 11:13 AM
You are quite welcome, Ignacio.

Well, you're not going to fit through that hole.

Laurence dismisses Frederick and then calls him back inside of the ruins.

2015-03-15, 10:23 PM
You're inside a spacious office on the second floor. In front of your is a desk with some aged papers and a glass ash tray full of decades old cigarettes. The rooms smells distinctly of smoke. There is a door that leads out to the hallway.

2015-03-16, 11:04 PM
Well, this room seems boring. You guys wanna head to the next one?

2015-03-17, 08:53 AM
"Let me just... gather some information." Ignacio takes out his phone and begins snapping photos with it. He glances over the documents in case there is something interesting. "Alright, lets move on. Stay together, keep your eyes peeled, you know the drill."

2015-03-17, 10:32 AM
There are several documents layered out the table.

Roll a perception.

2015-03-17, 10:41 AM
Spying some documents that might be interesting, Ignacio decides to take a closer look.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-03-17, 11:50 AM
I shall aid you in your viewing, as my sight is near as strong as my muscles.


2015-03-17, 11:58 AM
Amongst the papers complaining about the smoking window, which is an obvious security risk, Fred notices something. These papers are stacked in a certain order... and the first word in each memo, when read in this order, say "four digit security code." Wow, first this guy installs a window and now he's leaving the code for the doors around. They should have just fired him. "4231" is the code, but it doesn't really help now that you're inside.

2015-03-17, 12:41 PM
Nice one, Frederick. Not especially useful at the moment, but I guess it'll be useful if we decide to take a mid-adventure picnic outside the ruins.

Yes, many windows alike to that one have been opened by my might. Picnics, new paths through the ruins, a quiet evening spent among the stars if this runs long, all made possible.

2015-03-17, 12:44 PM
"Well, I suppose we ought to move on to the next room." Ignacio says as he moves to the doorway. He peers around the corner of the door frame, looking for any sign of trouble.

Taking 10 on a perception check, for a total of 18.

2015-03-17, 12:47 PM
Frederick'll roll, under the assumption that a point of difference is worse than potentially greater difference [roll0]

2015-03-17, 02:34 PM
The hallway is clear. There are two other doors, and a stairway to the first floor.

2015-03-17, 05:37 PM
Nalin steps through the doorway, his red eyes alert to danger.

Whenever the time comes to roll Perception, assume I'm taking 10 (17 total). Let me know if you aren't allowing it.

2015-03-18, 10:14 AM
You think you hear some noises coming from downstairs.

2015-03-18, 10:57 AM
"Does anyone want to volunteer to identify the maker of the scary noise downstairs?" Ignacio asked with sarcastic inflection. Ignacio had his suspicions that the noise might have been caused by a grey-horned soon-to-be-former-guardian Nephilim, but kept them to himself for the time being.

2015-03-18, 11:04 AM
Nalin heads for the stairs, keeping his guard readied.

2015-03-18, 11:15 AM
Nalin is now in room F. There are a bunch of short cubicles arranged. To his right is a large security door making the beeping noise. A panel reads "check security." Someone from the security department should check it out. Oh... they're all gone.

The door does slide open, revealing the imp that everyone expected. She's holding a crummy flip phone, which is attached to the old keypad via USB, and looks very pleased with herself.

2015-03-18, 11:15 AM
Laurence sends Frederick to follow behind, taking to the shadows.

I'm going to also do the taking 10 on perception thing, if possible, particularly as applies to Frederick. I'll also have him keep me updated if anything interesting goes down through our mental link. As for this particular case, he's going to take 10 on a stealth check for a total of 18.

2015-03-18, 11:26 AM
Frederick un-takes to the shadows. Hello, Nimi. I am glad you managed to obtain door victory.

Nimi's here? Nifty.

Laurence follows after Frederick, and waves to Nimi.

2015-03-18, 11:39 AM
"Thanks, guys. It was nothing." She grins like an idiot.

2015-03-18, 12:21 PM
Ignacio came downstairs to find his suspicions confirmed. He held his tongue for now, but it was clear from his expression that he was displeased. "Everyone spread out and look around, let's see if we can't find what we're missing here. Nobody goes anywhere alone though. Until we have an accurate view of the situation, we stay cautious, we stay quiet and we stay alert."

Ignacio begins looking through the room, taking photographs of anything he finds interesting and collecting notes on everything else.

Taking 10 on perception check for 18 total. Any chance the cell phone camera counts as a masterwork perception tool for that nice little +2 bonus?:smalltongue:

2015-03-18, 12:58 PM
"What? You told me to utilize my talents. Larceny is a talent!" Nimi groans. "Wait, did you say that? Whatever! I'm going to open this door in the back." She take out her hatchet and pries open the keypad, and hooks her phone up to it.

There isn't much left in these cubicles. All of the major work is done in the basement. This room is mostly for clerical work. Schedules and personal files are handled here.

2015-03-18, 12:59 PM
Well, if we're pairing off, I figure we should go along with Nimi, leaving Nalin to search with you, Ignacio.

Laurence and Frederick follow after Nimi.

2015-03-18, 02:10 PM
"Oh yeah! Two best friend investigate the spooky abandoned building all alone!" She bumps Laurence with her elbow. "I almost got this, Laury." She returns to tapping away on her phone.

2015-03-18, 02:15 PM
Very fancy. I'll be glad to be out of depressing cubical room. All of these rooms have been real downers so far, I've gotta say. All you missed upstairs was a sad smoking room. Oh, and Frederic figured out some sort of four digit security code, 4231, if that helps you with this any. All this crazy technology stuff is way beyond me.

2015-03-18, 02:24 PM
Nimi sighs and types in the code. "It's a keypad, shorty. We've had these for like a gajillion years."

Roll a fort save. Poison gas attack!

2015-03-18, 02:34 PM
Gah, my face!

[roll0] and if Frederick needs to make one also [roll1]

2015-03-18, 02:49 PM
Nalin looks at Ignacio.
I don't like her.
He leans up against the wall.

2015-03-18, 02:58 PM
"We are in agreement. My report will include an evaluation of her abilities and future potential as a guardian, rest assured. Let's finish upstairs. I'd like to make sure we aren't missing anything."

2015-03-18, 04:35 PM
Nimi, Fred, and Laurence all pass out.

2015-03-18, 04:49 PM
Woah, I feel woozy.


A strange feeling has come over me.

Thunk. Poof.

2015-03-18, 04:52 PM
"Be gentle..."


2015-03-18, 07:49 PM
Hearing the thuds of his companions, Ignacio rushes over.

2015-03-18, 07:54 PM
Nalin strides over as well.
Looks like she wasn't as good as she thought.
The demonic hand reaches down and pokes at the unconscious Laurence.

2015-03-18, 07:58 PM
Laurence twitches.

Make a heal check.

2015-03-18, 08:02 PM
In his dreams, Laurence is in a deserted wasteland, giant disembodied fingers falling from the sky like rain.

2015-03-18, 08:06 PM
The hand moves over and pokes Nimi.

Heal: [roll0]

2015-03-18, 08:11 PM
She's going to be alright. The gas seems to have have a limited effect. Perhaps it has denatured over time? This requires further investigation.

Nimi and Laurence stir. "Ugh... what kind of door gasses you for getting the code right?" Nimi asks.

2015-03-18, 08:13 PM
The falling fingers grow greater in number, battering Laurence. Why? Why is this happening? What have I done to deserve this? He falls to a knee in pain, and then collapses right into wakefulness.

Oh, hey Nalin.

Laurence resummons Frederick.

Hello, my adventuring party. That was a good nap.

2015-03-19, 09:45 AM
She's going to be alright. The gas seems to have have a limited effect. Perhaps it has denatured over time? This requires further investigation.

Nimi and Laurence stir. "Ugh... what kind of door gasses you for getting the code right?" Nimi asks.

"Apparently, that kind. Did you really think someone might not insert a false positive in an electronic lock?" Ignacio asked.

The falling fingers grow greater in number, battering Laurence. Why? Why is this happening? What have I done to deserve this? He falls to a knee in pain, and then collapses right into wakefulness.

Oh, hey Nalin.

Laurence resummons Frederick.

Hello, my adventuring party. That was a good nap.

"Is everyone alright?"

2015-03-19, 09:57 AM
Sure, as far as I can tell. I had a weird poison gas dream, but nothing too out of the ordinary for me.

And my nap has left me stronger than ever. If these people thought this would stop us, it has backfired horribly.

2015-03-19, 10:00 AM
"I'm fine. For the record, it was the code Laurence gave me that opened the door." Nimi shrugs. "This one is not on me."

2015-03-19, 10:20 AM
That I did. Screwed the rhetorical pooch on that one, I suppose.

2015-03-19, 10:34 AM
"Whatever. I was doing a brute force attack on the pad. It probably would have done the same thing if I got it." Nimi gives the open door a funny look. "Okay, so if it's a fake positive or whatever, why the **** does the door open?"

2015-03-19, 10:56 AM
"Well, if it were me... I'd be keeping something mean and hungry on the other side of the door to munch on unconscious interlopers. Fortunately, I didn't design this building... I think." Ignacio replied as he peered through the doorway.

Taking 10 on perception: 18 total.

2015-03-19, 11:04 AM
This is a large room in the back of the building. To his right, Ignacio sees a large metal box against a wall, and a closed elevator door.

"What, like kill the guys? I'm pretty sure that's totes illegal."

2015-03-19, 12:36 PM
Better monsters than gas traps by my reckoning. Gas is all sneaky, but monsters keep you honest. Granted, sending one after the other would be pretty mean.

Laurence sends Frederick to where Ignacio is to check out the room. It's probably not a good idea to fidget with that box from close by, but I could hit it up with some distant spell action if you think we need it.

2015-03-19, 12:43 PM
"I don't think it'll be necessary, unless you have a spell that can disable the lock to keep it from resetting, which is my primary concern with it." Ignacio writes a note to himself in one of his notebooks to brush up on his knowledge of various poisons and chemicals, this experience taught him something at least.

2015-03-19, 01:03 PM
"If I can get some time to **** around with it, I bet I can get the door from locking again." Nimi holds up her phone.

Roll a perception.

2015-03-19, 01:06 PM
Perception: [roll0]

2015-03-19, 01:11 PM
You hear a hissing noise from behind you, and look up. Above the open door is a small box with a hose sticking out of it, not hooked up to anything. It looks like the hose came unhooked, and it was leaking gas for a while. This is to be expected; due to the age of the place, not everything will be operating correctly. Hopefully your luck will be better with some of the other security measures.

For the record, a beast kept in this room would have probably starved to death. You don't think a good enough guard robot was invented at the time his place was shut down, either.

2015-03-19, 01:47 PM
Ignacio reaches up and attempts to reattach the hose.

Knowledge Engineering Roll: [roll0]

2015-03-19, 01:56 PM
Well, the option's available in any case. Getting sprayed in the face again isn't my idea of a good time.

2015-03-19, 01:56 PM
Ignacio's hand barely reaches the end of the hose. The seal falls out. It's cracked from age. It didn't stand a chance from the steady stampede that is time.