View Full Version : Building a Mythic Battle

2015-02-28, 04:01 AM
So, after my last session, one of my friends, playing a fighter, was raving about how he was going to forge a blade that could essentially one shot gods. Most of us in the campaign are level 17/mythic tier 1, for reference.

The blade in question is somehow made of osmium, and through various enchantments and abilities he is able to make it a colossal weapon that can do damage potentially in the thousands with mythic abilities that can double his critical hit damage or something. I'm not exactly sure how it works, or if it's even close to rules legal, but I suppose that's not the point right now.

The main thing I want to address is that I'm a wizard. Being the smug wizard that I am, I tell him that despite his awesome blade, I, being a wizard, could still kill him casting a single spell. This led to an argument about who could beat the other in a duel between both of our characters.

The basic gist of this is that he believes that his fighter can beat my wizard, even at a point when we're both level 30/mythic tier 10. He believes that he can out plan and out maneuver everything I can do, despite the obvious advantage of my spells. Naturally, I challenged him to this fight.

What I'm asking of anyone who is willing to build a level 30/mythic 10 fighter and wizard in the most optimized way you can pull off in Pathfinder, with the goal for both of them being to kill the other one as quickly as possible, preferably before the other takes his first action. In other words, I need you to tell me the quickest and most efficient way the aforementioned wizard can beat that fighter.

For simplicity's sake, let's say only first party Pathfinder stuff is allowed.

Karl Aegis
2015-02-28, 05:13 AM
Use a divination spell to determine what he is going to do with what item.
Win initiative.
Use said item on him before he can use it on you.

If need be, have him explain his convoluted plan and say, "Okay, I do that." You're a wizard.