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Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-01, 04:39 PM
Prologue: Beyond the Borders

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?401385-Dragonriders-OOC&p=18894596#post18894596)

http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/330/2/a/dragon_rider_by_mushstone-d4hc0hz.jpg (http://mushstone.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-rider-270978695)

It is morning in the island-nation of Hermea; and as the dawn heralds a new day, the Dragonknights know it is time to change shifts.

There are always at least half a dozen of these special Wardens in the air, keeping watch from above and quickly repelling any unauthorized vessel that draws too close. They are the elite of the Hermean armed forces - able to quickly reach any battleground, set ships on fire, scatter pirates and repel would-be-invaders or illegal immigrants.

Their association with benevolent metallic dragons guarantees the righteousness of their actions and ensures their judgement is rarely questioned, never challenged wherever they go.


Or so you've always thought, in the days before the captain of the Dragonknight corps vanished overnight, together with his Dragon ally, the Young Gold Dragon Keth'ma.
Though most assume he was sent on some secret mission, some harbour doubts as the Council of Enlightenment has issued a censorship decree to quell any open speculation about his whereabouts.

As good citizens, you keep silent about this matter...but several weeks pass for the Dragonknights with no word from their captain. You're all worried and a bit nervous - he was a distinguished veteran, his loyalty beyond any doubt. What has happened? And when would the decree be revoked and the matter investigated?

Yet the everyday duties of you do not change for the absence of your captain; and now, this means you need to mount your dragon and take to the sky - patrolling Hermea and protecting your home from internal and external threats alike.

Feel free to RP; you're all a group of dragonknights about to circle around Hermea (http://www.mapsofgolarion.com). This is fairly routine work for you, you don't expect anything special on this sunny, cloudless day. And once you're up in the air, with comrades you trust and away from the eyes and ears of potential informants, some of you might be tempted to voice the concerns you have...

2015-03-01, 08:21 PM
Coming up to the hill where the others were, a large sinuous furred dragon would walk along the grass upwards. By her side, a comparatively small human with a hand rubbing gently over her furred sides. They were in close conversation with each other, speaking about fairly trivial things, such as what they would be eating later, or what they would do with that new spice they found, until they saw the others up ahead. Both of them grinning broadly, Raito would wave to the group. "Hello all, how have you all been?" As he spoke, he would walk closer with Snow alongside, before stopping a couple feet from the rest of them. "Everyone ready for what inevitability is going to be a rather boring patrol?"

Snow would speak up at that, looking to him for a moment before back to the others. "Come now, we don't know what it'll bode, it could be fun." "You find any kind of flying fun, You could have just wings and I'm sure you'd be perfectly happy. " "And what's wrong with that?" She would exclaim gleefully, as her tail curled gently around his waist, lifting him up and into the saddle on her back, as he proceeded to buckle himself into the straps.

2015-03-01, 08:56 PM
Harakel likes to arrive early. As such, he had already taken the air before the current shift knights had even landed. He didn't go far into the sky. He's just already up here for a quick look.

He look towards west. He had heard rumours that the brother of a Warden who was in shift in the night the captain disappeared, had spoken aloud after one too many cups of mead that his brother had seen the captain fly in this direction. Rumours like that weren't trustworthy, but still...

He feels the sun start to appear as things around him lighten a bit. He lands once again in the hill, waiting for the others to come, and looking up at the Wardes who are in the air right now. Shift change in some 5 minutes...

2015-03-01, 09:09 PM
"There is nothing 'inevitable' about this mission's outcome. None of us can be sure what the future will hold. We must remain ever vigilant, lest complacency dull our focus."

So spoke a smartly dressed blonde woman who stood nearby. Keira Nisandri rarely passed up the chance to chide others for sloppiness. As usual, she acted as if this humdrum patrol were the most vital mission of her life. Truly a shining example of discipline and mental focus. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for the Dragon beside her. He'd most likely spend the mission distracting his rider with irrelevant prattle. How did so focused a woman put up with such a creature?

[I wonder what antics Sanadris will 'force' me to 'endure' today. I really must try to keep a straight face this time. People will get suspicious if I smile too much...]

2015-03-02, 05:47 AM
Moradin, who had similarly arrived a little early, said nothing for a few moments beyond giving a quick nod in agreement with Keira. His armour was, as usual, carefully maintained and polished. After a moment to gather his thoughts, he added his own opinion. "It may be dull at times, but we're a presence. We're obvious to anyone who might try to ruin this place. We make them think twice." Coming from most people, it would probably have sounded trite and rehearsed, but Moradin spoke with a passion, obviously believing what he said in its entirety, that made it less absurd.

2015-03-02, 10:47 AM

Sat nearby, his legs folded underneath him and his hands resting upon each knee. He sat quietly, focusing and taking in the lovely breeze of the day. His companion though was laying behind him curled in a half circle with him in the middle, slumbering away until it was time for the patrol. At the sounds of the others speaking Aramythias slowly opened his eyes and took a deep breath, craning his neck to each side slowly and letting out a gentle "Ahh" as he neck popped and cracked.

He slowly stood and dusted his robe off, folding his arms in front of him as he chimed in with what he thought of the matter.

"surely we'll have a wonderful patrol today. The sun is high in the sky, the wind is fair, what more could we ask for than to take wing and have an enjoyable, vigilant watch?"

The dragon curled behind him cracked an eye open and gave the Oracle a look, ruffling his wings a bit and settling back into the grass for a few more minutes of shut eye before they departed.

2015-03-02, 05:08 PM
"So. How have you guys been with your dragons? How long until you can bond, I mean?

Harakel asks, looking at the three of them who either took care of, or acted as the consort of the Gold Dragons who had lost their knights

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-03, 11:48 AM
As the dragonknights talk among each other, the previous shift arrives - Six Dragonriders flying in formation, simultaneously performing a diving charge at their replacements...and pulling back to fly overhead before turning to head towards Promise (http://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Promise), Hermea's capital.

The force of the winds caused by this maneuver flattens the grass around the current group; yet there are no ill feelings - it's just a bunch of knights and dragons showing off.
A few moments later, a Message arrives:

"The sky is clear - we're expecting good weather throughout the day - No ships have been sighted -
next shift is in 4 hours."

Just about the report you're expecting to make after your own patrol...

2015-03-03, 12:02 PM
Keira watched the airborne contingent depart after 'buzzing' her group. She didn't really approve of stunts like that; But she understood why they happened. When you rode a Dragon, the temptation to show off was sometimes irresistible. With businesslike movements, Keira got up and onto her own Dragon's back.

"Ready, Sanadris?"

2015-03-03, 06:07 PM
"Alright, the sky is ours. Let's fly"

With two gentle taps in Maysdriel's neck, Harakel passes the unspoken command that she once more rises into the skies

He takes a good look around

Perception check, just in case [roll0]

2015-03-03, 06:45 PM
Raito would take notice of the flying dragonknights, grinning as they buzzed the group. At the message, both him and Snow would nod, as Snow quickly jumped up and into flight, climbing upwards quickly in a spiral as Raito kept a eye on the rest of his comrades rising into the air.

2015-03-03, 06:50 PM

Looked to the sky and gave a wide grin. He did enjoy flying, and ever since he had learned to handle taking flight he had sought to become better at it, though he still bought the best saddle he could afford. Better safe than sorry.

He turned and watched as the Young gold stretched it's wings and gave it's head a shake. The oracle swung himself into the saddle and felt the noble best begin to move, leaping into flight with a wide mouthed yawn, and blinking of its eyes, those lenses focusing as the dragon fully awoke and seemed to smile at feeling the warm air under it's wings once again.

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-04, 04:34 AM
As the five dragonriders take flight, they quickly reach about 1000' elevation and need to decide on the route their patrol takes today.

Do you:
*keep flying at 1000' and circle around the coast, keeping a close eye on the forest in the north-west of the island which is rumored to house rebels?

*ascend to 2000' altitude and watch the horizon for airborne threats?

*fly a wider circle over the ocean around Hermea and look for ships carrying hopeful(but most likely illegal) immigrants or pirates?

2015-03-04, 04:48 AM
Moradin had spent a couple of minutes just enjoying the feeling of the air rushing past him. Like most dragonriders, he enjoyed flying just as much as Allisyndra did. Eventually he roused himself back to some semblance of attendance as it came to the usual decision. "I suggest we watch the ocean," he said, raising his voice enough to let it carry between the dragons and riders. It was the same suggestion he made every time, regardless of any arguments to the contrary.

2015-03-04, 02:17 PM
"I agree. The ocean is the most likely vector of approach."

Keira didn't actually care whether they watched the sea or air. Her only concern was keeping patrols away from the forest. If there were indeed rebels within those woods, she wanted them left alone.

2015-03-04, 11:05 PM
Raito and Snow as well were enjoying the view below, Snow occasionally rolling over lazily or looping back if she went too far ahead, Snow just generally enjoying flying about, as Raito didn't seem to mind her antics as she stayed within range for Raito to message. "Well, what avenues can we cover? I don't much care where, but I think that we should aim for the location we can cover most effectively."

2015-03-05, 02:13 AM

Sat comfortably in his saddle, the wind flowing over his shaven pate. Looking out towards the waves in the distance he shrugged his shoulders and looked among the other riders on this patrol, wondering what might come of their day.

"It would be nice to feel the cool salt air today, the way of the waves is a fine choice if that's what is decided."

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-05, 03:03 AM
After a short discussion, the group decides to take a slightly wider area as their patrol ground today, looking for anything that might approach over the ocean. They fly about a mile beyond the coast, and then begin to circle around the island that is their home.

The first two hours of your patrol are uneventful. You encounter nothing but a few seagulls(which are chased briefly by Sanadris before Keira manages to control his whimsical nature) and two Hermean fisherboats which promptly respond to your hails and have their papers ready for inspection.

As you reach the south-eastern part of Hermea on your route, you spot a strange pillar of steam rising from the ocean, about 5 miles further away from the coast.

Do you want to investigate this phenomenom?
Anyone with a Very Young Gold Dragon Mount can cover 15 miles per hour with overland travel(fly speed: 150'); Compare Light Horse with Movespeed 50' (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/horse) and 5 miles/hr of overland travel (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/exploration-movement#TOC-Table:-Mounts-and-Vehicles).

Those with slower mounts can calculate their overland travel speed in a similar manner; divide the fly speed of your mount by 10 and you have the number of miles/hr you can cover with overland travel.

The time lost would be 20 minutes to the pillar, 20 minutes back; plus whatever time you need to investigate.The first hour of your patrol passes without anything catching your attention. Soon afterwards, Allisyndra spots something shiney in the waves below...upon closer inspection, it appears to be a miniature Iceberg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceberg).The tiny iceberg is not moving with any ocean current you know; instead it behaves suspiciously like a living creature swimming somewhere...at its current course, it is headed for the north-eastern part of Hermea!Do you want to investigate this phenomenom?
Feel free to choose whatever option you think is most interesting. If you're unsure, discuss it in the OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?401385-Dragonriders-OOC).

2015-03-06, 12:24 PM
If there was one weakness which Keira and Sanadris shared, it was curiosity. As such, the steam pillar exerted a nigh-irresistible pull on the pair. Before any discussion of the phenomenon could even begin, Keira was already steering her Dragon towards it (assuming he hadn't already decided to go there anyway). Though somewhat overeager, she at least wasn't reckless. The pillar received careful scrutiny from her as she approached it. She was ready to pull back at the first sign of danger.

2015-03-07, 10:58 PM

Took some time to converse with the fishermen over their paperwork, making sure everyone aboard was healthy and in no need of any medical assistance. When he was assured they were all in fine health he and Whiro took back to wing and went back about the patrol with the others.

Later, when the phenomenon was noticed Aramythias took a slow turn to look out at the pillar of steam, and upon seeing Keira and her dragon rush off towards the thing he shook his head and followed. He called out over his shoulder to the others.

"Well, let's go see what's going on shall we?"

2015-03-09, 06:01 PM
Maysdriel huffed as the other dragon flew full speed towards the pillar. She was the slowest flyer on the group, but possibly the best at doing what she considered actually moving in the air.

So, even as she also goes towards the boat, she is not too concerned when the others pass her by

Harakel chooses to simply focus his eyes on the place. He also moves his hands towards the bow. But doesn't pick it up yet

2015-03-10, 05:13 AM
Snow and Raito would nod at Aramythias's comment, as they follow behind the speedy dragons. Seeing they left Maysdriel and her rider behind, Snow would pull up alongside her. "So, while those go rush ahead at full speed, I'll stick around and make sure we don't split up even more than we already have. " Raito, on seeing Harakel move towards his bow, would nod and grab out a wand from his bag, holding against the pommel of his saddle as he looks into the distance ahead, keeping pace with Mays as they flew towards the pillar.

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-11, 04:31 AM
Keira and Aramythias quickly flew towards the Steam pillar to investigate, while Harakel and Raito followed them at a slower pace.
Moradin, upon seeing the rest of his companions move towards the strange phenomenon, followed suit.

After a few minutes of flight, the pillar's origin becomes obvious to the advance party:
Something is boiling the ocean below...

You descend and try to spot the base of the pillar at the ocean's surface, but are forced to keep a certain distance;
the amounts of steam and smoke are simply staggering and conceal whatever is the cause of this event.
http://dsx.weather.com//util/image/w/tonga-32613-9_980x551.jpg?v=at&w=980&h=551&api=7db9fe61-7414-47b5-9871-e17d87b8b6a0You realize that a probable cause of this steam might be submarine volcanic activity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Submarine_volcano) - you're witnessing the birth of a new island (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vM6fWEB-3o)!

You become aware of the dangers of Heat (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/environment/environmental-rules#TOC-Heat-Dangers) and Lava (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/environment/environmental-rules#TOC-Lava-Effects).
Unfortunately, as you draw closer to whatever is causing this, some cloud-like guardians emerge from the steam and attack you!

5 miles can be covered in 20 minutes by Keira/Aramythias/Moradin; if Raito/Harakel move at 3 miles/hr, they need about 100 minutes to reach the pillar. If Raito pushes ahead at his full speed(4 miles/hr), he needs 75 minutes to reach the pillar.

Elapsed time so far: ~ 30 minutes; the pillar has been reached by the advance party and carefully approached, triggering an encounter with three flying creatures protecting the steam's source.

The elementals(Keira identifies them easily) emerge from 500ft distance; win initiative, and approach within 100'.
One of them is large, the other two are small.

The Large Elemental is an Air Elemental; a very fast and mobile extraplanar (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/creature-types#TOC-Extraplanar) outsider (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/creature-types#TOC-Outsider) with elemental (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/creature-types#TOC-Elemental) traits and the air (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/creature-types#TOC-Air) subtype.(DC 15)
It can transform into a whirlwind. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/universal-monster-rules#TOC-Whirlwind-Su-)(DC 20)

The small elementals are Lightning Elementals. (They're also extraplanar outsiders with elemental traits and the air subtype). (DC 11)
They are particularly skilled at charging targets wearing or wielding metal.(+10 CMB to bullrush/disarm/overrun/trip if charging such targets) (DC 16)
The PCs may act. Only Keira/Moradin/Aramythias are in battle.

2015-03-11, 05:41 AM
The closer Keira got to the pillar, the more excited she became. Was this what she thought it was? Because if so, they were in for a treat. Only the threats inherent to such a phenomenon prevented her from charging even closer. She shouted to her companions.

"Stay clear of the pillar! I believe we're witnessing the birth of a new isla-"

Without warning, 3 Elementals appeared ahead. Rather than being afraid for her life, Keira's analytical brain immediately began speculating this strange encounter. What were Elementals doing on this plane? Were such creatures attracted to volcanic activity? Why were they hostile? There were so many questions! Unfortunately, she had no choice but to give more mundane concerns a higher priority: Namely, fighting to survive. How irritating.

"Everyone, don't charge in! Let them come to us!"

Keira started muttering an incantation, designed to temporarily dispose of the lead Elemental. When facing a being so strongly adapted for airborne combat, forcing it to land seemed like a decent plan.

Keira casts 'Burdened Thoughts' {Will DC 20} on the Air Elemental. She spends 1 point from her reservoir to boost the save DC.

2015-03-11, 05:51 AM
Moradin was thoroughly confused. "A new what?" he called across to Keira, before noticing the oncoming...whatever they were. Hearing the wizard's next cry, he looked over to her with something of a helpless look. "Well, can I shoot them at least?"

I'm working on the assumption that they are clearly hostile, although since Keira just cast a spell at one of them it seems reasonable to presume that if they weren't, they are now.

Moradin will delay until...well, I guess until Keira responds? Talking is a free action, so I hope that should be fine even though she's taken her turn.

2015-03-11, 05:54 AM
"Yes, you absolutely can shoot them! By all means, go ahead!"

2015-03-11, 06:03 AM
"Er, right then," Moradin said with a little bit of an embarrassed tone, before suiting action to words, drawing his bow and sending an arrow towards the most important-looking target.

Move Action: Moradin draws his bow.
Standard Action: Single attack.

I don't know if all these things look the same. If there's one that's obviously different, Moradin will shoot that one, otherwise I guess it would be random? I don't think Moradin would be able to tell which one Keira just tried to cat a spell on. If he can, he'll shoot that one. If they're 100ft away, they'll be (just) in his first range increment, so no penalties for range.

I have no idea how the penalties for attacking from a moving mount will work when the mount moves of her own accord; I guess they might be applied for the next round? Although that wouldn't make all that much sense given that Allisyndra's movement is likely to involve charging and Moradin wouldn't be using his bow in melee anyway so he wouldn't actually suffer the penalties.

To-hit: [roll0] (-2 if Allisyndra charges or double-moves, -4 if she runs.)
Damage: [roll1] (piercing, magic)

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-11, 10:20 AM
Keira calls upon her magic and attempts to force the largest elemental to leave the skies and descend to the ocean, but it resists.
Moradin draws his bow and shoots at it, encountering some damage reduction and slightly wounding it.

Allisyndra charges the same Elemental and snaps at it, but her jaws only hit ordinary air and do not harm the creature.

Sanadris moves closer while gaining altitude and roars at a small elemental: "Come at me!"

Concerning the three elementals:
There is *one* BIG elemental(Large-sized); it looks like a grey-white fluffy cloud. Keira has cast a spell at it. Moradin has hit it with an arrow(and dealt reduced damage), Allisyndra charged it(and missed).
There are *two* small elementals(small-sized); they look like a dark-grey cloud.
One of them is dueling Sanadris.

2015-03-11, 02:09 PM
Raito and Snow would see the oncoming fight and the elementals erupt in front of them several miles off. Raito would let out a loud sigh, as Snow would attempt to rush forward only for Raito to place a hand on her back and speak. "Stop rushing. We can get there faster, but were not going to be able to contribute in any meaningful fashion when they're that far out. Besides, what if we speed ahead of Maysdriel and she gets attacked by another group?" He would turn to Maysdriel and Harakel at that point."That said, we should really stop moving at this leisurely pace and get there as fast as we can. I know you can go twice that speed, and I'll match you for it. We may not be able to contribute to this fight, but we should still try to get there faster."

Snow starts to Hustle, and attempt to get Maysdriel to do so as well. If both hustle at may's speed, speed goes to 6 miles per hour. When Snow's within 1920' of the pillar, She would begin to Run at full speed, and now increase speed to 16 miles per hour, covering that distance in 11 minutes.

2015-03-12, 10:13 AM
"Quiet down for a second!"

Harakel closes his eyes. Neither he nor Mays were flying, letting Raito and Snow speed a bit forward. This was important

Harakel searchs the background noise in his thoughts that is always there. Those are her thoughts. He lets those share space with his.

This part was complicated now. This was something developed by humans and the dragons never quite learned it. Harakel starts helping Maysdriel think like he does. He pays a lot of attention to her thoughts and either pushes parts of them down or up, making her pay more attention to those. That way she doesn't have to focus all on the plan...her part in the mental link is the instincts. Harakel had a good idea of how dragon's fly and move, but she had a much better one. They had to share the burden like this. He feels his emotions drift away, as some things like concern or anger take hold, without the usual problems of such things clouding the thoughts. He thinks, she feels.

And like one, they speed towards the elementals

Harake uses his Standard Action to estabilish the Mental Focus.
Maysdriel can now Hustle and will do so, moving at 6 miles/hour. She'd probably go into Run after being close, I don't know how close yet, possibly a bit farther than Snow as she has more Con(but not much)

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-12, 01:50 PM
Aramythias refrained from acting for the moment; the compassionate healer had noone to heal, and he loathed to draw blood(or whatever force animated the elementals) first.

His dragon, however, was of a different mind: Whirothopaletex flapped his wings and quickly closed the distance before breathing fire (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18948441&postcount=36) at the small elemental that was left unchallenged by Sanadris.

Badly wounded, the lightning elemental immediately charged its offender, but was halted by the healer's armor - nonetheless, an electric charge was conducted through the metal and delivered a minor shock.

The other lightning elemental, upon hearing Sanadris' challenge, charged as well - and the dragon performed an elegant dueling dodge, evading the attack with minimal movement.

The large air elemental began to whirl and transformed into a fourty-feet tall twister that threatened to swallow Moradin and his mount Allisyndra before moving towards Keira and Sanadris...

Lightning Elemental A charges and misses; Aramythias takes 2 lightning damage.
Lightning Elemental B charges and misses. Air Elemental transforms into a Whirlwind and moves into the space of Allisyndra/Moradin: Both need to make 2 Reflex saves(DC 18): The first save to avoid taking 1d8+4 damage, the second to avoid being trapped in the whirlwind.

The Whirlwind then moves 45' upwards towards Keira/Sanadris, stopping 10' short of them.


Small Elemental A: Very badly wounded, currently adjacent to Aramythias/Whiro, ~125' away from Keira/Sanadris, 115' away from Whirlwind(+Moradin/Allisyndra if one or both are trapped in the Whirlwind).

Small Elemental B: Unharmed, currently dueling Sanadris, adjacent to Keira/Sanadris, 10' away from Whirlwind.

Whirlwind/Large Elemental: Slightly wounded from Moradin's arrow, currently in whirlwind shape, 10' away from SEB + Keira/Sanadris(see above); ~115' away from Aramythias/Whiro + SEA(see above)

ETA for the rest of the party: 10 minutes or 5 minutes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18948394&postcount=35).

Aramythias/Keira/Moradin may act AFTER the Reflex saves of Moradin/Allisyndra. Feel free to roll the damage from whirlwind too(1d8+4; first Reflex DC 18 negates).

2015-03-12, 07:59 PM

Saw that gout of fire engulf the elemental, and then frowned when it kept on coming. He felt the charged sting of that electricity and tried his best not to let out too much of a yelp in surprise. He could more feel the small chuckle that Whiro gave at his reaction to the small amount of pain, and grimaced as he pulled hefted his crossbow and took a moment to line it up before firing.

"Whiro! We've got to get back to the others, bite this thing if you have to we can't leave the others to fend for themselves!"

Grabbing Crossbow from my back, keep it loaded and such. Firing once at the elemntal and hoping it does damage.



2015-03-12, 11:54 PM
Keira sighed as her spell failed to take. Trust her to pick the one Elemental with strong willpower. She really didn't want to deal with its whirlwind powers. Maybe she could persuade Sanadris to retreat out of range.

"Sanadris, that large Elemental is trying to interrupt your duel! Let's fall back, so that it can't swallow us."

She also summoned a necromantic ward to shield her from physical harm, just in case.

Keira casts 'Defending Bone' on herself

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-13, 05:21 AM
After the whirlwind passed over Moradin and Allisyndra, the dragon was left without its rider and the archer was trapped in the center of the living twister that tried its best to kill him.

Keira cast a spell, retrieving a bone from her spell component pouch and animating it as a defensive ward while asking Sanadris to avoid the whirling Air Elemental. Her dragon flashed his teeth and proceeded to rip the small elemental he was dueling apart.
"A DUEL IS DONE WHEN IT'S DONE!" he announced proudly as the small stormcloud was dispersed by his claws, then flapped his wings once to get closer to the raging Air Elemental and attack it as well!

Whirothopaletex destroyed the damaged elemental with a bite and quickly closed the distance to the other riders, gaining quite a bit of altitude in the process. Aramythias shot at the whirlwind trapping his companion Moradin, but missed.

Allisyndra was extremely angry at losing her rider to a rude upstart elemental, and charged him again...and this time, her teeth found the elemental's essence, dealing some damage.

Just as Keira had feared, the roaring air elemental continued its path and swallowed the proud Sanadris and his rider...then turned mid-air, came back for another try, then attempted to swallow Allisyndra and succeeded on his second attempt...

...then it turned to try and swallow Sanadris again, and finally succeeded in trapping the dragon and its rider, before it headed towards Whiro and Aramythias.

Dice rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18951911&postcount=44)Sanadris performs a full-attack against the lightning elemental he is dueling; he kills it with a bite(#1)+claw(#2). He proceeds to use a 5'-step to reduce the distance between Keira/Sanadris and the Air Elemental/Moradin by 5 feet. (10' distance -> 5' distance).

He completes his full attack against the Air elemental, attacking with claw(#3)+wing(#4)+wing(#5), hitting with his claw and missing with the wings. He deals some minor damage after DR.
He succeeds at a DC 20 Fly check to hover + 5'-step in the air.(#6)

Keira casts a spell.

Whiro snaps at the heavily wounded lightning elemental and kills it with a bite attack(#7); then he moves 85' closer to Keira/Sanadris, gaining 60' altitude in the process. (120' distance -> 35' distance + altitude gain => ~70' distance between Keira/Sanadris and Aramythias/Whiro; 65' distance between Aramythias/Whiro and Air Elemental/Moradin)

Aramythias retrieves a heavy crossbow and shoots at the large elemental, but misses.

Allisyndra is angry and charges the whirlwind(#8), dealing minor damage after DR.

The Whirlwind moves over Keira/Sanadris; Sanadris succeeds both Reflex saves(vs damage: #9, vs trapping: #10)

After the first *pass* (20ft movement), the Air elemental succeeds on a DC 20 fly check to turn 180°(losing another 10ft movement; #11) and RETURNS to try and swallow Keira/Sanadris again! (20ft more movement for the second pass; 50ft total movement so far)

Sanadris fails the Reflex save vs damage, but avoids being trapped(vs dmg: #12, vs trapping: #13) in the whirlwind.

After his second pass, the air elemental uses his remaining movement to turn sharply(DC 15 Fly check succeeds, losing 5ft of movement; #14), trying to swallow Allisyndra, who succeeds on both Reflex saves(vs dmg: #15, vs trapping: #16).

He continues his movement 20ft past Allisyndra(Total movement so far: 20+10+20+5+25 = 80'), succeeds on a DC 20 Fly check to turn 180°(#17, losing 10' more movement) and moves 10ft closer to Allisyndra. (Total movement: 100').

The Air elemental still has a standard action left to move another 100'

The whirlwind moves again, passing over Allisyndra(10ft movement to close the distance, 5ft movement to enter her space); she avoids damage(#18) but is trapped this time(#19). The elemental turns sharply(DC 15 Fly check; #20, losing 5' movement) to head for Sanadris...

(using these rolls from this point onward (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18952267&postcount=48))

The whirlwind continues to move, attempting to swallow Sanadris again; the dragon takes damage, but avoids being trapped(vs dmg: #1(fail), vs trapping: #2(success)); the whirlwind moves 20' past Sanadris, then performs a DC 20 Fly check(#3) to turn 180°), then moves 25' to enter Sanadris' space again:

(total movement so far: 10ft to Allisyndra, 5ft Allisyndra's space, 5ft sharp turn, 5ft Sanadris' space, 20ft past Sanadris, 10' 180° turn: 10+5+5+5+20+10= 55')

The dragon avoids taking damage this time(#4), but is swallowed by the whirlwind(#5) and joins Keira, Moradin and Allisyndra.

The Air elemental uses its last remaining movement to turn again(DC 15 Fly check for sharp turn, #6) and moves 40' towards Whiro and Aramythias, with four trapped victims in tow.


Distance between Air Elemental(+Moradin/Keira/Allisyndra/Sanadris) and Whiro/Aramythias: 25'

Moradin can act before the dragons kill the lightning elementals and the Air elemental starts his dance.

Keira needs to make Reflex saves vs dmg/trapping; if she is trapped, she does not need to save again on the second pass.

If you are trapped:
You have a -4 penalty to Dexterity
You have a -2 penalty to atk rolls
You take 1d8+4 bludgeoning damage per turn(no save)
If you want to cast a spell, you need to make a concentration check(DC 15+ spell level) or lose the spell.
If you have a fly speed, you can attempt a Reflex save(DC 18) to escape; 1/turn as free action

2015-03-13, 05:54 AM
Sometimes Keira hated being right. Maybe the sight of Sanadris' lifelong companion being sucked into a whirlwind would persuade him to listen next time. Though she had a means of escape, Keira made sure to remain in the whirlwind just long enough to let the mental image sink in. Reckless? Perhaps. But she wanted to make a lasting impression. Having hopefully done that, she teleported out of the whirlwind, and back onto her Dragon's back.

"Now can we please retreat?"

Keira spends one point from her reservoir to use Dimensional Slide.

2015-03-13, 08:25 AM
"Argh!" Moradin shouted, as he was plucked from his seat on Allisyndra's back by the whirlwind. In some desperation, he pulled his blade from its scabbard and attempted to cut at the...thing...that now kept him suspended above the ground. The sight of his dragon being whipped into the whirlwind as well was both reassuring and frightening at the same time. Hopefully she would be able to catch him if the thing stopped being a whirlwind unexpectedly.

Move Action: Draw longsword.
Standard Action: Attack the Air Elemental. Penalties for being suspended in a whirlwind not included.

To-hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (slashing)

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-13, 08:57 AM
"Whoa, that whirlwind can even swallow my fellow dragons!
But I am a much better flyer..."

Whirothopaletex remarked with an air of smugness.

Moradin drew a sword and hacked at the air elemental he was trapped inside, but only managed to hit ordinary air.

The *Round Two* post above was updated. Keira's action above was ignored for now, because Sanadris is trapped as well and there is no safe teleport location nearby.

The PC's may act.


Distance between Air Elemental(+Moradin/Keira/Allisyndra/Sanadris) and Whiro/Aramythias: 25'

If you are trapped:
You have a -4 penalty to Dexterity
You have a -2 penalty to atk rolls
You take 1d8+4 bludgeoning damage per turn(no save)
If you want to cast a spell, you need to make a concentration check(DC 15+ spell level) or lose the spell.
If you have a fly speed, you can attempt a Reflex save(DC 18) to escape; 1/turn as free action

2015-03-13, 09:56 AM
Slinging his bow back onto his back as he was joined by a number of his fellows, Moradin took his sword in both hands and chopped at the whirlwind again, doing his best to avoid injuring any of his companions as they tumbled around in the animated twister.

Move Action: Sheathe bow. This would normally provoke but the elemental can't take attacks of opportunity.
Standard Action: Another sword attack. All penalties included this time around.

To-hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

I didn't roll Allisyndra's save because I wasn't sure if she'd be trying to get out as I don't know what sort of action it is to try to escape.

2015-03-13, 10:05 AM
Keira will ready an action to teleport onto Sanadris if he escapes.

2015-03-13, 10:19 PM

Almost let out a laugh at Whiro's smug comment, but he was too worried about his companions and the dragons trapped inside that whirlwind.

"Keep us close enough so I can help them but don't let that thing get us if you can!"

With that his eyes burned a soft white for a second and a pulse of positive energy burst from him and washed over everything within thirty feet.

Have Whiro keep current position as best he can, channel energy and exclude the elemental with selective channeling.


Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-14, 04:52 AM
Keira maintained composure, even as her advice was ignored and she was swept up by furious winds - instead of panicking, she waited for the right moment to act.

Moradin put away his bow, and tried to hurt the air elemental with a two-handed sword strike - unfortunately, his attempts were for naught.

Aramythias asked his dragon to move close enough for his healing to reach their trapped companions, and the proud flyer Whirothopaletex took this request as a challenge: He rushed onward, passing within mere feet of the whirlwind-shaped elemental before performing a daring aerial stunt and then quickly putting a safe distance between himself and the ill-natured warden of the steam pillar.

Sanadris flapped his wings inside the whirlwind, and managed to escape - and just as he flew beyond the raging twister, Keira teleported on his back. With his confidence slightly ruffled by the recent experience, the dragon quickly put some distance between himself and the whirling elemental, incidentally also following his riders request.

Allisyndra's fury wasn't sated yet, however, and she was completely unperturbed by her current situation: She bared her teeth and ripped into the elemental with savage glee.

Said elemental rushed after Keira and Sanadris, quickly reaching them in his path and attempting to swallow them again; he managed to tear away Keira from her dragon's back for a second time while Sanadris resisted the whirling winds who carried his companion further away.

Moradin stows his bow, attacks, misses.
Keira readies an action to teleport.
Aramythias readies an action to channel energy(excluding the elemental) if is close enough for the 30' burst to reach all allies trapped in the whirlwind; Whiro flies very close the the elemental(25' distance movement to fly adjacent, continue moving 140' past the whirlwind(diameter 20', so 120' distance after this); then use his second move action to move 170' further away from the whirlwind:
290' Distance Aramythias/Whiro <-> Air Elemental/Moradin/Sanadris/Allisyndra/Keira

Sanadris attempts to escape(Reflex save DC 18; #7 succeeds, rolls here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18952267&postcount=48)), then double-moves away; Keira teleports on his back as soon as he escapes.
300' Distance Keira/Sanadris <-> Air Elemental/Moradin/Allisyndra;
610' Distance Keira/Sanadaris <-> Aramythias/Whiro

Allisyndra performs a full-attack(#8 bite(miss), #9 claw1(miss), #10 claw2(miss), #11 wing1(miss), #12 wing2(hit, CRIT THREAT: #13 fails to confirm; No damage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18956699&postcount=57) after DR & Air mastery.)) and remains trapped.
She is damaged by the whirlwind. (8 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18956696&postcount=56) -> 152/160 HP)

The Elemental runs 400' in a straight line; he reaches Keira/Sanadris and continues for 100'.
Reflex saves: Sanadris(vs dmg: #14, fail; he takes 12 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18956696&postcount=56) ->137/150 HP; vs trapping: #15, success)
Keira(vs dmg: #16, fail; she takes 10 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18956696&postcount=56) -> 40/50 HP; vs trapping: #17, fail -> Keira is trapped.(again))

Moradin remains trapped; he is damaged by the whirlwind. (5 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18956696&postcount=56) -> 55/60 HP)

610' Distance Sanadris <-> Aramythias/Whiro
710' Distance Air Elemental/Moradin/Allisyndra/Keira <-> Aramythias/Whiro
100' Distance Air Elemental/Moradin/Allisyndra/Keira <-> Sanadris

Air Elemental 94/104
Aramythias 55/55
Keira: 40/50
Moradin: 55/60
Sanadris: 137/150
Allisyndra: 152/160
Whirothopaletex: 150/150

The PC's may act.

If you are trapped:
You have a -4 penalty to Dexterity
You have a -2 penalty to atk rolls
You take 1d8+4 bludgeoning damage per turn(no save)
If you want to cast a spell, you need to make a concentration check(DC 15+ spell level) or lose the spell.
If you have a fly speed, you can attempt a Reflex save(DC 18) to escape; 1/turn as free action

2015-03-14, 05:17 AM
No sooner had Keira been caught by whirlwind, than she teleported straight back out of it again. She snorted in annoyance. Her reserves of that particular trick were limited. Then again, the same principle applied to the Elemental too. From what she knew of such creatures, they couldn't maintain this form for long. She shouted a message for those of the group who were (or would soon be) free.

"Spread out! Let's stop it from recapturing us all at once!"

2015-03-14, 05:20 AM
Moradin winced as the whirling winds continued to batter him. Watching Allisyndra's flailing limbs fail to connect with anything but the air he took a moment to shout over to the young dragon. "Allisyndra, try to wait! Hit it when it tries to hit you!" She probably wouldn't approve of being given melee advice from an archer, but in the circumstances there was little else he could do. He also started looking for an opportunity to grab hold of Allisyndra's saddle should it get closer; quite aside from the fact that if she escaped he would quite like to go with her, it was probably safer from her claws and wings.

Move Action: Attempt to re-mount Allisyndra. I have no idea if this is possible or what I would be rolling for it.
Standard Action: Attempt to assist Allisyndra with actually hitting the thing.

Aid another (DC10): [roll0] Or not.

...then again, I don't know if Air Mastery applies in this case as I'm not strictly attacking the elemental, and the aid another rules don't seem to specify one way or another. If Air Mastery does not apply then that suceeded.

2015-03-14, 09:14 AM

held on tight as Whiro went into one of his rather impressive aerial stunts, with them far clear of the fray for now he looked to the elemental and nodded towards it.

"Lets go for another pass, if you think you can get me that close again!"

As unnerving as being part of those aerial acrobatics could be at times, Aramythias trusted Whiros flying prowess, and just held on tight, readying to let out a burst of healing for his comrades again.

Challenging Whiro to repeat that feat, and get Aramythias in close enough to heal the party once again. If he accepts, readying an action to do another selective channel when we get in range of the whirlwind, since it will heal the most targets.


Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-14, 11:49 AM
Keira teleported a second time, re-appearing on Sanadris' back and reassuring her rattled companion.

Dragons were the best, weren't they? So why was this annoying elemental challenging his mastery of the skies, and why was it so much better at flying than he was?

Somewhat shaken by this encounter, he decided to gain some altitude - perhaps being able to look down at the whirlwind would remove the sudden unease that threatened to undermine his usual draconic pride.
He even refrained from challenging it out of concern for his evidently much wiser companion Keira.

While Sanadris kept a close eye on the elemental below, Whirothopaletex tried his best to prove that it was *him* who ruled the skies, despite any attempts by strange elementals to usurp his (imaginary) throne. He rushed with incredible speed through the air, covering 680' in a span of six seconds and approaching within 30' of the raging whirlwind which still trapped Allisyndra and Moradin.

Aramythias held his healing in reserve, waiting for his companions to come close enough for another burst of positive energy.

Allisyndra, frustrated at her failed attempts to hurt the elemental, decided to try another tactic: after Moradin performed an impressive feat of aerial acrobatics (look! No wings!) and managed to climb back onto her saddle, she took a deep breath and unleashed a wrathful stream of dragonfire at her enemy.

The whirling elemental struggled to maintain his shape and decided to rush the nearest target: Aramythias and Whiro.

Even though this triggered the philosopher's channel and brought some relief to Allisyndra and Moradin, the two were still surprised by the force the twister brought to bear - both of them were sucked into the elemental's core and joined Moradin and Allisyndra.

Upon capturing his erstwhile target, the elemental swerved upwards, heading towards Keira and Sanadris; but even with all his effort, he failed to reach the lofty position of Sanadris. Meanwhile, those inside realize that the elemental will soon collapse into his regular form...

Keira teleports on Sanadris' back after she is trapped, escaping the cyclone.
Aramythias readies an action to channel energy(excluding the elemental) if is close enough for the 30' burst to reach all allies trapped in the whirlwind; Whiro runs 680'(170 fly speed x4), nearly closing the distance between the whirlwind and Aramythias. The channel is still readied, because the whirlwind has 20' diameter and the channel doesn't reach the trapped Moradin/Allisyndra yet.
30' Distance Aramythias/Whiro <-> Air Elemental/Moradin/Allisyndra
Moradin attempts to re-mount Allisyndra(Dexterity check DC 15:#18(10+1 DEX +5 circumstance modifier for an awesome idea) succeeds, rolls here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18952267&postcount=48)), then Aids Allisyndra; but Allisyndra doesn't attack with natural weapons this time, so his bonus is irrelevant.

Sanadris flies straight up at half speed, ascending 75'(Fly DC 20; #19 success)then readies an action to move 150' away from the elemental if the whirlwind approaches within 10'.
125' Distance Keira/Sanadris <-> Air Elemental/Moradin/Allisyndra;
100' Distance Keira/Sanadaris <-> Aramythias/Whiro

Allisyndra breathes fire(22 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18957291&postcount=58); Reflex save: #20 succeeds -> 11 damage -> HP(Elemental) 83/104)
and remains trapped.
She is damaged by the whirlwind. (8 dmg (url=http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18957291&postcount=58) -> 144/160 HP)

Moradin remains trapped; he is damaged by the whirlwind. (7 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18956696&postcount=58) -> 48/60 HP)

The Elemental moves 35' towards Aramythias/Whiro, entering their space; this triggers Aramythias' readied channel: Allisyndra and Moradin are healed for 11 HP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18957114&postcount=44)(Allisyndra -> 155/160 HP; Moradin -> 59/60 HP)
Reflex saves:
Whiro: (vs dmg: #21, success; vs trapping: #22 fail)
Aramythias: (vs dmg: #23, fail, he takes 11 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18957291&postcount=58) -> 44/55 HP; vs trapping: #24, fail)

The elemental performs a sharp turn(Fly check DC 15(lose 5' movement); #25 success) and continues towards Keira/Sanadris; because they are at a higher elevation, the movement upwards is at half speed at a steep angle(Fly DC 20, #26 success); he continues his move action and moves 30' closer to Keira/Sanadris.
He uses his remaining standard action to move 50' closer to Keira/Sanadris(Fly DC 20, #27 success); stopping 20' short of them.

20' Distance Sanadris/Keira <-> Air Elemental/Moradin/Allisyndra/Aramythias/Whiro

Air Elemental 83/104
Aramythias 44/55
Keira: 40/50
Moradin: 59/60
Sanadris: 137/150
Allisyndra: 155/160
Whirothopaletex: 150/150

The PC's may act.

If you are trapped:
You have a -4 penalty to Dexterity
You have a -2 penalty to atk rolls
You take 1d8+4 bludgeoning damage per turn(no save)
If you want to cast a spell, you need to make a concentration check(DC 15+ spell level) or lose the spell.
If you have a fly speed, you can attempt a Reflex save(DC 18) to escape; 1/turn as free action

2015-03-14, 07:12 PM

Gripped his saddle tight as Whiro blasted forward, closing the distance rather quickly, in fact much quicker than Aramythias had thought possible. He figured it out quickly though; the elemental was coming straight for them.

With no time to tell Whiro to change tactics he gripped tight, but was thrown from the saddle by the winds whipping about inside the elemental.

"...uh oh."

It was quite comical, as the man attempted to half scramble half swim through the whipping winds that trapped him to get back to Whiro, it would be rather bothersome to plummet to the waves so far below.

Aramythias plans to use his round to get back onto Whiro if possible. he also plans to Lay on hands himself (swift action) if he can get himself back in the saddle this turn.

Dex check to regain the saddle

Lay on Hands (If dex check is successful)

2015-03-15, 05:55 AM
Clinging to Allisyndra's back, Moradin shouted to be heard over the whirlwind once again. "Well done! It looks weaker; try to take advantage!" Again, not particularly useful advice, but it at the least let Allisyndra know he was still there.

Let's try this whole thing again. Standard Action to aid Allisyndra's next attack.

Aid another (DC10): [roll0] (Air Mastery penalty included)

As a move action, Moradin will...basically cling on to the saddle, effectively? So hopefully if the elemental stops being a whirlwind I won't fall off immediately. Because that would be a little bit awkward.

2015-03-15, 11:08 AM
Keira eagerly awaited the whirlwind's dissipation. Soon her trapped comrades would be free again. With any luck, they'd be able to annihilate this annoying creature with a combined assault.

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-16, 05:18 AM
Whiro was terribly upset at suffering the same fate of his fellow dragons - namely, being trapped in the whirlwind - when he had laughed at them just moments before. He flapped his wings, but his flying prowess wasn't enough to escape the whirlwind.
Upon noticing Aramythias strange maneuver, he decided to assist his companion and helped him reach the -relative- safety of his saddle again.

Allisyndra flapped her wings with much effort, and managed to leave the whirlwind with her rider. She turned around, preparing to strike...

...as the whirlwind dissipated and the elemental assumed its ordinary, cloud-like shape.
No longer threatened by the possibility of being drawn inside a twister, Allisyndra's fury knew no bounds - she tore into the cloud that had subjected her to a thoroughly humiliating experience.

Whiro repositioned himself and breathed fire at the elemental before putting some distance between them; Sanadris followed his example, and their caution proved to be justified:

The elemental quickly re-assumed his whirlwind shape and proceeded to capture Allisyndra and Moradin again before chasing after Whiro and Aramythias.

Whiro attempts to escape the Whirlwind(#28 fails, rolls here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?401385-Dragonriders-OOC&p=18952267#post18952267)). He then uses Aid another to give Whiro a +2 boost to his dexterity check(#29, success: Aramythias check: Roll 14 -1 dexterity +2 aid another = 15, Aramythias manages to reach and re-mount Whiro).
Aramythias heals himself for 7 HP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18959131&postcount=46). -> HP(Aramythias) 51/55
Moradin aids Allisyndra's next attack, providing a +2 bonus. He uses a move action to cling to the saddle.

Allisyndra attempts to escape(#30, success); this pulls Moradin along through the edge of the whirlwind, forcing a check for him to remain on the saddle(Reflex save DC 18; #31: Roll 15 +1 Base Save +1 Dex +2 move action to hold tight = success)

The elemental stops maintaining his whirlwind shape; he places the remaining victims(Aramythias/Whiro) adjacent to his normal shape.

Allisyndra proceeds to full-attack the elemental; Bite(#32 + aid another; hits for 7 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18964754&postcount=59) after DR & Air mastery), Claw1(#33, hits for 4 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18964754&postcount=59) after DR & Air mastery), Claw2(#34, miss), Wing1(#35, hits but deals no damage after DR & Air Mastery), Wing2(#36, miss). -> HP(Elemental) 72/104

Whiro has recovered his breath by now; he uses Flyby Attack to fly 10' away from the Elemental, provoking an AoO(#37, miss), then perform a sharp turn(Fly DC 15+5' movement; #38 success) and ascend 25' at a steep angle(Fly DC 20 + half speed; #39 success) before breathing a downward cone at the Elemental that doesn't reach his allies.
(30 fire dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18964754&postcount=59), Reflex save #40 succeeds -> 15 dmg; HP(Elemental) 57/104.

Using these rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?401385-Dragonriders-OOC&p=18964781#post18964781) from now on.

He then performs another sharp turn(90°; DC 15 Fly check + 5' movement, #1 success) and uses his remaining movement to fly 90' away.
90' Distance Aramythias/Whiro <-> Air Elemental

Sanadris likewise breathes fire at the elemental: 29 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18964754&postcount=59), Reflex save #2 succeeds -> 14 dmg; HP(Elemental) 43/104.
Sanadris then gains another 75' altitude by flying straight upwards(DC 20 Fly check, #3 success).
75' Distance Keira/Sanadris <-> Air Elemental

The elemental uses a standard action to transform again, assuming the shape of a 40' tall whirlwind; he then uses his move action to enter Allisyndra's space(who is adjacent)...
Reflex saves:
Allisyndra(vs dmg: #4 fails, vs trapping: #5 fails) -> Allisyndra takes [roll0] dmg and is trapped again.
Moradin(vs dmg: #6 fails, vs trapping #7 fails) -> Moradin takes [roll1] dmg and is trapped again.
The elemental continues to fly 20' beyond Allisyndra's original position, then performs a sharp turn(DC 15 Fly check + 5' movement; #8 success) and heads 70' towards Whiro/Aramythias.

20' Distance Aramythias/Whiro <-> Air Elemental/Allisyndra/Moradin
100' Distance Keira/Sanadris <-> Air Elemental/Allisyndra/Moradin
115' Distance Keira/Sanadris <-> Aramythias/Whiro

Air Elemental 43/104
Aramythias 51/55
Keira: 40/50
Moradin: 59/60 + damage above
Sanadris: 137/150
Allisyndra: 155/160 + damage above
Whirothopaletex: 150/150

The PC's may act.

If you are trapped:
You have a -4 penalty to Dexterity
You have a -2 penalty to atk rolls
You take 1d8+4 bludgeoning damage per turn(no save)
If you want to cast a spell, you need to make a concentration check(DC 15+ spell level) or lose the spell.
If you have a fly speed, you can attempt a Reflex save(DC 18) to escape; 1/turn as free action

2015-03-16, 06:12 AM
"Not again!" Moradin half complained, half shouted, trying to once again grab for Alliysndra's saddle and swiping at the attacking air with his sword once he had secured himself.

Move action: Dex check DC15 to try to return to Allisyndra's back: [roll0]
If failed, will convert a standard into a move to try again: [roll1]
If the first Dex check succeeded, Moradin will instead attack the elemental:
To-hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2015-03-16, 07:48 AM

Gripped the saddle tight in his hands as he made his way back to Whiro just before the whirlwind came to an end. He clung tight and ducked his head down, feeling the rush of air as the dragon banked and turned and loosed his breath weapon. Finally sitting back up he saw the thing start spinning again and envelope the other two.

"This looks familiar. I think we might need to use more primitive methods to take down this foe. Lets see what we can do hmm?"

Not really directing Whiro so much as suggesting he might need to use his melee attacks to speed up the process of destroying the elemental.

Aramythias readies an action to channel energy if Whiro goes close enough for him to channel and exclude the elemental.

2015-03-17, 07:28 AM
Keira was seriously annoyed. In more peaceful circumstances, she'd have loved to study an Elemental up close. Instead, she and her comrades were being repeatedly subjected to the most vexing combat style she'd ever encountered. No wonder some Wizards loved polymorphing into such creatures.

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-17, 11:09 AM
Whirothopaletex was a mighty dragon, born and raised on Hermea under the care of the best the human race -guided by draconic wisdom- had to offer; he had always excelled at flying and loved the fact that he was simply *better* at it than his peers.

Unfortunately, after being trapped by an exceedingly annoying and incredibly persistent air elemental, he decided that discretion was the better part of valor, after all. Despite Aramythias' urging to fight, the dragon turned away and decided to gain some more distance while he waited for his breath to recover.

Allisyndra attempted to rip the whirling elemental apart from the inside; she bit and clawed at its essence and was satisfied that her anger managed to reach its slippery target.
At the same time, Moradin skillfully repeated his previous acrobatics inside the whirlwind, re-mounted his dragon and struck at the elemental with his sword - he failed to draw blood, but managed to hurt it nonetheless.

Keira waited, conserving her arcane reserves for the time being; meanwhile, Sanadris decided to gain more distance to the whirlwind, just to be sure.

The elemental rushed after Whiro and Aramythias, but the dragon evaded the elemental's mad dash with a simple aerial maneuver. As Whiro felt his dragonbreath return, he couldn't help but growl:
"We'll see who rules the skies...just you wait."

Aramythias readies an action to channel energy if the elemental comes within 10'.
Whiro flies 170' away as move action, then readies an action to move 170' away in a different direction if the Elemental approaches within 20'.
190' Distance Aramythias/Whiro <-> Air Elemental/Allisyndra/Moradin

Moradin re-mounts Allisyndra inside the whirlwind and attacks, dealing 6 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18964870&postcount=50) after DR & Air Mastery; -> HP(Elemental) 37/104.

Allisyndra full-attacks the elemental; Bite(rolls here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?401385-Dragonriders-OOC&p=18964781#post18964781): #9; CRIT THREAT, but elementals are immune; hits for 4 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18970681&postcount=63) after DR & Air mastery), Claw1(#10, hits for 5 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18970681&postcount=63) after DR & Air mastery), Claw2(#11, hits for 3 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18970681&postcount=63) after DR & Air mastery), Wing1(#12, hits but deals no damage after DR & Air Mastery), Wing2(#13, miss). -> HP(Elemental) 25/104
Allisyndra remains trapped and takes 11 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18970681&postcount=63) -> HP(Allisyndra) 135/160
Moradin remains trapped and takes 8 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18970681&postcount=63) -> HP(Moradin) 41/60

Keira waits.
Sanadris moves 150' away from the elemental, then readies a standard action to move in a different direction if the elemental approaches within 20'.
250' Distance Keira/Sanadris <-> Air Elemental/Allisyndra/Moradin

The elemental runs in a straight line towards Aramythias and Whiro(because they're closer), triggering Whiro's evasive maneuver: the dragon performs a sharp turn(Fly DC 15 + 5' movement, #14 success) and flies 165' in a different direction while the elemental overshoots and continues his path for 205'.
260' Distance Aramythias/Whiro <-> Air Elemental/Allisyndra/Moradin

260' Distance Aramythias/Whiro <-> Air Elemental/Allisyndra/Moradin
640' Distance Keira/Sanadris <-> Air Elemental/Allisyndra/Moradin
465' Distance Keira/Sanadris <-> Aramythias/Whiro

Air Elemental 25/104
Aramythias 51/55
Keira: 40/50
Moradin: 41/60
Sanadris: 137/150
Allisyndra: 135/160
Whirothopaletex: 150/150

The PC's may act.

If you are trapped:
You have a -4 penalty to Dexterity
You have a -2 penalty to atk rolls
You take 1d8+4 bludgeoning damage per turn(no save)
If you want to cast a spell, you need to make a concentration check(DC 15+ spell level) or lose the spell.
If you have a fly speed, you can attempt a Reflex save(DC 18) to escape; 1/turn as free action

2015-03-18, 06:17 AM
Despite the pain of being buffeted time and again by the whirlwind, Moradin grinned as both his blade and Allisyndra's teeth and claws bit into the elemental. "We're getting somewhere!" he encouraged, taking a moment to try to fasten himself a little more thoroughly into the saddle before taking another swing.

Standard Action: Attacking. It would probably be more useful to aid Allisyndra again, but Moradin is probably a little too excited about the fact that they're actually making progress with this whole thing.

To-hit: [roll0]...Moradin is obviously far too excited.
Damage: [roll1]

Move Action: Cling onto the saddle in case Allisyndra tries to escape again.

2015-03-19, 11:58 PM

Felt Whiro jet off, turning his head to see his injured companions becoming smaller in his sight as the dragon took him so much further away.

"I hope you know what you're doing! We can't leave them to fend for themselves for long!"

2015-03-20, 02:13 PM
In this case, Keira agreed with Whiro. The nature of this opponent made a combined assault difficult.

"We have no choice. If we bunch up to attack, it'll just scoop us all up at once!"

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-22, 04:23 AM
Whiro didn't answer Aramythias' admonishment - instead, he flew closer to the elemental again and prepared himself to unleash his dragonbreath if it approached him.

Allisyndra was of a similar mind - since her physical attacks were not particularly well-suited to damage the airy elemental's essence, she chose to use her breath weapon again.
Even this annoyingly persistent enemy would eventually fall to copious amounts of dragonfire...
Meanwhile, Moradin struck again with his sword - but failed to hit the whirling mass of air that steadily battered him and his dragon.

Keira maintained her patient vigilance, and Sanadris flew a bit closer to the elemental, while carefully remaining outside of its immediate reach. Having seen the elemental's rush twice so far, he could gauge its speed and maintain a safe distance.

The elemental moved towards Whiro and Aramythias, but met its end as Whiro breathed fire again. Moradin was scorched and covered in soot, and looked with some irritation at the dragon of his comrade.

Aramythias waits.
Whiro flies 170' closer to the elemental as move action, then readies an action to breathe fire
if the elemental approaches within 30'.
90' Distance Aramythias/Whiro <-> Air Elemental/Allisyndra/Moradin

Moradin attacks and misses.

Allisyndra breathes fire(33 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?401385-Dragonriders-OOC&p=18995057#post18995057), Reflex DC 18 half (#15 succeeds, rolls here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18964781&postcount=60))) -> HP(Elemental) 9/104
Allisyndra remains trapped and takes 7 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18970681&postcount=63) (placeholder1)-> HP(Allisyndra) 128/160
Moradin remains trapped and takes 7 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18970681&postcount=63) (placeholder2)-> HP(Moradin) 34/60

Keira waits.
Sanadris moves 150' closer from the elemental, then readies a standard action to move in a different direction if the elemental approaches within 20'.
490' Distance Keira/Sanadris <-> Air Elemental/Allisyndra/Moradin

The elemental moves in a straight line towards Aramythias and Whiro(because they're closer), triggering Whiro's fire breath: 21 dmg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18995057&postcount=67), Reflex DC 18 half(#16 FAILS) -> HP(Elemental) -12/104, ELEMENTAL IS DESTROYED.

Allisyndra is immune to fire, takes no damage;
Moradin's reflex save(#17) fails, he takes full damage -> HP(Moradin) 13/60.

30' Distance Aramythias/Whiro <-> Allisyndra/Moradin

30' Distance Aramythias/Whiro <-> Allisyndra/Moradin
550' Distance Keira/Sanadris <-> Allisyndra/Moradin
580' Distance Keira/Sanadris <-> Aramythias/Whiro

Aramythias 51/55
Keira: 40/50
Moradin: 13/60
Sanadris: 137/150
Allisyndra: 128/160
Whirothopaletex: 150/150

Combat ends; +480XP for everyone(including Raito/Harakel).

Soon after the fight, Harakel and Raito arrived with their dragons, having caught up with their faster companions; just in time to notice the steam pillar disperse...and reveal a small island of black obsidian at its base.

2015-03-22, 09:01 AM
It took all of Keira's willpower to resist charging straight down to that island. She could hardly wait to investigate this amazing geological discovery. But no, there were matters to be settled first. She reluctantly regrouped with her comrades, so that they could all prepare themselves. There were many injuries to be healed and things to be discussed before the expedition.

"Fascinating. I've never seen Elementals actively guarding a location. What could be down there?"

2015-03-22, 08:50 PM
Raito and Snow, approaching as the others flew back, were fairly visibly annoyed. "You likely wouldn't have had as bad of injuries if you had flown with us instead of leaving us behind. Taking on those elementals with 3 of the 5 riders we had wasn't wise, especially given it looks like Moradin there is about to fall off his dragon. If you had waited, we likely could have killed those easily as a group."

Raito sighs, looking down to Snow, then over the group. "So, who has the healing magic? I certainly don't have any."

2015-03-22, 09:28 PM
Keira had the good grace to look abashed. Nonetheless, she stood by her decision.

"We can't always travel at the speed of our slowest members. The situation ahead gave every impression of rapid development. Also, there was no way to anticipate a contingent of elementals acting as guardians of what appeared to be a purely geological phenomenon."

A decent enough line of reasoning; But was that really why Keira had charged ahead? Maybe she'd just let her curiosity get the better of her. Even Keira herself wasn't sure.

2015-03-22, 09:40 PM

Was relieved to see Whiros firey breath dispatch the thing, quickly approaching the injured parties. He huffed and fussed as he set about tending to peoples wounds, listening to the comments and questions, not saying a word as he was far too intent on his work.

Setting about healing, using one Channel to see if I can top off the minorly injured, and a cure moderate wounds on Moradin.

Channel: [roll0]

Cure Moderate on Moradin: [roll1]

He made sure to use one of his more powerful spells on Moradin, and retrieve his healing wand if he still looked bad after the first round of treatment.

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-03-28, 11:25 AM
The dragonriders regrouped after their brief, fierce bout against the elementals who had been guarding the tiny volcanic islet that had emerged from the ocean with so much fuss.

Aramythias healed his companions, channeling positive energy and casting a spell to tend the burns and abrasions of Moradin. He then linked his life-force with his fellow riders, in order to be able to heal them even if they were swept up by an irate air elemental.

Driven by his curiosity, Sanadris descended, flying towards to the small island...now that the steam was gone and the sea had calmed down, he wanted to have a closer look.
As dragon, he didn't need to fear heat or fire; and even if the island's surface should crack and reveal a flow of magma that hadn't cooled yet, he could always fly away again.
His natural recklessness, born from an innate sense of draconic superiority and the daily experience that he was an apex predator with nothing to fear, hadn't been tempered by the recent encounter - despite the humiliation of being tossed about by furious winds, he was still convinced that nothing was truly dangerous.

As he came within 100' of the oval-shaped obsidian remnant of subsea volcanic activity, his rider began to notice the residual heat of the young geological feature - even though the lava flow had stopped and the island itself was constantly cooled by the surrounding ocean, the strangely smooth surface of volcanic glass was emitting enough heat to cause the air above it to shimmer and reflect the blue sky above, causing a phenomenom usually encountered in deserts - a fata morgana (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fata_Morgana_(mirage)).

+10 HP for everyone; +14 HP to Moradin.
Aramythias 55/55
Moradin: 37/60
Sanadris: 147/150
Allisyndra: 138/160
Life link triggers(x4) - Lifelink range: 150' (If the range is exceeded, the link *snaps* like a cord stretched beyond its maximum length)
Aramythias: 35/55
Moradin: 57/60
Sanadris: 147/150
Allisyndra: 138/160
*3rd-lvl spell(x1) -Burdened Thoughts
*2nd-lvl spell(x1) -That bone ward thingy

*1 arrow

*1 crossbow bolt
*2 uses of channel energy
*1 use of Lay on Hands
*2nd-lvl spell(x1) -Cure moderate Wounds on Moradin
Last chance to ignore the island and return to your regular patrol route.
Please decide - IC or OOC - what you are going to do.

2015-03-28, 05:55 PM

Sat back in his saddle, reaching into his saddlebag to grab up his wand of cure light wounds, hefting the small stick and feeling the energy leave his body to replinsh the others. he felt weary, and touched the wand to his arm, invoking the small amount of power needed to activate the thing.

Just as he did so he looked up and saw Keira and Sanadris descend to take a better look at the newly formed island, and his eyes caught the slight mirage ahead of them, a peculiar thing. Aramythias didn't know much about natural phenomenon, so it was certainly intriguing. He felt the life link he had established snap and shook his head a tiny bit.

"I hope they don't find more trouble before I'm even done mending wounds..."

Use wand of cure light on myself.


Abrasis Mindlef
2015-04-01, 04:51 AM
The other four members of the patrol followed the impulsive Sanadris to a much lower altitude; in order to better investigate both the mirage and its cause - an oval-shaped obsidian island with an extremely flat, almost polished surface that did not betray its violent origins.

As the five dragonriders approached within 80' of the mirage, they were reflected as well...something which immediately fascinated Sanadris, Allisyndra and Whirothopaletex who hadn't yet encountered such a phenomenom. Growing up in a world were magic and the supernatural were ubiquitous, they didn't instantly recognize the distorted dragon-like images below them as mere mirror images.

As such, they did as dragons are wont to do when meeting others of their kind - they try to establish dominance. In this case, they did so by folding their wings close to their bodies, dropping straight towards the "other dragons", and flaring their wings just before a collision - similar to the maneuver the former patrol unit had performed before Messaging their report.

Unfortunately, the mirages did not behave properly - real dragons might have performed evasive maneuvers, but as reflections, their actions were much more limited. Allisyndra, Sanadris and Whirothopaletex passed through the layer of air that acted as mirror above the island and managed to land safely - slightly confused where the other dragons had gone.

For that matter...where were their riders?
But the obsidian was comfortably warm...and a glowing circle with ancient runes immediately captured their attention...and kept them fascinated (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Fascinated) enough to momentarily forget about anything else.

Harakel and Raito had more control over their dragons; they preferred to remain aloft instead of recklessly charging at a mere natural phenomenom. They witnessed the three dragons disrupt the fata morgana by causing the two layers of air that formed a reflective surface to intermingle...and they witnessed Keira, Moradin and Aramythias disappear alongside the mirage. Their three draconic companions landed on the island and lay down, as if to sleep...curled around a glowing, quite obviously magical circle inscribed with numerous sigils and symbols.

The obsidian inside the magic circle turned clear, and Harakel and Raito could spot their three companions as if through a window, in a red-hued room...

+6 HP for Aramythias
Aramythias 41/55
Moradin: 57/60
Sanadris: 147/150
Allisyndra: 138/160
*3rd-lvl spell(x1) -Burdened Thoughts
*2nd-lvl spell(x1) -That bone ward thingy

*1 arrow

*1 crossbow bolt
*2 uses of channel energy
*1 use of Lay on Hands
*2nd-lvl spell(x1) -Cure moderate Wounds on Moradin
*1 charge from Wand of CLWThe first dungeon and the place of your Moment of Ascension lies ahead.
Once Harakel and Raito decide to fly down to see what exactly happened, they will join the others in a mini-dungeon with some puzzles and a bossfight. Unlike the 2nd-generation riders, their close bond with their dragons allows them to *keep* their dragons for this...

After the dungeon is completed and you gain your first mythic tier, the 2nd-gen riders will regain their dragons, naturally.

2015-04-01, 01:42 PM
As both Raito and Snow got closer to the island and the obsidian face, they found the obsidian reflection interesting, staying high in the air though, as they noticed the other 1st gen dragons dive towards it as if it was a enemy dragon. Raito took a hand off the reins of Snow to place his hand over his face, as Snow audibly sighed, her tail twitching in agitation as she still kept pace with Harakel. "So...That explains why they always bring a couple 2nd gen riders along on these patrols. " Raito looks to Harakel. "So, what do you think? Shall we go investigate that platform and see about freeing the others? I'm pretty sure command would not be happy with us returning sans 3 riders."

Snow, speaking very softly such that it would likely not be audible to Harakel and his dragon, said . "And here we go with the happy brigade getting themselves into trouble again."

2015-04-01, 07:45 PM
"Yes, I suppose that'd be wise"

Harakelt take's a last look around

"Mays? Take a flight around, see what you can find for now. Go to the rune with glowing circles at say...the count of 100?"

So, Harakel unstraps himself from the saddle...and jumps, to fall straight down

It wasn't quite a free fall though. As soon as he falls just a bit, a quick glow from his fingers, and while he accelerates a bit, it doesn't reach the kind of velocity you expect, even after several seconds. He reaches the ground safely

And goes investigate that giant glowing circle

2015-04-02, 12:41 AM
Raito nods, as he and Snow follow Harakel down to the circle, examining it as well. Sticking together at the moment since they didn't know what might come, and would prefer both hands available.

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-04-03, 04:24 AM
Harakel instructs his dragon to scout the immediate area before following him to the island below, and feather falls down, gently landing on the obsidian just outside the magic circle and the three mesmerized dragons resting around it.
Unfortunately, nothing he attempts manages to snap them out of their trance - shouting, touching, even hitting them with the flat of his blade fails to provoke a reaction.

As he approaches the magic circle, he notices that the runes inside seem strangely similar to the draconic alphabet, but they're slightly off...he experiences a brief moment of vertigo, as whatever magic designed to capture and enthrall dragons touches his mind. Luckily, his draconic heritage is faint enough to allow him to resist the effect, and as he peers through the *window* inside the magic circle, he sees his three companions in a big, cubical red room below. Aramythias is currently busy treating the remaining wounds of his companions with a wand, and Keira is pointing and talking. Moradin seems somewhat twitchy, and is fingering an arrow as he looks up; recognition dawns on his face as he appears to see Harakel through the *window* that seperates them.

A few moments later, Raito and Snow arrive on the island, hovering about 20' above the window and looking through it as well. Detect Magic identifies the *window* as an effect similar to Mirror Hideaway (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mirror-hideaway) - a portal leading to an extradimensional space!

Maysdriel returns from her short flight and reports nothing amiss.


























This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from countless red bricks; three rings of torches(at 10', 25' and 40' elevation) cast a red light throughout the entire room.

There is a circular *window* in the ceiling that shows the blue sky, presumably above the obsidian island. Harakel/Maysdriel and Raito/Snow are visible through this *window*.

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

The 2nd ring of torches is interrupted by these large circular *windows*.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Blue, East -> Yellow, South -> Orange, West -> Green), but since you're at looking through these at an angle, you cannot see wether the other rooms are indeed as cubical as the one you're currently in, though the shape of the other room's walls and ceiling suggests such a design.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)HP:
Aramythias 41/55
Moradin: 57/60
Sanadris: 147/150
Allisyndra: 138/160
Everyone not listed has full HP.Keira:
*3rd-lvl spell(x1) -Burdened Thoughts
*2nd-lvl spell(x1) -That bone ward thingy

*1 arrow

*1 crossbow bolt
*2 uses of channel energy
*1 use of Lay on Hands
*2nd-lvl spell(x1) -Cure moderate Wounds on Moradin
*1 charge from Wand of CLW@soulsabre345: Harakel and Raito are 1st-generation dragonriders; the other three are 2nd-generation riders (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18815667&postcount=1).

2015-04-03, 12:23 PM
Keira Nisandri suddenly had a lot of new information to process. As if an island springing up out of nowhere weren't enough, now she had extra-dimensional distortions with which to contend. Her eyes shone as she gazed around this mysterious chamber, which just begged to be explored. How exciting! But despite desperately wanting to start cataloguing this place, right now there was a greater concern: Sanadris. Her Dragon was conspicuously absent from the chamber. Was he still outside? Keira began searching for a way to reach the circular portal above. If necessary, she'd expend some arcane power to teleport out of the room. Whatever wonders lay ahead, her companion had to come first.

2015-04-07, 09:42 AM
Well there were the riders at least

"Hey? Can you hear me?"

He shouts at the riders. Maybe he should brush up on some of his magic knowledge

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-04-08, 10:49 AM
Keira and Moradin notice Harakel waving his arms about; he appears like someone who is shouting or yelling something.

As Maysdriel and Snow hover over the magic circle hypnotizing their draconic brethren, Allisyndra moves - her tail twitches about, and *accidentally* hits Harakel in the back, causing the seasoned Dragonrider to fall forward, through the portal and face-first towards the ground 50' below...before the magic of his ring activates again and slowly guides him to the floor of the RED ROOM.

He is immediately followed by Maysdriel, who passes the portal without any trouble, keeping her wings close to her body and *diving* through the magic circle.

"Hey, don't leave us behind!" squeaks Snow as she gracefully glides through the portal. The other dragons may have been spellbound, but they were dragons...they would be fine after a short nap, probably.

Just after Snow and her rider passed the portal, the *window* in the ceiling grew dark...leaving a circular reminder of the obsidian island in another dimension.

2015-04-08, 02:00 PM
"We can't hear you!" Moradin had just started to shout back when Harakel suddenly dived through the hole in the ceiling. "Well, I guess that works," he muttered to himself, before looking over to Keira. "Earlier, in the fight, you seemed to teleport from out of the whirlwind. Can you do something like that and get a look into the other...whatever these are?"

2015-04-08, 06:02 PM

Finished patching up his companions, and was about to put his wand back into it's carrying case...when he finally put his full attention into their surroundings. This place was intimidating...strange and so different from anything he had seen on the Island or anywhere nearby. He was intrigued to say the least.

That was, until Harakel came tumbling down into the room. He immediately rose and moved to his side, checking him for any injury, and applying his wand where needed. Not that he wasn't also full of questions!

"What happened up there? Did you see Whiro and the other dragons? we've been trying to figure a way out to connect back with the two of you...hey..your dragon...this place is more and more confusing the more I think about it. Hey, there's Raito! Well, at least we're all together..."

2015-04-09, 04:28 AM
Raito would blink at seeing Harakel pushed in by the stray tail of one of the distracted dragons, before letting out a small yelp as Snow immediately followed him in. Snow would quickly fly down to the floor of the room, looking about at the others, as Raito sighed and looked up as the room darkened, seeing the ceiling of the room become less transparent. He would shrug as he looks to the others and the room in general as he responded. "The other dragons seem mostly fine from what we saw. There was some kind of magic keeping them docile and sunning on a rock. We'd best look about in here though and see about finding a way out though."

Snow nodded as his statements, as she looked up to where the dragons were...resting in a manner of speaking. "Defeated by a mirror...There's something so wrong about that. Ah well, best to get to work figuring out how to get out of here and break them out of their trance. If anyone would like to explore the windows, feel free to get on and I'll give you a lift up, although I think all of us should agree and go to the same. I've had enough of splitting up for a day."

Raito nodded. "Although, first, let's run a circuit of the room, and relay what we see inside of the rooms." Snow nodded, as she flew up quickly and ran in a large circle around the edges of the room. not entering any of the side rooms, but just looking to see what was inside of them, as both of them relayed said information down then flew down to wait to see which room sounded most interesting to the group."

2015-04-09, 05:22 AM
Keira also circled the room (albeit at a slower pace); Peering through each portal she passed. She still couldn't believe that every single rider and dragon had been trapped here by a ridiculous slapstick routine. Surely at least one of this elite patrol team should have been able to avoid a pratfall? Ah well, no sense in fretting about that now. She needed to find a way back to Sanadris.

"Agreed on both counts: Splitting up is a recipe for disaster; And our first priority should be locating (or making) an exit."

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-04-10, 10:00 AM
Raito and Keira report their findings to the group - the other rooms were indeed similar to the Red Room, yet different.

Meanwhile, Aramythias healed Moradin and himself.

+3 HP to Moradin, +13 HP to Aramythias. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19055444&postcount=89)
Aramythias 54/55
Sanadris: 147/150
Allisyndra: 138/160
Everyone not listed has full HP.Keira:
*3rd-lvl spell(x1) -Burdened Thoughts
*2nd-lvl spell(x1) -That bone ward thingy

*1 arrow

*1 crossbow bolt
*2 uses of channel energy
*1 use of Lay on Hands
*2nd-lvl spell(x1) -Cure moderate Wounds on Moradin
*4 charges from Wand of CLW






























This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from countless red bricks; three rings of torches(at 10', 25' and 40' elevation) cast a red light throughout the entire room.

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

The 2nd ring of torches is interrupted by these large circular *windows*.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Blue, East -> Yellow, South -> Orange, West -> Green).

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)--------------------------------------------























This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from blue crystal (http://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/imageuploads/1342018584_80.177.117.97.jpg); a Hallow effect provides Daylight for the entire room.

The floor is covered with water that is 20' deep(from 0' elevation to 20' elevation).
The floor is *also* covered with countless submerged coins; you see extremely many copper coins, many silver coins, some gold coins, and a few platinum coins. Each 5x5' square seems to contain ~ 50 coins scattered about.

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Indigo, East -> Yellow, West -> Green.)
You're looking from the SOUTH into the BLUE ROOM, you are currently in the RED ROOM.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)









































This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from sandstone; an Unhallow effect provides Daylight for the entire room.
The floor is covered with sand that forms a small dune:
*the columns A and J(A1-A10 ∧ J1-J10) and the rows 1 and 10(A1-J1 ∧ A10-J10) are at 0' elevation,
*the columns B and I(B2-B9 ∧ I2-I9) and the rows 2 and 9(B2-I2 ∧ B9-I9) are at 5' elevation,
*the columns C and H(C3-C8 ∧ H3-H8) and the rows 3 and 8(C3-H3 ∧ C8-H8) are at 10' elevation,
*the columns D and G(D4-D7 ∧ G4-G7) and the rows 4 and 7(D4-G4 ∧ D7-G7) are at 15' elevation,
*the columns E and F(E5-E6 ∧ F5-F6) and the rows 5 and 6(E5-F5 ∧ E6-F6) are at 20' elevation; on the same height as the *windows*.

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Blue, East -> Indigo, South -> Orange.)
You're looking from the WEST into the YELLOW ROOM, you are currently in the RED ROOM.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)









































This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from limestone; the walls and the ceiling are covered with phosphorescent moss that provides dim light (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/vision-and-light).
The floor is covered with a slimey substance and is shaped like a giant pit, leading into an 10'-wide acid moat surrounding a small 10x10 *island* in the center of the room.
The small island contains a magic circle(~8' diameter) reinforced with Abjurant Salt (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/abjurant-salt), inside the magic circle is a glowing pentagram with five lit candles at the ends; these candles are placed at the edge of the magic circle.

*the columns A and J(A1-A10 ∧ J1-J10) and the rows 1 and 10(A1-J1 ∧ A10-J10) are at 20' elevation, on the same height as the *windows*.
*the columns B and I(B2-B9 ∧ I2-I9) and the rows 2 and 9(B2-I2 ∧ B9-I9) are at 10' elevation,
*the columns C and H(C3-C8 ∧ H3-H8) and the rows 3 and 8(C3-H3 ∧ C8-H8) are at 0' elevation and filled with acid
*the columns D and G(D4-D7 ∧ G4-G7) and the rows 4 and 7(D4-G4 ∧ D7-G7) are at 0' elevation and filled with acid
*the columns E and F(E5-E6 ∧ F5-F6) and the rows 5 and 6(E5-F5 ∧ E6-F6) are at 5' elevation

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Blue, West -> Indigo, South -> Orange.)
You're looking from the EAST into the GREEN ROOM, you are currently in the RED ROOM.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)























This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from obsidian; the flames below illuminate the room.

The floor is covered with a sea of orange flames (http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/137743/ghost-rider-flame-orange-1.jpg) that rise ~18' high before being stopped by an invisible barrier.(from 0' elevation to 18' elevation).
The ceiling contains a clear, circular *window* that shows a blue sky!
At ~32' elevation, there are a four big wooden boxes hovering in the air(sized 10x10x10'); they are at (B2-B3-C2-C3), (B8-B9-C8-C9), (H2-H3-I2-I3) and (H8-H9-I8-I9).

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(South -> Indigo, East -> Yellow, West -> Green.)
You're looking from the NORTH into the ORANGE ROOM, you are currently in the RED ROOM.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)

2015-04-10, 03:37 PM
After relaying the information about the various rooms, Snow would turn her head to the side a bit, as she looked between the group of them. "Hmm...The north room is the same size as this room, as is the west and east, but it looks like the north room leads into the west and eastern rooms. But, how could that be?" Raito looked at the rooms as well, then nodded as they flew back down to ground level. Raito stepped off of Snow's back for the moment, as he pulled out some silk rope and some spices from the bag of holding and began to create a rough idea of the rooms on the floor.

"The one on the left would be how it would be arranged if all the rooms are truly square. The one on the right is what it appears to be, and although each room looks to be square they're closer to a quarter circle in reality. Also, all rooms seem to have a exit that leads to the same room. Would that mean if we were in the indigo room and looked back the way we came we'd see the red room on all 4 sides like we see the indigo room now?"

Snow blinks as she looks at Raito, then lowers her head to the ground and places her paws on top of her muzzle. "Ergh...It just had to be a maze didn't it? I'm terrible at these type of things."

2015-04-10, 05:22 PM

While the circuit was made Aramythias was able to finally take full stock of the situation, healing having been taken care of and his wand carefully tucked back into place. He looked up at where they had tumbled into this place from, hoping the dragons left above were truly all right. Whiro was particularly willful in some instances...it was strange to hear that he had been so easily disabled. It gave Aramythias a rather bad feeling about this place.

When the information was doled out he looked on curiously, listening to the descriptions of the rooms and frowning a bit at the two diagrams made. He sat back to think about it for a few moments, a pensive look crossing his face.

"This is certainly strange...how was a place such as this even formed here? We've seen evidence that other entities have been here...you said there are candles one of the rooms? Also Acid?This must not be something that formed here, but perhaps what formed there in the ocean was merely a doorway to somewhere else. We may not even be on the same plane we were before, if I'm right."

2015-04-10, 10:52 PM
"We might first want to test wether or not, the reason this place looks maze-like is because wether it is a maze with rooms of different colors, or wether space is warped. Could be we're in something like a 9x9 with 4 of those purple rooms, or could be there's 6 or so rooms and space is warped in the passages to lead ot specific ones with no regard to physics...either way, in a maze..."

Harakel crouches down and uses his finger to draw a 1 square foot rune in the floor. The shape didn't really matter, he chooses to draw a crude dragon head

...we mark everywhere we've been through"

2015-04-11, 03:21 AM
Keira nodded along with her comrades' discussion. She tended to think of reasoned analysis as her speciality; But to their credit, the others had just proven themselves more than capable in that department. They'd already summarised almost every point that she'd been going to raise: Everything from the possibility of spatial warping, to the idea of marking visited rooms. Little remained for her to add.

"The orange room's ceiling seems to have an exit, similar to the one we fell through. If I cast 'Resist Energy' on one or more of us, they could brave the flames and investigate."

2015-04-11, 08:55 AM
Mordin moved to peer through the southern window, looking up through the orange room to the 'window' on the ceiling. "You say the flames are being blocked by something?" He rummaged around in his assorted pockets until he found a flint. "Could one of you watch what happens to this?" So saying, he tossed the flint in an overhand throw through the orange window.

I presume that in the assortment of random bits and pieces we've borrowed from the island as our gear there will be something that can be used for that purpose. Otherwise I'll use an arrow.

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-04-12, 10:34 AM
After the adjacent rooms were inspected as closely as possible without passing through any of the four portals, Raito used an assortment of spices creatively to display various possible configurations of the surrounding terrain, while Harakel chose to *mark* the RED ROOM as precaution against some illusion-based endless loop of similar rooms that were subtly different to suggest their identity.

Aramythias suggested the possibility of their current locale being dimensionally shifted - perhaps some minor pocket-dimension, akin to those created by mighty conjuration magicks (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/create-demiplane) they knew about from their excellent Hermean education. But to what ends would someone design an elaborate trap – as it appeared to be – specifically tailored for dragons?

Meanwhile, Keira focused on the most pressing concern – an exit strategy to whatever forces kept them trapped and separated from three of their dragon mounts – and offered tactical advice to overcome the apparent dangers of the ORANGE ROOM.

Intrigued, but eminently practical by nature, Moradin decided to test a hypothesis - he withdrew a piece of flint from his belt pouch and threw it through the southern portal.
It passed through the window as if nothing inhibited its path and completed its arc just above the flames filling the lower part of the ORANGE ROOM, appearing to hover at roughly 19' elevation.

Aramythias 54/55
Sanadris: 147/150
Allisyndra: 138/160
Everyone not listed has full HP.Keira:
*3rd-lvl spell(x1) -Burdened Thoughts
*2nd-lvl spell(x1) -That bone ward thingy

*1 arrow

*1 crossbow bolt
*2 uses of channel energy
*1 use of Lay on Hands
*2nd-lvl spell(x1) -Cure moderate Wounds on Moradin
*4 charges from Wand of CLW






























This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from countless red bricks; three rings of torches(at 10', 25' and 40' elevation) cast a red light throughout the entire room.

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

The 2nd ring of torches is interrupted by these large circular *windows*.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Blue, East -> Yellow, South -> Orange, West -> Green).

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)--------------------------------------------























This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from blue crystal (http://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/imageuploads/1342018584_80.177.117.97.jpg); a Hallow effect provides Daylight for the entire room.

The floor is covered with water that is 20' deep(from 0' elevation to 20' elevation).
The floor is *also* covered with countless submerged coins; you see extremely many copper coins, many silver coins, some gold coins, and a few platinum coins. Each 5x5' square seems to contain ~ 50 coins scattered about.

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Indigo, East -> Yellow, West -> Green.)
You're looking from the SOUTH into the BLUE ROOM, you are currently in the RED ROOM.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)









































This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from sandstone; an Unhallow effect provides Daylight for the entire room.
The floor is covered with sand that forms a small dune:
*the columns A and J(A1-A10 ∧ J1-J10) and the rows 1 and 10(A1-J1 ∧ A10-J10) are at 0' elevation,
*the columns B and I(B2-B9 ∧ I2-I9) and the rows 2 and 9(B2-I2 ∧ B9-I9) are at 5' elevation,
*the columns C and H(C3-C8 ∧ H3-H8) and the rows 3 and 8(C3-H3 ∧ C8-H8) are at 10' elevation,
*the columns D and G(D4-D7 ∧ G4-G7) and the rows 4 and 7(D4-G4 ∧ D7-G7) are at 15' elevation,
*the columns E and F(E5-E6 ∧ F5-F6) and the rows 5 and 6(E5-F5 ∧ E6-F6) are at 20' elevation; on the same height as the *windows*.

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Blue, East -> Indigo, South -> Orange.)
You're looking from the WEST into the YELLOW ROOM, you are currently in the RED ROOM.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)









































This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from limestone; the walls and the ceiling are covered with phosphorescent moss that provides dim light (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/vision-and-light).
The floor is covered with a slimey substance and is shaped like a giant pit, leading into an 10'-wide acid moat surrounding a small 10x10 *island* in the center of the room.
The small island contains a magic circle(~8' diameter) reinforced with Abjurant Salt (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/abjurant-salt), inside the magic circle is a glowing pentagram with five lit candles at the ends; these candles are placed at the edge of the magic circle.

*the columns A and J(A1-A10 ∧ J1-J10) and the rows 1 and 10(A1-J1 ∧ A10-J10) are at 20' elevation, on the same height as the *windows*.
*the columns B and I(B2-B9 ∧ I2-I9) and the rows 2 and 9(B2-I2 ∧ B9-I9) are at 10' elevation,
*the columns C and H(C3-C8 ∧ H3-H8) and the rows 3 and 8(C3-H3 ∧ C8-H8) are at 0' elevation and filled with acid
*the columns D and G(D4-D7 ∧ G4-G7) and the rows 4 and 7(D4-G4 ∧ D7-G7) are at 0' elevation and filled with acid
*the columns E and F(E5-E6 ∧ F5-F6) and the rows 5 and 6(E5-F5 ∧ E6-F6) are at 5' elevation

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Blue, West -> Indigo, South -> Orange.)
You're looking from the EAST into the GREEN ROOM, you are currently in the RED ROOM.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)























This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from obsidian; the flames below illuminate the room.

The floor is covered with a sea of orange flames (http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/137743/ghost-rider-flame-orange-1.jpg) that rise ~18' high before being stopped by an invisible barrier.(from 0' elevation to 18' elevation).
The ceiling contains a clear, circular *window* that shows a blue sky!
At ~32' elevation, there are a four big wooden boxes hovering in the air(sized 10x10x10'); they are at (B2-B3-C2-C3), (B8-B9-C8-C9), (H2-H3-I2-I3) and (H8-H9-I8-I9).

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(South -> Indigo, East -> Yellow, West -> Green.)
You're looking from the NORTH into the ORANGE ROOM, you are currently in the RED ROOM.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)

2015-04-15, 07:08 AM
Keira observed the hovering flint with interest. Apparently the barrier was at least solid enough to hold a small object.

"I would still recommend that whoever investigates that room be warded against fire. That barrier could easily turn out to be unreliable."

2015-04-15, 07:28 AM

Blinked a few times and then looked from one dragon to the other.

"The safest course, it would seem would be to send the bravest of our two accompanying Dragons to scout the room. Barrier or not fire will be of no consequence. If it pleases them, of course."

Aramythias was young, he never presumed to ever tell a dragon what to do.

2015-04-15, 08:28 AM
"Well, whoever gets warded should probably be someone who can get up there easily," Moradin pointed out. "And back, of course. Could you not teleport up there, Keira? Especially since you're the one with the energy ward spell anyway. You'll know when it'll run out."

2015-04-15, 03:08 PM
Raito and Snow nods at the conclusion, as Raito speaks up. "Hmm, so me and Harakel should explore the room, and leave the rest of you here, still splitting the group? I have a better idea. One of you ride with me, and one with Harakel, and the third we see who can handle the weight. Then we explore the rooms as a group, and whatever comes we deal with."

Abrasis Mindlef
2015-04-16, 02:35 PM
For some reason, Keira continued to think about the ORANGE ROOM - the room with perhaps the most *obvious* danger, invisible barriers, hovering giant boxes and a potential window to freedom.

Her suggestion for anyone exploring said room to be warded against fire was brought forth, and was probably sensible...but would it be necessary to expend any of her limited magical resources, when a simple healing wand could patch up any slight burns a prospective scout might suffer? Aramythias still held a wand with many charges remaining, and his own reserves of healing energy were apparently not yet taxed sufficiently to warrant particular caution.

Harakel volunteered the fact that his armor provided him with some limited resistance to fire, though he -and his dragon- would fare much better against cold; Moradin suggested that Keira use her unique talent at teleportation to see for herself; the archer failed to consider that the wizardress' limited fitness was less suited to face any sudden attacks or traps than a more sturdily-built dragonrider.

Raito steered the discussion into a new direction by pointing out the obvious - there was no need to *test* the barrier when a means of flight was readily available - and the two remaining dragons could possibly carry another person.

Perhaps I should have been more disciplined with my eating habits lately...

Alas, there was no time for a diet to make any difference. Perhaps Snow and Maysdriel were strong enough to carry two or three riders at once, and if they weren't, who would have to wait?

Aramythias 54/55
Sanadris: 147/150
Allisyndra: 138/160
Everyone not listed has full HP.Keira:
*3rd-lvl spell(x1) -Burdened Thoughts
*2nd-lvl spell(x1) -That bone ward thingy
*? points from her Special pool - the resource she used to teleport. I'll track down the exact uses later.
*1 arrow
*1 piece of flint
*1 crossbow bolt
*2 uses of channel energy
*1 use of Lay on Hands
*2nd-lvl spell(x1) -Cure moderate Wounds on Moradin
*4 charges from Wand of CLW






























This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from countless red bricks; three rings of torches(at 10', 25' and 40' elevation) cast a red light throughout the entire room.

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

The 2nd ring of torches is interrupted by these large circular *windows*.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Blue, East -> Yellow, South -> Orange, West -> Green).

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)--------------------------------------------























This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from blue crystal (http://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/imageuploads/1342018584_80.177.117.97.jpg); a Hallow effect provides Daylight for the entire room.

The floor is covered with water that is 20' deep(from 0' elevation to 20' elevation).
The floor is *also* covered with countless submerged coins; you see extremely many copper coins, many silver coins, some gold coins, and a few platinum coins. Each 5x5' square seems to contain ~ 50 coins scattered about.

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Indigo, East -> Yellow, West -> Green.)
You're looking from the SOUTH into the BLUE ROOM, you are currently in the RED ROOM.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)









































This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from sandstone; an Unhallow effect provides Daylight for the entire room.
The floor is covered with sand that forms a small dune:
*the columns A and J(A1-A10 ∧ J1-J10) and the rows 1 and 10(A1-J1 ∧ A10-J10) are at 0' elevation,
*the columns B and I(B2-B9 ∧ I2-I9) and the rows 2 and 9(B2-I2 ∧ B9-I9) are at 5' elevation,
*the columns C and H(C3-C8 ∧ H3-H8) and the rows 3 and 8(C3-H3 ∧ C8-H8) are at 10' elevation,
*the columns D and G(D4-D7 ∧ G4-G7) and the rows 4 and 7(D4-G4 ∧ D7-G7) are at 15' elevation,
*the columns E and F(E5-E6 ∧ F5-F6) and the rows 5 and 6(E5-F5 ∧ E6-F6) are at 20' elevation; on the same height as the *windows*.

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Blue, East -> Indigo, South -> Orange.)
You're looking from the WEST into the YELLOW ROOM, you are currently in the RED ROOM.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)









































This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from limestone; the walls and the ceiling are covered with phosphorescent moss that provides dim light (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/vision-and-light).
The floor is covered with a slimey substance and is shaped like a giant pit, leading into an 10'-wide acid moat surrounding a small 10x10 *island* in the center of the room.
The small island contains a magic circle(~8' diameter) reinforced with Abjurant Salt (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/abjurant-salt), inside the magic circle is a glowing pentagram with five lit candles at the ends; these candles are placed at the edge of the magic circle.

*the columns A and J(A1-A10 ∧ J1-J10) and the rows 1 and 10(A1-J1 ∧ A10-J10) are at 20' elevation, on the same height as the *windows*.
*the columns B and I(B2-B9 ∧ I2-I9) and the rows 2 and 9(B2-I2 ∧ B9-I9) are at 10' elevation,
*the columns C and H(C3-C8 ∧ H3-H8) and the rows 3 and 8(C3-H3 ∧ C8-H8) are at 0' elevation and filled with acid
*the columns D and G(D4-D7 ∧ G4-G7) and the rows 4 and 7(D4-G4 ∧ D7-G7) are at 0' elevation and filled with acid
*the columns E and F(E5-E6 ∧ F5-F6) and the rows 5 and 6(E5-F5 ∧ E6-F6) are at 5' elevation

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(North -> Blue, West -> Indigo, South -> Orange.)
You're looking from the EAST into the GREEN ROOM, you are currently in the RED ROOM.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)























This room is a 50'x50'x50' cube.
The walls, ceiling and floor are made from obsidian; the flames below illuminate the room.

The floor is covered with a sea of orange flames (http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/137743/ghost-rider-flame-orange-1.jpg) that rise ~18' high before being stopped by an invisible barrier.(from 0' elevation to 18' elevation).
The ceiling contains a clear, circular *window* that shows a blue sky!
At ~32' elevation, there are a four big wooden boxes hovering in the air(sized 10x10x10'); they are at (B2-B3-C2-C3), (B8-B9-C8-C9), (H2-H3-I2-I3) and (H8-H9-I8-I9).

There are four *windows* in the walls, circular with 10' diameter at 20'-30' elevation; one in the north wall, one in the east wall, one in the south wall, and one in the west wall.

Through these windows, you can perceive four differently colored rooms(South -> Indigo, East -> Yellow, West -> Green.)
You're looking from the NORTH into the ORANGE ROOM, you are currently in the RED ROOM.

The *windows* are in the middle of their wall:
North window is at E|F (20'-30' elevation)
East window is at 5'|6' (20'-30' elevation)
South window is at E'|F' (20'-30' elevation)
West window is at 5|6 (20'-30' elevation)

2015-04-16, 02:59 PM
"Well, whoever gets warded should probably be someone who can get up there easily," Moradin pointed out. "And back, of course. Could you not teleport up there, Keira? Especially since you're the one with the energy ward spell anyway. You'll know when it'll run out."

Keira was quick to point out the most obvious flaw in this plan.

"Unfortunately, the destination appears to be in mid-air. Teleporting there without some means of flight would thus be unwise."

Raito and Snow nods at the conclusion, as Raito speaks up. "Hmm, so me and Harakel should explore the room, and leave the rest of you here, still splitting the group? I have a better idea. One of you ride with me, and one with Harakel, and the third we see who can handle the weight. Then we explore the rooms as a group, and whatever comes we deal with."

"We wouldn't be 'splitting the group', as you put it: We'd simply be sending a scout. If and when the room proves to be safe, everyone else would follow."

2015-04-17, 02:10 AM

Tilted his head and listened to Keira, she did present a sound reasoning. He still felt like it would be safer to stay together though, given how potentially dangerous their last encounter had been.

"Hmm. While your plan is sound, we have to consider the fact that our scout may become trapped in the room alone. If the dragons can carry us I think my vote would be for all of us to get together into the next room. If we are then trapped in the room we will at least be all together, and at greater advantage to deal with whatever we find there."

2015-04-17, 05:35 AM
Moradin paused for a moment before looking towards the other windows. "Something seems odd. Why create an elaborate - and presumably quite powerful - trap and then make an obvious way out like that? Why would anyone who was caught ever need to go through any of these other windows and into these rooms?"

2015-04-17, 07:20 PM
"Dragons are still trapped outside. This might just be built to keep us riders here while they do something to the dragons. That and we don't actually know what this place is. Let's just try to get out

Harakel leans a bit to the side and extends his hand to Keira

2015-04-17, 07:56 PM
Keira took the offered hand, and used it to haul herself onto Maysdriel's back. Oddly, though, she showed no inclination to let go of Harakel's hand, even after getting settled. If he didn't pull away, then she wouldn't either. Judging by her businesslike expression, she saw nothing unusual in this behaviour. Her gaze was fixed squarely on the orange room ahead.

"Fine; We'll all go together. Let's take our first step into this strange new place."

2015-04-18, 01:48 AM
Raito nodded at the rest, as Snow landed and Raito extended his arm to help the others up onto her back. "So, let's get on then. I can handle 2 of you, so come on and let's get going exploring the other rooms. With what Harakel said, I don't want to wait any longer than we need to now."

2015-04-18, 05:16 AM
Moradin accepted the helping hand and clambered up - somewhat awkwardly, as Snow was proportioned a little differently to Allisyndra, but he got there in the end.

2015-04-18, 07:09 AM

Waited until everyone was on but him to take his place, clambering up and settling in on whichever dragons back he was instructed to. He held on tight to the person in front of him, having plenty of experience in his Saddle on Whiro but clinging precariously to another person on a dragon was a new experience indeed!

"Well, here it goes I suppose eh?"