View Full Version : Optimization So... I made a ninja.

Gamey Geemer
2015-03-01, 10:11 PM
Alright... In one of my first games, I had a terribly underpowered character and had him die off to make a new character. There are special rules in play that are posted below, but here's the build that I have.


1st: Ninja

2nd-3rd: Fighter

Toughness (5e rules for +2 hp per level)

Improved Initiative

Quickdraw (Automatic for characters)

Point Blank Firing

Weapon Focus [dagger]

Weapon Finesse

-Open Slot-

STR: 16

Dex: 18

Con: 15

Int: 12

Wis: 12

Cha: 18

And these are the special rules

Core Books : These are the books I will be using. Player’s Handbook I & II, Dungeons Master I, Monster Manual 1-3, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Spell Compendium, Rule Compendium, Tome of Feats, Unearthed Arcana, Arms And Equipment Guide, complete adventure, complete psionics, complete warrior, miniature handbook, and Book Of Erotic Fantasy.
When it comes to classes please refer to Player’s Handbook I & II, Expanded Psionics Handbook, complete adventure, complete psionics, complete warrior, miniature handbook.
When it comes to races please refer to Player’s Handbook I, Expanded Psionics Handbook, and complete psionics. Note: you cannot have a race that has a Level Adjustment.
Creating a Character: When creating a character to determine your ability scores you will roll 5D6 and take the highest 3D6 as your score. You will do this 6 time and then decided what score goes where, Then we will decide what race you want, then you will add the Hero Template, and then what class you want. Please keep in mind that when a class has been chosen by another player you cannot pick that class until that character is dead. When picking a race you can pick the same race as another character already in the game. You cannot choose a race that has a level adjustment.
Free Template: The Hero template will be given to all playable characters or PCs. You are Heroes you are born better than everyone one else. This template is not limited to race, All races can have the template at birth.
• Add +2 to all ability score.
• Bonus feat: Quick draw
• +1 natural Armor
• 1 Extra Class ability/spell (have to choose at first level) a day and one extra spell Per caster level (if your class has spells they have to choose this), 5 extra power points per manifesters level and 1 extra power per manifester level (if your class has powers points you have to choose this one.), or one extra class ability a day and a extra feat every 5 levels (if your class doesn't have spells or power points you have to choose this one). Only applies to your first class you choose. All others classes you choose do not get this effect.
• No ability score may be below 10. If when rolling for your character you manage to get below 10, make it a 10 the add your bonus.
• Your challenge rating becomes a one at first level. And goes up by one every level. Only applies to races with a CR below 1.
• All Hit Dice below a D6 move up to a D6.

As a note, I'm planning on cross classing into Invisible Blade later on, so that's why I took the weapon focus (which I am aware, it sucks)

2015-03-02, 07:40 AM
So... what do you want to know?

Ninja is a pretty underpowered class, generally. Fighter is, too, but the first two levels are ok. If you want to sneak attack, I'd recommend being a rogue. Of course, depending on your campaign's power level this character may be ok.

As a side note, those house rules give an insane boost to psionic characters, especially psychic warriors. 5 points per manifester level! A 10th level psychic warrior with 18 wis would have 47 points normally. These house rules double that amount AND his powers known. They could even make lurks good. Maybe.