View Full Version : Death of a hollow construct with you inside it.

2015-03-02, 02:48 PM
Does the guy inside the hollow construct that dies take damage? If so, how much? And which spells would stop that damage?

2015-03-02, 03:04 PM
I am not familiar with any rules which would allow you to hollow out a construct and ride around inside it. Are you referring to a particular creature with such an ability?

2015-03-02, 03:04 PM
Thought this was somehow a "Harry Potter" thread. On a side note where are the rules for these hollow constructs?

2015-03-02, 03:16 PM
Animated objects can be any shape and size, including suit of armor. So if you have a huge or gargantuan animated suit of armor, you're allowed to be inside it right?

2015-03-02, 03:18 PM
I don't believe there's any rules support for the described scenario.

2015-03-02, 03:24 PM
Animated objects can be any shape and size, including suit of armor. So if you have a huge or gargantuan animated suit of armor, you're allowed to be inside it right?

In general? Sure.

In combat? No. If you're in its space, it doesn't have enough room to fight effectively, and neither do you, unless you're both grappling.

2015-03-02, 03:24 PM
I don't believe there's any rules support for the described scenario.

Gotta be a little creative.

Would the falling damage and falling object rules help my case?

In general? Sure.

In combat? No. If you're in its space, it doesn't have enough room to fight effectively, and neither do you, unless you're both grappling.

I don't intend on fighting. If i was I'd be riding it instead. Just want my minion to die before I enter the fray, you know, for roleplay purposes. Thanks for pointing this rule out :D.

2015-03-02, 10:38 PM
If you can backport, pathfinder has this

CONSTRUCT ARMORRequirements: Craft Construct (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/monsterFeats.html#craft-construct), Craft Magic Arms and Armor (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/feats.html#craft-magic-arms-and-armor), animate objects (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/animateObjects.html#animate-objects), the construct modified must be the same size as the creator
CR Increase: +1
Cost: 35,000 gp
This modification allows the construct to be worn like armor by its creator. So long as the creator wears it, the construct performs no independent actions, remaining under the control of the creator, and any attacks directed at the wearer damage the construct. When a construct is destroyed while serving as armor, the wearer loses all the benefits, but regains all the hindrances until the armor is removed, which takes the same amount of time that removing breastplate armor does. If the construct is still active, the creator can order the removal of the armor with a swift action, at which point the construct leaves the creator's space and enters a space adjacent to the creator. Donning construct armor takes a full-round action if the construct is still active. The creator cannot don a construct with this modification if the construct has been destroyed.
The construct's wearer retains his base attacks and saves. Construct armor counts as breastplate armor for purposes of determining AC, weight, Dexterity modifiers to AC, and chance of arcane spell failure.

So yeah. You can make a construct that you can wear, at least in PF.

2015-03-03, 12:57 AM
Is this to protect your Mecha-Ravid?

It's not clear what kind of corpse (if any) is left behind when a construct is destroyed. I would say that, depending on the method of destruction, the squishy critter inside is likely to get crushed. But why would you care, when you can just bind up another one?

2015-03-03, 03:13 AM
I thought a PC was inside the construct. In that case, yes, it would matter a lot.

I figured if my armorsuit went to 0 HP (or whatever negative HP that means death), it becomes nonfunctional and I gotta get out of it with my own (full?) HP.

2015-03-03, 05:06 AM
Is this to protect your Mecha-Ravid?

It's not clear what kind of corpse (if any) is left behind when a construct is destroyed. I would say that, depending on the method of destruction, the squishy critter inside is likely to get crushed. But why would you care, when you can just bind up another one?

I want to be inside the mecha ravid :D.

2015-03-03, 05:48 AM
Does the guy inside the hollow construct that dies take damage? If so, how much? And which spells would stop that damage?

Like many forms of wizard tank, there's a fair amount of "ask your DM" territory here.

2015-05-05, 11:03 AM
I've been looking into this myself. Not sure what edition you're playing but as mentioned before, pathfinder has specific rules regarding this if you wanted to make it a "power armor" type situation. In those rules the rider is safe and it takes the same amount of time to disengage as removing a breastplate.

Other than that nothing says any construct can't be made hollow for you to hide in if the dm allows it. The problem becomes with directing the construct since you have no way of knowing what's outside the suit usually.

Incidently I found this while trying to find rulings on nesting one armor golem inside another, if someone could direct me that way I would be most grateful.