View Full Version : Optimization The Muckhole of Munchkins: where optimizing murderhobos go when they die

2015-03-02, 09:16 PM
Okay, so I'm building a new campaign with the intent to show a bunch of aggressive munchkins who wears the pants in the game (it will be a psychotic hack-and-slash adventure like they seen to love). The premise revolves around a massive battle royale-style event where the souls of destructive and dishonored PCs are temporarily given most of their powers back and cast into Abaddon for the fiends to hunt down for their own amusement.

Naturally, I was thinking that you all at the playground have plenty of disgusting builds or characters that you've had to deal with over the years, and I think it would be cool to give them all a second chance as villains in this campaign. Post any builds and character sheets that you've seen destroying or contorting games with their absurd violence/power. Stupid melee builds, cheesy spellcasters, utterly ridiculous skillmonkeys, I want to see them all (short of Pun-Pun, of course. He has to be locked up at all times).

Let's see what you guys have.

2015-03-02, 09:20 PM
Rules, such ad what levels and limits imposed on a templates stack.

Edition is helpful too.

2015-03-02, 09:26 PM
Rules, such ad what levels and limits imposed on a templates stack.

Edition is helpful too.

Either 3.5 or Pathfinder works. Anything below level 15 I can work with.

2015-03-02, 09:41 PM
I am away from my character sheets, but there was a Focused Conjurer/Master Specialist/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil/Archmage at one point. Another game had a Warlock/Binder/Ur-Priest/Eldritch Disciple/Hellfire Warlock.

2015-03-02, 09:46 PM
Why not a Wizard 1/Were Fleshraker 4/Ur a Priest 4/ LA +2 that cures itself of lycanthropy and takes 6 more Ur Priest levels.

There you go. 9th level spells at level 11. It can use miracle, CL boosting tricks and reserves of strength to planar bind Solars.

2015-03-02, 09:48 PM
Why not a Wizard 1/Were Fleshraker 4/Ur a Priest 4/ LA +2 that cures itself of lycanthropy and takes 6 more Ur Priest levels.

There you go. 9th level spells at level 11. It can use miracle, CL boosting tricks and reserves of strength to planar bind Solars.

Were Fleshraker? Where is that from?

2015-03-02, 09:49 PM
I suggest you start by putting them up against a tiny adorable bird (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rzop?The-Songbird-of-Doom-A-Guide-to-a-most) and escalate from there.

2015-03-02, 10:27 PM
Here's a fun build I got by mashing up two the ideas of two other people.

A Half-Ogre (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/half-ogre.shtml) Whisper Gnome Swashbuckler 3/Rogue 3/Blade Bravo (http://kmalloy.cloudapp.net/dndtools.eu/classes/blade-bravo/index.html) 7 LA+1 (LA buyoff). Take the feats Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus: Rapier, Titan Fighting (http://kmalloy.cloudapp.net/dndtools.eu/feats/races-of-stone--82/titan-fighting--2926/index.html), Mobility, Underfoot Combat (http://kmalloy.cloudapp.net/dndtools.eu/feats/races-of-the-wild--84/underfoot-combat--3018/index.html), and Confound the Big Folk (http://kmalloy.cloudapp.net/dndtools.eu/feats/races-of-the-wild--84/confound-the-big-folk--415/index.html). Have the spell Return to Nature (http://kmalloy.cloudapp.net/dndtools.eu/spells/eberron-campaign-setting--12/return-to-nature--4914/index.html) cast on you multiple times until you are fine size.

Congratulations! You now have a 6 inch tall character with a 40 foot move speed, +27 AC before factoring in stats or gear, a natural +12 modifier to hide checks, +10 starting dexterity, intelligence to damage, and 3d6 sneak attack that you are virtually guaranteed to get every time you attack. Combine this with that tiny adorable bird (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rzop?The-Songbird-of-Doom-A-Guide-to-a-most) and teach your munchkins that short people vertically challenged species can pack quite a punch.

For more information on how it all comes together, check out these (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1059231) three (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?109065-quot-Return-to-Nature-quot-The-World-s-Smallest-Giant-Warlocks-Rejoice) threads (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?401382-Thumbelina-Giant-s-Bane).

2015-03-02, 11:48 PM
Fleshraker is from MMIII. Were creature is from the monster Manuel

2015-03-02, 11:56 PM
Why not a Wizard 1/Were Fleshraker 4/Ur a Priest 4/ LA +2 that cures itself of lycanthropy and takes 6 more Ur Priest levels.

There you go. 9th level spells at level 11. It can use miracle, CL boosting tricks and reserves of strength to planar bind Solars.

Factotum 3/Wizard 1/Cleric 1/Chameleon 4 can achieve 9s at level 9, with double 9s at 12

2015-03-03, 02:39 AM
Factotum 3/Wizard 1/Cleric 1/Chameleon 4 can achieve 9s at level 9, with double 9s at 12

Oh, good call. That's a nice one. I wonder how easily you could tag 9th level psionics onto it with a level if ardent and the psiotheurgist feat.

2015-03-03, 05:04 AM
I'd said in the past that the Xorvintaal Dragon/Exarch telepathy wasn't actual Telepathy due to bad writing, but rereading MMV, the things that I thought were issues seem less problematic (or at least the placement of the ability under languages I now recognize as a convention of MMV's writing in general, and it's abundantly clear that the RAI is for them to have telepathy). This means that the cheese of using said Telepathy to qualify for Mindsight is probably valid.

Start from a dragon that won't lose much by having its spellcasting traded away (a Psionic or non-casting dragon loses nothing, and if you do want a base dragon which happens to have Sorcerer casting, you can at least trade in spell slots and spells known for Draconic Auras per the rules in Dragon Magic, or for Tiger Claw maneuvers via the variant Wyrm of War Sovereign Archetype if you're willing to forgo the feats from the regular one) and give that dragon and his servants 100 mile Mindsight. The dragon's Mindsight won't find things with Darkstalker by RAW, as the dragon also has Blindsense, but his exarchs' Mindsight will have no such issue. This will allow them not just to know every presence within 100 miles, but know which of those presences have pretensions to stealth.

If they need to be PC-styled, make the Dragon a Dragonwrought Kobold, with the added fun of getting to abuse the Xorvintaal abilities that scale by age category. This also lets you pick whichever sort of non-spellcasting pseudo-magic you'd like as the one you'd like him to keep after undergoing the Ritual of Xorvintaal. Xorvintaal Dragon is technically LA+0, the only issue is actually getting to undergo the ritual.

Xorvintaal Exarch is open to a pretty wide variety of types, so just about anything for which 100 mile Mindsight (and not much else of note) is worth LA+2 and a feat will like it.

2015-03-03, 10:17 AM
for a little less game hacking i am currently playing wizard 5/war weaver 5/initiate of the seven fold veil 2 (go to 7)

drops a caster level but is a great BFCer and at buffing (in a group of a few others from level 10 onwards its a standard action and single spell to cast it on your whole party.

so if you pit them against a group with this guy in, some quickened spells and some more action economy abuse you can cast 4 or 5 spells a turn on up to 10 ish people. 50 spells a turn (equivalent) isnt bad at all. not all rounds are this good though.

on top of this is the veils from IOTSFV.....

you could instead go incantatrix and really go to town with adding metamagic to your spells for free.

2015-03-03, 10:24 AM
I will try to remember to dig up specifics later, but I have builds for a Dvati War Hulk whose two bodies wield Spiked Chains and can simultaneously full attack everything within something like 50 feet of either of their bodies, trip them, and make them unable to stand up again thanks to AoO trip attacks (with improved trip)...

...and for an Elan Psion into a Beholder Mage who has 9th level spells from Beholder Mage and at least 6th level Psion powers by level 15. And can cast one spell of every level 0-9 as a free action each round, and use his swift and/or standard actions on manifesting psionic powers.

2015-03-03, 11:42 AM
Start here:

Famous Optimized Character Builds (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?258580-Famous-optimized-character-builds).

2015-03-03, 12:47 PM
Anthropomorphic Bat Druid 10/Planar Sheperd 10(dream plane). Fleshraker animal companion.

Cheater of Mystra

Wizard (domain: trans) 5/tainted Scholar 1/Incantatrix 3/ Initiate of the 7 veiledfold (ritual of alignment change: evil subtype)

Psion 5/Thrallherder 10

2015-03-05, 08:29 PM
I'd like to see more pathfinder ones. This is a PF game after all and things may get repetitive if all of the other hunted souls are Ur-Priests.

2015-03-05, 10:11 PM
Not PF, but I haven't seen Soul Eater mentioned. Grab something with Rapidstrike and go to town. 2 negative levels per hit will knock any unprepared PC off their high horse.

2015-03-05, 11:13 PM
Meh. You didn't mention PF specific until now.
They should just fight their way through the Kitchen. Every single Iron Chef winner. As a Gauntlet. No rest.

2015-03-05, 11:26 PM
d2 crusader. :smallwink:

2015-03-06, 02:25 PM
Set enemy as an Expert (the NPC class) with the Dark Template (with HIPS) and...well anything else you want, really.

Max Sleight of hand, Hide, Move Silently, Iajitsu Focus, and Intimidate.

Give the Expert TWF on gnomish quickrazors, some bloodspike tempos (gives an additional move action) and use some WBLmancy (Cloak of Shadows, Anklets of Translocation, 2*Amulet of tears for some easy bonus hp, and that breastplate that allows intimidation as a move action) and watch your PCs get robbed, shaken, and crushed by a equally-levelled NPC class.

Toss in some more feats buffing fear effects if you wish.

2015-03-06, 05:30 PM
Going Pathfinder, abuse Dazing Spell metamagic. Pathfinder's Ball Lightning spell is great for this, especially with Persistent Spell (Pathfinder's version) added on and a high caster level. Use an evocation (admixture) specialist Wizard to customize the energy type for free when you cast. Use the Arctic Call preconstructed spellbook (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/spellbooks) to bypass energy resistance once per day. Enjoy casting a single spell and telling someone they need to roll 10 reflex saves, and if even a single one fails they're dazed for four rounds. Or spread them out among different party members to daze everyone at once. And then move the balls around for more damage and dazing without an additional spell slot expense for 20 more rounds, without using your standard action. For extra bonus points, turtle up inside a Resilient Sphere after casting Ball Lightning, and spend the rest of combat just moving the dazing (and damaging) balls around.

For a combination 3.5/Pathfinder one, throw 3.5's Chain Spell plus Pathfinder's Persistent and Extend on a Murderous Command spell, then sit back and cackle madly as your opponents slaughter each other.

2015-03-06, 06:17 PM
Xurtr, Half-Giant Barbarian 1/Psychic Warrior 1 (Pathfinder)
Take the Interceptor path for the Psychic Warrior. You'll be able to use Expansion by expending your psionic focus. I think I took Extra Rage as a feat and Weapon Focus. He had a +10 attack bonus and did 4d6+12 damage with his greatsword. Not bad for a CR1. (I remember doing the math and Power Attack was actually not as good as Weapon Focus. At least in this case.)

Kayn, Half-Orc Barbarian 2/Rogue 1/Cavalier 2 (Pathfinder)
Take the Thug archetype for the rogue, and the Order of the Cockatrice for the Cavalier with Intimidating Glare as your rage power. Max out your Intimidate and add Skill Focus (Intimidate) and Intimidating Prowess. (Bully trait is an added bonus.) Depending on your Strength and Charisma, your intimidate will be at least 18 when you're raging. You can demoralize everyone within 30 ft. and possibly make them frightened. Intimidating Glare will allow you to intimidate someone with a move action and it will last longer. (Or you can trade 4 rounds of shaken for 1 round of frightened with your Frightened ability from your Thug Archetype.) Don't forget that Braggart gives you a +2 on Attack rolls versus demoralized opponents.