View Full Version : Gladiator [IC]

2015-03-02, 10:00 PM
From pure darkness, suddenly comes light. You are fully awake and aware, but most importantly trapped. Quickly you realize that you are within a small wooden box reinforced with steel bands only a few feet square and not even high enough for you to stand at your full height. Your only sources of light is a little sunlight through small gaps in the wood and a trio of lights winding around your head. The smell of fresh sweat and stale blood hangs heavily in the air. It isn't long till a booming voice interrupts your thoughts.

"AND THERE HE IS! YOUR WINNER! THE BEASTMASTER PLORN!" With that the background sounds explode into a thousand voices cry out in joy, anger, praise, and spite.

"A small intermission will be had. Get some food and then return for the NEXT GLORIOUS COMPETITION! Don't forget your bets."

Initiative please. Take this chance to introduce yourself. Your fight for survival will begin shortly.

2015-03-03, 03:54 AM
Dorug tried to take a peak from the gaps between the wooden cage's plunks. The stench of blood through the air almost made him puke in there, but he knew he shouldn't. In games like this, the only important thing is to survive and Dorug knew that there are two ways to achieve this. One would be through victory, and the other would be by gaining the crowd's favor. He knew that the sight of a puked-on-himself hobgoblin is neither appealing towards the crowd, nor intimidating to his opponent. As moments passed, his adrenaline filled his veins and his heart was pumping like crazy.
Filthy creatures! Pitting slaves against one another just for your entertainment! If this is what they call civilization and nobility, I am glad I spent most of my life hunting and raiding!
His thoughts filled his mind as he was trying to calm himself to have a clear mind for the upcoming battle.
I am a hero of my people! I am Dorug, the one in a million born, son of Braaga the decapitator! I will win my freedom even if this means that I have to kill this whole city and their civilization!
Dorug screamed at the top of his lungs, a war cry that they used in his tribe usually right before raiding a village. The Hobgolin Hero was ready for battle!

2015-03-03, 07:27 AM

With that, the door in front of you flies open as the ground you are on swivels up, almost launching you out of the cell. You land in a large circular arena as a dozen more people are thrown from their cells into this hell hole. More than half are thrown to their knees at the sudden jerk of the rising floor. But worse is a large cat thrown from 3 doors clockwise of you. You previous concern of being unarmed is quickly lifted as you notice dozens of items (swords, maces, potions, scrolls, shields, spears, and more) litter the entire battlefield. A loud bang carries across the battlefield as everyone's cell doors instantly close, locking all of you in this circle of death.

The arena's ground is sand with the walls made of a smooth wood. On your left, the skinny person fell on the ground. The one on your right is standing and has some well defined muscle. They are 15 ft away from you. On the ground near you is a bloody mace, a large shield with several dents, two vials filled with weird liquids and a piece of paper. It will be a swift action to pick up any of these items. (yes, it is slightly faster than usual)

dc10 acrobatics or start prone as the floor throws you out of your cell. Standing is a move action, which you can grab one of the items on the ground as a free action

you can spend a standard action looking around the battlefield to see you opponents or things of note. If you do please give me a roll wilth local, nature, perception, and your BAB (no ability modifiers for BAB). This includes if you have no ranks in any of these skills.

2015-03-03, 09:43 AM
Dorug feels the earth moving below his feet and right before he is thrown, he positions himself and jumps into the arena, landing on his feet between the two men. With 2 very quick moves he grabs the soaked in blood mace hoping to get luckier with it that its previous owner and then he grabs one of the two vials thinking that it may be something similar to those that the witch doctor from his tribe used to make. He then takes a moment to observe the situation around him before acting. He wants to have a good positioning against his opponents.

2015-03-03, 10:27 AM
The arena has a very unique array of people. In order moving clockwise from you is an...elf?..you think. He has moved back to the door begging for it to open. Next is a human trying to drive his spear into the dwarf next in the circle. After that is a half-orc that is inching away from the massacre on his own left. The large cat (maybe a cheetah or jaguar, you are unsure) has already bolted across the arena, devouring the halfing that was thrown out from the door. Further on, a human had the fortune of grabbing a great ax and his full attention is on the cat. Next, a bird person and lizard folk are using their natural weapons to tear each other apart. Next, a gnome is crawling on the ground grabbing every piece of paper she can. The door that the cat came from is next. Finally, and to your immediate right is a human. He has stood back up with a blood drenched sword. In factx you know the shape and look of the weapon, it is a dueling sword. He looks at you preparing to strike.

your turn.

2015-03-03, 11:08 AM
Dorug seems lost in his thoughts, absorbed by the massacre around him, thinking of all the wars he has lived through when he looks at the human ready to cut his head off and he snaps out of it. With another war cry, he makes a sudden move and runs towards the man who threatens his life. He jumps on the air and forces the mace he holds as fast and forceful as he can on the poor creature's body.

In the previous post you said the persons on my left and right are 15 feet away so I guess I can charge. If not, subtract 2 of the attack roll result and ignore the performance check roll.
Attack roll w/ power attack: [roll0]
Confirm roll: [roll1]
Damage roll (based on light mace): [roll2]
Critical on 20 x2

Performance check due to charge DC12:

Performance check as a free action ONLY IF this is the first blood hit:

2015-03-03, 01:53 PM
With a firm grip of both hands, the man is able stop the force of your fierce blow with his sword. He smiles and twists his body to have you between him and the wall.
"Foolish beast. I will make you regreat the day you torn out of you mother's belly." as he does a quick thrust with his sword.
Suddenly the crowd errupts in joy as a you hear a loud cry from the cat. You can see around your challenger that a spear now sticks out from its body, but the cat continues to move.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-03-04, 08:48 PM
Dorug tries to avoid the hit but the wall behind him blocks his maneuver and his opponent's sword hits him hard on the shoulder. The hobgoblin responds with a growl directing his mace to the man's side.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical: on 20 x2