View Full Version : DM Help Pathfinder E6 game with Mythic?

2015-03-03, 11:46 AM
I'm thinking of running a campaign using E6 with Pathfinder. I want to create adventures for that, but also using Mythic rules as one of the campaign elements, at least (I'm thinking) maximum up to Mythic tier 3 to 5.

On the surface, the plan would be to have the math stay manageable, but still use higher level monsters as BBEGs. I find said monsters tend to be killed like so much fodder when playing Pathfinder Society games (worm that walks got one shot killed last time I played). I'm hoping they'll basically act as good encounters this way, and maybe not be lethal?

1) Would the characters in this hit harder, or just have more options of what they can do?

2) Would E6 characters rightly gain additional Mythic feats after 6th level, just as they would non-mythic feats (ie: 1 feat every 5000xp or so), albeit only when they finish a quest or plot point?

3) Would E6 and M6 need to be fixed up in order to work in this campaign?

4) What sorts of threats would the heroes NOT be able to handle?