View Full Version : Florida Fallout IC

Space Lawyer
2015-03-03, 06:38 PM

It was getting near sunset, and Stilts was starting to wake up. The last few weeks had been hot and muggy, much as it always was this time of year, and Stilts adapted as it had for the last hundred years, ever since the bay became at leat semi-habitable. During the middle of the day, when the sun glared down hot and angry, boiling the brain and turning the toxic waters to vapor, the town pretty much, well, just stopped.

If you were lucky, you might have found a place in LeRoy's, with its salvaged solar panels and fans. Of course, LeRoy was particular about who he let in at that time, reasoning that too many bodies would defeat the whole point of the fans. Most people just stayed in their homes, trying not to move too much. The unlucky found a convenient place in the shade; the really unlucky ones found that shade underneath the docks, slinging hammocks up just a hand from the water. It wasn't too unusual to find a bloodied hammock, bitten in half from some aquatic predator's lunch.

Now though, the sun was touching the ocean out on the horizon, and life was returning to the village. You've found yourself in this village for whatever reason. Why is that, where are you, and what are you doing?

2015-03-04, 11:27 AM
Sarah wakes up from her nap feeling slightly refreshed. Having wandered in from the wastes, she quickly became known as "that weird girl with the laser." Oh and some people called her a vault dweller too, no matter how many times she had to tell them she got kicked out. But she happily wiled her time away in the town fixing things and making them better, even though no none has seemed interested in adding lasers to anything. But they'll come around.


2015-03-04, 11:59 AM
Trace was passed out beneath the shade of his cart a little aways from Stilts. He had hit a rough patch in his plan and that was how much water there was here. Couldn't very well move his cart through rad filled water could he? So instead he had simply set up camp and than drink himself into a stupor. Despite the hot air he still wears his full NCR ranger uniform including the swat riot vest and long coat. It was not uncommon to see him drinking moonshine and pouring water from his supply down his sweating face.

With a snort he started to lift a empty bottle to his mouth and try to drink from it. When no liquid came forth he opened a bloodshot eyes and stared down the bottle with a mix of disbelief and disappointment. " Fwusching emptssy." He managed to slur out and than stood up and almost falling back down again. He patted his Brahmin on the head and put on the mask of the NCR ranger. Stumbling and weaving about he managed to find the general direction of Stilts and head in that direction. He'd need another pint of Moonshine before the day was over...Perhaps two.

2015-03-04, 09:45 PM
"That's prejudice- you're a damn racist that's what you are!" Buddy Beckman shouted at them when he got turned away from LeRoys earlier. "Do you know who I am? I was LEGEND-ary!" He complains as they keep waving him off. The golfer wound up crashing underneath the docks and took some Med-X figuring that if he got chomped at least he wouldn't feel it much.

Hours later he crawled out from underneath and dusted himself off. Buddy Beckman took a look around and headed towards the nearest tavern.

"Worst vacation ever."

2015-03-05, 02:04 AM
Crazy Stan pulled back the tarp he used to block out the sun so he wouldn't bake too much in the sun. He had lazily rafted down the coast for what felt like two...three weeks tops as his shine continued to brew in the front kegs. Maybe them Buddhist were right all along because despite the obviously easy snack he remained unmolested by the local fauna. 'Course it could also be the fact that he was in a rickety boat held together with hopes and dreams and sharks had better meals than he. All the luck didn't matter as he would occasionally use the pilfered Shaolin spade to maneuver his dingy to investigate what he hoped were the majestic manatees he longed to lay with. Nine times out of ten it was just some debris but once in a blue moon he would get lucky and stumble upon a sleeping beast. It was at those times he would rest nearby until he felt the mermaid stir, booking it before he disturbed the resting goddess of the sea.

His first stop in Stilts was on the outskirts of town where he dumped the various unnaturals of his line of work, chumming up the water for the pups that could gain anything from gizzards and exoskeletons. Then he floated in until he was relatively sure he was within the village and tied up his boat, looking about behind visored helm; his pirate attire void of any affiliation and in misuse for years now. He quickly raised up his hands at any natives and called out behind his plate "Ain't nuthin' but a wanderer! Got some shine for y'all, need somethin' 'sides fly!"

2015-03-05, 03:48 AM
With a deep sigh, Jacob took a look around. The sun was strangely warm, without the dryness of the deserts he passed by during his long journey. He felt Something in the air, both welcoming and threatening; "Maybe It's just me," said to himself "It's better to find a shelter, before Trace goes anymore drunk"

2015-03-05, 09:19 AM
Trace stumbled up to Jacob almost falling as he did so, but a few deep breaths manage to help steady himself. When he was good and upright he managed to slur out " Wwe neessh foosh!" He managed to say before losing his balance and falling on his ass. From the ground he continued to trying to talk. " and Alchossl!" He reached into his coat revealing the huge Ranger Sequoia gun in his belt but he pulled out a pouch that with a clink revealed it's contents.
" I Mighsh neesh some Helssp." He said again handing the caps to Jacob. He got to his feet and wavered in the warm air. It was strange but even blackout drunk their was a sense of danger around him. It was properly the black armor and the helmet which hide his face and the size of him. Trace was a tall man towering over most people.

2015-03-05, 12:26 PM
Jacob, for a moment, thought if whoever invented those masks was aware that they could be more useful for the people around the user than for the user itself. "Yes, my friend, You do need help, but not the one you want... anyway... let's look for an accomodation" He turned toward the rest of the village, trying to see if someone was awake

2015-03-05, 12:47 PM
Trace stumbled after Jacob in a wavy line carrying the empty bottle of Moonshine and keeping a wary eye on the waters as they enter the Stilts. One bad fall and he'd become a lunch or a ghoul.

gom jabbarwocky
2015-03-05, 08:36 PM
Bobwise Goodchild scaned the area looking for particular stiltways that seemed to get the most foottraffic. In order to make enough caps to finance his way out of this dump, he was planning on doing a little busking.

As he smoothed out the pleats on his sailor cap, he sighed. "How's a guy supposed to make an honest buck in this world when making a dishonest one is so much easier?"

2015-03-06, 04:14 AM
Picking up her laser rifle, and making sure all her tools were in place, Sarah heads out into the fading sunlight to see if she can find something to eat. Even though she'd been in Stilts a while, her partially armored Vault suit still drew a lot of attention. Vault dwellers were uncommon, and tales of some the things they could do, exaggerated though some of them were (destroying an entire army of Super mutants, for example) have managed to make their way even here.

Space Lawyer
2015-03-06, 08:31 PM
The night seems to be coming on a little too quickly. Out to the west, it was like a dark patch was spreading across the sky.

Then the buzzing became audible.

Yells erupt across Stilts. "We've got skeeters incoming!" and things of that nature. Those that had begun to wander out of their houses quickly run back inside, slamming doors sticking cloth into every hole to the outside. Of course, when a house is built mostly of irregularly shaped salvaged materials, there are a lot of holes. The first ones to swoop in were just the tiny little ones, normal mosquitos that wanted nothing more than to get a little sip of blood and make you itch like crazy. Not far behind them were the big ones, the vampire mosquitos. Those nearer the outskirts of town can see a few of the vamps dive-bomb the swampy ground, coming up with snakes and lizards struggling in the insects' grasps.

2015-03-07, 01:20 PM
Trace stared blurry eyed at the incoming skeeters. They reminded slightly of the bloatfly that roamed the vegas wasteland and who's company was not pleasant. Best to find shelter.
He stumbles over to a house and with a armored fist begins knocking on it loudly.
" Opensh ussp!" He slurs placing his head on the doorway to both rest and better hear. " I donwst wansst thss skeeters!"

2015-03-07, 03:34 PM
Sarah was halfway down the street when the cry went out. Son of a-

Shouldering her rifle, the former Vault Dweller runs toward the nearest shelter. Which happened to be LeRoy's. place. She crammed her way into the bar, pushing past those who try to keep her out. She then proceeds to try and help put more sheets of metal over the gaps in the walls.

2015-03-07, 04:13 PM
Stan wasn't crazy enough to try and stay out during a skeeter swarm. He muttered a prayer to Buddha, the only deity he had any reason to believe looked over this blasted hellscape as he yanked his Rock It Launcher off his boat and grabbed a barrel of moonshine. A quick look around confirmed that the closest building was LeRoy's and he booked it to the inn. He was glad that some lady already made a path for him to similarly push through. Once safe enough he slapped several of the smaller ones that struggled to get through his diving suit before he put down his barrel and said "'shine for ye trouble!"

2015-03-07, 05:32 PM
Thanks! Strober could always use another target!

2015-03-09, 08:55 AM
Noticing some people running for LeRoy's, Jacob decided it was a good idea to "follow the tribal wisdom" and sprinted towards it calling for his drunken friend: "Quick Trace, we need to get there, come!" He charged for the door, right after a strange man with a rocket and a bottle of moonshine. Even in the ruckus he thought about how the world is really tiny. "Moonshine, and giant monstruos flying insects, I should've stay in Vegas"

2015-03-09, 02:49 PM
Trace stumbles after him muttering under his breath. He manages to make it through the doorway before tripping and falling on his face. He decides it's a good place to be and lies there face forward murmering to himself.

2015-03-09, 11:47 PM
Stan chuckled at the antics of the new guy. He quickly set up his Launcher in a stable location before he flicked it on and the vacuum that powered the contraption; muttering the entire time about accursed bugs and hoping that the machine didn't crap out at the worst possible time. Once fairly confident in his location he moved around the immediate area to gather up any miscellaneous gear that he could use, saying over the hum of the engine "Will fix'er up, matey! Yer junk'll go well!"

2015-03-10, 12:07 PM
After moving more panels into place, Sarah is able to turn just in time to watch the drunk stumble into the bar and fall onto the floor.

Feed him to the skeeters? Should keep a couple of them occupied. You know, for a couple seconds.

gom jabbarwocky
2015-03-10, 03:58 PM
"Never a dull moment, is there?" Bobwise hoofs it to the nearest building, a dive called LeRoys, if the rusted sign is any indication. Some armored buffoon just tumbled through the door, so Bob took the initiative and stepped over him. He looked up at the motley collection of characters who had holed up in here and were pointing various implements of violence in his general direction. "Sorry to barge in, gents. Room for one more?"

Space Lawyer
2015-03-10, 04:13 PM
The diminutive LeRoy (first name a closely guarded secret), stumbles out of a door into the common room of the bar in a sputtering rage. His naturally puffy face, an odd contrast to his near-emaciated body, is a bright red under curly brown hair. "The HELL is all this COMMOTION! Nothin' but a buncha damn skeeters an' all the INTERLOPERS AN' VAGRANTS passin' through town think to cram their sorry selves in HERE!"

Some of the locals interject with comments such as "Buncha vamp skeeters out there LeRoy, not jsut the little ones." and "You run a bar, you screamin' idiot. People coming in is what you want." LeRoy is deterred, but only just.

The skies outside continue to darken from the approaching nighttime and descending swarm. Every now and then, a few of the mosquitoes manage to find their way into the building through the various cracks and holes in the exterior. LeRoy slaps a few of the bugs down, then casts a suspicious glance at the newcomers. "Well then, who are you people?"

2015-03-10, 04:15 PM
The woman in the vault suit pulls a laser rifle from her back. You haven't seen a model quite like this. Probably a prototype from before the war. Or maybe after. No one in the Wastes really knows what the hell goes on in a Vault. Just don't get between Stober and the skeeters. She ain't to particular about what she fries.

2015-03-11, 12:09 PM
Trace perks up at the mention of a bar and stumbles to his feet and heads to the bar sitting down heavily and than staring at the bartender through his red lensed mask and drop five caps on the bar.
" Nasme Trace." He mutters, "NCR Ranger for whatevess thatss worth out here... Givess me something strong and lassting." He said sounding a little bit more sober now that he's had some exercise..."
He notices Sarah and through his mask glares. " Hey, yourss not a fiend biitch are you. I lostsss a few friendsss to those vault dwelling ****sss.

2015-03-11, 02:17 PM
Vault dwelling fiends? I don't know. I got a lot of things before I was thrown out of Vault 95, but I don't think 'fiend' was one of them. But I am going to forgive you calling me bitch, because that is the kind of girl I am.

She looks the man up and down. Besides, I am pretty sure you are too drunk to know what you are talking about.

gom jabbarwocky
2015-03-11, 07:45 PM
Bobwise saunters over to the bar himself, taking a stool next to this Trace character. "Now now, let's not get too testy! You guys can't start a bar fight now, I haven't had a drink yet." He speaks in a thick Mid-Atlantic accent, "Most folks call me Bob. And it looks to me like you guys have got a bit of a bug problem."

2015-03-11, 10:21 PM
In the calm Stan set up his barrel and poured some of the contents into a few mostly empty bottles. He handed one to LeRoy and Trace and said "Stan at yer service! Shine fer ye scallywags while we waitin' fer dinner. " He then returned to his Launcher and awaited any larger pests to enter so that he could blast them away with an empty bottle or chair leg.

2015-03-12, 09:32 AM
Tenel stares at the drink before shakily removing his helmet revealing greasy locks of hair and his yellow turning skin. The color has even spread to his eyes adding yellow to the bloodshot pupils. He weakly grins the joy of which doesn't reach his eyes as he scoops up the drink and chugs a good amount before placing it down. He turns back to Sarah and shrugs, a action which almost forces him off his stool.
" Maaaybbe I amsshh" He slurs whatever sobriety he had now lost. " Nevessh Hearssh of Valuuth 95. Youssh pick up that wepon there?" He said pointing a shaking finger at her gun. " I'vss got microfusiossh cellsh if you neeshh ammosh. Migsh even have a Upgradessh hidden in my cartshh."He tries to pick up his cup again but his hands are shaking so much that he only ends up spilling the liquid over his hands before he has to put it down to keep from losing all of it.
" Fastesh hands in the NCR." He says sighing looking at the trembling long fingered hand. " Nowsh looksh at them."

He takes notices of Bob. " Nothissh a few bulletssh won't remove." He says. " In the NCR we usesh to take out bloatflieshh with 22.'s....

2015-03-12, 01:03 PM
Relaxed, Jacob takes a chair and sits at the bar, glancing briefly at all the people around him. He then turns toward Trace, while he's spilling alcohol on himself "Good work! you've already made friends, I'm sure it will not hurt you're business... well, if the brahmin survives..."
Intrigued by Sarah equipment, he starts looking at her with interest... than, realizing how "strange" he could seem, he coughs and talks
"Ehm... excuse me, but my companion here is right, I can't help but notice that your equipment looks quite... Vaulty"

2015-03-12, 04:09 PM
That would be because I used to live in one. Quite a place. No radiation, well, when the reactor isn't leaking again, but that doesn't last long. Nuka-Cola was cold, and the wildlife didn't try and kill you. But at least Vault-Tec had that handy survival guide to get me through the first ten minutes Outside. Well, that and I had Strober here.

Sarah begins caressing her laser rifle. I made her in the Vault. Assembled her according to the specifications in the computers with the components stored in the Vault. Of course then you ruin one little cake and they throw you out... Ah well. At least they left me with Strober. I love this rifle.

2015-03-12, 05:08 PM
If Stan was concerned about Trace's condition then he didn't show it, instead turning to conversation of carts and upgrades with a voice of interest if not necessarily a face of interest. He waved off the talk and said "Ye wastin' yer time wit carts 'n these parts. Lucky fer ye landlubbers yer pal Stan's got a boat fer ye t'ern yer sea legs on! Gonna be cramp wit ye landlubbers crowdin' the deck but we be frettin' 'bout that afta the night." With a hearty laugh he downed the rest of Trace's shine and refilled it for the haunted man.

2015-03-12, 05:50 PM
Trace tries to drink again but his hand shakes to much and even trying to steady it his wrist with his other hand has no result other than getting both hands wet. With a frustrated grunt he slams the cup down and than smacks it away. His hands are shaking so much that it actually looks painful and Trace hisses in pain as he slips in his hands into his coat.
" Brinsh me a bottle...Something that won't spill." He says sounding defeated.

" is your boat big enough to carry several crates of foodstuffs and barrels of clean water? Plus luxury goods and weapons and ammo. I have a large inventory at the moment."
He says his voice still a little slurred but mostly just sounding tired.

Space Lawyer
2015-03-13, 02:07 PM
Those who are not hammered notice a few of the bar patrons take a bit greater interest in Trace at the mention of his large inventory and its contents. They also seem interested in Sarah, as the Vaults were, of course, sealed off along with their populace. Mostly, however, they seem unconcerned with the unusual individuals in their midst. After all, unusual individuals passing through is a fairly common occurrence; the wasteland is positively full of strange people.

2015-03-14, 02:31 PM
Sarah, noticing the uptake in attention when she mentions she really is from a Vault, assumes this means they are going to want Strober, and moves it to a more protective location.

Namely, between her legs. This has a more or less, profound impact on the woman. She is suddenly much more relaxed, and notices just how hot she really was getting in the crowded bar. She then decides the only thing to do is to unzip her suit, at least partway, and start wiping sweat from her upper torso. A couple of the closer patrons decided to try and see if it really is true what they say about what is underneath a vault suit. Sarah ignores them as she moans slightly in relief.

That's better. She leaves the suit unzipped as she leans back slightly in her chair.

2015-03-14, 03:21 PM
Trace also takes note of the increased attention on him. Even through his drunken haze he realizes his mistake in speaking of his inventory. With slow deliberate action he pulls out the huge revolver he keeps strapped to his chest. With shaking hands he slowly places it next to his drink and looks up and about at the people.
" Funnsh thing about tis gunsh. It cansh put a hole in anything. Wallsh, fleshsh, metal armorsh. Once I put a hole the size of my fist in a deathclaw. Even Deathclaws don'tsh go far when you shootsh out there heart. I traveled all the way from Vegas with my inventory, wannash know how many times bandits tried to take what was mine?" He looks around the bar now with a raised eyebrow. " Gosh ahead guessh...I'll wait..."
He looks around and with a sad smiles shrugs. " Maybesh a better question is how many bodies have I put in the ground between here and the glittering city." He says with a humorless laugh

2015-03-14, 04:19 PM
Sarah yawns and stretches some, hoping to find someone else to talk to... Hopefully in her preferred orientation.

But straight was alright too

2015-03-14, 07:47 PM
Stan shrugged at the odd fellows before he casually turned his Launcher away from the door. He said "Y'all got yerselves a means t'make a cart a raft?" With a gaze at Sarah's decision to give into the heat he could only think of how luxurious it must be in a vault, more respect for Trace and his decision to wear armor in the heat even if he was a landlubber who couldn't handle his 'shine. With a laugh he offhandly said "Yer ain't no manatee, lass."

gom jabbarwocky
2015-03-15, 11:34 PM
"So, you're a man of the sea, ey?" Bob refers to Stan, and ***** his cap with his thumb. "You know, I've got a bit of an affinity for the waves myself. I'm part of an organization that takes seamanship very... uh, ...seriously." Bob is trying to keep up the pretense of conversation with the salty fellow, but it's hard not to be distracted by the Vault dweller. He may think of himself as a gentleman, but Bob is still, nevertheless, a man.

2015-03-15, 11:58 PM
Having grown up in a Vault, with some of the best Pre-War education available, Sarah knows exactly what a manatee is. Though for once, she does seem to be taken aback by the fact that there is an ocean animal not mutated by radiation. Or was he complimenting her? It's so hard to tell with these people sometimes. Thank you. I do so try to not look like fat, grey sea cows

2015-03-16, 12:52 AM
Stan nodded and motioned in the general direction of his dinghy as he said "Yar matey! Born down south; been piratin' fer a couple decades now." He shook his head at Sarah and pulled out a beaten up journal from behind the rusted piece of metal he used as a vague means of protection and laid it on the table like it was a holy artifact. Carefully he opened it as he said in blissful reverence "Yer wrong there, lass. Manatees be t' next step. If only..." He stopped and shuddered, letting the thought linger.

2015-03-16, 01:04 AM
The next step in what? Surely you don't mean... Oh my God.you do mean that.

Sarah sighs, as she pushes her hair back from where it clings to the side of her face.

We need to find you some prewar books. Or better yet, a Holotape on the subject.

Space Lawyer
2015-03-19, 09:10 AM
With most of the bar looking at Stan like he is insane, the atmosphere becomes heavy and quiet. A lone old man in the back gives a cough. LeRoy takes advantage of the pause to confront the strangers in his bar. "Well, you've had a fill of my hospitality. You sheltered in here, so you'll put some effort into making sure this place is still safe. The skeeters like to find themselves dark, damp holes to settle in and come out when you ain't lookin' out for 'em. Take all that gear of yours and take a look around outside."

It is rather clear that the task is merely a pretext to get someone to go check that the skeeter swarm has truly passed, and isn't just swinging around for another pass. Still, he seems quite serious about it.

2015-03-21, 02:13 PM
What is it with people and wanting me to go outside? Saraah asks, mostly to herself. First the Vault, now this bar... Go Outisde, it'll be fun! I bet no one else gets put out of their Vaults.

Sarah then inadvertently cancels the show she didn't realize she was putting on by zipping her suit back up and lifting her laser rifle off the floor.

Fine. But if I'm going out there, I get a drink first.

2015-03-21, 02:20 PM
Stan gathered up a slew of junk to use in case there were any vamps outside and handed Sarah a bottle of 'shine. He double checked his largely ineffective diving suit before he moved to the door and said "Best be gettin'!" He is prepared to open the door and in one swift movement shoot an old stone mug at whatever is outside, but waited to make sure it was just he and Sarah venturing outside.

2015-03-27, 09:00 AM
Trace drunkenly pulls out his revolver and swings it around so Patrons duck in fear of a missfire.
" Letss getsh thish ovesh withsh." He slurs as he walks out the doorway