View Full Version : DM Help Disabling a warforged

2015-03-04, 11:12 AM
So I'm running a very short campaign (supposed to be a one-shot but got extended slightly) where the party is escorting some dwarf merchants and laborers through the Underdark. I've been using a character I built for Iron chef as the BBEG, and he's been hounding the party. I want to use the situation from the character's backstory, disguising itself as a priestess and using a combination of bluff, disguise and charm to lure them into a trap and then eat/sacrifice them. I was going to have them fall into a spike pit with a paralyzing toxin on the spikes to disable them for a few hours so that the BBEG can drag them away. However, one of the players is playing a Warforged Spellwarp Sniper and I need a way for him to be locked down for a while. I try to avoid the "I'm the DM and this is what happens " style, but with this being a one-shot I meant for it to be fairly railroady, so I need a valid reason to him to be disabled.

The second issue: After Iron Chef is over I like to showcase my builds to my friends. As such, the two who did read the build know exactly what they're fighting. If I do the "priestess lures them into a trap" they'd likely see it from a mile away. Would simply luring them into a cave with oozes or other Underdark nasties be a better idea, or does the Playground have an idea I can steal?

The character: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18560255&postcount=109
The party is level 9 and contains a stealthy ranger, a warblade, a warmage, and the spellwarp sniper.

M Placeholder
2015-03-04, 11:37 AM
The Metal Master?

2015-03-04, 11:45 AM
The classic way to disable a robot (or for that matter, a heavily armoured warrior) is a powerful magnet. The warforged is also vulnerable to a Sea Hag's Evil Eye (daze for 3 days) and similar long-duration daze or stun abilities. Mind control of various stripes also works.

2015-03-04, 11:57 AM
The classic way to disable a robot (or for that matter, a heavily armoured warrior) is a powerful magnet. The warforged is also vulnerable to a Sea Hag's Evil Eye (daze for 3 days) and similar long-duration daze or stun abilities. Mind control of various stripes also works.

There's a monster from a Faerun book that can act as a magnet. I'll look for it when I get back to my books. Where is Sea Hag's Evil Eye from?

2015-03-04, 12:21 PM
The Sea Hag (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/hag.htm#seaHag)