View Full Version : Let's... Let's Play Rimworld Alpha 9, with mods and spectator participation!

2015-03-05, 10:43 AM
Hello everybody!

I recently started a Let's Play for Rimworld, an indiegame which could succinctly be described as a sci-fi Dwarf Fortress or a in more general terms, a sci-fi colony sim. However, unlike Dwarf Fortress, this game has more conventional graphics.

It is available from http://rimworldgame.com/, its description is as follows.

A sci fi colony sim driven by an intelligent AI storyteller.

RimWorld follows three survivors from a crashed space liner as they build a colony on a frontier world at the rim of the galaxy.

Inspired by the space western vibe of Firefly, the deep simulation of Dwarf Fortress, and the epic scale of Dune and Warhammer 40,000.

Manage colonists' moods, needs, thoughts, individual wounds, and illnesses. Engage in deeply-simulated small-team gunplay. Fashion structures, weapons, and apparel from metal, wood, stone, cloth, or exotic, futuristic materials. Fight pirate raiders, hostile tribes, rampaging animals and ancient killing machines. Discover a new generated world each time you play. Build colonies in biomes ranging from desert to jungle to tundra, each with unique flora and fauna. Manage and develop colonists with unique backstories, traits, and skills. Learn to play this deep game smoothly and naturally with our intelligent, reactive AI tutor.

Now, the fun part! You get to name colonists (after yourselves or pets, I don't judge) as they are available, pitch ideas (I already have one secret, kind of crazy plan) like say, building giant mazes for defense or fun, making a really fancy collection of clothes made out of human leatherwear, decorate aforementioned maze with a red carpet to welcome prison-... guests to the colony. You get the idea.

In the LP I am showing of the basic features of the game as well as the mods so you can follow along and understand the game even if you've never played it or heard of it before.

Here's a link to the playlist and the first episode, three episodes so far.

Mod list:
https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=8476.0 Centralized Heating
https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=9492.0 Defend that colony!
https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=5258.0 EdB interface
https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=7454 EdB mod order
https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=6261.0 EdB prepare carefully
https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=10571.0 Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering
https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=2158.0 Target Practise

2015-03-05, 04:47 PM
Could you post the links for the mods you've used in your let's play?


2015-03-05, 06:48 PM
The irregular room shapes is really grating my sense of order, but it probably deserves some heavy wear, so I'm kinda enjoying it nevertheless.

A handy little trick for dividing empty space between houses, though: If you've got both walls given, add 1 to the distance between the houses before dividing. In this case you could've built 4 or 9 squares wide houses (5 and 10 including the separating walls) between your initial construction and that ruin.

Also, perhaps it's time to remove that boulder slowing down everyone passing in and out of your kitchen. http://i.imgur.com/ZRHtTJs.png

All this said, Rimworld looks really fun (like a down-scaled, fast-paced Dwarf Fortress), and I'm really enjoying watching it. Oh, and if you get some techy and not all too neurotic guy (it's kind of my schtick to be the sane one), feel free to name him (or her) after me. http://i.imgur.com/jLvmsd9.png

2015-03-06, 08:25 AM
EDIT: New episode up: http://youtu.be/Iz1EiyQKuq8

Could you post the links for the mods you've used in your let's play?


Done and done! Gonna update the video descriptions as well, good call.

The irregular room shapes is really grating my sense of order, but it probably deserves some heavy wear, so I'm kinda enjoying it nevertheless.

A handy little trick for dividing empty space between houses, though: If you've got both walls given, add 1 to the distance between the houses before dividing. In this case you could've built 4 or 9 squares wide houses (5 and 10 including the separating walls) between your initial construction and that ruin.

Also, perhaps it's time to remove that boulder slowing down everyone passing in and out of your kitchen. http://i.imgur.com/ZRHtTJs.png

All this said, Rimworld looks really fun (like a down-scaled, fast-paced Dwarf Fortress), and I'm really enjoying watching it. Oh, and if you get some techy and not all too neurotic guy (it's kind of my schtick to be the sane one), feel free to name him (or her) after me. http://i.imgur.com/jLvmsd9.png

Yeah, when we get enough stone we are probably gonna tear down the walls and rebuild more efficiently in stone and with built-in power conduits. Probably also gonna widen the streets to 7 tiles tall so exploding turrets won't damage nearby walls/doors. I tried out your tip too, think I got it!

Haha, yeah, missed that. I am mostly concerned with the inside for the most part. We'll haul that away :P

Techy in this game would probably be somebody with high crafting and/or research. Most techy backgrounds seem to emphazise those skills. And we are kind of looking for somebody who's good with that, crafting is pretty important!

Gonna record a new episode soon, gonna edit this post when it's done~

2015-03-07, 03:53 AM
Hmm, perhaps you should add a little to your defenses. Your enemies were soundly beaten, but a foot and an eye are grave losses nevertheless. It'll be fun to see what prosthetics you can come up with, though...

Also, I must say I like the tempo of this game. "Look at them go" is a very accurate description. http://i.imgur.com/jLvmsd9.png

2015-03-09, 05:47 PM
Yeah Teddy, it seems I really need to beef up the defenses. Or get better guns. Preferably both :smallbiggrin:
...Since the natives seem to like us very much in the latest episode; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MkbF1TGcb4&feature=youtu.be

Probably gonna make an episode a day now until it's finished!

2015-03-16, 06:31 PM
"And another one down, and another one down, and another one bites the dust"~♫

Sorry for not responding earlier, I suffered a bit of a power dip after finally finishing the overwhelming bulk of this quarter's courses.

Anyway, I think I figured out why you failed to heat your rooms at first: You had logs preventing a pair of doors from closing, so all the hot air escaped out through them.

Also, it seems like your prisoners are pretty cold, so perhaps you could give them another heater and a lamp to alleviate recruitment. You know, just in order to disappoint them as soon as they learn that the jail was the best they would get... http://i.imgur.com/FZ6yI9l.png

Aaand, you should perhaps just have drawn a power conduit across the street to catch those traders back then, but oh well...

2015-03-18, 02:43 PM
I've been busy and making almost an episode a day like I said and yesterday night I made an extra long episode because I love you all :P

I didn't notice that with the logs and the door, good catch! I'll keep an eye out for things like that in the future. The good thing is, now all the colonists are warm and snug :D

At the moment, I think the temperature is OK in the prison at the moment. Unless it goes to like -25 or something! The lamp was a good idea though and I put one in. Usually, it's no idea to put lamps in bedrooms because the occupants are only using it for sleeping so they don't care about light levels. They do get a bit antsy if they have to stay awake in the dark tho'.

Hindsight is 20/20! Also, I was being cheap. 1 steel per power conduit adds up you know :P