View Full Version : Pick support?

2015-03-06, 05:58 PM
Don't see a whole lot of love for pick fighting. Whether its a light pick, heavy pick, or war pick. I'm wondering if there's any support out there for it besides the kobold racial preference. Perhaps some obscure faction of mountaineer-soldiers who are adept at using their picks for mining and climbing, and have invented a special fighting style with the pick? Sounds like it'd be good territory for homebrew to tackle, but I would like to know if there is any existing support for such an idea.

2015-03-06, 09:48 PM
Nothing, eh? I guess picks don't have a place in a world of spiked chains and guisarmes. :(

2015-03-06, 09:53 PM
I vaguely recall a Kobold-centered class or feat. Maybe Races of the Dragon?

2015-03-06, 10:30 PM
I vaguely recall a Kobold-centered class or feat. Maybe Races of the Dragon?

I went through all of Races of the Dragon, could only find the Kobold Paragon that gives proficiency with picks.

The reason I ask is that I thought of a geologist adventurer idea that preferred the pick as her weapon in combat. She's a mountain dweller, a member of a mining community who has held one for nearly all her life, doing everything from mining and fighting off threats with a pick. Was thinking there might be stuff out there that might give her an edge with a pick over other weapons.

2015-03-06, 11:29 PM
I did a quick look through my books, and I found this in Secrets of Sarlona:

Stone Breaker:

Prerequisites: Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (any pick), BA +1, STR 13 (for Power attack), DEX 15 (For Two-Weapon Fighting), and proficiency with picks.

Benefits: If you hit with both picks in the same round, you can rend your target as a swift action dealing the damage of one pick plus 1.5 times your Strength bonus.

It's a weapon style feat, and thus also a fighter bonus feat. Otherwise, I came up with nothing.

2015-03-07, 12:53 AM
I did a quick look through my books, and I found this in Secrets of Sarlona:

Stone Breaker:

Prerequisites: Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (any pick), BA +1, STR 13 (for Power attack), DEX 15 (For Two-Weapon Fighting), and proficiency with picks.

Benefits: If you hit with both picks in the same round, you can rend your target as a swift action dealing the damage of one pick plus 1.5 times your Strength bonus.

It's a weapon style feat, and thus also a fighter bonus feat. Otherwise, I came up with nothing.

Thank you for finding that. Heavy requirements there, but very cool to build around it looks like.

2015-03-07, 03:01 AM
It's pretty handy as a Sizing weapon for a mystic theurge...

Some polymorph/shapechange and buffs for silly strength and power attacking, plus Surge of Fortune & Dolorous Blow = automatic hit & critical for very silly amounts of damage :)

2015-03-07, 03:54 AM
Ah, the pick...

My very first 3.5e character, in his very first combat, on the very first attack made, was struck by a heavy pick. It was a crit. Nearly killed my 3rd level barbarian.

I respect the pick, fear the pick. But that was about the only time I remember a pick in use...

2015-03-07, 04:13 AM
It's pretty handy as a Sizing weapon for a mystic theurge...

Some polymorph/shapechange and buffs for silly strength and power attacking, plus Surge of Fortune & Dolorous Blow = automatic hit & critical for very silly amounts of damage :)

Hmm, interesting! I did toy with the idea of making the character a wizard (just a more robust, tougher wizard given the nature of her upbringing), but full on theurging? I'll have to think on that one.

Ah, the pick...

My very first 3.5e character, in his very first combat, on the very first attack made, was struck by a heavy pick. It was a crit. Nearly killed my 3rd level barbarian.

I respect the pick, fear the pick. But that was about the only time I remember a pick in use...

The pick is love. The pick is life.

2015-03-07, 04:49 AM
The following deities have the pick as a favored weapon:







heavy pick or bite

Air, Cold, Dragon, Good, Luck, Nobility, Patience, Pride, Protection, Storms


Cdiv: p108


heavy pick or bite

destruction, dragon evil greed, hatred, law, pride, scalykind, trickery , Tyranny, wrath


Cdiv: p117


Heavy pick

Animal, good, law, nobility, pride


Faiths&panths: 102


Heavy pick

Balance, Planning, plant, pride, protection, scalykind


Faiths&panths: 108

Dragon Below

Heavy pick

Cavern, Corruption Darkness, Dragon Below, Earth, Evil, Greed, Madness, Pact, Pain, Pestilence, Summoner


EberonCamp: p.70



animal, death, earth, plant


Dragmag 256, p.91



Air, animal, good, law, luck, protection, war


Sand p.47


Heavy pick

Evil, fire, sand, scalykind


Sand p. 47


Heavy pick

Earth, luck, magic


RoS p.21


Heavy pick

Earth, Strength, Sun


RoS p.67

2015-03-07, 09:26 AM
Ah, here's one: Greatpick (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a), from a Web Enhancement article. It's a 2h Exotic weapon, but Kobolds treat it as a martial weapon. 1d8 damage (for a small creature), x4 critical. Should be good for Kobold melee.