View Full Version : Pathfinder Looking for maps

2015-03-06, 08:33 PM
Like to start by saying I hope this is the right place, and if not I'm sorry.

A friend of mine is currently creating a homebrew campaign and is suffering from a lack of viable battle maps. The maps we are looking for are heavy jungle/forest. Bonus points for having branches the PCs can move/fight upon. I've scoured my multitude of pdfs to no avail, are there any good sites to look at? (Or any specific maps you'd recommend?) Prefer free but if its high enough quality I wouldn't mind purchasing.

2015-03-07, 10:12 AM
Like to start by saying I hope this is the right place, and if not I'm sorry.

A friend of mine is currently creating a homebrew campaign and is suffering from a lack of viable battle maps. The maps we are looking for are heavy jungle/forest. Bonus points for having branches the PCs can move/fight upon. I've scoured my multitude of pdfs to no avail, are there any good sites to look at? (Or any specific maps you'd recommend?) Prefer free but if its high enough quality I wouldn't mind purchasing.

I just draw mine. It's simple and it's exactly what you want. Doesn't have to be too complicated, for example if I wanted a tree:


I added the color in a photo editor. If I had colored pencils then I'd do it in with that. I'd like to say that I have very little artistic talent so it's not like you can't do something similar.

2015-03-07, 11:11 AM
Do you know The Cartographer's Guild (http://www.cartographersguild.com/content.php)?

Secret Wizard
2015-03-08, 12:05 AM
r/battlemaps on reddit

2015-03-08, 11:15 AM
I would second the Cartographer's Guild, which has some of the finest fantasy maps I've ever seen. A fair number of professional illustrators contribute their work, and the maps range from lush continental overviews to ground plans of individual homes.

You might also take a look at RPG MapShare (http://www.rpgmapshare.com/), which has some excellent battlemaps for different environments--although it may take a little digging to find them.