View Full Version : special materials as your primary weapon.

2015-03-07, 08:17 AM
Just curious, who uses a weapon made from special material as your primary weapon?

I usually go with cold iron. I find it aggravating to have all this cool stuff on your primary weapon just to find it useless because its regular steel.

My backup weapon is silver.

Also, our DM rules the +2000gp for cold iron to apply only once per weapon, not once per magic property. Giving the martials some love.

Mr Adventurer
2015-03-07, 08:25 AM
The sword of Apollo Argonos, named Deathswing, is Metalline - so it's whichever is needed!

2015-03-07, 08:44 AM
if im playing a martial character i usually take my main weapon to be adamantine.

then have a MW cold iron, a MW alc silver, so on so forth. with a few ghost touch capsules from PHB2 and a few magic oils just in case.

this after about level 5 ish is perfectly viable and usually overcomes most DR's. if you do 30 damage on a hit and 20 is negated your gonna have a bad time. so spend a round or two tooling up. (or pre combat preferably)

2015-03-07, 08:57 AM
if im playing a martial character i usually take my main weapon to be adamantine.

then have a MW cold iron, a MW alc silver, so on so forth. with a few ghost touch capsules from PHB2 and a few magic oils just in case.

this after about level 5 ish is perfectly viable and usually overcomes most DR's. if you do 30 damage on a hit and 20 is negated your gonna have a bad time. so spend a round or two tooling up. (or pre combat preferably)

Adamantine just to help out when you sunder stuff?

I've never found adamantine very useful on a weapon.

2015-03-07, 09:22 AM
Horacalcum (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/special-materials#TOC-Horacalcum) if I can get away with it (and being the DM, that's usually a yes :p)

2015-03-07, 09:50 AM
Adamantine just to help out when you sunder stuff?

I've never found adamantine very useful on a weapon.

no for the multitude of things that have DR x/adamantine. and so that you don't get sundered. and so that you can cut your way through objects easier, and so that it looks cool. and a bunch of other things it can give you.

2015-03-07, 10:17 AM
I'm partial to starmetal. All the advantages of adamantine, plus 1d6 damage to outsiders and anything extraplanar.

2015-03-07, 10:21 AM
I'm partial to starmetal. All the advantages of adamantine, plus 1d6 damage to outsiders and anything extraplanar.

what is the price of starmetal?

2015-03-07, 10:50 AM
+5,000 gp if it's used to make a weapon, or same as adamantine if it's made into armor.

2015-03-07, 10:50 AM
Something like 5000 gp, I think, but it probably varies by item/weapon type.

2015-03-07, 10:57 AM
Star metal is an interesting material. The part about not stacking with a magical enhancement bonus kinda stinks though.

I'm trying to think how best to take advantage of star metal.....

2015-03-07, 11:17 AM
I love dragonfangs from Draconomicon as first weapon, +1 elemental damage for +300 gold.
If you have access to Dragonlance Campaign Setting, Dragonmetal is mithral +2 nonmagical enhancement bonus for 9000 gold.
If you have access to Dragonlance War of the Lance, there is a class that gives you access to masterwork-like items up to +5 enhancement bonus for masterwork*bonus price which makes the Dragonmetal useless (but an easier sell to your DM).

Given that, I picked adamantium because I love slamming, bashing, destroying mundane stuff. My DM then lets me use Strength rather than charisma to intimidate. Finally, my character hits hard enough and magic users don't care about damage reduction but it provides an edge against golems against which magic users struggle.

For me, it's ironwood for wooden material, and a legendary adamantine weapon with this set of rules.

2015-03-07, 11:42 AM
In 3.5 I like Riverine.

In PF it doesn't matter since a +5 weapon trumps most of those DR types anyway.

Mr Adventurer
2015-03-07, 12:02 PM
Ah, Riverine. The material that leaves me asking, "Why bother with the water at all?!"

2015-03-07, 12:07 PM
Adamatine. "Hey theres a door" *thunk" "Was", you meant "was"

Also interesting thing, you can put Silver onto a Cold Iron weapon. A buddy pointed it out, apparently the wording of Cold Iron allows you to do so, always thought it was kinda funny.

Mr Adventurer
2015-03-07, 12:13 PM
Adamatine. "Hey theres a door" *thunk" "Was", you meant "was"

Also interesting thing, you can put Silver onto a Cold Iron weapon. A buddy pointed it out, apparently the wording of Cold Iron allows you to do so, always thought it was kinda funny.

It explicitly doesn't! http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialMaterials.htm#silverAlchemical

2015-03-07, 12:54 PM
It explicitly doesn't! http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialMaterials.htm#silverAlchemical

Ok then im remembering something different, though i do recall there being a special material that you can silver. I just cant think of it right now :smalltongue:

2015-03-07, 12:59 PM
Ok then im remembering something different, though i do recall there being a special material that you can silver. I just cant think of it right now :smalltongue:

i would probably allow a weapon that was made of multiple materials. considering what they wanted, and adding new materials at x1.5 cost.

the example of adding alchemical silver to adamantine or cold iron would be a good one. i would probably reduce hardness (or increase but not as much) for the hybrids. along with a spliced weight and maybe a reduced usefulness, examples being the alchemical silver/adamantine counting as both for DR but only cutting through hardness 15 or less.

2015-03-07, 01:14 PM
If i'm making a melee character, i'm rather partial to tome of battle, meaning mountain hammer maneuvers, so DR isnt a problem. If i'm making a ranged cahracter, then i just carry all sorts of ammunition metals anyway.

2015-03-07, 08:04 PM
At low levels I have my stuff be cold iron, because it's super cheap unless you want it enhanced. I keep a silvered weapon as backup, usually a throwing axe or a spiked gauntlet.

At mid levels on up, it's adamantine no question. Hard to sunder, easy to sunder with, ignores hardness on objects. That's just too convenient to pass up. In actuality, I like glassteel best, but that's mostly thematic.

2015-03-07, 08:43 PM
A long, long time ago I had a fighty-type character who wound up getting his hands on a sword made from Baatorian green steel. That stuff is pretty cool. :smallbiggrin:

But no, typically I don't worry about special materials on my primary weapon. That's what backup weapons are for! Actually, I'm usually more concerned with making sure my fighters have a weapon for each of the three damage types since that is more of a concern at low level.

2015-03-07, 08:48 PM
A long, long time ago I had a fighty-type character who wound up getting his hands on a sword made from Baatorian green steel. That stuff is pretty cool. :smallbiggrin:

But no, typically I don't worry about special materials on my primary weapon. That's what backup weapons are for! Actually, I'm usually more concerned with making sure my fighters have a weapon for each of the three damage types since that is more of a concern at low level.
It's just +1 enhancement to damage for 2000gp...in other words, you could just buy a normal +1 magic sword for the same cost.

2015-03-07, 08:49 PM
It's just +1 enhancement to damage for 2000gp...in other words, you could just buy a normal +1 magic sword for the same cost.

Yeah, but a regular +1 sword doesn't look as cool! :smallcool:

Anyway, it was something we got as loot IIRC.

2015-03-08, 05:47 AM
I'm partial to Aurorum. Because if my weapons can be pink why not?

2015-03-08, 06:03 AM
Currently using an adamantine (and good-aligned) morningstar as a primary weapon. I usually carry a few vials of silversheen, also.

Backup weapon is a sling of force :smallsigh:

General Sajaru
2015-03-08, 02:36 PM
Metalline weapons all the way. Otherwise, silversheen and various weapon capsules (CAd). Nothing like having your DM throw a bunch of shadows against you at level 3 and being able to say, "Well, my weapon just so happens to be ghost touch for the nonce."

2015-03-08, 09:38 PM
Last time I played a melee character he was a Chameleon so I used the Moonblade spell as a weapon. If you can actually manage to tag a caster with it the DC for them to actual cast any spells is almost impossible.

I've got a pathfinder character right now that's about to go into combat brandishing a cast iron frying pan but he's gonna end up fighting with a maximized GMW'd Holy Ice Weapon latter on.

2015-03-09, 07:20 AM
Adamantine just to help out when you sunder stuff?

I've never found adamantine very useful on a weapon.

The ironic thing is that adamantine isn't really useful in combat. But if you get locked up? Need to chop through some bars? Very useful. Because then you don't need to outpace hardness to do damage.

2015-03-09, 08:18 AM
I'm partial to Aurorum. Because if my weapons can be pink why not?

And here I am trying to guess if your PCs are male or female, for some reason.

2015-03-09, 08:57 AM
And here I am trying to guess if your PCs are male or female, for some reason.

The Fighter's Guild for Breast Cancer Awareness?

2015-03-09, 10:42 AM
Last time I played a melee character he was a Chameleon so I used the Moonblade spell as a weapon. If you can actually manage to tag a caster with it the DC for them to actual cast any spells is almost impossible.

I've got a pathfinder character right now that's about to go into combat brandishing a cast iron frying pan but he's gonna end up fighting with a maximized GMW'd Holy Ice Weapon latter on.
Moonblade. Magif if faerun?

A long, long time ago I had a fighty-type character who wound up getting his hands on a sword made from Baatorian green steel. That stuff is pretty cool. :smallbiggrin:

But no, typically I don't worry about special materials on my primary weapon. That's what backup weapons are for! Actually, I'm usually more concerned with making sure my fighters have a weapon for each of the three damage types since that is more of a concern at low level.
Shifting weapons in MiC i believe.
Or executioners mace in dubgeon mag.