View Full Version : 3rd Ed Loremaster question

2015-03-07, 11:03 AM
So Im just looking around at various classes and builds, and I notice something reading the Loremaster PRC (DMG pg 191)
So you can choose a secret at select levels and the choices on the chart are limited to your lv+int
Under that chart, one of the options reads "any one feat"
I read that again...
"ANY one feat"
not one feat you qualify for, or any description on it - just "any" much like the chameleon prc reads when choosing arcane/divine classes

Was this ever ratted? Am I overlooking something, or did I just run into a goldmine of a class feature?

2015-03-07, 11:21 AM
One of the things about feats is that one must meet the prerequisites to use them.

Now, the Loremaster text does not say words to the effect of "you do not need to meet the normal prerequisites for this feat - so I as a DM would rule you still have to. Free feats where you do not need to meet prerequisites always say so so Loremaster does not count.

Even if the DM allows you to take the feat you cannot use it if you don't meet prerequisites (see above). Some of the classes that do grant extra feat access forget this and don't grant you the ability to use them. RAW you can't even though you have them - oops.

2015-03-07, 11:23 AM
The default is requiring prerequisites. The ability would have to specifically state that you ignore them for you to do so.

2015-03-07, 11:25 AM
i would allow any feat that is thematic. if you are a loremaster and then want something like shock trooper i would slap you with the DMG.

if you had poor CHA i would not accept leadership but if you had always roleplayed trying to be a leader and had a decent CHA i would allow it.

you get the picture.

2015-03-07, 11:32 AM
Well going along with the hypothetical assumption that I could get any feat, but was unable to "use" them by raw, would that allow me to have access to the feat in relation to prestige classes that require said feat?

2015-03-07, 11:36 AM
Well going along with the hypothetical assumption that I could get any feat, but was unable to "use" them by raw, would that allow me to have access to the feat in relation to prestige classes that require said feat?

Using a Feat in order to qualify for a Prestige Class sounds suspiciously like being able to use it, to me.

2015-03-07, 11:40 AM
Besides which, the limit isn't on using the feats, it's on gaining any benefit from them.

2015-03-07, 03:31 PM
Cant blame me for trying tho

Thanks for the debate guys, thought I found something cool :)

2015-03-07, 08:48 PM
Cant blame me for trying tho

Thanks for the debate guys, thought I found something cool :)

When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Even in D&D, sometimes. :smallwink:

2015-03-07, 08:54 PM
When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Even in D&D, sometimes. :smallwink:
Only occasionally, really. So much too good to be true stuff in this game is just absolutely as ridiculous and miswritten as it looks. If it's an unmentioned thing in a core book though, you're usually better off erring on the side of caution on the basis of broad visibility. The more ridiculously obscure the book, the more likely the unnoticed find is to be an actual thing.