View Full Version : 3rd Ed Alexander Anderson

2015-03-07, 06:30 PM
So I was watching the latest episode of Hellsing Abridged, and I was shocked it never came to me before

I am in a VERY undead/evil heavy game, and Alexander Anderson - or at least a fanatic with a similar mindset - may be VERY fun to play.

Now in most cases I would toil over my many books, but game is tomorrow evening, and I figure that collectively the many fans here would know many feats, classes, and options by heart, speeding up the creation process.

I am not trying to make an exact copy of him, but this is more of a "lets see what we can do"

For those who dont know who Alexander Anderson is, I will list what his shown ability's are

-A focus on bayonets, both as a melee weapon and a throwing one - and he has a LOT of them, all blessed. (thinking daggers/throwing daggers maybe?)

-duel wields the bayonets, yet can also 2-hand them- this one may be hard to pull off rule wise, unless the weapon was enchanted to change size maybe..

-fast healing or maybe regeneration - the anime speed that he heals would make it more fast healing in the d&d world, but his near unkillable nature is more regeneration.

-magic that seems to give him teleportation and anti undead powers - Im thinking planer hopping to travel would qualify over teleportation in this case, as most anti undead spells fall under Divine magic.

I feel like I am missing a couple, but they are not popping up in my head atm. I will update this list if I can should they come to light.

So, who would like to help make this :D

2015-03-07, 06:59 PM
First aspect I am looking at is throwing weapons.
Master thrower is looking dam nice for tossing out a lot of weapons real fast.

I remember a game where someone used ki to throw more weapons, trying to find that one tho. I think it may be in unapproachable east

2015-03-07, 07:03 PM
I love gauntlets of endless javelins. Maybe refluff it to be daggers instead.

On a side note, give him fast healing (for short term) and regeneration (for long term) have him have both.

That drives me nuts sometimes when creatures (like trolls) should really have both but don't.

2015-03-07, 09:34 PM
Needs some sort of wondrous item that can give him the plant subtype.

Karl Aegis
2015-03-07, 10:01 PM
Take Troll-Blooded and carry around a bunch of blessed weapons.

2015-03-07, 10:40 PM
Ohhhh! Troll Blooded is nice!

Anyone know how to get as many attacks with thrown weapons as possible?

2015-03-07, 10:57 PM
My friend ran a version of Paladin Anderson not that long ago he use a variant of the gloves of endless javelin that produced Silver Short Swords instead of Force Javelins and used Brutal Throw and Throw Anything

2015-03-07, 11:40 PM
The way he wields them the bayonets would to me seem like Oversized daggers. or he has the Throw Anything feat, but I think they would count as short swords.

Karl Aegis
2015-03-08, 01:03 AM
Ohhhh! Troll Blooded is nice!

Anyone know how to get as many attacks with thrown weapons as possible?

Warblade 17/Soulknife 2/Soulbow 1

Use Time Stands Still and Raging Mongoose while two-weapon fighting with your soul arrows. You should have a decent number of attacks. I think Dragon #341 has feats that let you throw out adamantine mind blades.

2015-03-08, 03:36 AM
Warblade 17/Soulknife 2/Soulbow 1

Use Time Stands Still and Raging Mongoose while two-weapon fighting with your soul arrows. You should have a decent number of attacks. I think Dragon #341 has feats that let you throw out adamantine mind blades.


As much as I use the ToB, how could I forget about TSS?!
Thats perfect!

Hmm... I think I may tweak that build a bit tho. This game is going to go into epic levels, so I can plan for that.

The gauntlet idea I like, but I may use shrunken with flavor on them being kunai instead. As they count as ammo, then I could enchant them with returning. The issue with the glove if I remember right is that its a swift action to make one. The cool thing tho is that its force and thus should ignore material such as armor.