View Full Version : Mummy, are you my Mummy (Question)

2015-03-08, 11:07 AM
Sorry I had to be cute.

If a Mummy is hit with a True Resurrection spell it is brought back to life as it was before being undead.
"A resurrection or true resurrection
spell can bring a mummy back to life as a creature
(no longer undead) with a character class appropriate to
the mummy’s life (the former spell causes the exmummy
to lose a level, the latter one does not)."
Does this mean it gets to retrain those 13 levels of Mummy it had before or is it stuck with those monster class levels just losing the undead traits.
I would love to keep a resistant to blows on a Exmummy but that just doesn't seem to make much sense.

Admiral Squish
2015-03-08, 11:11 AM
I'm reading it as they gain class levels appropriate to who they were before they got mummified. Like, a high priest might gain cleric levels, a royal wizard would gain wizard levels, a general might get fighter levels, et cetera. If I'm right, it probably wouldn't be related to their current HD or anything.

2015-03-08, 11:16 AM
Well I was curious if it was a total overhall. I mean you do have 8 RHD and so I didnt know if those were permanent and only the 5 LA was retrained into the Fighter class and the other 8 RHD stayed or if all 13 levels got retrained.

Admiral Squish
2015-03-08, 11:23 AM
Well I was curious if it was a total overhall. I mean you do have 8 RHD and so I didnt know if those were permanent and only the 5 LA was retrained into the Fighter class and the other 8 RHD stayed or if all 13 levels got retrained.

For plot purposes, such as with an NPC, I'd just ignore all the retraining and LA and stuff, and just build a new character to represent who the mummy was pre-mummification.
If you're playing the mummy that gets restored to life, well, I'd say you should definitely talk to your DM about it. I'd rule you could gain story-appropriate levels equal to the ECL lost by turning back into whatever you were before becoming a mummy. If there's a power balance issue, maybe I'd only give you NPC levels for the LA or something.

2015-03-08, 11:23 AM
Does this mean it gets to retrain those 13 levels of Mummy it had before or is it stuck with those monster class levels just losing the undead traits.

That would be an awesome path to godhood. Just mummify and true ressurect successively, gaining 13 levels every time, until your starting character runs out of Epic feats to take.

Mando Knight
2015-03-08, 11:31 AM
Well I was curious if it was a total overhall. I mean you do have 8 RHD and so I didnt know if those were permanent and only the 5 LA was retrained into the Fighter class and the other 8 RHD stayed or if all 13 levels got retrained.
It's no longer a mummy, so the resurrected character should be rebuilt as a creature appropriate to its original life. The resurrected creature shouldn't have mummy RHD left at all, as those RHD are for a mummy, not a resurrected creature.

Sorry I had to be cute.
Oh, did you, now? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EpreukySEQ)

2015-03-08, 12:14 PM
It's no longer a mummy, so the resurrected character should be rebuilt as a creature appropriate to its original life. The resurrected creature shouldn't have mummy RHD left at all, as those RHD are for a mummy, not a resurrected creature.

Oh, did you, now? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EpreukySEQ)
That was the inspiration for the title.

A Mummy Paladin is a option given in Savage Species which to me just makes me wanna laugh my butt off.

General Sajaru
2015-03-08, 12:40 PM
Having your mummy who's been taking levels in mummy be resurrected kind of defeats the point of taking the levels in the first place; you decide to take levels in the mummy racial class because you want to play a mummy. While I suppose such a character's foes could decide to cast a resurrection on them, I'm not entirely sure why they'd want to expend the resources to do so. If, for whatever reason, the mummy player were resurrected, I'd replace the levels of mummy with equal levels of some other class we agreed upon.

2015-03-08, 12:55 PM
I am very curious about why a Mummified Creature Template is a +4 LA and yet the Mummy monster has a total of 13 ECL 8 HD and +5 LA. That seems kind of wonky given that the Template pretty much gives all the same abilities plus at least a good chuck of their ability score bonuses.

But yeah I agree resurrecting the mummy defeats the point and nothing strictly says the Mummy has to be EVIL.
Hmm a Saint Template Mummy would be kinda cool.