View Full Version : Pathfinder Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls is on Kickstarter.

2015-03-08, 01:55 PM
Over on /r/Pathfinder, Alexander Augunas posted up a link for their new book, "Pact Magic Unbound: Grimoire of Lost Souls"!

Link to the post (http://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/2y8n47/radiance_house_pact_magic_unbound_grimoire_of/)
Link to the Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1002835148/pact-magic-unbound-grimoire-of-lost-souls)

Dunno if it's been posted already or not, but hey, extra visibility is never a bad thing. I know I'm excited for this, despite having both Pact Magic Unbound already. Lots of new content and if they break the next milestone, full color art! Mr. Augunas responded a bit and I can tell he is pretty excited for this!

The pact magic books that they put out are an auto include to any PF games I run. Awesome flavor and really cool mechanics. I highly recommend anyone who plays PF and is interested in some cool 3PP stuff to check it out.

Also, just to be clear, I'm not affiliated with those guys at all beyond just being a fan. I'm just trying to get some love for creative minds who do some good work.

Edit: Formatting and spelling

2015-03-08, 04:32 PM
Backing now. Thank you for posting this up.

2015-03-08, 04:38 PM
Link is in my sig as well.

They're already funded, and pretty close to making the book color, so let's make it happen :smallsmile:

2015-03-08, 06:37 PM
Hah! I knew I could count on you guys. :smallbiggrin:

Hopefully enough people see it and back it. Would love to hit that sweet, sweet full colored art.

Mithril Leaf
2015-03-08, 08:09 PM
Well, they got my 15 bucks which is less than I paid for Volume 2 when I couldn't find it on the SRD.

EDIT: I'll probably also scrounge through the playtest copy so I can get some good suggestions for guides. Hopefully my character who can work with straight 8s is still viable.

2015-03-08, 08:20 PM
Link is in my sig as well.

They're already funded, and pretty close to making the book color, so let's make it happen :smallsmile:

Yea. Thanks for putting it there. I followed the link and backed it a few days ago. Had been meaning to purchase the books after reading your guide. Now I don't have to.

2015-03-08, 10:44 PM
Hopefully my character who can work with straight 8s is still viable.

*Glances briefly at {REDACTED}.*



Mithril Leaf
2015-03-08, 10:47 PM
*Glances briefly at {REDACTED}.*



If we've still got Feyu Bardu, That One Soul Jar Dude, and Vest of free Capstone, it should be doable. Tattooed Seals archtype is useful too.

2015-03-09, 12:03 AM
Makes me kinda wonder if they are gonna nerf some of the spirits a bit. Psyren's guide points out a few of the spirits that are a bit more powerful than the others. I don't really think they are broken, but I did have an issue with a pair of Occultists almost wiping my players a few sessions ago. Still, even if some of the better spirits get weakened a bit, it's a fair trade in my mind for all that new content (16 spirits per level?! At least 120 extra pages?!).

Side note, I hope Mr. Augunas wasn't too put off by the poor reception on Reddit. Pretty much myself and one other person commented, and the other guy seemed pretty negative. I'll just have to be excited enough for 2 people I guess.

2015-03-09, 08:47 AM
Side note, I hope Mr. Augunas wasn't too put off by the poor reception on Reddit. Pretty much myself and one other person commented, and the other guy seemed pretty negative. I'll just have to be excited enough for 2 people I guess.

I've notice the folks posting on /r/pathfinder_rpg tend towards a classic playstyle (aka fighter, rogue, blaster wizard and healbot) with less theorycrafting, and thus get less excited about new options and/or bringing back options from 3.5. Even DSP can be a tough sell over there.

2015-03-09, 10:00 AM
I've notice the folks posting on /r/pathfinder_rpg tend towards a classic playstyle (aka fighter, rogue, blaster wizard and healbot) with less theorycrafting, and thus get less excited about new options and/or bringing back options from 3.5. Even DSP can be a tough sell over there.

Which is a point I often raise here, that other boards/communities of 3.5/PF players have considerably different tastes than the Playground does. It's a very good concept for any third-party publisher to keep in mind while designing, and it can help us players understand why those designers make some of the choices they do.

But it's not like the Occultist requires knowledge of a new subsystem like Psionics and ToB do - even if you're not familiar with the Binder, so long as you understand how supernatural abilities and SLAs work, you can build an Occultist without any issues.

Maybe I can help be an advocate over there.

Mithril Leaf
2015-03-09, 01:46 PM
A reminder that even if you don't give them cash, liking their Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/109823472376033/) will give everyone some additional content.

2015-03-09, 04:03 PM
Maybe I can help be an advocate over there.

It's a tough crowd over there. Like phlidwsn said, they definitely aren't like the community here. Downvotes galore and a much smaller community makes it hard to pass on any advice. I don't think anything I have posted on there has ever even received a reply (other than downvotes..)

That being said, I would join you on this quest to bring these more casual folk into the fold.

Akal Saris
2015-03-09, 07:12 PM
Thanks for posting this! I've got a cavalier using the pact magic rules and it's quite a fun sub-system that I would certainly recommend to other DMs and players!

Ilorin Lorati
2015-03-10, 05:03 PM
Was the volume 2 stuff ever added to the SRD? I would like to check to see if they went stupid in the second book or kept up the good work before I back it.

2015-03-10, 05:11 PM
Was the volume 2 stuff ever added to the SRD? I would like to check to see if they went stupid in the second book or kept up the good work before I back it.

Not the SRD, but another website (http://alharadnd.wikidot.com/occultist-spirits) uploaded the Volume 2 spirits.

There is very nice stuff in the second one, particularly for low-level Occultists - check out Forash and Marat! - and I would say it's all well-designed and reasonably balanced.

2015-03-16, 09:43 AM
Bumping as an FYI - they broke 6k, which means we all get a full-color book! A hearty kudos to everyone who chipped in.

Mithril Leaf
2015-04-11, 01:40 AM
*Glances briefly at {REDACTED}.*



Now that the book is open to backers, I can confirm that the build does indeed still work.

Bind Hexus and Fey Baraddu. Use a Dedicated Vest. Purchase a Wooly Rhino. Enjoy your awesome melee stats in a vaguely humanoid form (such as an ape of some sort).