View Full Version : Pathfinder Demoralizing to frightened or higher.

Elric VIII
2015-03-08, 03:25 PM
I have an inquisitor character that focuses on tripping with a whip, using the animal domain along with teamwork feats to get decent bonuses. I would also like to take advantage of the inquisitor's very powerful intimidate bonus via the enforcer or cornugon smash feats. I will be taking power attack for the harder they fall in order to trip any huge+ creatures I encounter, so either will only cost 1 additional feat slot (although I believe enforcer has a more powerful effect).

My question is: What means exist to allow demoralize to reach a state beyond shaken?

I am aware of the thug rogue archetype, but I would prefer to remain single-classed or at least preserve my spellcasting.

Second Arrow
2015-03-08, 06:22 PM
There's always the Soulless Gaze (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/damnation-feats/soulless-gaze-damnation) feat, which might be suitable depending on how you look at it. (heh).

Note that they do come with some rather hefty drawbacks as well though, as outlined in the damnation feats section.

Elric VIII
2015-03-08, 07:51 PM
There's always the Soulless Gaze (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/damnation-feats/soulless-gaze-damnation) feat, which might be suitable depending on how you look at it. (heh).

Note that they do come with some rather hefty drawbacks as well though, as outlined in the damnation feats section.

Those are really awesome. I'm not sure if they fit with my current character, but they definitely warrant consideration.

Secret Wizard
2015-03-09, 12:25 AM
There's the Disheartening Display feat or otherwise taking 1 level into Rogue (Thug) too.

2015-03-09, 08:57 AM
Combine the Anaconda's Coils with Final Embrace and Final Embrace Horror will also do the trick. Probably more niche than you're looking for but i comes with the benefit of not requiring a demoralizing check so it's particularly good for small characters.

This works best if you can squeeze in as many grapple checks in a round as possible, as the duration will never improve past a single round.

2015-03-09, 10:00 AM
Hellknight levels can also do it, but thug rogue is less investment.

2015-03-09, 12:17 PM
Echoing the Disheartening Display feat from ACG