View Full Version : Specialized Wizard Question

2015-03-08, 04:30 PM
Hey guys, this may be an extremely simple question for the playgrounders to answer. I cant seem to find anything supporting the idea or disclaiming it. I wish to play a Wizard who has specialized in two schools, Illusion and Transmutation. In return I would have to ban four schools(two for each). So the question is simple enough.....

Can a wizard specialize in more than a single school? If you can support your thought with links/books/and so on then please do. All the same Id like to hear your thoughts on the topic.

2015-03-08, 04:36 PM
No, rules don't allow it.

If desired, a wizard may specialize in one school of magic

2015-03-08, 04:36 PM
Hey guys, this may be an extremely simple question for the playgrounders to answer. I cant seem to find anything supporting the idea or disclaiming it. I wish to play a Wizard who has specialized in two schools, Illusion and Transmutation. In return I would have to ban four schools(two for each). So the question is simple enough.....

Can a wizard specialize in more than a single school? If you can support your thought with links/books/and so on then please do. All the same Id like to hear your thoughts on the topic.
You may not. A wizard may only specialize in one school, barring certain specific exceptions.

Such exceptions include:

The Incantatrix (Magic of Faerūn) prestige class grants a specialization in abjuration if you do not already have it, and have to give up one extra school (unless you're already an abjurer).

There are changeling racial levels for wizard in Races of Eberron, the first of which grants a dual specialization in illusion and transmutation.

If you really want to overspecialize that much, you might want to consider playing a sorcerer.
I suggest this houserule: Sorcerers cast spells as if they were one level higher, so they get new spell levels at the same time as wizards. This does very little to widen the gap between sorcerers and non-casters, but it does wonders to close the gap between sorcerers and wizards.

2015-03-08, 04:39 PM
It is allowed, but only if you are a Changeling, and only if the schools are Illusion and Transmutation. See the substitution levels from Races of Eberron.

2015-03-08, 04:58 PM
THanks guys, I had read that bit in the PhB that specifies one school, but that came right after describing that their are eight schools of magic. So sounded off a bit. That changeling Sub levels are wonderful! Its exactly the two schools my build wants to have, and I only have to ban 3 schools instead of the four i thought i would. Not to mention Morphic Familiar at level 5 sounds awesome....I might take impr familiar and draconic familiar later. Still can take Master Specialist and apply the benefits to both specializations now to :)

Any thoughts out there on a build of this type? Ill be Changeling now and going into Shadowcraft Mage at least 3 levels, probably all five. Also, We are gestalted!

2015-03-08, 05:09 PM
IIRC Shadowcraft Mage is a gnome only PrC. Did your DM rule otherwise?

2015-03-08, 05:13 PM
IIRC Shadowcraft Mage is a gnome only PrC. Did your DM rule otherwise?

My DM is allowing the adaptation that reads:

"Adaptation: A cabal of nongnome illusionists could certainly use this prestige class; simply replace the racial requirement with a requirement that shadowcraft mages be members of the cabal. The requirement for a 4th-level spell from the shadow subschool restricts this class to arcane spellcasters. If not for that requirement, clerics with the Trickery domain could qualify more easily than wizards and sorcerers." From Races of Stone 120.

2015-03-08, 05:26 PM
IIRC Shadowcraft Mage is a gnome only PrC. Did your DM rule otherwise?

My DM is allowing the adaptation that reads:

"Adaptation: A cabal of nongnome illusionists could certainly use this prestige class; simply replace the racial requirement with a requirement that shadowcraft mages be members of the cabal. The requirement for a 4th-level spell from the shadow subschool restricts this class to arcane spellcasters. If not for that requirement, clerics with the Trickery domain could qualify more easily than wizards and sorcerers." From Races of Stone 120.Alternately, just spend a feat on Racial Emulation to meet the Gnome Prereq, seeing as you're a Changeling anyway.

Recaster may also be of interest as a Changeling Wizard. It loses one caster level iirc, but it's still pretty good. Since this is gestalt, you can just throw a Wizard level opposite the non-casting PrC level and not lose casting progression. Beyond that Factotum is generally the best thing to put opposite Wizard in gestalt, though there are a number of decent options available, depending what you want to achieve.

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-03-08, 06:36 PM
The Incantatrix (Magic of Faerūn) prestige class grants a specialization in abjuration if you do not already have it, and have to give up one extra school (unless you're already an abjurer).

Unfortunately, the update for Incantatrix retains the extra school ban but no longer gives an extra specialization.

Nightmare Spinner out of Complete Mage does give pseudo specialization in illusion without the drawbacks, but you do lose a caster level there.

That being said, changeling is definitely the way to go.

2015-03-08, 07:19 PM
Definitely take Improved Familiar, since it has great synergy with Morphic Familiar. Also, consider gestalting with a class that has full BAB and/or good skill points, since your familiar shares your base attack bonus and skill ranks. Having a high BAB also unlocks some additional familiars from Complete Warrior that are very good to have access to, notably hippogriffs (flying mount!) and blink dogs (at-will dimension door!).

2015-03-08, 07:36 PM
Definitely take Improved Familiar, since it has great synergy with Morphic Familiar. Also, consider gestalting with a class that has full BAB and/or good skill points, since your familiar shares your base attack bonus and skill ranks. Having a high BAB also unlocks some additional familiars from Complete Warrior that are very good to have access to, notably hippogriffs (flying mount!) and blink dogs (at-will dimension door!).

Taking Wizard to level 5, Probably grab Illusionist from Unearthed Arcana for Chains of Disbelief, ill ban evocation for it. Since I can alter my illusion spells to any evocation spell or Conjuration(Creation/Conjuration) on the wizard OR sorcerer spell list through Shadowcraft Mage anyway. However, while I am gestalted Im not sure what would be best to run beside it. I have access to all books and dragon. My DM indirectly screaming, "BREAK MY GAME" is a voice I often hear in my dreams. lol.

2015-03-08, 07:48 PM
2e book Wizards and Rogues of the Realms has a specialty class for Red Wizards that allows dual specialization, we've adapted that for 3rd edition at my table a few times, I geuss it would fall as homebrew, but I did a Diviniation/Wild magic specialist one time that way, only 1 banned school, lol