View Full Version : DM Help A little help with a NPC

2015-03-09, 03:13 PM
For those whom play in the Fata Fabulae Campaign:i ask you to not read any further and disregard this post...

Now then, I am in need of just a little help with a Monk NPC I have designed, BUT wish to make sure that he's challenging for my players... Most specifically: The Party's Sorceror. the player of this particular Sorc has the impression that he has planned for all contingencies and is virtually untouchable due to his use of Mirror's image and Travel Devotion. I have incorporated levels of SwordSage into the build (giving him sudden leap and leaping Dragon stance w/ High jump ranks) and given him the Mage slayer Feat and Pierce Magical Concealment Feat. My real question is, What else could a guy do in order to help make him a little more challenging?

Note: I allow NO PSIONICS in my game as it is straight fantasy. The NPC is level 16 and Catfolk by race. Don't have the exact class leveling with me, but will post later.

Lynx D.

2015-03-09, 03:48 PM
The Invisible Fist ACF is very useful for starters.

2015-03-09, 04:01 PM
What level will he be?

2015-03-09, 04:02 PM
Level 16 Catfolk.

2015-03-09, 05:17 PM
spirit lion wolf totem whirling frenzy barbarian 2 with knockdown would mean a single hit (from a pounce and increased attack numbers!) would mean any P.C. is gonna have a bad time.

invisible fist as said.

essentially just give him magic items that allow flight and seeing through all concealments and miss chances if possible.
and some sort of system (like an immediate action teleport) to chase anyone with one or to get away in a pickle.
belt of battle and boots of battle charger are useful. he needs more actions to even make the party blink at him, other wise they out action him at 4-1 and if we simplify that, that mean 4 fireballs vs 1 fireball, which will kill you quicker? so just a couple of items to give him the odd boost.

2015-03-09, 05:26 PM
spirit lion wolf totem whirling frenzy barbarian 2 with knockdown would mean a single hit (from a pounce and increased attack numbers!) would mean any P.C. is gonna have a bad time.

I don't recommend this. Enemies with high burst damage often result in quick deaths that feel unfair and unsatisfying.

Also Monk and Barbarian have incompatible alignment restrictions.

Also a Catfolk doesn't need a Barbarian dip to get pounce; they can get it from a racial feat.

2015-03-09, 05:29 PM
For one, don't make him challenge the party alone. 3.5 does not play like final fantasy. If you have a monk, then have a (cloistered)cleric and (Druidic avenger/Deadly Hunter)druid back him up. write in a little blurb about them being apart of his monastery.

These are the ways those types of things go. Even though you didn't word it as such, this is an anti-mage thread, and we all know how those work. A slug can't beat salt.

2015-03-09, 06:23 PM
He's not. he's going in with a level 12 owlbear crusader set with a spiked chain and Trip AoO abilities, 6 Level 8 mooks of various type and being commanded by a level 18 RKV build (White Raven heavy). I'll probably add the Invisi-fist feature, cafolk pounce, and gear to him. Really great help, guys!

Now then, I might add, however, that i forgot one other thing... He has a feat or an ability, as well, that allows him to add his bluff to his Ac and he has PRETTY HIGH charisma and ranks in bluff due to an oversight by myself at his character creation (Normal Bluff results range between 30-50). Any suggestions on how I can cancel this out? Note: i'm not trying to be mean to the guy, but he's not had much of a challeneg this whole time and he's KINDA urked me with some comments and boasting.

Again, any help would be nice.

Lynx D.

2015-03-09, 06:38 PM
Sounds like your main problems are going to be with SoDs and ranged attacks. Be sure to give both members of the team a ranged weapon and good saves.

Hiro Quester
2015-03-09, 08:18 PM
Grappling him perhaps. With a silence spell on his belt and a rogue ready to sneak attack.

2015-03-09, 08:27 PM
Now then, I might add, however, that i forgot one other thing... He has a feat or an ability, as well, that allows him to add his bluff to his Ac and he has PRETTY HIGH charisma and ranks in bluff due to an oversight by myself at his character creation (Normal Bluff results range between 30-50). Any suggestions on how I can cancel this out? Note: i'm not trying to be mean to the guy, but he's not had much of a challeneg this whole time and he's KINDA urked me with some comments and boasting.

Is this a custom feat or something? I don't know of any published ability that allows you to do this. It's blatantly overpowered.

2015-03-09, 09:07 PM
Forgive me... I worded that a little wrong. What I meant to say was that he had a feat that allowed him to add his Charisma to his Ac (which is PRETTY HIGH) by use of his Bluff (which is still normally that high when he rolls). I recalled it being called "Combat Panache". of course, i looked at it and realize it's an Intimidate roll (no difference... Same score for him) AND he has to hit a target for 1 pt+ of damage for it to kick in. Going to have to remind him of the latter portion of that Feat as he's been using bluff and NOT hitting anyone for damage. That should solve a small something there.

he, also, has templates which include Dragon-blood trait and Necropolitan... Think I ought to make use of the Undead weaknesses somehow...? Or, does that seem to spiteful?

Lynx D.

2015-03-10, 06:11 AM
Forgive me... I worded that a little wrong. What I meant to say was that he had a feat that allowed him to add his Charisma to his Ac (which is PRETTY HIGH) by use of his Bluff (which is still normally that high when he rolls). I recalled it being called "Combat Panache". of course, i looked at it and realize it's an Intimidate roll (no difference... Same score for him) AND he has to hit a target for 1 pt+ of damage for it to kick in. Going to have to remind him of the latter portion of that Feat as he's been using bluff and NOT hitting anyone for damage. That should solve a small something there.

he, also, has templates which include Dragon-blood trait and Necropolitan... Think I ought to make use of the Undead weaknesses somehow...? Or, does that seem to spiteful?

Lynx D.

Odd. Usually you have to dip battledancer for that.

Hiro Quester
2015-03-10, 07:18 AM
Combat panache, used that way also takes a move action. And it only adds to his AC against that one target.

So give him a pair of opponents working as a team. Grappler plus rogue, for instance

2015-03-10, 06:37 PM
Odd. Usually you have to dip battledancer for that.

I think he did, actually... Truthfully, I feel a little confused on what all he has in his build anymore XD. I'm really wishing I had have had a better understanding of what all he was trying to do when I first allowed him to create the character for the game. I, accidently, allowed him to build a Monster. Granted, that monster is only good at Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate (Along side of crafting wonderous items and Spell-Buffing the party), but those tend to be the largest of skill focuses with strong ties to just about anything you could need to do.

The remainder of the party has put up with it fairly well thus far, but I'm pretty sure they're still a little miffed I allowed it as he has been the MOST OVERLY optimized character from day one. Truth be told, he DID have OTHER templates on him, as well, but I had to ask him to take a few off as he was virtually almost able to solo dungeons at the 4th or 5th level when I brought him in and the group REALLY resented that. Forgive me, though.. I'm not trying to sound like I'm ragging on the guy. Just wish I had have realized the headache I was in for when I allowed the character (especially when compared to the others in the party as MOST were still fairly new to DnD at the time... And, I , as a first time DM). He's been kind to equip them and offer his aid in improving them (and, even some rules and tips for me), but most of them wanted to be able to do stuff for themselves. I've had to have people optimize themselves so they could feel cool, too. Then, i had to make enemies that'd be challenging enough to face them at their new optimized levels XD. A trial by fire to be sure, but it HAs helped me learn.

Anyways, i sure do appreciate the tips! Thank you all for your kindness! if you can think of anything else, feel free to post!Lynx D.