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View Full Version : Zombies at my Neighbor! (Or so he tells me)

2015-03-10, 01:01 AM
Evening ladies and gents of the giants playground. With The Walking Dead 5th season coming to a close and the next returning...well later then I'd like. I've been catching up with it and I must say with a little shame that after watching an episode I get the urge to want to play some Zombie games.

More so on the table-top side. But the problem there is I'm not sure what kind of table-top games are out there that cater to the zombie apocalypse. Sure there's the classic All Flesh Must be Eaten which I feel is a pretty good system for what it's trying to do. I want to know if there are any others that would serve the genre any better justice?

Another problem is finding people wanting to play and having someone wanting to run it. Do you guys know of any good places where people would be keen on that? I'm sure theres some in the forums here but I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of post-by-post games. I feel that they never really last because people who are up to post never show.

P.S Sorry about the title, has nothing to do with the video game.

2015-03-10, 02:41 PM
I played a nice zombies game using a modified version of nWoD (new World of Darkness), so I could see a mortals (or weak hunters) in New World of Darkness giving you the right feel.

All Flesh Must Be Eaten is probably better, though, as it's geared towards that. I've read it, and it sounds good, though I've never actually played the system.

As for finding a game: maybe try some local comic book stores, or places where Magic: The Gathering or similar game tournaments are played. Folk there might know a place to meet folk for gaming. I don't know your age, but if you are college age, some college campuses have gaming or anime clubs (the anime club at my college spent a lot of time playing Yugioh and Magic the Gathering, and I reckon I could've found some tabletop players if I was looking), and those could be good places to meet players.

This forum probably could work for play-by-post, but I see that's not what you want (for reasons I share.)

P.S. From the title and that it opened talking about a TV series, I at first thought this was spam. I mean no offense by saying this, but just constructive feedback to potentially get more responses with future posts.

2015-03-10, 02:45 PM
*insert shameless GURPS plug here*

2015-03-10, 02:56 PM
Well as things stand currently my best bet is to try and work with getting a group online. I live in a small town county so there isn't much in the way of game shops or college campus' around to peruse for players. There is one shop close by but the majority of the guys there are pretty devoted to MtG and have jobs to attend to (probably to fuel the game in my opinion).

As for GURPS, I thought about it but I hardly know the system at all and from what some of my more experienced table-top friends have said it can be good but also is a bit much. A lot of managing I think.

Sorry about the title. I'd change it if I could but I don't think I can. I just meant to have a clever title because I'm not very good at opening with them.

2015-03-13, 08:47 PM
As for GURPS, I thought about it but I hardly know the system at all and from what some of my more experienced table-top friends have said it can be good but also is a bit much. A lot of managing I think.

What's the focus of the campaign going to be? If it's pure combat then full-on GURPS might be a bit unwieldy. If character backgrounds and civilization skills are going to be an important part then GURPS might be the ideal system, because I don't know many other games that allow you to focus so in depth on ancillary skills.

2015-03-16, 01:23 PM
Well my initial intention for the game was to be a bit more survival based with the characters having to pool their collective skills together to keep themselves afloat. However as I said earlier I don't know GURPS and on top of that have none of the books. As for a system I think for the time I'll just use AFMBE since it is one I do know of and have a lot more source material for already.

That said my question for you guys now is on that oh so difficult problem with starting any table-top game. How to get the players together/start together. With D&D and other fantasy games you can easily do the "meeting in a tavern" Or in Shadowrun being all hired on for the same job. But for a zombie apocalypse it's more fun to have people from all walks of life get stuck together and see how they pull it off.

Any suggestions?

2015-03-16, 04:43 PM
Seems like a pretty easy task to get everyone together in the apocalypse -- they are all refugees that made it to same location (farmhouse, shopping mall, bunker, island, etc)

It's an especially well-supported plot device in zombie movies.

2015-03-16, 10:34 PM
Yeah, that is a good way of doing it but I had been wanting to try and do the moment of impact setting. The group finds themselves all there as the rise of the dead is happening and must find a way to safety or die.

2015-03-16, 11:06 PM
Yeah, that is a good way of doing it but I had been wanting to try and do the moment of impact setting. The group finds themselves all there as the rise of the dead is happening and must find a way to safety or die.

Cool. I suppose that means a public setting where different socio-economic groups would be. Some ideas: an airport, a cruise ship, a courthouse, a zoo, touring the White House, the Brooklyn Bridge, a mall, a beach.

2015-03-17, 12:29 AM
All good ideas. The mall is a bit overdone though, as we all know. As for the cruise ship I kind of had an idea to use that for a later hook for the characters to work with. I think the bridge idea is pretty cool. Thanks for the ideas Maglubiyet ^^ much appreciated.