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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Campaign Specific Warlock Patron and Pact

2015-03-10, 11:54 AM
So in the world I have used since 2e, I've had shapechanger's as a race similar to the Odo from Babylon 5... With 5e I was having a hard time figuring out where to put them. The Changeling race might work. But essentially the whole race is from 1 sentient pool of living liquid. This liquid resides under a great desert in my campaign world, and they control the trade routes across it. The sentient entity frequently sends out "minions", small drops (comparatively) of its own essence to explore and learn. These blobs of liquid can take on the shape of nearly anything with a similar mass, so their humanoid sized (mass) blobs for the most part (although it has been known to send out animal sized in order to spy and such).

I could have used the Druid template, but felt that it didn't fit thematically and the druid wild shape was limiting in that regard anyways, so would have to alter it anyways.

I decided to make all the minions at least level 3 Warlocks as they leave the Collective... Giving new Patron Sabatti Collective (Sabatti being the Race) and a new Pact (which is mandatory). I don't know at this point if I will allow players to play as a Sabattian (and yes I realize that sounds similar to the Human looking Race in Farscape) or not.

Expanded Spell List:
Create or Destroy Water, & Silent Image
Blur, & Pass w/o Trace
Meld Into Stone, & Spirit Guardians
Confusion, & Greater Invisibility
Conjure Elemental, & Creation

L1 Dazzle

As an action, you can cause each creature in a 10ft cube, originating from you, to make a Charisma save vs your warlock Save DC.
The Creatures that fail their saving throws are all blinded until the end of your next turn.
Any damage taken by a creature removes this effect.
Once you use this feature you can not do so again until you have completed a short or long rest.

L6 Mirage

When a creature makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to interpose an illusory dublicate of yourself between the attacker and yourself. The attack automatically misses you, while hitting the mirage thus ending the mirage at the end of this turn.
Once you use this feature you can not do so again until completing a short or long rest.

L10 Collective Mind

Your connection to the Collective consciousness allows you to draw upon their vast experience and expertise.
When making a skill check you can apply your proficiency bonus to skills you are not proficient in and half (rounded down) of your proficiency bonus to skill checks you are not proficient in.
Once you use this feature you can not do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

L14 Bask in the Sun

When you hit a creature with an attack, you can use this feature to instantly transport the target into a Demi-Plane of a scorching desert where time passes exponentially.
The Target is transported without any belonging, and can not cast any magic upon this plane as if under the spell anti-magic field.
The Target finds himself/herself trapped under a constant noon day sun for what seems like 3 days. The target takes 4d6 radiant damage and gains 2 levels of Exhaustion.
The target returns at the end of your turn having had 3 days pas within the demi plane, and will show signs of wear such as sleeplessness and sunburn (as appropriate).

Level 3
You gain Formless Body, similar to Druid's Wildshape except that you are limited in what shapes you can take by level AND you have no time limit within the form. You can assume the shape of any Humanoid but your mass must be equivalent. You can also assume the shape of an Imp (without Flight), a Giant Lizard, Gray Ooze, or Camel.

You can stay in this form until you cancel it, are reduced to 0 HP or die. If you revert due to being reduced to 0 HP any extra damage carries over to your original form (a silver pool of liquid). In addition when you revert to original form regardless of method you take 1 damage for each Hit Dice of the Dmg mising from the form you reverted from.

You may only cast spells if the form you take could cast spells. Your natural form has no attacks, nor casting ability. But does possess a burrow speed of 30 ft, and movement speed of 20.

Once you use this feature, you can not do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

Monsterous Body: (Requires Warlock L7 & Pact of the Body) you gain the following forms: Carrion Crawler, Ankheg, Blink Dog, & Ochre Jelly

Flying Forms: (Requires Warclock L10 & Pact of the Body) you gain the following forms: Giant Vulture (and Imp form can now fly), Giant Wasp, Giant Scorpion, Phase Spider and Displacer Beast.

Elemental Body: (Requires Warlock L16 & Pact of the Body) you gain the following forms: Air, Earth, and Fire Elemental.

2015-03-10, 12:04 PM
So in the world I have used since 2e, I've had shapechanger's as a race similar to the Odo from Babylon 5... With 5e I was having a hard time figuring out where to put them. The Changeling race might work. But essentially the whole race is from 1 sentient pool of living liquid. This liquid resides under a great desert in my campaign world, and they control the trade routes across it. The sentient entity frequently sends out "minions", small drops (comparatively) of its own essence to explore and learn. These blobs of liquid can take on the shape of nearly anything with a similar mass, so their humanoid sized (mass) blobs for the most part (although it has been known to send out animal sized in order to spy and such).

I could have used the Druid template, but felt that it didn't fit thematically and the druid wild shape was limiting in that regard anyways, so would have to alter it anyways.

I decided to make all the minions at least level 3 Warlocks as they leave the Collective... Giving new Patron Sabatti Collective (Sabatti being the Race) and a new Pact (which is mandatory). I don't know at this point if I will allow players to play as a Sabattian (and yes I realize that sounds similar to the Human looking Race in Farscape) or not.

Expanded Spell List:
Create or Destroy Water, & Silent Image
Blur, & Pass w/o Trace
Meld Into Stone, & Spirit Guardians
Confusion, & Greater Invisibility
Conjure Elemental, & Creation

L1 Dazzle

As an action, you can cause each creature in a 10ft cube, originating from you, to make a Charisma save vs your warlock Save DC.
The Creatures that fail their saving throws are all blinded until the end of your next turn.
Any damage taken by a creature removes this effect.
Once you use this feature you can not do so again until you have completed a short or long rest.

L6 Mirage

When a creature makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to interpose an illusory dublicate of yourself between the attacker and yourself. The attack automatically misses you, while hitting the mirage thus ending the mirage at the end of this turn.
Once you use this feature you can not do so again until completing a short or long rest.

L10 Collective Mind

Your connection to the Collective consciousness allows you to draw upon their vast experience and expertise.
When making a skill check you can apply your proficiency bonus to skills you are not proficient in and half (rounded down) of your proficiency bonus to skill checks you are not proficient in.
Once you use this feature you can not do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

L14 Bask in the Sun

When you hit a creature with an attack, you can use this feature to instantly transport the target into a Demi-Plane of a scorching desert where time passes exponentially.
The Target is transported without any belonging, and can not cast any magic upon this plane as if under the spell anti-magic field.
The Target finds himself/herself trapped under a constant noon day sun for what seems like 3 days. The target takes 4d6 radiant damage and gains 2 levels of Exhaustion.
The target returns at the end of your turn having had 3 days pas within the demi plane, and will show signs of wear such as sleeplessness and sunburn (as appropriate).

Level 3
You gain Formless Body, similar to Druid's Wildshape except that you are limited in what shapes you can take by level AND you have no time limit within the form. You can assume the shape of any Humanoid but your mass must be equivalent. You can also assume the shape of an Imp (without Flight), a Giant Lizard, Gray Ooze, or Camel.

At L7 you gain the following forms: Carrion Crawler, Ankheg, Blink Dog, & Ochre Jelly

At L10 you gain the following forms: Giant Vulture (and Imp form can now fly), Giant Wasp, Giant Scorpion, Phase Spider and Displacer Beast.

At L16 you gain the following forms: Air, Earth, and Fire Elemental.

You can stay in this form until you cancel it, are reduced to 0 HP or die. If you revert due to being reduced to 0 HP any extra damage carries over to your original form (a silver pool of liquid). In addition when you revert to original form regardless of method you take 1 damage for each Hit Dice of the Dmg mising from the form you reverted from.

You may only cast spells if the form you take could cast spells. Your natural form has no attacks, nor casting ability. But does possess a burrow speed of 30 ft, and movement speed of 20.

Once you use this feature, you can not do so again until you finish a Long Rest.

I dig the pact, but it should not get better on it's own. Make a few new Invocations to take at the appropriate levels, and it'll fall right in line with the others.

2015-03-10, 12:19 PM
I dig the pact, but it should not get better on it's own. Make a few new Invocations to take at the appropriate levels, and it'll fall right in line with the others.

Excellent suggestion... I'll update original post to represent that!

2015-03-15, 03:53 PM
I dig the pact, but it should not get better on it's own. Make a few new Invocations to take at the appropriate levels, and it'll fall right in line with the others.

So it seems fairly Balanced?