View Full Version : Player Help A combination of Magic the Gathering and 3.5... help please??

2015-03-10, 02:01 PM
A new campaign with my group is about to start. Uses 3.5 rules, but it is setting is medieval modeled innistrad or something from Magic the Gathering. Complete with some kind of noble houses. Where can I find information on this kind of setting? This is mainly so I don't wind up asking 'too many' questions about certain aspects.

Character concept. 3.5 books and archive are okay. ToB is not. Magic of Incarnum and Psionics are not. No LA. No Buy-off. Alignment restricted to Good or Neutral for me ( if I follow a deity, there are few available. Most are the Lawful. The one that isn't is one of Knowledge so I am assuming equivalent of Pathfinder's Nethys ) I don't know the races of the area. Elf is a no-go. I know humans are in the area, but what other races are there? Starting at level 2.

This is looking to be (could be wrong ) a mid-to-low arcane magic setting ( dunno how much divine ).
Divine-casters are generally church types ( paladins, favored souls, etc. ) so there will be a bit of restriction.
Arcane casters are a mostly no-go. Bards are okay a bit ( bardic college ). Sorcerors are a rarity ( prized kinda like merlin to King Arthur ). Hexblade is most likely a no-go. No other classes that can do arcane type.

I have 2 jobs so there will be times that my evening will reside on game night ( gotta love bills ). So I am intending my character to not be more of helpful to party if there, not crucial if not. DM has warned us on the 'if you do something stupid, it's your fault if you die' and 'do not look to exploit the game'. Party will most likely be mostly martials. Stats will be rolled. So I am looking at either urban barbarian ( I don't know what consists of urban barbarian ) or bard/marshal into mythic exemplar into uncanny trickster as a party booster ( bab will suck I know, but I don't care ). Perhaps, something in between. If I go urban barb, I am going to go pounce, but hold back a bit. Maybe position myself first round or two before 'Red mist of blood' ). Can be popped in and out of story without much hassle.

Magic items. There is limited magic mart due to limited arcane. So if barb or bard/marshal what magic items should I look for or request from DM eventually? Good weapon that is without special material?? Feats? Sub-levels? Mundane knick-knacks?

sidenote- In the past, this DM has used DnD to express his reallife issues and the issue in the past was 'the story will progress how he wants it like it or not'. Also, tendency to give Villains full WBL instead of NPC. His last time DMing was with bad relationship in reallife. The Villainess? An beguiler. The theme to defeat her? Love. Hints to this? A few emo things ( very few hints as to past and dominating of npcs ). Party ranges from 9-14 of only 5 members. Mostly martials, any tactics are individual-based versus team-based. Level of villainess and friends? Level 18 ( could cast 9ths ) minimum with Iron plated guy and whip user ( Was never told class levels, but most likely 18th ). Messes up on how a few of the spells are done ( normally this is a humans make mistakes, but with this kind of DM I don't know if on purpose or not ). Another game had my friends be like level 10 or 14 with level 5 equipment.

This is not a 'post your bad DM experience' type thread. The long sidenote is to give an idea as to what kind of things he has done in the past ( keyword of past ). It has been a long time since he has DM'ed again ( player-banning him from DMing XD ). He is hoping to try again and seems to have learned some from his mistakes ( going by hearsay of friends from this ).

2015-03-10, 02:35 PM
Innistrad is a romantic setting. Romantic in the literary sense, as in Dracula, Frankenstein, and all that. At first sight it's quite penny dreadful-y. Most playable races are thus going to be human, with the possibility of vampires (and other classical undead), werewolves, demons, angels...

There is some arcane magic but it is treated as a Romantic setting will treat it. Most arcane casters are either frankenstein expies or necromancers or both.

For more info on the fluff wizards have good explanations of the mtg planes, this (http://archive.wizards.com/Magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg%2fdaily%2fstf%2f157) being a good start.

Other than Avacyn (and she isn't even a true deity) no other deity comes to mind. I guess maybe the other angels are being treated as minor deities?