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2015-03-10, 04:21 PM
Crone's Hex

In a world of sorcery and eldritch powers, not all techniques of sword play will draw inspiration from mundane beasts, some will draw instead from the creatures in which magic flows naturally. Crone's Hex is one such discipline. Stories of its origins vary. Some place it as being created by a powerful Annis hag and taught by her to disenfranchised women who she gathered beneath her as her disciples in an attempt to carve out a kingdom in a swamp, and spread by the survivors when her attempt at empire failed. Others tell of a powerful hagspawn, child of mortal man and hag, who forged the discipline for their own use, teaching it to their daughters who taught it to their daughters, the techniques slowly disseminating out of the bloodline as its practitioners would break the rules which kept it within. Still others say it was born of a maiden's rage when a great travesty of justice was committed against her and some deity took mercy upon her, bestowing the techniques into her making her the first master of the style. Whatever the truth the martial discipline of the Crone's Hex draws equally from its initiators' physical and spiritual might, drawing upon their darker emotions, anger, hatred, bitterness, and channeling them into powerful attacks which siphon away at their foes' spiritual and physical strength. Its techniques include many maneuvers to emulate the magical and not so magical powers of hags, bestowing curses, crafting disguises, and giving its practitioners the ability to perform the Evil Eye.

Associated Skill: Knowledge (Arcana).

Discipline Weapons: Unarmed Strike, Claw, Dagger, Hand-axe, Glaive, Halberd, Naginata, Nagamaki.

Learning the Crone's Hex: A swordsage (or morphic claw) may trade access to any discipline to gain access to Crone's Hex, gaining Knowledge (Arcana) as a bonus class skill and losing that discipline's associated skill from their Swordsage skill list. A warblade (or Simic Initiator) may exchange Iron Heart or White Raven to gain access to Crone's Hex, gaining Knowledge (Arcana) as a bonus skill and losing Diplomacy if they trade White Raven. A crusader may exchange Devoted Spirit or White Raven to gain access to Crone's Hex, gaining Knowledge (Arcana) and losing Heal or Diplomacy respectively. An argent blade may trade access to any discipline to gain access to Crone's Hex, they neither gain nor lose any skill in the process. A wildwood knight may trade access to any discipline other than Star Dream to gain access to Crone's Hex, gaining Knowledge (Arcana) but not losing any skill in exchange.

Crone's Hex Maneuvers by Level

Call the Fog: 1st, Boost. Fill your space with fog.
Crone's Talons: 1st, Stance. Gain claws, Knowledge (arcana) makes them magic.
Cursed Claw of Nightmares: 1st, Strike. Deal Wis damage, if unarmed inflict nightmares to prevent sleep.
Disfiguring Strike: 1st, Strike. Inflict Charisma penalty and make target ugly.
Inured to Nightmares: 1st, Counter. Gain save bonus against fear, eventually immunity.
Armor of Hatred: 2nd, Strike. Gain DR 10/bludgeoning for 1 round.
Retribution of the Dark Moon: 2nd, Strike. +4 to hit, +2d6+Cha damage to creature that damaged you within the last round, or better vs ex-lovers.
Bog Witch's Walk: 3rd, Stance. Gain swim speed, move through swamps without penalties.
Eye of Clotho: 3rd, Strike. Induce fear with a glance.
Glamor of the Lovely Face: 3rd, Stance. Disguise self, doesn't show up under Detect Magic.
Hag's Grasp: 3rd, Strike. +2d6 damage, initiate a grapple for free.
Cackling Blow: 4th, Strike. Target must make a Will save or take 6d6 damage and be shaken out of fear.
Fog Run: 4th. Move your speed creating a wall of fog.
Jealous Strike: 4th, Strike. Damage your target's ability scores which surpass yours and potentially inflict a negative level.
Cursed Gale: 5th, Strike. Gust of wind curses foes.
Weakening Touch: 5th, Strike. 2d4 Strength damage with a touch.
Witch's Eye: 5th, Stance. Place your sight in a phantom eye which you send forth to scout and spy.
Hatred Made Flesh: 6th, Strike. Gain DR 15/bludgeoning.
Swampgrasp: 6th, Strike. +4d6 damage, initiate a grapple for free and pin target to cause them to drown.
Eye of Lachesis: 7th, Strike. 60-ft cone of fear.
Nightmare Step: 7th, Boost. Become ethereal for 1 round.
Retribution of Black Hate: 7th, Strike. Deal additional damage equal to half the damage you have taken.
Command the Sky Kneel: 8th, Boost. Call tornado force wind to blow down around you.
Curse Bestowing Blow: 8th, Strike. Deal +4d6 damage and curse your foe.
Strength of Black Hate: 8th, Stance. WiP.
Eye of Atropos: 9th, Strike. Glance causes deathly fear in target.

Crone's Hex Feats

Eye of the Wandering Witch
You are a master of the Witch's Eye gaining additional benefits from it.
Prerequisite: Witch's Eye stance, Cha 13+.
Benefit: While in the Witch's Eye stance if you initiate one of the following maneuvers you may have its effect originate from your phantom eye instead of yourself: Eye of Clotho, Cursed Gale, Eye of Lachesis, Command the Sky Kneel, Eye of Atropos. In addition when you initiate Fog Walk you may have the eye expend a move action as well, if you do the eye moves instead of you, its movement gaining the benefits and effects of Fog Walk instead of yourself. When you use Call the Fog you may create fog in your square, the eye's square, or both.

Hex Claw
You are skilled at inflicting sublime curses, and your horrid touch is grasps the strands of fate tight.
Prerequisite: One Crone's Hex maneuver.
Benefit: Whenever you use a Crone's Hex maneuver that allows a saving throw the save DC is increased by 1, or by 2 if it was delivered with an unarmed strike or natural weapon.

Secrets from the Quagmire (by Primal Fury)
Often times, initiates of the Crone's Hex find slightly more... amiable hags to teach them their ways. For months at a time, they undergo grueling training that boarders on torture, and often crosses that line. When the disciples emerge from that swampy hellhole, they have mastered the art of picking an opponent apart, piece by piece, and leaving only a quivering mass of despair.
Prerequisite: Hex Claw, base attack bonus +6, two Crone's Hex maneuvers
Benefit: The Secrets from the Quagmire feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Swamp Hag's Surprise: To use this option, an opponent must miss you due to concealment. On your next turn, if an opponent would be shaken due to a successful Demoralize action on your part, they are instead Frightened. If they would be shaken due to a failed save against a Crone's Hex maneuver, they are instead Panicked.
Thieving Magpie Talons: To use this option, you must successfully attack a creature benefiting from a spell with a claw attack. On your next turn, if you successfully attack them at least two more claw attacks, you remove a random beneficial effect of your choice, and it is applied to you for its remaining duration. If you succeed on a Spellcraft check to identify one or more spells, you may choose which spell you take.
Mirror of Bitter Hatred: To use this option, you must succeed on a saving throw against a supernatural maneuver, spell, or spell-like ability. On your next turn, you may increase the DC of your next Crone's Hex maneuver that requires a saving throw by an amount based on that spell or maneuvers level. The DC increases by +1 for 0-level spells, +2 for 1st-3rd, +3 for 4th-6th, +4 for 7th and 8th, and +5 for 9th level spells and maneuvers.

2015-03-10, 04:38 PM
1st Level Maneuvers

Call the Fog
Crone's Hex (Boost)
Level: 1st
Initiation Action: Swift.
Range: 0-ft.
Area: Your current space(s)
Duration: 1 round.
You extend your spiritual energy out around you, condensing it into a thick mist. Though fleeting it hides you for a moment.
When you initiate this maneuver your current space(s) fill with mist. This mist lasts for 1 round, and any creature within this mist gains concealment.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

Crone's Talons
Crone's Hex (Stance)
Level: 1st
Initiation Action: Swift.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: Stance.
Letting your spiritual energy flow through your body and pool at your fingertips you cause yourself to grow long, powerful talons like those of a hag's.
While in this stance you gain a pair of claws which deal 1d6 damage (if medium size) and gain benefits based upon your Knowledge (Arcana) ranks as shown on the table below.

Knowledge (Arcana) RanksBenefits (cumulative)
8-10 ranks+1 enhancement bonus, +3 enhancement bonus to damage
11-14 ranks+2 enhancement bonus, +6 enhancement bonus to damage
15-18 ranksOvercome DR as cold iron and your alignment, +9 enhancement bonus to damage
19+ ranksGain wounding weapon property, +12 enhancement bonus to damage

The Knowledge based improvements to this maneuver are supernatural in nature, but the stance's basic effect applies even in an anti-magic zone.

Cursed Claw of Nightmares
Crone's Hex (Strike) [Mind-affecting]
Level: 1st
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: Melee.
Target: 1 creature.
Duration: See text.
Saving Throw: See text
You strike your foe, dread energies of rage and hatred channeled in your blow surging out to strike hard at the target's subconscious. In the present they dig into your foe's psyche leaving them vulnerable, but it is possible to plant the seed deeper to strike against your foe for days to come.

When you initiate this maneuver make a melee attack. If you hit the target takes 2 Wisdom damage (this is a mind-affecting effect) in addition to the attack's normal damage. If you initiate this maneuver with an unarmed strike or natural weapon in addition to the Wisdom damage the target must make a Will save or for the next 24 hours their sleep is haunted by nightmares preventing restful slumber.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

Disfiguring Strike
Crone's Hex (Strike)
Level: 1st
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: Melee.
Target: 1 creature.
Duration: 1 hour.
You lash out at your opponent, bitter hatred surging along your weapon. When you strike you twist into their spirit and reflectively their body, marking them as outcast as you turn beauty to foulness.
When you initiate this maneuver make a melee attack. In addition to its normal damage this attack inflicts a 1d6 penalty to the target's Charisma score which lasts for 1 hour and cannot reduce that creature's charisma to below 1. The creature's appearance twists and becomes disfigured and, by traditional standards, ugly. They gain a +2 bonus to checks to disguise themselves as not being themselves per point of Charisma penalty this maneuver inflicts, but they lose this bonus and suffer a -1 penalty per point of Charisma penalty inflicted if trying to disguise themselves as anything more specific than passing unrecognized as their true self unless being particularly repugnant to look at supports that role.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

Inured to Nightmares
Crone's Hex (Counter)
Level: 1st
Initiation Action: Immediate.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: 1 round.
The hag is a creature of terror and horror, whose mere glance can stun a man with fright or stop his heart still. Traversing the way of such creatures and donning a portion of their spirit you become inured to such horrors.
When you initiate this maneuver you add your ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) to saving throws versus fear for the duration. If you have at least 14 ranks you gain immunity instead. [For PF "you add 3 + your ranks in... If you have at least 11 ranks].

2nd Level Maneuvers

Armor of Hatred
Crone's Hex (Strike)
Level: 2nd
Prerequisites: 1 Crone's Hex maneuver.
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: 1 round.
Striking out you feed your hatred and rage through your body, letting it flow through your flesh. Your skin takes on a dark blue hue, the color of an Annis hag's.
When you initiate this maneuver make a melee attack. If you hit, you gain DR 10/bludgeoning for 1 round.

Retribution of the Dark Moon
Crone's Hex (Strike)
Level: 2nd
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: Melee.
Target: 1 creature.
You call an oath of retribution on your foe, vowing vengeance for the harm they have done you. Letting this vengeful fury carry your blade you strike at them, battering through defenses and pushing straight for their heart.
When you initiate this maneuver you make a single melee attack. If you attack a creature that has inflicted lethal damage to you within the last round you gain a +4 bonus to hit, and deal +2d6 + your Charisma modifier (if positive) damage to the target. If you attack a creature that was once your lover you gain a +4 bonus to hit, and deal +1d6/2 Initiator levels (rounded up) + your Charisma modifier damage to the target.

3rd Level Maneuvers

Bog Witch's Walk
Crone's Hex (Stance)
Level: 3rd
Prerequisites: 1 Crone's Hex maneuver
Initiation Action: Swift.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: Stance.
Imitating the hag you move through bog's and water almost as easily as you do across solid ground.
While in this stance you gain a swim speed equal to 1/2 your base land speed and may move through bog terrain without difficulty, either in increased movement cost or skill check DC and may tumble in deep bogs.

Eye of Clotho
Crone's Hex (Strike) [Fear, Mind-Affecting]
Level: 3rd
Prerequisites: 2 Crone's Hex maneuvers.
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: 60-ft.
Target: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Will partial.
Duration: 1 round.
Glancing at a foe you instill within them the primordial fear of death, freezing them in place momentarily.
When you use this maneuver you must look into the eye of one creature within range which can see you, filling them with preternatural fear. That target must make a Will save (DC 13 + Charisma modifier). If they fail they are dazed and shaken for 1 round. If they succeed they are shaken for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

Glamor of the Lovely Face
Crone's Hex (Stance)
Level: 3rd
Prerequisite: 1 Crone's Hex maneuver.
Initiation Action: Swift.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: Stance.
You wear your spiritual energy as a robe and mask, shaping it into a fantastic glamor which hides your true face.
When you enter this stance you disguise yourself in an illusion similar to that created by the Disguise Self spell. This disguise functions similar to the spell except as noted here. Despite being a supernatural ability, Glamor of the Lovely Face is still considered an illusion effect and bonuses to saves versus illusions, effects which penetrate illusions (such as True Sight), which detect or dispel illusions affect it. Those effects, such as Detect Magic and Dispel Magic which freely affect all forms of magic equally still treat this stance as a supernatural effect and therefore have no affect upon it. While in this stance you do not suffer a -2 penalty to disguise yourself as a female regardless of your gender, but you do suffer a -2 penalty to disguise yourself as a non-female creature. The will save to see through this illusion is DC 13 + your Charisma modifier.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

Hag's grasp
Crone's Hex (Strike)
Level: 3rd
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: Melee.
Target: 1 creature.
You strike hard at a foe, pummeling them with the force of your weapon and as they're reeling you grasp them, pulling them in close, like a dread Annis hag pulling her victim into the swamp never to be seen again.
As part of this maneuver make a melee attack. If you hit you deal +2d6 damage and may initiate a grapple against the target as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity or requiring a melee touch attack. You must have one hand free, or be able to free one hand either by dropping whatever is in it or, if the object is held in multiple hands, releasing it with that hand. You gain a +2 bonus on the check to initiate the grapple, if you made an unarmed strike or natural weapon attack with this maneuver this bonus is increased to +4.

4th Level Maneuvers

Cackling Blow
Crone's Hex (Strike) [Fear, Mind-affecting]
Level: 4th
Prerequisites: 1 Crone's Hex maneuver.
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: Melee.
Target: 1 creature.
Duration: 1 round (See text)
Saving Throw: Will negates.
Cackling madly, you strike at a foe. In your foe's mind you seem to grow larger, becoming a creature of horror and terror to them, as you lunge forward.
When you initiate this maneuver make a melee attack. If you hit, in addition to the attack dealing damage as normal, the target must make a Will save (DC 14 + Charisma modifier) or take +6d6 damage and be Shaken for 1 round plus 1 round per 4 points by which they failed the saving throw, this damage is a result of the sheer body wracking terror the target feels and mental trauma therein and is not affected by damage reduction and this is a mind-affecting fear effect. If you initiated this maneuver with an unarmed strike or natural weapon your target suffers a -2 penalty to their saving throw against this effect.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

Fog Run
Crone's Hex
Level: 4th
Prerequisites: 1 Crone's Hex maneuver.
Initiation Action: Move.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: 3 rounds.
Hags are creatures in tune with, and able to control, the powers of weather. Emulating their connection with your own spiritual energy, you gather fog behind you, dividing the battlefield.
When you initiate this maneuver you may move up to your base land speed. Any square you enter or leave during this movement becomes filled with thick fog. This fog stops line of sight through it, and a creature inside a square of this fog has total concealment from creatures further than 10-ft away, and concealment from those closer than that. The fog is thick, preventing ranged attacks from passing through it, and requiring 8 squares of movement to enter it. This fog lasts for 3 rounds.

This is a supernatural ability.

Jealous Strike
Crone's Hex (Strike)
Level: 4th
Prerequisites: 1 Crone's Hex maneuver.
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: Melee.
Target: 1 creature.
Envy and jealousy are powerful forces. Hideous creatures of the swamp, hags are known to envy the beauty of the fairest mortals, and like them you lash out, trying to pull another down to your level.
When you initiate this maneuver make a single melee attack. In addition to that attacks normal damage your target takes 2 points of ability damage to each ability score they have higher currently than yours, and suffer 1 negative level if they have more character levels than you do. If you initiated this maneuver with an unarmed strike or natural weapon you deal an additional 2 points of Charisma damage if the target's Charisma is at least 3.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

5th Level Maneuvers

Cursed Gale
Crone's Hex (Strike)
Level: 5th
Prerequisites: 2 Crone's Hex maneuvers.
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: 60-ft.
Area: 60-ft line.
Duration: See text.
Saving Throw: Fort Partial and Will Partial.
Raising a crooked finger, you release a gale of bitterness at your foes. This wind streaks across the battlefield blowing down the weak and stripping even the might of their prowess.
When you initiate this maneuver you create a quick gust of powerful wind (70 mph) in the area. Any effect which can be blown away by 1 round of 70 mph or less winds is blown away. In addition medium or smaller creatures, and gargantuan or smaller flying creatures must make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + Cha modifier). A huge or gargantuan flying creature which fails this save is blown back 1d6x5 feet, a large one is blown back 1d6x10 feet, and a medium or smaller flying creature is blown back 2d6x10 feet and takes 2d6 nonlethal damage. A medium non-flying creature which fails this save is knocked prone, while a small or smaller one is knocked rolling 1d4x10-ft taking 1d4 nonlethal damage per 10-ft and ending prone. In addition all creatures within the area, regardless of size, must make a Will save (DC 15 + Cha modifier) or suffer a -2 penalty to AC and all ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 round.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

Weakening Touch
Crone's Hex (Strike)
Level: 5th
Prerequisites: 2 Crone's Hex maneuvers.
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: Melee.
Target: 1 creature
You suffuse yourself with dread energies, filling your body with them, and reaching out release them into your foe, draining them of their strength, potentially using it to restore your own.
When you initiate this maneuver make a melee touch attack or a melee attack with an unarmed strike or natural weapon. The target suffers 2d4 Strength damage on a hit, in addition to any damage the attack would normally deal if you used an unarmed strike or natural weapon. If you are suffering from a Strength penalty or Strength damage your Strength penalty is reduced by 1 point per point of Strength damage inflicted and then the penalty (if there was one) is subtracted from the Strength damage dealt and you regain 1 point of Strength per 2 points of Strength damage inflicted with this maneuver.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

Witch's Eye
Crone's Hex (Stance)
Level: 5th
Prerequisite: 2 Crone's Hex maneuvers.
Initiation Action: Swift.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: Stance.
Closing one eye you create a duplicate of it from shadows and a piece of your soul, tying that eye's sight to its. Sending this shadow eye forth you see through it, observing what it does, watching through it.
When you enter this stance you lose your sight in one of your eyes (if you have at least 2 other eyes this has no effect, if you have 1 other eye you are dazzled, if you have no other eyes you are blinded) and create a duplicate of your eye which floats freely in your square; if you are unable to see from all of your eyes you cannot enter this stance. This eye is fine sized and has a Dexterity of 22 (giving it a 24 AC) and has 2 hit points per initiator level you possess, and able to fly 30-ft a round as a move action (the eye may take a double move action, but may not run) with Good maneuverability; it is mindless and uses your saving throws and skill ranks (Str 1), automatically succeeds at move silently checks, and has Improved Evasion. You are able to see threw this eye regardless of the distance separating you from it, even if it is on another plane and may control its actions freely (this does not require an action on your part). Effects which affect the eye do not affect you (unless you happen to be in the area), except for Gaze attacks; if you and the eye are both in the area of the same Gaze attack you are both affected as the same creature and if either of you is in the area of a Gaze attack it affects both of you. When you leave this stance this eye vanishes. If the eye is destroyed by an attack or effect while you are in this stance the spiritual backlash leaves you blinded in the associated eye for 1 hour and you are forced out of this stance. You may enter this stance during this time, but if you do so you lose the sight in another of your eyes.

As long as this eye remains within 10-ft of you, you gain a +2 bonus to Spot and Search checks and, at the start of each of your turns, select 1 creature that cannot flank you and other creatures cannot flank you with for 1 round.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

6th Level Maneuvers

Hatred Made Flesh
Crone's Hex (Strike)
Level: 6th
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: 1 round.
You armor yourself in hatred, your skin growing so hard as to be impenetrable. As your hatred feeds through you, your skin takes on a dark blue hue, the color of an Annis hag's.
When you initiate this maneuver make a melee attack. If you hit, you gain DR 15/bludgeoning for 1 round.

Crone's Hex (Strike)
Level: 6th
Prerequisites: 2 Crone's Hex Maneuvers
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: Melee.
Target: 1 creature.
You strike at a foe, using your heavy blow as distraction while you grab them. Your grasp floods their lungs like a brave warrior dragged beneath the swamp to die. Holding them you ensure that they cannot break free, the water bringing them to a certain demise.
As part of this maneuver make a melee attack. If you hit you deal +4d6 damage and may initiate a grapple against the target as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity or requiring a melee touch attack. You must have one hand free, or be able to free one hand either by dropping whatever is in it or, if the object is held in multiple hands, releasing it with that hand. You gain a +2 bonus on the check to initiate the grapple, if you made an unarmed strike or natural weapon attack with this maneuver this bonus is increased to +4. If you successfully grapple an enemy this way water begins to form in their lungs. If you manage to pin them they begin to drown unless they are able to breathe water or do not need to breathe, being knocked unconscious. On the next round they are pinned they are reduced to -1 hit points. On the next they are killed. If you release a creature knocked out with this maneuver it does not awaken for 3 minutes - 1 round per point of Constitution it possesses.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

7th Level Maneuvers

Eye of Lachesis
Crone's Hex (Strike) [Fear, Mind-Affecting]
Level: 7th
Prerequisites: 3 Crone's Hex maneuvers.
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: 60-ft.
Area: 60-ft cone.
Saving Throw: Will partial.
Duration: 1 round.
You cast out your gaze, a baleful glance that brings to bear the fear of mortality, of final destruction in those who meet it.
When you use this maneuver your gaze brings final oblivion into the minds of all enemy creatures within the area which can see you filling them with preternatural fear. They must make a Will save (DC 17 + Charisma modifier). If they fail they are dazed and shaken for 1 round. If they succeed they are shaken for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

Nightmare Step
Crone's Hex (Boost)
Level: 7th
Prerequisites: 2 Crone's Hex maneuvers
Initiation Action: Swift.
Range: Personal.
Target: You
Duration: 1 round.
You shed the physical, entering the realm of ghosts and dreams, becoming nothing more than a phantom yourself.
When you initiate this maneuver you enter into the Ethereal Plane, if on a plane conterminous with it, returning to the plane you came from when the duration ends. If you were on a plane not conterminous with the Ethereal Plane you instead become incorporeal for the duration.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

Retribution of Black Hate
Crone's Hex (Strike)
Level: 7th
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: Melee.
Target: 1 creature.
The Crone's Hex is a style of vengeance, of seething bitterness, rage, and unyielding rancor. Turning your injuries into fuel for this darkness, you lash out without a care as to whether your foe is the true source of these feelings, taking your vengeance out with the blindness of consuming fury.
When you initiate this maneuver make a melee attack. This attack deals additional damage equal to 1/2 the hit point damage you have currently taken (1/2 the difference between your Max hp and your current hp) and deals additional nonlethal damage equal to 1/2 the nonlethal damage you are suffering.

8th Level Maneuvers

Command the Sky Kneel
Crone's Hex (Boost)
Level: 8th
Prerequisites: 2 Crone's Hex maneuvers.
Initiation Action: Swift.
Range: 0-ft.
Area: Cylinder centered on you.
Saving Throw: Fort negates.
With a mind focusing shout of rage you command that the sky itself kneel before you, bringing winds gushing down around you with the force of a tornado, blowing creatures to the ground around you.
When you initiate this maneuver you create a powerful force of wind (200 mph) which blows straight downwards towards you for the briefest of moments. This wind extends 30-ft above you and 30-ft below you (limited by line of effect) and fills the squares adjacent to you 2-dimensionally (it does not affect squares directly above or below you). Any effects which can be blown away in this area are. Any huge or smaller creatures standing in the area must make a Fortitude save (DC 18 + your Cha modifier) as must any creatures flying in the area. Huge or smaller creatures standing in the area which fail their save are knocked prone, with large or smaller creatures taking 4d4 damage from the force. Colossal flying creatures in the area are blown 1d6x5-ft down, gargantuan ones are blown 1d6x10-ft down, huge or smaller ones are blown 2d6x10-ft down and take 2d6 damage; if they are blown into the ground they also take falling damage for the distance they were blown down. It is advised not to use this maneuver when a creature within its area also happens to be directly over you as it may cause damage to you as per them falling on you.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

Curse Bestowing Blow
Crone's Hex (Strike)
Level: 8th
Prerequisites: 3 Crone's Hex maneuvers.
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: Melee.
Target: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Will partial.
Duration: Permanent.
You let bitterness and hatred bubble up within you, releasing it as a curse into your foe as you strike down upon them. This dark energy settles around them, binding to their being, leaving them accursed till powerful magic is used to remove it.
When you initiate this maneuver make a melee attack or a melee touch attack. If you make a melee attack it deals its normal damage and an additional +4d6 damage on a successful hit, and regardless of your choice if you hit your target must make a Will save (DC 18 + your Cha mod) or be cursed (as the spell Bestow Curse). As a supernatural effect this curse cannot be removed through (Greater) Dispel Magic or even Mage's Disjunction, and even Remove Curse and Break Enchantment fail against it. A Limited Wish, Miracle, or Wish spell may remove this curse, as may certain other effects at DM's discretion.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

Strength of Black Hate
Crone's Hex (Stance)
Level: 8th
Prerequisite: 3 Crone's Hex maneuvers.
Initiation Action: Swift.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: Stance.
You let your hatred fuel your body, dreams of vengeance pulsing through your blood. Your body takes on a dark blue hue, like the formidable and dread Annis hag.
While in this stance you gain a +4 bonus to Strength and 1/round you may make a demoralize attempt against a creature you damage in melee as a swift action; if you damaged them with an unarmed strike or natural weapon you may make it as a free action instead.

Shadow Coven
Crone's Hex (Stance)
Level: 8th
Prerequisite: 3 Crone's Hex maneuvers.
Initiation Action: Swift.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: Stance.
You divide your shadow in twain, investing each half with a portion of your mind and spirit. These shadows rise up as two semi-real spectral images of yourself which aid you.
While in this stance you gain two spectral copies of yourself. These spectral copies remain in your square at all times. Your mind and spirit are partially invested in these shadows and this division allows a shifting of mental strain across all three forms granting you a +2 bonus to Will saves. In addition these spectral images perform two of the following services for you each round; you may re-choose which services are performed at the beginning of each of your turns.

Grant you a +2 bonus to hit a specific creature (you may choose this twice, but each time must be a different creature).
Grant you a +2 dodge bonus to AC against a specific creature (you may choose this twice, but each time must be a different creature).
Grant you a +2 bonus to one skill (you may choose this twice, but each time you must choose a different skill).
Grant you a +2 bonus to rolls made as part of combat maneuvers (trip, disarm, grapple, etc).
Grant you the benefits of a Quick Draw check.
Grant you a +2 on Fort and Ref saves against spells cast by a specific creature (you may choose this twice, but each time must be a different creature).
Make a Spot and Listen check on your behalf.
Concentrate on a spell or effect which requires standard action concentration.
Make a Knowledge check on your behalf (this is considered you making a knowledge check).

This is a supernatural maneuver.

9th Level Maneuvers

Eye of Atropos
Crone's Hex (Strike) [Fear, Death, Mind-Affecting]
Level: 9th
Prerequisites: 4 Crone's Hex maneuvers.
Initiation Action: Standard.
Range: 60-ft.
Target: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Will partial.
Duration: 1 day (see text).
Focusing your spiritual energies into your eye and fueling it with your emotional strength, you glare at a single target, sending hatred and fear straight into the core of their being. This concentrated baleful will pierces within, strangling them at the root of their being if they allow it.
When you use this maneuver you must look into the eye of one creature within range which can see you, filling them with preternatural fear. That target must make a Will save (DC 19 + Charisma modifier). If they fail they die due to the sheer shock and terror (this is a death effect as well as a fear effect) and if they are immune to death effects or do not die for some other reason they are panicked for 1 minute whenever they see you for 1 day (this is a mind-affecting fear effect). If they succeed their save they are panicked for 1 round and immune to further instances of this effect for 24 hours.

This is a supernatural maneuver.

2015-03-10, 04:42 PM
Alright, so I got a request to make a hag style discipline. Trying to feel out what that is still, but I figured I'd post what I made as I made stuff unlike how I normally do martial disciplines (finish then dump). Especially since I have some questions about some of the stances/maneuvers I've already formulated.

Of those I have posted the big one is...

Bog Witch's Walk: Is it strong enough to be a 3rd level stance? Should I increase the Swim speed, or maybe see about reducing it to a 1st level stance?

Witch's Eye: Rather Supernatural (needs to be tagged, but I'm going to finish the discipline before I go through tagging things one way or the other) but does it fit as a martial stance is the real question and perhaps more importantly is its level correct?

Strength of Black Rage: Again not sure about the balance. By level 15 you can get +6 enhancement to strength items so it's saving you 36k... as long as you remain in this stance... and then giving you Rage or Greater Rage like benefits on top of it. Is this too much?

Also I'm thinking about DR X/Bludgeoning strikes (similar to stone bones line) inspired by Annis's DR 2/bludgeoning (and to a lesser extent Grendel due to similarities between his mother and Black Annis) but also thinking about doing a 1st(?) level stance which gives scaling DR /bludgeoning (1-5 or 1-7 it's a 1st level stance), and wondered which would actually be better to make.

Primal Fury
2015-03-10, 05:57 PM
Crone's Talons
This looks okay, but why do the benefits not start until you gain the 8th rank? That seems awful late for a +1 enhancement bonus.

Bog Witch's Walk
I like the idea of turning regular terrain into bog terrain as you move, or the area around you into a bog. This lets you mess with the battlefield, protect yourself, use that swim movement speed, AND ruin everyone's day. Wait... No, don't use that. I'm gonna use that for MY thing. :smallbiggrin:

Glamour of the Lovely Face

Witch's Eye
Is it useful for anything OTHER than spying?

Strength of Black Hate
For me, this lacks the... "oomph" I think 8th level stances should have. You're filled with HATE, and that hate gives you POWER. Power enough to crush people's bones, power enough to throw them around like rag dolls. You get a smaller strength bonus, but EVERY SINGLE ATTACK from you counts as a bull rush attempt. Because you're just SO strong. Maybe bonus damage to creatures that are prone.

Just tossing around ideas. Nice start though. :smallwink:

2015-03-10, 06:39 PM
This looks okay, but why do the benefits not start until you gain the 8th rank? That seems awful late for a +1 enhancement bonus.

Traditionally magic weapons come online 4th or 5th level (a +1 weapon is more than 1/4th your WBL at 4th), and this is giving you two slightly better than +1 weapons. Ki Strike also comes online at 4th for overcoming DR /magic. So I had it come on 1 level later. Might should be 7-10 ranks (fits the scaling better later), but it felt a little better to delay it a level (as it's also allowing multiple attacks with magic weapons still).

Or is this about PF v 3.X ranks?

I like the idea of turning regular terrain into bog terrain as you move, or the area around you into a bog. This lets you mess with the battlefield, protect yourself, use that swim movement speed, AND ruin everyone's day. Wait... No, don't use that. I'm gonna use that for MY thing. :smallbiggrin:

It'd also be significantly stronger than a 3rd level stance, and be a better Mountain Fortress stance (itself equivalent of a 6th level -Stone Dragon- stance).

Is it useful for anything OTHER than spying?

Scouting :P. More seriously, not that I can immediately think of. It probably ought to be able to prevent you from being flanked/grant +2 to Spot/Search checks when within a short range.

For me, this lacks the... "oomph" I think 8th level stances should have. You're filled with HATE, and that hate gives you POWER. Power enough to crush people's bones, power enough to throw them around like rag dolls. You get a smaller strength bonus, but EVERY SINGLE ATTACK from you counts as a bull rush attempt. Because you're just SO strong. Maybe bonus damage to creatures that are prone.

I was trying to give you Annis level strength (+14 is their racial bonus) but while potentially stronger than 8th level stances it doesn't change your tactics like Desert Wind's (limited flight), Devoted Spirit's (avoid dying for a bit), Diamond Mind's (free counter each round :nale:), Setting Sun's (turn concealment into making enemies beat each other), Shadow Hand's (limited flight), Tiger Claw's (5-ft with each successful attack, lets you move from foe to foe... hopefully), and White Raven's (allies gain a bonus to hit enemies adjacent to you). Ok, White Raven's doesn't really change tactics all that much (flanking is a thing) and neither does Devoted Spirit's/Tiger Claw's (one is dependent on being in situations you don't want to be in, the other is dependent upon your enemies' choices a lot of time).

I do like the bull rush idea, but I'm not sure how tactically useful it is... unless you have a reach weapon like a glaive (though then you need short haft feat or some such). On a similar note I'm disappointed that flight is an 8th level stance (15th level ability) when warlocks get as good or better at 6th. A stance isn't quite equivalent to an invocation (stance is slightly less of your character resources) but they're pretty close and you'd think you could get them as a 5th (yes I know Rising Phoenix has a conditional pittance of fire damage added on but that's still meh at best).

Just tossing around ideas. Nice start though. :smallwink:

I like the bull rush idea, just have to figure out how to make it work well. The prone one might work better as it encourages certain tactics (Trip) and thus has more of an influence on tactics than a big strength bonus. Yeah +2/+3 to hit +3-+5 damage is nice, but it's such a "+X" which isn't as fun.

Primal Fury
2015-03-10, 07:40 PM
Traditionally magic weapons come online 4th or 5th level (a +1 weapon is more than 1/4th your WBL at 4th), and this is giving you two slightly better than +1 weapons. Ki Strike also comes online at 4th for overcoming DR /magic. So I had it come on 1 level later. Might should be 7-10 ranks (fits the scaling better later), but it felt a little better to delay it a level (as it's also allowing multiple attacks with magic weapons still).
Really? I didn't know that. I need to brush up on my RPG Theory.

Or is this about PF v 3.X ranks?
That too, now that you mention it. I've always been curious about taking stuff over from 3.5 with regards to skill requirements.

It'd also be significantly stronger than a 3rd level stance, and be a better Mountain Fortress stance (itself equivalent of a 6th level -Stone Dragon- stance).
That's fine. I'm going to make it the capstone for something I'm making. Thanks for the idea. :smallbiggrin:

Scouting :P. More seriously, not that I can immediately think of. It probably ought to be able to prevent you from being flanked/grant +2 to Spot/Search checks when within a short range.
What about acting as the origin point for certain Boosts and Strikes? More specifically, you can use Eye of Clothos and Eye of Atropos through it. Maybe even stuff like Call the Fog could work. By the by, who is Clothos? I'm not familiar with that name.

I like the bull rush idea, just have to figure out how to make it work well. The prone one might work better as it encourages certain tactics (Trip) and thus has more of an influence on tactics than a big strength bonus. Yeah +2/+3 to hit +3-+5 damage is nice, but it's such a "+X" which isn't as fun.
It's not about being tactically useful, it just looks cool. :smalltongue: What if every attack that dealt a certain amount of damage allowed you a free trip attempt? That plus the Strength bonus, plus Powerful Build sound pretty good to me.

2015-03-10, 08:14 PM
Really? I didn't know that. I need to brush up on my RPG Theory.

That too, now that you mention it. I've always been curious about taking stuff over from 3.5 with regards to skill requirements.

Subtract 3 from the ranks required is the simple/easy way. In this case it should work perfectly, since it's max ranks and progresses to stay max ranks.

That's fine. I'm going to make it the capstone for something I'm making. Thanks for the idea. :smallbiggrin:

Just had to note it, power wise it'd actually be close to an 8th level stance.

What about acting as the origin point for certain Boosts and Strikes? More specifically, you can use Eye of Clothos and Eye of Atropos through it. Maybe even stuff like Call the Fog could work. By the by, who is Clothos? I'm not familiar with that name.

That is a neat idea, potentially really powerful though (it makes it a mini-astral projection, and Eye of Atropos through it makes it potentially really powerful) so I might make it a feat instead of an intrinsic part of the stance. As for Clotho she's one of Atropos's sisters, the one who spins the thread of human life, except I accidentally added an 's' to the end.

It's not about being tactically useful, it just looks cool. :smalltongue: What if every attack that dealt a certain amount of damage allowed you a free trip attempt? That plus the Strength bonus, plus Powerful Build sound pretty good to me.

There's a certain minimum power to 8th level stances, though :smalltongue: As for the other, Powerful Build would be a little too much on top of other things, I think.

Primal Fury
2015-03-10, 08:33 PM
That is a neat idea, potentially really powerful though (it makes it a mini-astral projection, and Eye of Atropos through it makes it potentially really powerful) so I might make it a feat instead of an intrinsic part of the stance.
Maybe... Speaking of feats, what other ones did you have in mind? I'd REALLY like to see a tactical feat for this class in line with the other disciplines.

As for Clotho she's one of Atropos's sisters, the one who spins the thread of human life, except I accidentally added an 's' to the end.
Oh GOD. I used to be so knowledgeable about stuff... Now I know nothing. Where did it all go wrong Zaydos? :smallfrown:

As for the other, Powerful Build would be a little too much on top of other things, I think.
How so? Doesn't it just amount to a bonus to certain rolls and a situational size increase?

2015-03-10, 08:53 PM
Maybe... Speaking of feats, what other ones did you have in mind? I'd REALLY like to see a tactical feat for this class in line with the other disciplines.

I've never gotten the hang of making tactical feats. In general, though, I make the discipline in its entirety before I start work on feats unless something particularly comes to mind.

Oh GOD. I used to be so knowledgeable about stuff... Now I know nothing. Where did it all go wrong Zaydos? :smallfrown:

I had to double check Atropos's myself. It's been years since I read Greek myth extensively.

How so? Doesn't it just amount to a bonus to certain rolls and a situational size increase?

A 5th level stance gives you just the bigger weapons. Now it could be a 3rd level stance... ok 3rd level stances are typically better than 5th level ones... but Powerful Build is actually a pretty decent stance on its own. In 3.5 it's +4 to a bunch of checks, and ~+1d6 damage. 8th level stances are not actually massively better than lower level ones, so something that'd fit as a 5th level stance and then other large mechanical bonuses (free trip with powerful build for example). So it's not that Powerful Build is too strong for a stance, it's that it'd make a perfectly fine stance on its own.

Primal Fury
2015-03-10, 09:19 PM
So it's not that Powerful Build is too strong for a stance, it's that it'd make a perfectly fine stance on its own.
Could it be done anyway? It seems odd to make it that way without, in some way, actually being physically larger than your opponent (if they're medium sized, that is).

2015-03-10, 09:52 PM
Could it be done anyway? It seems odd to make it that way without, in some way, actually being physically larger than your opponent (if they're medium sized, that is).

In a balanced way? Maybe, though I think this ends up with one of those places where PF and 3.5 differ. 3.5 a medium creature can trip the tarrasque (in theory), but each size above Medium you possess is a whopping +4 bonus on the check. In PF they halved the bonuses (making Powerful Build half as good), but made it impossible to trip something more than 1 size category larger than you (at least without a feat... I don't know PF feats that well). Add to that they made Improved Trip only a +2 and not grant a free attack on a successful trip and you have something much weaker than in 3.5 (though it does now apply defensively).

Now Knock-Down was a 3.0 feat to get free trip if you dealt sufficient damage. It's unclear whether it gave you a bonus attack with Improved Trip or not because they buffed Improved Trip between editions and never reprinted Knock-Down. Now with an additional feat (Greater Trip) you are back to the "this gives you free attacks each time you hit" issue, though at least now they're attacks of opportunity.

Actually looking over tripping, making a Knock-Down stance is probably a bad idea in and of itself. A DM that likes that effect will allow it as a feat, and one that doesn't will be inclined to disallow the stance on the possibility of too much trip locking/free attacks.

Primal Fury
2015-03-10, 10:16 PM
Actually looking over tripping, making a Knock-Down stance is probably a bad idea in and of itself. A DM that likes that effect will allow it as a feat, and one that doesn't will be inclined to disallow the stance on the possibility of too much trip locking/free attacks.
That's a shame. The thought of a disciple hulking out, then smashing someone into the earth sounds cool. Ah well. We'll think of something else if that won't work.

2015-03-10, 10:34 PM
That's a shame. The thought of a disciple hulking out, then smashing someone into the earth sounds cool. Ah well. We'll think of something else if that won't work.

Instead of attempting to make it a single ability that makes you big and smash things into the ground, make a strike that deals +Xd6 damage and grants a free trip, then make a Stance that grants Powerful Build or a full size increase (possibly with +2 Str, -2 Dex like Enlarge Person). The latter is a major game changer because of Reach. Though really looking at hags they're more likely to grab you than trip you and I really wish that you could make a "I pull you into the swamp and hold your head there" maneuver... might could make a maneuver that fills the target's lungs with water but... that would be a headache.

Primal Fury
2015-03-10, 10:54 PM
Though really looking at hags they're more likely to grab you than trip you and I really wish that you could make a "I pull you into the swamp and hold your head there" maneuver... might could make a maneuver that fills the target's lungs with water but... that would be a headache.
While you grapple them... That sounds awesome. Having to strangle them for... what... three rounds doesn't sound like a huge problem. Where does the headache come in?

2015-03-10, 11:02 PM
While you grapple them... That sounds awesome. Having to strangle them for... what... three rounds doesn't sound like a huge problem. Where does the headache come in?

Simply put: Balancing it. Note also that they'd get knocked out after 1 round. So while you spend 3 turns, it takes out an enemy in one round. So you'd have to add time before they actually get knocked out, figure out how much (honestly if it knocked them out turn 3 it'd probably work and then you'd just have to figure out the level).

Note that the only ToB maneuver that has a save or die is a 9th level one and requires a full round action to initiate. Although there is a 4th level "save or be coup de grace-able for 1d3 rounds" but it requires flat-footedness and... really is kind of crazy (also apparently 2 Con damage Lv 4, 4 Con damage Lv 5, 7 Con damage Lv 9... this progression strikes me as odd... but Stone Dragon isn't allowed nice things).

I'm still probably going to put it in as a 6th level strike. Give them 2 rounds(?) before knock out, throw on some bonus damage in case they manage to win the grapple... But it's eating your turn too... hmm... decisions.

2015-03-11, 01:20 PM
Progress Report:

The discipline has more than the minimum number of maneuvers/stances (4 stances with one of each 1st-3rd-5th or 6th-8th and 2 or more maneuvers of each level 1-6, 1 or more of 7th and 8th, and 1 9th level maneuver). It is theoretically "complete".
Maneuvers now allow you to do multi-round fear effect (but only if they bomb the Will save), jealously whittle away at every superiority your foe has over you, and avenge yourself for an attack/broken heart. Oh and gain 1 round fear immunity.

To Do
Change 8th level Stance.
More generally it feels lacking in Boosts/Counters (one Boost and one niche Counter) and could do with 1 or 2 more Boosts/Counters.
It also lacks a traditional "I hit something" maneuver at 7th level (instead having AoE fear effect and Etherealness Boost) which I feel may be a problem.

Would "Make attack, deal +X damage where X is 1/2 the damage you have taken" be appropriate (if worded better) as a 7th level strike? Potentially that's quite weak, but it's also got potential to be stronger than Strike of Perfect Clarity... but only if you're really hurt. Maybe better would be "Make attack, deal +X damage where X is the damage you have taken in the last round".

2015-03-11, 02:09 PM
Potential note of concern: any martial character with access to Eye of Atropos can lock down an enemy for 50% of the total encounter duration unless that enemy is somehow immune to the effect. As long as you have 3+ people in your party and the ones who aren't the Crone's Hex user can actually damage the target, the Crone's Hex user gains the largest benefit from simply chain-fearing a single major enemy over and over. Doubly so if he's a Warblade (instead of an Adaptive Style Swordsage), and can actually still take actions during the recovery round.

The enemy spends the entire fight at 50% actions, and will often be further inconvenienced by the inability to ever have a weapon or item in its hands again.

In short, I think making the enemy panicked on a successful save is really overkill. Even making them frightened on a successful save might be too much, as that still reduces their actions by a potential 50%.

I'd either make them shaken on a successful save, or make them panicked, but also make them immune to further instances of the same ability for 24 hours.

2015-03-11, 02:36 PM
Potential note of concern: any martial character with access to Eye of Atropos can lock down an enemy for 50% of the total encounter duration unless that enemy is somehow immune to the effect. As long as you have 3+ people in your party and the ones who aren't the Crone's Hex user can actually damage the target, the Crone's Hex user gains the largest benefit from simply chain-fearing a single major enemy over and over. Doubly so if he's a Warblade (instead of an Adaptive Style Swordsage), and can actually still take actions during the recovery round.

The enemy spends the entire fight at 50% actions, and will often be further inconvenienced by the inability to ever have a weapon or item in its hands again.

In short, I think making the enemy panicked on a successful save is really overkill. Even making them frightened on a successful save might be too much, as that still reduces their actions by a potential 50%.

I'd either make them shaken on a successful save, or make them panicked, but also make them immune to further instances of the same ability for 24 hours.

I... that... :smalleek::redface: Thank you for catching that. I made it immune for 24 hours because that way it's not an all or nothing ability as a 9th level maneuver. Still potentially powerful, but not capable of locking down the target.


Added 7th level strike (+damage based on your current damage) and 8th level boost (realized I had a 1st level one I was forgetting about) which is Fort or be knocked down in a cylinder around you. Both of these worry me a bit.

Thinking about switching from Knowledge (Arcana) to Intimidate to get a more fear based feel, and possibly allow for a demoralizing stance (thinking when you hit a creature free action demoralize, no more than 1/round/creature, but that might be too much fear dependency... and either too little for an 8th level stance or too much depending upon whether Imperious Command was allowed).

Primal Fury
2015-03-12, 05:35 PM
Man Zaydos, you are just the COOLEST person for doing this. Thanks so much! :smallbiggrin:

I'll see if I can get to work on some more feats, specifically a more generally useful one and a tactical one. The one you've made, while good, isn't doesn't encompass enough to serve as a prerequisite for a tactical feat. I'll see what I can cook up.

2015-03-12, 05:58 PM
Man Zaydos, you are just the COOLEST person for doing this. Thanks so much! :smallbiggrin:

I'll see if I can get to work on some more feats, specifically a more generally useful one and a tactical one. The one you've made, while good, isn't doesn't encompass enough to serve as a prerequisite for a tactical feat. I'll see what I can cook up.

Yeah, that wasn't intended to be the building block feat for the style.

What do you think of Kno (Arcana) vs Intimidate as associated skill?

Primal Fury
2015-03-12, 06:02 PM
What do you think of Kno (Arcana) vs Intimidate as associated skill?
I still think Knowledge (Arcana) is more appropriate. There are a few fear-effects there, but more than anything I'm seeing an arcane motif.

2015-03-12, 06:07 PM
I still think Knowledge (Arcana) is more appropriate. There are a few fear-effects there, but more than anything I'm seeing an arcane motif.

Not sure about the 8th level stance still then, because it feels wrong to require an Intimidate check in that case. Maybe change it to just hex a creature you strike in melee giving them a -1 penalty to certain things for 1 round (no roll required) as a swift action (free if you hit them with an unarmed/natural weapon).

Primal Fury
2015-03-12, 06:16 PM
What about... something to do with hag covens? Creating two spectral versions of yourself that... do things. Working together makes your strikes stronger... that sorta thing. Or is that too "magic"?

No... That's more "witch-y".

Well, the Annis hag DOES have the Rend ability, so maybe something like that would work. I like the idea of a massive hag just... TEARING people apart. When the disciple has you grappled, they can deal crazy stupid damage with their claw attacks. Once you let them go, they make a Fort save or are stunned. And... each rend gives you a free Intimidate check against someone in range.

I don't know about that, but how does it sound to you?

2015-03-12, 06:51 PM
What about... something to do with hag covens? Creating two spectral versions of yourself that... do things. Working together makes your strikes stronger... that sorta thing. Or is that too "magic"?

No... That's more "witch-y".

Well, the Annis hag DOES have the Rend ability, so maybe something like that would work. I like the idea of a massive hag just... TEARING people apart. When the disciple has you grappled, they can deal crazy stupid damage with their claw attacks. Once you let them go, they make a Fort save or are stunned. And... each rend gives you a free Intimidate check against someone in range.

I don't know about that, but how does it sound to you?

Honestly I like the witch-y option (and already added it). It let's you put in something interesting. The other...

Ripping Hatred
Crone's Hex (Stance)
Level: 8th
Prerequisite: 2 Crone's Hex maneuvers.
Initiation Action: Swift.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: Stance.
When you have your foes in your grasp, you rip and rend, pulling their body apart with blind, brutal rage.
While in this stance whenever you use a grapple check to deal damage to a creature you deal an additional 4d6 damage, and 1/round when a creature fails a check to escape your grapple they must make a Will save (DC 18 + your Cha modifier) or be shaken for 1 round. Finally when you succeed a grapple check to deal damage you may choose to forgo dealing the damage and release the creature, if you do so they must make a Fortitude save (DC 18 + your Cha modifier) or be stunned for 1 round.

That's a possibility at least.

Primal Fury
2015-03-12, 08:08 PM
Oh man. It'd be so stupid if those two could hold stances for you. :smalltongue: That looks great.

Primal Fury
2015-03-14, 09:10 PM
Sorry for the double post, but I finished the feat.

Secrets from the Quagmire
Often times, initiates of the Crone's Hex find slightly more... amiable hags to teach them their ways. For months at a time, they undergo grueling training that boarders on torture, and often crosses that line. When the disciples emerge from that swampy hellhole, they have mastered the art of picking an opponent apart, piece by piece, and leaving only a quivering mass of despair.
Prerequisite: Hex Claw, base attack bonus +6, two Crone's Hex maneuvers
Benefit: The Secrets from the Quagmire feat enables the use of three tactical options.

Swamp Hag's Surprise: To use this option, an opponent must miss you due to concealment. On your next turn, if an opponent would be shaken due to a successful Demoralize action on your part, they are instead Frightened. If they would be shaken due to a failed save against a Crone's Hex maneuver, they are instead Panicked.
Thieving Magpie Talons: To use this option, you must successfully attack a creature benefiting from a spell with a claw attack. On your next turn, if you successfully attack them at least two more claw attacks, you remove a random beneficial effect of your choice, and it is applied to you for its remaining duration. If you succeed on a Spellcraft check to identify one or more spells, you may choose which spell you take.
Mirror of Bitter Hatred: To use this option, you must succeed on a saving throw against a supernatural maneuver, spell, or spell-like ability. On your next turn, you may increase the DC of your next Crone's Hex maneuver that requires a saving throw by an amount based on that spell or maneuvers level. The DC increases by +1 for 0-level spells, +2 for 1st-3rd, +3 for 4th-6th, +4 for 7th and 8th, and +5 for 9th level spells and maneuvers.

2015-03-14, 09:13 PM
Sorry for the double post, but I finished the feat.

Saves me having to make a Tactical Feat... probably should do that as part of this whole March Madness thing.

Primal Fury
2015-03-15, 10:10 PM
Hm... What do you think about the 'Swamp Hag's Surprise' tactic being able to function through the 'Witch's Eye' stance if you have the 'Wandering Witch's Eye' feat as well?

2015-03-15, 10:13 PM
Hm... What do you think about the 'Swamp Hag's Surprise' tactic being able to function through the 'Witch's Eye' stance if you have the 'Wandering Witch's Eye' feat as well?

As in if they miss the eye you get the benefits? Works.

Primal Fury
2015-03-15, 10:17 PM
More specifically, the eye itself getting the benefits (unless that's already what you meant). Does it work as written, or would that require some revision?

2015-03-15, 10:21 PM
More specifically, the eye itself getting the benefits (unless that's already what you meant). Does it work as written, or would that require some revision?

As written you are still the one initiating the maneuver (because otherwise the feat would have broken action economy much more so than it ought) so it doesn't matter which one you have the effect originate from yourself or the eye. So the only part of the benefit the eye doesn't receive is if they miss it.