View Full Version : Saga of the Golden Dragon

2015-03-10, 05:49 PM
The Saga of the Golden Dragon

The 6 adventurers walk out of the temple, the night sky slightly more illuminated now then when they entered, due to the new bright red moon climbing higher in the southern sky. As the light from this new moon shines on our adventurers, those with their new dragonmarks feel them briefly itch, then go once again unnoticed.

This is indeed a strange group, to any outsiders who would be so fortunate to view them. A warforged thief, the Brelish colonel in shiny heavy armor wearing a sack with an elf's head sticking out the top, the slight woman hidden deep in her cloak who could easily be confused for human except for her unnatural beauty, the equally ugly shifter, and bringing up the rear, a massive warforged engaged in conversation with what appears to be a heap of garage who is followed by three obediant mechanical dogs. As they walk down the steps, they are met by 4 half-orcs leading the legendary Halas Martain in manacles who follow them until they reach the two waiting skiffs, one manned by a stout dwarf, the other by a pale shifter, whose manticore is fling close at hand.

The split into two groups, and board the skiffs. The shifter shouts out: Where to, Sir Henry?

Oko and Qailee
2015-03-10, 06:18 PM
Qailee hugs Curiosities arm as she walks out.
"I'm sorry you didn't get to keep the ooze thing..."

Looking up at red move fills her with dread and she whispers.
"That's scary..."

She remains quiet the rest of the way until boarding the skiffs, though she doesn't really say much once on the skiffs either.

2015-03-10, 08:02 PM
As the new moonlight strikes Curiosity he gazes up at it thoughtfully, then nods reserved before moving on.

He gently returns Quailee's hug responding optimistically, "Well all is not lost. The way I see it we have every opportunity to lay claim to this place if we choose. All we'd need is a consensus among ourselves and the manpower. Why bring the pet to the settlement when we could settle the pet's home?" Curiosity smiles cunningly.

To everyone he adds, "I was designed to be a single operating unit, no allies or subordinates required. However, my experience with this group has me considering starting my own company. What say you folk, after we deliver our prison-bound cargo, how about we discuss taking on subordinates and claiming a base of operations and perhaps even acquiring a means of mass conveyance?"

Translation: How's about we take Leadership, conquer us a temple, and get us an airship? :smallbiggrin:

Additionally, I will be using my Creatures by ECL charts to see what Followers and Cohorts can be attracted when Curiosity gets Leadership. There are rules in the back of Power of Faerun for trying to attract specific race/class combinations. I intend to make use of them if Littlebum approves.

Stannum (IV)
2015-03-10, 10:07 PM
The split into two groups, and board the skiffs. The shifter shouts out: Where to, Sir Henry?

"Back to Stormreach, reckless if you need to to be quick. We risk unrest as we wait."

To everyone he adds, "I was designed to be a single operating unit, no allies or subordinates required. However, my experience with this group has me considering starting my own company. What say you folk, after we deliver our prison-bound cargo, how about we discuss taking on subordinates and claiming a base of operations and perhaps even acquiring a means of mass conveyance?"

"This has been a fine adventure, and it has been some time since we were lacking for officers sitting at desks; perhaps I could do some good out here. My brother does keep bothering me to add something interesting in the family reputation, since he cannot any longer."

2015-03-27, 10:33 AM
The rag-tag group, exhausted from this never-ending day, loaded into the two skiffs headed back to Stormreach and promptly fell asleep. Escept for the Warforged, of course, who were either blessed, or cursed, by their makers into not being able to rest after such an emotion-wracking day.

The golden Warforged and the Prisoner chatted about what, only they know. The Curious Warforged, on the other skiff and therefore oblivious to their conversation, used Henry's moocle to examine all their treasure. The white pair of dice did not register, they were not magical, but why would a gambling proprietor like Kalibar Jenks hide a normal pair of dice in his trunk? The golden pair registered immediately, they were designed to give their user a needed boost in any number of useful Skills. The pearly white dagger, which Henry also confiscated from the criminal, registered as a Dagger of Defiance, a powerful magical item that gives its owner protection from fear and enchantment.

Next came the items that were left on the Wood Elf's body, the creature who even faced death in order to fulfill that stupid agenda. There was a white ring, which caused the nearest ongoing magical effect to immediately fail, as Curiosity already observed. The braided rose ring could sustain its wearer indefinitely without food or water, which would be entirely useless for Curiosity. The eyepiece was a Lens of Detection, which gives its wearer an astounding boost to searching for lost items.

The clear vial of liquid was, again, not magical and did not register, but Curiosity opened it and, not learning his lesson from the last time, was once again greeted with a sharp burning sensation in his eyes. The yellow vial was a solution to dissolve a magical ink, which curiosity used on the paper the lef left behind, only to receive directions to to the temple they had just left behind. The bottles also included a black bottle of Scorcher fumes, a cloudy grey bottle of Liquid Mortality, a blue bottle which cured wounds and a darker blue bottle which cured more serious wounds, and a lime green drow potion.

He even checked the unlabeled vial from General Bridgewater, and found it was nothing harmful, just a potion of Barskin.

The many wands the artificer had used against them, but had, never used them offensively against them. Curiosity had found this strange at first, but could now understand that the Warforged was just doing, in his warped mind, what he believed needed to be done and probably actually didn;'t want to hurt them. Still, he was behind any number of murders, even if he didn't actually commit them himself, so he was still to be held responsible. Curiosity discovered the 4 wands were very useful, one for dispelling magic, one for charming humanoids, one for charming anyone, and one that releases a mighty fireball.

And finally, the shield which had taken so long to obtain, and had almost cost one of Castor's constructs, but, which Curiosity was very proud to admit, cost no further injury to obtain,gave it's wielder a good deal of resistance to acid. Too bad it wasn't enough to save its original owner. So much unnecessary death in the world, no matter how much one tries to avoid it.

Once Curiosity was finished his task, he sat back and watched the jungle zip by. He did not relax, or rest; again, he was incapable of such activities. Instead, he sat back and thought, his best function.

As they arrived in Stormreach, they immediately sought out General Bridgewater. The party had long since ended, and the General was in a special room entertaining dignitaries, but Colonel Henry insisted that seeing the General was the utmost importance, and refused to leave until this could be done. Finally, the General was summoned, and he was visibly upset by Henry until he heard the tale of the events that occurred tonight.

Well, that certainly explains a lot. Soon after the party ended, I heard reports of a Changeling guard going missing. In fact, we've had a few reports of Changelings and Warforged acting strangely tonight. By gods, tomorrow morning this is going to be a disaster! There will be fighting, chaos in the streets! A aberrant dragonmark on 1/4th of Eberron's sons and daughters? What was the fool thinking? This might even lead to war, gods forbid.

Listen, Henry, you need to find out more about this "Brotherhood". Maybe if we find out who is ultimately responsible for this mess we might be able to at least avoid the worst part of it. I know that Warforged seems to be an expert at knowing when to shut up, but somehow you need to find out who he answers to, and try to get them to explain what is going on here. I know it won't be an easy task, but I'll put all the resources of the Brelish army at your disposal. Whatever you need to find this guy, or woman, or whoever is responsible, you can have, as long as I'm authorized to give it.

Those are your orders, Colonel Henry, and I assume you will fill them, because a lot is at stake here. The Dragonmarked Houses will not be happy about this, and it is entirely possible it could even cause a war. So get it done, and get it done QUICKLY!

Stannum (IV)
2015-03-27, 04:47 PM
"Aye, Sir. If you send word to headquarters, I should have proper reports for them by the time we are in Sharn, along with a formal transfer and proper requisitions.
"But there are a few other considerations sir that require our time. Halas Martain, the noted adventurer, could likely be very helpful in providing information about the site itself, and would be much more available if the bounty placed upon him were to be removed or negated through diplomatic channels. The mercenaries that found him might also be useful, if for no other reason than to prevent others from obtaining their services. I shudder to think what might happen if Anduair or Thrane were to have this sort of power, and we would do well to keep those who know of the location...close.
"Still, speed is of the essence. I shall need a few members of you staff to run errands and access to discretionary accounts, if transportation is to be fast.
"By your leave, Sir."
Sir Henry departs to see Captain Alistair, after sending a messenger to inquire at the Orien enclave for transportation availability, and another to the Deneith enclave to see if the Sentinel Marshals are willing to take custody of an international terrorist, to be delivered to The Twelve.

According to SoX, Stormreach to Khorvaire teleportation requires a greater teleport (siberys mark of passage), costs 5000g from Sharn to Stormreach, and is available 20% of the time in that direction (the way we want to go isn't listed). Such covers transportation for both directions (in that it covers the caster taking themselves back, so is probably only 2500g one-way) for up to 5 medium or smaller creatures (we should only need four party members, though Castor might go along. Prisoners could be handled by the relevant authorities, or carried in bags of holding for the lolz).
Alternatively, we can book passage on a ship or charter a ship or get our good friend the captain to take his ship. The shortest trip would be 3 days, and would cost nearly as much as the teleport. Sending for a teleport would be faster and possibly cheaper.

2015-04-08, 11:12 AM
The General listens to your suggestions, considers them, then responds.

Halas isn't exactly my first choice for an ally, but he certainly does have a knack for getting information, so maybe that's a decent idea. I'll try and find out which one of the Tharashk clans have the bounty, and see how much it would take to just go away. But as for the mercenaries...we can't just detain them, "knowing too much" isn't exactly a crime, but once the bounty is taken care of I'll hire them as a special security force for my division. You said you could use a few more hands, didn't you?

And as far as money is concerned, I'll suspend the purchasing limits on your military expense account, so just charge anything you need there and I'll take care of it out of my own budget.


Look, I don't care what you have to do, but we need teleportation to Sharn. We can't just sit around waiting for when it is convenient for you, we need this within a day!

I'm dreadfully sorry, sir, but the heir is simply unavailible. I will continue to try and contact him, if you'd like?

Ugh, you're wasting my time! Let me talk to your manager.


I'm sorry, are you trying to tell me that you currently have in your charge a prisoner, who not only cast some sort of unconsentual spell over a quarter of Eberron, but also ordered the murders of as many as 4 people and additionally tried to start a war?

T..Th...that's what I am told, sir.

These are very serious claims you are making boy! I'm not going to send a prisoner to the Twleve unless I'm damn sure he's guilty! You show me some evidence of these charges, or you're going to have to handle this on your own!


So, you're telling me that these new dragonmarks FULFILL the draconic prophecy?

-Keep your voice down! But yes, many feel that this is how the prophecies were meant to be translated.

You mean you DON'T KNOW??

-SHHH! Prophecies are complicated! They're written in metaphors wrapped in riddles. People spend their whole lives trying to study them and still get nowhere. But I am very sure that these are, indeed, a fulfillment of part of this prophecy, and if I am correct, then very interesting things are going to start happening...

2015-04-22, 06:22 PM
Again, the white dice do not register as magical, but the golden dice are Lucky Dice which give anyone who rolls them a boost in his next skill attempt. Valued at 3600 GP.

Dagger of Defiance, +1 dagger, +3 on saves against enchantment and fear effects 6300 GP

A White ring of Dispel Magic 1/day. Value 6000 GP
A braided rose Ring of Sustenance. This ring continually provides its wearer with life-sustaining nourishment. The ring also refreshes the body and mind, so that its wearer needs only sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. The ring must be worn for a full day before it begins to work. Value 2500 GP

A Lens of Detection: This circular prism enables its user to detect minute details, granting a +5 bonus on Search checks. It also aids in following tracks, adding a +5 bonus on Survival checks when tracking Value: 3500 GP

Light blue potion: Cure Light Wounds 50 GP
Dark Blue Potion: Cure Serious Wounds 750 GP
Lime Green “potion”: drow poison (except with ingested DC 13, causes unconsciousness) 75 GP
Peppery black liquid: Scorcher fumes (DC 18, lose Scent ability) 800 GP
grey cloudy liquid: Liquid Mortality (Injury DC 20, 1d4 Str drain, then 2d4 Str drain) 1250 GP
Yellow vial: Solution to dissolve Courier’s Ink 2 GP
Potion of Barskin+2 300 GP


(Name, charges left, value)

Dispel Magic, 6, 1350
Charm Person, 30, 450
Charm Monster, 4, 1680
5d6 fireball, 6, 1350

Shield of Improved Acid resistance, 42000 GP

2015-05-08, 01:29 PM
The gang decides to divide up their gains according to their needs. Before they can do so, however, Sir Henry confiscates the illegal poison to properly dispose of it. Curiosity tries to give the dispelling ring to Qailee, but explaining that she already has spells which accomplish that effect, she insists he keep it. Instead, she politely accepts the potion of barskin and the healing potions. Sir Henry and Curiosity split the pairs of dice, with Sir Henry taking the golden ones and Curiosity taking the plain ones, intent to discover their true nature. Curiosity also takes the Lens of Detection and Sir Henry the Dagger of Defiance and Ring of Sustenance. Curiosity, intent on doing some shopping while in town, also takes the shield to be sold and the profits divided among the group.

As they are dispersing, Sir Henry's messengers return.

The Heir isn't available!They won't take the prisoner!

Both messengers try to talk at once. Sir Henry gestures to the messenger who went to the Orien enclave.

Sir! The heir is unavailable! There is no way to teleport today. They will try to have him at the enclave for possible teleportation tomorrow!

And now he hears the news about the prisoner

The Deneith enclave says that, because these charges are so serious, they will have to see some concrete evidence before they will accept to take custody of the prisoner and bring him to the Twelve.

Stannum (IV)
2015-05-08, 04:46 PM
The Heir isn't available!They won't take the prisoner!

Both messengers try to talk at once. Sir Henry gestures to the messenger who went to the Orien enclave.

Sir! The heir is unavailable! There is no way to teleport today. They will try to have him at the enclave for possible teleportation tomorrow!

"Thank you. Inform them that if he is not there tomorrow, it shall weigh heavily upon their business with us. I have drafted these letters, please take them directly to the the Sivis for delivery, along with this payment."

4 letters, to a high-ranking general, the citadel, the Brelish parliament, and to the Twelve. The first three detail what has happened, with locations obscured, and an emphasis on the importance of preventing retributive action against the warforged, kalashtar, and other newly-marked (though the letter to the general include some recommendations for precautions against the empowered threat of The Lord of Blades' warforged). The fourth gives some brief details of what has happened, and an offer of custody of a very knowledgeable war criminal, on condition of his imprisonment. 4 letters, 2 pages each, 40gp payment for use of message stations.

The Deneith enclave says that, because these charges are so serious, they will have to see some concrete evidence before they will accept to take custody of the prisoner and bring him to the Twelve.

"Tell them we have the sworn statement of a priest, a Brelish colonel, and the bloody moon in the sky! Ugh. Qailee! Come with me. They'll likely need testimony in person before they'll act."

Oko and Qailee
2015-05-12, 01:28 PM
"Yes sir. Also, shouldn't we bring the warforged? Just me as a witness isn't much... and there's a possible chance he'll just openly confess..."

Stannum (IV)
2015-05-12, 05:36 PM
"Yes sir. Also, shouldn't we bring the warforged? Just me as a witness isn't much... and there's a possible chance he'll just openly confess..."
"Good point; it will make the transfer easier as well."
He turns to the remaining messenger.
"Gather whatever guards can be spared and meet us at the holding cell."

2015-05-14, 09:36 AM
Curiosity hops off the skiff and after divvying out the loot, and promising to reimburse his friends with their share of the shield, immediately walks purposefully over to a knot of warforged, shifters, and changelings (who are suspiciously in their native forms) and strikes up a friendly conversation. As though he'd known them all his life he laughs and jokes with them. After a few moments of greetings several of the assembled go with Curiosity as he makes his way to the market, one of them holding the shield and loudly giving Curiosity his best appraisal of its value.

2015-05-14, 04:15 PM
Sir Henry and Qailee arrive at the holding cell, followed shortly by the messenger and 6 burly guards. The unnamed warforged addresses them.

So, have you come to bring me to my "trial"? As if a Warforged like myself could get a fair trial from a bunch of humans, anyway.


The group that Curiosity chats with seems to not want to break up, as if they figure they are only safe with one another. But when he leaves, Curiosity does manage to have a few tag along with him. The amateur assessor estimates the value of the shield to be around 42,000 gip, and that is what the monocle said it would be worth, so maybe he actually does know what he's talking about.

Oko and Qailee
2015-05-17, 11:21 AM
Qailee thinks of responding to the fair trial comment, but realizes the futility of it. She waits to see if Sir Henry wants to reply first.

After a pause she speaks.
"We're taking you with us to the enclave."

2015-05-20, 05:22 PM
The enclave? WHICH enclave?

The warforged pauses as he considers the possibilities.

Oh, I get it. You're handing me over to House Deneith, aren't you? Well, it seems my guilt is a foregone conclusion, so let's get this over with.

The guards unlock the cell and the warforged voluntarily exits to the hallway. The cell door is locked after he leaves, and he is immediately surrounded by the group of guards who begin marching down the hall.


You arrive with the Prisoner and the group of guards to the Marshall your messenger previously spoke to.

Hello. Sit. You have made some very serious accusations against this....creature and you must give me some sort of concrete evidence to supprt them. If he indeed tried to incite a war as you claim, then he's guilty of high treason and conspiracy to commit murder. And as for this dragonmark affair, I don't even know WHAT I would charge him with there.

Oko and Qailee
2015-05-25, 10:08 AM
Oh, I get it. You're handing me over to House Deneith, aren't you? Well, it seems my guilt is a foregone conclusion, so let's get this over with.

"You don't know that for sure... and House Denith doesn't have the final say in your guilt."


You arrive with the Prisoner and the group of guards to the Marshall your messenger previously spoke to.

Hello. Sit. You have made some very serious accusations against this....creature and you must give me some sort of concrete evidence to supprt them. If he indeed tried to incite a war as you claim, then he's guilty of high treason and conspiracy to commit murder. And as for this dragonmark affair, I don't even know WHAT I would charge him with there.[/QUOTE]


Qailee nearly immediately sits at the Marshalls words and then immediately begins stumbling over words.
"Well, uh, there the moon and... I don't..."
She gives a pleading look at Sir Henry, thinking he can explain much better and less nervously than she can.

Stannum (IV)
2015-06-14, 03:43 PM
"For the moment, you can transport him on charges of assault of clergy and military officials; our word should be plenty for that. Once held, we will be ceding prosecutory authority to The Twelve, conditional upon an arrangement we shall be making concerning a number of charges, up to and including conspiracy to commit genocidal actions, and reckless endangerment of continents. Honestly, the charges are unimportant; this creature is going to be imprisoned, or he is going to die. You simply must transfer him to a place where he can be imprisoned safely, and perhaps he can then be used to partly contain this mess he caused. Our testimony is more than sufficient for an arrest warrant. Take custody of this warforged."


2015-06-17, 02:08 PM
The Marshal is clearly taken aback by being ordered around in his own enclave, but he knows the weight a Brelish military officer can pull, so he accepts your word.

Very well. I'll take him in under those charges, and I'll list you two as the witnesses to the fact. I'll also have someone follow up with you at a later time regarding these other charges, that are extraordinarily serious.

What do you have to say about all this? He was now addressing Prisoner.

I deny nothing, although I committed no crime. I have only done what I was destined to do. If I avoided my role in the Prophecy, THAT would be violating the laws of nature. And when you tried to stop me, I acted in self-defense.

"You don't know that for sure... and House Denith doesn't have the final say in your guilt."

Thank you for your kind words, little one. I will not forget how you have treated me today.

2015-06-17, 03:02 PM
One of the room's high windows goes dark for a moment as a pale white-skinned thing flies straight through the glass. In an instant it swoops low over the people in the room and seperates into two pale things.

As it ascends back to the window and escapes beyond the flying thing is clearly an albino glidewing (pterodactyl), though it is significantly smaller than those found on the Talenta Plains.

The other thing drops to the ground in a tumble and rolls to a stop on it's feet right in front of Sir Henry and Quailee. Clearly a frog-man, whose red eyes and pale skin denote it too as an albino, it immediately kneels, holds out several packages wrapped as for delivery. It's outfit is that of a courier for the Orien Enclave, and one of the packages seems to be squirming, while the others seems to be a letter and a secured package as for transporting valuables.

As he kneels there the frog-man croaks out, "Urgent message. From Friend Curiosity! To Mister Sir Henry and Mistress Qailee. To be deliver As-Fast-As-Possible and No-Matter-What!" His statements are broken by deep breaths as though from exertion and the last two phrases are spoken in some sort of singsong fashion as the creature smiles with a look of satisfaction at accomplishing it's task.

The frog-man's skin is pierced and decorated all over with bits of twisted metal. Everything but his uniform looks scavenged and repurposed. Basically he is covered head to toe in trash and scraps remade and reused, though all of it is clean and skillfully utilized. Across his back is strapped a strange instrument (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berimbau), and he seems more equipped for adventuring than deliveries.

Ajar the Grippli Bard (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=688172) will speak in Dark Green because frog (that and albino white text doesn't exactly show up :smallsmile:).

Not sure if you want them to make a Sense Motive check against Ajar's compulsion or not. He did just do something pretty crazy just to make a delivery so I suspect some Sensing of his Motives is probably justified.

Oko and Qailee
2015-06-21, 11:29 AM
Qailee smiles at the warforgeds acknowledgement. He wasn't her ally by any stretch, but something about his earlier hopelessness made her feel bad for him. She remains quiet as Sir Henry explains the charges against the warforged, nodding once in agreement, though wincing at the mention of the warforged dying. She nods again at the Marshals mention of her being listed as a witness.

At the entrance of Grippli, Qailee immediately jumps behind Sir Henry once again. After the frog-man speaks she leans forward from her rather poor hiding spot.

"Curiosity? What did he send to us?... Also, are you ok?"

2015-06-26, 08:55 AM
Ajar blinks. First one eye, then the next. His tongue creeps out and wipes over the second eye too as he answers in singsong, "I am okay-dokay."

Never moving from his kneeling position Ajar adds, "Friend Curiosity sends packages for to be delivered to Mister Sir Henry and Mistress Quailee. You are recipient, yes? You recipient-ize packages now please yes? Friend Curiosity was very clear; these MUST be delivered right away!" In that last statement the little frog man actually begins to sound somewhat desperate to make his delivery. As though it were all that mattered in the world to him.

Oko and Qailee
2015-06-28, 01:53 PM
Picking up on the frog mans desperation,
"Oh! Of course, I'll take them. It's ok!"

Stannum (IV)
2015-06-28, 10:24 PM
"Well, let's have a look at it"
Sir Henry seems relatively unperturbed by the appearance of the frog-man, though his hand did briefly fall upon his sword when the gripli landed.

2015-06-29, 11:40 PM
The grippli's hands tremble somewhat as he stands and presses the packages onto Sir Henry. Once the deed is done a breath whooshes from his chest and he slumps back to his knees exhausted. His eyes almost closed Ajar almost gasps for breath as he murmurs, "I does not know what came over me. Never before did I work so hard to go so fast for such a simple delivery. Guess this Curiosity guy is real convincing huh?"

The secured package made for transporting valuables, basically a hardened wooden box with metal bands about it, contains a sum of gp divided into parts by parchment. There is also a note handwritten by the moneychanger detailing what monies go to whom. This is everyone's share of the sale of the magic shield excepting Curiosity's and Castor's cuts.

Please look after Skitter for the foreseeable future. I must leave and do not know when I will be allowed to return. Of all the recent events I am most glad that I was able to find friends like you. Please do not bother yourselves with my whereabouts, by the time you read this I won't even be in the city anymore. Be aware I have primed Skitter with the command to obey both of your verbal commands. I can only imagine that if your commands were to contradict each other Skitter's own mind would be left to make the final decision on how to act in that given moment.

Below is a list of commands Skitter is trained to respond to. Thank you both."

What follows is a page and a half of increasingly what-if situations Skitter has supposedly been programmed with. The most basic are the same commands one would train a pet with including things like come, heel, and stay as well as attack, defend, and guard. Then there are commands for Skitter to perform including a bow, a spin and a bow, and a little dance. Then come more and more complex commands, sometimes with notes added about their success rates, including thieving, surveillance, and object retrieval.
The top of the list are mainly command words, then as the complexity increases handsigns are mentioned. There are a couple of contingencies listed but they've been crossed out with a line through them. By the looks of it the contingencies only function if Curiosity is in peril.

The last three lines are about as esoteric as reading computer code and have a complexity one would assume is even beyond Curiosity's abilities. One can only assume he had help devising and inputting them into the little construct. Each looks like patterns of behavior that can be begun with a single hand sign then altered, as they are executed, via more hand signs. Directly above and below these lines of commands is the note, "Last Resort Only: Cannot Be Undone!"

On the last page of the letter there is only a post script, as though the last page were added after the letter was drafted,
"P.S. Castor says hello and that he will be traveling with me."

This package contains Skitter. As soon as the package is opened the little construct spider leaps to the floor and casts about. Catching sight of a desk Skitter scurries over and rifles through the paperwork on/in the desk eventually producing a map of the world stamped onto a news flier. Skitter drags the map over to Sir Henry and Qailee and begins emphatically stabbing one little, metal, spider leg at the continent of Argonnessen.

One of the benefits of having Skitter as an Embedded Warforged Component was that only a Warforged can activate an Embedded Warforged Component. In a gameworld where the Warforged Domain exists and Constructs can be Commanded like undead by certain clerics it seemed prudent (and just plain cool :) ). However, the Use Magic Device DC to activate an Embedded Warforged Component now applies to activating Skitter.

We can ignore this if you'd prefer, just figured I'd mention it as an option.

2015-06-30, 02:09 PM
Curiosity is no longer a member of this party, he has left you for reasons unknown. He has given you a piece of him, the reason he states is because he feels you will have more use for it than him but you wonder if perhaps he just wanted you to remember your time together with him.

Qailee and Sir Henry now have complete control over Skitter (at least, as much control as Curiosity had). Instead of being treated as a part of your body, however, he will be treated more like a regular homunculus.

Also, perhaps this small creature may be talked into tagging along? You probably need all the help you can get.