View Full Version : Expedition to Castle Ravenloft - Maps

2015-03-10, 06:53 PM
So I recently got my hands on the 3rd edition update to Expedition to Castle Ravenloft and am thinking about playing it soon. Unfortunataly, the maps supplied are absolutely unusable as battlemaps - being isometric and all. Are there any 'normal' maps available for this module; official, fan-made or otherwise? I'd be very grateful.

2015-03-11, 07:40 AM
You have managed to confuse me here, I have the original I6 Ravenloft which has the isometric maps (but iirc easy to convert to square grid) and Expedition to Caste Ravenloft which is for 3.5 and is not an update.

EtCR lacks the full maps of the castle, instead it has encounter maps for all the encounters in the standard 3.5 adventure book style - they are all laid out for square grid.

So, either you don't have Expedition to Castle Ravenloft or you have the correct maps...

The actual overall map looks to be the same, so having I6 could be useful as the encounter maps, though complete, do not always make it easy to see how it all fits together.

2015-03-11, 01:19 PM
You have managed to confuse me here, I have the original I6 Ravenloft which has the isometric maps (but iirc easy to convert to square grid) and Expedition to Caste Ravenloft which is for 3.5 and is not an update.The book intro disagrees with you. The maps I am referring to are on p93 and onward.

2015-03-11, 04:59 PM
Yes, the overall maps are displayed on an angle - they are still comprised of 5' squares and thus easy to transpose to battlemap. However if you turn to page 128 onwards you will have the tactical encounters where the sections from the main maps are displayed square on - so no twisting required. Since there are encounters in pretty much every room these should cover virtually the entire castle.

2015-03-11, 05:04 PM
...And once again it is proven I should read on, and not just put a book down at the first hint of a problem....

2015-03-11, 10:36 PM
Here's another option, if you want:


2015-03-22, 04:15 PM
I have those ones I blew up and printed out that are 1"=5' that the guy made on cartographer guild. Great maps! Expensive to print though