View Full Version : 3rd Ed Warforged Blastificer: What should I craft next

2015-03-11, 10:52 AM
So, I'm playing a Warforged Blastiificer in a game (level 4) and I'm wondering what sort of items I should craft myself. Already I have +1ed my composite plating, made a circlet for UMD +5 (using wands is a big part of the character and my CHA is a little low) and an artificer's lens. I'm wondering what else I should make for myself to stay a viable combatant. A wand sheath is a definite must, but I'm unsure about anything else.

I had considered a gauntlet which would allow shocking grasp a few times per day (nice for if I end up in melee), but its a little above my crafting pool for the time being. Also I had considered a battlefist, but thats one of those things thats going to require me hashing out with the DM the exact rules for it. Also the idea of putting throwing and returning on it is kinda hard to pass up.

This is my first time playing an artificer of any sort and I'm really looking for ideas of things to make now and in the future. All the blasting I currently have is a wand of MM (CL3). The game I'd say is solidly in the Mid optimization range, but I am the only tier 1/2.

In addition, the barbarian wants me to put an enchantment onto his greataxe (already a +1), but after looking through the MIC, nothing really stood out to me as a good use of another +1 special ability that I currently have the CL for, but maybe I missed something. Also it was requested by the group that I make something for the monk to get him to hit more, which would prb just be an amulet of natural attacks.

2015-03-11, 02:47 PM
I would probably grab a few first level spell scrolls, each one puts you back 4 XP. You can make a 4th level spell scroll, but it would take up half your budget so that is iffy (although above the curve power wise).

2015-03-12, 07:20 AM
I was thinking of some scrolls. I've also become sort of the default healer for the group, so getting some lesser restorations would be important. I've also got a wand of CLW. Idealy I was thinking of making some items that could cast lesser resto a few times per day, but I have no clue if that would be a waste of resources as I don't know how often something like that could come up. Since I can't craft wands yet I can't make any eternal wands, even if they are legal in the game.