View Full Version : Optimization Equipping an Evil Lawyer

The Bandicoot
2015-03-11, 04:21 PM
As the title says, I have an evil lawyer character that I'm trying to equip. Unfortunately I don't have nearly the vast knowledge of the Giantitp forums and I'm coming up blank as far as equipment goes. He's ninth level total with three levels in rogue, two levels in wizard, and four levels in a homebrew class called the Devil's Advocate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?10192-A-Deal-s-a-Deal-Even-With-a-Dirty-Dealer-PrC) which is basically a devil lawyer.

I currently have his armor all picked out and he has about 6lbs in weight before he hits medium load. I have 19150gp left so tell me forum-goers, what kinds of magic items would you buy if you were an evil lawyer dealing with devils on a daily basis?

If it helps the DM said anything core and UA is fine by him any other books I need to ask him.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.