View Full Version : The Harmons of Keiselbach

2015-03-11, 04:29 PM
The ruddy light of sunset flooded the openness of the Cathedral of Divine Order of Trasg, casting all its clean lines and elegant arches in hues of warm gold and orange. No one had realized just how long it would take to complete all the inductions and anointings, but his majesty had been quite firm about rolling as many of the investitures for his new ministers and newly created nobles into one afternoon.

“… all this I do so swear upon my life and honor, in the sight of Erathis and all the gods, now and forevermore.”

The aged prelate looked up from the text on his lectern expectantly, and the line of honorees, adorned with the sashes, rods, or coronets that befit their new ranks, dutifully chorused back the words as he had said them. An acolyte turned the page, and with a sigh of relief, the prelate hoarsely began the final blessing that would conclude his hours of oratory. Surrounded by her family in the third row of pews, Laida Harmon was smugly glowing. She sniffled with pride, gazing on her son Chasmata of House Harmon, Marquis of Keiselbach, standing there a dozen feet from royalty. She squeezed the hands of Arys and Tobias on either side of her. Oh, her friends would be sick with envy!


The reception was exquisite. The cream of Carrenhalder high society was there, dressed to be seen and eager to see for themselves this new set of nobles that King Kai was elevating. It seemed that there would be a great deal of continuity in the court; while the Regent had held together a powerful coalition of supporters, poor deposed Lucien had not personally held as firm a grip on his nobles, and most welcomed his uncle with open arms. Those who had not been as quick to raise his banners were now scrambling to get on the bandwagon. While Kai himself departed apologetically after receiving a messenger from the Hessenbach Society, the wine is flowing, the hors-d’oeuvres are circulating, the music is playing, and the conversation sparkles.

Grand Duchess Adelice is of course absent, but her brother Lord von Strack and his Caxalao wife, Peronille, are pouring more of the proverbial oil on the diplomatic waters than Peronille’s olive orchards could produce in a year.

Duke Karl Schoenberg had apparently been a party to the coup and was enjoying the royal favor, but his spinster daughter Emilia – a bookish cipher, quite unknown until recently – seems bent on imperiling that. Rumors had been circulating that she had written scandalous satirical dramas under a nom de plume, but it was not until this very evening that she publicly confirmed it. She has quickly segued into pointedly questioning the newly appointed Royal Governor of Absivar how he intends to reform their colonial government there.

The king’s paramour and Minister of State, Baron Andreas Faerber, has been congratulated on the honor of being namesake to the Andreas, first airship in a proposed royal fleet. Dourly, Faerber replies that in his opinion an airship is essentially a very expensive metaphor for hubris, and that he is less than amused by his majesty’s choice of name.

The pallid Count Dionys of Esterad gives your party a toothsome smile and welcomes you to,
“That most selective club of inhuman Carrenhalder peers.” Even with a cursory knowledge of the aristocracy, the party would be aware of his family’s vampiric condition. “You would think there would be more elvish blood, given how comely your people are, but after the last war with Taram-Balad the goblins lobbied parliament to enforce some dusty old ban on elves inheriting title, and then House Qaliri ran afoul of those Hessenbach chaps, and, ah – well, I don’t suppose you would want to go discussing THAT unpleasantness.” At the beckon of Dionys’ pale hand, a hulking green figure delicately moves through the crowd, another member of your ‘club.’ It had been hard not to notice Col. Dralvug, being as he was three spaces down from Chasmata in the line-up, and also a troll. Dionys murmurs as he approaches that Dralvug is now baronet of a district within the city, a holdover title from when the area was its own suburb.

[Feel free to socialize with any of the above, or let me know if you’re seeking out anyone else, or if your character is leaving the soiree and going elsewhere.]

2015-03-11, 07:07 PM
Arys, smiling, approaches Baron Faerber. Congratulations, Sir! Do not sell the flying ship short, Baron. Air support may decide many a close battle. Why, I remember this one time when our border outpost was besieged by a horde of ... he looks around to check if Col. Dralvug is listening, and lowers his voice just in case, Trolls. Oh, what we would not have given for an airship to rain some hot oil from above. But, since no such vessel was available we had to... His voice breaks down, and he lowers his eyes. Excuse me. I just ... it's a lovely party, and once again, congratulations.

Without looking, Arys takes a handful of the hors-d’oeuvres from a tray and starts chewing slowly.

2015-03-11, 07:20 PM
"Puh, puh, puh..." Taigo muttered inaudibly as he stared around the room.

2015-03-11, 07:41 PM
Zhang, human monk and Chasmata's right hand man, stands impassively from a distance. He doesn't even try to mingle with the guests; instead he attempts to look as inconspicuous as possible while staying close enough to his charge to defend him at a moment's notice.

Right now, his keenly trained eyes are focused on the humongous troll. These monsters should not be trusted and must be kept on a short leash.

2015-03-11, 07:42 PM
"Tasty", Tom mutters to himself, as he sips on his wine. He's an average man with an average look, not a royally significant person if not for his bloodline. He has a distinct foreigner aura around him, possibly due to his father having lived in a far away place.

He walks towards the elf talking to the Baron. "Lovely celebrations, isn't it, cousin?" he asks the elf in a friendly voice, as he also grabs some hors d'oeuvres.

2015-03-11, 11:15 PM
Not being particularly fond of the intricate dance of socialites, Tobias eventually begs off from the conversation to find some food. Soon, with a plate in his hand, he meanders slowly towards the edge of the party - exchanging smiles and pleasantries as necessary, all as brief as possible without seeming rude - with the intention of finding a spot to remain unnoticed for as long as possible. However, by chance, he spots an acquaintance, who was clearly a step ahead of him along the same line of thought and was already by a wall, partway in the process of becoming one with the decor. Just as misery loves company, Tobias makes his way over, and they quickly become engrossed in a discussion regarding a particular book that Tobias had received from this particular friend some weeks previously.

I'm deliberately leaving details on Tobias' friend vague, in case they need to be established later.

If it becomes relevant to mention in detail, the book in question that they are discussing is Tobias' trinket 'A diary written in a language you don't know', which I found particularly interesting in relation to Tobias because he has the Eyes of the Rune Keeper Invocation which allows him to read all writing.

2015-03-12, 12:43 AM
Taigo stared worryingly at the small crystal that floated just in front of his shoulder as he tried to make sure he didn't bump into anybody.

2015-03-12, 02:45 AM
He walks towards the elf talking to the Baron. "Lovely celebrations, isn't it, cousin?" he asks the elf in a friendly voice, as he also grabs some hors d'oeuvres.
Sure is, Tom. Arys is snapped out of his contemplation, smiling back. Chasm' must be proud. Although not as proud as Auntie, look, she's about to burst with joy.

2015-03-12, 03:35 AM
Chasmata raises an eyebrow as he heard that a troll has also been enobled and then walks up to the troll and greets him warmly: I guess the aristocracy has gained a few meritocratic elements with the two of us, isn't it, my friend?

2015-03-12, 03:56 PM
To Arys and Thomas:

Faerber follows your example and selects a pear-and-brie puff pastry for himself.

"Horde of trolls, you say? Well, then you must have been serving in the Dunstaig Marches. The way my cousin tells it, the trolls were bad but the flux in the camps was worse." The two of you swap anecdotes and engage in some hindsight-generalship about conflict. Wiping crumbs and grease from his fingers with a handkerchief, Faerber shifts to a slightly reproachful tone. "You ought to give credit to Dralvug's lot, though. His company served admirably in putting down the last revolt in Absivar, and are likely to return there next month. That is, if Lady Schoenberg doesn't succeed in badgering the governor into dismantling our operations." He gives a small jerk of the head towards where the spinster playwright has cornered an increasingly red-faced and stammering Lord Governor.

"Oh - but to your point about the airship: I agree that air support is valuable, of course, but modern artifice simply cannot produce a vessel sturdy enough to withstand fire from siege engines or maneuverable enough to keep pace with natural fliers. The crew are like fish in a barrel if they come up against griffin cavalry. Then of course there are dragons - Actually, haven't you got one in Kieselbach? A green, yes, or maybe it was a black? What's your plan for dealing with it?"

2015-03-12, 04:12 PM
To Taigo Qusina

A young woman with a green gown, elaborately braided brown hair, and a gilded crystal orb suspended from some type of delicate fashion baldric approaches Taigo. With an excited grin, a curious hand gesture and bow, she introduces herself as Renata Wilmots using a creole of undercommon and what sounds like some kind of elvish. She pauses for a moment, apparently expecting a specific response, before her smile is replaced by an expression of mortified realization.

"Oh - oh I'm so sorry - I do apologize, I have been studying the culture of Kepua Pareyu, and I thought you looked like one of the illustrations of - I just assumed you were, and, um, oh I'm sorry. Your crystal is wonderful thought. I was admiring it - what sort of mage are you? Are you a lecturer at the Sapphire Academy?"

2015-03-12, 04:16 PM
What, what? Arys almost dropped his biscuit before finding words to reply. A dragon? Oh, yes, Auntie did mention something. I'm sure she and the new Marquis have a plan already. We'll go there and make short work of the creature. Lure it with a cow or two, and spring the trap. Dumb beasts, the lot of them.

Arys makes a mental note to talk to Auntie and the Marquis as soon as his shock subsides. Is there even a plan? Why is there a dragon? Why was I not informed?

2015-03-12, 04:21 PM
"Uh, come again?" Taigo murmured to her in Common as he directed the crystal to rest above his shoulder. "My Common is a litte...

2015-03-12, 04:28 PM
To Tobias

"But... but you can read anything!" Hugo protested incredulously, and scratched his head. "Well, huh. Do you think maybe it's some kind of a cypher? But who would print an entire full-sized book just for codes..." He snapped his fingers, struck by an idea. "Oh! Or maybe it has to do with the Oracles of Ket. I know that Professor Mandrake did research in Absivar, before the war. The scribes just write down whatever the oracles say, best as they can. Doctor Shain says they just spout gibberish, and I don't know if he's right, but maybe it looks like gibberish? What do you think?"

2015-03-12, 04:35 PM
To Chasmata and Zhang

"And it's about time, too - Ha!" You see that one of the troll's tusks is gold-plated has he gives a hearty guffaw. "You and me, we both know the real meaning of leadership. It means getting in there and getting a little bloody. Making the hard decision, and making it quick." Dralvug lowers his voice even further, and leans in conspiratorially. You are surprised to find his breath minty. "I wasn't in the palace, myself, but I heard you got your hands dirty. What exactly happened in there?

2015-03-12, 05:48 PM
Chasmata grins: If I told you, I'd have to kill you, and in your case we all know that would take ages! But seriously, my "presence" there has probably saved quite a few lives, making people "understand" their situation more quickly.

2015-03-12, 09:22 PM
"A cypher was the first thing that occurred to me, Hugh," Tobias replies. "You know just as well as I do the lengths some people go to to protect their secrets. I visited Lexi's library the day after you sent the book to me and compared it to every cypher in that huge tome she has - you know the one - and some others besides. No such luck."

Tobias takes a sip of wine. "After that, I had to try decrypting the text by hand, through brute force. Ran it through multiple cyphers. Cross-referenced other languages. No dice." He sighs. "The main problem is that the text itself doesn't look like any language or cypher I've yet seen. It looks almost... pictorial in nature. And you know how long ago those kinds of languages were last used. Without the proper key, it'd be practically impossible to read - if there's even a key at all," Tobias adds, almost as an afterthought.

"Professor Mandrake might know something, you say? I've... met the man before - thrice, I think - but I don't know him well. Do you think he could be somewhere in here?" Tobias asks, vaguely gesturing at the mass of people before them. "Well, otherwise, I might just write to him or pay him a visit once all this business is over with."

2015-03-12, 09:41 PM
Tom takes the dragon story a little bit more leisurely than his cousin. "Oh, the dragon? It'll be alright, they're not as hardy as you'd think." he parrots Arys. "They're not dumb, really, but neither are we.". His eye catches onto someone behind Faerber. "If you'll please excuse me" as he quickly grabs another wine from a nearby tray and goes into the crowd.

"Lovely to see you here, thought you'd not make it. Wine?" he offers the new glass to the lady he honed in on.

This can be any single and lovely lady around. Preferably one Thomas doesn't even know (and one that doesn't know Thomas).

2015-03-12, 10:00 PM
"What am I doing here?" the monk thinks to himself. Although he doesn't show it, he is extremely uncomfortable standing there weighed down in all of the finery. He longs to wear something more practical.

Zhang involuntarily cringes when Chasmata approached the towering troll on his own, and even deigned to engage it in casual conversation. He positions himself closer to where Chasmata is standing. His face remains impassive - inscrutable even as he starts to catch everything the two are talking about.

The monk discreetly studies the troll's behavior, trying to discern its motives and detect any hint of dishonesty in its words. He is Chasmata's shadow, his bodyguard. It's what he does.

Insight: [roll0]

2015-03-13, 01:22 AM
To Chasmata and Zhang

The monk discreetly studies the troll's behavior, trying to discern its motives and detect any hint of dishonesty in its words.

Dralvug gives a hearty laugh at Chasmata's bravado, but Zhang can observe that the troll is suppressing irritation at having his question brushed off. Count Dionys glances at Zhang, noticing his noticing. The count addresses him with an eyebrow cocked in curiosity, and a condescension born of centuries of privilege.

"I say, you are a rare import, aren't you? Dazhuang, perhaps? Wungao? Kitsarath? How do you find yourself in such rarefied company?" Dionys quietly mutters to Chasmata, "He is with you, yes? Otherwise, he seems a bit fixated."

2015-03-13, 02:33 AM
To Tom

The lady accepts your proffered glass of wine gracefully, and meets you with a perplexed but intrigued smile.

"I beg your pardon, but have we met?"

[If your character has a specific goal in the conversation, you can go ahead and state that and make me a Persuade check to see how smoothly you can steer it to that end.]

http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee405/BeardedHerring/Famke%20Wynt.jpg (http://s1226.photobucket.com/user/BeardedHerring/media/Famke%20Wynt.jpg.html)

2015-03-13, 02:54 AM
To Arys

Baron Faerber strokes his beard.


"I admire your confidence, although I have not found them quite so easy to dispatch. I have no doubt that the Marquis' grasp of the situation is impeccable, or I would suggest consulting the Bestiary Sage in the Royal Library. I believe they maintain a log of reported sightings and movements of noteworthy creatures. Perhaps your own family can help update their notes for Keiselbach.

Should you find yourself in the enviable position of having the creature well in hand, do consider trying to capture it. I know the Herons* would find a living specimen tremendously useful, or even a fresh one, and it always pays to keep on their good side. I believe they can provide some level of remuneration, if requested. But perhaps your Marquis is a sporting type, more interested in taking a trophy?"

Faerber takes a balanced tone with his last question, and it is unclear whether he endorses such an approach.

[*Arcane Secret Police.]

2015-03-13, 10:27 AM
"We just have, haven't we? Thomas." as he expands a hand with a big grin on his face, clearly thinking he's being smooth.

Nothing in particular, just making friends :smalltongue:

2015-03-13, 12:04 PM
To Tom

The lady meets your hand with a firm grip.

"You may call be Inspector Wynt, for now. Perhaps you'll earn my given name yet. These are Lady von Swieten and Dame Destorinne," she says gesturing respectively towards a tall woman whose white gown is decorated with amber beading, and a solid-looking woman with short greying hair and her hand resting comfortably on a sword hilt. "We were just discussing the upcoming elections in Orsheddin. It seems there are preemptive accusations of tampering already swirling. Do you follow politics?"

2015-03-13, 12:09 PM
Turns his head to Dionys: Well, Zhang is of a rare blood-group indeed; He needs to perhaps dilute it a bit with some wine though. Then turns back to Dralvug: It almost seems like you'd like to have been part of the action?

2015-03-13, 12:19 PM
I'm sure the Marquis will do what it takes to strengthen the kingdom. If the opportunity arises, sport will not take priority over assisting the Herons.

2015-03-13, 12:21 PM
Tom is slightly taken aback by the firm grip as he was expecting sweeter company.

"Can't say I follow them too closely, always seem to have something else to do. Tampering sounds bad, I'm glad the experts are on the job. If I can be of any help, please, do tell me.", Tom offers to help with a smile as he turns to the other ladies. "Nice to meet you all, lovely evening."

Ding ding ding, gold mine! What do I need to roll to milk these ladies for information about the investigation?

2015-03-13, 12:51 PM
To Tobias

Hugo gives a nervous giggle.

"Oh, I imagine that Professor Mandrake would very much appreciate that, but you may have a hard time visiting."

After looking around for prying eyes, he continues.

"You see, the book wasn't... exactly, given to me, actually. He had told me to pick up his letters and packages while he was traveling last month, you see. And, and this book was one of the packages sent, but it had fallen behind my desk. But when I went to his office to bring it to him, well, I saw there were secret police questioning his under-scribe, and they were searching through his shelves, and I thought that maybe I should just turn around and go home? So I just... I just kept it, and after a few days I opened it, and here we are!"

2015-03-13, 03:17 PM
To Chasmata and Zhang

"Of course!" Dralvug snorts. "A troll who does not crave battle is no troll at all. But I did my bit, as you can see." He tapped his shining badge of baronetcy with sausagelike finger. "Hereditary and everything. The kids will probably end up massacring each other until there's only one left standing to take it, little rotters. What about you? Y'might have been a lone wolf before, but now you'll need to find a mate and spawn yourself a little future marquis. Give your mum a grandchild to spoil, give her something to do between coups."

In response to Chasmata's quip, Dionys flags down a servant and enjoins Zhang to partake, rattling off the virtues of the various vintages on hand.

2015-03-13, 04:25 PM
To Taigo

"Is there a tongue you would prefer we speak in? Or perhaps you mean I speak too quickly? I am sorry - my governess always said I could chatter the ears off an elephant." Renata takes a deep breath, and proceeds more calmly.

"The Sapphire Academy is a college of arcana with a just tremendously impressive geomancy department. My own mentor - Emil Neirick? - he lectures there sometimes, and I got to attend a lesson on the use of tourmaline in transmutation spells. I have been reading into crystals on my own, and I just got very excited about yours. Could you tell me about your own practice of the Art?"

2015-03-13, 04:35 PM
"M-Madame, I think you may be a, a, a bit confused." Taigo again struggled with his Common, mainly due to nervousness. "I'm n-not a mage."

The crystal bobbed up and down as Taigo stared intently at it.

"It's difficult to explain."

2015-03-13, 04:45 PM
Now that is one good reason not be getting any legitimate kids... I'd advise you to abdicate on time to make sure the strongest of your litter becomes firmly established as the next baron. Or, of course, to smash a few more heads to earn enough other fancy sounding titles. Am I however assuming correctly, that in the next time I plan on doing something which would benefit from the delicate touch of a troll, that you'd be up for the exercise? I'd similarly not shy away from any such enteraining requests...

2015-03-13, 07:11 PM
"So you just- what." Tobias runs a worried hand through his hair as what Hugo had just said begins to sink in. "So you decided to send it, knowing that the secret police - who generally deal with dangerous magical artifacts - were investigating the man to whom it was addressed, to me. Why didn't you just hand it over to them when you saw them? Or, if it didn't occur to you at the time, why didn't you send it to them by courier afterward?" He sighs.

"You still can, at this point, you know," he suggests. "Just say that you misplaced it, that you recently found it in some corner of your study. They might question you - and me, for that matter - a little, but unless there's something else you're not telling me, I doubt they'd be able to pin anything on you if you come clean. I like a good puzzle as much as anyone, but I'd prefer not to get charged for it."

Rolling for Insight, if necessary: [roll0]

Kaiser Omnik
2015-03-13, 07:13 PM
Carla had been her usual affable and courteous self since the beginning of the reception, mixing with one small group for a few minutes, then moving to another. Small talk, mostly. The majority of the nobility were only interested in the latest fashion, gossip about the newly ennobled and much ego stroking. The half-elf was used to all that of course; while she was a woman of action, she understood that good political relations required generous listnening and careful nurturing of one's public image. As a rule, to repay her for kind words and her conciliatory attitude, most glossed over the strange position she was in as a practitioner of the old faith who now happened to counsel the new Marquis of Keiselbach. She did catch a few clergymen of the Erathic Church staring at her during the evening, but as usual the two parties kept their distance from one another.

But Clara had been looking fixedly into her cup of wine for over a minute now. Observing every ripple at its surface, as if she was gazing into a crystal ball. Looking for any potentially reassuring sign. The half-elf finally lifted her head as she noticed Zhang moving defensively towards Chasmata. She sighed, playing nervously with the bracelet on her left wrist adorned with a single black feather.

Oh my poor nephew...what have you got yourself into?

2015-03-14, 01:05 AM
To Taigo

"Oh, do you work with divine energies? It's fascinating how fields that seem so similar to an outsider can be so utterly different for practitioners." Renata sits on a cushioned bench in an alcove, and motions an invitation for Taigo to join her. "I'm not very devout, I'm afraid. The ceremonies today were the first time I've been to a temple in months." She pauses to breathe, yet cannot help from blurting more. "May I ask your name? And you are directing your crystal, yes? I saw an Ioun stone once, but those orbit."

2015-03-14, 01:23 AM
To Chasmata

"If things in Absivar get hot - and I hear they will - I'll probably be shipping out there. But provided I'm around, I'm always up for a fight." Dralvug retrieves a bronze coin-shaped medallion from a pouch on his belt, and hands it to Chasmata. "Sometimes I can be hard to track down, even when I'm in the city. Show that to one of my men and they'll see you clear to me." The coin has a seal with a crossed spear and axe and songbird on it, along with a date of issue and company number.

2015-03-14, 01:44 AM
To Tobias

Hugo blanches at the reprimand.

"I'm sorry - I didn't mean to upset you or get you mixed up in anything. I just have always heard to steer clear of any involvement with the Herons, and, and I don't think you're right about turning it in. Just having worked with Mandrake could be enough to get me arrested, and my family doesn't have enough clout for them to worry much about letting me go in one piece. If the book is contraband, then at BEST turning it in will make things worse for the professor, even if they did let me go. Maybe it's not important - maybe it's just some kind of weird game. I don't know, but if it was something important, I want to know." Hugo hunches his shoulders, and crosses his arms. "If you don't want to help me figure this out, that's fine. Just give me the book, and keep your mouth shut."

Hugo may be trying to deceive himself into thinking this was a good idea, but he's clearly invested in this as a matter of pride and hopes that it could lead to some kind of gain.

2015-03-14, 05:45 AM
Stunned in turn by the sudden retort, it takes a moment before Tobias starts speaking, raising his hands in a placating gesture as he does so. "I didn't mean to offend you either. I- I get it. I will. I'm sorry. I'm just... worried for you." Having no reply for being so abruptly snubbed, Tobias lapses into an awkward silence.

Outwardly, at least. Telepathically, unheard and undetectable to any eavesdroppers, just in case our conversation's attracted any unwanted attention, Tobias continues:

Hugh, we've known each other for years now, and you've never done wrong by anyone - not on purpose, at least. You've always been a good friend, and I know you're not a bad guy. I'd never sell you out, but I don't want to see you dig your own grave on the off-chance you might strike gold before you reach the bottom either.

Look at it this way - I'm sure Professor Mandrake will have kept records of his purchases. And once the Herons finish inventorying his collection, they're bound to start wondering where that one book went. They'll start asking around again. I trust Lexi not to snitch, at least - but it won't matter if Mandrake or one of his scribes talk.

If you're truly intent on this, you're going to have to be very careful. Things will be much worse if the Herons find out that you knew you had the chance to help them but didn't. And there won't be any time to make decisions once they come calling. Just tossing the evidence into the fireplace won't cut it with them. So, I'll return the book to you if you want me to, but what do you intend to do once you have it?

2015-03-14, 10:19 AM
Accepts the bronze-shaped medaillion from Drulvug. I'm sure I'll be plenty busy too, the first couple of months "placating" whatever needs pacifying within the Barony. From what I've heard its quite the mess. It's even got a dragon infestion to top things off, or so I've heard rumors. If you do get bored, please feel free to visit us some time, perhaps bring the kids? I'm sure they'd enjoy cow tipping with an on the spot barbecue *snaps his fingers releasing a small spark*

2015-03-14, 11:35 AM
"That's not it either..." Taigo looked down as he sat next to the woman. "It might just be e-easier for me to show you."

He reached into his pack to grab one of four gigantic books and extracted it, opening up to one of the earlier pages in the tome. Granted, he was forgetting that all the text was written in Roushoum, which Renata probably didn't speak. Taigo then pointed at one of the diagrams in the book, forgetting her last few questions.

2015-03-14, 06:39 PM
"I say, you are a rare import, aren't you? Dazhuang, perhaps? Wungao? Kitsarath? How do you find yourself in such rarefied company?"

"Xiangkang, Lord Count," Zhang responds as he launches into a deep bow. "I am here but through the graces of my patron."

Out of the corner of his eye, Zhang continues observing the troll. Dralvug was more erudite than most, and had the delicacy to effect a diplomatic mien. He would not be a threat. Not tonight, and not here. He allows himself to relax a bit.

Inside, Zhang shakes his head. He is specializes in combat, not diplomatic niceties. Sparring with an enemy is much harder when one can't physically pummel it into submission.

2015-03-15, 11:15 PM
To Tobias

Hugo tries to regain his composure and nonchalantly reply, but as always his eyebrows scrunch and his lips move ever so slightly as he thinks his response at you.

Well... if it's actually some kind of dark lore, then he probably didn't get a receipt. Probably. Maybe I should turn it in. But how about you just keep it a little longer, to see if we can figure out what it is first? If it's dark, we turn it in. And if we can't figure it out, we turn it in. Maybe anonymously? Put on a disguise and hire a courier, right?

2015-03-15, 11:54 PM
To Taigo

Granted, Renata does not know Roushoum, but she follows along as best she can, asking questions and gently nudging the conversation back into Common from time to time. She and Taigo get some curious glances and a few snickers, but Renata is either oblivious or determined not to acknowledge them. As the soiree winds down, she presses a scrip of paper with her postal address into Taigo's palm, and insists that they correspond further about mystical theory.

2015-03-16, 12:12 AM
To Chasmata and Zhang

"Gotta be careful with dragons. Can't seem to keep straight which ones have got the fire and acid." Dralvug raises his meaty paws in a gesture of caveat. "Even with a new-Marquis discount, I don't come cheaply. All those mouths to feed. We can figure out the details as it comes up. Go to glory!"

Dionys returns from across the room, where he had briefly slipped away to confer with another coterie, who are now moving towards the door.

"I'm afraid I'm double-booked tonight, and must be on my way. Do let us know when you've settled. We can have a keep-warming!"

2015-03-16, 04:43 AM
Now that he knows the troll has no ill intent, the more Zhang hears his bravado, the more he likes him.

"Lord Dralvug," he says as he raises a flagon of water to drink. "You are surely more than a match for any dragon!"

"To longevity and good fortune!" he toasts the troll in the Giant tongue.

2015-03-16, 06:37 AM
Taigo looked at the piece of paper and placed it in his pocket, nodding at Renata as he stood up and placed the old grimoire back in his pack.

2015-03-16, 07:03 AM
To Dralvug: Well, first I'll have to see what I'm up against. Perhaps, if I'm lucky, it is one of the vain female variety, your idea about making some heirs might not be such a bad one...

Then turns to Dionys: I'll be sure to put you near the top of the list when I do keep it.

2015-03-16, 09:28 AM
On that score, I haven't a clue. I haven't dealt with much dark magic myself. Well, apart from the one, Tobias adds. But seeing as how the book didn't burn my eyes out again and my usual spells didn't reveal anything, I'm fairly certain that the book itself isn't some kind of artifact. Or there could be a spell on it to prevent me detecting any spells on it - but that'd be going a bit far. Still, if I had at least found some magic on it, that would have at least given me something to work off of. Tobias sighs internally - which, interestingly enough, also seems to be transmissible via telepathy. As it is, I've done just about everything I can think of. If there are any ideas you were planning on bringing up, now would be the time.

2015-03-16, 01:09 PM
To Tobias

After a long silence, Hugo shrugs. If the glasses of punch he had imbibed had any lingering effects at the start of the conversation, they have thoroughly vanished, and his countenance is utterly sober.

I guess not. I'll just do the thing with a disguise and an anonymous courier. Let them sort it out and try to stay clear as best I can.

Hugo musters a crooked smile and returns to speaking aloud.

"Hey... good luck with taking the fief, and everything. I'll be graduating next year - maybe your brother will need an abjurer!"

2015-03-16, 01:15 PM
To Zhang

Col. Dralvug's eyes widen with surprise at Zhang's use of Giantish, and he raises his stein and responds in the same.

"To new horizons and new conquests!"

2015-03-16, 03:51 PM
Thomas keeps listening to the investigators' talk, trying to obtain new information from them. As he makes his mental notes and the ladies still keep talking, he intervenes.

Ladies, ladies, tampering? Conspiracy theories? This is too fine a night for you to be spending your time on such things, leave work to another day! Have another wine, be jolly!

He then turns to Inspector Wynt;

Inspector, do you dance? Or more importantly, will you?

2015-03-17, 01:54 AM
Tobias replies with a small smile that is no less awkward, "thanks. Maybe he will. It seems there's always work around for wizards these days. You've definitely got a bright future ahead of you - you can do just about anything you want, if you properly put your mind to it." You've always been a lot more clever than I am. As long as you consider what you're next going to do, I'm sure things will turn out fine.

"So cheer up!" He lays a hand on Hugo's shoulder. "I'm sorry again if I upset you earlier. Tell you what - I'll drop by for a visit when I'm free some time next week. I wouldn't like the first chance we've had to speak in months to end on a note like this."

2015-03-17, 12:35 PM
To Thomas

Out on the dance floor, a sweaty-browed young man whose panting partner is leaning against him calls to the band.

"Give us a Sernish tune, eh?" As the band-leader confers with his musicians, other young people cry out their requests.

"Chuck the Budgie!" - "Four-Penny Reel!"

The band leader turns back and addresses the cluster of clamoring revelers.

"Upon a Frosty Morning!" He proclaims, to cheers from most and scattered grumbling.

Meanwhile, amid the tables, Wynt grants Thomas a small smile.

"I have been known to dance from time to time. And I do like Frosty Morning." The inspector takes Thomas' proffered hand, and together they join a line and take hands-four with their neighbors. With lines in place, the band strikes up a lively tune and you begin with a half-circle left and a gentlemen's allemande.

2015-03-18, 02:23 PM
On the Road to Lienig

“Milord? There are some highwaymen ahead, and they have a giant.” The coachman is understandably nervous. Sure enough, when you peer ahead, you can see that the road is blocked by a towering, pale-skinned, silver-haired figure approaching twenty feet in height, with about a dozen humans scattered around him.

Prior to departure, Arys had received a sheaf of papers on Keiselbach’s fauna copied from the Royal Library, compliments of Baron Faerber. Laida’s research had compiled a list of movers and shakers in the marchionate, over which the party had been conferring in the coach.

The trip to Lienig had been fairly smooth until now. You had encountered one group of bandits earlier, but they were swiftly and easily scattered. This lot might not be as much of a push-over. The road is about 20 feet across, and there is tree cover about 30 feet away from the road on either side. The giant is about a hundred yards off, having strode out of tree line and onto the road. He swagger towards you with a sneer, hefting a maul.

"All right, you little maggots. Hand over your coin and let's have a look at your cargo, lest you like your bones shattered" As the giant's voice booms out, the human ruffians fan out, moving to surround you. There are four on each side of the road, and four advancing from in front.

Your character may well have been spread out, taking point or bringing up the rear, rather than riding in the coach. Feel free to declare where your character would have been. If you want to engage in some kind of parley, feel free to do so. Otherwise, roll initiative!

2015-03-18, 02:41 PM
I wonder if that's all they have.
Arys readies his bow, making sure the arrow sits on the bowstring just right and blessing its flight in a word of magical power. He then hops off the side of the coach, bow in hand, using the open door as cover. He does not grace the bandits with his conversation, leaving that to more senior family members. If it comes to blows, he's ready.

True Strike before getting off the coach

2015-03-18, 03:44 PM
Really? You think this band of misfits is going to faze us?

Tom points a finger at one of the incoming bandits. You, stop.

A blue ray fires from his fingertip at the bandit, hitting (?) for 11 damage and slowing his actions.

Ray of Frost

Just to be safe, since I reroll 1s:

2015-03-18, 06:02 PM
Is that a frost giant or something Tom? Cause thats the guy you want to slow down...

*Casually aims at the groin area of the Giant to pummel it with force and then moves backwards slightly*
Eldritch Spear: Attack roll: [roll0] and [roll1]. Damage: [roll2] and [roll3]

I'm assuming the Giant is not within 90 ft yet, otherwise he's getting a Hex on him first ([roll4] and ([roll5] extra damage in that case).

2015-03-18, 09:58 PM
Zhang looks out of the carriage. Protecting Chasmata is going to be quite challenging. The giant is a major threat, of course, but there's the matter of the twelve bandits that are surrounding them as well. He grips his weapon, which was now sounding a warning klaxon in his head, and looks to Chasmata. "Orders, sir?"

Roll Initiative: [roll0]
Initiative Advantage (thanks to Weapon of Warning): [roll1]

Zhang studies the giant in front of him. He's pretty sure he hasn't met such a creature when he studied the language, but what can he remember about giants? What can he discern about its wants and needs?

Attempt Knowledge Checks: Nature and Insight. I will roll in the OOC thread.

2015-03-18, 11:02 PM
At the disturbance, Tobias pokes his head out of the carriage, glancing around for its source. "Huh. A giant. Haven't seen one of those in a while," he murmurs to himself as he opens the door and dismounts to get a better look. "Oh. They're trying to rob us. They don't seem very good at it - they haven't put anyone behind us to box us in properly. Wonder if they've even got any crossbowmen hiding in the trees?" he muses to himself idly. "Hey 'Mat," he says aloud at a more normal volume, as he turns to his eldest brother, "you're good with this sort of thing - before we start throwing spells, you think you could have a word with them, maybe talk them out of getting themselves killed?"

Knowledge check regarding giant (All Tobias' Knowledge checks other than Investigation are made at a +5 anyway): [roll0]
Perception check of surroundings: [roll1]

Kaiser Omnik
2015-03-19, 12:32 AM
Carla sighs and steps out of the carriage, moving forward of her family, one hand on the hilt of her trusted rapier.

She yells:"Giant! You and your lot must have lived through hard times! We are the new lords of Keiselbach and we aren't here in a campaign of bloodshed. In our realm, there will be a place for all those who seek shelter and a good job! It is not too late to drop your weapons and discuss in peaceful terms!"

Persuasion roll is a go! [roll0]
I also move in order to get as many family members as possible in the range of my protective auras (10 feet radius).

2015-03-19, 03:27 AM
Parley with these ruffians? First reduce their numbers a bit from a distance I say... Once the remainder does arrive here, they might be more open to alternatives

2015-03-20, 02:04 AM
The frost-blasted bandit, the frontmost of the four advancing from the left, staggers and yelps with pain, his arm and shoulder suddenly covered with a glittering rime. You see the center two exchanged worried looks, but the leftmost barks at them to steady themselves and they train their crossbows on Tom.

Zhang and Tobias can recall that giants claim to be descended form a pantheon of gods long vanquished; according to the Songs of the Seven Skalds, they were displaced by Kord, the Raven Queen, and their offspring. Kieselbach is a border territory, which is what makes its lord a Marquis, but the Shrouded Hills that lie beyond the Witchwood are a no-man’s land. Allegedly, some of the hills are burial cairns, under which lie the bones of their godly forebears. Families of giants lay stake out petty kingdoms there, shifting every generation. All of that information is easy to recall from the research provided to the group before their departure.

As for this specific giant, Zhang would have guessed ice, cloud, or storm based on the coloration. Tobias though, is able to hone in on the features and proportions enough to deduce that he is actually a cloud giant, albeit a young one - perhaps in late adolescence. Up around the bend, Tobias can make out a pile of logs that have been lain across the road; climbable by a man, or possibly jumpable on horse, but impassable for a cart or coach. Everyone is easily able to notice a filthy fur-clad hill giant moving at a lumbering hustle through the woods to the left just behind them, dragging a heavy fallen tree to form a similar barrier to retreat. Zhang’s insight perceives that the young giant’s bravado is partly for show but partly genuine recklessness, and that he seems to relish exerting control over the situation.

Twin eldritch spears tear forth from Chasmata’s hands in a torrent of coursing energies, but they catch the giant only glancingly, leaving just a superficial singe. He glares at the Marquis with bloody-minded determination.

“Oh, well, now I’m gonna rip your head off.”

Unfortunately for Carla’s peaceful intentions, her kinfolk are already rushing to battle. The crackling of energies and nocking of arrows around her is both a distraction to her delivery of a calm yet firm overture, and an undermining of its sincerity.

2015-03-20, 02:46 AM
The party's opening salvo is answered with a hail of missiles in response. Half of the brigands had been carrying crossbows, the other half brandishing a variety of swords, axes, and cudgels. Those with melee weapons waited for their comrades to let loose their bolts, then advanced upon the carriage as the crossbowmen worked feverishly to reload behind them. 7 damage while 6 damage . 28 damage.

2015-03-20, 02:52 AM
Acting instinctively, Arys drops his head down, and the bolt, which might have taken an eye otherwise, grazes the top of his skull for a painful, but relatively harmless cut.

Uncanny Dodge to halve the damage to 3

2015-03-20, 12:12 PM
After cringing a bit from the nearby boulder impact, Taigo quickly manifested Force Screen, producing a deep hum like the lowest notes of a string bass as a psionic shield formed in front of him as he moved about 20 feet closer to the giant.

(Note: Force Screen provides half-cover to frontal attacks but uses Concentration. 36/38 Power Points left)

2015-03-21, 07:12 PM
After recovering from the direct hit of the boulder [roll0] hp Chasmata calls out a taunt: Got any more of those? Because that certainly hit the spot! Then his image suddenly become less clear casts blur

2015-03-21, 07:53 PM
Thomas, taking an arrow in the arm, becomes more vary of what might be coming next. He conjures up a snowball, duplicates it and throws them at the enemies.

Twinned cold Chromatic Orb cast off a 3rd level slot. One of them targets the same bandit as before, the other at the giant.

@bandit = 36
@giant = 19

Back-up rolls to reroll 1s, in order.

2015-03-23, 10:46 AM
Zhang Guaijie (Monk of the Open Hand 7)
HP: 53/53 | AC: 16 | Save DC: 14
Ki Points: 7/7 | Wholeness of Body: 1/1
Shuriken: 9/10

*** This sequence of events happened before Chasmata got hit ***

Swifter than the eye can follow, Zhang Guaijie braces his fist, leaps to the side of the oncoming boulder thrown by the Giant, and punches it as hard as he can.
Deflect Missile: [roll0]

Cracks immediately form, and the boulder splinters into two. Unfortunately for Chasmata, one of the pieces was still large enough to slam into the cocky nobleman's body like a sledgehammer.

Damage taken reduced by 15. Chasmata took 13 damage.

*** This sequence of events happened after Chasmata got hit ***

"Master, you must get into cover!" the Monk urges him. Pulling Chasmata inside the carriage, the monk pauses briefly by the window slit to take a shuriken from his belt and fling it with great force at the already-frosted bandit.

Shuriken (Dart) vs. Frost-eyed Bandit: [roll1]
Possible Dart Damage: [roll2]
Possible Crit: [roll3]

He watches with grim satisfaction as the shuriken catches the man full in the face.

Frost-eyed Bandit takes 7 damage.

Kaiser Omnik
2015-03-23, 12:23 PM
In shock, Carla's eyes follow the trajectory of the boulder as it almost hits the couch and her nephews...until, most fortunately, Zhang breaks it in two!

"Ok, new strategy then."

Carla darts forward to confront the nearest bandits. Her strikes are graceful and fluid. As the paladin draws strength from the wind, the sun and the earth under her feet, her rapier starts to resonate with divine power.

Bonus action: Cast Thunderous Smite (DC = 15)
Move: I move towards the bandits in front of the coach, specifically to stand between #3 and 4.
I attack bandit #4 (the melee combattant). If my first attack hits and the bandit fails its saving throw vs Thundersou Smite, I use my second attack on bandit #3 if that's possible (I see nothing in the rules stating attacks cannot be divided between several targets, but I may be wrong).

Attack #1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Extra attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Thunderous Smite damage [roll4], knocked back 10 feet and prone

2015-03-23, 01:44 PM
Scattered crossbow fire, he could handle, but the sight of melee weapons unnerved Arys a bit, and he decided to take out one of the swordsmen before they had a chance to close into melee range.

Attack w/advantage [roll0] [roll1]
Damage [roll2] plus [roll3] sneak attack

2015-03-23, 01:47 PM
After taking the shot, he climbs on top of the carriage, crouching on the roof, scanning the area for other targets.

2015-03-23, 11:22 PM
"I preferred the old strategy," Tobias sighs, raising a hand to point at the bandit before him, "we would have had people to move those logs aside for us."

With a gesture and a murmur, he sends bolts of kinetic force hurtling towards his target. "Well, unless you can split those too, Zhang?" he adds with a slightly amused tone.

Let's say that Tobias is on the left side of the carriage, attacking any one of the bandits on that side still wielding a crossbow
First bolt: [roll0] [roll1]
Second bolt: [roll2] [roll3]

2015-03-23, 11:36 PM
"Splitting is not a problem, Lord Tobias," the Monk smiles. "But even when split, the logs still need to be moved away."

"Unless," he pauses, "we happen to have a scroll of Enlarge Person with us?"

2015-03-24, 05:35 PM
Thomas’s first icy orb hurtles through the air and strikes the already frost-coated bandit. He goes rigid for a moment, spasming as the cold rips through him. He then collapses to the group, shards of frozen flesh shattering on impact with the earth.

[West 1 is taken out.]
With the first bandit thoroughly downed, Zhang quickly adjusts and finds a new face for his shuriken to call home.

[18 is good enough to hit any of these bandits, just let us know which one you want to have targeted.]

Tobias sends forth ripples in reality, pure force crashing into an archer and staving in her face and ribs. The impact lifts her slightly off her feet and she lands heavily. The sword-wielding peasant next to her cries out in horror, “Greta, no!” His words are followed by the twang and hiss of Arys’ shot, which strikes him cleanly in the chest. He drops to his knees, the light fading from his eyes.

[South 3 and 2 are taken out.]

The delicacy and nimbleness of Carla's blade belies its thunderous fury, and with a crashing strike she drive back one bandit, who lands prone. The other tries to evade Carla's blade, but it draws blood nonetheless.


2015-03-24, 06:34 PM
Zhang quickly adjusts his aim, and looses the shuriken at the crossbow wielder who was right next to his original quarry. He aims for a non-vital spot, hoping to incapacitate the bandit rather than kill.

* Target Red 2 instead. This is at a range disadvantage, but I already rolled for it, which was a natural 20. *

2015-03-24, 07:29 PM
Taigo's eyes are lit with a brilliant purple flame as another deep hum sounds out. At the same time, two milky crystals assembled themselves from loose particles, launching towards an unsuspecting bandit.

(Each crystal deals 1d8 piercing with a dexterity save to negate. Each crystal uses a separate save. Targeting Red 3)

The wiry Psion then cowered near the carriage, waiting for an incoming barrage of arrows.

(South 1, West 2)

2015-03-24, 08:14 PM
(Each crystal deals 1d8 piercing with a dexterity save to negate. Each crystal uses a separate save. Targeting Red 3)

Go ahead and roll 1d8 damage for that hit!

The dark-complected, crossbow-bearing targeted brigand ducks and is able to dodge the first whizzing crystalline attack, but the second slices into him.

2015-03-24, 08:55 PM
As the young cloud giant charges forward to close the gap, another volley of bolts rips through the air. Most go astray, the nimbleness and armors of the mighty adventurers making the bandits' efforts in vain. Taigo, though is struck soundly with a bolt, which manages to penetrate the rippling forcefield of his psionic defenses.

Taigo takes 8 damage.

Two bandits to the north try, in succession and with no success, to yank open the coach door. The thunder-smote bandit rolls to his feet and attempts to circle around to flank Carla, but his strategy is undermined by the crossbowman on the other side falling back.

The giant double-moves, going from 230 feet away to 150 feet away. South 4 flees into the woods after seeing the two closest members of the banditry so swiftly slain. 3 West withdraws from Carla before attempting to fire. The hill giant 90 feet to the East continues dragging into place a second log to form a blockade, either dully oblivious to battle having started, or loath to expose himself to danger.


Kaiser Omnik
2015-03-24, 09:45 PM
Carla swiftly moves away from the volley of crossbow bolts, even deflecting one with her shield, and takes the opportunity to place one bandit between herself and the enemy's artillery. She intends to show that poor bandit how it's done...and what happens if one messes with her family. She delivers a few more thrusting attacks and then glares at the crossbowmen.

"This is completely unnecessary bloodshed! Lay down your weapons and we will spare your lives! If that...silver giant there is bullying you, don't worry, we can protect you from his wrath."

I don't think melee combattants actually provide cover to their enemy against their own allies in the rules, but it seems like something Carla would do.

Move: around Noth bandit #4 without leaving his reach (2 East, 2 south)
Attack #1 [roll0] [roll1]
Extra attack [roll2] [roll3]
Free action: attempt Intimidation check [roll4]

2015-03-25, 04:23 PM
Time to pay my dues...

Shoots the first eldritch spear at R2-7 and, if hits and downs R2-7, shoot the second at R3-9 (the hurt ones on the west). [roll0] [roll1] and see OC thread for 2nd rolls (I messed them up) --> Attack = 20, Damage = 15:

2015-03-25, 06:10 PM
Zhang Guaijie (Monk of the Open Hand 7)
HP: 53/53 | AC: 16 | Hit Dice: 7/7 | Save DC: 14
Ki Points: 6/7 | Wholeness of Body: 1/1
Shuriken: 9/10

The ruffians are attempting to batter down the door! Zhang springs to action and unlatches it quietly, but holds the door closed with his hand. When a bandit tries to tug on it, Zhang releases the door violently at the man's face with a sickening thud.

The monk takes advantage of the other bandit's surprise to attack.

I don't know the mechanics of slamming a door in someone's face. Should there be an attack roll and a damage roll? If there's an attack roll, do I have advantage? And how much bludgeoning or force damage would it do? Equivalent to a club (d4), mace (d6), maul (2d6), or warhammer (d8)? ParsimonyJones, go ahead and roll for these in the thread. If ever it is applicable, Zhang's STR and DEX mods are +1 and +3 respectively.

Zhang's Turn Summary:

Move: Move just behind the door (10 feet right)
Item Interaction: Unbolt the door
Action: Improvised attack with door against Blue 4, Extra Attack (lv 5) with shortsword against Blue 6
Bonus Action: Martial Arts (Unarmed Strike) against Blue 6. Use 1 ki point to apply stun.
Move: Forward, out of the door (5 feet up), to the square where Blue 4 used to be. Door to the face should send him reeling back, right?

Shuangdao (Shortsword) attack: [roll0]
Potential damage: [roll1]
Potential crit damage: [roll2]

Unarmed Strike (Martial Arts feature): [roll3]
Potential damage: [roll4]
Potential crit damage: [roll5]

Stunning Strike: Bandit must make CON save or be stunned until the end of my next turn
Effect: Incapacitated (no actions or reactions), can't move, can speak only falteringly, auto-fails STR and DEX saves, attack rolls against have advantage
Save: [roll6] + CON MOD vs 14
I'm going out on a limb and say it fails. Bandits don't have CON mods that big :)


Zhang's melee hits are intended to knock out, not kill
If unarmed strike reduces Bandit Blue 6's health to 0 or less, don't use the ki. Zhang could probably see the man crumple from the blow, right? :D

Stepping forward, Zhang crosses his hands over his chest and declares, "I am sorry, but you shall not pass."

Blue 4 takes door to the face, damage to be determined by DM.
Blue 6 takes 6 damage from shortsword and 5 damage from Zhang's fist (if a 15 hits), and is stunned until Zhang's next turn ends.

2015-03-26, 05:03 PM
Carla's strikes find their mark with masterful precision, and her opponent falls incapacitated by his wounds, clutching at the bloody blossoms now staining his clothing and groaning.

Zhang's door tactic is wildly successful, not only knocking the bandit backward and prone, but knocking him wholly unconscious. A swift pair of blows likewise takes down the other swordsman who had been attempting to besiege the coach door.

The bandit fleeing to the South is still visible from anyone without a carriage in between them, as he stumbles frantically through the underbrush, and is only 45 feet into the trees at this point. By the next turn though, his retreating form would be obscured.

2015-03-26, 07:38 PM
Zhang turns his attention to the remaining three crossbowmen he can see. He didn't kill his last two targets (although the bandit hit with a shuriken might wish he was dead), but they didn't know that. Flexing his muscles to the largest possible extent, he calls out to them in a voice most stern:

"You heard the matriarch. Surrender your weapons now, and you will be spared. Resist or attempt to run, and retribution will be swift."

Intimidation: [roll0]

2015-03-26, 08:45 PM
Arys hops off the carriage and gives chase to the running bandit. A loose end must be tied one way or another. Swiftly and surefootedly passing between the other crossbowmen, he darts into the jungle, catches up to the runner and draws his rapier ...

Arys takes Dash as a bonus action, for a total 60' of movement. If that's enough to catch up to the bandit, he will stab him in his yellow belly [roll0] damage [roll1], otherwise take another Dash to catch up and get in his face.
Next round, AoO if he tries to run.

Stop, or I will cut you down.

2015-03-27, 01:50 AM
With the bandits on this side of the carriage largely suppressed, Tobias climbs atop the carriage to gain a better vantage on the whole field. Even as he sends more bolts flying, he glances over at the hill giant, trying to figure out the motives of the giant who was still dragging logs even as his comrades fell before him.

Moving out of the carriage, climbing up and moving to the square directly to the right of Thomas. Do I need to roll Athletics?
Eldritch Blast on any of the remaining bandits up north. Guess I should try to keep them alive, since all the cool kids are doing it.
First bolt: [roll0] [roll1]
Second bolt: [roll2] [roll3]

Perception, if needed: [roll4]
Insight: [roll5]

2015-03-27, 01:16 PM
Carla... glares at the crossbowmen.

"This is completely unnecessary bloodshed! Lay down your weapons and we will spare your lives! If that...silver giant there is bullying you, don't worry, we can protect you from his wrath."


"You heard the matriarch. Surrender your weapons now, and you will be spared. Resist or attempt to run, and retribution will be swift."

Seeing their fellow bandits had been taken out with non-lethal force, and being given multiple chances to surrender, several of the crossbowmen throw down their weapons. While some waver, looking between the approaching giant and the party, the surrenders prompt a chain reaction - all of their melee fighters have been taken out, and none of them want to be the only target left standing.

Meanwhile, South of the tree-line, Arys catches up to the fleeing bandit. Leaping and bounding across roots and stone, Arys pursues him to the bank of a stream. Then bandit slips on a patch of moss and scrambles to recover footing, but comes up in a crouch with one foot planted in a muddy pool, an axe in his trembling hand, and a frantic expression.

Double dash was required, but Arys is right up in his face.


2015-03-28, 11:15 AM
Zhang nods approvingly as bandit after bandit throws down their weapons and surrender. "A wise choice. Now, all of you, weapons in the carriage, please. I would have words with the giant. Matriarch, with your leave. "

With that, the monk sheathes his shuangdao and steps forward with palms open and facing the giant.

"Lord Giant," he addresses the towering cloud giant in the Giant tongue while bowing down to him. "My name is Zhang Guaijie. I humbly ask for a parley to help us look for a win-win situation."

Although the monk is sincere, he is also alert for any indication that the giant would not accept the parlay. He is quite ready to dodge any attack.

Move towards Giant.
Action: Take the dodge action (until Zhang's next turn begins, all attacks against him that he can see have disadvantage. He also has advantage on dexterity saving throws.)

2015-03-30, 09:08 PM
Although their weapons have been thrown down, and some of them kick their armaments towards the carriage at Zhang's instruction, the bandits are still not willing to stick around and wait for their gigantic leader to arrive. They attempt to withdraw and scatter into the undergrowth on whichever side they are closest to.

Meanwhile, the heavy footfalls of the giant crash onward. At the bandits' surrender, he roars his frustration and pauses to hurl another stone.

"You cowards! Get back here and fight!"

In his haste, the stone falls short and skids across the road, tearing a rut in the earth and sending on of the bandits leaping out the way.

Out in the woods, the bandit that Arys had cornered makes a desperate, wild axe slash that manages to connect.

5 damage.

Ploddingly, the hill giant sighs and shoulders his way through the trees long the north side of the road, approaching to fifty feet.

2015-03-30, 09:34 PM
Zhang Guaijie (Monk of the Open Hand 7)
HP: 53/53 | AC: 16 | Hit Dice: 7/7 | Save DC: 14
Ki Points: 7/7 | Wholeness of Body: 1/1
Shuriken: 9/10 | Status: Dodging all attacks

"Please, Lord Giant," the monk continues in the Giant tongue, "Let us not resort to violence, for we would both lose in that regard. Surely there is some middle ground where we can meet."

The monk continues walking calmly towards the Cloud Giant.

Move: Go closer to Cloud Giant.
Action: Dodge. (All attack rolls against Zhang that he can see have disadvantage)
Attempt Diplomatic Persuasion: [roll0]

2015-03-30, 09:55 PM
Arys ducks the blade, avoiding the brunt of the stike. You want to do it the hard way? He sneers at the bandit, brandishing his own weapons. Fine. Just like old times in the north. He lunges with his dagger and shortsword.

Uncanny Dodge to half the damage to 2.
Shortsword [roll0] damage [roll1]
Dagger [roll2] damage [roll3] (3 damage, see OOC)

Kaiser Omnik
2015-03-30, 11:52 PM
Clara, having just sheathed her blade and forgotten all about the now defenseless bandits, runs up to Zhang. She whispers: "I hope you have a plan..."

2015-03-31, 12:26 AM
Zhang replies in a similarly hushed tone, all the while maintaining his attention on the giant.

"Forgive me, matriarch. I have no plan beyond diplomacy. I sense that beyond his bluster and show of force, we are dealing with a young and reckless giant. He seems to relish being in control. If we can somehow appeal to his ego, we might yet prevail without fighting. Still, you must be on your guard. There is only so much I can do to protect you, my liege."

The monk focuses on the aggressive giant, observing his movements and trying to evaluate if the creature is wont to accept parlay or attack him outright.

INSIGHT check. Roll is in the OOC thread, result of 22 (I rolled a 16)

2015-03-31, 02:32 AM
If we're still planning on talking it out with that giant, comes Tobias' voice from nowhere in particular, you should know that the one ahead is a cloud giant. Unfortunately, I can't recall much about them at the moment, but they are rather near the top of the giants' hierarchy, and most of them would likely consider other races to be beneath them. A brief pause of contemplation is followed by, I would imagine that this one is in quite some unusual circumstances to resort to personally robbing us in broad daylight.

2015-03-31, 01:18 PM
"Cloud giants, cloud giants. What do I know about cloud giants?" Zhang thinks to himself as he searches through his memories for any inkling on these gargantuan humanoids.

Intelligence check - dunno which one, but doesn't matter since my mod is 0 for everything.