View Full Version : Gears of War: Annex

2007-04-09, 11:05 PM
So, a new Gears gametype came out today: Annex. It's essentially King of the Hill/Territories, with Warzone-like stats of the bleedout and long-range kills. The Hill does move around once 60 seconds have been scored on it, so you have to stay on top of things.

Has anyone played it? If so, what did you think?

I really enjoyed it. The possibility of the game swinging one side happens swiftly, especially if those holding the Hill are good shotgunners. The one abusable thing I noticed was the fact that you can down someone and just...leave them there. It's one less enemy to worry about and you can finish him off quickly should one of his allies get too close to him. This was easily exploitable and made several people leave in the game I was hosting, so the next one I host, the bleedout will be much shorter.

But aside from that, I really enjoyed this new type. What do you all think?

Crazy Owl
2007-04-10, 05:13 AM
I really like it especially being able to join in the middle of games and the lancer buff works so for once I'm not the only guy on my team using the it.

2007-04-10, 07:41 AM
Yeah, the whole automatically getting into games instead of waiting for the nubz to get done with their round so you can get in is really nice, but answer me this: did you notice that the walls are 'stickier,' even like attaching to them without even hitting the A button? And, like, in every gametype, not just Annex?