View Full Version : Dr. Universe from Spinnerette

2015-03-11, 06:50 PM
So I just read Spinnerette (http://www.spinnyverse.com/), which has Dr. Universe as an objectivist.
However, he's shown to be very tame compared to the Rorscach and Mr. A/The Question, especially the former being created as a criticism to the latter (A drunken bum who's brutal method based on black-white views).
Do you wonder that the author actually made him as a reconstruction to Objectivist villain/hero of Steve Ditko, which I disagreed with his views but kinda like his art.

Archpaladin Zousha
2015-03-20, 03:21 PM
*shrug* Maybe. Objectivism's a tricky subject in fiction. You either get praise for it (Terry Goodkind) or condemnation of it (BioShock). I haven't read any of Ditko's work so I don't know what his views are, but to me Dr. Universe has appeared as an attempt to depict an Objectivist who actually tries to practice it rather than use it as a flimsy justification for his own selfishness, which most RL Objectivists I've encountered are like.

My personal thoughts are that Universe wouldn't have gotten into Objectivism had his backstory been different. He was already angry at "the state" because of how Evescroft and his men treated him and Greta, and since the only books he had to read for fun were Ayn Rand's books, it naturally began to resonate with him. There was nothing better to read to counter it, so his perspective was warped. I say better because frankly I'm of the opinion that not only was Ayn Rand a lazy philosopher, but also wasn't a skillful writer, and that Objectivism doesn't appeal to people because Rand's work convinces them of it, but rather confirms to them what they already believe, and given the situation that led Universe to reading Ayn Rand's work in the first place, his coming to believe in Objectivism wasn't surprising.

2015-03-20, 07:34 PM
*shrug* Maybe. Objectivism's a tricky subject in fiction. You either get praise for it (Terry Goodkind) or condemnation of it (BioShock).

There's a nice parallel between the history of Rapture in Bioshock and the rise and fall of Silk Road.

Dr. Universe never really displays much beyond telling people he's an objectivist, but that's because he's no good for fanservice and that's really what Spinnerette is interested in.

2015-03-20, 07:48 PM
There's a nice parallel between the history of Rapture in Bioshock and the rise and fall of Silk Road.

Dr. Universe never really displays much beyond telling people he's an objectivist, but that's because he's no good for fanservice and that's really what Spinnerette is interested in.
At least Dr. Universe made more sense than Rorschach from Watchmen.

2015-03-20, 08:00 PM
Watchmen never tries to pretend Rorschach isn't insane though.

I mean the comic goes through, in detail, all the things that made him a crazy weirdo and repeatedly points out that he's a crazy weirdo that even other crazy weirdos think is crazy and weird.

An Enemy Spy
2015-03-23, 10:10 PM
Is Rorschach an objectivist? I always took him as just a nihilist.

2015-03-23, 10:20 PM
Is Rorschach an objectivist? I always took him as just a nihilist.
Well, he was based on The Question and Mr. A who were an avatar of Steve Ditko's objectivist ideals.

2015-03-28, 03:37 PM
So I just read Spinnerette (http://www.spinnyverse.com/), which has Dr. Universe as an objectivist.
However, he's shown to be very tame compared to the Rorscach and Mr. A/The Question, especially the former being created as a criticism to the latter (A drunken bum who's brutal method based on black-white views).
Do you wonder that the author actually made him as a reconstruction to Objectivist villain/hero of Steve Ditko, which I disagreed with his views but kinda like his art.

Oh man, Spinnerette. That was a fun comic. I liked the chapter with Roberta Lee and the Nazi wizard trying to get Universe to clone their respective leaders. I haven't read it in a while, is it still going well?

Lord Raziere
2015-03-28, 03:40 PM
Oh man, Spinnerette. That was a fun comic. I liked the chapter with Roberta Lee and the Nazi wizard trying to get Universe to clone their respective leaders. I haven't read it in a while, is it still going well?

clicked the link, the date of the current comic was March 25, 2015, so its going pretty well it seems.

2015-03-29, 05:07 AM
Frankly, I don't see, how anyone can say Dr. Universe is an objectivist from a single off-hand comment about reading Ayn Rand books - I read that part as him not wanting to elborate on his true backstory.