View Full Version : Wanderer in the Wild World (IC)

2015-03-11, 10:57 PM
The lithe, double-hulled Cat's Whiskers cuts through the turquoise waters of the harbor, propelled by the steady trade winds that blow east to west in this part of the world. Her captain, a dark-skinned fellow by the name of Joba, leans against the aft rail with one hand on the tiller and another gesturing to the half-dozen crewmen who swarm the rigging, adjusting the sails to keep a steady pace as the captain navigates among the fishing vessels and merchant craft that dot the bay beyond the breakwater. The bustling port city of Abendash is now more than a gleaming speck on the horizon, and the passengers can start to make out the graceless brick structures, painted brilliant white to repel the heat of the tropical sun

"We'll be a'making port in about thirty minutes," Joba casually announces to any of the passengers who have bothered to gather on the after part of the deck. It is not many, for Joba is quickly known by all who sail with him as an incessant talker. "Ah hope you enjoyed your tour of the Windspear Islands, and feel free to look us up any time for your coastal adventures."

True to his word, it is under half an hour before the sleek catamaran is moored to one of the dozens of piers along the Abendashian waterfront, and the crew begins the arduous task of unloading all the dunnage and cargo. For some, it's easily done; for others, like the elf who brought his own watching station and laboratory to make "natural observations" of the native islanders, it's an hour-long venture that requires the use of a winch hoist.

Having paid for her journey in advance, Lina is free to leave the pier as soon as her few bags are back in her possession. The waterfront is bustling as usual this time of day, but Lina has already wrung every rumor she can get out of the locals when she came through town three weeks ago; no one here has any leads on her lost sister.

2015-03-12, 06:41 AM
Getting her possessions didn't take long indeed; Lina left the castle with only a single bag, corretly predicting that she won't always be able to ride ships and caches on her journey.

All in all, though, it was an enjoyable trip, she thought, stretching and raising her face towards the sun, if not really a fruitful one. Still, it was nice to feel solid ground under her feet again; Lina got a little seasick by the voyage's end. And a little worried, too - for with no clues, she had no other option than to search blindly... and search somewhere else.

Still... after three years, one day is unlikely to change anything, right? And the best advice is often found in the pillow... and the coins filling her bag were just as good here as they were back home, and there was more than enough of them... so the young noble thought, taking her cloak off (for, unlike the Cat's Whiskers' deck, there was no wind here in the town, and the sun shone much hotter than Lina was used to) and stuffing it inside the bag, she headed out towards the best inn in town (according to the first local she managed to catch) - for, despite often being called "tomboyish" and "rough and tumble", Lina did grew up used to the castle's luxury.

2015-03-12, 11:31 PM
Lina is directed to the Leaping Sailfish, quite on the other side of town from where she had stayed during her brief stint before the island voyage. Shielding her eyes against the glare of white brick, she makes her way along the dusty streets and into the tall, rectangular building.

Aside from the blessed shade, the tinkling sound of a water fountain in the inner courtyard suggests a place of genteel harmony. Indeed, as her eyes adjust, she can see the mosaics of painted tiles on the walls are well-maintained, and the rattan furniture within the common hall is comfortable-looking and wrapped with soft linen-upholstered cushions. One of the dark-skinned native girls, apparently a servant, rushes forward from behind a bead curtain, as soon as Lina steps in, bending down next to the chair and the clay water vase that are placed conspicuously by the door and offering her hands to untie sandals or boots. Lina hasn't figured out all the customs of this faraway land, but she knows by now that bare feet are the standard when indoors.

"Good day to you, fair lady!" A deeper voice booms from behind the bead curtain, and soon its owner makes himself known. A much larger native, perhaps the girl's father based strictly on relative age and the set of the eyes, strides forth into the room and bows low to Lina. His linen pajamas are of the finest white and contrast strongly with the girl's wrapped dress of silk that bears vibrantly colored prints. "Will you be staying as our guest this evening, mmm? Perhaps longer? I am Ashmeel, proud proprietor of this fine inn. Please, sit and allow Ishna to wash your feet."

A handful of other patrons are about the common room, most sitting in chairs near the fountain so they can bask in its humid coolness. All of them are foreigners such as herself, though the men wear wraps around their hair similar to Ashmeel--another local custom, this one reserved for males. Another servant girl is making her way from guest to guest, pouring small cups of hot tea. Her dress is a more muted and somewhat frayed version of the older girl's with a different pattern and color scheme, perhaps a hand-me-down from years past.

2015-03-13, 06:30 AM
"Thank you", Lina sighs blissfully, sitting down , and gives the girl - Ishna - an encouraging smile, "Please, no need to go that far - I'm not that helpless..." taking off her boots - and thanking the Heavens for this custom, since the boots were, indeed, too hot for the weather - she takes the vase out of the girl's hands to was her feet - then takes a cup of tea with a warm smile and a nod of gratitude.

"Thank you for your hospitality, good sir", she says to Ashmeel, "It's only for tonight, I'm afraid - though I'd gladly stay longer, but, alas, for all its wonders, I haven't found what I am looking for here in Abendash, and I have to move on..."

2015-03-16, 01:31 PM
"A pity. But we will make you all the more welcome this night, then!" He beams a pearly-white smile before turning his head toward the bead curtain, clapping his hands twice. "Ejool! Meshkar! Make up a room for our guest." At the command, two scrawny boys of about ten years come rushing out of the back room, jostling with each other as they each try to be first to the stairs, and then first up each stair, on the way to the upper floors. Somehow amidst the pushing and grunting, they each manage a, "Yes, father."

Ishna looks somewhat disappointed to have the honor removed from her courtesy, but bows her head low and allows Lina to do the job herself. As soon as Lina puts the rag back on the edge of the jar, the girl takes it up, rinsing it carefully and twisting it until it is wrung free from most of the moisture before hanging it back over the edge of the clay vessel. She returns to the back as quickly and silently as she had come forward.

The other servant girl gives up the cup of tea with a smile and a quick bob of her head. She moves on to the next guest with youthful energy and grace, leaving Lina to her own business and thoughts. Those thoughts quickly turn to the map she's practically memorized. She has followed the coast for many leagues, moving south from Parn's Citadel through Amaranth, Greenmark, Portsmouth, and countless other smaller towns and roadside inns before reaching Abendash. The lead to the Windspear Islands had turned out to be false. Now she had to choose: Turn back to the north and start over? Join a caravan and cross the Kedd Wastes to the west and renew the search in the hill kingdoms? Or board a ship and cross the seas to realms even further away?

2015-03-17, 12:35 PM
The pleasant breeze coming from the fountain and the gentle murmur of the flowing water send Lina's mind wandering. The map might be in her mind, but the memories of the places she visited Lina keeps more tangible. Reaching into her backpack, she takes out a pile of paper sheets, neatly stacked - her mementos of journey so far. Have to draw one for Abendash too, she thinks, another reason to stay the night. In fact... why not start right here, right now? This place... or would the busy, despite blazing sun, dockside be a better representation? But people were never Lina's strong suit, and dockside was all about people.

Time passes quickly as Lina sketches, only distracting for another cup of tea, and before she knows southern sun starts to set down. "Ah, that should be enough for today..." Lina stretches her arms and looks over the drawing critically.
Let's see how good she did... [roll0]
...no. No no no. Doesn't conveys the blissfulness of the place at all... she barely resists from tearing the drawing in pieces, but mistakes are part of experience too.

"I'm somewhat tired today", she declares, getting up, "and tomorrow I'll probably have to get up early... speaking of that, I'm sure you know every respectable merchant in Abendash, aren't you, Mr. Ashmeel? If you could recommend me a caravan that heads across the Kedd Wastes?" After all, there's no sense in getting back so soon, and I just got to the firm ground... at that moment, Lina's stomach growls, "and a meal, perhaps? And since I might leave early tomorrow, how much do I owe you for your hospitality?"

2015-03-17, 01:40 PM
"But of course, fair lady. My cousin, Mehmet, is a merchant in iron and salt. His caravans frequent the Wastes, and I have no doubt he would welcome another passenger if space is available. As for food, if you have not had your fill of fish I wholeheartedly recommend my youngest brother, whose restaurant is directly across the street. His swordfish red stew is to die for. But he also serves mutton or vegetable dishes that are quite exquisite as well." He pauses, looking slightly uncomfortable at bringing up the next topic. "And since you have brought up this matter... for the finest rooms in all Abendash I must ask thirty pieces of silver for your stay."

2015-03-18, 08:55 AM
Without hesitation, Lina reaches into her bag once again for the - much smaller, but apprently still rather weighty - bag which dings with metal sounds as she does. "You certainly earned them, Mr. Ashmeel", she says, placing three large yellow coins at the table - and adding 3 smaller, silvery ones to them, "and these are for Ishna and her sister - and for Ejool and Meshkar. I'll be certain to seek your cousin tomorrow... and your brother right now, I suppose."

Smiling, she slipps into her boots and, hoping that simply crossing the street twice won't require washing fer feet again - not that it was unpleasant, but Lina felt sorry for the girl - heads for the restaurant.

{Assuming nothing happens there}

Her stomach filled, the young noble gets back to the Leaping Sailfish and heads to her room, delighted to see the windows point to the east - she loves watching the sun rise ever since they did it together with her sister. To that effect, she doesn't even consider closing the window for the night - sure, nights aren't nearly as hot as days around here, but still warm enough that a little breeze won't harm.

{Assuming nothing happens during the night}

Would anyone see Lina just before waking, the image of elegance and grace she usually projected would be ruined for eternity, since, by some way, she managed to wake up across the bed, with one foot on the floor and the pillow held tightly against her chest - and the less said about her hair the better - but it doesn't last; stretching and yawning, she quickly gets herself into a decent shape and, just as the first rays of the sun appear over the horyzon, grabs her things and starts making her way towards the main hall and then the caravan square.

2015-03-24, 08:04 PM
Even before sunrise, the noise of activity starts to build in the streets of Abendash. It starts with the women, who rise early to go to the wells to draw water; their mellifluous chatter is not unlike the twittering of birds in the trees of more temperately-inclined locales. Then it is the carters, good-natured fellows driving goods into town for sale, along with the farmers and herders bringing their own wares; their jolly, rumbling tones are like drums in the distance.

But it is the merchants, hawking their merchandise with strident tones not unlike magpies, that announce that the day has truly begun. Within minutes of the first golden ray touching the white-washed buildings, the streets are alive with buying and selling and urging to buy and pleading to sell.

Lina follows the instructions that Ashmeel had provided, and easily locates Mehmet by his description. The innkeeper's brother is almost a head taller than he, towering above nearly everyone in the square and nearly matching the shoulder height of the prodigious camel before which he stands. "Caravan!" he bellows, as though that would be enough to describe the endeavor. Nearly a hundred camels are gathered in the wooden paddock behind him, and most are already laden almost twice as high with tents, trappings, and of course the fine goods of Abendash. "Caravan departing for the Hill Kingdoms of Eisenberg, Jernmark, and Nordheim! Twenty gold pieces pays your way safely across the Kedd Wastes! Fifty gold pieces for you and your camel! One hundred pieces, and borrow the back of one of our fine beasts to carry your wares!" Already a half dozen men are crowded around Mehmet, vying for his attention to secure passage for themselves --or more importantly, their goods.

2015-03-26, 03:23 AM
Amazed by the scale of Mehmet's enterprise however she is, Lina's probably even more amazed at the prices he charges - but then again, crossing the desert was likely not an easy enterprise, and one surely needed a lot of expertise - and preparations - for that... expertise Line certaily lacked, meaning she had no choice... and it's not like she couldn't afford it, after all. "Good day, sir!" she calls out, trying fruitlessly to squeeze between the merchants, them being, as a general rule, somewhat higher, and, on average, significantly wider and heavier than the young noble, "I'm looking for a passage to the Hill Kingdoms, and Mr. Ashmeel recommended you as the best caravan master around..." well, hi didn't exactly say that, but a bit of flattery won't hurt, "and I can certainly see it wasn't just a familial overstatement!"

2015-03-31, 01:04 PM
"Oh, ho, ho, ho!" The gigantic man laughs a belly laugh, striding forward and parting the crowd of fat merchants like a mother hen would part her chicks. The movement brings him face to face with Lina, or rather her face to his barrel-like torso, but at least it gives her some breathing room from the crush. "Did my cousin say such things? His wagging tongue may boast more silver than all the veins of the Eiskrallen! I do, however, pride myself upon an efficient operation. Surely one so lovely as you would command her own litter, and a whole legion of guards to shepherd her crossing. But I am not one to question such, when the glitter of gold calls to my eyes." He smiles conspiratorially and leans in, with a hoarse stage whisper clearly intended for the ears of the merchants. "But truth be told, I would rather shepherd you than this one's smelly hides, or that one's pickled fish." The mostly male onlookers share a laugh.

2015-04-03, 07:19 AM
"Though inexperienced, I hope I won't be too much of a bother", Lina says with a smile, "So do I need to know anything before we set out? Something I have to buy? Besides your..." she ponders for a moment, service? company? no, both sound rude, "compansation for expenses you'll have to suffer because of me? Well, besides the legion of guards which I could never afford?"

2015-04-21, 02:42 PM
Mehmet laughs his deep belly laugh. "But of course not, fair mistress. If all you have is all you are, and your gold shines like the sunlight in your eyes, we will transport you all the same. Perhaps, though, not with the same comfort that a lady of station would deserve. As little as twenty pieces of gold, if you are willing to endure the walking. Since you are with no wares to sell, but bearing such high recommendation from my cousin, for but fifty pieces I will let you ride upon the second hump of my personal camel. It is the least I can do."

2015-04-22, 02:32 AM
Lina hesitated for a minute. Fifty gold was alot... more than the half of what she has left in her purse. Still... twenty wasn't exactly cheap, either, and the idea of walking across the desert... oh, Lina was prepared for hardships when she set out for her quest, but she still would prefer for them to happen... later.

"I'm grateful to you for such a generous offer", she smiled, "if that really won't be a burden for you... or your steed..."

2015-04-27, 05:06 PM
"Rogo has carried burdens far less pleasant than yourself, fair mistress. And a traveling companion who can speak of more than just their industry, or mundane trivialities of the day, will be a great boon." The other merchants nearby remain crowded in close, awaiting their opportunity to speak with Mehmet. He sends them scattering with a wave of his hand. "Peace! Speak with the herdmaster or begone with you."

2015-05-06, 07:48 AM
"Oh, please, far it be from me wanting to disrupt your business... we shall meet when it is the time to depart."

Move to the next encounter?

2015-05-08, 12:13 PM
"Very well, fair lady. We leave from this spot at noon." The gigantic man bows and turns from Lina to the still-present throng of desperate--or at least, desperate-seeming--merchants.

Presuming no shopping or other errands to be done by Lina in the interval...

About a quarter hour before the appointed time, Lina returns to the square to find that the bustling environment is now even more crowded. The number of great humped camels has nearly doubled, and they are all packed high with wares and possessions, tents and water casks; more than a few boast one, two, or even three passengers crammed in among the mercantile burdens. Most of the riders are well-to-do merchants or their veiled wives and concubines; surrounding them like a cloud of flies are two dozen or so heavily armed bodyguards. Outside the "protected" ring, another crowd of lower-class "passengers"--some families but predominantly men--hover near enough to be ready to follow when the command is given. Most of them are heavily laden with their own packs, though the children bear light enough burdens such that they can keep up on the long journey. Only a handful of muscled men, each with a scimitar and sling, keep watch around the seventy or so in the walking cluster.

At the head of the line, resplendent in his red robe and white turban, Mehmet stands in conversation with a short, swarthy fellow whose bald, bare-chested appearance and golden jewelry marks him as the herdmaster. As he sees Lina's approach, the prodigious caravaner gestures for his man to be silent, while he himself bows low--a gesture quickly imitated by the herdmaster. "Fair lady, not a moment too late. Once the sun reaches its zenith we shall be off. The first day is always long--we shall not stop until two hours past nightfall, or else the rear of the train may well still be able to see the walls of Abendash!" He grins broadly and gestures up to his hulking mount, which bears one blanketed saddle on each of its humps; knotted ropes with stirrup loops every two feet offer a means of climbing up to the high seats. "Tell me, have you ridden one of these great shaggy beasts before?"

2015-05-12, 02:17 AM
"Back where I'm from", Lina shook her head, "it was horses all the way around... I would think a number of times I as much as saw a camel before coming to this land could be counted on one hand, and that was in circus... but then I wouldn't be here in the first place if I were afraid of little setbacks like that", she added cheerfully, trying to convince herself as much as anyone else, as she approached Rogo somewhat carefully and reached out to stroke the beast's head, like she would with a horse.
Untrained Handle Animal just for fun: [roll0] OK, rolling a 16 on a d220+4 is hilarious on its own, but that's not how the game works, so let me reroll... for a total of 6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19241583&postcount=12). Apparently, Lina's bad with camels...

2015-05-12, 07:34 AM
"Watch out, miss, they..." The herdmaster steps forward, a fraction of a second too late, to try to help guide Lina's interaction with the shaggy, humped beast. The camel lowers its head to inspect the young woman, simultaneously hocking up an impressive loogie and expectorating it on her shoulder.

"... spit," the bare-chested man finishes belatedly.

"A handkerchief for your troubles, fair lady," Mehmet offers, withdrawing a length of ivory silk from the pocket of his robe and offering it to Lina with a rueful smile.

2015-05-14, 08:22 AM
"Oh." Lina, blinking, stays still for a moment, before accepting the cloth and starting to, rather awkwardly, clean her clothes, "Thank you..."

THe bad experience doesn't discourage her from interacting with the beast, though; grabbing the rope, she pulls herself onto Rogo's back in one swift and graceful motion, as if she did it every day, "I'm sure it was just Rogo's way of saying hi... we'll settle just fine, you'll see!"
Ride [roll0], with use of Luck, to get onto the camel - etchnically roll isn't needed, but Lina wants to showoff a bit :-)

2015-05-20, 01:59 PM
Once again, the herdmaster is a little slow to stop Lina from taking the initiative, and she's up on the camel's back before he can reach out to steady the rope. "Sun's rays, you are an excellent climber," he remarks appreciatively, staring up at the young noblewoman with newfound admiration.

"Peace, Ehu." Mehmet smiles broadly as he places one large foot in his own stirrup and begins the climb. "A lady of fair breeding should always possess such grace. Order the horn sounded and let us be on our way!"

The bare-chested caravaner bows. "As my master commands, so shall it be done." Standing to his full height, he walks back toward the large cluster of camels positioned behind Rogo and makes several gestures with his hand. Within moments, a long, deep, resonant horn blast echoes through the square. Without so much as a raised voice or a whip crack, all of the herd animals start for the city gate, long accustomed to the signal that their journey has begun.

Mehmet ascends to the top of Rogo's back with surprising fluidity for a big man, and the shaggy camel steps along the road before the herd manages to overtake the leader. "So, tell me, fair lady, for I am a curious man; what is your name, and why are you bound for the Hill Kingdoms?"

2015-05-26, 04:38 AM
Lina hesitated for a moment, deciding how much she can tell the man; he's a traveler, he could know things...
"My first name's Lina, and my last name... isn't important, I believe", she smiles, "As to my business... well, you can say I'm going to meet a relative... unfortunately, the the last information I had on their whereabouts proved obsolete, and, since I found no trail of them in Abendash nor on the Windspear islands, where's only one way left..." she smiled again.

2015-06-10, 03:52 PM
"Well then, Lady Lina, I suppose this family member must owe you a great deal to make such an extensive--not to mention secretive--pursuit." Mehmet offers a knowing wink over his shoulder as he holds the reins loosely in both hands, nominally guiding the camel along the streets. Crowds part instinctively at the sight of tall, heavily laden animals lumbering through Abendash, and before long the guards are waving farewell to the caravan.

"As for myself, my brothers and cousins have taken all of the profitable businesses from our forefathers, and I am left to wander in the heat. Ho, ho!" He laughs a deep belly laugh before resuming. "Ah, but I would die the day I could not be free from the confinement of those walls. Out here, here is where the excitement of life is to be found. I may have crossed this desert a hundred times and yet I will be certain to see something new on each trip. For instance, you yourself. In these lands and among these peoples, young women would never make such a long journey alone. And so I will come to learn about the culture of the far north! Knowledge, far more valuable than gold--though, truth be told, not nearly as shiny."

2015-06-15, 07:44 AM
"You're not that far from truth", Lina smiles, "Though I'm afraid the thing I'm after has more of a symbolic, or sentimental value... and, truth be told, most wouldn't consider a young woman going on such a journey wise in my homeland either... but then I never claimed to be particularly wise", she shakes her head, "nor do I regret it - even though my search was fruitless so far, learning about other lands and cultures was a worthy experience in itself... though, since I don't think my family's particularly happy about my decision, I'd better not get back without something to show them it wasn't for nothing", she lets a soft melodic laugh, trying not to think about just how much more time her thinning wallet would give her.

2015-08-03, 09:50 AM
The banter continues on for some hours, with Mehmet making inquiries as to Lina's purpose and prior journeys, and Lina demurring specific details but remaining brightly engaged so as not to disappoint her host. The sun beats down aggressively, the warmth growing mile by mile as the milder coastal climate is left behind. Despite the caravaner's remarks to the contrary, the buildings of Abendash are quickly lost in the shimmering sun-drenched haze on the eastern horizon, and to the west only miles of rocky sand can be seen.

Despite the lack of obvious landmarks, the caravan's scouts confidently lead the way, weaving among the hills rather than summiting them in succession. The guards circle the merchant group, scanning the perimeter with notable vigilance. Each of them has wrapped his head in a length of black cloth, shielding all exposed flesh save the eyes. Further behind, the straggling passenger group follows as closely as their feet can manage, but on occasion the two parts of the caravan are separated from view by the bend around a hill.

Around mid-afternoon, the caravan master, Ehu, brings his camel in alongside. He unwraps the strings of a leather pouch from around his cloth belt and reaches it out toward Mehmet, who turns up his palm to receive a small pour of a white crystalline powder.

"Salt, fair lady," Mehmet explains as Ehu offers the pouch in Lina's direction. "The desert sun bakes it from your body. But a teaspoon, and you shall be able to withstand the fiery rays for a few hours." Then, he licks the crystals from his own palm, following it up with a quick swig from the water jug tied to the pommel of his saddle.

2015-08-19, 03:14 PM
"Salt - as, the same we use to flavor the food? And it helps with enduring the heat?" Lina blinked in surprise, "Surely, learn something every day... back home, the best way we knew to deal with the sun was to find a cover... or, better yet, a stream... oh, I remember father always scolding me for getting home in wet clothes... but I supposwe that's hardly an option here, is it? Seems I'll have to resort to your wisdom..." she carefully sets her hand into the pouch and tkes out a pinch of salt before talking a deep breath and fearlessly licking it. "Cough...cough cough..." apparently misjudging a dose somewhat, she gets coughing and desperately starts feeling for the flask on her belt, *gulp...* "It... sure takes some getting used to..." she mentiones a couple of minutes later.

2015-08-20, 11:27 AM
"Worry not, fair lady. But a small spoonful twice or thrice a day will suffice to keep you hale and hearty throughout..." As Mehmet is speaking, a short horn blast issues forth from somewhere near the back of the caravan, out of sight. The sound is repeated twice more in short order. Mehmet has no marked reaction to the noise, but continues on speaking. "... your journey. It is well that our caravan stops at the sea, where salt can be bought in plenty!"

Ehu bows in his saddle before peeling off and taking up a place somewhat more to the rear. The black-clad guards near the back of the affluent portion of the caravan also shift their positions, appearing more watchful and alert, but none go to see what is happening on the other side of the dune.

2015-08-23, 01:16 PM
Mehmet's casual attitude could fool someone else, but Lina has vitnessed guards acting on the ambiguous threat often enough when traveling with her father. And yet, she missed the implications of that behaviour - to a point, at least. "Is everything fine, good sir? You men appear to be worried..."

2015-09-05, 10:19 AM
Mehmet shakes his head. "It is trouble, but nothing of significance. Perhaps a desert lizard or snake has been spotted, and the guards are warning the caravaners to stay away." He spreads his hands with a smile. "The wastes are not greatly hazardous if one is...." Once again, the master's speech is interrupted by the horn, this time the triple-hoot punctuated with a long blast. Mehmet's expression instantly changes to one of resolve. "As I was saying, it is serious. My men will deal with it." Even as he says so, there are shouts from among the black-garbed guards, and several peel off from the group to go investigate while the others realign themselves to provide even protection. Ehu calls for a halt, and the forward group of camels grinds ponderously to a stop.

2015-09-06, 03:42 PM
Biting her lip, Lina puts her hand on the walking staff fixed to the saddle of her camel. Not that she doubts the skill of Mehmet's men - on the contrary, they appear well trained capable, still... "What kind of trouble? I'm not going to interfere with you men, but I want to know what to be ready too... and please don't try to sweeten the news. Trust me, I won't faint from hearing the truth..."

2015-09-08, 07:02 AM
Mehmet smiles almost reflexively. "Fair lady, your curiosity stirs my spirit. If you so desire to see what is happening, let us go now. Ehu, take the lead; Rashad, come with us." The bare-chested herdmaster nods his assent, while the indicated guard simply falls in line behind Rogo as the camel plods amiably back to the rear of the caravan under Mehmet's direction.

As the curve of the dune flattens with the change in direction of approach, Lina can see the bulk of the pedestrian caravaners huddled together under the forceful direction of the guards, while a few unlucky souls have scrambled atop a weather-worn boulder to escape the threat: a nest of desert scorpions disturbed by the caravan's passage. Three of the dog-sized arachnids patrol around the rock, trying to get a good sting in on their fearful prey but unable to climb the irregular surface to get to them. A handful of mounted guards--the ones previously dispatched from the riding caravan--assess the situation but do not approach the scorpions, who are focused on their task to the exclusion of the easier pickings only a couple hundred feet away.

2015-09-08, 08:49 AM
Lina looks with a worry on her face at the trapped travellers, then at the guards, expecting them to rush to their aid; as it looks like it's not happening, though, she turns to the caravan master, "What are your people waiting for, master Mehmet?! We have to save those people! After all... they can't hide on that rock forever - what if one of them loses their footing, or..." she stops herself in fear of inviting a bad luck, but the point was made most likely, "And if the scorpions are hungry, they're unlikely to leave anytme soon! We have to drive them away!"

2015-09-09, 12:43 PM
"Were perfect marksmanship guaranteed, our crossbows would already be loosed," the one called Rashad says, his deep voice muffled slightly by the wrapped cloth that keeps out the sand. "As the situation now stands, however, we could very well injure or kill one of the passengers. Fire is the most likely recourse." In fact, as the conversation continues, several of the guards can be seen withdrawing torches from packs and preparing to light them.

2015-09-10, 09:01 AM
"Oh", Lina's cheeks turn red, "I'm sorry for doubting you..." Fire... Fire... Is there anything I can do to help them? Probably not... still... "Oh, I have an idea! What if we get some torches to the passengers, so that they could defend themselves too?"

2015-09-17, 08:52 AM
Mehmet purses his lips. "It would be to their benefit, of course, but how might it be delivered without riding or walking into the midst of the scorpions? Our camels are beasts of burden, not war mounts."

I'm certainly trying to dangle the opportunity for Lina to step in and do something, but it's not my intent to have her go toe to toe with the monsters. If you can't find any ideas, don't despair--I'll just resolve the situation and move us along.

2015-09-18, 08:15 AM
"Well, Master Mehmet..." Lina bites her lip, "I know some tricks - if everything works out, and if I got lucky... I maybe could get to the rock safely... now, getting back would be... well, it would depend on your men driving the beasts away", she smiles weakly, obviously not nearly as confident in this idea as she tries to show.

Well, Line could sneak in under invisibility; it's only 6 seconds, of course, but I get a move action, and it still works on scorpions' turn, so she doesn't get attacked; and then next turn she tumbles past the beasts to the rock... but yes, it's not a safe option, and I'll be totally finne with Mehmet deeming it so; that's just Lina being Lina, unable to see peopele in danger without at least thinking about how she can help :-)

2015-09-22, 02:52 PM
Mehmet looks at Lina, the first hint of surprise registering on his face. "You are a paying customer on my caravan; normally, it is our job to protect you! Yet if you wish to involve yourself, I will not object--so long as you understand your payment will not be refunded if you are injured."

The men have finished lighting a dozen or so torches and are carefully considering the gap between the scorpions and the current "safe" position the guards hold.

2015-09-23, 03:00 AM
If Lina was still hesitating before, Mehmet's words steel her resolve; "It's not about money, Master Mehmet! These people are in danged, and I can help them! That's all there's to it! Now..." she turns to the guards, with surprising steel in her voice, "Give me a couple unlit torches and a flint, please."

With the requested in her backpack, the young traveller carefully heads out towards therock, ready to dash back the moment it seems beasts have noticed her...

Lina would try to approach within 30 feet of the nearest scorp without being noticed; should the beast turn attention to her, she retreats. Not sure if the terrain really allows for stealth; if it does, feel free to roll it for me

2015-09-24, 01:33 PM
The black-clad guards give Lina a dubious look, but one word from Mehmet set them to at least grudging compliance.

Making her way forward, using the slight rise and fall of the sands and the occasional boulder for "cover", Lina closes to within thirty feet of the boulder. Just as she's readying her action, one of the scorpions pauses in its attempts to sting the screaming passengers atop the bigger, flat rock, and half-turns toward the lurking girl.


2015-09-25, 03:59 AM
O-ops... now... quickly! Lina whispers an incantaton and, becoming transparent for just a few moment, dashes towards the rock, using those few precious monents to dart between the creatures... the spell doesn't last quite enough to actually get her to safety, but Lina didn't really hoped for that. Close enough should be good enough.
Invisibility would last for my 30 feet of move and for the scorpions' turns, ending right before Lina's next action

2015-09-28, 11:53 AM
Lina's spell goes off without a hitch and she rushes forward, trying to make it to the rock. Unfortunately, the scorpions seem to be able to sense her movements regardless, and the nearest one comes to attack while the other two cease their futile efforts against the trapped trio on the rock and turn toward the invisibility-aided advance.

Fortunately, Lina is lighter on her feet than most anyone, and she adroitly dodges out of the way of the claw swipe, arriving at the base of the rock just as her invisibility expires.

The rock is about three feet high--an easy climb or jump for a lightly loaded person (DC 5).

Scorpions have tremorsense and can detect the location of any moving creature within 60'.
Improved grab does not apply as Lina is the same size category as the scorpion.

2015-09-29, 02:53 AM
Such a gaping hole in her plan takes its toll on Lina's courage - to the better, perhaps, since, with her heart beating so hard it almost gets out of her chest, she makes it to the top of the rock in one desperate jump. Gasping for breath, she reaches into the bag for a torch and a flint and, with trembling hands, sets it alight. "T... take this..." she says, still catching a breath, handing the torch to the nearest traveler, "Guards are... getting ready to drive the beast away... meanwhile... this'll help to hold them off! And... pass these to others... I... only need a moment..."
Won't bother rolling Acrobatics, since I have +7 :-)

2015-09-29, 03:32 PM
The other passengers on the caravan are entirely shocked by the bold effort, but they take the torches anyway and try to use them as prods against the encroaching scorpions, who resume their slow circle around the rock. In a battle of fiery brands against poisonous stingers, however, the common folk are dreadfully outgunned, so they aren't able to achieve any lasting respite even though the arachnids occasionally stab too close to the flame and get singed.

Lina's efforts do, however, have an effect on the guards, as they redouble their efforts to prepare torches. "If you have oil," one calls, "Pour it out around the rock and we'll set it ablaze." He himself extracts a flask from a pouch on the side of his camel, while the rest of the men start to advance with torches ablaze.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]

2015-10-05, 03:40 AM
"Oil... oh... I didn't think about it..." Lina blushes slightly - not that it would be that noticeable, since she's already pretty red from the running and climbing, "More importantly... is everyone alright? Did they got any of you?" Lina calls out, swinging her own torch with little effect.

Attack would be... -1, with -4 for unproficient weapon, +1 for higher ground, and +1 for Archeologist's Luck, so -3. [roll0], damage [roll1]+1 fire

2015-10-16, 08:36 AM
"We're alright... so far..." one of the men pants as he stubs his torch against the stone, trying to create a few sparks to fly toward the scorpions without extending himself too far. Fortunately, the scorpions continue to miss, their stinging appendages only long enough to reach a hand's span over the top edge of the flat rock.

The guards are creeping closer, and should be close enough to attract the scorpions' attentions in a few moments.



2015-10-25, 03:57 AM
"There's... not much longer until help comes", Lina tries to keep the rock prisoners' spirits up, "No need to try to drive the beasts away - just don't let them get to you!"
Setting the example, I'll go into Total Defense mode

2015-10-28, 02:44 PM
The guards come closer and closer until they finally encroach on the sensing region of the oversized arachnids. As soon as one of the chitinous beasts turns to assess the new potential meal, though, the six black-clad men send in a flurry of burning torches, which pile up to create a flame-boundaried gap at the edge of the rock. The scorpions back up and regroup, working outwards to seek a way around the fire, now entirely ignoring Lina and the trio of trapped passengers.

2015-11-02, 12:35 AM
The moment apparent danger disappears, Lina, takuing one last look around to make sure no one's visibly hurt, slides down from the rock... and all thwe way until she's sitting on the sand, leaning on tha ssaid, rock, since at the current moment, she can't trust her knees to keep her standing. "One... one moment..." she whispers, gasping for breath, "is everyone fine after all?"

I'm so sorry... it was like, "right, I also need to respont in this game..." and then something distracts me, and then "oh right, I responded to this one yesterday, didn't I?", and it repeated three or four times in a week

2015-11-14, 11:19 PM
"Move! Move!" The guards urge as they wave additional torches toward the scorpions, trying to keep them at bay. The erstwhile captives manage grateful nods in Lina's direction before hastening across the hot sands toward the relative safety of the caravan.

The guards manage to keep two of the arachnids pinned down behind the rock, but the third slips the cordon and starts clambering after the fleeing commoners...

2015-11-16, 04:53 AM
Tired. Scared. Honestly speaking, not being one who has to deal with it in the first place. Plenty of perfectly good reasons for Lina to take her rest and let the professionals finish the job.

And one very, very good reason not to. By climbing that rock, she made those travelers her responsibility. She didn't have to, in the first place; but once she did, it remained her responsibility to see through it to the end.

Not that there was much she could do about it, of course - maybe buy some more time... at least. Clenching her staff, the girl rushed towards the escaping scorpion, raising it for a strike...

Depending on the distances involved, if there's at least 30 feet to the scorpion, Charge attack, after boosting with Archeologist's Luck:
[roll]1d20+2[/sroll], damage [roll0]
If there's less than 30 feet, move and attack; in that case, -2 to attack roll above.

2015-11-16, 09:15 AM
The scorpion raises its stinger to strike as Lina charges in, staff raised. Crack! She brings the stick down sharply on one of the large claws, splintering the chitinous surface and sending a jagged line of damage up all the way to the joint. The injured beast turns its full attention on Lina, but the nimble girl easily dodges out of the way, maintaining a position between the arachnid adversary and the fleeing commoners.

[roll6][roll7][roll8] + poison

2015-11-18, 01:35 AM
OK, so I attracted its attention... a quick thought flows through Lina's head, now what?

Answering her own mental question, Lina once again lowered the staff on the beast's caparace and, using it as leverage, pushed herself backwards, rolling on the sand and standing up several yards away from the beast, raising the staff again...

Keep Archaeologist's luck as a free action;
Attack [roll0], confirm [roll1], damage [roll2]
Move: tunble 15 feet away, Acrobatics [roll3]

2015-11-18, 04:13 PM
The second smack is lighter than the first, but catches the scorpion on one of its bulbous eyes. Twice smitten with the stick, the outsized arachnid decides this prey is not worth the trouble and retreats, skittering backwards across the sands in the direction of the rock while keeping its pincers trained on Lina--supposing her a predator now.

2015-11-25, 01:15 AM
Lina varily looks around, but it appears scorpions are no threat to the travelers anymore - nor to the guards, for that matter. With a sigh of relief, she slowly odwns on her knees, using the staff as a support. It... just might be a little exaggeration, admittedly; there's nothing wrong with showing some weakness... as long as it hurts no one.

2015-11-25, 01:58 PM
The guards have vanquished the remaining two scorpions with sword and flame, and leave the third to its flight as the three formerly trapped travelers hasten back to their loved ones in the caravan. Mehmet, meanwhile, prods Rogo into action, and the tall camel dutifully lumbers across the lands to where Lina is--somewhat dramatically--making her way back to the fore.

"Fair lady, you are full of surprises! Willing to condescend to save the lives of three innocent passengers, and risk life and limb in the process. Truly more than meets the eye." The big caravaner dismounts with practiced ease to offer his hand to help steady Lina and guide her back to her assigned hump atop Rogo.

2015-11-26, 04:07 AM
"You give me too much credit..." Lina said, blushing slightly, "What I did was... it was on an impulse at first, and then... I was too scared to stop... and I really didn't think it through... and my magic didn't really help, either... and I probably only distracted your people from their jobs? didn't I? Oh... I hope none of them was hurt?"

2015-11-27, 11:40 AM
"I will have my apothecary visit to ensure their health, fair lady, if only on account of your bravery." Mehmet nudges Rogo back in the direction of the front of the caravan. "Ehu! Have Master Verun pay a visit to our travelers and ensure none were harmed in this unfortunate incident." The bare-chested caravan master, upon hearing the command, bows low in his saddle and turns his own camel to comply.

"Your magicks, while in your own words ineffective, were yet quite impressive. Vanishing entirely must have many practical purposes, though most I can think of are quite nefarious. Camel thieves would give two fingers of their right hand for such a trick!"

2015-12-03, 01:01 AM
"Please, you're making me blush..." Lina actually blushed, "I'm but a dabbler... most I can manage is to vanish from sight for several heartbeats - way too short to be a threat to your animals. Though..." a further blush on her face mixes with a somewhat mischievous smile, "it did have it's uses in escaping home when I was younger... it was just unfair that my sister went to all the festivals, and I was required to be in bed before all the fun parts started!"

2015-12-07, 04:21 PM
"Ah, I see." Mehmet nods sagely and leaves Lina to her raging thoughts for a minute or two as the caravan restarts its progress to the tune of Ehu's horn. But the perceptive and gregarious merchant does not allow the break in the conversation to last long.

"So, it is your sister you are seeking?"

2015-12-08, 01:12 PM
"You are rather shrewd, Master Mehmet", Lina remarks with a smile, "she is indeed the one..."

Another pause, Lina herself decides to fill, after some consideration concluding it won't hurt to tell the man the story... carefully excluding all the names and locations, of course, just in case.

"I always admired my sister when I gre up, you see... she was so brave, and independent, and... well, somewhat strong-willed... she always did what she thought was right, and no one could stop her... and then, one day, she went to town on a market day, and... didn't return. Father... he suspected the worst, but... then he found a certain item... a family heirloom... went missing, and in its place, there was a note from my sister saying that she's sorry, but she had to do it, and she'll explain everything once she returns..."

2015-12-23, 12:58 PM
Mehmet nods, rubbing his fingers through his coarse-grained beard as he considers the story. "Well, well, now that is an interesting tale indeed. I tell you this: since you have been so bold as to risk your own neck for my passengers, asking nothing in return, I will put you in touch with some of my contacts in the west. Perhaps they have heard of your sister or this 'heirloom'. If she has sold it, it will be quite easily located, as my cousin Baldar is always in the market for antiquities."

2016-01-01, 06:14 AM
"Thank you, good sir", Lina bows politely, "Any help you can give me, I greatly appreciate..." which was true, even though she didn't believe for a single moment the "item" was sold; for one thing, for even after what happened, Lina still respected her sister way too much to believe she'd do something like that just for money. No, she must have had a reason... a real reason... still, Lina was in no position to refuse help, and, who knows, traders tend to know things.

2016-01-26, 11:07 AM
The caravan continues on for the remainder of the day and into the night. The guards light lanterns and hang them from the necks of their camels to guide the way, while the temperature drops quickly as the sun disappears beyond the rocky western horizon. Just when it seems as though Mehmet intends to continue through dawn, the horn sounds, and the camel train draws to a halt in a relatively flat and boulder-free area of desert. The hired men quickly begin making fires and erecting tents for the well-to-do; the poorer passengers are left to huddle around their fire, wrapped in blankets or extra clothes for meager warmth.

"You may have the guest chamber of my tent," Mehmet indicates a small adjunct space off to one side of his palatial canvas dwelling. "There will be a meal 'ere long, but otherwise this journey sorely lacks for entertainment. Such niceties cannot be afforded if there is profit to be made in the Wastes!" He laughs his long belly laugh.

2016-01-26, 01:59 PM
"I gratefully accept your offer", Lina smiles, very carefully climbing down from the camel's back and making sure her legs still work after the long ride; she'd be pretty sure unable to walk properly if not for an... excersize session time mid-way.

"As for the entertainment - ah, now you make me feel guilty about neglecting music lessons", she smiles again, not feeling guilty at all but admitting that some music would be nice. "What time should I get ready tomorrow - surely you can't expect people to get enough rest before dawn?"

2016-04-18, 12:53 PM
Mehmet shakes his head as he dismounts, still laughing. "No, fair lady; tomorrow's journey will begin in mid-morning rather than the noon hour, and we will stop at nightfall instead of an hour past. In this way the travelers become accustomed to the journey in stages. On the third day, we ride from sunrise until sunset, and onward until at last we come to the shade of the Eiskrallen in another... nineteen days." He gestures to the stars overhead. "The northern angel will be much lower in the sky as we travel; it is how we know we are on the right track, in addition to the landmarks."

2016-04-19, 01:52 AM
"I see", Lyna nods eagerly, "There's certainly lots of things to know about your trade, isn't there? Very well, Master Mehmet - I'm looking forward to seeing you again in the morning... I would gladly talk some more, but - we'll certainly have time for that in the nineteen days to come, and if I don't want to be an encumbrance tomorrow, I do need a rest now..."

2016-04-19, 01:52 PM
Mehmet looks as though he is about to continue the conversation, but offers a sympathetic nod instead. "Very well, fair lady. Until tomorrow morning, then, I leave you in the capable hands of my tent-servants." He bows once more and strides off to meet with the bare-chested Ehu, who lingers near the picketing area for the camels.

The opulence of the caravan boss's tent is obscured by the general darkness, but the plush of the carpets, the fluffiness of the pillows and the weight of the blankets speak to well-crafted items made to withstand the rigors of caravan travel. The night air is cool and crisp, scented by the resinous wood smoke from the fire, and gradually the din of chatting travelers out near the fire dies down to mere murmurs.

It is past dawn when Lina awakens on her own, her sleep uninterrupted. The crowd noise has grown again, but it is likely the scent of food--something deeply spiced--that brought her back to consciousness. With sunlight now illuminating the area, she can tell that the tent fabric is a deep red color, a tightly woven linen that keeps out the bulk of the desert rays. The thin wedge of light that pierces the gap in the tent flaps shows that the carpet is an intricate pattern of red, black, and yellow threads, and the pillows and blankets are heavy-piled fabric of a similar style.

2016-04-21, 01:03 AM
Yawning and stretching, Lina eventually gets up, reconciling with the idea there's nothing to be done about the bedhead - usual method of getting it wet before laying it down is a luxury she can't really afford here. Well, will have to work with what we've got...

"Master Mehmet?" she asks around, "Good morning - and please forgive my appearance... as well as me leaving you yesterday so suddenly - it seemed you wanted to talk about something? If that's still relevant, you have my full attention for today?"

2016-04-22, 11:18 AM
Mehmet is near the fire shared by the well-to-do, and he looks up from his breakfast--a bowl of some sort of porridge, the scent of which had brought Lina from her sleep--when one of the other caravaners points out the girl's arrival. "Ah, good morrow to you, fair lady! Come, sit and eat; you need not worry for appearances, for we shall all be caked with dust by sunset!" With one meaty arm, he gestures for Lina to join in the circle, while turning his head to one of the black-clad servants nearby. "Fezula, fetch a bowl of breakfast for the fair lady."

The woman--judging by her general build and name, since most of her features are obscured by the dark clothing--bows instantly and hastens to the cook, returning in under a minute with the steaming, fragrant dish of grain in some sort of creamy sauce. Tiny black seeds dot the surface, likely the source of the aroma; it has notes of citrus, ginger, and black pepper.

"Ah, last evening," Mehmet says, musing as he takes another bite of his own meal. "I do believe you were asking about my trade. There are indeed many things to know."

Bare-chested Ehu, who is reclining nearby on a rocky outcropping, laughs at his master's comment. "If you stay in one place long enough, he will talk your ear off!" The rest of the caravan workers join in the laughter; Mehmet doesn't seem the slightest bit bothered by the incisive ribbing.

2016-04-26, 02:36 AM
"I don't really have anything else to do anyway", Lina smiles to Ehu's comment, "So the issue is, on the contrary, that I might take to much time of master Mehmet - that said, I do have a question... that woman, Fezula - isn't her outfit awfully hot fot the weather? I mean, I know that to protect oneself from the sun, it is better to wear covering clothes, but wouldn't black cloth be rurning under the sun?"

2016-04-26, 11:19 AM
"All of my servants wear black." Mehmet points a meaty finger over beyond the edge of the encampment, where one of the black-clad mounted guards patrols the area. "The darker fabric blocks the rays of the sun, protecting the skin. It is loose fabric, as you can see by Fezula's sleeves and headdress; the desert wind is sufficient to carry the heat away. Also, someone clad in dark colors is easier to locate among the desert sands than someone clad in bright white." He leaves open the question of why he himself does not wear black, preferring or perhaps enduring the finery of his station. His own robe for the day is crimson, banded with gold threads at all the hemlines, with a matching fez settled over his thinning hairline.

2016-05-03, 11:38 AM
"I never thought about it from that point", Lina nods, "Does that mean you're forced to suffer discomfort due to the demands of your station?" a polite smile, an all-too-familiar situation - she, herself, had to endure long audiences in dressing gowns, in the weather far more suited for short skirts or, better yet, boyish clothes...

Snapping out of her memories, she quickly adds, "Surely it doesn't happen often that travelers get lost in the sands, does it?"

2016-05-10, 08:45 AM
Mehmet briefly returns Lina's smile at the suggestion that his own clothing is a matter of style over comfort, but his face grows somber as she continues. "More often than I would care to have happen," he admits. "While the desert may seem serene now, a sudden storm can bury an encampment in ankle-deep sand and send unprepared caravans scattered across the dunes. It is an everpresent threat until we reach the rocky highlands. If you are caught in such a storm without shelter, your best defense is to prostrate yourself against the windward side of a dune and wait for the winds to pass. You will be buffeted like a leaf on a tree, but not suffocated by drifts of crystalline powder as you would be on the leeward side."

2016-05-12, 03:50 AM
Lina visibly shudders from the perspective, "But when these things happen, you do try to locate them, don't you? After the storm settled, I mean -"
​Sorry; don't really have anything to add here; perhaps let's move on from this conversation

2016-05-19, 12:46 PM
"But of course--to the extent we can. Delaying the entire caravan by a day to search for a lost person costs an enormous amount of food and water--both of which cannot be replaced en route. Wait too long, and everyone could starve for the sake of finding one." Mehmet places his palms together. "Gods willing we will not have to make that choice this trip. Six more days until we reach the Plateau of Herez, and then the going shall be harder but safer."

As breakfast winds to a conclusion, the servants begin the arduous task of repacking the camp for travel. Tents are struck and rolled and tied to the camel-saddles with marvelous efficiency, and the cookfires are extinguished with buckets of sand; any remaining logs partially burnt are salvaged for use the following night. The guards begin to round up the passengers into groups to begin the day's march to the west. The heat of the sun grows with every passing moment as it changes color from deep crimson to burnt orange, and so on to the blazing yellow at the caravan's back.

2016-06-10, 03:31 PM
The caravan continues on through the day, and again and again, as Mehmet said, from sunrise to sunset for six days. The ground becomes progressively more sloped, and on the fifth day the sands begin to yield to wind-smoothed rock. The wind blows even harder at the higher elevation, but the stinging of the sand lessens dramatically and the pace actually improves, no longer constrained by the walking speed of people on foot in soft sand. Lina can look to the east and imagine she sees the shimmering sea that she had left a week ago, though she knows it is but the mirage of heat rising over the desert.

"The highlands," Mehmet says, "At last. The hardest part of the journey is over, though there are still hazards to be faced. As no doubt you will even when our time together is at an end! I have not forgotten my promise to aid you in your quest--but I do believe, fair lady, that I shall need to know more about your sister. Is she a twin, bearing your graceful likeness? Ho ho!"

Nothing to see here...

2016-06-14, 01:24 AM
"Oh, no", Lina waves Mehmet's speculation away, "Maya's four years my elder... I guess we do look somewhat alike, being sisters, but she got blue eyes, that's after Dad - mine are Mom's, you see - and her hair require way less work to keep straight..." Lina, who at this point had long given up on trying to keep her hair straight - or in any kind of hairdo, for that matter - curls a lock of her hair around the finger, "And most important - she's... forceful. Confident. Imposing. She was raised to inherit, you see... to take responsibility..."

2016-06-22, 08:52 AM
Mehmet nods gravely. "I see. A force to be reckoned with, no doubt, as you are yourself! Ho, ho!" His belly laugh this time is more habitual and not as genuine. "If she is, as you say, responsible... one might wonder what could compel her to abdicate with such haste, and with a family heirloom no less. Is this heirloom of an ornamental nature, fair lady? Or rather functional? Its purpose may yield you a clue to her purpose, if you take my meaning." He pauses to wrap a band of cloth across his forehead, which throws his dark eyes into deeper shadow.

2016-06-24, 05:00 AM
"That's would help, wouldn't it", lina smiles politely, "The answer is, I'm afraid... it depends. For someone not related by blood to our family, it would be just an old decoration - worth some coins, I suppose, but nothing more... certainly not the reason Maya took it. But it does have magical powers... one, the best known, is to glow when someone from the family holds it and says a certain phrase. I did that myself, on the day I turned fifteen... So did Maya, of course, on her fifteenth birthday. But, again, I don't think a fancy torch was what my sister wanted", she lets out a weak laugh, "And though the item is rumored to have other, much greater powers... no one remembers what are they, or how are they used." Lina sighs, "It would be much easier if I dared to say everything straight, wouldn't it?"

2016-06-29, 08:11 AM
"Your caution is no doubt justified," Mehmet answers, scratching at his beard and looking off to the south as Rogo continues to plod along. "Such magical powers are far beyond my limited understanding, but the road she travels could no doubt be dark and perilous, whether it is a journey of discovery or a quest for purpose. Do you suppose she will conceal herself or travel openly, as you do? There are few points of entry along the Eiskrallen, so provided she does not attempt to remain hidden it should be possible to determine which city she passed through."

2016-07-13, 12:54 AM
"Openly... I'd love to be able to travel openly myself", Lina chuckles, "But I see what you're talking about. I've no doubt Maya could hide if it was needed... but she'd still prefer a good meal and a warm bed, so... I suppose there would be a trail to follow."

2016-07-25, 08:15 AM
"Maya... a lovely name. I am sure she must be almost as lovely as yourself! Ho ho!" Mehmet laughs again. "Carle Fensure, a dear friend of mine who works in the registry of the city of Eishelm--where we are first bound--may be your best aid in the next step of your quest. I will place you in contact with him myself."

The caravan continues along the high plateau, passing among tall, rocky pillars that reveal layer upon layer of the past in brilliant bands of colored rock weathered away long ago by an unknown sea. Eagles soar far above, while others of their kind perch in lofty aeries, a distant and dangerous climb for any ground-based predators. Fortunately, no such predators snap at the heels of the caravan this day, unlike the eventful encounter with the scorpions on the early part of the journey.

2016-08-23, 03:18 AM
"That would be most kind of you, Master Mehmet", Lina nods, "I must say... I expected to find the desert a rough and unforgiving land - but I didn't expect it to be that magnificent... I think I can now understand why would someone dedicate their life to it - though likely wouldn't dare to do so myself nonetheless. Thanks to you, though, this journey was an enjoyable one."

2016-09-19, 07:20 AM
The remainder of the day continues without event, and as dusk approaches the caravan again buzzes with activity as tents are broken out, camels picketed, and fires set. The meal of the evening is simple but hearty, lentils and dried sausages boiled with sumac and herbs to give it flavor. Mehmet, as is his custom, tells exaggerated stories for comic effect, serving at once to lighten the mood and satiate his talkative spirit.

As the sunset wears on, Lina happens to notice twinkling lights on the sides of several of the rocky pillars. At first it seems like starlight or reflections of the fading sun, but once it is fully dark Lina is quite sure that her eyes are not playing tricks on her.

2016-09-20, 02:32 PM
Of course, it still can be something natural to this desert. It might be npothing at all... but Lina can't help but feel there's something... strange about these lights, and, well, if she didn't trust her intuition, she wouldn't be here in the first place. Then again, she also doesn't want to be seen as a frightened child... "Master Mehmet", she mentions, trying to sound curious rather than worried, "I wonder - what's that blinking over there? I'm just an amateur painter, but still - I can't imagine setting sun producing affects like that... certainly not after it's already out."