View Full Version : Beast Sense - What is Willing?

2015-03-12, 04:18 PM
So the spell Beast Sense requires a willing beast. You gain their eyes and ears, which is pretty darn useful. But what does willing mean in this context?

For example, my cat. He's skittish sometimes, as cats are. Say I want to see through his eyes. I go to grab him, but he resists. I catch him, he struggles. Now, he's friendly to me. He sits in my lap, he comes to me for food. But he's not having any of this holding business right now. Is he willing for the sake of the spell?

Beast Bond is similar, but more specific. It says the beast needs to be friendly or charmed by you. I personally find this to be a clearer definition, but do you think there's a reason for the split? Is the idea that you need to pacify the beast (even if it's friendly) before grabbing its senses?

Also, yes this is overly pedantic, it's just a thought exercise. But it's one I'm curious about.

2015-03-12, 04:21 PM
If the beast is charmed by you or your animal companion, game rules decree it's willing. Otherwise, it's an NPC under the control of the DM, and the DM decides whether its willing. This is based on the nature of the beast, your interactions with it, and the DM's whim common sense.

Didn't you get the memo? This is the "DM decides" edition!

2015-03-12, 04:24 PM
I'd say a cat trying to escape attention under the couch is probably not all that willing. A cat looking up at you from your feet because you're shaking the treats bag probably is. Basically if you can pet it, it's "Willing" barring some kind of strange circumstance. If it's friendly but particularly busy with something else (chasing a ball), it's probably not "willing" in that moment.

2015-03-12, 04:34 PM
I'd imagine your wild shaped druid friend would also count, if they're willing anyway.

Scouting missions would be so freaking awesome if I'm right.

Falcon X
2015-03-12, 04:38 PM
I would rule it as any beast with "friendly" status. So, even if a cat doesn't want attention right now, if it's normal attitude to you is friendly, then it's a viable target.